async function register ({ registerHook, registerSetting, settingsManager, storageManager, peertubeHelpers }) { const actionHooks = [ 'action:application.listening', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'action:api.user.blocked', 'action:api.user.unblocked', 'action:api.user.registered', 'action:api.user.created', 'action:api.user.deleted', 'action:api.user.updated', 'action:api.user.oauth2-got-token' ] for (const h of actionHooks) { registerHook({ target: h, handler: () => peertubeHelpers.logger.debug('Run hook %s.', h) }) } registerHook({ target: 'filter:api.videos.list.params', handler: obj => addToCount(obj) }) registerHook({ target: 'filter:api.videos.list.result', handler: obj => addToTotal(obj) }) registerHook({ target: '', handler: video => { += ' <3' return video } }) for (const hook of [ '', '' ]) { registerHook({ target: hook, handler: ({ accepted }, { videoBody, liveVideoBody }) => { if (!accepted) return { accepted: false } const name = videoBody ? : if (name.indexOf('bad word') !== -1) return { accepted: false, errorMessage: 'bad word' } return { accepted: true } } }) } registerHook({ target: '', handler: ({ accepted }, { videoImportBody }) => { if (!accepted) return { accepted: false } if (videoImportBody.targetUrl.includes('bad')) return { accepted: false, errorMessage: 'bad target url' } return { accepted: true } } }) registerHook({ target: '', handler: ({ accepted }, { videoImportBody }) => { if (!accepted) return { accepted: false } if ('bad torrent')) return { accepted: false, errorMessage: 'bad torrent' } return { accepted: true } } }) registerHook({ target: '', handler: ({ accepted }, { video }) => { if (!accepted) return { accepted: false } if ('bad word')) return { accepted: false, errorMessage: 'bad word' } return { accepted: true } } }) registerHook({ target: '', handler: ({ accepted }, { video }) => { if (!accepted) return { accepted: false } if ('bad word')) return { accepted: false, errorMessage: 'bad word' } return { accepted: true } } }) registerHook({ target: '', handler: ({ accepted }, { commentBody }) => checkCommentBadWord(accepted, commentBody) }) registerHook({ target: '', handler: ({ accepted }, { commentBody }) => checkCommentBadWord(accepted, commentBody) }) registerHook({ target: '', handler: obj => addToCount(obj) }) registerHook({ target: '', handler: obj => addToTotal(obj) }) registerHook({ target: '', handler: obj => { => c.text += ' <3') return obj } }) registerHook({ target: '', handler: (blacklisted, { video }) => { if (blacklisted) return true if ('please blacklist me')) return true return false } }) registerHook({ target: 'filter:api.user.signup.allowed.result', handler: (result, params) => { if (params &&'jma')) { return { allowed: false, errorMessage: 'No jma' } } return result } }) } async function unregister () { return } module.exports = { register, unregister } // ############################################################################ function addToCount (obj) { return Object.assign({}, obj, { count: obj.count + 1 }) } function addToTotal (result) { return { data:, total: + 1 } } function checkCommentBadWord (accepted, commentBody) { if (!accepted) return { accepted: false } if (commentBody.text.indexOf('bad word') !== -1) return { accepted: false, errorMessage: 'bad word '} return { accepted: true } }