import { literal, Op, QueryTypes, Transaction } from 'sequelize'
import { AllowNull, BelongsTo, Column, CreatedAt, DataType, ForeignKey, Is, Model, Scopes, Table, UpdatedAt } from 'sequelize-typescript'
import { AttributesOnly } from '@shared/typescript-utils'
import { isActivityPubUrlValid } from '../../helpers/custom-validators/activitypub/misc'
import { CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS } from '../../initializers/constants'
import { MActorDefault, MActorFollowersUrl, MActorId } from '../../types/models'
import { MVideoShareActor, MVideoShareFull } from '../../types/models/video'
import { ActorModel } from '../actor/actor'
import { buildLocalActorIdsIn, throwIfNotValid } from '../utils'
import { VideoModel } from './video'

enum ScopeNames {
  FULL = 'FULL',

@Scopes(() => ({
  [ScopeNames.FULL]: {
    include: [
        model: ActorModel,
        required: true
        model: VideoModel,
        required: true
  [ScopeNames.WITH_ACTOR]: {
    include: [
        model: ActorModel,
        required: true
  tableName: 'videoShare',
  indexes: [
      fields: [ 'actorId' ]
      fields: [ 'videoId' ]
      fields: [ 'url' ],
      unique: true
export class VideoShareModel extends Model<Partial<AttributesOnly<VideoShareModel>>> {

  @Is('VideoShareUrl', value => throwIfNotValid(value, isActivityPubUrlValid, 'url'))
  url: string

  createdAt: Date

  updatedAt: Date

  @ForeignKey(() => ActorModel)
  actorId: number

  @BelongsTo(() => ActorModel, {
    foreignKey: {
      allowNull: false
    onDelete: 'cascade'
  Actor: ActorModel

  @ForeignKey(() => VideoModel)
  videoId: number

  @BelongsTo(() => VideoModel, {
    foreignKey: {
      allowNull: false
    onDelete: 'cascade'
  Video: VideoModel

  static load (actorId: number | string, videoId: number | string, t?: Transaction): Promise<MVideoShareActor> {
    return VideoShareModel.scope(ScopeNames.WITH_ACTOR).findOne({
      where: {
      transaction: t

  static loadByUrl (url: string, t: Transaction): Promise<MVideoShareFull> {
    return VideoShareModel.scope(ScopeNames.FULL).findOne({
      where: {
      transaction: t

  static listActorIdsAndFollowerUrlsByShare (videoId: number, t: Transaction) {
    const query = `SELECT "actor"."id" AS "id", "actor"."followersUrl" AS "followersUrl" ` +
                  `FROM "videoShare" ` +
                  `INNER JOIN "actor" ON "actor"."id" = "videoShare"."actorId" ` +
                  `WHERE "videoShare"."videoId" = :videoId`

    const options = {
      type: QueryTypes.SELECT as QueryTypes.SELECT,
      replacements: { videoId },
      transaction: t

    return VideoShareModel.sequelize.query<MActorId & MActorFollowersUrl>(query, options)

  static loadActorsWhoSharedVideosOf (actorOwnerId: number, t: Transaction): Promise<MActorDefault[]> {
    const safeOwnerId = parseInt(actorOwnerId + '', 10)

    // /!\ On actor model
    const query = {
      where: {
        [Op.and]: [
            `EXISTS (` +
            `  SELECT 1 FROM "videoShare" ` +
            `  INNER JOIN "video" ON "videoShare"."videoId" = "video"."id" ` +
            `  INNER JOIN "videoChannel" ON "videoChannel"."id" = "video"."channelId" ` +
            `  INNER JOIN "account" ON "account"."id" = "videoChannel"."accountId" ` +
            `  WHERE "videoShare"."actorId" = "ActorModel"."id" AND "account"."actorId" = ${safeOwnerId} ` +
            `  LIMIT 1` +
      transaction: t

    return ActorModel.findAll(query)

  static loadActorsByVideoChannel (videoChannelId: number, t: Transaction): Promise<MActorDefault[]> {
    const safeChannelId = parseInt(videoChannelId + '', 10)

    // /!\ On actor model
    const query = {
      where: {
        [Op.and]: [
            `EXISTS (` +
            `  SELECT 1 FROM "videoShare" ` +
            `  INNER JOIN "video" ON "videoShare"."videoId" = "video"."id" ` +
            `  WHERE "videoShare"."actorId" = "ActorModel"."id" AND "video"."channelId" = ${safeChannelId} ` +
            `  LIMIT 1` +
      transaction: t

    return ActorModel.findAll(query)

  static listAndCountByVideoId (videoId: number, start: number, count: number, t?: Transaction) {
    const query = {
      offset: start,
      limit: count,
      where: {
      transaction: t

    return Promise.all([
    ]).then(([ total, data ]) => ({ total, data }))

  static listRemoteShareUrlsOfLocalVideos () {
    const query = `SELECT "videoShare".url FROM "videoShare" ` +
      `INNER JOIN actor ON = "videoShare"."actorId" AND actor."serverId" IS NOT NULL ` +
      `INNER JOIN video ON = "videoShare"."videoId" AND video.remote IS FALSE`

    return VideoShareModel.sequelize.query<{ url: string }>(query, {
      type: QueryTypes.SELECT,
      raw: true
    }).then(rows => => r.url))

  static cleanOldSharesOf (videoId: number, beforeUpdatedAt: Date) {
    const query = {
      where: {
        updatedAt: {
          []: beforeUpdatedAt
        actorId: {
          [Op.notIn]: buildLocalActorIdsIn()

    return VideoShareModel.destroy(query)