diff --git a/client/src/locale/angular.eo.xlf b/client/src/locale/angular.eo.xlf
index 753a378e8..e497fc3f3 100644
--- a/client/src/locale/angular.eo.xlf
+++ b/client/src/locale/angular.eo.xlf
@@ -392,8 +392,8 @@
- <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible that supports:
- Akorda kun <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a>, subtenanta:
+ <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible that supports:
+ Akorda kun <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a>, subtenanta:../app/shared/shared-main/misc/help.component.ts75
@@ -698,8 +698,7 @@
- An email with the reset password instructions will be sent to .
-The link will expire within 1 hour.
+ An email with the reset password instructions will be sent to . The link will expire within 1 hour.Retletero kun la restariga pasvorto sendiĝos al . La ligilo havas tempolimon de 1 horo.../app/+login/login.component.ts
@@ -822,7 +821,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Official PeerTube website (news, support, contribute...): https://joinpeertube.org
- Oficiala retejo de PeerTube (novaĵoj, subteno, kontribuoj…): https://joinpeertube.org
+ Oficiala retejo de PeerTube (novaĵoj, subteno, kontribuoj…): https://joinpeertube.org../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html42
@@ -1482,7 +1481,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- Already uploaded ✔
+ Already uploaded ✔Jam alŝutita ✔../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html167
@@ -1720,7 +1719,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Report this comment
- Report this comment
+ Raporti ĉi tiun komenton../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment.component.ts171
@@ -2255,8 +2254,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- ../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html39
+ ../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html39
+ Follower handleNomo de abonanto
@@ -2265,13 +2264,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-imports/my-account-video-imports.component.html19
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-imports/my-account-video-imports.component.html19
+ Created Kreita
@@ -3029,8 +3023,10 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Job stateStato de tasko../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html12
- Showing to of jobsShowing to of jobs
+ Showing to of jobs
+ Montrante ĝis el taskoj../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html32
@@ -3039,15 +3035,19 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- ../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html40
- No jobs found.No jobs found.
+ ../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html40
+ No jobs found.
+ Neniuj taskoj je troviĝis.../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html86
- No jobs found that are .No jobs found that are .
+ No jobs found that are .
+ Neniuj taskoj je troviĝis, kiuj estus .../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html87
@@ -3056,9 +3056,11 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html33
- nownow
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html33
+ now
+ nun../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html15
@@ -3067,13 +3069,13 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html37
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html37
- By ->
+ By ->De →
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html45
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html45
@@ -3161,7 +3163,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
With Do not list or Blur thumbnails, a confirmation will be requested to watch the video.
- Kun Ne listigi aŭ Malklarigi bildetojn, oni ricevos peton de konfirmo pri sia volo spekti la filmon.
+ Kun Ne listigi aŭ Malklarigi bildetojn, oni ricevos peton de konfirmo pri sia volo spekti la filmon. ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html109
@@ -3596,7 +3598,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
If your instance is explicitly allowed by Twitter, a video player will be embedded in the Twitter feed on PeerTube video share. If the instance is not, we use an image link card that will redirect on your PeerTube instance. Check this checkbox, save the configuration and test with a video URL of your instance (https://example.com/videos/watch/blabla) on https://cards-dev.twitter.com/validator to see if you instance is allowed.
- Se via nodo estas malimplice permesita de Tvitero, filmludilo estos enkorpigita en la Tviter-fluo, je havigo de filmo de PeerTube. Se la nodo ne estas permesita, ni uzas bildkarton kun ligilo al via PeerTube-nodo. Marku ĉi tiun markbutonon, konservu la agordaron, kaj provu ĝin per URL al filmo de via nodo (https://ekzemplo.net/videos/watch/blabla) sur https://cards-dev.twitter.com/validator, por vidi ĉu via nodo estas permesita.
+ Se via nodo estas malimplice permesita de Tvitero, filmludilo estos enkorpigita en la Tviter-fluo, je diskonigo de filmo de PeerTube. Se la nodo ne estas permesita, ni uzas bildkarton kun ligilo al via PeerTube-nodo. Marku ĉi tiun markbutonon, konservu la agordaron, kaj provu ĝin per URL al filmo de via nodo (https://ekzemplo.net/videos/watch/blabla) sur https://cards-dev.twitter.com/validator, por vidi ĉu via nodo estas permesita. ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html684
@@ -3655,7 +3657,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- Requires ffmpeg >= 4.1Generate HLS playlists and fragmented MP4 files resulting in a better playback than with the current default player:Resolution change is smootherFaster playback in particular with long videosMore stable playback (less bugs/infinite loading)If you also enabled WebTorrent support, it will multiply videos storage by 2
+ Requires ffmpeg >= 4.1Generate HLS playlists and fragmented MP4 files resulting in a better playback than with the current default player:Resolution change is smootherFaster playback in particular with long videosMore stable playback (less bugs/infinite loading)If you also enabled WebTorrent support, it will multiply videos storage by 2Bezonas ffmpeg ≥ 4.1Estigi HLS-ludlistojn kaj fragmentigi MP4-dosierojn, kaŭzante pli bonan ludadon kun la nuna norma ludilo:Ŝanĝo de distingumo pli glatasPli rapida ludado, precipe de longaj filmojPli dependebla ludado (malpli da eraroj, enlegado)Se vi ankaŭ ŝaltis subtenon de WebTorrent, ĝi duobligos la deponejon de filmoj../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html783
@@ -3715,13 +3717,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- Write CSS code directly. Example: #custom-css
- color: red;
- Prepend with #custom-css to override styles. Example: #custom-css .logged-in-email
- color: red;
+ Write CSS code directly. Example: #custom-css color: red; Prepend with #custom-css to override styles. Example: #custom-css .logged-in-email color: red; Skribu CSS-kodon rekte. Ekzemple: #custom-css color: red; Antaŭmetu #custom-css por superforti stilojn. Ekzemple: #custom-css .logged-in-email color: red; ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html911
@@ -3972,9 +3968,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html176
@@ -4042,9 +4036,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- Short text to tell people how they can support your channel (membership platform...).<br /><br />
- When you will upload a video in this channel, the video support field will be automatically filled by this text.
- Mallonga teksto por komprenigi, kiel oni povas subteni vian kanalon (ekz. per membra platformo).<br /><br /> Kiam vi alŝutos filmon al ĉi tiu kanalo, la kampo de subteno estos memage plenigita de ĉi tiu teksto.
+ Short text to tell people how they can support your channel (membership platform...).<br /><br /> When you will upload a video in this channel, the video support field will be automatically filled by this text.
+ Mallonga teksto por komprenigi, kiel oni povas subteni vian kanalon (ekz. per membra platformo).<br /><br /> Kiam vi alŝutos filmon al ĉi tiu kanalo, la kampo de subteno estos memage plenigita de ĉi tiu teksto.../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channel-edit.component.html77
@@ -4321,9 +4314,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- Do you really want to delete ?
-It will delete videos uploaded in this channel, and you will not be able to create another
-channel with the same name ()!
+ Do you really want to delete ? It will delete videos uploaded in this channel, and you will not be able to create another channel with the same name ()!Ĉu vi certe volas forigi ? Tio forigos ĉiujn filmojn alŝutitajn de al ĉi tiu kanalo, kaj vi ne povos krei alian kanalon kun la sama nomo ()!../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channels.component.ts
@@ -4791,7 +4782,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
- Step
+ Paŝi../app/+signup/+register/custom-stepper.component.html9
@@ -4921,7 +4912,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Report this account
- Report this account
+ Raporti ĉi tiun konton../app/+accounts/accounts.component.ts115
@@ -4982,8 +4973,8 @@ channel with the same name ()!
- A <code>.mp4</code> that keeps the original audio track, with no video
- <code>.mp4</code> kiu retenas la originalan sonparton, sen filmoparto
+ A <code>.mp4</code> that keeps the original audio track, with no video
+ <code>.mp4</code> kiu retenas la originalan sonparton, sen filmoparto../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.ts57
@@ -5533,32 +5524,40 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Last dayLasta tago
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts84
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts84
+ Last hourLasta horo
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts89
- debugdebug
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts89
+ debug
+ erarserĉado../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts101
- infoinfo
+ info
+ informoj../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts105
- warningwarning
+ warning
+ averto../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts109
- errorerror
+ error
+ eraro../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts113
@@ -5566,34 +5565,34 @@ channel with the same name ()!
- Debug
- ../app/+admin/system/system.routes.ts48
+ Erarserĉado
+ ../app/+admin/system/system.routes.ts48
- ../app/core/notification/notifier.service.ts11
+ ../app/core/notification/notifier.service.ts11
- ../app/core/routing/can-deactivate-guard.service.ts23
+ ../app/core/routing/can-deactivate-guard.service.ts23
- ../app/core/auth/auth.service.ts103
+ ../app/core/auth/auth.service.ts103
Standard logsNormaj protokoloj
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts124
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts124
Audit logsProtokolo de kontrolo
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts128
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts128
User created.Uzanto kreita.
@@ -5632,7 +5631,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Following list
- Following list
+ Listo de abonatoj../app/+admin/follows/follows.routes.ts28
@@ -5640,7 +5639,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Followers list
- Followers list
+ Listo de abonantoj../app/+admin/follows/follows.routes.ts37
@@ -5648,9 +5647,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
User updated.
- Uzanto
- ĝisdatigita.
+ Uzanto ĝisdatigita.../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-update.component.ts85
@@ -6321,10 +6318,8 @@ channel with the same name ()!
- Cannot retrieve OAuth Client credentials: .
-Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular the "webserver" section.
- Cannot retrieve OAuth Client credentials: .
-Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular the "webserver" section.
+ Cannot retrieve OAuth Client credentials: . Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular the "webserver" section.
+ Ne povas ekhavi salutilojn de OAuth Client: . Certigu, ke PeerTube estas ĝuste agordita (en la dosierujo config/), precipe la sekcio «webserver».../app/core/auth/auth.service.ts98,99
@@ -6453,8 +6448,8 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Long (> 10 min)
- Longa (> 10 min)
+ Long (> 10 min)
+ Longa (> 10 min)../app/+search/search-filters.component.ts73
@@ -6976,7 +6971,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Support text cannot be more than 1000 characters long
- Teksto je subteno ne povas havi pli ol 1000 signojn.
+ Teksto je subteno ne povas havi pli ol 1000 signojn../app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts50
@@ -6995,8 +6990,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Request is too large for the server.
- Please contact you administrator if you want to increase the limit size.
+ Request is too large for the server. Please contact you administrator if you want to increase the limit size.La peto estas tro granda por la servilo. Bonvolu kontakti la administranton, se vi volas pligrandigi la limon.../app/core/rest/rest-extractor.service.ts
@@ -7775,9 +7769,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Too many attempts, please try again after minutes.
- Tro multaj petoj; bonvolu reprovi post
- minutoj.
+ Tro multaj petoj; bonvolu reprovi post minutoj.../app/core/rest/rest-extractor.service.ts67
@@ -7838,10 +7830,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Video added in at timestamps
- Filmo aldoniĝis je
- je la tempo
+ Filmo aldoniĝis je je la tempo ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-add-to-playlist.component.ts377
@@ -8065,29 +8054,27 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Comment:
+ Komento:../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html105Messages with the reporter
- Messages with the reporter
+ Mesaĝoj kun la raportinto../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-message-modal.component.html4Messages with the moderation team
- Messages with the moderation team
+ Mesaĝoj kun la reguligistaro../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-message-modal.component.html5No messages for now.
- No messages for now.
+ Ankoraŭ neniuj mesaĝoj.../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-message-modal.component.html28Add a message
- Add a message
+ Aldoni mesaĝon../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-message-modal.component.html44
@@ -8097,7 +8084,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Publication scheduled on
- Publication scheduled on
+ Publikigo planita je../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-miniature.component.ts167
@@ -8135,7 +8122,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Only shareable via a private link
- Only shareable via a private link
+ Diskonigebla nur per privata ligilo../app/shared/shared-main/video/video.service.ts346
@@ -8150,7 +8137,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Close
+ Fermi../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/alert/alert.ts74
@@ -8158,7 +8145,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Previous
+ Antaŭa../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/carousel/carousel.ts349
@@ -8166,7 +8153,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Next
+ Sekva../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/carousel/carousel.ts349
@@ -8174,7 +8161,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Previous month
- Previous month
+ Antaŭa monato../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/datepicker/datepicker-navigation.ts69
@@ -8182,7 +8169,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Next month
- Next month
+ Sekva monato../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/datepicker/datepicker-month.ts72
@@ -8190,7 +8177,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Select month
- Select month
+ Elekti monaton../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/datepicker/datepicker-navigation-select.ts74
@@ -8198,7 +8185,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Select year
- Select year
+ Elekti jaron../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/datepicker/datepicker-navigation-select.ts74
@@ -8206,7 +8193,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- ««
+ ««../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/pagination/pagination.ts404
@@ -8214,7 +8201,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- «
+ «../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/pagination/pagination.ts404
@@ -8222,7 +8209,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- »
+ »../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/pagination/pagination.ts404
@@ -8230,7 +8217,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- »»
+ »»../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/pagination/pagination.ts404
@@ -8238,7 +8225,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- First
+ Unua../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/pagination/pagination.ts404
@@ -8246,7 +8233,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Previous
+ Antaŭa../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/pagination/pagination.ts404
@@ -8254,7 +8241,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Next
+ Sekva../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/pagination/pagination.ts404
@@ -8262,7 +8249,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Last
+ Lasta../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/pagination/pagination.ts404
@@ -8270,7 +8257,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
+ ../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/progressbar/progressbar.ts101
@@ -8278,7 +8265,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- HH
+ HH../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
@@ -8286,7 +8273,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Hours
+ Horoj../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
@@ -8294,7 +8281,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- MM
+ MM../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
@@ -8302,7 +8289,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Minutes
+ Minutoj../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
@@ -8310,7 +8297,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Increment hours
- Increment hours
+ Alkrementi horojn../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
@@ -8318,7 +8305,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Decrement hours
- Decrement hours
+ Dekrementi horojn../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
@@ -8326,7 +8313,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Increment minutes
- Increment minutes
+ Alkrementi minutojn../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
@@ -8334,7 +8321,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Decrement minutes
- Decrement minutes
+ Dekrementi minutojn../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
@@ -8342,7 +8329,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- SS
+ SS../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
@@ -8350,7 +8337,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Seconds
+ Sekundoj../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
@@ -8358,7 +8345,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Increment seconds
- Increment seconds
+ Alkrementi sekundojn../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
@@ -8366,7 +8353,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Decrement seconds
- Decrement seconds
+ Dekrementi sekundojn../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
@@ -8374,7 +8361,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
+ ../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
@@ -8382,7 +8369,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
+ ../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
@@ -8390,7 +8377,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Close
+ Fermi../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/toast/toast.ts137
@@ -8398,7 +8385,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Video to import updated.
- Enportota filmo ĝisdatigita.
+ Enportota filmo ĝisdatiĝis.../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.ts128
@@ -8418,7 +8405,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Upload
+ Alŝuti../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts112
@@ -8442,18 +8429,16 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Your video quota is exceeded with this video (
-video size: , used: , quota: )
- Via datumlimo por filmoj estas trafita per ĉi tiu filmo ( video size: , used: , quota: )
+ Your video quota is exceeded with this video ( video size: , used: , quota: )
+ Via datumlimo por filmoj estas trafita per ĉi tiu filmo ( grandeco: , uzita: , datumlimo: )../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts265,266
- Your daily video quota is exceeded with this video (
-video size: , used: , quota: )
- Via samtaga datumlimo por filmoj estas trafita per ĉi tiu filmo ( video size: , used: , quota: )
+ Your daily video quota is exceeded with this video ( video size: , used: , quota: )
+ Via samtaga datumlimo por filmoj estas trafita per ĉi tiu filmo ( grandeco: , uzita: , datumlimo: )../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts285,286
@@ -8471,7 +8456,7 @@ video size: , used: , quota: )
Report comment
- Report comment
+ Raporti komenton../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/comment-report.component.ts51
@@ -8500,13 +8485,13 @@ video size: , used: , quota: )
- This video is not available on this instance. Do you want to be redirected on the origin instance: <a href=""></a>?
- This video is not available on this instance. Do you want to be redirected on the origin instance: <a href=""></a>?
+ This video is not available on this instance. Do you want to be redirected on the origin instance: <a href=""></a>?
+ Ĉi tiu filmo ne estas disponebla per ĉi tiu nodo. Ĉu vi volas alidirektiĝi al la devena nodo: <a href=""></a>?../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts373Redirection
- Redirection
+ Alidirektiĝo../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts374
@@ -8526,7 +8511,7 @@ video size: , used: , quota: )
- Cancel
+ Nuligi../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts537
@@ -8611,7 +8596,7 @@ video size: , used: , quota: )
Recently added
- Recently added
+ Freŝdate aldonitaj../app/+videos/video-list/video-recently-added.component.ts36
@@ -8619,7 +8604,7 @@ video size: , used: , quota: )
Trending for the last 24 hours
- Furora je la pasintaj 24 horoj
+ Furoraj je la pasintaj 24 horoj../app/+videos/video-list/video-trending.component.ts46
@@ -8634,7 +8619,7 @@ video size: , used: , quota: )
- Subscriptions
+ Abonoj../app/+videos/video-list/video-user-subscriptions.component.ts38
@@ -8642,7 +8627,7 @@ video size: , used: , quota: )
Local videos
- Local videos
+ Lokaj filmoj../app/+videos/video-list/video-local.component.ts36
@@ -8650,7 +8635,7 @@ video size: , used: , quota: )
Discover videos
- Discover videos
+ Trovi filmojn../app/+videos/videos-routing.module.ts23
@@ -8658,7 +8643,7 @@ video size: , used: , quota: )
Trending videos
- Trending videos
+ Furoraj filmoj../app/+videos/videos-routing.module.ts32
@@ -8666,7 +8651,7 @@ video size: , used: , quota: )
Recently added videos
- Recently added videos
+ Freŝdate aldonitaj filmoj../app/+videos/videos-routing.module.ts58
@@ -8674,7 +8659,7 @@ video size: , used: , quota: )
Upload a video
- Upload a video
+ Alŝuti filmon../app/+videos/videos-routing.module.ts97
@@ -8682,7 +8667,7 @@ video size: , used: , quota: )
Edit a video
- Edit a video
+ Redakti filmon../app/+videos/videos-routing.module.ts106
diff --git a/client/src/locale/angular.es-ES.xlf b/client/src/locale/angular.es-ES.xlf
index c9d7d1ea2..bfc3a9cd6 100644
--- a/client/src/locale/angular.es-ES.xlf
+++ b/client/src/locale/angular.es-ES.xlf
@@ -392,8 +392,8 @@
- <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible that supports:
- <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible que admite:
+ <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible that supports:
+ <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible que admite:../app/shared/shared-main/misc/help.component.ts75
@@ -695,8 +695,7 @@ Iniciar sesión
- An email with the reset password instructions will be sent to .
