import * as express from 'express' import { body } from 'express-validator' import { isAvatarFile } from '../../helpers/custom-validators/users' import { areValidationErrors } from './utils' import { CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS } from '../../initializers/constants' import { logger } from '../../helpers/logger' import { cleanUpReqFiles } from '../../helpers/express-utils' const updateActorImageValidatorFactory = (fieldname: string) => ([ body(fieldname).custom((value, { req }) => isAvatarFile(req.files)).withMessage( 'This file is not supported or too large. Please, make sure it is of the following type : ' + CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS.ACTORS.IMAGE.EXTNAME.join(', ') ), (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) => { logger.debug('Checking updateActorImageValidator parameters', { files: req.files }) if (areValidationErrors(req, res)) return cleanUpReqFiles(req) return next() } ]) const updateAvatarValidator = updateActorImageValidatorFactory('avatarfile') const updateBannerValidator = updateActorImageValidatorFactory('bannerfile') export { updateAvatarValidator, updateBannerValidator }