import { values } from 'lodash' import * as Sequelize from 'sequelize' import { createPrivateAndPublicKeys } from '../../helpers/peertube-crypto' import { shareVideoByServer } from '../../lib/activitypub/share' import { getVideoActivityPubUrl, getVideoChannelActivityPubUrl } from '../../lib/activitypub/url' import { createLocalAccountWithoutKeys } from '../../lib/user' import { ApplicationModel } from '../../models/application/application' import { JOB_CATEGORIES, SERVER_ACTOR_NAME } from '../constants' async function up (utils: { transaction: Sequelize.Transaction, queryInterface: Sequelize.QueryInterface, sequelize: Sequelize.Sequelize, db: any }): Promise { const q = utils.queryInterface const db = utils.db // Assert there are no friends { const query = 'SELECT COUNT(*) as total FROM "Pods"' const options = { type: Sequelize.QueryTypes.SELECT } const res = await utils.sequelize.query(query, options) if (!res[0] || res[0].total !== 0) { throw new Error('You need to quit friends.') } } // Pods -> Servers await utils.queryInterface.renameTable('Pods', 'Servers') // Create Account table await db.Account.sync() // Create AccountFollows table await db.AccountFollow.sync() // Modify video abuse table await db.VideoAbuse.destroy({ truncate: true }) await utils.queryInterface.removeColumn('VideoAbuses', 'reporterPodId') await utils.queryInterface.removeColumn('VideoAbuses', 'reporterUsername') // Create column link with Account table { const data = { type: Sequelize.INTEGER, allowNull: false, references: { model: 'Accounts', key: 'id' }, onDelete: 'CASCADE' } await q.addColumn('VideoAbuses', 'reporterAccountId', data) } // Drop request tables await utils.queryInterface.dropTable('RequestToPods') await utils.queryInterface.dropTable('RequestVideoEvents') await utils.queryInterface.dropTable('RequestVideoQadus') await utils.queryInterface.dropTable('Requests') // Create application account { const applicationInstance = await ApplicationModel.findOne() const accountCreated = await createLocalAccountWithoutKeys(SERVER_ACTOR_NAME, null,, undefined) const { publicKey, privateKey } = await createPrivateAndPublicKeys() accountCreated.set('publicKey', publicKey) accountCreated.set('privateKey', privateKey) await } // Drop old video channel foreign key (referencing Authors) { const query = 'ALTER TABLE "VideoChannels" DROP CONSTRAINT "VideoChannels_authorId_fkey"' await utils.sequelize.query(query) } // Recreate accounts for each user const users = await db.User.findAll() for (const user of users) { const account = await createLocalAccountWithoutKeys(user.username,, null, undefined) const { publicKey, privateKey } = await createPrivateAndPublicKeys() account.set('publicKey', publicKey) account.set('privateKey', privateKey) await } { const data = { type: Sequelize.INTEGER, allowNull: true, onDelete: 'CASCADE', reference: { model: 'Account', key: 'id' } } await q.addColumn('VideoChannels', 'accountId', data) { const query = 'UPDATE "VideoChannels" SET "accountId" = ' + '(SELECT "Accounts"."id" FROM "Accounts" INNER JOIN "Authors" ON "Authors"."userId" = "Accounts"."userId" ' + 'WHERE "VideoChannels"."authorId" = "Authors"."id")' await utils.sequelize.query(query) } data.allowNull = false await q.changeColumn('VideoChannels', 'accountId', data) await q.removeColumn('VideoChannels', 'authorId') } // Add url column to "Videos" { const data = { type: Sequelize.STRING, defaultValue: null, allowNull: true } await q.addColumn('Videos', 'url', data) const videos = await db.Video.findAll() for (const video of videos) { video.url = getVideoActivityPubUrl(video) await } data.allowNull = false await q.changeColumn('Videos', 'url', data) } // Add url column to "VideoChannels" { const data = { type: Sequelize.STRING, defaultValue: null, allowNull: true } await q.addColumn('VideoChannels', 'url', data) const videoChannels = await db.VideoChannel.findAll() for (const videoChannel of videoChannels) { videoChannel.url = getVideoChannelActivityPubUrl(videoChannel) await } data.allowNull = false await q.changeColumn('VideoChannels', 'url', data) } // Loss old video rates, whatever await utils.queryInterface.dropTable('UserVideoRates') await db.AccountVideoRate.sync() { const data = { type: Sequelize.ENUM(values(JOB_CATEGORIES)), defaultValue: 'transcoding', allowNull: false } await q.addColumn('Jobs', 'category', data) } await db.VideoShare.sync() await db.VideoChannelShare.sync() { const videos = await db.Video.findAll({ include: [ { model: db.Video['sequelize'].models.VideoChannel, include: [ { model: db.Video['sequelize'].models.Account, include: [ { model: db.Video['sequelize'].models.Server, required: false } ] } ] }, { model: db.Video['sequelize'].models.AccountVideoRate, include: [ db.Video['sequelize'].models.Account ] }, { model: db.Video['sequelize'].models.VideoShare, include: [ db.Video['sequelize'].models.Account ] }, db.Video['sequelize'].models.Tag, db.Video['sequelize'].models.VideoFile ] }) for (const video of videos) { await shareVideoByServer(video, undefined) } } } function down (options) { throw new Error('Not implemented.') } export { up, down }