-The link will expire within 1 hour.
+ An email with the reset password instructions will be sent to . The link will expire within 1 hour.Se enviará un correo electrónico con las instrucciones para restablecer la contraseña a . El enlace caducará en 1 hora.../app/+login/login.component.ts
@@ -1475,7 +1474,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- Already uploaded ✔
+ Already uploaded ✔Ya ha sido subido ✔../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html167
@@ -2228,8 +2227,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- ../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html39
+ ../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html39
Follower handleControl de seguidor
@@ -2238,13 +2237,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-imports/my-account-video-imports.component.html19
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-imports/my-account-video-imports.component.html19
+ Created Creado
@@ -2998,8 +2992,10 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Job stateEstado del trabajo../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html12
- Showing to of jobsShowing to of jobs
+ Showing to of jobs
+ Mostrando a de trabajos../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html32
@@ -3008,15 +3004,19 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- ../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html40
- No jobs found.No jobs found.
+ ../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html40
+ No jobs found.
+ No se encontraron trabajos.../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html86
- No jobs found that are .No jobs found that are .
+ No jobs found that are .
+ No se encontraron trabajos que fuesen.../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html87
@@ -3025,9 +3025,11 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html33
- nownow
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html33
+ now
+ ahora../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html15
@@ -3036,13 +3038,13 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html37
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html37
- By ->
- Por->
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html45
+ By ->
+ Por->
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html45
@@ -3624,8 +3626,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- Requires ffmpeg >= 4.1Generate HLS playlists and fragmented MP4 files resulting in a better playback than with the current default player:Resolution change is smootherFaster playback in particular with long videosMore stable playback (less bugs/infinite loading)If you also enabled WebTorrent support, it will multiply videos storage by 2
- Requiere ffmpeg >= 4.1 Genera listas de reproducción HLS y archivos MP4 fragmentados que resulten en una mejor reproducción que con el reproductor predeterminado actual: El cambio de resolución es más suave Reproducción más rápida en particular con videos largos Reproducción más estable (menos errores / carga infinita)Si también habilitaste el soporte de WebTorrent, multiplicará el almacenamiento de videos por 2
+ Requires ffmpeg >= 4.1Generate HLS playlists and fragmented MP4 files resulting in a better playback than with the current default player:Resolution change is smootherFaster playback in particular with long videosMore stable playback (less bugs/infinite loading)If you also enabled WebTorrent support, it will multiply videos storage by 2
+ Requiere ffmpeg >= 4.1 Genera listas de reproducción HLS y archivos MP4 fragmentados que resulten en una mejor reproducción que con el reproductor predeterminado actual: El cambio de resolución es más suave Reproducción más rápida en particular con videos largos Reproducción más estable (menos errores / carga infinita)Si también habilitaste el soporte de WebTorrent, multiplicará el almacenamiento de videos por 2 ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html783
@@ -3684,13 +3686,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- Write CSS code directly. Example: #custom-css
- color: red;
- Prepend with #custom-css to override styles. Example: #custom-css .logged-in-email
- color: red;
+ Write CSS code directly. Example: #custom-css color: red; Prepend with #custom-css to override styles. Example: #custom-css .logged-in-email color: red; Escribir código CSS directamente. Ejemplo: #custom-css color: rojo; Anteponer con #custom-css para anular estilos. Ejemplo:: #custom-css .logged-in-email color: rojo; ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html911
@@ -4011,9 +4007,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- Short text to tell people how they can support your channel (membership platform...).<br /><br />
- When you will upload a video in this channel, the video support field will be automatically filled by this text.
- Texto breve para decirle a las personas cómo pueden apoyar su canal (plataforma de membresía ...).<br /><br /> Cuando cargue un video en este canal, el campo de soporte de video se completará automáticamente con este texto.
+ Short text to tell people how they can support your channel (membership platform...).<br /><br /> When you will upload a video in this channel, the video support field will be automatically filled by this text.
+ Texto breve para decirle a las personas cómo pueden apoyar su canal (plataforma de membresía ...).<br /><br /> Cuando cargue un video en este canal, el campo de soporte de video se completará automáticamente con este texto.../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channel-edit.component.html77
@@ -4090,7 +4085,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Delete history
- >Borrar historial
+ >Borrar historial ../app/+my-account/my-account-history/my-account-history.component.html13
@@ -4298,9 +4293,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- Do you really want to delete ?
-It will delete videos uploaded in this channel, and you will not be able to create another
-channel with the same name ()!
+ Do you really want to delete ? It will delete videos uploaded in this channel, and you will not be able to create another channel with the same name ()!¿Realmente quieres eliminar ? Se eliminarán videos subidos en este canal ¡y no podrás crear otro canal con el mismo nombre ()!../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channels.component.ts
@@ -4819,7 +4812,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
I am at least 16 years old and agree to the Terms and to the Code of Conduct of this instance
- Tengo al menos 16 años y estoy de acuerdo con >Condicionesy a la Código de Conducta de esta instancia
+ Tengo al menos 16 años y estoy de acuerdo con >Condicionesy a la Código de Conducta de esta instancia ../app/+signup/+register/register-step-user.component.html66
@@ -4949,8 +4942,8 @@ channel with the same name ()!
- A <code>.mp4</code> that keeps the original audio track, with no video
- Un <code>.mp4</code> que mantiene la pista de audio original, sin video
+ A <code>.mp4</code> that keeps the original audio track, with no video
+ Un <code>.mp4</code> que mantiene la pista de audio original, sin video../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.ts57
@@ -5502,32 +5495,40 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Last dayÚltimo día
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts84
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts84
+ Last hourUltima hora
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts89
- debugdebug
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts89
+ debug
+ depurar../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts101
- infoinfo
+ info
+ información../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts105
- warningwarning
+ warning
+ advertencia../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts109
- errorerror
+ error
+ error../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts113
@@ -5536,33 +5537,33 @@ channel with the same name ()!
DebugDepurar (Debug)
- ../app/+admin/system/system.routes.ts48
+ ../app/+admin/system/system.routes.ts48
+ InfoInfo
- ../app/core/notification/notifier.service.ts11
+ ../app/core/notification/notifier.service.ts11
- ../app/core/routing/can-deactivate-guard.service.ts23
+ ../app/core/routing/can-deactivate-guard.service.ts23
- ../app/core/auth/auth.service.ts103
+ ../app/core/auth/auth.service.ts103
Standard logsRegistros estándar
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts124
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts124
Audit logsRegistros de auditoría
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts128
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts128
User created.Usuario creado.
@@ -6288,8 +6289,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
- Cannot retrieve OAuth Client credentials: .
-Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular the "webserver" section.
+ Cannot retrieve OAuth Client credentials: . Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular the "webserver" section.No se pueden recuperar las credenciales del cliente OAuth: . Asegúrese de haber configurado correctamente PeerTube (config / directorio), en particular la sección "servidor web".../app/core/auth/auth.service.ts
@@ -6419,8 +6419,8 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Long (> 10 min)
- Largo (> 10 min)
+ Long (> 10 min)
+ Largo (> 10 min)../app/+search/search-filters.component.ts73
@@ -6961,8 +6961,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Request is too large for the server.
- Please contact you administrator if you want to increase the limit size.
+ Request is too large for the server. Please contact you administrator if you want to increase the limit size.La solicitud es demasiado grande para el servidor. Comuníquese con su administrador si desea aumentar el tamaño del límite.../app/core/rest/rest-extractor.service.ts
@@ -8401,8 +8400,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Your video quota is exceeded with this video (
-video size: , used: , quota: )
+ Your video quota is exceeded with this video ( video size: , used: , quota: )Su cuota de video se excedió con este video (tamaño de video:, usado: , cuota: )../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts
@@ -8410,8 +8408,7 @@ video size: , used: , quota: )
- Your daily video quota is exceeded with this video (
-video size: , used: , quota: )
+ Your daily video quota is exceeded with this video ( video size: , used: , quota: )Su cuota de video diaria se excede con este video (tamaño de video: , usado: , cuota: )../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts
@@ -8459,8 +8456,8 @@ video size: , used: , quota: )
- This video is not available on this instance. Do you want to be redirected on the origin instance: <a href=""></a>?
- Este video no está disponible en esta instancia. ¿Quieres ser redirigido a la instancia de origen: <a href=""></a>?
+ This video is not available on this instance. Do you want to be redirected on the origin instance: <a href=""></a>?
+ Este video no está disponible en esta instancia. ¿Quieres ser redirigido a la instancia de origen: <a href=""></a>?../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts373
diff --git a/client/src/locale/angular.fr-FR.xlf b/client/src/locale/angular.fr-FR.xlf
index 8cc246ad3..4ad449cf7 100644
--- a/client/src/locale/angular.fr-FR.xlf
+++ b/client/src/locale/angular.fr-FR.xlf
@@ -392,8 +392,8 @@
- <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible that supports:
- <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible qui supporte :
+ <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible that supports:
+ <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible qui supporte :../app/shared/shared-main/misc/help.component.ts75
@@ -693,8 +693,7 @@
- An email with the reset password instructions will be sent to .
-The link will expire within 1 hour.
+ An email with the reset password instructions will be sent to . The link will expire within 1 hour.Un e-mail contenant les instructions de réinitialisation du mot de passe sera envoyé à . Le lien expirera dans 1 heure.../app/+login/login.component.ts
@@ -1479,7 +1478,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- Already uploaded ✔
+ Already uploaded ✔Déjà téléversé ✔../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html167
@@ -2239,8 +2238,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- ../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html39
+ ../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html39
Follower handleIdentifiant d'abonné·e
@@ -2249,13 +2248,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-imports/my-account-video-imports.component.html19
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-imports/my-account-video-imports.component.html19
+ Created Créé
@@ -3015,8 +3009,10 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Job stateÉtat des tâches../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html12
- Showing to of jobsShowing to of jobs
+ Showing to of jobs
+ Montrant à de jobs../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html32
@@ -3025,15 +3021,19 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- ../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html40
- No jobs found.No jobs found.
+ ../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html40
+ No jobs found.
+ Pas de travaux trouvés.../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html86
- No jobs found that are .No jobs found that are .
+ No jobs found that are .
+ Pas de travaux trouvés qui sont .../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html87
@@ -3042,9 +3042,11 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html33
- nownow
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html33
+ now
+ maintenant../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html15
@@ -3053,13 +3055,13 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html37
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html37
- By ->
- Par ->
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html45
+ By ->
+ Par ->
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html45
@@ -3641,8 +3643,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- Requires ffmpeg >= 4.1Generate HLS playlists and fragmented MP4 files resulting in a better playback than with the current default player:Resolution change is smootherFaster playback in particular with long videosMore stable playback (less bugs/infinite loading)If you also enabled WebTorrent support, it will multiply videos storage by 2
- Requiert ffmpeg >= 4.1 Génère des listes de lecture HLS et des MP4 fragmentés résultant en une meilleure lecture de la vidéo qu'avec le lecteur traditionnel : Le changement de résolution se fait sans heurts Chargement de la mémoire tampon plus rapide au démarrage de la lecture Lecture plus stable (moins de bugs/plus de chargement infini) Si vous avez aussi laissé activé WebTorrent, multiplie par 2 le stockage requis
+ Requires ffmpeg >= 4.1Generate HLS playlists and fragmented MP4 files resulting in a better playback than with the current default player:Resolution change is smootherFaster playback in particular with long videosMore stable playback (less bugs/infinite loading)If you also enabled WebTorrent support, it will multiply videos storage by 2
+ Requiert ffmpeg >= 4.1 Génère des listes de lecture HLS et des MP4 fragmentés résultant en une meilleure lecture de la vidéo qu'avec le lecteur traditionnel : Le changement de résolution se fait sans heurts Chargement de la mémoire tampon plus rapide au démarrage de la lecture Lecture plus stable (moins de bugs/plus de chargement infini) Si vous avez aussi laissé activé WebTorrent, multiplie par 2 le stockage requis ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html783
@@ -3701,13 +3703,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- Write CSS code directly. Example: #custom-css
- color: red;
- Prepend with #custom-css to override styles. Example: #custom-css .logged-in-email
- color: red;
+ Write CSS code directly. Example: #custom-css color: red; Prepend with #custom-css to override styles. Example: #custom-css .logged-in-email color: red; Écrivez directement du code CSS. Exemple : #custom-css color : red ; Simuler avec #custom-css pour passer outre les styles. Exemple : #custom-css .logged-in-email color : red ; ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html911
@@ -4028,9 +4024,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- Short text to tell people how they can support your channel (membership platform...).<br /><br />
- When you will upload a video in this channel, the video support field will be automatically filled by this text.
- Court texte décrivant les moyens de soutien à disposition (plateforme de dons, médias...).<br /><br /> Quand vous mettrez en ligne une vidéo dans cette chaîne, son champ de support sera automatiquement rempli par celui-ci.
+ Short text to tell people how they can support your channel (membership platform...).<br /><br /> When you will upload a video in this channel, the video support field will be automatically filled by this text.
+ Court texte décrivant les moyens de soutien à disposition (plateforme de dons, médias...).<br /><br /> Quand vous mettrez en ligne une vidéo dans cette chaîne, son champ de support sera automatiquement rempli par celui-ci.../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channel-edit.component.html77
@@ -4315,9 +4310,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- Do you really want to delete ?
-It will delete videos uploaded in this channel, and you will not be able to create another
-channel with the same name ()!
+ Do you really want to delete ? It will delete videos uploaded in this channel, and you will not be able to create another channel with the same name ()!Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer ? Cela supprimera vidéos mises en ligne sur cette chaîne, et vous ne pourrez pas créer une autre chaine avec le même nom () !../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channels.component.ts
@@ -4973,8 +4966,8 @@ channel with the same name ()!
- A <code>.mp4</code> that keeps the original audio track, with no video
- Un <code>.mp4</code> qui conserve le son original, sans la vidéo
+ A <code>.mp4</code> that keeps the original audio track, with no video
+ Un <code>.mp4</code> qui conserve le son original, sans la vidéo../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.ts57
@@ -5268,7 +5261,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
- Vie privée
+ Visibilité../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.ts24
@@ -5524,32 +5517,40 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Last dayLe jour passé
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts84
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts84
+ Last hourL'heure passée
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts89
- debugdebug
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts89
+ debug
+ débogage../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts101
- infoinfo
+ info
+ info../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts105
- warningwarning
+ warning
+ alerte../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts109
- errorerror
+ error
+ erreur../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts113
@@ -5558,33 +5559,33 @@ channel with the same name ()!
- ../app/+admin/system/system.routes.ts48
+ ../app/+admin/system/system.routes.ts48
+ InfoInfo
- ../app/core/notification/notifier.service.ts11
+ ../app/core/notification/notifier.service.ts11
- ../app/core/routing/can-deactivate-guard.service.ts23
+ ../app/core/routing/can-deactivate-guard.service.ts23
- ../app/core/auth/auth.service.ts103
+ ../app/core/auth/auth.service.ts103
Standard logsJournaux standards
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts124
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts124
Audit logsJournaux d’audit
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts128
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts128
User created.Utilisateur·rice créé.e.
@@ -6310,8 +6311,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
- Cannot retrieve OAuth Client credentials: .
-Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular the "webserver" section.
+ Cannot retrieve OAuth Client credentials: . Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular the "webserver" section.Impossible de récupérer les identifiants du Client OAuth : . Assurez-vous d'avoir correctement configuré PeerTube (dossier config/), en particulier la section "serveur web".../app/core/auth/auth.service.ts
@@ -6441,8 +6441,8 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Long (> 10 min)
- Longue (> 10 min)
+ Long (> 10 min)
+ Longue (> 10 min)../app/+search/search-filters.component.ts73
@@ -6983,8 +6983,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Request is too large for the server.
- Please contact you administrator if you want to increase the limit size.
+ Request is too large for the server. Please contact you administrator if you want to increase the limit size.La requête est trop volumineuse pour le serveur. Veuillez contacter votre administrateur si vous souhaitez augmenter la taille limite.../app/core/rest/rest-extractor.service.ts
@@ -8423,8 +8422,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Your video quota is exceeded with this video (
-video size: , used: , quota: )
+ Your video quota is exceeded with this video ( video size: , used: , quota: )Votre quota vidéo est dépassé avec cette vidéo ( taille de la vidéo : , utilisé : , quota : )../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts
@@ -8432,8 +8430,7 @@ video size: , used: , quota: )
- Your daily video quota is exceeded with this video (
-video size: , used: , quota: )
+ Your daily video quota is exceeded with this video ( video size: , used: , quota: )Votre quota vidéo journalier est dépassé avec cette vidéo ( taille de la vidéo : , utilisé : , quota : )../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts
@@ -8481,8 +8478,8 @@ video size: , used: , quota: )
- This video is not available on this instance. Do you want to be redirected on the origin instance: <a href=""></a>?
- Cette vidéo n'est pas disponible sur cette instance ? Voulez-vous être redirigé sur l'instance d'origine : <a href=""></a> ?
+ This video is not available on this instance. Do you want to be redirected on the origin instance: <a href=""></a>?
+ Cette vidéo n'est pas disponible sur cette instance ? Voulez-vous être redirigé sur l'instance d'origine : <a href=""></a> ?../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts373
diff --git a/client/src/locale/angular.gl-ES.xlf b/client/src/locale/angular.gl-ES.xlf
index 26117fac1..061bab7d7 100644
--- a/client/src/locale/angular.gl-ES.xlf
+++ b/client/src/locale/angular.gl-ES.xlf
@@ -15,17 +15,12 @@
You don't have notifications.
