import * as Sequelize from 'sequelize' import { AllowNull, BeforeDestroy, BelongsTo, Column, CreatedAt, Default, DefaultScope, ForeignKey, HasMany, Is, Model, Table, UpdatedAt } from 'sequelize-typescript' import { Account } from '../../../shared/models/actors' import { isAccountDescriptionValid } from '../../helpers/custom-validators/accounts' import { logger } from '../../helpers/logger' import { sendDeleteActor } from '../../lib/activitypub/send' import { ActorModel } from '../activitypub/actor' import { ApplicationModel } from '../application/application' import { AvatarModel } from '../avatar/avatar' import { ServerModel } from '../server/server' import { getSort, throwIfNotValid } from '../utils' import { VideoChannelModel } from '../video/video-channel' import { VideoCommentModel } from '../video/video-comment' import { UserModel } from './user' @DefaultScope({ include: [ { model: () => ActorModel, required: true, include: [ { model: () => ServerModel, required: false }, { model: () => AvatarModel, required: false } ] } ] }) @Table({ tableName: 'account' }) export class AccountModel extends Model { @AllowNull(false) @Column name: string @AllowNull(true) @Default(null) @Is('AccountDescription', value => throwIfNotValid(value, isAccountDescriptionValid, 'description')) @Column description: string @CreatedAt createdAt: Date @UpdatedAt updatedAt: Date @ForeignKey(() => ActorModel) @Column actorId: number @BelongsTo(() => ActorModel, { foreignKey: { allowNull: false }, onDelete: 'cascade' }) Actor: ActorModel @ForeignKey(() => UserModel) @Column userId: number @BelongsTo(() => UserModel, { foreignKey: { allowNull: true }, onDelete: 'cascade' }) User: UserModel @ForeignKey(() => ApplicationModel) @Column applicationId: number @BelongsTo(() => ApplicationModel, { foreignKey: { allowNull: true }, onDelete: 'cascade' }) Application: ApplicationModel @HasMany(() => VideoChannelModel, { foreignKey: { allowNull: false }, onDelete: 'cascade', hooks: true }) VideoChannels: VideoChannelModel[] @HasMany(() => VideoCommentModel, { foreignKey: { allowNull: false }, onDelete: 'cascade', hooks: true }) VideoComments: VideoCommentModel[] @BeforeDestroy static async sendDeleteIfOwned (instance: AccountModel, options) { if (!instance.Actor) { instance.Actor = await instance.$get('Actor', { transaction: options.transaction }) as ActorModel } if (instance.isOwned()) { logger.debug('Sending delete of actor of account %s.', instance.Actor.url) return sendDeleteActor(instance.Actor, options.transaction) } return undefined } static load (id: number) { return AccountModel.findById(id) } static loadByUUID (uuid: string) { const query = { include: [ { model: ActorModel, required: true, where: { uuid } } ] } return AccountModel.findOne(query) } static loadLocalByName (name: string) { const query = { where: { name, [ Sequelize.Op.or ]: [ { userId: { [ ]: null } }, { applicationId: { [ ]: null } } ] } } return AccountModel.findOne(query) } static loadByUrl (url: string, transaction?: Sequelize.Transaction) { const query = { include: [ { model: ActorModel, required: true, where: { url } } ], transaction } return AccountModel.findOne(query) } static listForApi (start: number, count: number, sort: string) { const query = { offset: start, limit: count, order: getSort(sort), } return AccountModel.findAndCountAll(query) .then(({ rows, count }) => { return { data: rows, total: count } }) } toFormattedJSON (): Account { const actor = this.Actor.toFormattedJSON() const account = { id:, displayName:, description: this.description, createdAt: this.createdAt, updatedAt: this.updatedAt } return Object.assign(actor, account) } toActivityPubObject () { const obj = this.Actor.toActivityPubObject(, 'Account') return Object.assign(obj, { summary: this.description }) } isOwned () { return this.Actor.isOwned() } }