import { VideoImport, VideoImportState, type VideoImportStateType } from '@peertube/peertube-models' import { AttributesOnly } from '@peertube/peertube-typescript-utils' import { afterCommitIfTransaction } from '@server/helpers/database-utils.js' import { MVideoImportDefault, MVideoImportFormattable } from '@server/types/models/video/video-import.js' import { IncludeOptions, Op, WhereOptions } from 'sequelize' import { AfterUpdate, AllowNull, BelongsTo, Column, CreatedAt, DataType, Default, DefaultScope, ForeignKey, Is, Model, Table, UpdatedAt } from 'sequelize-typescript' import { isVideoImportStateValid, isVideoImportTargetUrlValid } from '../../helpers/custom-validators/video-imports.js' import { isVideoMagnetUriValid } from '../../helpers/custom-validators/videos.js' import { CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS, VIDEO_IMPORT_STATES } from '../../initializers/constants.js' import { getSort, searchAttribute, throwIfNotValid } from '../shared/index.js' import { UserModel } from '../user/user.js' import { VideoChannelSyncModel } from './video-channel-sync.js' import { VideoModel, ScopeNames as VideoModelScopeNames } from './video.js' const defaultVideoScope = () => { return VideoModel.scope([ VideoModelScopeNames.WITH_ACCOUNT_DETAILS, VideoModelScopeNames.WITH_TAGS, VideoModelScopeNames.WITH_THUMBNAILS ]) } @DefaultScope(() => ({ include: [ { model: UserModel.unscoped(), required: true }, { model: defaultVideoScope(), required: false }, { model: VideoChannelSyncModel.unscoped(), required: false } ] })) @Table({ tableName: 'videoImport', indexes: [ { fields: [ 'videoId' ], unique: true }, { fields: [ 'userId' ] } ] }) export class VideoImportModel extends Model>> { @CreatedAt createdAt: Date @UpdatedAt updatedAt: Date @AllowNull(true) @Default(null) @Is('VideoImportTargetUrl', value => throwIfNotValid(value, isVideoImportTargetUrlValid, 'targetUrl', true)) @Column(DataType.STRING(CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS.VIDEO_IMPORTS.URL.max)) targetUrl: string @AllowNull(true) @Default(null) @Is('VideoImportMagnetUri', value => throwIfNotValid(value, isVideoMagnetUriValid, 'magnetUri', true)) @Column(DataType.STRING(CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS.VIDEO_IMPORTS.URL.max)) // Use the same constraints than URLs magnetUri: string @AllowNull(true) @Default(null) @Column(DataType.STRING(CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS.VIDEO_IMPORTS.TORRENT_NAME.max)) torrentName: string @AllowNull(false) @Default(null) @Is('VideoImportState', value => throwIfNotValid(value, isVideoImportStateValid, 'state')) @Column state: VideoImportStateType @AllowNull(true) @Default(null) @Column(DataType.TEXT) error: string @ForeignKey(() => UserModel) @Column userId: number @BelongsTo(() => UserModel, { foreignKey: { allowNull: false }, onDelete: 'cascade' }) User: Awaited @ForeignKey(() => VideoModel) @Column videoId: number @BelongsTo(() => VideoModel, { foreignKey: { allowNull: true }, onDelete: 'set null' }) Video: Awaited @ForeignKey(() => VideoChannelSyncModel) @Column videoChannelSyncId: number @BelongsTo(() => VideoChannelSyncModel, { foreignKey: { allowNull: true }, onDelete: 'set null' }) VideoChannelSync: Awaited @AfterUpdate static deleteVideoIfFailed (instance: VideoImportModel, options) { if (instance.state === VideoImportState.FAILED) { return afterCommitIfTransaction(options.transaction, () => instance.Video.destroy()) } return undefined } static loadAndPopulateVideo (id: number): Promise { return VideoImportModel.findByPk(id) } static listUserVideoImportsForApi (options: { userId: number start: number count: number sort: string search?: string targetUrl?: string videoChannelSyncId?: number }) { const { userId, start, count, sort, targetUrl, videoChannelSyncId, search } = options const where: WhereOptions = { userId } const include: IncludeOptions[] = [ { attributes: [ 'id' ], model: UserModel.unscoped(), // FIXME: Without this, sequelize try to COUNT(DISTINCT(*)) which is an invalid SQL query required: true }, { model: VideoChannelSyncModel.unscoped(), required: false } ] if (targetUrl) where['targetUrl'] = targetUrl if (videoChannelSyncId) where['videoChannelSyncId'] = videoChannelSyncId if (search) { include.push({ model: defaultVideoScope(), required: true, where: searchAttribute(search, 'name') }) } else { include.push({ model: defaultVideoScope(), required: false }) } const query = { distinct: true, include, offset: start, limit: count, order: getSort(sort), where } return Promise.all([ VideoImportModel.unscoped().count(query), VideoImportModel.findAll(query) ]).then(([ total, data ]) => ({ total, data })) } static async urlAlreadyImported (channelId: number, targetUrl: string): Promise { const element = await VideoImportModel.unscoped().findOne({ where: { targetUrl, state: { []: [ VideoImportState.PENDING, VideoImportState.PROCESSING, VideoImportState.SUCCESS ] } }, include: [ { model: VideoModel, required: true, where: { channelId } } ] }) return !!element } getTargetIdentifier () { return this.targetUrl || this.magnetUri || this.torrentName } toFormattedJSON (this: MVideoImportFormattable): VideoImport { const videoFormatOptions = { completeDescription: true, additionalAttributes: { state: true, waitTranscoding: true, scheduledUpdate: true } } const video = this.Video ? Object.assign(this.Video.toFormattedJSON(videoFormatOptions), { tags: => }) : undefined const videoChannelSync = this.VideoChannelSync ? { id:, externalChannelUrl: this.VideoChannelSync.externalChannelUrl } : undefined return { id:, targetUrl: this.targetUrl, magnetUri: this.magnetUri, torrentName: this.torrentName, state: { id: this.state, label: VideoImportModel.getStateLabel(this.state) }, error: this.error, updatedAt: this.updatedAt.toISOString(), createdAt: this.createdAt.toISOString(), video, videoChannelSync } } private static getStateLabel (id: number) { return VIDEO_IMPORT_STATES[id] || 'Unknown' } }