- Non ten notificacións
+ Non tes notificacións.../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html1 published a new video:
- publicou un novo vídeo:
+ publicou un novo vídeo: ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html16
@@ -80,14 +75,7 @@
commented your video
- comentou o teu vídeo
+ comentou o teu vídeo ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html101
@@ -97,84 +85,42 @@
Your video has been published
- O teu vídeo
- está publicado
+ O teu vídeo foi publicado ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html118Your video import succeeded
- O vídeo foi importado
- correctamente
+ Importación do vídeo exitosa ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html126Your video import failed
- A proceso de importar o video
- fallou
+ A importación do vídeo fallou ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html134User registered on your instance
- A usuaria
- rexistrouse na túa instancia
+ A usuaria rexistrouse na túa instancia ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html142 is following your channel your account
- está a seguir
- a túa canle
- a túa conta
+ está seguindo a túa canle a túa conta../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html152 mentioned you on video
- mencionoute no
- vídeo
+ mencionoute en vídeo ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html165Your instance has a new follower () awaiting your approval
- A túa instancia ten
- unha nova seguidora
- (
- )
- agardando aprobación
+ A instancia ten unha nova seguidora () agardando aprobación../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html173Your instance automatically followed
- A túa instancia seguiu automáticamente a
+ A túa instancia sigueu automáticamente a ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html182
@@ -363,9 +309,7 @@
{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 view} other { views}}
- {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 visualización} other {
- visualizacións} }
+ {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 visualización} other { visualizacións}}../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-miniature.component.html31
@@ -382,9 +326,7 @@
{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =0 {No videos} =1 {1 video} other { videos}}
- {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =0 {No videos} =1 {1 video} other {
- videos} }
+ {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =0 {No videos} =1 {1 vídeo} other { vídeos}}../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-miniature.component.html9
@@ -396,9 +338,7 @@
- Actualizado
+ Actualizado ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-miniature.component.html29
@@ -423,9 +363,7 @@
Delete from
- Eliminar de
+ Eliminar de ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-element-miniature.component.html88
@@ -454,8 +392,8 @@
- <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible that supports:
- <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible que soporta:
+ <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible that supports:
+ <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible que soporta:../app/shared/shared-main/misc/help.component.ts75
@@ -500,28 +438,17 @@
Remote subscribeRemote interact
- Subscrición remota
- Interacción remota
+ Subscrición remotaInteracción remota../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/remote-subscribe.component.html11You can subscribe to the channel via any ActivityPub-capable fediverse instance. For instance with Mastodon or Pleroma you can type the channel URL in the search box and subscribe there.
- Podes subscribirte ao canal a través dunha conta ActivityPub no fediverso.
- Por exemplo con Mastodon ou Pleroma podes escribir o URL do canal na caixa de busca e susbscribirte desde alí.
+ Podes subscribirte á canle a través de calquera instancia do fediverso ActivityPub-compatible. Por exemplo con Mastadon ou Pleroma podes escribir o URL da canle na caixa de busca e subscribirte desde alí. ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/remote-subscribe.component.html18You can interact with this via any ActivityPub-capable fediverse instance. For instance with Mastodon or Pleroma you can type the current URL in the search box and interact with it there.
- Podes interactuar con este vídeo desde unha conta ActivityPub no fediverso.
- Por exemplo cunha conta Mastodon ou Pleroma podes escribir o URL do vídeo na caixa de busca e interactuar con el desde alí.
+ Podes interactuar con esto desde calquera instancia ActivityPub do fediverso. Por exemplo con Mastodon ou Pleroma podes escribir o URL actual na caixa de busca interactuar desde alí. ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/remote-subscribe.component.html27
@@ -531,12 +458,7 @@
Default NSFW/sensitive videos policycan be redefined by the users
- A política por omisión para vídeos NSFW/sensibles
- pode ser redefinida polas usuarias
+ A política acerca dos vídeos NSFW ou contido sensiblepode ser redefinida polas usuarias../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html13
@@ -571,12 +493,7 @@
Unlimited ( per day)
- Sen límite
- (
- diario)
+ Sen límite ( diario)../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html61
@@ -715,10 +632,7 @@
Sorry but there was an issue with the external login process. Please contact an administrator.
- Lamentámolo, pero algo pasou co proceso de conexión desde o exterior. Por favor
- contacta coa administración
- .
+ Lamentámolo pero houbo un problema co proceso externo de conexión. Por favor contacta coa administración. ../app/+login/login.component.html7
@@ -728,11 +642,7 @@
Currently this instance doesn't allow for user registration, but you can find an instance that gives you the possibility to sign up for an account and upload your videos there. Find yours among multiple instances at https://joinpeertube.org/instances.
- Esta instancia actualmente non permite o rexistro, pero podes atopar unha instancia que che permita abrir unha conta e subir alí os teus vídeos.
- Atopa a túa instancia en
- https://joinpeertube.org/instances
- .
+ Actualmente esta instancia non permite novos rexistros, mais podes atopar unha instancia que che dea a posibilidade de abrir unha conta e subir os teus vídeos. Atopa a túa entre múltiples instancias en https://joinpeertube.org/instances. ../app/+login/login.component.html17
@@ -786,8 +696,7 @@
- An email with the reset password instructions will be sent to .
-The link will expire within 1 hour.
+ An email with the reset password instructions will be sent to . The link will expire within 1 hour.Enviarase un email ó enderezo con instruccións para o restablecemento. A ligazón caduca nunha hora.../app/+login/login.component.ts
@@ -848,23 +757,12 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- for
+ para ../app/+search/search.component.html11Filters
- Filtros
+ Filtros ../app/+search/search.component.html22
@@ -923,18 +821,12 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Official PeerTube website (news, support, contribute...): https://joinpeertube.org
- Sitio web oficial de PeerTube (novas, axuda, colaboración...)
- https://joinpeertube.org
+ Sitio web oficial PeerTube (novas, axuda, contribuír...): https://joinpeertube.org../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html42Put your instance on the public PeerTube index: https://instances.joinpeertube.org/instances
- Sube a túa instancia ao índice público de PeerTube:
- https://instances.joinpeertube.org/instances
+ Pon a túa instancia no índice público de PeerTube: https://instances.joinpeertube.org/instances../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html45
@@ -944,32 +836,12 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Choosing your instance name, setting up a description, specifying who you are, why you created your instance and how long you plan to maintain your it is very important for visitors to understand on what type of instance they are.
- Escollendo o
- nome da instancia
- ,
- escribindo unha descrición
- , explicando
- quen es
- , por que
- creaches a instancia
- e
- canto tempo
- tes planeado
- mantela
- é moi importante para as persoas que a visitan saiban o tipo de instancia na que se atopan.
+ Escoller o nome da instancia, darlle unha descrición, indicando quen es, por que creaches a túa instancia e canto tempo tes pensado mantela é información importante para quen visita a instancia para saber o tipo de instancia que é. ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html58If you want to open registrations, please decide what are your moderation rules, fill your instance terms and specify the categories and languages you speak. This way, you will help users to register on the appropriate PeerTube instance.
- Se queres permitir o rexistro, decide cales son
- as túas normas de moderación
- , completa os
- termos da instancia
- e indica as categorías e idiomas que falas. Deste xeito axudarás as usuarias para que se rexistren
- na instancia PeerTube axeitada
- .
+ Se queres abrir o rexistro, indica as regras de moderación, completa os termos da instancia indicando as categorías e idiomas que falas. Deste xeito, axudaraslle ás usuarias a rexistrarse na instancia PeerTube na máis axeitada para ti. ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html64
@@ -1091,7 +963,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- Interface:
+ Interface: ../app/menu/menu.component.html162
@@ -1568,9 +1440,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Schedule publication ()
- Programar publicación (
- )
+ Programa a publicación ()../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html108
@@ -1609,7 +1479,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- Already uploaded ✔
+ Already uploaded ✔Xa subido ✔../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html167
@@ -1713,11 +1583,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Congratulations, the video behind will be imported! You can already add information about this video.
- Parabéns, o vídeo aloxado en
- vai ser importado! Xa podes engadir información sobre este vídeo.
+ Parabéns, o vídeos tras será importado! Xa podes ver información acerca deste vídeo. ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-url.component.html49
@@ -1747,13 +1613,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Image that will be merged with your audio file. The chosen image will be definitive and cannot be modified.
- Imaxe que se unirá ao teu ficheiro de audio.
- A imaxe escollida será definitiva e non se pode modificar.
+ Imaxe que se xuntará co ficheiro de audio. A imaxe elexida será definitiva e non se pode modificar. ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html29
@@ -1876,48 +1736,42 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Share the video
- Share the video
+ Comparte o vídeo../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html66QR-Code
- QR-Code
+ Código QR../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html27The url is not secured (no HTTPS), so the embed video won't work on HTTPS websites (web browsers block non secured HTTP requests on HTTPS websites).
- The url is not secured (no HTTPS), so the embed video won't work on HTTPS websites (web browsers block non secured HTTP requests on HTTPS websites).
+ O url non é seguro (non HTTPS), polo que o vídeo incrustado non funcionará en webs HTTPS (os navegadores bloquean as solicitudes HTTP en webs HTTPS).../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html44Embed
- Embed
+ Incrustar../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html38Auto select subtitle
- Auto select subtitle
+ Selección automática de subtítulo../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html128More customization
- More customization
+ Máis personalizacións../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html216Less customization
- Less customization
+ Menos personalizacións../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html224Login
- Login
+ Conectar../app/+login/login-routing.module.ts14
@@ -1925,309 +1779,262 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- Autoplay
+ Reprodución automática../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html159Support
- Support
+ Soporte ../app/+videos/+video-watch/modal/video-support.component.html3Maybe later
- Maybe later
+ Quizais máis tarde../app/+videos/+video-watch/modal/video-support.component.html11Muted
- Muted
+ Acalado../app/+accounts/accounts.component.html19Loop
- Loop
+ Bucle../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html173Display video title
- Display video title
+ Mostrar título do vídeo../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html182Display privacy warning
- Display privacy warning
+ Mostrar aviso de privacidade../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html189Display player controls
- Display player controls
+ Mostrar contróis de reprodución../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html196Display PeerTube button link
- Display PeerTube button link
+ Mostrar botón de ligazón PeerTube../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html203Public
- Public
+ Público../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch-playlist.component.html11The video is being imported, it will be available when the import is finished.
- The video is being imported, it will be available when the import is finished.
+ Estase a importar o vídeo, estará dispoñible cando remate a importación.../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html21The video is being transcoded, it may not work properly.
- The video is being transcoded, it may not work properly.
+ Estase recodificando o vídeo, podería non funcionar correctamente.../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html25This video will be published on .
- This video will be published on
- .
+ O vídeo vai ser publicado o . ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html29This video is blocked.
- This video is blocked.
+ Vídeo bloqueado.../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html33Published • views
- Published
- •
- views
+ Publicado • visualizacións../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html47Published • views
- Published
- •
- views
+ Publicado • visualizacións../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html58SUPPORT
+ APOIAR../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html88SHARE
+ COMPARTIR../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html93SAVE
+ GARDAR../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html104DOWNLOAD
+ DESCARGAR../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html118Like this video
- Like this video
+ Gústame este vídeo../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts105Dislike this video
- Dislike this video
+ Non me gusta o vídeo../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts106Support options for this video
- Support options for this video
+ Xeitos de axudar para este vídeo../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts107By
- By
+ Por ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html170Subscribe
- Subscribe
+ Subscríbete../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html7Subscribe to all channels
- Subscribe to all channels
+ Subscríbete ós canais../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html9channels subscribed
- channels subscribed
+ subscrita ós canais../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html11{VAR_SELECT, select, undefined {Unsubscribe} other {Unsubscribe from all channels} }
- {VAR_SELECT, select, undefined {Unsubscribe} other {Unsubscribe from all channels} }
+ {VAR_SELECT, select, undefined {Subscribir} other {Quitar subscrición a todas as canles} }../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html31Show more
- Show more
+ Mostrar máis../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html197Show less
- Show less
+ Mostrar menos../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html203Origin instance
- Origin instance
+ Instancia de orixe../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html215Originally published
- Originally published
+ Publicado orixinalmente../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html220Friendly Reminder:
- Friendly Reminder:
+ Lembra este aviso:../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html283the sharing system used for this video implies that some technical information about your system (such as a public IP address) can be sent to other peers.
- the sharing system used for this video implies that some technical information about your system (such as a public IP address) can be sent to other peers.
+ o sistema de compartición para este vídeo implica que certa información técnica acerca do teu sistema (como o enderezo IP público) pode ser enviada a outras usuarias.../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html285More information
- More information
+ Máis información../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html53The video was blocked due to automatic blocking of new videos
- The video was blocked due to automatic blocking of new videos
+ Este vídeo foi bloqueado pola función de bloqueo automático de novos vídeos../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html67Get more information
- Get more information
+ Máis información../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html288OK
- OK
+ Ok../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html2931 Comment
- 1 Comment
+ 1 Comentario../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html6 Comments
- Comments
+ Comentarios ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html7Comments
- Comments
+ Comentarios../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html9SORT BY
+ ORDE POR../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html17Most recent first (default)
- Most recent first (default)
+ Máis recente primeiro (por omisión)../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html19Most replies first
- Most replies first
+ Máis respostas primeiro../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html20No comments.
- No comments.
+ Sen comentarios.../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html33View replies from and others
- View
- replies from
- and others
+ Ver respostas desde e outras. ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html84View replies from
- View
- replies from
+ Ver respostas desde ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html87View replies
- View
- replies
+ Ver respostas../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html90Comments are disabled.
- Comments are disabled.
+ Non se permite comentar.../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html101The deletion will be sent to remote instances so they can reflect the change.
- The deletion will be sent to remote instances so they can reflect the change.
+ A eliminación será enviada a instancias remotas para que poidan aplicar o cambio.../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.ts169It is a remote comment, so the deletion will only be effective on your instance.
- It is a remote comment, so the deletion will only be effective on your instance.
+ É un comentario remoto, así que a eliminación só será efectiva na túa instancia.../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.ts171Delete and re-draft
- Delete and re-draft
+ Borrar e voltar a escribir../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.ts197
@@ -2235,7 +2042,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Do you really want to delete and re-draft this comment?
- Do you really want to delete and re-draft this comment?
+ Tes a certeza de que queres borrar e voltar a escribir o comentario?../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.ts197
@@ -2243,12 +2050,12 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Add comment...
- Add comment...
+ Engade un comentario...../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html6Markdown compatible
- Markdown compatible
+ Compatible con Markdown../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html13
@@ -2256,7 +2063,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Markdown compatible that supports:
- Markdown compatible that supports:
+ Compatible con Markdown que soporta:../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html15
@@ -2264,7 +2071,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Auto generated links
- Auto generated links
+ Creación automática de ligazóns../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html18
@@ -2272,7 +2079,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Break lines
- Break lines
+ Saltos de liña../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html19
@@ -2280,7 +2087,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- Lists
+ Listas../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html20
@@ -2288,7 +2095,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- Emphasis
+ Énfase../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html22
@@ -2296,7 +2103,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- bold
+ remarcado../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html23
@@ -2304,7 +2111,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- italic
+ cursiva../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html23
@@ -2312,7 +2119,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Emoji shortcuts
- Emoji shortcuts
+ Atallos Emoji../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html26
@@ -2320,7 +2127,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Emoji markup
- Emoji markup
+ Marcaxe Emoji../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html30
@@ -2328,7 +2135,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
See complete list
- See complete list
+ Ver lista completa../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html32
@@ -2336,33 +2143,27 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
You are one step away from commenting
- You are one step away from commenting
+ Xa case remataches o comentario../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html55You can comment using an account on any ActivityPub-compatible instance. On most platforms, you can find the video by typing its URL in the search bar and then comment it from within the software's interface.
- You can comment using an account on any ActivityPub-compatible instance.
- On most platforms, you can find the video by typing its URL in the search bar and then comment it
- from within the software's interface.
+ Podes comentar utilizando unha conta de calquera instancia ActivityPub. Na maioría das plataformas, podes atopar o vídeo buscando o seu URL na caixa de busca e comentar desde alí o vídeo.../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html60If you have an account on Mastodon or Pleroma, you can open it directly in their interface:
- If you have an account on Mastodon or Pleroma, you can open it directly in their interface:
+ Se tes unha conta en Mastodon ou Pleroma, podes abrilo directamente na súa interface:../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html65Login to comment
- Login to comment
+ Conéctate para comentar../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html76Markdown Emoji List
- Markdown Emoji List
+ Lista Markdown Emoji../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html84
@@ -2370,7 +2171,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- Comment
+ Comentar../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.ts58
@@ -2378,7 +2179,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- Reply
+ Responder../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.ts60
@@ -2386,215 +2187,187 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Highlighted comment
- Highlighted comment
+ Comentario destacado../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment.component.html20Reply
- Reply
+ Responde../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment.component.html44This comment has been deleted
- This comment has been deleted
+ Eliminouse o comentario../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment.component.html61Video redundancies
- Video redundancies
+ Redundancias do vídeo../app/+admin/admin.component.ts391 host (without "http://") per line
- 1 host (without "http://") per line
+ 1 host (sen "http://") á vez../app/shared/shared-moderation/batch-domains-modal.component.html11Your report will be sent to moderators of and will be forwarded to the comment origin () too.
- Your report will be sent to moderators of
- and will be forwarded to the comment origin (
- ) too
- .
+ A túa denuncia vaise enviar á moderación de con copia para a orixe do comentario () tamén. ../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/report.component.html37Follow domain
- Follow domain
+ Seguir dominio../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html24Filter...
- Filter...
+ Filtrar...../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html16Clear filters
- Clear filters
+ Eliminar filtros../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html20Video/Comment/Account
- Video/Comment/Account
+ Vídeo/Comentario/Conta../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html41ID
- ID
- ../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html39
+ ID
+ ../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html39
Follower handle
- Follower handle
+ Xestión da seguidora../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html28State
- State
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-imports/my-account-video-imports.component.html19
+ Estado
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-imports/my-account-video-imports.component.html19
- Created
+ Creado ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html31Open actor page in a new tab
- Open actor page in a new tab
+ Abrir páxina do actor noutra lapela../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html46Accepted
- Accepted
+ Aceptado../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html53Pending
- Pending
+ Pendente../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html56Accept
- Accept
+ Aceptar../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html39Refuse
- Refuse
+ Rexeitar../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html40No follower found matching current filters.
