diff --git a/client/src/locale/angular.ca-ES.xlf b/client/src/locale/angular.ca-ES.xlf
index a88780764..78ed9ae48 100644
--- a/client/src/locale/angular.ca-ES.xlf
+++ b/client/src/locale/angular.ca-ES.xlf
@@ -9114,113 +9114,113 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
+ Who moderates the instance? What is the policy regarding NSFW videos? Political videos? etc
- Who moderates the instance? What is the policy regarding NSFW videos? Political videos? etc
+ Qui modera la instància? Quina política s'aplica als vídeos explícits/adults? Sobre vídeos polítics? etcsrc/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html171
+ VOS I LA VOSTRA INSTÀNCIAsrc/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html184
+ Who is behind the instance?
- Who is behind the instance?
+ Qui està darrere d'aquesta instància?src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html190
+ A single person? A non-profit? A company?
- A single person? A non-profit? A company?
+ Una persona? Una organització sense ànim de lucre? Una empresa?src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html191
+ Why did you create this instance?
- Why did you create this instance?
+ Per què heu creat aquesta instància?src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html200
+ To share your personal videos? To open registrations and allow people to upload what they want?
- To share your personal videos? To open registrations and allow people to upload what they want?
+ Per compartir vídeos personals? Per permetre a altres persones registrar-se i allotjar el que vulguin?src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html201
+ How long do you plan to maintain this instance?
- How long do you plan to maintain this instance?
+ Quant de temps penseu mantenir aquesta instància?src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html210
+ It's important to know for users who want to register on your instance
- It's important to know for users who want to register on your instance
+ És important que les persones que vulguin registrar-se a la vostra instància ho sàpiguensrc/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html211
+ How will you finance the PeerTube server?
- How will you finance the PeerTube server?
+ Com finançareu el servidor PeerTube?src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html220
+ With your own funds? With user donations? Advertising?
- With your own funds? With user donations? Advertising?
+ Amb fons propis? Subvencions? Donacions particulars? Publicitat?src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html221
+ ALTRA INFORMACIÓsrc/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html234
+ What server/hardware does the instance run on?
- What server/hardware does the instance run on?
+ En quin tipus de servidor/maquinari està allotjada la instància?src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html240
+ i.e. 2vCore 2GB RAM, a direct the link to the server you rent, etc.
- i.e. 2vCore 2GB RAM, a direct the link to the server you rent, etc.
+ p. ex. 2vCore 2 GB de RAM, un enllaç a les especificacions del servidor que estàs llogant, etc.src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html241
+ APARIÈNCIAsrc/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html4