import { forceNumber, hasUserRight, USER_ROLE_LABELS } from '@peertube/peertube-core-utils' import { AbuseState, MyUser, User, UserAdminFlag, UserRightType, VideoPlaylistType, type NSFWPolicyType, type UserAdminFlagType, type UserRoleType, UserRole } from '@peertube/peertube-models' import { TokensCache } from '@server/lib/auth/tokens-cache.js' import { LiveQuotaStore } from '@server/lib/live/index.js' import { MMyUserFormattable, MUser, MUserDefault, MUserFormattable, MUserNotifSettingChannelDefault, MUserWithNotificationSetting } from '@server/types/models/index.js' import { col, FindOptions, fn, literal, Op, QueryTypes, ScopeOptions, where, WhereOptions } from 'sequelize' import { AfterDestroy, AfterUpdate, AllowNull, BeforeCreate, BeforeUpdate, Column, CreatedAt, DataType, Default, DefaultScope, HasMany, HasOne, Is, IsEmail, IsUUID, Scopes, Table, UpdatedAt } from 'sequelize-typescript' import { isThemeNameValid } from '../../helpers/custom-validators/plugins.js' import { isUserAdminFlagsValid, isUserAutoPlayNextVideoPlaylistValid, isUserAutoPlayNextVideoValid, isUserAutoPlayVideoValid, isUserBlockedReasonValid, isUserBlockedValid, isUserEmailVerifiedValid, isUserNoModal, isUserNSFWPolicyValid, isUserP2PEnabledValid, isUserPasswordValid, isUserRoleValid, isUserVideoLanguages, isUserVideoQuotaDailyValid, isUserVideoQuotaValid, isUserVideosHistoryEnabledValid } from '../../helpers/custom-validators/users.js' import { comparePassword, cryptPassword } from '../../helpers/peertube-crypto.js' import { DEFAULT_USER_THEME_NAME, NSFW_POLICY_TYPES } from '../../initializers/constants.js' import { getThemeOrDefault } from '../../lib/plugins/theme-utils.js' import { AccountModel } from '../account/account.js' import { ActorFollowModel } from '../actor/actor-follow.js' import { ActorImageModel } from '../actor/actor-image.js' import { ActorModel } from '../actor/actor.js' import { OAuthTokenModel } from '../oauth/oauth-token.js' import { getAdminUsersSort, parseAggregateResult, SequelizeModel, throwIfNotValid } from '../shared/index.js' import { VideoChannelModel } from '../video/video-channel.js' import { VideoImportModel } from '../video/video-import.js' import { VideoLiveModel } from '../video/video-live.js' import { VideoPlaylistModel } from '../video/video-playlist.js' import { VideoModel } from '../video/video.js' import { UserNotificationSettingModel } from './user-notification-setting.js' import { UserExportModel } from './user-export.js' enum ScopeNames { FOR_ME_API = 'FOR_ME_API', WITH_VIDEOCHANNELS = 'WITH_VIDEOCHANNELS', WITH_QUOTA = 'WITH_QUOTA', WITH_TOTAL_FILE_SIZES = 'WITH_TOTAL_FILE_SIZES', WITH_STATS = 'WITH_STATS' } type WhereUserIdScopeOptions = { whereUserId?: '$userId' | '"UserModel"."id"' } @DefaultScope(() => ({ include: [ { model: AccountModel, required: true }, { model: UserNotificationSettingModel, required: true } ] })) @Scopes(() => ({ [ScopeNames.FOR_ME_API]: { include: [ { model: AccountModel, include: [ { model: VideoChannelModel.unscoped(), include: [ { model: ActorModel, required: true, include: [ { model: ActorImageModel, as: 'Banners', required: false } ] } ] }, { attributes: [ 'id', 'name', 'type' ], model: VideoPlaylistModel.unscoped(), required: true, where: { type: { []: VideoPlaylistType.REGULAR } } } ] }, { model: UserNotificationSettingModel, required: true } ] }, [ScopeNames.WITH_VIDEOCHANNELS]: { include: [ { model: AccountModel, include: [ { model: VideoChannelModel }, { attributes: [ 'id', 'name', 'type' ], model: VideoPlaylistModel.unscoped(), required: true, where: { type: { []: VideoPlaylistType.REGULAR } } } ] } ] }, [ScopeNames.WITH_QUOTA]: (options: WhereUserIdScopeOptions = {}) => { return { attributes: { include: [ [ literal( '(' + UserModel.generateUserQuotaBaseSQL({ whereUserId: options.whereUserId ?? '"UserModel"."id"', daily: false, onlyMaxResolution: true }) + ')' ), 'videoQuotaUsed' ], [ literal( '(' + UserModel.generateUserQuotaBaseSQL({ whereUserId: options.whereUserId ?? '"UserModel"."id"', daily: true, onlyMaxResolution: true }) + ')' ), 'videoQuotaUsedDaily' ] ] } } }, [ScopeNames.WITH_TOTAL_FILE_SIZES]: (options: WhereUserIdScopeOptions = {}) => { return { attributes: { include: [ [ literal( '(' + UserModel.generateUserQuotaBaseSQL({ whereUserId: options.whereUserId ?? '"UserModel"."id"', daily: false, onlyMaxResolution: false }) + ')' ), 'totalVideoFileSize' ] ] } } }, [ScopeNames.WITH_STATS]: (options: WhereUserIdScopeOptions = {}) => { return { attributes: { include: [ [ literal( '(' + 'SELECT COUNT("video"."id") ' + 'FROM "video" ' + 'INNER JOIN "videoChannel" ON "videoChannel"."id" = "video"."channelId" ' + 'INNER JOIN "account" ON "account"."id" = "videoChannel"."accountId" ' + `WHERE "account"."userId" = ${options.whereUserId}` + ')' ), 'videosCount' ], [ literal( '(' + `SELECT concat_ws(':', "abuses", "acceptedAbuses") ` + 'FROM (' + 'SELECT COUNT("abuse"."id") AS "abuses", ' + `COUNT("abuse"."id") FILTER (WHERE "abuse"."state" = ${AbuseState.ACCEPTED}) AS "acceptedAbuses" ` + 'FROM "abuse" ' + 'INNER JOIN "account" ON "account"."id" = "abuse"."flaggedAccountId" ' + `WHERE "account"."userId" = ${options.whereUserId}` + ') t' + ')' ), 'abusesCount' ], [ literal( '(' + 'SELECT COUNT("abuse"."id") ' + 'FROM "abuse" ' + 'INNER JOIN "account" ON "account"."id" = "abuse"."reporterAccountId" ' + `WHERE "account"."userId" = ${options.whereUserId}` + ')' ), 'abusesCreatedCount' ], [ literal( '(' + 'SELECT COUNT("videoComment"."id") ' + 'FROM "videoComment" ' + 'INNER JOIN "account" ON "account"."id" = "videoComment"."accountId" ' + `WHERE "account"."userId" = ${options.whereUserId}` + ')' ), 'videoCommentsCount' ] ] } } } })) @Table({ tableName: 'user', indexes: [ { fields: [ 'username' ], unique: true }, { fields: [ 'email' ], unique: true } ] }) export class UserModel extends SequelizeModel { @AllowNull(true) @Is('UserPassword', value => throwIfNotValid(value, isUserPasswordValid, 'user password', true)) @Column password: string @AllowNull(false) @Column username: string @AllowNull(false) @IsEmail @Column(DataType.STRING(400)) email: string @AllowNull(true) @IsEmail @Column(DataType.STRING(400)) pendingEmail: string @AllowNull(true) @Default(null) @Is('UserEmailVerified', value => throwIfNotValid(value, isUserEmailVerifiedValid, 'email verified boolean', true)) @Column emailVerified: boolean @AllowNull(false) @Is('UserNSFWPolicy', value => throwIfNotValid(value, isUserNSFWPolicyValid, 'NSFW policy')) @Column(DataType.ENUM(...Object.values(NSFW_POLICY_TYPES))) nsfwPolicy: NSFWPolicyType @AllowNull(false) @Is('p2pEnabled', value => throwIfNotValid(value, isUserP2PEnabledValid, 'P2P enabled')) @Column p2pEnabled: boolean @AllowNull(false) @Default(true) @Is('UserVideosHistoryEnabled', value => throwIfNotValid(value, isUserVideosHistoryEnabledValid, 'Videos history enabled')) @Column videosHistoryEnabled: boolean @AllowNull(false) @Default(true) @Is('UserAutoPlayVideo', value => throwIfNotValid(value, isUserAutoPlayVideoValid, 'auto play video boolean')) @Column autoPlayVideo: boolean @AllowNull(false) @Default(false) @Is('UserAutoPlayNextVideo', value => throwIfNotValid(value, isUserAutoPlayNextVideoValid, 'auto play next video boolean')) @Column autoPlayNextVideo: boolean @AllowNull(false) @Default(true) @Is( 'UserAutoPlayNextVideoPlaylist', value => throwIfNotValid(value, isUserAutoPlayNextVideoPlaylistValid, 'auto play next video for playlists boolean') ) @Column autoPlayNextVideoPlaylist: