import { IConfig } from 'config' import { dirname, join } from 'path' import { JobType, VideoRateType } from '../../shared/models' import { ActivityPubActorType } from '../../shared/models/activitypub' import { FollowState } from '../../shared/models/actors' import { VideoPrivacy } from '../../shared/models/videos' // Do not use barrels, remain constants as independent as possible import { buildPath, isTestInstance, root, sanitizeHost, sanitizeUrl } from '../helpers/core-utils' // Use a variable to reload the configuration if we need let config: IConfig = require('config') // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- const LAST_MIGRATION_VERSION = 180 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // API version const API_VERSION = 'v1' // Number of results by default for the pagination const PAGINATION_COUNT_DEFAULT = 15 // Sortable columns per schema const SORTABLE_COLUMNS = { USERS: [ 'id', 'username', 'createdAt' ], ACCOUNTS: [ 'createdAt' ], JOBS: [ 'createdAt' ], VIDEO_ABUSES: [ 'id', 'createdAt' ], VIDEO_CHANNELS: [ 'id', 'name', 'updatedAt', 'createdAt' ], VIDEOS: [ 'name', 'duration', 'createdAt', 'views', 'likes' ], VIDEO_COMMENT_THREADS: [ 'createdAt' ], BLACKLISTS: [ 'id', 'name', 'duration', 'views', 'likes', 'dislikes', 'uuid', 'createdAt' ], FOLLOWERS: [ 'createdAt' ], FOLLOWING: [ 'createdAt' ] } const OAUTH_LIFETIME = { ACCESS_TOKEN: 3600 * 4, // 4 hours REFRESH_TOKEN: 1209600 // 2 weeks } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Number of points we add/remove after a successful/bad request const ACTOR_FOLLOW_SCORE = { PENALTY: -10, BONUS: 10, BASE: 1000, MAX: 10000 } const FOLLOW_STATES: { [ id: string ]: FollowState } = { PENDING: 'pending', ACCEPTED: 'accepted' } const REMOTE_SCHEME = { HTTP: 'https', WS: 'wss' } const JOB_ATTEMPTS: { [ id in JobType ]: number } = { 'activitypub-http-broadcast': 5, 'activitypub-http-unicast': 5, 'activitypub-http-fetcher': 5, 'video-file': 1 } const JOB_CONCURRENCY: { [ id in JobType ]: number } = { 'activitypub-http-broadcast': 1, 'activitypub-http-unicast': 5, 'activitypub-http-fetcher': 1, 'video-file': 1 } // 2 days const JOB_COMPLETED_LIFETIME = 60000 * 60 * 24 * 2 // 1 hour let SCHEDULER_INTERVAL = 60000 * 60 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- const CONFIG = { CUSTOM_FILE: getLocalConfigFilePath(), LISTEN: { PORT: config.get('listen.port') }, DATABASE: { DBNAME: 'peertube' + config.get('database.suffix'), HOSTNAME: config.get('database.hostname'), PORT: config.get('database.port'), USERNAME: config.get('database.username'), PASSWORD: config.get('database.password') }, REDIS: { HOSTNAME: config.get('redis.hostname'), PORT: config.get('redis.port'), AUTH: config.get('redis.auth') }, STORAGE: { AVATARS_DIR: buildPath(config.get('storage.avatars')), LOG_DIR: buildPath(config.get('storage.logs')), VIDEOS_DIR: buildPath(config.get('storage.videos')), THUMBNAILS_DIR: buildPath(config.get('storage.thumbnails')), PREVIEWS_DIR: buildPath(config.get('storage.previews')), TORRENTS_DIR: buildPath(config.get('storage.torrents')), CACHE_DIR: buildPath(config.get('storage.cache')) }, WEBSERVER: { SCHEME: config.get('webserver.https') === true ? 'https' : 'http', WS: config.get('webserver.https') === true ? 