/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-expressions,@typescript-eslint/require-await */ import bytes from 'bytes' import { expect } from 'chai' import { stat } from 'fs-extra' import { merge } from 'lodash' import { checkTmpIsEmpty, checkWebTorrentWorks, expectLogDoesNotContain, expectStartWith, generateHighBitrateVideo, MockObjectStorageProxy, SQLCommand } from '@server/tests/shared' import { areMockObjectStorageTestsDisabled } from '@shared/core-utils' import { sha1 } from '@shared/extra-utils' import { HttpStatusCode, VideoDetails } from '@shared/models' import { cleanupTests, createMultipleServers, createSingleServer, doubleFollow, killallServers, makeRawRequest, ObjectStorageCommand, PeerTubeServer, setAccessTokensToServers, waitJobs } from '@shared/server-commands' async function checkFiles (options: { server: PeerTubeServer originServer: PeerTubeServer originSQLCommand: SQLCommand video: VideoDetails baseMockUrl?: string playlistBucket: string playlistPrefix?: string webtorrentBucket: string webtorrentPrefix?: string }) { const { server, originServer, originSQLCommand, video, playlistBucket, webtorrentBucket, baseMockUrl, playlistPrefix, webtorrentPrefix } = options let allFiles = video.files for (const file of video.files) { const baseUrl = baseMockUrl ? `${baseMockUrl}/${webtorrentBucket}/` : `http://${webtorrentBucket}.${ObjectStorageCommand.getMockEndpointHost()}/` const prefix = webtorrentPrefix || '' const start = baseUrl + prefix expectStartWith(file.fileUrl, start) const res = await makeRawRequest({ url: file.fileDownloadUrl, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.FOUND_302 }) const location = res.headers['location'] expectStartWith(location, start) await makeRawRequest({ url: location, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.OK_200 }) } const hls = video.streamingPlaylists[0] if (hls) { allFiles = allFiles.concat(hls.files) const baseUrl = baseMockUrl ? `${baseMockUrl}/${playlistBucket}/` : `http://${playlistBucket}.${ObjectStorageCommand.getMockEndpointHost()}/` const prefix = playlistPrefix || '' const start = baseUrl + prefix expectStartWith(hls.playlistUrl, start) expectStartWith(hls.segmentsSha256Url, start) await makeRawRequest({ url: hls.playlistUrl, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.OK_200 }) const resSha = await makeRawRequest({ url: hls.segmentsSha256Url, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.OK_200 }) expect(JSON.stringify(resSha.body)).to.not.throw let i = 0 for (const file of hls.files) { expectStartWith(file.fileUrl, start) const res = await makeRawRequest({ url: file.fileDownloadUrl, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.FOUND_302 }) const location = res.headers['location'] expectStartWith(location, start) await makeRawRequest({ url: location, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.OK_200 }) if (originServer.internalServerNumber === server.internalServerNumber) { const infohash = sha1(`${2 + hls.playlistUrl}+V${i}`) const dbInfohashes = await originSQLCommand.getPlaylistInfohash(hls.id) expect(dbInfohashes).to.include(infohash) } i++ } } for (const file of allFiles) { await checkWebTorrentWorks(file.magnetUri) const res = await makeRawRequest({ url: file.fileUrl, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.OK_200 }) expect(res.body).to.have.length.above(100) } return allFiles.map(f => f.fileUrl) } function runTestSuite (options: { fixture?: string maxUploadPart?: string playlistBucket: string playlistPrefix?: string webtorrentBucket: string webtorrentPrefix?: string useMockBaseUrl?: boolean }) { const mockObjectStorageProxy = new MockObjectStorageProxy() const { fixture } = options let baseMockUrl: string let servers: PeerTubeServer[] let sqlCommands: SQLCommand[] = [] let keptUrls: string[] = [] const uuidsToDelete: string[] = [] let deletedUrls: string[] = [] before(async function () { this.timeout(120000) const port = await mockObjectStorageProxy.initialize() baseMockUrl = options.useMockBaseUrl ? `${port}` : undefined await ObjectStorageCommand.createMockBucket(options.playlistBucket) await ObjectStorageCommand.createMockBucket(options.webtorrentBucket) const config = { object_storage: { enabled: true, endpoint: 'http://' + ObjectStorageCommand.getMockEndpointHost(), region: ObjectStorageCommand.getMockRegion(), credentials: ObjectStorageCommand.getMockCredentialsConfig(), max_upload_part: options.maxUploadPart || '5MB', streaming_playlists: { bucket_name: options.playlistBucket, prefix: options.playlistPrefix, base_url: baseMockUrl ? `${baseMockUrl}/${options.playlistBucket}` : undefined }, videos: { bucket_name: options.webtorrentBucket, prefix: options.webtorrentPrefix, base_url: baseMockUrl ? `${baseMockUrl}/${options.webtorrentBucket}` : undefined } } } servers = await createMultipleServers(2, config) await setAccessTokensToServers(servers) await doubleFollow(servers[0], servers[1]) for (const server of servers) { const { uuid } = await server.videos.quickUpload({ name: 'video to keep' }) await waitJobs(servers) const files = await server.videos.listFiles({ id: uuid }) keptUrls = keptUrls.concat(files.map(f => f.fileUrl)) } sqlCommands = servers.map(s => new SQLCommand(s)) }) it('Should upload a video and move it to the object storage without transcoding', async function () { this.timeout(40000) const { uuid } = await servers[0].videos.quickUpload({ name: 'video 1', fixture }) uuidsToDelete.push(uuid) await waitJobs(servers) for (const server of servers) { const video = await server.videos.get({ id: uuid }) const files = await checkFiles({ ...options, server, originServer: servers[0], originSQLCommand: sqlCommands[0], video, baseMockUrl }) deletedUrls = deletedUrls.concat(files) } }) it('Should upload a video and move it to the object storage with transcoding', async function () { this.timeout(120000) const { uuid } = await servers[1].videos.quickUpload({ name: 'video 2', fixture }) uuidsToDelete.push(uuid) await waitJobs(servers) for (const server of servers) { const video = await server.videos.get({ id: uuid }) const files = await checkFiles({ ...options, server, originServer: servers[0], originSQLCommand: sqlCommands[0], video, baseMockUrl }) deletedUrls = deletedUrls.concat(files) } }) it('Should fetch correctly all the files', async function () { for (const url of deletedUrls.concat(keptUrls)) { await makeRawRequest({ url, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.OK_200 }) } }) it('Should correctly delete the files', async function () { await servers[0].videos.remove({ id: uuidsToDelete[0] }) await servers[1].videos.remove({ id: uuidsToDelete[1] }) await waitJobs(servers) for (const url of deletedUrls) { await makeRawRequest({ url, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.NOT_FOUND_404 }) } }) it('Should have kept other files', async function () { for (const url of keptUrls) { await makeRawRequest({ url, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.OK_200 }) } }) it('Should have an empty tmp directory', async function () { for (const server of servers) { await checkTmpIsEmpty(server) } }) it('Should not have downloaded files from object storage', async function () { for (const server of servers) { await expectLogDoesNotContain(server, 'from object storage') } }) after(async function () { await mockObjectStorageProxy.terminate() for (const sqlCommand of sqlCommands) { await sqlCommand.cleanup() } await cleanupTests(servers) }) } describe('Object storage for videos', function () { if (areMockObjectStorageTestsDisabled()) return describe('Test config', function () { let server: PeerTubeServer const baseConfig = { object_storage: { enabled: true, endpoint: 'http://' + ObjectStorageCommand.getMockEndpointHost(), region: ObjectStorageCommand.getMockRegion(), credentials: ObjectStorageCommand.getMockCredentialsConfig(), streaming_playlists: { bucket_name: ObjectStorageCommand.DEFAULT_PLAYLIST_MOCK_BUCKET }, videos: { bucket_name: ObjectStorageCommand.DEFAULT_WEBTORRENT_MOCK_BUCKET } } } const badCredentials = { access_key_id: 'AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE', secret_access_key: 'aJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY' } it('Should fail with same bucket names without prefix', function (done) { const config = merge({}, baseConfig, { object_storage: { streaming_playlists: { bucket_name: 'aaa' }, videos: { bucket_name: 'aaa' } } }) createSingleServer(1, config) .then(() => done(new Error('Did not throw'))) .catch(() => done()) }) it('Should fail with bad credentials', async function () { this.timeout(60000) await ObjectStorageCommand.prepareDefaultMockBuckets() const config = merge({}, baseConfig, { object_storage: { credentials: badCredentials } }) server = await createSingleServer(1, config) await setAccessTokensToServers([ server ]) const { uuid } = await server.videos.quickUpload({ name: 'video' }) await waitJobs([ server ], { skipDelayed: true }) const video = await server.videos.get({ id: uuid }) expectStartWith(video.files[0].fileUrl, server.url) await killallServers([ server ]) }) it('Should succeed with credentials from env', async function () { this.timeout(60000) await ObjectStorageCommand.prepareDefaultMockBuckets() const config = merge({}, baseConfig, { object_storage: { credentials: { access_key_id: '', secret_access_key: '' } } }) const goodCredentials = ObjectStorageCommand.getMockCredentialsConfig() server = await createSingleServer(1, config, { env: { AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: goodCredentials.access_key_id, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: goodCredentials.secret_access_key } }) await setAccessTokensToServers([ server ]) const { uuid } = await server.videos.quickUpload({ name: 'video' }) await waitJobs([ server ], { skipDelayed: true }) const video = await server.videos.get({ id: uuid }) expectStartWith(video.files[0].fileUrl, ObjectStorageCommand.getMockWebTorrentBaseUrl()) }) after(async function () { await cleanupTests([ server ]) }) }) describe('Test simple object storage', function () { runTestSuite({ playlistBucket: 'streaming-playlists', webtorrentBucket: 'videos' }) }) describe('Test object storage with prefix', function () { runTestSuite({ playlistBucket: 'mybucket', webtorrentBucket: 'mybucket', playlistPrefix: 'streaming-playlists_', webtorrentPrefix: 'webtorrent_' }) }) describe('Test object storage with prefix and base URL', function () { runTestSuite({ playlistBucket: 'mybucket', webtorrentBucket: 'mybucket', playlistPrefix: 'streaming-playlists/', webtorrentPrefix: 'webtorrent/', useMockBaseUrl: true }) }) describe('Test object storage with file bigger than upload part', function () { let fixture: string const maxUploadPart = '5MB' before(async function () { this.timeout(120000) fixture = await generateHighBitrateVideo() const { size } = await stat(fixture) if (bytes.parse(maxUploadPart) > size) { throw Error(`Fixture file is too small (${size}) to make sense for this test.`) } }) runTestSuite({ maxUploadPart, playlistBucket: 'streaming-playlists', webtorrentBucket: 'videos', fixture }) }) })