import * as express from 'express' import { AccessDeniedError } from 'oauth2-server' import { logger } from '../helpers/logger' import { UserModel } from '../models/account/user' import { OAuthClientModel } from '../models/oauth/oauth-client' import { OAuthTokenModel } from '../models/oauth/oauth-token' import { LRU_CACHE } from '../initializers/constants' import { Transaction } from 'sequelize' import { CONFIG } from '../initializers/config' import * as LRUCache from 'lru-cache' import { MOAuthTokenUser } from '@server/typings/models/oauth/oauth-token' import { MUser } from '@server/typings/models/user/user' import { UserAdminFlag } from '@shared/models/users/user-flag.model' import { createUserAccountAndChannelAndPlaylist } from './user' import { UserRole } from '@shared/models/users/user-role' import { PluginManager } from '@server/lib/plugins/plugin-manager' type TokenInfo = { accessToken: string, refreshToken: string, accessTokenExpiresAt: Date, refreshTokenExpiresAt: Date } const accessTokenCache = new LRUCache({ max: LRU_CACHE.USER_TOKENS.MAX_SIZE }) const userHavingToken = new LRUCache({ max: LRU_CACHE.USER_TOKENS.MAX_SIZE }) // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- function deleteUserToken (userId: number, t?: Transaction) { clearCacheByUserId(userId) return OAuthTokenModel.deleteUserToken(userId, t) } function clearCacheByUserId (userId: number) { const token = userHavingToken.get(userId) if (token !== undefined) { accessTokenCache.del(token) userHavingToken.del(userId) } } function clearCacheByToken (token: string) { const tokenModel = accessTokenCache.get(token) if (tokenModel !== undefined) { userHavingToken.del(tokenModel.userId) accessTokenCache.del(token) } } async function getAccessToken (bearerToken: string) { logger.debug('Getting access token (bearerToken: ' + bearerToken + ').') if (!bearerToken) return undefined let tokenModel: MOAuthTokenUser if (accessTokenCache.has(bearerToken)) { tokenModel = accessTokenCache.get(bearerToken) } else { tokenModel = await OAuthTokenModel.getByTokenAndPopulateUser(bearerToken) if (tokenModel) { accessTokenCache.set(bearerToken, tokenModel) userHavingToken.set(tokenModel.userId, tokenModel.accessToken) } } if (!tokenModel) return undefined if (tokenModel.User.pluginAuth) { const valid = await PluginManager.Instance.isTokenValid(tokenModel, 'access') if (valid !== true) return undefined } return tokenModel } function getClient (clientId: string, clientSecret: string) { logger.debug('Getting Client (clientId: ' + clientId + ', clientSecret: ' + clientSecret + ').') return OAuthClientModel.getByIdAndSecret(clientId, clientSecret) } async function getRefreshToken (refreshToken: string) { logger.debug('Getting RefreshToken (refreshToken: ' + refreshToken + ').') const tokenInfo = await OAuthTokenModel.getByRefreshTokenAndPopulateClient(refreshToken) if (!tokenInfo) return undefined const tokenModel = tokenInfo.token if (tokenModel.User.pluginAuth) { const valid = await PluginManager.Instance.isTokenValid(tokenModel, 'refresh') if (valid !== true) return undefined } return tokenInfo } async function getUser (usernameOrEmail?: string, password?: string) { const res: express.Response = this.request.res // Special treatment coming from a plugin if (res.locals.bypassLogin && res.locals.bypassLogin.bypass === true) { const obj = res.locals.bypassLogin'Bypassing oauth login by plugin %s.', obj.pluginName) let user = await UserModel.loadByEmail( if (!user) user = await createUserFromExternal(obj.pluginName, obj.user) // If the user does not belongs to a plugin, it was created before its installation // Then we just go through a regular login process if (user.pluginAuth !== null) { // This user does not belong to this plugin, skip it if (user.pluginAuth !== obj.pluginName) return null return user } } logger.debug('Getting User (username/email: ' + usernameOrEmail + ', password: ******).') const user = await UserModel.loadByUsernameOrEmail(usernameOrEmail) // If we don't find the user, or if the user belongs to a plugin if (!user || user.pluginAuth !== null || !password) return null const passwordMatch = await user.isPasswordMatch(password) if (passwordMatch !== true) return null if (user.blocked) throw new AccessDeniedError('User is blocked.') if (CONFIG.SIGNUP.REQUIRES_EMAIL_VERIFICATION && user.emailVerified === false) { throw new AccessDeniedError('User email is not verified.') } return user } async function revokeToken (tokenInfo: { refreshToken: string }) { const res: express.Response = this.request.res const token = await OAuthTokenModel.getByRefreshTokenAndPopulateUser(tokenInfo.refreshToken) if (token) { if (res.locals.explicitLogout === true && token.User.pluginAuth && token.authName) { PluginManager.Instance.onLogout(token.User.pluginAuth, token.authName, token.User) } clearCacheByToken(token.accessToken) token.destroy() .catch(err => logger.error('Cannot destroy token when revoking token.', { err })) return true } return false } async function saveToken (token: TokenInfo, client: OAuthClientModel, user: UserModel) { const res: express.Response = this.request.res let authName: string = null if (res.locals.bypassLogin?.bypass === true) { authName = res.locals.bypassLogin.authName } else if (res.locals.refreshTokenAuthName) { authName = res.locals.refreshTokenAuthName } logger.debug('Saving token ' + token.accessToken + ' for client ' + + ' and user ' + + '.') const tokenToCreate = { accessToken: token.accessToken, accessTokenExpiresAt: token.accessTokenExpiresAt, refreshToken: token.refreshToken, refreshTokenExpiresAt: token.refreshTokenExpiresAt, authName, oAuthClientId:, userId: } const tokenCreated = await OAuthTokenModel.create(tokenToCreate) user.lastLoginDate = new Date() await return Object.assign(tokenCreated, { client, user }) } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // See for the model specifications export { deleteUserToken, clearCacheByUserId, clearCacheByToken, getAccessToken, getClient, getRefreshToken, getUser, revokeToken, saveToken } async function createUserFromExternal (pluginAuth: string, options: { username: string email: string role: UserRole displayName: string }) { const userToCreate = new UserModel({ username: options.username, password: null, email:, nsfwPolicy: CONFIG.INSTANCE.DEFAULT_NSFW_POLICY, autoPlayVideo: true, role: options.role, videoQuota: CONFIG.USER.VIDEO_QUOTA, videoQuotaDaily: CONFIG.USER.VIDEO_QUOTA_DAILY, adminFlags: UserAdminFlag.NONE, pluginAuth }) as MUser const { user } = await createUserAccountAndChannelAndPlaylist({ userToCreate, userDisplayName: options.displayName }) return user }