import express, { VideoUploadFile } from 'express' import { PathLike } from 'fs-extra/esm' import { Transaction } from 'sequelize' import { AbuseAuditView, auditLoggerFactory } from '@server/helpers/audit-logger.js' import { afterCommitIfTransaction } from '@server/helpers/database-utils.js' import { logger } from '@server/helpers/logger.js' import { AbuseModel } from '@server/models/abuse/abuse.js' import { VideoAbuseModel } from '@server/models/abuse/video-abuse.js' import { VideoCommentAbuseModel } from '@server/models/abuse/video-comment-abuse.js' import { VideoFileModel } from '@server/models/video/video-file.js' import { FilteredModelAttributes } from '@server/types/index.js' import { MAbuseFull, MAccountDefault, MAccountLight, MComment, MCommentAbuseAccountVideo, MCommentOwnerVideo, MUser, MVideoAbuseVideoFull, MVideoAccountLightBlacklistAllFiles } from '@server/types/models/index.js' import { LiveVideoCreate, VideoCommentCreate, VideoCreate, VideoImportCreate } from '@peertube/peertube-models' import { UserModel } from '../models/user/user.js' import { VideoCommentModel } from '../models/video/video-comment.js' import { VideoModel } from '../models/video/video.js' import { sendAbuse } from './activitypub/send/send-flag.js' import { Notifier } from './notifier/index.js' export type AcceptResult = { accepted: boolean errorMessage?: string } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Stub function that can be filtered by plugins function isLocalVideoFileAccepted (object: { videoBody: VideoCreate videoFile: VideoUploadFile user: UserModel }): AcceptResult { return { accepted: true } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Stub function that can be filtered by plugins function isLocalLiveVideoAccepted (object: { liveVideoBody: LiveVideoCreate user: UserModel }): AcceptResult { return { accepted: true } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Stub function that can be filtered by plugins function isLocalVideoThreadAccepted (_object: { req: express.Request commentBody: VideoCommentCreate video: VideoModel user: UserModel }): AcceptResult { return { accepted: true } } // Stub function that can be filtered by plugins function isLocalVideoCommentReplyAccepted (_object: { req: express.Request commentBody: VideoCommentCreate parentComment: VideoCommentModel video: VideoModel user: UserModel }): AcceptResult { return { accepted: true } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Stub function that can be filtered by plugins function isRemoteVideoCommentAccepted (_object: { comment: MComment }): AcceptResult { return { accepted: true } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Stub function that can be filtered by plugins function isPreImportVideoAccepted (object: { videoImportBody: VideoImportCreate user: MUser }): AcceptResult { return { accepted: true } } // Stub function that can be filtered by plugins function isPostImportVideoAccepted (object: { videoFilePath: PathLike videoFile: VideoFileModel user: MUser }): AcceptResult { return { accepted: true } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- async function createVideoAbuse (options: { baseAbuse: FilteredModelAttributes<AbuseModel> videoInstance: MVideoAccountLightBlacklistAllFiles startAt: number endAt: number transaction: Transaction reporterAccount: MAccountDefault skipNotification: boolean }) { const { baseAbuse, videoInstance, startAt, endAt, transaction, reporterAccount, skipNotification } = options const associateFun = async (abuseInstance: MAbuseFull) => { const videoAbuseInstance: MVideoAbuseVideoFull = await VideoAbuseModel.create({ abuseId:, videoId:, startAt, endAt }, { transaction }) videoAbuseInstance.Video = videoInstance abuseInstance.VideoAbuse = videoAbuseInstance return { isOwned: videoInstance.isOwned() } } return createAbuse({ base: baseAbuse, reporterAccount, flaggedAccount: videoInstance.VideoChannel.Account, transaction, skipNotification, associateFun }) } function createVideoCommentAbuse (options: { baseAbuse: FilteredModelAttributes<AbuseModel> commentInstance: MCommentOwnerVideo transaction: Transaction reporterAccount: MAccountDefault skipNotification: boolean }) { const { baseAbuse, commentInstance, transaction, reporterAccount, skipNotification } = options const associateFun = async (abuseInstance: MAbuseFull) => { const commentAbuseInstance: MCommentAbuseAccountVideo = await VideoCommentAbuseModel.create({ abuseId:, videoCommentId: }, { transaction }) commentAbuseInstance.VideoComment = commentInstance abuseInstance.VideoCommentAbuse = commentAbuseInstance return { isOwned: commentInstance.isOwned() } } return createAbuse({ base: baseAbuse, reporterAccount, flaggedAccount: commentInstance.Account, transaction, skipNotification, associateFun }) } function createAccountAbuse (options: { baseAbuse: FilteredModelAttributes<AbuseModel> accountInstance: MAccountDefault transaction: Transaction reporterAccount: MAccountDefault skipNotification: boolean }) { const { baseAbuse, accountInstance, transaction, reporterAccount, skipNotification } = options const associateFun = () => { return Promise.resolve({ isOwned: accountInstance.isOwned() }) } return createAbuse({ base: baseAbuse, reporterAccount, flaggedAccount: accountInstance, transaction, skipNotification, associateFun }) } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- export { isLocalLiveVideoAccepted, isLocalVideoFileAccepted, isLocalVideoThreadAccepted, isRemoteVideoCommentAccepted, isLocalVideoCommentReplyAccepted, isPreImportVideoAccepted, isPostImportVideoAccepted, createAbuse, createVideoAbuse, createVideoCommentAbuse, createAccountAbuse } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- async function createAbuse (options: { base: FilteredModelAttributes<AbuseModel> reporterAccount: MAccountDefault flaggedAccount: MAccountLight associateFun: (abuseInstance: MAbuseFull) => Promise<{ isOwned: boolean }> skipNotification: boolean transaction: Transaction }) { const { base, reporterAccount, flaggedAccount, associateFun, transaction, skipNotification } = options const auditLogger = auditLoggerFactory('abuse') const abuseAttributes = Object.assign({}, base, { flaggedAccountId: }) const abuseInstance: MAbuseFull = await AbuseModel.create(abuseAttributes, { transaction }) abuseInstance.ReporterAccount = reporterAccount abuseInstance.FlaggedAccount = flaggedAccount const { isOwned } = await associateFun(abuseInstance) if (isOwned === false) { sendAbuse(reporterAccount.Actor, abuseInstance, abuseInstance.FlaggedAccount, transaction) } const abuseJSON = abuseInstance.toFormattedAdminJSON() auditLogger.create(reporterAccount.Actor.getIdentifier(), new AbuseAuditView(abuseJSON)) if (!skipNotification) { afterCommitIfTransaction(transaction, () => { Notifier.Instance.notifyOnNewAbuse({ abuse: abuseJSON, abuseInstance, reporter: reporterAccount.Actor.getIdentifier() }) }) }'Abuse report %d created.', return abuseJSON }