import { MutexInterface } from 'async-mutex' import { Job } from 'bullmq' import { ensureDir, move } from 'fs-extra/esm' import { stat } from 'fs/promises' import { basename, extname as extnameUtil, join } from 'path' import { pick } from '@peertube/peertube-core-utils' import { retryTransactionWrapper } from '@server/helpers/database-utils.js' import { createTorrentAndSetInfoHash } from '@server/helpers/webtorrent.js' import { sequelizeTypescript } from '@server/initializers/database.js' import { MVideo, MVideoFile } from '@server/types/models/index.js' import { getVideoStreamDuration, getVideoStreamFPS } from '@peertube/peertube-ffmpeg' import { CONFIG } from '../../initializers/config.js' import { VideoFileModel } from '../../models/video/video-file.js' import { VideoStreamingPlaylistModel } from '../../models/video/video-streaming-playlist.js' import { updatePlaylistAfterFileChange } from '../hls.js' import { generateHLSVideoFilename, getHlsResolutionPlaylistFilename } from '../paths.js' import { buildFileMetadata } from '../video-file.js' import { VideoPathManager } from '../video-path-manager.js' import { buildFFmpegVOD } from './shared/index.js' // Concat TS segments from a live video to a fragmented mp4 HLS playlist export async function generateHlsPlaylistResolutionFromTS (options: { video: MVideo concatenatedTsFilePath: string resolution: number fps: number isAAC: boolean inputFileMutexReleaser: MutexInterface.Releaser }) { return generateHlsPlaylistCommon({ type: 'hls-from-ts' as 'hls-from-ts', inputPath: options.concatenatedTsFilePath, ...pick(options, [ 'video', 'resolution', 'fps', 'inputFileMutexReleaser', 'isAAC' ]) }) } // Generate an HLS playlist from an input file, and update the master playlist export function generateHlsPlaylistResolution (options: { video: MVideo videoInputPath: string resolution: number fps: number copyCodecs: boolean inputFileMutexReleaser: MutexInterface.Releaser job?: Job }) { return generateHlsPlaylistCommon({ type: 'hls' as 'hls', inputPath: options.videoInputPath, ...pick(options, [ 'video', 'resolution', 'fps', 'copyCodecs', 'inputFileMutexReleaser', 'job' ]) }) } export async function onHLSVideoFileTranscoding (options: { video: MVideo videoFile: MVideoFile videoOutputPath: string m3u8OutputPath: string filesLockedInParent?: boolean // default false }) { const { video, videoFile, videoOutputPath, m3u8OutputPath, filesLockedInParent = false } = options // Create or update the playlist const playlist = await retryTransactionWrapper(() => { return sequelizeTypescript.transaction(async transaction => { return VideoStreamingPlaylistModel.loadOrGenerate(video, transaction) }) }) videoFile.videoStreamingPlaylistId = const mutexReleaser = !filesLockedInParent ? await VideoPathManager.Instance.lockFiles(video.uuid) : null try { await video.reload() const videoFilePath = VideoPathManager.Instance.getFSVideoFileOutputPath(playlist, videoFile) await ensureDir(VideoPathManager.Instance.getFSHLSOutputPath(video)) // Move playlist file const resolutionPlaylistPath = VideoPathManager.Instance.getFSHLSOutputPath(video, basename(m3u8OutputPath)) await move(m3u8OutputPath, resolutionPlaylistPath, { overwrite: true }) // Move video file await move(videoOutputPath, videoFilePath, { overwrite: true }) // Update video duration if it was not set (in case of a live for example) if (!video.duration) { video.duration = await getVideoStreamDuration(videoFilePath) await } const stats = await stat(videoFilePath) videoFile.size = stats.size videoFile.fps = await getVideoStreamFPS(videoFilePath) videoFile.metadata = await buildFileMetadata(videoFilePath) await createTorrentAndSetInfoHash(playlist, videoFile) const oldFile = await VideoFileModel.loadHLSFile({ playlistId:, fps: videoFile.fps, resolution: videoFile.resolution }) if (oldFile) { await video.removeStreamingPlaylistVideoFile(playlist, oldFile) await oldFile.destroy() } const savedVideoFile = await VideoFileModel.customUpsert(videoFile, 'streaming-playlist', undefined) await updatePlaylistAfterFileChange(video, playlist) return { resolutionPlaylistPath, videoFile: savedVideoFile } } finally { if (mutexReleaser) mutexReleaser() } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- async function generateHlsPlaylistCommon (options: { type: 'hls' | 'hls-from-ts' video: MVideo inputPath: string resolution: number fps: number inputFileMutexReleaser: MutexInterface.Releaser copyCodecs?: boolean isAAC?: boolean job?: Job }) { const { type, video, inputPath, resolution, fps, copyCodecs, isAAC, job, inputFileMutexReleaser } = options const transcodeDirectory = CONFIG.STORAGE.TMP_DIR const videoTranscodedBasePath = join(transcodeDirectory, type) await ensureDir(videoTranscodedBasePath) const videoFilename = generateHLSVideoFilename(resolution) const videoOutputPath = join(videoTranscodedBasePath, videoFilename) const resolutionPlaylistFilename = getHlsResolutionPlaylistFilename(videoFilename) const m3u8OutputPath = join(videoTranscodedBasePath, resolutionPlaylistFilename) const transcodeOptions = { type, inputPath, outputPath: m3u8OutputPath, resolution, fps, copyCodecs, isAAC, inputFileMutexReleaser, hlsPlaylist: { videoFilename } } await buildFFmpegVOD(job).transcode(transcodeOptions) const newVideoFile = new VideoFileModel({ resolution, extname: extnameUtil(videoFilename), size: 0, filename: videoFilename, fps: -1 }) await onHLSVideoFileTranscoding({ video, videoFile: newVideoFile, videoOutputPath, m3u8OutputPath, filesLockedInParent: !inputFileMutexReleaser }) }