import * as Sequelize from 'sequelize' import { AllowNull, BeforeDestroy, BelongsTo, Column, CreatedAt, ForeignKey, Is, Model, Scopes, Table, UpdatedAt } from 'sequelize-typescript' import { throwIfNotValid } from '../utils' import { VideoModel } from './video' import { isVideoCaptionLanguageValid } from '../../helpers/custom-validators/video-captions' import { VideoCaption } from '../../../shared/models/videos/video-caption.model' import { CONFIG, STATIC_PATHS, VIDEO_LANGUAGES } from '../../initializers' import { join } from 'path' import { logger } from '../../helpers/logger' import { unlinkPromise } from '../../helpers/core-utils' export enum ScopeNames { WITH_VIDEO_UUID_AND_REMOTE = 'WITH_VIDEO_UUID_AND_REMOTE' } @Scopes({ [ScopeNames.WITH_VIDEO_UUID_AND_REMOTE]: { include: [ { attributes: [ 'uuid', 'remote' ], model: () => VideoModel.unscoped(), required: true } ] } }) @Table({ tableName: 'videoCaption', indexes: [ { fields: [ 'videoId' ] }, { fields: [ 'videoId', 'language' ], unique: true } ] }) export class VideoCaptionModel extends Model<VideoCaptionModel> { @CreatedAt createdAt: Date @UpdatedAt updatedAt: Date @AllowNull(false) @Is('VideoCaptionLanguage', value => throwIfNotValid(value, isVideoCaptionLanguageValid, 'language')) @Column language: string @ForeignKey(() => VideoModel) @Column videoId: number @BelongsTo(() => VideoModel, { foreignKey: { allowNull: false }, onDelete: 'CASCADE' }) Video: VideoModel @BeforeDestroy static async removeFiles (instance: VideoCaptionModel) { if (!instance.Video) { instance.Video = await instance.$get('Video') as VideoModel } if (instance.isOwned()) {'Removing captions %s of video %s.', instance.Video.uuid, instance.language) try { await instance.removeCaptionFile() } catch (err) { logger.error('Cannot remove caption file of video %s.', instance.Video.uuid) } } return undefined } static loadByVideoIdAndLanguage (videoId: string | number, language: string) { const videoInclude = { model: VideoModel.unscoped(), attributes: [ 'id', 'remote', 'uuid' ], where: { } } if (typeof videoId === 'string') videoInclude.where['uuid'] = videoId else videoInclude.where['id'] = videoId const query = { where: { language }, include: [ videoInclude ] } return VideoCaptionModel.findOne(query) } static insertOrReplaceLanguage (videoId: number, language: string, transaction: Sequelize.Transaction) { const values = { videoId, language } return VideoCaptionModel.upsert(values, { transaction }) } static listVideoCaptions (videoId: number) { const query = { order: [ [ 'language', 'ASC' ] ], where: { videoId } } return VideoCaptionModel.scope(ScopeNames.WITH_VIDEO_UUID_AND_REMOTE).findAll(query) } static getLanguageLabel (language: string) { return VIDEO_LANGUAGES[language] || 'Unknown' } static deleteAllCaptionsOfRemoteVideo (videoId: number, transaction: Sequelize.Transaction) { const query = { where: { videoId }, transaction } return VideoCaptionModel.destroy(query) } isOwned () { return this.Video.remote === false } toFormattedJSON (): VideoCaption { return { language: { id: this.language, label: VideoCaptionModel.getLanguageLabel(this.language) }, captionPath: this.getCaptionStaticPath() } } getCaptionStaticPath () { return join(STATIC_PATHS.VIDEO_CAPTIONS, this.getCaptionName()) } getCaptionName () { return `${this.Video.uuid}-${this.language}.vtt` } removeCaptionFile () { return unlinkPromise(CONFIG.STORAGE.CAPTIONS_DIR + this.getCaptionName()) } }