#!/usr/bin/env node /* eslint-disable no-useless-escape */ import { registerTSPaths } from '../helpers/register-ts-paths' registerTSPaths() import { CommandOptions, program } from 'commander' import { getSettings, version } from './cli' program .version(version, '-v, --version') .usage('[command] [options]') /* Subcommands automatically loaded in the directory and beginning by peertube-* */ program .command('auth [action]', 'register your accounts on remote instances to use them with other commands') .command('upload', 'upload a video').alias('up') .command('import-videos', 'import a video from a streaming platform').alias('import') .command('get-access-token', 'get a peertube access token', { noHelp: true }).alias('token') .command('watch', 'watch a video in the terminal ✩°。⋆').alias('w') .command('repl', 'initiate a REPL to access internals') .command('plugins [action]', 'manage instance plugins/themes').alias('p') .command('redundancy [action]', 'manage instance redundancies').alias('r') /* Not Yet Implemented */ program .command( 'diagnostic [action]', 'like couple therapy, but for your instance', { noHelp: true } as CommandOptions ).alias('d') .command('admin', 'manage an instance where you have elevated rights', { noHelp: true } as CommandOptions ).alias('a') // help on no command if (!process.argv.slice(2).length) { const logo = '░P░e░e░r░T░u░b░e░' console.log(` ___/),.._ ` + logo + ` /' ,. ."'._ ( "' '-.__"-._ ,- \\'='='), "\\ -._-"-. -"/ / ""/"\\,_\\,__"" _" /,- / / -" _/"/ / | ._\\\\ |\\ |_.".-" / / | __\\)|)|),/|_." _,." / \_." " ") | ).-""---''-- ( "/.""7__-""'' | " ."._--._ \\ \\ (_ __ "" ".,_ \\.,. \\ "" -"".-" ".,_, (",_-,,,-".- "'-,\\_ __,-" ",)" ") /"\\-" ,"\\/ _,.__/"\\/_ (the CLI for red chocobos) / \\) "./, ". --/---"---" "-) )---- by Chocobozzz et al.\n`) } getSettings() .then(settings => { const state = (settings.default === undefined || settings.default === -1) ? 'no instance selected, commands will require explicit arguments' : 'instance ' + settings.remotes[settings.default] + ' selected' program .addHelpText('after', '\n\n State: ' + state + '\n\n' + ' Examples:\n\n' + ' $ peertube auth add -u "PEERTUBE_URL" -U "PEERTUBE_USER" --password "PEERTUBE_PASSWORD"\n' + ' $ peertube up <videoFile>\n' + ' $ peertube watch https://peertube.cpy.re/videos/watch/e8a1af4e-414a-4d58-bfe6-2146eed06d10\n' ) .parse(process.argv) }) .catch(err => console.error(err))