import { join } from 'path' import { flattenDepth } from 'lodash' require('pg').defaults.parseInt8 = true // Avoid BIGINT to be converted to string import * as Sequelize from 'sequelize' import * as Promise from 'bluebird' import { CONFIG } from './constants' // Do not use barrel, we need to load database first import { logger } from '../helpers/logger' import { isTestInstance, readdirPromise } from '../helpers/core-utils' import { ApplicationModel, AuthorModel, JobModel, OAuthClientModel, OAuthTokenModel, PodModel, RequestModel, RequestToPodModel, RequestVideoEventModel, RequestVideoQaduModel, TagModel, UserModel, UserVideoRateModel, VideoAbuseModel, BlacklistedVideoModel, VideoFileModel, VideoTagModel, VideoModel } from '../models' const dbname = CONFIG.DATABASE.DBNAME const username = CONFIG.DATABASE.USERNAME const password = CONFIG.DATABASE.PASSWORD const database: { sequelize?: Sequelize.Sequelize, init?: (silent: boolean) => Promise, Application?: ApplicationModel, Author?: AuthorModel, Job?: JobModel, OAuthClient?: OAuthClientModel, OAuthToken?: OAuthTokenModel, Pod?: PodModel, RequestToPod?: RequestToPodModel, RequestVideoEvent?: RequestVideoEventModel, RequestVideoQadu?: RequestVideoQaduModel, Request?: RequestModel, Tag?: TagModel, UserVideoRate?: UserVideoRateModel, User?: UserModel, VideoAbuse?: VideoAbuseModel, VideoFile?: VideoFileModel, BlacklistedVideo?: BlacklistedVideoModel, VideoTag?: VideoTagModel, Video?: VideoModel } = {} const sequelize = new Sequelize(dbname, username, password, { dialect: 'postgres', host: CONFIG.DATABASE.HOSTNAME, port: CONFIG.DATABASE.PORT, benchmark: isTestInstance(), logging: (message: string, benchmark: number) => { let newMessage = message if (benchmark !== undefined) { newMessage += ' | ' + benchmark + 'ms' } logger.debug(newMessage) } }) database.sequelize = sequelize database.init = (silent: boolean) => { const modelDirectory = join(__dirname, '..', 'models') return getModelFiles(modelDirectory).then(filePaths => { filePaths.forEach(filePath => { const model = sequelize.import(filePath) database[model['name']] = model }) Object.keys(database).forEach(modelName => { if ('associate' in database[modelName]) { database[modelName].associate(database) } }) if (!silent)'Database %s is ready.', dbname) return undefined }) } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- export { database } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- function getModelFiles (modelDirectory: string) { return readdirPromise(modelDirectory) .then(files => { const directories: string[] = files.filter(directory => { // Find directories if ( directory.endsWith('') || directory === 'index.js' || directory === 'index.ts' || directory === 'utils.js' || directory === 'utils.ts' ) return false return true }) return directories }) .then(directories => { const tasks = [] // For each directory we read it and append model in the modelFilePaths array directories.forEach(directory => { const modelDirectoryPath = join(modelDirectory, directory) const promise = readdirPromise(modelDirectoryPath).then(files => { const filteredFiles = files.filter(file => { if ( file === 'index.js' || file === 'index.ts' || file === 'utils.js' || file === 'utils.ts' || file.endsWith('-interface.js') || file.endsWith('-interface.ts') || file.endsWith('') ) return false return true }).map(file => join(modelDirectoryPath, file)) return filteredFiles }) tasks.push(promise) }) return Promise.all(tasks) }) .then((filteredFiles: string[][]) => { return flattenDepth(filteredFiles, 1) }) }