import { Model, Sequelize, Transaction } from 'sequelize' import { AbstractRunQuery, ModelBuilder } from '@server/models/shared' import { ActorImageType, VideoPrivacy } from '@shared/models' import { createSafeIn, getSort, parseRowCountResult } from '../../../shared' import { VideoCommentTableAttributes } from './video-comment-table-attributes' export interface ListVideoCommentsOptions { selectType: 'api' | 'feed' | 'comment-only' start?: number count?: number sort?: string videoId?: number threadId?: number accountId?: number videoChannelId?: number blockerAccountIds?: number[] isThread?: boolean notDeleted?: boolean isLocal?: boolean onLocalVideo?: boolean onPublicVideo?: boolean videoAccountOwnerId?: boolean search?: string searchAccount?: string searchVideo?: string includeReplyCounters?: boolean transaction?: Transaction } export class VideoCommentListQueryBuilder extends AbstractRunQuery { private readonly tableAttributes = new VideoCommentTableAttributes() private innerQuery: string private select = '' private joins = '' private innerSelect = '' private innerJoins = '' private innerLateralJoins = '' private innerWhere = '' private readonly built = { cte: false, accountJoin: false, videoJoin: false, videoChannelJoin: false, avatarJoin: false } constructor ( protected readonly sequelize: Sequelize, private readonly options: ListVideoCommentsOptions ) { super(sequelize) if (this.options.includeReplyCounters && !this.options.videoId) { throw new Error('Cannot include reply counters without videoId') } } async listComments <T extends Model> () { this.buildListQuery() const results = await this.runQuery({ nest: true, transaction: this.options.transaction }) const modelBuilder = new ModelBuilder<T>(this.sequelize) return modelBuilder.createModels(results, 'VideoComment') } async countComments () { this.buildCountQuery() const result = await this.runQuery({ transaction: this.options.transaction }) return parseRowCountResult(result) } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- private buildListQuery () { this.buildInnerListQuery() this.buildListSelect() this.query = `${} ` + `FROM (${this.innerQuery}) AS "VideoCommentModel" ` + `${this.joins} ` + `${this.getOrder()}` } private buildInnerListQuery () { this.buildWhere() this.buildInnerListSelect() this.innerQuery = `${this.innerSelect} ` + `FROM "videoComment" AS "VideoCommentModel" ` + `${this.innerJoins} ` + `${this.innerLateralJoins} ` + `${this.innerWhere} ` + `${this.getOrder()} ` + `${this.getInnerLimit()}` } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- private buildCountQuery () { this.buildWhere() this.query = `SELECT COUNT(*) AS "total" ` + `FROM "videoComment" AS "VideoCommentModel" ` + `${this.innerJoins} ` + `${this.innerWhere}` } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- private buildWhere () { let where: string[] = [] if (this.options.videoId) { this.replacements.videoId = this.options.videoId where.push('"VideoCommentModel"."videoId" = :videoId') } if (this.options.threadId) { this.replacements.threadId = this.options.threadId where.push('("VideoCommentModel"."id" = :threadId OR "VideoCommentModel"."originCommentId" = :threadId)') } if (this.options.accountId) { this.replacements.accountId = this.options.accountId where.push('"VideoCommentModel"."accountId" = :accountId') } if (this.options.videoChannelId) { this.buildVideoChannelJoin() this.replacements.videoChannelId = this.options.videoChannelId where.push('"Account->VideoChannel"."id" = :videoChannelId') } if (this.options.blockerAccountIds) { this.buildVideoChannelJoin() where = where.concat(this.getBlockWhere('VideoCommentModel', 'Video->VideoChannel')) } if (this.options.isThread === true) { where.push('"VideoCommentModel"."inReplyToCommentId" IS NULL') } if (this.options.notDeleted === true) { where.push('"VideoCommentModel"."deletedAt" IS NULL') } if (this.options.isLocal === true) { this.buildAccountJoin() where.push('"Account->Actor"."serverId" IS NULL') } else if (this.options.isLocal === false) { this.buildAccountJoin() where.push('"Account->Actor"."serverId" IS NOT NULL') } if (this.options.onLocalVideo === true) { this.buildVideoJoin() where.push('"Video"."remote" IS FALSE') } else if (this.options.onLocalVideo === false) { this.buildVideoJoin() where.push('"Video"."remote" IS TRUE') } if (this.options.onPublicVideo === true) { this.buildVideoJoin() where.push(`"Video"."privacy" = ${VideoPrivacy.PUBLIC}`) } if (this.options.videoAccountOwnerId) { this.buildVideoChannelJoin() this.replacements.videoAccountOwnerId = this.options.videoAccountOwnerId where.push(`"Video->VideoChannel"."accountId" = :videoAccountOwnerId`) } if ( { this.buildVideoJoin() this.buildAccountJoin() const escapedLikeSearch = this.sequelize.escape('%' + + '%') where.push( `(` + `"VideoCommentModel"."text" ILIKE ${escapedLikeSearch} OR ` + `"Account->Actor"."preferredUsername" ILIKE ${escapedLikeSearch} OR ` + `"Account"."name" ILIKE ${escapedLikeSearch} OR ` + `"Video"."name" ILIKE ${escapedLikeSearch} ` + `)` ) } if (this.options.searchAccount) { this.buildAccountJoin() const escapedLikeSearch = this.sequelize.escape('%' + this.options.searchAccount + '%') where.push( `(` + `"Account->Actor"."preferredUsername" ILIKE ${escapedLikeSearch} OR ` + `"Account"."name" ILIKE ${escapedLikeSearch} ` + `)` ) } if (this.options.searchVideo) { this.buildVideoJoin() const escapedLikeSearch = this.sequelize.escape('%' + this.options.searchVideo + '%') where.push(`"Video"."name" ILIKE ${escapedLikeSearch}`) } if (where.length !