- No follower found matching current filters.
+ Non hai seguidoras que concorden cos filtros actuais.../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html68Your instance doesn't have any follower.
- Your instance doesn't have any follower.
+ A túa instancia non ten seguidoras.../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html69Showing to of followers
- Showing
- to
- of
- followers
+ Mostrando a de seguidoras../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html10
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/batch-domains-modal.component.html3Host
- Host
+ Servidor../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html33Redundancy allowed
- Redundancy allowed
+ Redundancia permitida ../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html35Open instance in a new tab
- Open instance in a new tab
+ Abrir instancia en nova lapela../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html43No host found matching current filters.
- No host found matching current filters.
+ Non se atoparon servidores co criterio do filtro.../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html71Your instance is not following anyone.
- Your instance is not following anyone.
+ A túa instancia non segue a ninguén.../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html72Showing to of hosts
- Showing
- to
- of
- hosts
+ Mostrando a de servidores../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html10Follow domains
- Follow domains
+ Seguir dominios../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html79Videos redundancies
- Videos redundancies
+ Redundancias de vídeos../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html3My videos duplicated by remote instances
- My videos duplicated by remote instances
+ Os meus vídeos duplicados por instancias remotas../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html12Remote videos duplicated by my instance
- Remote videos duplicated by my instance
+ Vídeos remotos duplicados pola miña instancia../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html13Create user
- Create user
+ Crear usuaria../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html42Table parameters
- Table parameters
+ Parámetros da táboa../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html58Select columns
- Select columns
+ Escoller columnas../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html64Highlight banned users
- Highlight banned users
+ Resaltar usuarias bloqueadas../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html70
@@ -2604,143 +2377,127 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- john
+ xoán../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html85mail@example.com
- mail@example.com
+ email@exemplo.com../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html107If you leave the password empty, an email will be sent to the user.
- If you leave the password empty, an email will be sent to the user.
+ Se non escribes un contrasinal, enviarase un email á usuaria.../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html121Role
- Role
+ Rol../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html135Transcoding is enabled. The video quota only takes into account original video size. At most, this user could upload ~ .
- Transcoding is enabled. The video quota only takes into account
- original
- video size.
- At most, this user could upload ~
- .
+ Recodificación activada. A cota de vídeo só ten en conta o tamaño orixinal do vídeo. Como moito, esta usuaria podería subir ~ . ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html160Daily video quota
- Daily video quota
+ Cota diaria de vídeo../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html166Doesn't need review before a video goes public
- Doesn't need review before a video goes public
+ Non precisa revisión antes de facer público un vídeo../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html179Send a link to reset the password by email to the user
- Send a link to reset the password by email to the user
+ Enviar unha ligazón para restablecer o contrasinal desde email../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html204Ask for new password
- Ask for new password
+ Pedir novo contrasinal../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html205Manually set the user password
- Manually set the user password
+ Establecer manualmente o contrasinal da usuaria../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html209Show
- Show
+ Mostrar../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-password.component.html10Hide
- Hide
+ Agochar../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-password.component.html11Batch actions
- Batch actions
+ Accións en grupo../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html13Advanced user filters
- Advanced user filters
+ Filtros de usuaria avanzados../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html27Banned users
- Banned users
+ Usuarias bloqueadas../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html28The user was banned
- The user was banned
+ Esta usuaria foi bloqueada../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html160Open account in a new tab
- Open account in a new tab
+ Abrir conta nunha nova lapela../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html106Deleted account
- Deleted account
+ Conta eliminada../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html75User's email must be verified to login
- User's email must be verified to login
+ O email da usuaria debe ser verificado para conectarse../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html129User's email is verified / User can login without email verification
- User's email is verified / User can login without email verification
+ Email da usuaria verificado / A usuaria pode conectar sen verificar o email../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html133Total daily video quota
- Total daily video quota
+ Cota diaria total de vídeo../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html150Ban reason:
- Ban reason:
+ Razón do bloqueo:../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html177Showing to of users
- Showing
- to
- of
- users
+ Mostrando a de usuarias../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html6Moderation
- Moderation
+ Moderación../app/+admin/admin.component.ts47Reports
- Reports
+ Denuncias../app/+admin/admin.component.ts53
@@ -2748,7 +2505,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Video blocks
- Video blocks
+ Bloqueo de vídeos../app/+admin/admin.component.ts60
@@ -2756,7 +2513,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Muted accounts
- Muted accounts
+ Contas acaladas../app/+admin/admin.component.ts67
@@ -2764,7 +2521,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Muted servers
- Muted servers
+ Servidores acalados../app/+admin/admin.component.ts74
@@ -2772,7 +2529,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- Users
+ Usuarias../app/+admin/admin.component.ts81
@@ -2780,7 +2537,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- Configuration
+ Configuración../app/+admin/admin.component.ts88
@@ -2788,308 +2545,267 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Video blocks
- Video blocks
+ Bloqueo de vídeos../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html3Muted accounts
- Muted accounts
+ Contas acaladas../app/shared/shared-moderation/account-blocklist.component.html3Muted servers
- Muted servers
+ Servidores acalados../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html3Advanced block filters
- Advanced block filters
+ Filtros de bloqueo avanzados../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html23Automatic blocks
- Automatic blocks
+ Bloqueos automáticos../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html24Manual blocks
- Manual blocks
+ Bloqueos manuais../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html25Video
- Video
+ Vídeo ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html29Total size
- Total size
+ Tamaño total../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html30List redundancies
- List redundancies
+ Amosar redundancias../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html37Your instance doesn't mirror any video.
- Your instance doesn't mirror any video.
+ A túa instancia non replica ningún vídeo.../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html81Your instance has no mirrored videos.
- Your instance has no mirrored videos.
+ A túa instancia non ten vídeos replicados.../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html82Enabled strategies stats
- Enabled strategies stats
+ Activadas estatísticas das estratexias../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html91No redundancy strategy is enabled on your instance.
- No redundancy strategy is enabled on your instance.
+ Non hai activadas estratexias de redundancias na túa instancia.../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html96Sensitive
- Sensitive
+ Sensible../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html43Unfederated
- Unfederated
+ Non federado../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html44Date
- Date
+ Data ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html45Actions
- Actions
+ Accións../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html90No abuses found matching current filters.
- No abuses found matching current filters.
+ Non se atoparon abusos concordantes cos filtros establecidos.../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html188No abuses found.
- No abuses found.
+ Sen abusos atopados.../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html189Block reason:
- Block reason:
+ Razón do bloqueo:../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html103No blocked video found matching current filters.
- No blocked video found matching current filters.
+ Sen videos bloqueados atopados que cumpran cos filtros actuais.../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html123No blocked video found.
- No blocked video found.
+ Sen vídeo bloqueado atopado.../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html124Showing to of blocked videos
- Showing
- to
- of
- blocked videos
+ Mostrando a de vídeos bloqueados../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html10Reports
- Reports
+ Denuncias../app/+admin/moderation/abuse-list/abuse-list.component.html3Moderation comment
- Moderation comment
+ Comentario da Moderación../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/moderation-comment-modal.component.html3This comment can only be seen by you or the other moderators.
- This comment can only be seen by you or the other moderators.
+ Este comentario só pode ser visto por ti e outras moderadoras.../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/moderation-comment-modal.component.html21Update this comment
- Update this comment
+ Actualiza este comentario../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/moderation-comment-modal.component.html31Advanced report filters
- Advanced report filters
+ Filtros de denuncia avanzados../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html18Unsolved reports
- Unsolved reports
+ Denuncias non resoltas../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html19Accepted reports
- Accepted reports
+ Denuncias aceptadas../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html20Refused reports
- Refused reports
+ Denuncias rexeitadas../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html21Reports with blocked videos
- Reports with blocked videos
+ Denuncias con vídeos bloqueados../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html22Reports with deleted videos
- Reports with deleted videos
+ Denuncias con vídeos eliminados../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html23Reporter
- Reporter
+ Denunciante../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html7
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html27{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 report} other { reports}}
- {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 report} other {
- reports} }
+ {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 denuncia} other { denuncias}}../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html27Video
- Video
+ Vídeo../app/+my-account/my-account-ownership/my-account-ownership.component.html20This video has been reported multiple times.
- This video has been reported multiple times.
+ Este vídeo foi denunciado en múltiples ocasións.../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html88The video was blocked
- The video was blocked
+ O vídeo foi bloqueado../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html97by on
- by
- on
+ por o ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html100Video was deleted
- Video was deleted
+ O vídeo foi eliminado../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html107Account deleted
- Account deleted
+ Conta eliminada../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html143Open video in a new tab
- Open video in a new tab
+ Abir vídeo nunha nova lapela../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html49State
- State
+ Estado ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html29Messages
- Messages
+ Mensaxes../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html44Internal note
- Internal note
+ Nota interna../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html45Score
- Score
+ Valoración ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html30Showing to of reports
- Showing
- to
- of
- reports
+ Mostrando to de denuncias../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html5Reportee
- Reportee
+ Denunciante../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html33
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html52{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 report} other { reports}}
- {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 report} other {
- reports} }
+ {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 report} other { denuncias}}../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html52Updated
- Updated
+ Actualizado../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html58Mute domain
- Mute domain
+ Acalar dominio../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html24
@@ -3099,66 +2815,57 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Muted at
- Muted at
+ Acalado o ../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html33Unmute
- Unmute
+ Reactivar../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html40No server found matching current filters.
- No server found matching current filters.
+ Sen servidores que pasen os filtros actuais.../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html56No server found.
- No server found.
+ Non se atopa servidor.../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html57Showing to of muted instances
- Showing
- to
- of
- muted instances
+ Mostrando a de instancias acaladas../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html10It seems that you are not on a HTTPS server. Your webserver needs to have TLS activated in order to follow servers.
- It seems that you are not on a HTTPS server. Your webserver needs to have TLS activated in order to follow servers.
+ Semella que non estás nun servidor HTTPS. O teu servidor web precisa ter TLS activado para poder seguir servidores.../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html82Mute domains
- Mute domains
+ Acalar dominios../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html64Account
- Account
+ Conta../app/shared/shared-moderation/account-blocklist.component.html28No account found matching current filters.
- No account found matching current filters.
+ Sen contas que cumpran cos filtros establecidos.../app/shared/shared-moderation/account-blocklist.component.html63No account found.
- No account found.
+ Non se atopan contas.../app/shared/shared-moderation/account-blocklist.component.html64List installed plugins
- List installed plugins
+ Lista de plugins instalados../app/+admin/plugins/plugins.routes.ts28
@@ -3166,7 +2873,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Search plugins
- Search plugins
+ Buscar plugins../app/+admin/plugins/plugins.routes.ts37
@@ -3174,7 +2881,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Show plugin
- Show plugin
+ Mostrar plugin../app/+admin/plugins/plugins.routes.ts46
@@ -3182,137 +2889,122 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Showing to of muted accounts
- Showing
- to
- of
- muted accounts
+ Mostrando a de contas acaladas../app/shared/shared-moderation/account-blocklist.component.html10Plugins/Themes
- Plugins/Themes
+ Plugins/Decorados../app/+admin/admin.component.ts92Installed
- Installed
+ Instalado../app/+admin/plugins/plugins.component.html3Plugin homepage (new window)
- Plugin homepage (new window)
+ Páxina do plugin (nova ventá)../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.html17Search
- Search
+ Buscar../app/+admin/plugins/plugins.component.html5Users can resolve distant content
- Users can resolve distant content
+ As usuarias poden resolver contido distante../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html101Close this message
- Close this message
+ Pechar esta mensaxe../app/app.component.html34Settings
- Settings
+ Axustes../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.html26Display settings
- Display settings
+ Axustes da visualización../app/modal/quick-settings-modal.component.html8Uninstall
- Uninstall
+ Desinstalar../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.html32To load your new installed plugins or themes, refresh the page.
- To load your new installed plugins or themes, refresh the page.
+ Para cargar os novos plugins ou decorados instalados, actualiza a páxina.../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.html10Popular
- Popular
+ Popular../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.html16 for ""
- for "
- "
+ para "" ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.html23{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {result} other {results} }
- {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {result} other {results} }
+ {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {result} other {results} }../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.html23No results.
- No results.
+ Sen resultados.../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.html29Plugin npm package (new window)
- Plugin npm package (new window)
+ Paquete de plugin npm (nova ventá)../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.html44This does not have settings.
- This
- does not have settings.
+ Este non permite axustes. ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-show-installed/plugin-show-installed.component.html17System
- System
+ Sistema../app/+admin/admin.component.ts96Jobs
- Jobs
+ Tarefas../app/+admin/system/system.component.html5Logs
- Logs
+ Rexistros../app/+admin/system/system.component.html7Debug
- Debug
+ Depurar../app/+admin/system/system.component.html8Job type
- Job type
+ Tipo de tarefa../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html3Job state
- Job state
+ Estado da tarefa../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html12
- Showing to of jobsShowing to of jobs
+ Showing to of jobs
+ Mostrando a de tarefas../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html32
@@ -3320,16 +3012,20 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- Type
- ../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html40
- No jobs found.No jobs found.
+ Tipo
+ ../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html40
+ No jobs found.
+ Sen tarefas atopadas.../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html86
- No jobs found that are .No jobs found that are .
+ No jobs found that are .
+ Sen tarefas atopadas que están .../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html87
@@ -3337,10 +3033,12 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- Refresh
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html33
- nownow
+ Actualizar
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html33
+ now
+ agora../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html15
@@ -3348,19 +3046,17 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- Loading...
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html37
+ Cargando...
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html37
- By ->
- By
- ->
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html45
+ By ->
+ Por ->
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html45
+ INSTANCIA../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html15
@@ -3375,81 +3071,67 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Main instance categories
- Main instance categories
+ Categorías da instancia principal../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html48Add a new category
- Add a new category
+ Engadir unha nova categoría../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html55The sharing system implies that some technical information about your system (such as a public IP address) can be sent to other peers, but greatly helps to reduce server load.
- The
- sharing system
- implies that some technical information about your system (such as a public IP address) can be sent to other peers, but greatly helps to reduce server load.
+ O sistema compartido implica que algunha información técnica acerca do teu sistema (como o enderezo IP público) pode ser enviado a outras usuarias, pero reduce grandemente a carga do servidor.../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html50Help share videos being played
- Help share videos being played
+ Axuda a compartir vídeos reproducidos../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html47When on a video page, directly start playing the video.
- When on a video page, directly start playing the video.
+ Na páxina dun vídeo, iniciar a reprodución automáticamente.../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html61Automatically play videos
- Automatically play videos
+ Reproducir automáticamente../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html58When a video ends, follow up with the next suggested video.
- When a video ends, follow up with the next suggested video.
+ Ó rematar o vídeo, reproduce o seguinte vídeo suxerido.../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html72Automatically start playing the next video
- Automatically start playing the next video
+ Reproducir automáticamente o seguinte vídeo../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html69Main languages you/your moderators speak
- Main languages you/your moderators speak
+ Idiomas principais que ti ou os teus moderadores falades../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html62MODERATION & NSFW
+ MODERACIÓN & NSFW../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html80Manage users to build a moderation team.
- Manage
- users
- to build a moderation team.
+ Xestionar usuaria para crear un equipo de moderación. ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html82This instance is dedicated to sensitive or NSFW content
- This instance is dedicated to sensitive or NSFW content
+ Esta instancia está orientada a contidos sensibles ou NSFW../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html91Enabling it will allow other administrators to know that you are mainly federating sensitive content. Moreover, the NSFW checkbox on video upload will be automatically checked by default.
- Enabling it will allow other administrators to know that you are mainly federating sensitive content.
- Moreover, the NSFW checkbox on video upload will be automatically checked by default.
+ Ó activalo faraslle saber á administración doutras instancias que básicamente federas contido sensible. Ademáis, a marca de NSFW será engadida automáticamente a todos os vídeos subidos. ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html96
@@ -3459,14 +3141,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
With Do not list or Blur thumbnails, a confirmation will be requested to watch the video.
- With
- Do not list
- or
- Blur thumbnails
- , a confirmation will be requested to watch the video.
+ Con Non listado ou Esborranchar miniaturas, solicitarase unha confirmación para ver o vídeo. ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html109
@@ -3486,7 +3161,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- Strategy
+ Estratexia../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html28
@@ -3496,129 +3171,122 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Code of conduct
- Code of conduct
+ Código de conduta../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html107Moderation information
- Moderation information
+ Información da moderación../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html98Who moderates the instance? What is the policy regarding NSFW videos? Political videos? etc
- Who moderates the instance? What is the policy regarding NSFW videos? Political videos? etc
+ Quen modera esta instancia? Cal é a política respecto de vídeos NSFW? Vídeos de política? etc../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html145YOU AND YOUR INSTANCE
+ TI E A TÚA INSTANCIA../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html159Who is behind the instance?
- Who is behind the instance?
+ Quen está detrás da instancia?../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html165A single person? A non-profit? A company?
- A single person? A non-profit? A company?
+ Unha soa persoa? Unha fundación? Unha empresa?../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html166Why did you create this instance?
- Why did you create this instance?
+ Por que creaches esta instancia?../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html177To share your personal videos? To open registrations and allow people to upload what they want?
- To share your personal videos? To open registrations and allow people to upload what they want?
+ Para compartir os teus propios vídeos? Para abrir o rexistro e permitir que a xente poida subir o que queira?../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html178How long do you plan to maintain this instance?
- How long do you plan to maintain this instance?
+ Canto tempo tes pensado manter esta instancia?../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html188It's important to know for users who want to register on your instance
- It's important to know for users who want to register on your instance
+ É importante para as usuarias que están pensando en rexistrarse na túa instancia../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html189How will you finance the PeerTube server?
- How will you finance the PeerTube server?
+ Como vas a financiar o servidor PeerTube?../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html199With your own funds? With user donations? Advertising?
- With your own funds? With user donations? Advertising?
+ Con cartos do teu peto? Con doazóns das usuarias? Publicidade?../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html200OTHER INFORMATION
+ OUTRA INFORMACIÓN../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html214What server/hardware does the instance run on?