'wss' : 'ws', HOSTNAME: config.get('webserver.hostname'), PORT: config.get('webserver.port'), URL: '', HOST: '' }, LOG: { LEVEL: config.get('log.level') }, ADMIN: { get EMAIL () { return config.get('') } }, SIGNUP: { get ENABLED () { return config.get('signup.enabled') }, get LIMIT () { return config.get('signup.limit') } }, USER: { get VIDEO_QUOTA () { return config.get('user.video_quota') } }, TRANSCODING: { get ENABLED () { return config.get('transcoding.enabled') }, get THREADS () { return config.get('transcoding.threads') }, RESOLUTIONS: { get '240p' () { return config.get('transcoding.resolutions.240p') }, get '360p' () { return config.get('transcoding.resolutions.360p') }, get '480p' () { return config.get('transcoding.resolutions.480p') }, get '720p' () { return config.get('transcoding.resolutions.720p') }, get '1080p' () { return config.get('transcoding.resolutions.1080p') } } }, CACHE: { PREVIEWS: { get SIZE () { return config.get('cache.previews.size') } } } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- const CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS = { USERS: { USERNAME: { min: 3, max: 20 }, // Length PASSWORD: { min: 6, max: 255 }, // Length VIDEO_QUOTA: { min: -1 } }, VIDEO_ABUSES: { REASON: { min: 2, max: 300 } // Length }, VIDEO_CHANNELS: { NAME: { min: 3, max: 120 }, // Length DESCRIPTION: { min: 3, max: 250 }, // Length URL: { min: 3, max: 2000 } // Length }, VIDEOS: { NAME: { min: 3, max: 120 }, // Length TRUNCATED_DESCRIPTION: { min: 3, max: 250 }, // Length DESCRIPTION: { min: 3, max: 3000 }, // Length EXTNAME: [ '.mp4', '.ogv', '.webm' ], INFO_HASH: { min: 40, max: 40 }, // Length, info hash is 20 bytes length but we represent it in hexadecimal so 20 * 2 DURATION: { min: 1 }, // Number TAGS: { min: 0, max: 5 }, // Number of total tags TAG: { min: 2, max: 30 }, // Length THUMBNAIL: { min: 2, max: 30 }, THUMBNAIL_DATA: { min: 0, max: 20000 }, // Bytes VIEWS: { min: 0 }, LIKES: { min: 0 }, DISLIKES: { min: 0 }, FILE_SIZE: { min: 10 }, URL: { min: 3, max: 2000 } // Length }, ACTORS: { PUBLIC_KEY: { min: 10, max: 5000 }, // Length PRIVATE_KEY: { min: 10, max: 5000 }, // Length URL: { min: 3, max: 2000 }, // Length AVATAR: { EXTNAME: [ '.png', '.jpeg', '.jpg' ], FILE_SIZE: { max: 2 * 1024 * 1024 // 2MB } } }, VIDEO_EVENTS: { COUNT: { min: 0 } }, VIDEO_COMMENTS: { TEXT: { min: 2, max: 3000 }, // Length URL: { min: 3, max: 2000 } // Length } } const VIDEO_RATE_TYPES: { [ id: string ]: VideoRateType } = { LIKE: 'like', DISLIKE: 'dislike' } const VIDEO_CATEGORIES = { 1: 'Music', 2: 'Films', 3: 'Vehicles', 4: 'Art', 5: 'Sports', 6: 'Travels', 7: 'Gaming', 8: 'People', 9: 'Comedy', 10: 'Entertainment', 11: 'News', 12: 'How To', 13: 'Education', 14: 'Activism', 15: 'Science & Technology', 16: 'Animals', 17: 'Kids', 18: 'Food' } // See const VIDEO_LICENCES = { 1: 'Attribution', 2: 'Attribution - Share Alike', 3: 'Attribution - No Derivatives', 4: 'Attribution - Non Commercial', 5: 'Attribution - Non Commercial - Share Alike', 6: 'Attribution - Non Commercial - No Derivatives', 7: 'Public Domain Dedication' } // See const VIDEO_LANGUAGES = { 1: 'English', 2: 'Spanish', 3: 'Mandarin', 4: 'Hindi', 5: 'Arabic', 6: 'Portuguese', 7: 'Bengali', 8: 'Russian', 9: 'Japanese', 10: 'Punjabi', 11: 'German', 12: 'Korean', 13: 'French', 14: 'Italian' } const VIDEO_PRIVACIES = { [VideoPrivacy.PUBLIC]: 'Public', [VideoPrivacy.UNLISTED]: 'Unlisted', [VideoPrivacy.PRIVATE]: 'Private' } const VIDEO_MIMETYPE_EXT = { 'video/webm': '.webm', 'video/ogg': '.ogv', 'video/mp4': '.mp4' } const AVATAR_MIMETYPE_EXT = { 'image/png': '.png', 'image/jpg': '.jpg', 'image/jpeg': '.jpg' } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- const SERVER_ACTOR_NAME = 'peertube' const ACTIVITY_PUB = { POTENTIAL_ACCEPT_HEADERS: [ 'application/activity+json', 'application/ld+json', 'application/ld+json; profile=""' ], ACCEPT_HEADER: 'application/activity+json, application/ld+json', PUBLIC: '', COLLECTION_ITEMS_PER_PAGE: 10, FETCH_PAGE_LIMIT: 100, URL_MIME_TYPES: { VIDEO: Object.keys(VIDEO_MIMETYPE_EXT), TORRENT: [ 