boolean @AllowNull(true) @Default(null) @Is('UserVideoLanguages', value => throwIfNotValid(value, isUserVideoLanguages, 'video languages')) @Column(DataType.ARRAY(DataType.STRING)) videoLanguages: string[] @AllowNull(false) @Default(UserAdminFlag.NONE) @Is('UserAdminFlags', value => throwIfNotValid(value, isUserAdminFlagsValid, 'user admin flags')) @Column adminFlags?: UserAdminFlagType @AllowNull(false) @Default(false) @Is('UserBlocked', value => throwIfNotValid(value, isUserBlockedValid, 'blocked boolean')) @Column blocked: boolean @AllowNull(true) @Default(null) @Is('UserBlockedReason', value => throwIfNotValid(value, isUserBlockedReasonValid, 'blocked reason', true)) @Column blockedReason: string @AllowNull(false) @Is('UserRole', value => throwIfNotValid(value, isUserRoleValid, 'role')) @Column role: UserRoleType @AllowNull(false) @Is('UserVideoQuota', value => throwIfNotValid(value, isUserVideoQuotaValid, 'video quota')) @Column(DataType.BIGINT) videoQuota: number @AllowNull(false) @Is('UserVideoQuotaDaily', value => throwIfNotValid(value, isUserVideoQuotaDailyValid, 'video quota daily')) @Column(DataType.BIGINT) videoQuotaDaily: number @AllowNull(false) @Default(DEFAULT_USER_THEME_NAME) @Is('UserTheme', value => throwIfNotValid(value, isThemeNameValid, 'theme')) @Column theme: string @AllowNull(false) @Default(false) @Is( 'UserNoInstanceConfigWarningModal', value => throwIfNotValid(value, isUserNoModal, 'no instance config warning modal') ) @Column noInstanceConfigWarningModal: boolean @AllowNull(false) @Default(false) @Is( 'UserNoWelcomeModal', value => throwIfNotValid(value, isUserNoModal, 'no welcome modal') ) @Column noWelcomeModal: boolean @AllowNull(false) @Default(false) @Is( 'UserNoAccountSetupWarningModal', value => throwIfNotValid(value, isUserNoModal, 'no account setup warning modal') ) @Column noAccountSetupWarningModal: boolean @AllowNull(true) @Default(null) @Column pluginAuth: string @AllowNull(false) @Default(DataType.UUIDV4) @IsUUID(4) @Column(DataType.UUID) feedToken: string @AllowNull(true) @Default(null) @Column lastLoginDate: Date @AllowNull(false) @Default(false) @Column emailPublic: boolean @AllowNull(true) @Default(null) @Column otpSecret: string @CreatedAt createdAt: Date @UpdatedAt updatedAt: Date @HasOne(() => AccountModel, { foreignKey: 'userId', onDelete: 'cascade', hooks: true }) Account: Awaited @HasOne(() => UserNotificationSettingModel, { foreignKey: 'userId', onDelete: 'cascade', hooks: true }) NotificationSetting: Awaited @HasMany(() => VideoImportModel, { foreignKey: 'userId', onDelete: 'cascade' }) VideoImports: Awaited[] @HasMany(() => OAuthTokenModel, { foreignKey: 'userId', onDelete: 'cascade' }) OAuthTokens: Awaited[] @HasMany(() => UserExportModel, { foreignKey: 'userId', onDelete: 'cascade', hooks: true }) UserExports: Awaited[] // Used if we already set an encrypted password in user model skipPasswordEncryption = false @BeforeCreate @BeforeUpdate static async cryptPasswordIfNeeded (instance: UserModel) { if (instance.skipPasswordEncryption) return if (!instance.changed('password')) return if (!instance.password) return instance.password = await cryptPassword(instance.password) } @AfterUpdate @AfterDestroy static removeTokenCache (instance: UserModel) { return TokensCache.Instance.clearCacheByUserId( } static countTotal () { return UserModel.unscoped().count() } static listForAdminApi (parameters: { start: number count: number sort: string search?: string blocked?: boolean }) { const { start, count, sort, search, blocked } = parameters const where: WhereOptions = {} if (search) { Object.assign(where, { [Op.or]: [ { email: { [Op.iLike]: '%' + search + '%' } }, { username: { [Op.iLike]: '%' + search + '%' } } ] }) } if (blocked !