import { createWriteStream, remove } from 'fs-extra' import got, { CancelableRequest, NormalizedOptions, Options as GotOptions, RequestError, Response } from 'got' import { HttpProxyAgent, HttpsProxyAgent } from 'hpagent' import { ACTIVITY_PUB, BINARY_CONTENT_TYPES, PEERTUBE_VERSION, REQUEST_TIMEOUTS, WEBSERVER } from '../initializers/constants' import { pipelinePromise } from './core-utils' import { logger, loggerTagsFactory } from './logger' import { getProxy, isProxyEnabled } from './proxy' const lTags = loggerTagsFactory('request') const httpSignature = require('@peertube/http-signature') export interface PeerTubeRequestError extends Error { statusCode?: number responseBody?: any responseHeaders?: any requestHeaders?: any } type PeerTubeRequestOptions = { timeout?: number activityPub?: boolean bodyKBLimit?: number // 1MB httpSignature?: { algorithm: string authorizationHeaderName: string keyId: string key: string headers: string[] } jsonResponse?: boolean followRedirect?: boolean } & Pick const peertubeGot = got.extend({ ...getAgent(), headers: { 'user-agent': getUserAgent() }, handlers: [ (options, next) => { const promiseOrStream = next(options) as CancelableRequest const bodyKBLimit = options.context?.bodyKBLimit as number if (!bodyKBLimit) throw new Error('No KB limit for this request') const bodyLimit = bodyKBLimit * 1000 /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises */ promiseOrStream.on('downloadProgress', progress => { if (progress.transferred > bodyLimit && progress.percent !== 1) { const message = `Exceeded the download limit of ${bodyLimit} B` logger.warn(message, lTags()) // CancelableRequest if (promiseOrStream.cancel) { promiseOrStream.cancel() return } // Stream (promiseOrStream as any).destroy() } }) return promiseOrStream } ], hooks: { beforeRequest: [ options => { const headers = options.headers || {} headers['host'] = }, options => { const httpSignatureOptions = options.context?.httpSignature if (httpSignatureOptions) { const method = options.method ?? 'GET' const path = options.path ?? options.url.pathname if (!method || !path) { throw new Error(`Cannot sign request without method (${method}) or path (${path}) ${options}`) } httpSignature.signRequest({ getHeader: function (header: string) { const value = options.headers[header.toLowerCase()] if (!value) logger.warn('Unknown header requested by http-signature.', { headers: options.headers, header }) return value }, setHeader: function (header: string, value: string) { options.headers[header] = value }, method, path }, httpSignatureOptions) } } ], beforeRetry: [ (_options: NormalizedOptions, error: RequestError, retryCount: number) => { logger.debug('Retrying request to %s.', error.request.requestUrl, { retryCount, error: buildRequestError(error), ...lTags() }) } ] } }) function doRequest (url: string, options: PeerTubeRequestOptions = {}) { const gotOptions = buildGotOptions(options) return peertubeGot(url, gotOptions) .catch(err => { throw buildRequestError(err) }) } function doJSONRequest (url: string, options: PeerTubeRequestOptions = {}) { const gotOptions = buildGotOptions(options) return peertubeGot(url, { ...gotOptions, responseType: 'json' }) .catch(err => { throw buildRequestError(err) }) } async function doRequestAndSaveToFile ( url: string, destPath: string, options: PeerTubeRequestOptions = {} ) { const gotOptions = buildGotOptions({ ...options, timeout: options.timeout ?? REQUEST_TIMEOUTS.FILE }) const outFile = createWriteStream(destPath) try { await pipelinePromise(, gotOptions), outFile ) } catch (err) { remove(destPath) .catch(err => logger.error('Cannot remove %s after request failure.', destPath, { err, ...lTags() })) throw buildRequestError(err) } } function getAgent () { if (!isProxyEnabled()) return {} const proxy = getProxy()'Using proxy %s.', proxy, lTags()) const proxyAgentOptions = { keepAlive: true, keepAliveMsecs: 1000, maxSockets: 256, maxFreeSockets: 256, scheduling: 'lifo' as 'lifo', proxy } return { agent: { http: new HttpProxyAgent(proxyAgentOptions), https: new HttpsProxyAgent(proxyAgentOptions) } } } function getUserAgent () { return `PeerTube/${PEERTUBE_VERSION} (+${WEBSERVER.URL})` } function isBinaryResponse (result: Response) { return BINARY_CONTENT_TYPES.has(result.headers['content-type']) } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- export { PeerTubeRequestOptions, doRequest, doJSONRequest, doRequestAndSaveToFile, isBinaryResponse, getAgent, peertubeGot } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- function buildGotOptions (options: PeerTubeRequestOptions) { const { activityPub, bodyKBLimit = 1000 } = options const context = { bodyKBLimit, httpSignature: options.httpSignature } let headers = options.headers || {} if (! { headers = { ...headers, date: new Date().toUTCString() } } if (activityPub && !headers.accept) { headers = { ...headers, accept: ACTIVITY_PUB.ACCEPT_HEADER } } return { method: options.method, dnsCache: true, timeout: options.timeout ?? REQUEST_TIMEOUTS.DEFAULT, json: options.json, searchParams: options.searchParams, followRedirect: options.followRedirect, retry: 2, headers, context } } function buildRequestError (error: RequestError) { const newError: PeerTubeRequestError = new Error(error.message) = newError.stack = error.stack if (error.response) { newError.responseBody = error.response.body newError.responseHeaders = error.response.headers newError.statusCode = error.response.statusCode } if (error.options) { newError.requestHeaders = error.options.headers } return newError }