- What server/hardware does the instance run on?
+ Que tipo de software de servidor e hardware estás a utilizar?../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html220i.e. 2vCore 2GB RAM, a direct the link to the server you rent, etc.
- i.e. 2vCore 2GB RAM, a direct the link to the server you rent, etc.
+ ex. 2vCore 2GB RAM, ligazón ó servidor que alugaches, etc.../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html221Instance information
- Instance information
+ Información sobre a instancia../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html7APPEARANCE
+ APARENCIA../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html245Use plugins & themes for more involved changes, or add slight customizations.
- Use
- plugins & themes
- for more involved changes, or
- add slight customizations
- .
+ Usa plugins & decorados para cambios máis profundos, ou lixeiras personalizacións. ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html247default
- default
+ por omisión../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html259Landing page
- Landing page
+ Páxina de benvida../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html268Discover videos
- Discover videos
+ Descubrir vídeos../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html271Trending videos
- Trending videos
+ Vídeos que son tendencia../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html272Most liked videos
- Most liked videos
+ Vídeos máis gustados../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html273Recently added videos
- Recently added videos
+ Engadidos recentemente../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html274
@@ -3628,54 +3296,47 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
+ MENSAXE DE DIFUSIÓN../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html286Display a message on your instance
- Display a message on your instance
+ Mostra unha mensaxe na túa instancia../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html288Enable broadcast message
- Enable broadcast message
+ Activar mensaxe de difusión../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html299Allow users to dismiss the broadcast message
- Allow users to dismiss the broadcast message
+ Permitir que as usuarias desboten a mensaxe de difusión../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html306Broadcast message level
- Broadcast message level
+ Nivel da mensaxe de difusión../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html311Message
- Message
+ Mensaxe../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html323NEW USERS
+ NOVAS USUARIAS../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html338Manage users to set their quota individually.
- Manage
- users
- to set their quota individually.
+ Xestionar usuarias para establecer a cota individualmente. ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html340Signup requires email verification
- Signup requires email verification
+ O rexistro require verificar o email../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html358
@@ -3685,7 +3346,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Enable Signup
- Enable Signup
+ Activar rexistro../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html350
@@ -3695,203 +3356,182 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {Video} other {Videos} }
- {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {Video} other {Videos} }
+ {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {Vídeo} other {Vídeos} }../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html24{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {Channel} other {Channels} }
- {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {Channel} other {Channels} }
+ {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {Canle} other {Canais} }../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html30{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {Subscriber} other {Subscribers} }
- {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {Subscriber} other {Subscribers} }
+ {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {Subscritora} other {Subscritoras} }../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html36Incriminated in reports
- Incriminated in reports
+ Incriminado en denuncias../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html42Authored reports accepted
- Authored reports accepted
+ Denuncias aceptadas../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html48{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {Comment} other {Comments} }
- {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {Comment} other {Comments} }
+ {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {Comentario} other {Comentarios} }../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html54NEW USER
+ NOVA USUARIA../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html73Configuration
- Configuration
+ Configuración../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html1Default video quota per user
- Default video quota per user
+ Cota de vídeo por omisión para as usuarias../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html377Default daily upload limit per user
- Default daily upload limit per user
+ Límite de subida diaria para as usuarias../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html389Allow import with HTTP URL (i.e. YouTube)
- Allow import with HTTP URL (i.e. YouTube)
+ Permitir importar con HTTP URL (ex. YouTube)../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html417Allow import with a torrent file or a magnet URI
- Allow import with a torrent file or a magnet URI
+ Permitir importar cun ficheiro torrent ou magnet URI../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html424Unless a user is marked as trusted, their videos will stay private until a moderator reviews them.
- Unless a user is marked as trusted, their videos will stay private until a moderator reviews them.
+ A non ser que a usuaria esté marcada como de confianza, os seus vídeos permanecerán privados ata ser revisados pola moderación.../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html441Block new videos automatically
- Block new videos automatically
+ Bloquear novos vídeos automáticamente../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html438SEARCH
+ BUSCAR../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html455Allow your users to look up remote videos/actors by their URI, that may not be federated with your instance
- Allow
- your users
- to look up remote videos/actors by their URI, that may not be federated with your instance
+ Permitirlle ás túas usuarias atopar vídeos/actores remotos pola súa URI, que podería non estar federando coa túa instancia../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html469Allow users to do remote URI/handle search
- Allow users to do remote URI/handle search
+ Permitirlle ás usuarias facer buscas de URI/alcumes remotos../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html466Allow anonymous users to look up remote videos/actors by their URI, that may not be federated with your instance
- Allow
- anonymous users
- to look up remote videos/actors by their URI, that may not be federated with your instance
+ Permitirlle a usuarias anónimas atopar vídeos/actores remotos polo seu URI, que poderían non estar federando coa túa instancia../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html480Allow anonymous to do remote URI/handle search
- Allow anonymous to do remote URI/handle search
+ Permitir a busca anónima de URI/alcumes remotos../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html477⚠️ This functionality depends heavily on the moderation of instances followed by the search index you select.
- ⚠️ This functionality depends heavily on the moderation of instances followed by the search index you select.
+ ⚠️ Esta función depende moito da moderación das instancias seguidas polo índice de buscas que ti escolleches.../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html494You should only use moderated search indexes in production, or host your own.
- You should only use moderated search indexes in production, or
- host your own
- .
+ Só deberías usar índices de busca moderados en produción, ou utilizar o teu propio. ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html497Search index URL
- Search index URL
+ URL do índice de buscas../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html503Disable local search in search bar
- Disable local search in search bar
+ Desactivar busca local na barra de busca../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html514Otherwise the local search stays used by default
- Otherwise the local search stays used by default
+ Doutro xeito a busca local segue a utilizarse por omisión../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html524Search bar uses the global search index by default
- Search bar uses the global search index by default
+ A barra de busca usa por omisión o índice de busca global../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html521Enable global search
- Enable global search
+ Activar busca global../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html491FEDERATION
+ FEDERACIÓN../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html542Manage relations with other instances.
- Manage
- relations
- with other instances.
+ Xestionar as relacións con outras instancias. ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html544Other instances can follow yours
- Other instances can follow yours
+ Outras instancias poden seguir a túa../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html556Manually approve new instance followers
- Manually approve new instance followers
+ Aprobar manualmente novas seguidoras da instancia../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html563Automatically follow back instances
- Automatically follow back instances
+ Automaticamente seguir de volta a instancias../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html576You should only follow moderated indexes in production, or host your own.
- You should only follow moderated indexes in production, or
- host your own
- .
+ Por omisión só deberías seguir índices moderados en produción, ou usa o teu propio. ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html595⚠️ This functionality requires a lot of attention and extra moderation.
- ⚠️ This functionality requires a lot of attention and extra moderation.
+ ⚠️ Esta función require moita atención e traballo extra de moderación.../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html353Index URL
- Index URL
+ URL do índice../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html601Automatically follow instances of a public index
- Automatically follow instances of a public index
+ Seguir automáticamente instancias dun índice público../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html589ADMINISTRATORS
+ ADMINISTRADORAS../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html621
@@ -3906,7 +3546,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Enable contact form
- Enable contact form
+ Activar o formulario de contacto../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html638
@@ -3916,14 +3556,12 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
+ TWITTER../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html655Optional. If any, provide the Twitter account representing your instance to improve link previews.
- Optional. If any, provide the Twitter account representing your instance to improve link previews.
+ Optativo. Se existise, proporciona a conta de Twitter que representa á túa instancia para mellorar a vista previa das ligazóns.../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html657
@@ -3933,24 +3571,12 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Instance allowed by Twitter
- Instance allowed by Twitter
+ Instancia permitida por Twitter../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html679If your instance is explicitly allowed by Twitter, a video player will be embedded in the Twitter feed on PeerTube video share. If the instance is not, we use an image link card that will redirect on your PeerTube instance. Check this checkbox, save the configuration and test with a video URL of your instance (https://example.com/videos/watch/blabla) on https://cards-dev.twitter.com/validator to see if you instance is allowed.
- If your instance is explicitly allowed by Twitter, a video player will be embedded in the Twitter feed on PeerTube video share.
- If the instance is not, we use an image link card that will redirect on your PeerTube instance.
- Check this checkbox, save the configuration and test with a video URL of your instance (https://example.com/videos/watch/blabla) on
- https://cards-dev.twitter.com/validator
- to see if you instance is allowed.
+ Se a túa instancia está autorizada por Twitter, un reprodutor de vídeo estará incluído na cronoloxía de Twitter ó compartir un vídeo PeerTube. Se non o está, usaremos unha imaxe de ligazón que redirixirá á instancia PeerTube. Marca esta opción, garda a configuración e proba cun URL dun vídeo da túa instancia (https://example.com/videos/watch/blabla) en https://cards-dev.twitter.com/validator para ver se a túa instancia está autorizada. ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html684
@@ -3960,15 +3586,12 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
+ RECODIFICANDO../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html709Process uploaded videos so that they are in a streamable form that any device can play. Though costly in resources, this is a critical part of PeerTube, so tread carefully.
- Process uploaded videos so that they are in a streamable form that any device can play. Though costly in
- resources, this is a critical part of PeerTube, so tread carefully.
+ Procesar os vídeos subidos para ser difundidos de xeito que calquera dispositivo pode reproducilos. Aínda que consume recursos, é parte fundamental de PeerTube, así que ten coidado.../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html711
@@ -3983,65 +3606,42 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Allows users to upload .mkv, .mov, .avi, .wmv, .flv, .f4v, .3g2, .3gp, .mts, m2ts, .mxf, .nut videos.
- Allows users to upload .mkv, .mov, .avi, .wmv, .flv, .f4v, .3g2, .3gp, .mts, m2ts, .mxf, .nut videos.
+ Permite ás usuarias subir vídeos .mkv, .mov, .avi, .wmv, .flv, .f4v, .3g2, .3gp, .mts, m2ts, .mxf, .nut .../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html738Allow additional extensions
- Allow additional extensions
+ Permitir extensións adicionais../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html735Allows users to upload audio files that will be merged with the preview file on upload.
- Allows users to upload audio files that will be merged with the preview file on upload.
+ Permitirlle ás usuarias subir ficheiros de audio que serán unidos á vista previa do ficheiro na subida.../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html749Allow audio files upload
- Allow audio files upload
+ Permitir a subida de ficheiros de audio../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html746Experimental, we suggest you to not disable webtorrent support for nowIf you also enabled HLS support, it will multiply videos storage by 2If disabled, breaks federation with PeerTube instances < 2.1
- Experimental, we suggest you to not disable webtorrent support for now
- If you also enabled HLS support, it will multiply videos storage by 2
- If disabled, breaks federation with PeerTube instances < 2.1
+ Experimental, suxerímosche que non desactives por agora o soporte para webtorrentSe tamén activas o soporte HSL, multiplicará por 2 a almacenaxe de vídeosSe o desactivas, romperá a federación con instancias PeerTube < 2.1../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html762WebTorrent support enabled
- WebTorrent support enabled
+ Soporte WebTorrent activado../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html758
- Requires ffmpeg >= 4.1Generate HLS playlists and fragmented MP4 files resulting in a better playback than with the current default player:Resolution change is smootherFaster playback in particular with long videosMore stable playback (less bugs/infinite loading)If you also enabled WebTorrent support, it will multiply videos storage by 2
- Requires ffmpeg >= 4.1
- Generate HLS playlists and fragmented MP4 files resulting in a better playback than with the current default player:
- Resolution change is smoother
- Faster playback in particular with long videos
- More stable playback (less bugs/infinite loading)
- If you also enabled WebTorrent support, it will multiply videos storage by 2
+ Requires ffmpeg >= 4.1Generate HLS playlists and fragmented MP4 files resulting in a better playback than with the current default player:Resolution change is smootherFaster playback in particular with long videosMore stable playback (less bugs/infinite loading)If you also enabled WebTorrent support, it will multiply videos storage by 2
+ Require ffmpeg >= 4.1Crea listas de reprodución HLS e os ficheiros MP4 fragmentados dan como resultado unha mellor reprodución que co actual reprodutor por omisión:O cambio na resolución é máis suaveReprodución máis rápida particularmente en vídeos longosReprodución inversa máis estable (menos fallos/carga infinita)Se tamén activas o soporte WebTorrent, multiplicará a almacenaxe de vídeos por 2../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html783HLS with P2P support enabled
- HLS with P2P support enabled
+ HLS con soporte P2P activado../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html779
@@ -4051,41 +3651,37 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Resolutions to generate
- Resolutions to generate
+ Resolucións a crear../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html817CACHE
+ CACHE../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html843Some files are not federated, and fetched when necessary. Define their caching policies.
- Some files are not federated, and fetched when necessary. Define their caching policies.
+ Algúns ficheiros non están federados, e obtéñense cando se precisan. Define as regras para a caché.../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html845Number of previews to keep in cache
- Number of previews to keep in cache
+ Número de vistas previas a manter na caché../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html853Number of video captions to keep in cache
- Number of video captions to keep in cache
+ Número de capturas do vídeo a manter na caché../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html862CUSTOMIZATIONS
+ PERSONALIZACIÓN../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html877Slight modifications to your PeerTube instance for when creating a plugin or theme is overkill.
- Slight modifications to your PeerTube instance for when creating a plugin or theme is overkill.
+ Pequenas modificacións para a túa instancia Peertube cando crear un decorado ou plugin resultaría excesivo.../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html879
@@ -4095,44 +3691,12 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Write JavaScript code directly.Example: console.log('my instance is amazing');
- Write JavaScript code directly.
- Example:
- console.log('my instance is amazing');
+ Escribe código JavaScript directamente.Exemplo: console.log('tremenda instancia a miña');../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html892
- Write CSS code directly. Example: #custom-css
- color: red;
- Prepend with #custom-css to override styles. Example: #custom-css .logged-in-email
- color: red;
- Write CSS code directly. Example:
- #custom-css
- color: red;
- Prepend with
- #custom-css
- to override styles. Example:
- #custom-css .logged-in-email
- color: red;
+ Write CSS code directly. Example: #custom-css color: red; Prepend with #custom-css to override styles. Example: #custom-css .logged-in-email color: red;
+ Escribe código CSS directamente. Examplo: #custom-css color: red; Precedido de #custom-css para sobrescribir estilos. Examplo: #custom-css .logged-in-email color: red; ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html911
@@ -4147,276 +3711,252 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
It seems like the configuration is invalid. Please search for potential errors in the different tabs.
- It seems like the configuration is invalid. Please search for potential errors in the different tabs.
+ Semella que a configuración non é válida. Busca os erros potenciais nas diferentes lapelas.../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html948VIDEO SETTINGS
+ AXUSTES DE VÍDEO../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-settings.component.html26NOTIFICATIONS
+ NOTIFICACIÓNS../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-settings.component.html37INTERFACE
+ INTERFACE../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-settings.component.html47PASSWORD
+ CONTRASINAL../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-settings.component.html57EMAIL
+ EMAIL../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-settings.component.html67DANGER ZONE
+ ZONA PERIGOSA../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html197Profile
- Profile
+ Perfil../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts170Resolution
- Resolution
+ Resolución../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts179Aspect ratio
- Aspect ratio
+ Relación de aspecto../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts180Average frame rate
- Average frame rate
+ Frame Rate medio../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts181Pixel format
- Pixel format
+ Formato do píxel../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts182Sample rate
- Sample rate
+ Taxa de mostra../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts186Channel Layout
- Channel Layout
+ Disposición da canle../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts187Video settings
- Video settings
+ Axustes de vídeo../app/modal/quick-settings-modal.component.html16Interface settings
- Interface settings
+ Axustes da interface../app/modal/quick-settings-modal.component.html20Change password
- Change password
+ Cambiar contrasinal../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-password/my-account-change-password.component.html5Current password
- Current password
+ Contrasinal actual../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-password/my-account-change-password.component.html7New password
- New password
+ Novo contrasinal../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-password/my-account-change-password.component.html15Confirm new password
- Confirm new password
+ Confirma o novo contrasinal../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-password/my-account-change-password.component.html23Default policy on videos containing sensitive content
- Default policy on videos containing sensitive content
+ Política por omisión para vídeos con contido sensible../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html4With Do not list or Blur thumbnails, a confirmation will be requested to watch the video.
- With
- Do not list
- or
- Blur thumbnails
- , a confirmation will be requested to watch the video.
+ Con Non Listado ou Miniaturas esborranchadas, pedirase unha confirmación para ver o vídeo. ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html8Policy for sensitive videos
- Policy for sensitive videos
+ Política para vídeos sensibles../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html116Only display videos in the following languages/subtitles
- Only display videos in the following languages/subtitles
+ Mostrar só vídeos cos seguintes idiomas/subtítulos../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html25In Recently added, Trending, Local, Most liked and Search pages
- In Recently added, Trending, Local, Most liked and Search pages
+ En engadidos Recentemente, en Tendencia, Local, Máis gustados e Páxinas de busca../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html28Add a new language
- Add a new language
+ Engade un novo idioma../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html69Your current email is
- Your current email is
+ O teu email actual é ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html5 is awaiting email verification
- is awaiting email verification
+ está agardando a verficación do email ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html9New email
- New email
+ Novo email../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html15Your new email
- Your new email
+ O teu novo email../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html17Your current password
- Your current password
+ Contrasinal actual../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html26Your password
- Your password
+ O teu contrasinal../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html28Change email
- Change email
+ Cambiar email../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html36Theme
- Theme
+ Decorado../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html255instance default
- instance default
+ por omisión da instancia../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-interface-settings.component.html8peertube default
- peertube default
+ por omisión de peertube../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-interface-settings.component.html9Change ownership
- Change ownership
+ Cambiar propietaria../app/+my-account/my-account-videos/video-change-ownership/video-change-ownership.component.html3Select the next owner
- Select the next owner
+ Elixe a nova propietaria../app/+my-account/my-account-videos/video-change-ownership/video-change-ownership.component.html10Search your videos
- Search your videos
+ Busca nos teus vídeos../app/+my-account/my-account-videos/my-account-videos.component.html11Accept ownership
- Accept ownership
+ Aceptar a propiedade../app/+my-account/my-account-ownership/my-account-accept-ownership/my-account-accept-ownership.component.html3Select a channel to receive the video
- Select a channel to receive the video
+ Elixe unha canle para recibir o vídeo../app/+my-account/my-account-ownership/my-account-accept-ownership/my-account-accept-ownership.component.html10Channel that will receive the video
- Channel that will receive the video
+ Canle que recibirá o vídeo../app/+my-account/my-account-ownership/my-account-accept-ownership/my-account-accept-ownership.component.html13My ownership changes
- My ownership changes
+ Os meus cambios de propiedade../app/+my-account/my-account-ownership/my-account-ownership.component.html3Initiator
- Initiator
+ Iniciado por../app/+my-account/my-account-ownership/my-account-ownership.component.html19Created
- Created
+ Creado ../app/+my-account/my-account-ownership/my-account-ownership.component.html23Status
- Status
+ Estado../app/+my-account/my-account-ownership/my-account-ownership.component.html25Account page
- Account page
+ Páxina da conta../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html169
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html176No ownership change request found.