== undefined) { Object.assign(where, { blocked }) } const query: FindOptions = { offset: start, limit: count, order: getAdminUsersSort(sort), where } return Promise.all([ UserModel.unscoped().count(query), UserModel.scope([ 'defaultScope', ScopeNames.WITH_QUOTA, ScopeNames.WITH_TOTAL_FILE_SIZES ]).findAll(query) ]).then(([ total, data ]) => ({ total, data })) } static listWithRight (right: UserRightType): Promise { const roles = Object.keys(USER_ROLE_LABELS) .map(k => parseInt(k, 10) as UserRoleType) .filter(role => hasUserRight(role, right)) const query = { where: { role: { []: roles } } } return UserModel.findAll(query) } static listUserSubscribersOf (actorId: number): Promise { const query = { include: [ { model: UserNotificationSettingModel.unscoped(), required: true }, { attributes: [ 'userId' ], model: AccountModel.unscoped(), required: true, include: [ { attributes: [], model: ActorModel.unscoped(), required: true, where: { serverId: null }, include: [ { attributes: [], as: 'ActorFollowings', model: ActorFollowModel.unscoped(), required: true, where: { state: 'accepted', targetActorId: actorId } } ] } ] } ] } return UserModel.unscoped().findAll(query) } static listByUsernames (usernames: string[]): Promise { const query = { where: { username: usernames } } return UserModel.findAll(query) } static loadById (id: number): Promise { return UserModel.unscoped().findByPk(id) } static loadByIdFull (id: number): Promise { return UserModel.findByPk(id) } static loadByIdWithChannels (id: number, withStats = false): Promise { const scopes: (string | ScopeOptions)[] = [ ScopeNames.WITH_VIDEOCHANNELS ] if (withStats) { const scopeOptions: WhereUserIdScopeOptions = { whereUserId: '$userId' } scopes.push({ method: [ ScopeNames.WITH_QUOTA, scopeOptions ] }) scopes.push({ method: [ ScopeNames.WITH_STATS, scopeOptions ] }) scopes.push({ method: [ ScopeNames.WITH_TOTAL_FILE_SIZES, scopeOptions ] }) } return UserModel.scope(scopes).findOne({ where: { id }, bind: { userId: id } }) } static loadByUsername (username: string): Promise { const query = { where: { username } } return UserModel.findOne(query) } static loadForMeAPI (id: number): Promise { const query = { where: { id } } return UserModel.scope(ScopeNames.FOR_ME_API).findOne(query) } static loadByEmailCaseInsensitive (email: string): Promise { const query = { where: where( fn('LOWER', col('email')), '=', email.toLowerCase() ) } return UserModel.findAll(query) } static loadByUsernameOrEmailCaseInsensitive (usernameOrEmail: string): Promise { const query = { where: { [Op.or]: [ where(fn('lower', col('username')), fn('lower', usernameOrEmail) as any), where(fn('lower', col('email')), fn('lower', usernameOrEmail) as any) ] } } return UserModel.findAll(query) } static loadByVideoId (videoId: number): Promise { const query = { include: [ { required: true, attributes: [ 'id' ], model: AccountModel.unscoped(), include: [ { required: true, attributes: [ 'id' ], model: VideoChannelModel.unscoped(), include: [ { required: true, attributes: [ 'id' ], model: VideoModel.unscoped(), where: { id: videoId } } ] } ] } ] } return UserModel.findOne(query) } static loadByVideoImportId (videoImportId: number): Promise { const query = { include: [ { required: true, attributes: [ 'id' ], model: VideoImportModel.unscoped(), where: { id: videoImportId } } ] } return UserModel.findOne(query) } static loadByChannelActorId (videoChannelActorId: number): Promise { const query = { include: [ { required: true, attributes: [ 'id' ], model: AccountModel.unscoped(), include: [ { required: true, attributes: [ 'id' ], model: VideoChannelModel.unscoped(), where: { actorId: videoChannelActorId } } ] } ] } return UserModel.findOne(query) } static loadByAccountId (accountId: number): Promise { const query = { include: [ { required: true, attributes: [ 'id' ], model: AccountModel.unscoped(), where: { id: accountId } } ] } return UserModel.findOne(query) } static loadByAccountActorId (accountActorId: number): Promise { const query = { include: [ { required: true, attributes: [ 'id' ], model: AccountModel.unscoped(), where: { actorId: accountActorId } } ] } return UserModel.findOne(query) } static loadByLiveId (liveId: number): Promise { const query = { include: [ { attributes: [ 'id' ], model: AccountModel.unscoped(), required: true, include: [ { attributes: [ 'id' ], model: VideoChannelModel.unscoped(), required: true, include: [ { attributes: [ 'id' ], model: VideoModel.unscoped(), required: true, include: [ { attributes: [], model: VideoLiveModel.unscoped(), required: true, where: { id: liveId } } ] } ] } ] } ] } return UserModel.unscoped().findOne(query) } static generateUserQuotaBaseSQL (options: { daily: boolean whereUserId: '$userId' | '"UserModel"."id"' onlyMaxResolution: boolean }) { const { daily, whereUserId, onlyMaxResolution } = options const andWhere = daily === true ? 'AND "video"."createdAt" > now() - interval \'24 hours\'' : '' const videoChannelJoin = 'INNER JOIN "videoChannel" ON "videoChannel"."id" = "video"."channelId" ' + 'INNER JOIN "account" ON "videoChannel"."accountId" = "account"."id" ' + `WHERE "account"."userId" = ${whereUserId} ${andWhere}` const webVideoFiles = 'SELECT "videoFile"."size" AS "size", "video"."id" AS "videoId" FROM "videoFile" ' + 'INNER JOIN "video" ON "videoFile"."videoId" = "video"."id" AND "video"."isLive" IS FALSE ' + videoChannelJoin const hlsFiles = 'SELECT "videoFile"."size" AS "size", "video"."id" AS "videoId" FROM "videoFile" ' + 'INNER JOIN "videoStreamingPlaylist" ON "videoFile"."videoStreamingPlaylistId" = "videoStreamingPlaylist".id ' + 'INNER JOIN "video" ON "videoStreamingPlaylist"."videoId" = "video"."id" AND "video"."isLive" IS FALSE ' + videoChannelJoin const sizeSelect = onlyMaxResolution ? 'MAX("t1"."size")' : 'SUM("t1"."size")' return 'SELECT COALESCE(SUM("size"), 0) AS "total" ' + 'FROM (' + `SELECT ${sizeSelect} AS "size" FROM (${webVideoFiles} UNION ${hlsFiles}) t1 ` + 'GROUP BY "t1"."videoId"' + ') t2' } static async getUserQuota (options: { userId: number daily: boolean }) { const { daily, userId } = options const sql = this.generateUserQuotaBaseSQL({ daily, whereUserId: '$userId', onlyMaxResolution: true }) const queryOptions = { bind: { userId }, type: QueryTypes.SELECT as QueryTypes.SELECT } const [ { total } ] = await UserModel.sequelize.query<{ total: string }>(sql, queryOptions) if (!total) return 0 return parseInt(total, 10) } static getStats () { const query = `SELECT ` + `COUNT(*) AS "totalUsers", ` + `COUNT(*) FILTER (WHERE "lastLoginDate" > NOW() - INTERVAL '1d') AS "totalDailyActiveUsers", ` + `COUNT(*) FILTER (WHERE "lastLoginDate" > NOW() - INTERVAL '7d') AS "totalWeeklyActiveUsers", ` + `COUNT(*) FILTER (WHERE "lastLoginDate" > NOW() - INTERVAL '30d') AS "totalMonthlyActiveUsers", ` + `COUNT(*) FILTER (WHERE "lastLoginDate" > NOW() - INTERVAL '180d') AS "totalHalfYearActiveUsers", ` + `COUNT(*) FILTER (WHERE "role" = ${UserRole.MODERATOR}) AS "totalModerators", ` + `COUNT(*) FILTER (WHERE "role" = ${UserRole.ADMINISTRATOR}) AS "totalAdmins" ` + `FROM "user"` return UserModel.sequelize.query(query, { type: QueryTypes.SELECT, raw: true }).then(([ row ]) => { return { totalUsers: parseAggregateResult(row.totalUsers), totalDailyActiveUsers: parseAggregateResult(row.totalDailyActiveUsers), totalWeeklyActiveUsers: parseAggregateResult(row.totalWeeklyActiveUsers), totalMonthlyActiveUsers: parseAggregateResult(row.totalMonthlyActiveUsers), totalHalfYearActiveUsers: