import CliTable3 from 'cli-table3' import prompt from 'prompt' import { Command } from '@commander-js/extra-typings' import { assignToken, buildServer, getNetrc, getSettings, writeSettings } from './shared/index.js' export function defineAuthProgram () { const program = new Command() .name('auth') .description('Register your accounts on remote instances to use them with other commands') program .command('add') .description('remember your accounts on remote instances for easier use') .option('-u, --url ', 'Server url') .option('-U, --username ', 'Username') .option('-p, --password ', 'Password') .option('--default', 'add the entry as the new default') .action(options => { /* eslint-disable no-import-assign */ prompt.override = options prompt.start() prompt.get({ properties: { url: { description: 'instance url', conform: value => isURLaPeerTubeInstance(value), message: 'It should be an URL (', required: true }, username: { conform: value => typeof value === 'string' && value.length !== 0, message: 'Name must be only letters, spaces, or dashes', required: true }, password: { hidden: true, replace: '*', required: true } } }, async (_, result) => { // Check credentials try { // Strip out everything after the domain:port. // See result.url = stripExtraneousFromPeerTubeUrl(result.url) const server = buildServer(result.url) await assignToken(server, result.username, result.password) } catch (err) { console.error(err.message) process.exit(-1) } await setInstance(result.url, result.username, result.password, options.default) process.exit(0) }) }) program .command('del ') .description('Unregisters a remote instance') .action(async url => { await delInstance(url) process.exit(0) }) program .command('list') .description('List registered remote instances') .action(async () => { const [ settings, netrc ] = await Promise.all([ getSettings(), getNetrc() ]) const table = new CliTable3({ head: [ 'instance', 'login' ], colWidths: [ 30, 30 ] }) as any settings.remotes.forEach(element => { if (!netrc.machines[element]) return table.push([ element, netrc.machines[element].login ]) }) console.log(table.toString()) process.exit(0) }) program .command('set-default ') .description('Set an existing entry as default') .action(async url => { const settings = await getSettings() const instanceExists = settings.remotes.includes(url) if (instanceExists) { settings.default = settings.remotes.indexOf(url) await writeSettings(settings) process.exit(0) } else { console.log(' is not a registered instance.') process.exit(-1) } }) program.addHelpText('after', '\n\n Examples:\n\n' + ' $ peertube auth add -u -U "PEERTUBE_USER" --password "PEERTUBE_PASSWORD"\n' + ' $ peertube auth add -u -U root\n' + ' $ peertube auth list\n' + ' $ peertube auth del\n' ) return program } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- async function delInstance (url: string) { const [ settings, netrc ] = await Promise.all([ getSettings(), getNetrc() ]) const index = settings.remotes.indexOf(url) settings.remotes.splice(index) if (settings.default === index) settings.default = -1 await writeSettings(settings) delete netrc.machines[url] await } async function setInstance (url: string, username: string, password: string, isDefault: boolean) { const [ settings, netrc ] = await Promise.all([ getSettings(), getNetrc() ]) if (settings.remotes.includes(url) === false) { settings.remotes.push(url) } if (isDefault || settings.remotes.length === 1) { settings.default = settings.remotes.length - 1 } await writeSettings(settings) netrc.machines[url] = { login: username, password } await } function isURLaPeerTubeInstance (url: string) { return url.startsWith('http://') || url.startsWith('https://') } function stripExtraneousFromPeerTubeUrl (url: string) { // Get everything before the 3rd /. const urlLength = url.includes('/', 8) ? url.indexOf('/', 8) : url.length return url.substring(0, urlLength) }