import { FileStorage, VideoFileStream } from '@peertube/peertube-models' import { buildSUUID } from '@peertube/peertube-node-utils' import { AbstractTranscriber, TranscriptionModel, WhisperBuiltinModel, transcriberFactory } from '@peertube/peertube-transcription' import { moveAndProcessCaptionFile } from '@server/helpers/captions-utils.js' import { isVideoCaptionLanguageValid } from '@server/helpers/custom-validators/video-captions.js' import { logger, loggerTagsFactory } from '@server/helpers/logger.js' import { CONFIG } from '@server/initializers/config.js' import { DIRECTORIES } from '@server/initializers/constants.js' import { sequelizeTypescript } from '@server/initializers/database.js' import { VideoCaptionModel } from '@server/models/video/video-caption.js' import { VideoJobInfoModel } from '@server/models/video/video-job-info.js' import { VideoModel } from '@server/models/video/video.js' import { MVideo, MVideoCaption, MVideoFullLight, MVideoUUID, MVideoUrl } from '@server/types/models/index.js' import { MutexInterface } from 'async-mutex' import { ensureDir, remove } from 'fs-extra/esm' import { join } from 'path' import { federateVideoIfNeeded } from './activitypub/videos/federate.js' import { JobQueue } from './job-queue/job-queue.js' import { Notifier } from './notifier/notifier.js' import { TranscriptionJobHandler } from './runners/index.js' import { VideoPathManager } from './video-path-manager.js' import { retryTransactionWrapper } from '@server/helpers/database-utils.js' const lTags = loggerTagsFactory('video-caption') export async function createLocalCaption (options: { video: MVideo path: string language: string automaticallyGenerated: boolean }) { const { language, path, video, automaticallyGenerated } = options const videoCaption = new VideoCaptionModel({ videoId:, filename: VideoCaptionModel.generateCaptionName(language), storage: FileStorage.FILE_SYSTEM, language, automaticallyGenerated }) as MVideoCaption await moveAndProcessCaptionFile({ path }, videoCaption) await retryTransactionWrapper(() => { return sequelizeTypescript.transaction(t => { return VideoCaptionModel.insertOrReplaceLanguage(videoCaption, t) }) }) if (CONFIG.OBJECT_STORAGE.ENABLED) { await JobQueue.Instance.createJob({ type: 'move-to-object-storage', payload: { captionId: } }) }`Created/replaced caption ${videoCaption.filename} of ${language} of video ${video.uuid}`, lTags(video.uuid)) return Object.assign(videoCaption, { Video: video }) } export async function createTranscriptionTaskIfNeeded (video: MVideoUUID & MVideoUrl) { if (CONFIG.VIDEO_TRANSCRIPTION.ENABLED !== true) return`Creating transcription job for ${video.url}`, lTags(video.uuid)) if (CONFIG.VIDEO_TRANSCRIPTION.REMOTE_RUNNERS.ENABLED === true) { await new TranscriptionJobHandler().create({ video }) } else { await JobQueue.Instance.createJob({ type: 'video-transcription', payload: { videoUUID: video.uuid } }) } await VideoJobInfoModel.increaseOrCreate(video.uuid, 'pendingTranscription') } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Transcription task // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- let transcriber: AbstractTranscriber export async function generateSubtitle (options: { video: MVideoUUID }) { const outputPath = join(CONFIG.STORAGE.TMP_DIR, 'transcription', buildSUUID()) let inputFileMutexReleaser: MutexInterface.Releaser try { await ensureDir(outputPath) const binDirectory = join(DIRECTORIES.LOCAL_PIP_DIRECTORY, 'bin') // Lazy load the transcriber if (!transcriber) { transcriber = transcriberFactory.createFromEngineName({ engineName: CONFIG.VIDEO_TRANSCRIPTION.ENGINE, enginePath: CONFIG.VIDEO_TRANSCRIPTION.ENGINE_PATH, logger, binDirectory }) if (!CONFIG.VIDEO_TRANSCRIPTION.ENGINE_PATH) {`Installing transcriber ${} to generate subtitles`, lTags()) await transcriber.install(DIRECTORIES.LOCAL_PIP_DIRECTORY) } } inputFileMutexReleaser = await VideoPathManager.Instance.lockFiles( const video = await VideoModel.loadFull( if (!video) {'Do not process transcription, video does not exist anymore.', lTags( return undefined } const file = video.getMaxQualityFile(VideoFileStream.AUDIO) if (!file) { `Do not run transcription for ${video.uuid} in ${outputPath} because it does not contain an audio stream`, { video, ...lTags(video.uuid) } ) return } await VideoPathManager.Instance.makeAvailableVideoFile(file, async inputPath => { // Release input file mutex now we are going to run the command setTimeout(() => inputFileMutexReleaser(), 1000)`Running transcription for ${video.uuid} in ${outputPath}`, lTags(video.uuid)) const transcriptFile = await transcriber.transcribe({ mediaFilePath: inputPath, model: CONFIG.VIDEO_TRANSCRIPTION.MODEL_PATH ? await TranscriptionModel.fromPath(CONFIG.VIDEO_TRANSCRIPTION.MODEL_PATH) : new WhisperBuiltinModel(CONFIG.VIDEO_TRANSCRIPTION.MODEL), transcriptDirectory: outputPath, format: 'vtt' }) await onTranscriptionEnded({ video, language: transcriptFile.language, vttPath: transcriptFile.path }) }) } finally { if (outputPath) await remove(outputPath) if (inputFileMutexReleaser) inputFileMutexReleaser() VideoJobInfoModel.decrease(, 'pendingTranscription') .catch(err => logger.error('Cannot decrease pendingTranscription job count', { err, ...lTags( })) } } export async function onTranscriptionEnded (options: { video: MVideoFullLight language: string vttPath: string lTags?: (string | number)[] }) { const { video, language, vttPath, lTags: customLTags = [] } = options if (!isVideoCaptionLanguageValid(language)) { logger.warn(`Invalid transcription language for video ${video.uuid}`, lTags(video.uuid)) return } if (!video.language) { video.language = language await } const existing = await VideoCaptionModel.loadByVideoIdAndLanguage(, language) if (existing && !existing.automaticallyGenerated) { // eslint-disable-next-line max-len `Do not replace existing caption for video ${video.uuid} after transcription (subtitle may have been added while during the transcription process)`, lTags(video.uuid) ) return } const caption = await createLocalCaption({ video, language, path: vttPath, automaticallyGenerated: true }) await sequelizeTypescript.transaction(async t => { await federateVideoIfNeeded(video, false, t) }) Notifier.Instance.notifyOfGeneratedVideoTranscription(caption)`Transcription ended for ${video.uuid}`, lTags(video.uuid, ...customLTags)) }