- No ownership change request found.
+ Non se atopan solicitudes de cambio de propiedade.../app/+my-account/my-account-ownership/my-account-ownership.component.html83Account settings
- Account settings
+ Axustes da conta../app/+my-account/my-account-routing.module.ts37
@@ -4424,7 +3964,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Account playlists
- Account playlists
+ Listaxes da conta../app/+my-account/my-account-routing.module.ts55
@@ -4432,7 +3972,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Create new playlist
- Create new playlist
+ Crear nova lista de reprodución../app/+my-account/my-account-routing.module.ts64
@@ -4440,7 +3980,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Playlist elements
- Playlist elements
+ Elementos da lista../app/+my-account/my-account-routing.module.ts73
@@ -4448,12 +3988,12 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
My imports
- My imports
+ Importacións../app/+my-account/my-account-video-imports/my-account-video-imports.component.html3Create video channel
- Create video channel
+ Crear canle de vídeo../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channels.component.html19
@@ -4465,172 +4005,152 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Example: my_channel
- Example: my_channel
+ Exemplo: a_miña_canle../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channel-edit.component.html35CHANNEL
+ CANLE../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channel-edit.component.html26
- Short text to tell people how they can support your channel (membership platform...).<br /><br />
- When you will upload a video in this channel, the video support field will be automatically filled by this text.
- Short text to tell people how they can support your channel (membership platform...).<br /><br />
- When you will upload a video in this channel, the video support field will be automatically filled by this text.
+ Short text to tell people how they can support your channel (membership platform...).<br /><br /> When you will upload a video in this channel, the video support field will be automatically filled by this text.
+ Texto curto para dar a coñecer o xeito en que poden apoiar a túa canle (plataformas de mebresía...).<br /><br /> Cando subas un vídeo a esta canle, o campo de apoio ó vídeo completarase automáticamente co texto aquí escrito.../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channel-edit.component.html77Overwrite support field of all videos of this channel
- Overwrite support field of all videos of this channel
+ Sobrescribir o campo de apoio para todos os vídeos desta canle../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channel-edit.component.html92 subscribers
- subscribers
+ subscritoras ../app/shared/shared-main/account/actor-avatar-info.component.html21Target
- Target
+ Obxetivo../app/+my-account/my-account-video-imports/my-account-video-imports.component.html17See the error
- See the error
+ Ver o erro../app/+my-account/my-account-video-imports/my-account-video-imports.component.html27This video was deleted
- This video was deleted
+ Video eliminado../app/+my-account/my-account-video-imports/my-account-video-imports.component.html49Showing to of imports
- Showing
- to
- of
- imports
+ Mostrando a de importacións../app/+my-account/my-account-video-imports/my-account-video-imports.component.html10Once you delete your account, there is no going back. You will be asked to confirm this action.
- Once you delete your account, there is no going back. You will be asked to confirm this action.
+ Unha vez eliminada a conta non haberá volta atrás. Pediráseche confirmación para esta acción.../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-danger-zone/my-account-danger-zone.component.html2Delete your account
- Delete your account
+ Elimina a túa conta../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-danger-zone/my-account-danger-zone.component.html4You don't have any subscriptions yet.
- You don't have any subscriptions yet.
+ Aínda non engadiches subscricións.../app/+my-account/my-account-subscriptions/my-account-subscriptions.component.html18Channel page
- Channel page
+ Páxina da canle../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html166Created by
- Created by
+ Creada por ../app/+my-account/my-account-subscriptions/my-account-subscriptions.component.html35Owner account page
- Owner account page
+ Páxina da dona da conta../app/+my-account/my-account-subscriptions/my-account-subscriptions.component.html34Go the owner account page
- Go the owner account page
+ Ir á páxina da dona da conta../app/+video-channels/video-channels.component.html30Video history
- Video history
+ Historial do vídeo../app/+my-account/my-account-history/my-account-history.component.html9 Delete history
- Delete history
+ Borrar historial ../app/+my-account/my-account-history/my-account-history.component.html13You don't have any video history yet.
- You don't have any video history yet.
+ Aínda non tes ningunha historia do vídeo.../app/+my-account/my-account-history/my-account-history.component.html19 Notification preferences
- Notification preferences
+ Preferencias de notificación ../app/+my-account/my-account-notifications/my-account-notifications.component.html4Newest first
- Newest first
+ Primeiro novas../app/+my-account/my-account-notifications/my-account-notifications.component.html11Unread first
- Unread first
+ Primeiro Sen ler../app/+my-account/my-account-notifications/my-account-notifications.component.html12All read
- All read
+ Todo lido../app/+my-account/my-account-notifications/my-account-notifications.component.html26Activities
- Activities
+ Actividades../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.html2Web
- Web
+ Web../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.html4My Playlists
- My Playlists
+ Listas reprodución../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-edit.component.html4NEW PLAYLIST
+ NOVA LISTAXE../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-edit.component.html25PLAYLIST
+ LISTA DE REPRODUCIÓN../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-edit.component.html26Create playlist
- Create playlist
+ Crear listaxe../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlists.component.html18Playlist } deleted.
- Playlist } deleted.
+ Lista } eliminada.../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlists.component.ts61
@@ -4638,73 +4158,57 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Playlist thumbnail
- Playlist thumbnail
+ Miniatura da lista../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-edit.component.html82Search your playlists
- Search your playlists
+ Busca nas túas listas../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlists.component.html10No videos in this playlist.
- No videos in this playlist.
+ Sen vídeos nesta listaxe.../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-elements.component.html25Browse videos on PeerTube to add them in your playlist.
- Browse videos on PeerTube to add them in your playlist.
+ Busca vídeos en PeerTube para engadilos ás túas listas.../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-elements.component.html28See the documentation for more information.
- See the
- documentation
- for more information.
+ Le a documentación para saber máis. ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-elements.component.html32Welcome to PeerTube!
- Welcome to PeerTube!
+ Benvida a PeerTube!../app/+signup/shared/signup-success.component.html8If you need help to use PeerTube, you can have a look at the documentation.
- If you need help to use PeerTube, you can have a look at the
- documentation
- .
+ Se precisas axuda para usar PeerTube, podes ler a documentación. ../app/+signup/shared/signup-success.component.html14Verify account email confirmation
- Verify account email confirmation
+ Verifica o email de confirmación da conta../app/+signup/+verify-account/verify-account-email/verify-account-email.component.html3Email updated.
- Email updated.
+ Email actualizado.../app/+signup/+verify-account/verify-account-email/verify-account-email.component.html10An error occurred.
- An error occurred.
+ Algo fallou.../app/+signup/+verify-account/verify-account-email/verify-account-email.component.html14Video channel videos
- Video channel videos
+ Vídeos da canle../app/+video-channels/video-channels-routing.module.ts25
@@ -4712,7 +4216,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Video channel playlists
- Video channel playlists
+ Listas da canle../app/+video-channels/video-channels-routing.module.ts38
@@ -4720,7 +4224,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
About video channel
- About video channel
+ Acerca da canle../app/+video-channels/video-channels-routing.module.ts47
@@ -4728,72 +4232,62 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Request email for account verification
- Request email for account verification
+ Solicita un email para verificar a conta../app/+signup/+verify-account/verify-account-ask-send-email/verify-account-ask-send-email.component.html3Send verification email
- Send verification email
+ Enviar email de verificación../app/+signup/+verify-account/verify-account-ask-send-email/verify-account-ask-send-email.component.html17This instance does not require email verification.
- This instance does not require email verification.
+ Esta instancia non require un email de verificación.../app/+signup/+verify-account/verify-account-ask-send-email/verify-account-ask-send-email.component.html20Banned
- Banned
+ Prohibido../app/+accounts/accounts.component.html18Instance muted
- Instance muted
+ Instancia acalada../app/+accounts/accounts.component.html20Muted by your instance
- Muted by your instance
+ Acalado pola túa instancia../app/+accounts/accounts.component.html21Instance muted by your instance
- Instance muted by your instance
+ Instancia acalada pola túa instancia../app/+accounts/accounts.component.html22Manage account
- Manage account
+ Xestionar conta../app/+accounts/accounts.component.html36This account does not have channels.
- This account does not have channels.
+ Esta conta non ten canles.../app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html4{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 subscriber} other { subscribers}}
- {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 subscriber} other {
- subscribers} }
+ {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 subscritora} other { subscritoras}}../app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html13{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =0 {No videos} =1 {1 video} other { videos}}
- {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =0 {No videos} =1 {1 video} other {
- videos} }
+ {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =0 {Sen vídeos} =1 {1 vídeo} other { vídeos}}../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channels.component.html37
- Do you really want to delete ?
-It will delete videos uploaded in this channel, and you will not be able to create another
-channel with the same name ()!
- Do you really want to delete ?
-It will delete videos uploaded in this channel, and you will not be able to create another
-channel with the same name ()!
+ Do you really want to delete ? It will delete videos uploaded in this channel, and you will not be able to create another channel with the same name ()!
+ Tes a certeza de querer eliminar ? Eliminarás vídeos subidos a esta canle, e non poderás voltar a crear outra canle co mesmo nome ()!../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channels.component.ts111,113
@@ -4801,12 +4295,12 @@ channel with the same name ()!
My Channels
- My Channels
+ As miñas Canles../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channel-edit.component.html4NEW CHANNEL
+ NOVA CANLE../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channel-edit.component.html25
@@ -4816,24 +4310,22 @@ channel with the same name ()!
This channel doesn't have any videos.
- This channel doesn't have any videos.
+ Esta canle non ten vídeos.../app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html20SHOW THIS CHANNEL
+ MOSTRAR ESTA CANLE../app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html29DESCRIPTION
+ DESCRICIÓN../app/+accounts/account-about/account-about.component.html5STATS
+ ESTATÍSTICAS../app/+accounts/account-about/account-about.component.html10
@@ -4843,31 +4335,27 @@ channel with the same name ()!
- Uneuse
+ Rexistrouse ../app/+accounts/account-about/account-about.component.html12Manage channel
- Manage channel
+ Xestionar canle../app/+video-channels/video-channels.component.html22Created by
- Created by
+ Creada por../app/+video-channels/video-channels.component.html31SUPPORT THIS CHANNEL
+ APOIA A ESTA CANLE../app/+video-channels/video-channel-about/video-channel-about.component.html10Most liked videos
- Most liked videos
+ Vídeos máis gustados../app/+videos/video-list/video-most-liked.component.ts41
@@ -4875,23 +4363,17 @@ channel with the same name ()!
- Created
+ Creado ../app/+video-channels/video-channel-about/video-channel-about.component.html18Created playlists
- Created
- playlists
+ Creou listas de reprodución ../app/+video-channels/video-channel-playlists/video-channel-playlists.component.html3This channel does not have playlists.
- This channel does not have playlists.
+ Esta canle non ten listas de reprodución.../app/+video-channels/video-channel-playlists/video-channel-playlists.component.html6
@@ -4901,109 +4383,97 @@ channel with the same name ()!
- Follows
+ Segue../app/+about/about-follows/about-follows.component.html2Contact administrator
- Contact
- administrator
+ Contacta coa administración ../app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html3Your name
- Your name
+ O teu nome../app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html11Your email
- Your email
+ O teu email../app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html20Subject
- Subject
+ Asunto../app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html29Your message
- Your message
+ A túa mensaxe../app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html38About
- About
+ Acerca de ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html5Contact administrator
- Contact administrator
+ Contacta coa administración../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html7This instance is dedicated to sensitive/NSFW content.
- This instance is dedicated to sensitive/NSFW content.
+ Esta instancia está dedicada a contido sensible/NSFW.../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html19ADMINISTRATORS & SUSTAINABILITY
+ ADMINISTRADORAS & SUSTENTABILIDADE../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html29Who we are
- Who we are
+ Quen somos../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html36Why we created this instance
- Why we created this instance
+ Por que creamos esta instancia../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html45How long we plan to maintain this instance
- How long we plan to maintain this instance
+ Canto tempo pensamos manter esta instancia../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html54How we will pay for this instance
- How we will pay for this instance
+ Como financiamos esta instancia../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html63INFORMATION
+ INFORMACIÓN../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html72MODERATION
+ MODERACIÓN../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html91OTHER INFORMATION
+ OUTRA INFORMACIÓN../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html125Hardware information
- Hardware information
+ Información do hardware../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html132FEATURES
+ CARACTERÍSTICAS../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html140
@@ -5013,81 +4483,57 @@ channel with the same name ()!
+ ESTATÍSTICAS../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html147What is PeerTube?
- What is PeerTube?
+ Que é PeerTube?../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html3PeerTube is a self-hosted ActivityPub-federated video streaming platform using P2P directly in your web browser.
- PeerTube is a self-hosted ActivityPub-federated video streaming platform using P2P directly in your web browser.
+ PeerTube é unha plataforma federada-ActivityPub e autohospedada de publicación de vídeo usando P2P directamente no navegador.../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html10It is a free and open-source software, under the AGPLv3 licence.
- It is a free and open-source software, under the
- AGPLv3
- licence
- .
+ É software de código aberto e libre, baixo licenza AGPLv3. ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html14For more information, please visit joinpeertube.org.
- For more information, please visit
- joinpeertube.org
- .
+ Para máis información, visita joinpeertube.org. ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html19Use PeerTube documentation
- Use PeerTube
- documentation
+ Usa a documentación de PeerTube../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html28Discover how to setup your account, what is a channel, how to create a playlist and more!
- Discover how to setup your account, what is a channel, how to create a playlist and more!
+ Descubre cómo crear unha conta, que é unha canle, cómo facer listas de reprodución e moito máis!../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html33PeerTube Applications
- PeerTube
- Applications
+ Aplicacións para PeerTube../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html42Discover unofficial Android applications or browser addons!
- Discover unofficial Android applications or browser addons!
+ Descubre as aplicacións Android non oficiais ou engadidos para navegadores!../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html46Contribute on PeerTube
- Contribute on
- PeerTube
+ Colabora con PeerTube../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html54Want to help to improve PeerTube? You can translate the web interface, give your feedback or directly contribute to the code!
- Want to help to improve PeerTube? You can translate the web interface, give your feedback or directly contribute to the code!
+ Queres axudar a mellorar PeerTube? Podes traducir a interface web, dar a túa opinión ou facer contribucións ó código!../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html59
@@ -5097,11 +4543,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
PeerTube uses the BitTorrent protocol to share bandwidth between users by default to help lower the load on the server, but ultimately leaves you the choice to switch back to regular streaming exclusively from the server of the video. What follows applies only if you want to keep using the P2P mode of PeerTube.
- PeerTube uses the BitTorrent protocol to share bandwidth between users by default to help lower the load on the server,
- but ultimately leaves you the choice to switch back to regular streaming exclusively from the server of the video. What
- follows applies only if you want to keep using the P2P mode of PeerTube.
+ PeerTube por omisión utiliza o protocolo BitTorrent para compartir ancho de bancha entre usuarias para baixar a carga do servidor, pero en último extremo deixa nas túas mans a elección de cambiar á retransmisión exclusivamente desde o servidor do vídeo. O segue é de aplicación só se queres seguir usando o modo P2P de PeerTube.../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html75
@@ -5111,73 +4553,42 @@ channel with the same name ()!
In theory, someone with enough technical skills could create a script that tracks which IP is downloading which video. In practice, this is much more difficult because:
- In theory, someone with enough technical skills could create a script that tracks which IP is downloading which video.
- In practice, this is much more difficult because:
+ En teoría, alguén con suficientes habilidades técnicas podería crear un script que rastrexe qué IP está a descargar determinado vídeo. Na práctica, esto é moito máis complicado porque:../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html88An HTTP request has to be sent on each tracker for each video to spy. If we want to spy all PeerTube's videos, we have to send as many requests as there are videos (so potentially a lot)
- An HTTP request has to be sent on each tracker for each video to spy.
- If we want to spy all PeerTube's videos, we have to send as many requests as there are videos (so potentially a lot)
+ Hai que enviar unha petición HTTP cada tracker para cada vídeo a espiar. Se queremos espiar todos os vídeos de PeerTube, temos que mandar tantas solicitudes como vídeos existan (potencialmente moitos)../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html94For each request sent, the tracker returns random peers at a limited number. For instance, if there are 1000 peers in the swarm and the tracker sends only 20 peers for each request, there must be at least 50 requests sent to know every peer in the swarm
- For each request sent, the tracker returns random peers at a limited number.
- For instance, if there are 1000 peers in the swarm and the tracker sends only 20 peers for each request, there must be at least 50
- requests sent to know every peer in the swarm
+ Para cada solicitude enviada, o rastrexador devolve varios pares aleatorios nun número limitado. Exemplo: se hai 1000 pares conectados e o rastrexador devolve 20 deles en cada solicitude, ten que haber polo menos 50 solicitudes enviadas para coñecer a cada par no conxunto de pares../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html99Those requests have to be sent regularly to know who starts/stops watching a video. It is easy to detect that kind of behaviour
- Those requests have to be sent regularly to know who starts/stops watching a video. It is easy to detect that kind of behaviour
+ Estas solicitudes téñense que enviar regularmente para saber quen comeza/remata de ver un vídeo. É doado detectar ese tipo de comportamento../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html105If an IP address is stored in the tracker, it doesn't mean that the person behind the IP (if this person exists) has watched the video
- If an IP address is stored in the tracker, it doesn't mean that the person behind the IP (if this person exists) has watched the
- video
+ Se o rastrexador garda un enderezo IP, non significa que a persoa detrás dese IP (se existise tal) visualizou o vídeo../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html109The IP address is a vague information: usually, it regularly changes and can represent many persons or entities
- The IP address is a vague information: usually, it regularly changes and can represent many persons or entities
+ O enderezo IP é información difusa: debido ós cambios frecuentes, podería representar varias persoas ou entidades../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html114Web peers are not publicly accessible: because we use WebRTC inside the web browser (with the WebTorrent library), the protocol is different from classic BitTorrent. When you are in a web browser, you send a signal containing your IP address to the tracker that will randomly choose other peers to forward the information to. See this document for more information
- Web peers are not publicly accessible: because we use WebRTC inside the web browser (
- with the
- WebTorrent library
- ), the protocol is different from classic BitTorrent.