'application/x-bittorrent' ], MAGNET: [ 'application/x-bittorrent;x-scheme-handler/magnet' ] }, MAX_RECURSION_COMMENTS: 100, ACTOR_REFRESH_INTERVAL: 3600 * 24 * 1000 // 1 day } const ACTIVITY_PUB_ACTOR_TYPES: { [ id: string ]: ActivityPubActorType } = { GROUP: 'Group', PERSON: 'Person', APPLICATION: 'Application' } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- const PRIVATE_RSA_KEY_SIZE = 2048 // Password encryption const BCRYPT_SALT_SIZE = 10 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Express static paths (router) const STATIC_PATHS = { PREVIEWS: '/static/previews/', THUMBNAILS: '/static/thumbnails/', TORRENTS: '/static/torrents/', WEBSEED: '/static/webseed/', AVATARS: '/static/avatars/' } // Cache control let STATIC_MAX_AGE = '30d' // Videos thumbnail size const THUMBNAILS_SIZE = { width: 200, height: 110 } const PREVIEWS_SIZE = { width: 560, height: 315 } const AVATARS_SIZE = { width: 120, height: 120 } const EMBED_SIZE = { width: 560, height: 315 } // Sub folders of cache directory const CACHE = { DIRECTORIES: { PREVIEWS: join(CONFIG.STORAGE.CACHE_DIR, 'previews') } } const ACCEPT_HEADERS = [ 'html', 'application/json' ].concat(ACTIVITY_PUB.POTENTIAL_ACCEPT_HEADERS) // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- const OPENGRAPH_AND_OEMBED_COMMENT = '' // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Special constants for a test instance if (isTestInstance() === true) { ACTOR_FOLLOW_SCORE.BASE = 20 REMOTE_SCHEME.HTTP = 'http' REMOTE_SCHEME.WS = 'ws' STATIC_MAX_AGE = '0' ACTIVITY_PUB.COLLECTION_ITEMS_PER_PAGE = 2 ACTIVITY_PUB.ACTOR_REFRESH_INTERVAL = 10 * 1000 // 10 seconds CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS.ACTORS.AVATAR.FILE_SIZE.max = 100 * 1024 // 100KB SCHEDULER_INTERVAL = 10000 } updateWebserverConfig() // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- export { API_VERSION, AVATARS_SIZE, ACCEPT_HEADERS, BCRYPT_SALT_SIZE, CACHE, CONFIG, CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS, EMBED_SIZE, JOB_CONCURRENCY, JOB_ATTEMPTS, LAST_MIGRATION_VERSION, OAUTH_LIFETIME, OPENGRAPH_AND_OEMBED_COMMENT, PAGINATION_COUNT_DEFAULT, ACTOR_FOLLOW_SCORE, PREVIEWS_SIZE, REMOTE_SCHEME, FOLLOW_STATES, SERVER_ACTOR_NAME, PRIVATE_RSA_KEY_SIZE, SORTABLE_COLUMNS, STATIC_MAX_AGE, STATIC_PATHS, ACTIVITY_PUB, ACTIVITY_PUB_ACTOR_TYPES, THUMBNAILS_SIZE, VIDEO_CATEGORIES, VIDEO_LANGUAGES, VIDEO_PRIVACIES, VIDEO_LICENCES, VIDEO_RATE_TYPES, VIDEO_MIMETYPE_EXT, AVATAR_MIMETYPE_EXT, SCHEDULER_INTERVAL, JOB_COMPLETED_LIFETIME } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- function getLocalConfigFilePath () { const configSources = config.util.getConfigSources() if (configSources.length === 0) throw new Error('Invalid config source.') let filename = 'local' if (process.env.NODE_ENV) filename += `-${process.env.NODE_ENV}` if (process.env.NODE_APP_INSTANCE) filename += `-${process.env.NODE_APP_INSTANCE}` return join(dirname(configSources[ 0 ].name), filename + '.json') } function updateWebserverConfig () { CONFIG.WEBSERVER.URL = sanitizeUrl(CONFIG.WEBSERVER.SCHEME + '://' + CONFIG.WEBSERVER.HOSTNAME + ':' + CONFIG.WEBSERVER.PORT) CONFIG.WEBSERVER.HOST = sanitizeHost(CONFIG.WEBSERVER.HOSTNAME + ':' + CONFIG.WEBSERVER.PORT, REMOTE_SCHEME.HTTP) } export function reloadConfig () { function directory () { if (process.env.NODE_CONFIG_DIR) { return process.env.NODE_CONFIG_DIR } return join(root(), 'config') } function purge () { for (const fileName in require.cache) { if (-1 === fileName.indexOf(directory())) { continue } delete require.cache[fileName] } delete require.cache[require.resolve('config')] } purge() config = require('config') updateWebserverConfig() }