import { registerTSPaths } from '../server/helpers/register-ts-paths' registerTSPaths() import autocannon, { printResult } from 'autocannon' import { writeJson } from 'fs-extra' import { createSingleServer, killallServers, PeerTubeServer, setAccessTokensToServers } from '@shared/extra-utils' import { Video, VideoPrivacy } from '@shared/models' let server: PeerTubeServer let video: Video let threadId: number const outfile = process.argv[2] run() .catch(err => console.error(err)) .finally(() => { if (server) return killallServers([ server ]) }) function buildAuthorizationHeader () { return { Authorization: 'Bearer ' + server.accessToken } } function buildAPHeader () { return { Accept: 'application/ld+json; profile=""' } } async function run () { console.log('Preparing server...') await prepare() const tests = [ { title: 'AP - account peertube', path: '/accounts/peertube', headers: buildAPHeader(), expecter: (body, status) => { return status === 200 && body.startsWith('{"type":') } }, { title: 'AP - video', path: '/videos/watch/' + video.uuid, headers: buildAPHeader(), expecter: (body, status) => { return status === 200 && body.startsWith('{"type":"Video"') } }, { title: 'Misc - webfinger peertube', path: '/.well-known/webfinger?resource=acct:peertube@' +, expecter: (body, status) => { return status === 200 && body.startsWith('{"subject":') } }, { title: 'API - unread notifications', path: '/api/v1/users/me/notifications?start=0&count=0&unread=true', headers: buildAuthorizationHeader(), expecter: (_body, status) => { return status === 200 } }, { title: 'API - me', path: '/api/v1/users/me', headers: buildAuthorizationHeader(), expecter: (body, status) => { return status === 200 && body.startsWith('{"id":') } }, { title: 'API - videos list', path: '/api/v1/videos', expecter: (body, status) => { return status === 200 && body.startsWith('{"total":10') } }, { title: 'API - video get', path: '/api/v1/videos/' + video.uuid, expecter: (body, status) => { return status === 200 && body.startsWith('{"id":') } }, { title: 'API - video captions', path: '/api/v1/videos/' + video.uuid + '/captions', expecter: (body, status) => { return status === 200 && body.startsWith('{"total":4') } }, { title: 'API - video threads', path: '/api/v1/videos/' + video.uuid + '/comment-threads', expecter: (body, status) => { return status === 200 && body.startsWith('{"total":10') } }, { title: 'API - video replies', path: '/api/v1/videos/' + video.uuid + '/comment-threads/' + threadId, expecter: (body, status) => { return status === 200 && body.startsWith('{"comment":{') } }, { title: 'HTML - video watch', path: '/videos/watch/' + video.uuid, expecter: (body, status) => { return status === 200 && body.includes('<title>my super') } }, { title: 'HTML - video embed', path: '/videos/embed/' + video.uuid, expecter: (body, status) => { return status === 200 && body.includes('embed') } }, { title: 'HTML - homepage', path: '/', expecter: (_body, status) => { return status === 200 } }, { title: 'API - config', path: '/api/v1/config', expecter: (body, status) => { return status === 200 && body.startsWith('{"client":') } } ] const finalResult: any[] = [] for (const test of tests) { console.log('Running against %s.', test.path) const testResult = await runBenchmark(test) Object.assign(testResult, { title: test.title, path: test.path }) finalResult.push(testResult) console.log(printResult(testResult)) } if (outfile) await writeJson(outfile, finalResult) } function runBenchmark (options: { path: string headers?: { [ id: string ]: string } expecter: Function }) { const { path, expecter, headers } = options return new Promise((res, rej) => { autocannon({ url: server.url + path, connections: 20, headers, pipelining: 1, duration: 10, requests: [ { onResponse: (status, body) => { if (expecter(body, status) !== true) { console.error('Expected result failed.', { body, status }) throw new Error('Invalid expectation') } } } ] }, (err, result) => { if (err) return rej(err) return res(result) }) }) } async function prepare () { server = await createSingleServer(1, { rates_limit: { api: { max: 5_000_000 } } }) await setAccessTokensToServers([ server ]) const attributes = { name: 'my super video', category: 2, nsfw: true, licence: 6, language: 'fr', privacy: VideoPrivacy.PUBLIC, support: 'please give me a coffee', description: 'my super description'.repeat(10), tags: [ 'tag1', 'tag2', 'tag3' ] } for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { await server.videos.upload({ attributes: { ...attributes, name: 'my super video ' + i } }) } const { data } = await server.videos.list() video = data.find(v => === 'my super video 1') for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { const text = 'my super first comment' const created = await server.comments.createThread({ videoId:, text }) threadId = const text1 = 'my super answer to thread 1' const child = await server.comments.addReply({ videoId:, toCommentId: threadId, text: text1 }) const text2 = 'my super answer to answer of thread 1' await server.comments.addReply({ videoId:, toCommentId:, text: text2 }) const text3 = 'my second answer to thread 1' await server.comments.addReply({ videoId:, toCommentId: threadId, text: text3 }) } for (const caption of [ 'ar', 'fr', 'en', 'zh' ]) { await server.captions.add({ language: caption, videoId:, fixture: 'subtitle-good2.vtt' }) } return { server, video, threadId } }