- When you are in a web browser, you send a signal containing your IP address to the tracker that will randomly choose other peers
- to forward the information to.
- See
- this document
- for more information
+ Os pares web non son públicamente accesibles: porque usamos WebRTC dentro do navegador web (coa biblioteca WebTorrent), o protocolo é diferente ó clásico BitTorrrent. Cando usas un navegador web, envías un sinal que contén o teu enderezo IP ó rastrexador que escollerá aleatoriamente outros pares ós que enviar a información. Le este documento para saber máis ó respecto. ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html118The worst-case scenario of an average person spying on their friends is quite unlikely. There are much more effective ways to get that kind of information.
- The worst-case scenario of an average person spying on their friends is quite unlikely.
- There are much more effective ways to get that kind of information.
+ No peor dos casos unha persoa calquera espiando ós seus amigos é bastante improbable. Hai xeitos moito máis efectivos para obter ese tipo de información.../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html127
@@ -5187,11 +4598,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
The threats to privacy with YouTube are different from PeerTube's. In YouTube's case, the platform gathers a huge amount of your personal information (not only your IP) to analyze them and track you. Moreover, YouTube is owned by Google/Alphabet, a company that tracks you across many websites (via AdSense or Google Analytics).
- The threats to privacy with YouTube are different from PeerTube's.
- In YouTube's case, the platform gathers a huge amount of your personal information (not only your IP) to analyze them and track you.
- Moreover, YouTube is owned by Google/Alphabet, a company that tracks you across many websites (via AdSense or Google Analytics).
+ As ameazas á privacidade con YouTube son diferentes que as de PeerTube. No caso de YouTube, a plataforma recolle enormes cantidades de información personal (non só o IP) para analizala e seguirte. Ademáis, YouTube é propiedade de Google/Alphabet, unha compañía que te segue a través de moitos sitios web (vía AdSense ou Google Analytics).../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html134
@@ -5201,12 +4608,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Your IP address is public so every time you consult a website, there is a number of actors (in addition to the final website) seeing your IP in their connection logs: ISP/routers/trackers/CDN and more. PeerTube is transparent about it: we warn you that if you want to keep your IP private, you must use a VPN or Tor Browser. Thinking that removing P2P from PeerTube will give you back anonymity doesn't make sense.
- Your IP address is public so every time you consult a website, there is a number of actors (in addition to the final website) seeing
- your IP in their connection logs: ISP/routers/trackers/CDN and more.
- PeerTube is transparent about it: we warn you that if you want to keep your IP private, you must use a VPN or Tor Browser.
- Thinking that removing P2P from PeerTube will give you back anonymity doesn't make sense.
+ O teu enderezo IP é público cada vez que consultas unha web, hai un número de entidades (ademáis da web visitada) que coñecen o teu IP a través do rexistro da conexión: ISP/routers/rastrexadores/CDN e máis. PeerTube é transparente ó respecto: avisamoste de que se queres manter o IP privado debes usar Tor Browser ou unha VPN. Pensar que eliminar o P2P de PeerTube che devolverá o anonimato non ten senso ningún.../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html142
@@ -5216,63 +4618,57 @@ channel with the same name ()!
PeerTube wants to deliver the best countermeasures possible, to give you more choice and render attacks less likely. Here is what we put in place so far:
- PeerTube wants to deliver the best countermeasures possible, to give you more choice
- and render attacks less likely. Here is what we put in place so far:
+ PeerTube quere implementar as mellores contramedidas posibles, para darche máis opcións facer menos probables os ataques. Esto é o que implementamos por agora:../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html151We set a limit to the number of peers sent by the tracker
- We set a limit to the number of peers sent by the tracker
+ Establecemos un número limitado de pares a enviar ó rastrexador../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html156We set a limit on the request frequency received by the tracker
- We set a limit on the request frequency received by the tracker
+ Limitamos a frecuencia das solicitudes recibidas polo rastrexador../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html157Allow instance admins to disable P2P from the administration interface
- Allow instance admins to disable P2P from the administration interface
+ Permitimos que a administración da instancia desactive P2P desde a interface de administración../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html158Automatic video redundancy from some instances: one doesn't know if the IP downloaded the video on purpose or if it a server
- Automatic video redundancy from some instances: one doesn't know if the IP downloaded the video on purpose or if it a server
+ Redundancia automática de vídeos desde algunhas instancias: un non pode saber se o IP descargou o vídeo a vontade ou se foi un servidor../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html159Ultimately, remember you can always disable P2P by toggling it in the video player, or just by disabling WebRTC in your browser.
- Ultimately, remember you can always disable P2P by toggling it in the video player, or just by disabling
- WebRTC in your browser.
+ Finalmente, lembra que sempre podes desactivar P2P no control do reproductor de vídeo, ou simplemente desactivando WebRTC no navegador.../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html163Followers instances
- Followers instances
+ Instancias das seguidoras../app/+about/about-follows/about-follows.component.html4This instance does not have instances followers.
- This instance does not have instances followers.
+ Esta instancia non ten seguidoras de instancias.../app/+about/about-follows/about-follows.component.html6Followings instances
- Followings instances
+ Seguimentos de instancias../app/+about/about-follows/about-follows.component.html14This instance does not have instances followings.
- This instance does not have instances followings.
+ A instancia non ten seguimentos de instancias.../app/+about/about-follows/about-follows.component.html16About this instance
- About this instance
+ Acerca desta instancia../app/+about/about-routing.module.ts26
@@ -5280,7 +4676,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
About PeerTube
- About PeerTube
+ Acerca de PeerTube../app/+about/about-routing.module.ts38
@@ -5288,7 +4684,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
About follows
- About follows
+ Acerca dos seguimentos../app/+about/about-routing.module.ts47
@@ -5296,10 +4692,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Developed with ❤ by Framasoft
- Developed with ❤ by
- Framasoft
+ Creado con ❤ por Framasoft../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube-contributors.component.html3
@@ -5311,12 +4704,12 @@ channel with the same name ()!
- Next
+ Seguinte../app/+signup/+register/register.component.html20Get help
- Get help
+ Obter axuda../app/shared/shared-main/misc/help.component.ts16
@@ -5324,95 +4717,82 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Create my account
- Create my account
+ Crear a miña conta../app/+signup/+register/register.component.html29PeerTube is creating your account...
- PeerTube is creating your account...
+ PeerTube está creando a túa conta...../app/+signup/+register/register.component.html37Done
- Done
+ Feito../app/+signup/+register/register.component.html33Who are we?
- Who are we?
+ Quen somos?../app/+signup/+register/register.component.html60How long do we plan to maintain this instance?
- How long do we plan to maintain this instance?
+ Canto tempo temos pensado manter esta instancia?../app/+signup/+register/register.component.html65How will we finance this instance?
- How will we finance this instance?
+ Como financiamos esta instancia?../app/+signup/+register/register.component.html70Administrators & Sustainability
- Administrators & Sustainability
+ Administradoras & Sustentabilidade../app/+signup/+register/register.component.html56Step
- Step
+ Paso../app/+signup/+register/custom-stepper.component.html9A channel is an entity in which you upload your videos. Creating several of them helps you to organize and separate your content. For example, you could decide to have a channel to publish your piano concerts, and another channel in which you publish your videos talking about ecology.
- A channel is an entity in which you upload your videos. Creating several of them helps you to organize and separate your content.
- For example, you could decide to have a channel to publish your piano concerts, and another channel in which you publish your videos talking about ecology.
+ Unha canle é unha entidade á que sobes os vídeos. Creando varias axudas a organizar e separar o teu contido. Por exemplo, poderías decidir ter unha canle para publicar muiñeiras, e outra para publicar vídeos acerca dos bosques e a súa ecoloxía. ../app/+signup/+register/register-step-channel.component.html5Other users can decide to subscribe any channel they want, to be notified when you publish a new video.
- Other users can decide to subscribe any channel they want, to be notified when you publish a new video.
+ Así as usuarias poden decidir subscribirse á canle que queiran, e ser notificadas cando publiques un novo vídeo.../app/+signup/+register/register-step-channel.component.html10Channel display name
- Channel display name
+ Nome mostrado da canle../app/+signup/+register/register-step-channel.component.html15Channel name
- Channel name
+ Nome da canle../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html94john_channel
- john_channel
+ canle_de_xoan../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html96Example: my_super_channel
- Example: my_super_channel
+ Exempo: a_miña_canle../app/+signup/+register/register-step-channel.component.html34The channel name is a unique identifier of your channel on this and all the other instances. It's as unique as an email address, which makes it easy for other people to interact with it.
- The channel name is a unique identifier of your channel on this and all the other instances. It's as unique as an email address, which makes it easy for other people to interact with it.
+ O nome da canle é un identificador único neste e en todas as outras instancias. É único como un enderezo de email, deste xeito é doado para outras persoas interactuar con el.../app/+signup/+register/register-step-channel.component.html43Channel name cannot be the same than your account name. You can click on the first step to update your account name.
- Channel name cannot be the same than your account name. You can click on the first step to update your account name.
+ O nome da canle non pode ser o mesmo que o nome da conta. Podes voltar ó primeiro paso para actualizar o nome da túa conta.../app/+signup/+register/register-step-channel.component.html51
@@ -5422,30 +4802,17 @@ channel with the same name ()!
The username is a unique identifier of your account on this and all the other instances. It's as unique as an email address, which makes it easy for other people to interact with it.
- The username is a unique identifier of your account on this and all the other instances. It's as unique as an email address, which makes it easy for other people to interact with it.
+ O nome de usuaria é un identificador único para a túa conta neste e para todas as instancias. É único como un enderezo de email, así será doado para outras persoas interactuar con el.../app/+signup/+register/register-step-user.component.html32I am at least 16 years old and agree to the Terms and to the Code of Conduct of this instance
- I am at least 16 years old and agree
- to the
- Terms
- and to the
- Code of Conduct
- of this instance
+ Teño máis de 15 anos e acepto os Termos e o Código de Contuta desta instancia ../app/+signup/+register/register-step-user.component.html66Register
- Register
+ Inscribirse../app/+signup/+register/register-routing.module.ts14
@@ -5453,29 +4820,27 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Sorry, we couldn't find the page you were looking for.
- Sorry, we couldn't find the page you were looking for.
+ Lamentámolo, pero non atopamos a páxina que buscas.../app/+page-not-found/page-not-found.component.html5Your message has been sent.
- Your message has been sent.
+ A túa mensaxe foi enviada.../app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.ts76You already sent this form recently
- You already sent this form recently
+ Xa enviaras este formulario recentemente../app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.ts82No description
- No description
+ Sen descrición../app/+accounts/account-about/account-about.component.ts38Account videos
- Account videos
+ Vídeos da conta../app/+accounts/accounts-routing.module.ts29
@@ -5483,7 +4848,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Account video channels
- Account video channels
+ Canles de vídeo da conta../app/+accounts/accounts-routing.module.ts42
@@ -5491,7 +4856,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
About account
- About account
+ Acerca da conta../app/+accounts/accounts-routing.module.ts51
@@ -5499,21 +4864,17 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Published videos
- Published
- videos
+ Publicou vídeos../app/+accounts/account-videos/account-videos.component.ts67 direct account followers
- direct account followers
+ seguidoras directas da conta ../app/+accounts/accounts.component.ts109Report this account
- Report this account
+ Denunciar esta conta../app/+accounts/accounts.component.ts115
@@ -5521,12 +4882,12 @@ channel with the same name ()!
+ CANLES DE VÍDEO../app/+accounts/accounts.component.ts59VIDEOS
+ VÍDEOS../app/+accounts/accounts.component.ts60
@@ -5534,17 +4895,17 @@ channel with the same name ()!
+ ACERCA DE../app/+accounts/accounts.component.ts61Username copied
- Username copied
+ Nome de usuaria copiado../app/+accounts/accounts.component.ts891 subscriber
- 1 subscriber
+ 1 subscritora../app/+accounts/accounts.component.ts93
@@ -5552,7 +4913,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
- subscribers
+ subscritoras../app/+accounts/accounts.component.ts95
@@ -5560,67 +4921,67 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Instances you follow
- Instances you follow
+ Instancias que segues../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html3Instances following you
- Instances following you
+ Instancias que te seguen../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html3Audio-only
- Audio-only
+ Só audio../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.ts56
- A <code>.mp4</code> that keeps the original audio track, with no video
- A <code>.mp4</code> that keeps the original audio track, with no video
+ A <code>.mp4</code> that keeps the original audio track, with no video
+ Un <code>.mp4</code> que mantén o audio orixinal, sen vídeo../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.ts57240p
- 240p
+ 240p../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.ts61360p
- 360p
+ 360p../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.ts65480p
- 480p
+ 480p../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.ts69720p
- 720p
+ 720p../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.ts731080p
- 1080p
+ 1080p../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.ts772160p
- 2160p
+ 2160p../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.ts81Auto (via ffmpeg)
- Auto (via ffmpeg)
+ Auto (vía ffmpeg)../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.ts86Configuration updated.
- Configuration updated.
+ Configuración actualizada.../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.ts294Edit custom configuration
- Edit custom configuration
+ Editar configuración personalizada../app/+admin/config/config.routes.ts26
@@ -5628,128 +4989,122 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Process domains
- Process domains
+ Procesar dominios../app/shared/shared-moderation/batch-domains-modal.component.ts28Report
- Report
+ Denunciar a ../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/account-report.component.ts51Account reported.
- Account reported.
+ Conta denunciada.../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/account-report.component.ts82Comment reported.
- Comment reported.
+ Comentario denunciado.../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/comment-report.component.ts82Domain is required.
- Domain is required.
+ Requírese un dominio.../app/shared/form-validators/batch-domains-validators.ts56Domains entered are invalid.
- Domains entered are invalid.
+ O dominio escrito non é válido.../app/shared/form-validators/batch-domains-validators.ts57Domains entered contain duplicates.
- Domains entered contain duplicates.
+ Hai duplicados nos dominios escritos.../app/shared/form-validators/batch-domains-validators.ts58Unlimited
- Unlimited
+ Sen límite../app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts21None - no upload possible
- None - no upload possible
+ Ningún - non hai nada que subir../app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts23100MB
- 100MB
+ 100MB../app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts24500MB
- 500MB
+ 500MB../app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts251GB
- 1GB
+ 1GB../app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts265GB
- 5GB
+ 5GB../app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts2720GB
- 20GB
+ 20GB../app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts2850GB
- 50GB
+ 50GB../app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts2910MB
- 10MB
+ 10MB../app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts3750MB
- 50MB
+ 50MB../app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts382GB
- 2GB
+ 2GB../app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts41 accepted in instance followers
- accepted in instance followers
+ aceptado en seguidoras de instancias ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts41Do you really want to reject this follower?
- Do you really want to reject this follower?
+ Queres rexeitar esta seguidora?../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts52Reject
- Reject
+ Rexeitar../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts53 rejected from instance followers
- rejected from instance followers
+ rexeitada das seguidoras de instancias ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts60Do you really want to delete this follower?
- Do you really want to delete this follower?
+ Queres borrar esta seguidora?../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts73Delete
- Delete
+ Eliminar../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts74
@@ -5757,136 +5112,117 @@ channel with the same name ()!
removed from instance followers
- removed from instance followers
+ eliminada das seguidoras da instancia ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts81 is not valid
- is not valid
+ non é válido ../app/shared/form-validators/batch-domains-validators.ts19Follow request(s) sent!
- Follow request(s) sent!
+ Solicitude(s) de seguimento enviada(s)!../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.ts48Do you really want to unfollow ?
- Do you really want to unfollow
- ?
+ Desexas deixar de seguir a ?../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.ts58Unfollow
- Unfollow
+ Deixar de seguir../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.ts59You are not following anymore.
- You are not following
- anymore.
+ Xa non segues .../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.ts65enabled
- enabled
+ activado../app/+admin/follows/shared/redundancy-checkbox.component.ts23disabled
- disabled
+ desactivado../app/+admin/follows/shared/redundancy-checkbox.component.ts23Redundancy for is
- Redundancy for
- is
+ é redundancia para ../app/+admin/follows/shared/redundancy-checkbox.component.ts25Used
- Used
+ Utilizado../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.ts101Available
- Available
+ Dispoñible../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.ts101Do you really want to remove this video redundancy?
- Do you really want to remove this video redundancy?
+ Desexas eliminar a redundancia deste vídeo?../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.ts140Remove redundancy
- Remove redundancy
+ Eliminar redundancia../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.ts141Video redundancies removed!
- Video redundancies removed!
+ Redundancia do vídeo eliminada!../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.ts147Account unmuted by your instance.
- Account
- unmuted by your instance.
+ Conta reactivada pola túa instancia.../app/shared/shared-moderation/account-blocklist.component.ts48Instance unmuted by your instance.
- Instance
- unmuted by your instance.
+ Instancia reactivada pola túa instancia.../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.ts46Instance muted.
- Instance
- muted.
+ Instancia acalada.../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts147Instance muted by your instance.
- Instance
- muted by your instance.
+ Instancia acalada pola túa instancia.../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.ts69Comment updated.
- Comment updated.
+ Comentario actualizado.../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/moderation-comment-modal.component.ts58Violent or Repulsive
- Violent or Repulsive
+ Violento ou Desagradable../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.ts21Hateful or Abusive
- Hateful or Abusive
+ Odioso ou Abusivo../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.ts22Spam or Misleading
- Spam or Misleading
+ Spam ou Enganoso../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.ts23Privacy
- Privacy
+ Privacidade../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.ts24
@@ -5894,170 +5230,162 @@ channel with the same name ()!