parseAggregateResult(row.totalHalfYearActiveUsers), totalModerators: parseAggregateResult(row.totalModerators), totalAdmins: parseAggregateResult(row.totalAdmins) } }) } static autoComplete (search: string) { const query = { where: { username: { []: `%${search}%` } }, limit: 10 } return UserModel.findAll(query) .then(u => => u.username)) } hasRight (right: UserRightType) { return hasUserRight(this.role, right) } hasAdminFlag (flag: UserAdminFlagType) { return this.adminFlags & flag } isPasswordMatch (password: string) { if (!password || !this.password) return false return comparePassword(password, this.password) } toFormattedJSON (this: MUserFormattable, parameters: { withAdminFlags?: boolean } = {}): User { const videoQuotaUsed = this.get('videoQuotaUsed') const videoQuotaUsedDaily = this.get('videoQuotaUsedDaily') const videosCount = this.get('videosCount') const [ abusesCount, abusesAcceptedCount ] = (this.get('abusesCount') as string || ':').split(':') const abusesCreatedCount = this.get('abusesCreatedCount') const videoCommentsCount = this.get('videoCommentsCount') const totalVideoFileSize = this.get('totalVideoFileSize') const json: User = { id:, username: this.username, email:, theme: getThemeOrDefault(this.theme, DEFAULT_USER_THEME_NAME), pendingEmail: this.pendingEmail, emailPublic: this.emailPublic, emailVerified: this.emailVerified, nsfwPolicy: this.nsfwPolicy, p2pEnabled: this.p2pEnabled, videosHistoryEnabled: this.videosHistoryEnabled, autoPlayVideo: this.autoPlayVideo, autoPlayNextVideo: this.autoPlayNextVideo, autoPlayNextVideoPlaylist: this.autoPlayNextVideoPlaylist, videoLanguages: this.videoLanguages, role: { id: this.role, label: USER_ROLE_LABELS[this.role] }, videoQuota: this.videoQuota, videoQuotaDaily: this.videoQuotaDaily, totalVideoFileSize: totalVideoFileSize !== undefined ? forceNumber(totalVideoFileSize) : undefined, videoQuotaUsed: videoQuotaUsed !== undefined ? forceNumber(videoQuotaUsed) + LiveQuotaStore.Instance.getLiveQuotaOfUser( : undefined, videoQuotaUsedDaily: videoQuotaUsedDaily !== undefined ? forceNumber(videoQuotaUsedDaily) + LiveQuotaStore.Instance.getLiveQuotaOfUser( : undefined, videosCount: videosCount !== undefined ? forceNumber(videosCount) : undefined, abusesCount: abusesCount ? forceNumber(abusesCount) : undefined, abusesAcceptedCount: abusesAcceptedCount ? forceNumber(abusesAcceptedCount) : undefined, abusesCreatedCount: abusesCreatedCount !== undefined ? forceNumber(abusesCreatedCount) : undefined, videoCommentsCount: videoCommentsCount !== undefined ? forceNumber(videoCommentsCount) : undefined, noInstanceConfigWarningModal: this.noInstanceConfigWarningModal, noWelcomeModal: this.noWelcomeModal, noAccountSetupWarningModal: this.noAccountSetupWarningModal, blocked: this.blocked, blockedReason: this.blockedReason, account: this.Account.toFormattedJSON(), notificationSettings: this.NotificationSetting ? this.NotificationSetting.toFormattedJSON() : undefined, videoChannels: [], createdAt: this.createdAt, pluginAuth: this.pluginAuth, lastLoginDate: this.lastLoginDate, twoFactorEnabled: !!this.otpSecret } if (parameters.withAdminFlags) { Object.assign(json, { adminFlags: this.adminFlags }) } if (Array.isArray(this.Account.VideoChannels) === true) { json.videoChannels = this.Account.VideoChannels .map(c => c.toFormattedJSON()) .sort((v1, v2) => { if (v1.createdAt < v2.createdAt) return -1 if (v1.createdAt === v2.createdAt) return 0 return 1 }) } return json } toMeFormattedJSON (this: MMyUserFormattable): MyUser { const formatted = this.toFormattedJSON({ withAdminFlags: true }) const specialPlaylists = this.Account.VideoPlaylists .map(p => ({ id:, name:, type: p.type })) return Object.assign(formatted, { specialPlaylists }) } }