== 0) { this.innerWhere = `WHERE ${where.join(' AND ')}` } } private buildAccountJoin () { if (this.built.accountJoin) return this.innerJoins += ' LEFT JOIN "account" "Account" ON "Account"."id" = "VideoCommentModel"."accountId" ' + 'LEFT JOIN "actor" "Account->Actor" ON "Account->Actor"."id" = "Account"."actorId" ' + 'LEFT JOIN "server" "Account->Actor->Server" ON "Account->Actor"."serverId" = "Account->Actor->Server"."id" ' this.built.accountJoin = true } private buildVideoJoin () { if (this.built.videoJoin) return this.innerJoins += ' LEFT JOIN "video" "Video" ON "Video"."id" = "VideoCommentModel"."videoId" ' this.built.videoJoin = true } private buildVideoChannelJoin () { if (this.built.videoChannelJoin) return this.buildVideoJoin() this.innerJoins += ' LEFT JOIN "videoChannel" "Video->VideoChannel" ON "Video"."channelId" = "Video->VideoChannel"."id" ' this.built.videoChannelJoin = true } private buildAvatarsJoin () { if (this.options.selectType !== 'api' && this.options.selectType !== 'feed') return '' if (this.built.avatarJoin) return this.joins += `LEFT JOIN "actorImage" "Account->Actor->Avatars" ` + `ON "VideoCommentModel"."" = "Account->Actor->Avatars"."actorId" ` + `AND "Account->Actor->Avatars"."type" = ${ActorImageType.AVATAR}` this.built.avatarJoin = true } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- private buildListSelect () { const toSelect = [ '"VideoCommentModel".*' ] if (this.options.selectType === 'api' || this.options.selectType === 'feed') { this.buildAvatarsJoin() toSelect.push(this.tableAttributes.getAvatarAttributes()) } = this.buildSelect(toSelect) } private buildInnerListSelect () { let toSelect = [ this.tableAttributes.getVideoCommentAttributes() ] if (this.options.selectType === 'api' || this.options.selectType === 'feed') { this.buildAccountJoin() this.buildVideoJoin() toSelect = toSelect.concat([ this.tableAttributes.getVideoAttributes(), this.tableAttributes.getAccountAttributes(), this.tableAttributes.getActorAttributes(), this.tableAttributes.getServerAttributes() ]) } if (this.options.includeReplyCounters === true) { this.buildTotalRepliesSelect() this.buildAuthorTotalRepliesSelect() toSelect.push('"totalRepliesFromVideoAuthor"."count" AS "totalRepliesFromVideoAuthor"') toSelect.push('"totalReplies"."count" AS "totalReplies"') } this.innerSelect = this.buildSelect(toSelect) } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- private getBlockWhere (commentTableName: string, channelTableName: string) { const where: string[] = [] const blockerIdsString = createSafeIn( this.sequelize, this.options.blockerAccountIds, [ `"${channelTableName}"."accountId"` ] ) where.push( `NOT EXISTS (` + `SELECT 1 FROM "accountBlocklist" ` + `WHERE "targetAccountId" = "${commentTableName}"."accountId" ` + `AND "accountId" IN (${blockerIdsString})` + `)` ) where.push( `NOT EXISTS (` + `SELECT 1 FROM "account" ` + `INNER JOIN "actor" ON account."actorId" = ` + `INNER JOIN "serverBlocklist" ON "actor"."serverId" = "serverBlocklist"."targetServerId" ` + `WHERE "account"."id" = "${commentTableName}"."accountId" ` + `AND "serverBlocklist"."accountId" IN (${blockerIdsString})` + `)` ) return where } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- private buildTotalRepliesSelect () { const blockWhereString = this.getBlockWhere('replies', 'videoChannel').join(' AND ') // Help the planner by providing videoId that should filter out many comments this.replacements.videoId = this.options.videoId this.innerLateralJoins += `LEFT JOIN LATERAL (` + `SELECT COUNT("replies"."id") AS "count" FROM "videoComment" AS "replies" ` + `INNER JOIN "video" ON "video"."id" = "replies"."videoId" AND "replies"."videoId" = :videoId ` + `LEFT JOIN "videoChannel" ON "video"."channelId" = "videoChannel"."id" ` + `WHERE "replies"."originCommentId" = "VideoCommentModel"."id" ` + `AND "deletedAt" IS NULL ` + `AND ${blockWhereString} ` + `) "totalReplies" ON TRUE ` } private buildAuthorTotalRepliesSelect () { // Help the planner by providing videoId that should filter out many comments this.replacements.videoId = this.options.videoId this.innerLateralJoins += `LEFT JOIN LATERAL (` + `SELECT COUNT("replies"."id") AS "count" FROM "videoComment" AS "replies" ` + `INNER JOIN "video" ON "video"."id" = "replies"."videoId" AND "replies"."videoId" = :videoId ` + `INNER JOIN "videoChannel" ON "videoChannel"."id" = "video"."channelId" ` + `WHERE "replies"."originCommentId" = "VideoCommentModel"."id" AND "replies"."accountId" = "videoChannel"."accountId"` + `) "totalRepliesFromVideoAuthor" ON TRUE ` } private getOrder () { if (!this.options.sort) return '' const orders = getSort(this.options.sort) return 'ORDER BY ' + => `"${o[0]}" ${o[1]}`).join(', ') } private getInnerLimit () { if (!this.options.count) return '' this.replacements.limit = this.options.count this.replacements.offset = this.options.start || 0 return `LIMIT :limit OFFSET :offset ` } }