- Copyright
+ Copyright../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts159Server rules
- Server rules
+ Regras do servidor../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.ts26Thumbnails
- Thumbnails
+ Miniaturas../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts173Internal actions
- Internal actions
+ Accións internas../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts43Delete report
- Delete report
+ Eliminar denuncia../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts299Actions for the flagged account
- Actions for the flagged account
+ Accións para a conta marcada../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts310Mark as accepted
- Mark as accepted
+ Marcar como aceptada../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts284Mark as rejected
- Mark as rejected
+ Marcar como rexeitada../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts289Add internal note
- Add internal note
+ Engadir nota interna../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts294Actions for the video
- Actions for the video
+ Accións para o vídeo../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts66Block video
- Block video
+ Bloquear vídeo../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts363Video blocked.
- Video blocked.
+ Vídeo bloqueado.../app/shared/shared-moderation/video-block.component.ts60Unblock video
- Unblock video
+ Desbloquear vídeo../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts379Video unblocked.
- Video unblocked.
+ Vídeo desbloqueado.../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts385Do you really want to delete this abuse report?
- Do you really want to delete this abuse report?
+ Desexas eliminar esta denuncia por abuso?../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts158Abuse deleted.
- Abuse deleted.
+ Abuso eliminado.../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts163Deleted comment
- Deleted comment
+ Comentario eliminado../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts239Messages with reporter
- Messages with reporter
+ Mensaxes por denunciante../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts273Messages with moderators
- Messages with moderators
+ Mensaxe con moderadoras../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts274Update internal note
- Update internal note
+ Actualizar nota interna../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts279Switch video block to manual
- Switch video block to manual
+ Cambiar bloqueo do vídeo a manual../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts48Video switched to manual block.
- Video
- switched to manual block.
+ Vídeo cambiado a bloqueo manual.../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts54Do you really want to unblock this video? It will be available again in the videos list.
- Do you really want to unblock this video? It will be available again in the videos list.
+ Queres desbloquear este vídeo? Voltará a estar dispoñible na lista de vídeos.../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts159Unblock
- Unblock
+ Desbloquear../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts70Video unblocked.
- Video
- unblocked.
+ Vídeo desbloqueado.../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts166yes
- yes
+ si../app/shared/shared-instance/feature-boolean.component.html1no
- no
+ non../app/shared/shared-instance/feature-boolean.component.html2You don't have plugins installed yet.
- You don't have plugins installed yet.
+ Aínda non tes plugins instalados.../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.ts89You don't have themes installed yet.
- You don't have themes installed yet.
+ Aínda non tes decorados instalados.../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.ts92Update to
- Update to
+ Actualizar a ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.ts100Do you really want to uninstall ?
- Do you really want to uninstall
- ?
+ Desexas desinstalar ?../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.ts109Uninstall
- Uninstall
+ Desinstalar../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.ts110
@@ -6065,21 +5393,17 @@ channel with the same name ()!
- uninstalled.
+ desinstalado. ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.ts117 updated.
- updated.
+ actualizado. ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.ts139Jobs
- Jobs
+ Tarefas../app/+admin/system/system.routes.ts26
@@ -6087,7 +5411,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
- Logs
+ Rexistros../app/+admin/system/system.routes.ts37
@@ -6095,87 +5419,91 @@ channel with the same name ()!
The plugin index is not available. Please retry later.
- The plugin index is not available. Please retry later.
+ O índice de plugins non está dispoñible, inténtao máis tarde.../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.ts100Please only install plugins or themes you trust, since they can execute any code on your instance.
- Please only install plugins or themes you trust, since they can execute any code on your instance.
+ Instala só decorados e plugins nos que confíes, porque poden executar calquera código na túa instancia.../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.ts122Install ?
- Install
- ?
+ Instalar ?../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.ts123 installed.
- installed.
+ instalado. ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.ts135Settings updated.
- Settings updated.
+ Axustes actualizados.../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-show-installed/plugin-show-installed.component.ts52Plugins
- Plugins
+ Plugins../app/+admin/plugins/shared/plugin-api.service.ts33Themes
- Themes
+ Decorados../app/+admin/plugins/shared/plugin-api.service.ts37plugin
- plugin
+ plugin../app/+admin/plugins/shared/plugin-api.service.ts45theme
- theme
+ decorado../app/+admin/plugins/shared/plugin-api.service.ts48Last week
- Last week
+ Última semana../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts79Last day
- Last day
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts84
+ Último día
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts84
Last hour
- Last hour
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts89
- debugdebug
+ Última hora
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts89
+ debug
+ depurar../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts101
- infoinfo
+ info
+ info../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts105
- warningwarning
+ warning
+ aviso../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts109
- errorerror
+ error
+ erro../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts113
@@ -6183,49 +5511,47 @@ channel with the same name ()!
- Debug
- ../app/+admin/system/system.routes.ts48
+ Depurar
+ ../app/+admin/system/system.routes.ts48
- Info
- ../app/core/notification/notifier.service.ts11
+ Info
+ ../app/core/notification/notifier.service.ts11
- Warning
- ../app/core/routing/can-deactivate-guard.service.ts23
+ Aviso
+ ../app/core/routing/can-deactivate-guard.service.ts23
- Error
- ../app/core/auth/auth.service.ts103
+ Erro
+ ../app/core/auth/auth.service.ts103
Standard logs
- Standard logs
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts124
+ Rexistros estándar
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts124
Audit logs
- Audit logs
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts128
+ Rexistros de auditoría
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts128
User created.
- User
- created.
+ Usuaria creada.../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-create.component.ts77Create user
- Create user
+ Crear usuaria../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-create.component.ts95Videos blocked
- Videos blocked
+ Vídeos bloqueados../app/+admin/moderation/moderation.routes.ts67
@@ -6233,7 +5559,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Muted instances
- Muted instances
+ Instancias acaladas../app/+admin/moderation/moderation.routes.ts89
@@ -6241,19 +5567,17 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Password changed for user .
- Password changed for user
- .
+ Cambiado o contrasinal da usuaria .../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-password.component.ts40Update user password
- Update user password
+ Actualizar contrasinal da usuaria../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-password.component.ts52Following list
- Following list
+ Lista de seguimentos../app/+admin/follows/follows.routes.ts28
@@ -6261,7 +5585,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Followers list
- Followers list
+ Lista de seguidoras../app/+admin/follows/follows.routes.ts37
@@ -6269,26 +5593,22 @@ channel with the same name ()!
User updated.
- User
- updated.
+ Usuaria actualizada.../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-update.component.ts85Update user
- Update user
+ Actualizar usuaria../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-update.component.ts102An email asking for password reset has been sent to .
- An email asking for password reset has been sent to
- .
+ Enviouse un email a solicitando un cambio de contrasinal.../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-update.component.ts108Users list
- Users list
+ Lista de usuarias../app/+admin/users/users.routes.ts27
@@ -6296,7 +5616,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Create a user
- Create a user
+ Crear unha usuaria../app/+admin/users/users.routes.ts36
@@ -6304,7 +5624,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Update a user
- Update a user
+ Actualizar unha usuaria../app/+admin/users/users.routes.ts48
@@ -6312,7 +5632,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
- Federation
+ Federación../app/+admin/admin.component.ts26
@@ -6320,7 +5640,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Instances you follow
- Instances you follow
+ Instancias que segues../app/+admin/admin.component.ts29
@@ -6328,7 +5648,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Instances following you
- Instances following you
+ Instancias que te seguen../app/+admin/admin.component.ts34
@@ -6336,12 +5656,12 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Videos will be deleted, comments will be tombstoned.
- Videos will be deleted, comments will be tombstoned.
+ Os vídeos serán eliminados, os comentarios serán soterrados.../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts84Ban
- Ban
+ Vetar../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts89
@@ -6349,144 +5669,132 @@ channel with the same name ()!
User won't be able to login anymore, but videos and comments will be kept as is.
- User won't be able to login anymore, but videos and comments will be kept as is.
+ A usuaria non poderá conectarse, pero os vídeos e comentarios permanecerán visibles.../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts90Unban
- Unban
+ Levantar veto../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts95Set Email as Verified
- Set Email as Verified
+ Establecer email como Verificado../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts102You cannot ban root.
- You cannot ban root.
+ Non podes vetar a root.../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts161Do you really want to unban users?
- Do you really want to unban
- users?
+ Quéreslle levantar o veto a usuarias?../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts198 users unbanned.
- users unbanned.
+ usuarias sen veto. ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts204You cannot delete root.
- You cannot delete root.
+ Non podes eliminar a root.../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts215If you remove these users, you will not be able to create others with the same username!
- If you remove these users, you will not be able to create others with the same username!
+ Se eliminas estas usuarias, non poderás crear outras co mesmo nome de usuaria!../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts220 users deleted.
- users deleted.
+ usuarias eliminadas. ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts226 users email set as verified.
- users email set as verified.
+ email de usuaria marcado como verificado. ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts237Account unmuted.
- Account
- unmuted.
+ Conta xa non está acalada.../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts133Instance unmuted.
- Instance
- unmuted.
+ Instancia xa non está acalada.../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts161My videos history
- My videos history
+ Historial dos meus vídeos../app/+my-account/my-account-history/my-account-history.component.ts45Videos history is enabled
- Videos history is enabled
+ O historial dos vídeos está activado../app/+my-account/my-account-history/my-account-history.component.ts73Videos history is disabled
- Videos history is disabled
+ O historial dos vídeos está desactivado../app/+my-account/my-account-history/my-account-history.component.ts74Delete videos history
- Delete videos history
+ Eliminar historial dos vídeos../app/+my-account/my-account-history/my-account-history.component.ts86Are you sure you want to delete all your videos history?
- Are you sure you want to delete all your videos history?
+ Queres eliminar todo o historial dos teus vídeos?../app/+my-account/my-account-history/my-account-history.component.ts87Videos history deleted
- Videos history deleted
+ Historial dos vídeos eliminado../app/+my-account/my-account-history/my-account-history.component.ts95Ownership accepted
- Ownership accepted
+ Propiedade aceptada../app/+my-account/my-account-ownership/my-account-accept-ownership/my-account-accept-ownership.component.ts64Please check your emails to verify your new email.
- Please check your emails to verify your new email.
+ Comproba o teu correo para verificar o teu novo email.../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.ts53Email updated.
- Email updated.
+ Email actualizado.../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.ts55You current password is invalid.
- You current password is invalid.
+ O contrasinal actual non é válido.../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-password/my-account-change-password.component.ts56Password updated.
- Password updated.
+ Contrasinal actualizado.../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-password/my-account-change-password.component.ts48Are you sure you want to delete your account? This will delete all your data, including channels, videos and comments. Content cached by other servers and other third-parties might make longer to be deleted.
- Are you sure you want to delete your account? This will delete all your data, including channels, videos and comments. Content cached by other servers and other third-parties might make longer to be deleted.
+ Seguro que queres eliminar a túa conta? Así eliminarás todos os teus datos, incluíndo canles, vídeos e comentarios. O contido na caché doutros servidores e terceiras partes podería levarlles máis tempo eliminalos.../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-danger-zone/my-account-danger-zone.component.ts22Type your username to confirm
- Type your username to confirm
+ Escribe o teu nome de usuaria para confirmar../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-danger-zone/my-account-danger-zone.component.ts23Delete your account
- Delete your account
+ Elimina a túa conta../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-danger-zone/my-account-danger-zone.component.ts25
@@ -6494,170 +5802,162 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Delete my account
- Delete my account
+ Eliminar a miña conta../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-danger-zone/my-account-danger-zone.component.ts26Your account is deleted.
- Your account is deleted.
+ A túa conta foi eliminada.../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-danger-zone/my-account-danger-zone.component.ts32Interface settings updated.
- Interface settings updated.
+ Actualizados os axustes da interface.../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-interface-settings.component.ts74New video from your subscriptions
- New video from your subscriptions
+ Novo vídeo desde as túas subscricións../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts32New comment on your video
- New comment on your video
+ Novo comentario no teu vídeo../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts33New abuse
- New abuse
+ Novo abuso../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts34Video blocked automatically waiting review
- Video blocked automatically waiting review
+ Vídeo bloqueado automáticamente agardando revisión../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts35One of your video is blocked/unblocked
- One of your video is blocked/unblocked
+ Un dos teus vídeos foi bloqueado/desbloqueado../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts36Video published (after transcoding/scheduled update)
- Video published (after transcoding/scheduled update)
+ Vídeo publicado (tras recodificación/actualización programada)../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts37Video import finished
- Video import finished
+ Rematou a importación do vídeo../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts38A new user registered on your instance
- A new user registered on your instance
+ Unha nova usuaria rexistrada na túa instancia../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts39You or your channel(s) has a new follower
- You or your channel(s) has a new follower
+ Ti ou as túas canles tedes unha nova seguidora../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts40Someone mentioned you in video comments
- Someone mentioned you in video comments
+ Alguén mencionoute nos comentarios dun vídeo../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts41Your instance has a new follower
- Your instance has a new follower
+ A túa instancia ten unha nova seguidora../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts42Your instance automatically followed another instance
- Your instance automatically followed another instance
+ A túa instancia sigueu automáticamente a outra instancia../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts43An abuse report received a new message
- An abuse report received a new message
+ Recibeuse unha nova mensaxe para unha denuncia de abuso../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts44One of your abuse reports has been accepted or rejected by moderators
- One of your abuse reports has been accepted or rejected by moderators
+ Unha das túas denuncias de abuso foi aceptada ou rexeitada pola moderación../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts45Preferences saved
- Preferences saved
+ Gardáronse as preferencias../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts92Profile updated.
- Profile updated.
+ Perfil actualizado.../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-profile/my-account-profile.component.ts51Avatar changed.
- Avatar changed.
+ Cambiouse o avatar.../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-settings.component.ts42Unknown language
- Unknown language
+ Idioma descoñecido../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.ts57Too many languages are enabled. Please enable them all or stay below 20 enabled languages.
- Too many languages are enabled. Please enable them all or stay below 20 enabled languages.
+ Hai demasiados idiomas activados. Por favor, actívaos todos ou deixa menos de 20 idiomas activos.../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.ts102You need to enable at least 1 video language.
- You need to enable at least 1 video language.
+ Debes activar polo menos un idioma de vídeo.../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.ts107Video settings updated.
- Video settings updated.
+ Actualizados os axustes de vídeo.../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.ts133Display/Video settings updated.
- Display/Video settings updated.
+ Axustes Reprodución/Vídeo gardados.../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.ts140Video channel created.
- Video channel
- created.
+ Creada a canle de vídeo .../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channel-create.component.ts61This name already exists on this instance.
- This name already exists on this instance.
+ Este nome xa existe nesta instancia.../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channel-create.component.ts67Video channel updated.
- Video channel
- updated.
+ Actualizada a canle de vídeo .../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channel-update.component.ts92Please type the display name of the video channel () to confirm
- Please type the display name of the video channel (
- ) to confirm
+ Escribe o nome a mostrar para a canle de vídeo () para confirmar../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channels.component.ts115Video channel deleted.
- Video channel
- deleted.
+ Eliminada a canle de vídeo .../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channels.component.ts125Views for the day
- Views for the day
+ Visualizacións do día../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channels.component.ts144Create new video channel
- Create new video channel
+ Crear unha nova canle de vídeo../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channels-routing.module.ts22
@@ -6665,7 +5965,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Update video channel
- Update video channel
+ Actualizar canle de vídeo../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channels-routing.module.ts31
@@ -6673,7 +5973,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Not found
- Not found
+ Non atopado../app/+page-not-found/page-not-found-routing.module.ts13
@@ -6681,24 +5981,22 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Playlist created.
- Playlist
- created.
+ Creada lista de reprodución .../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-create.component.ts77Create
- Create
+ Crear../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-create.component.ts90Update playlist
- Update playlist
+ Actualizar lista../app/+my-account/my-account-routing.module.ts82Account video imports
- Account video imports
+ Importacións de vídeos da conta../app/+my-account/my-account-routing.module.ts105
@@ -6706,7 +6004,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Account subscriptions
- Account subscriptions
+ Subscricións da conta../app/+my-account/my-account-routing.module.ts114
@@ -6714,7 +6012,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Videos history
- Videos history
+ Historial de vídeos../app/+my-account/my-account-routing.module.ts150
@@ -6722,7 +6020,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
- Notifications
+ Notificacións../app/+my-account/my-account-routing.module.ts163
@@ -6730,54 +6028,42 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Delete playlist
- Delete playlist
+ Eliminar lista../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-elements.component.ts53Playlist updated.
- Playlist
- updated.
+ Lista actualizada.../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-update.component.ts98Do you really want to delete ?
- Do you really want to delete
- ?
+ Desexas eliminar ?../app/+my-account/my-account-videos/my-account-videos.component.ts125Playlist deleted.
- Playlist
- deleted.
+ Lista eliminada.../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-elements.component.ts136My videos
- My videos
+ Vídeos../app/+my-account/my-account-videos/my-account-videos.component.html4Do you really want to delete videos?
- Do you really want to delete
- videos?
+ Desexas eliminar vídeos?../app/+my-account/my-account-videos/my-account-videos.component.ts98 videos deleted.
- videos deleted.
+ vídeos eliminados. ../app/+my-account/my-account-videos/my-account-videos.component.ts115Do you really want to delete ?
- Do you really want to delete
- ?
+ Desexas eliminar ? src/app/+my-account/my-account-videos/my-account-videos.component.ts1
@@ -6785,98 +6071,92 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Video deleted.
- Video
- deleted.
+ Vídeo eliminado.../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts192Ownership change request sent.
- Ownership change request sent.
+ Enviouse a solicitude de cambio de propiedade.../app/+my-account/my-account-videos/video-change-ownership/video-change-ownership.component.ts64My channels
- My channels
+ Canles../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channels.component.html4Search your channels
- Search your channels
+ Busca nas túas canles../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channels.component.html11My playlists
- My playlists
+ Listaxes../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlists.component.html4My subscriptions
- My subscriptions
+ Subscricións../app/+my-account/my-account-subscriptions/my-account-subscriptions.component.html4Search your subscriptions
- Search your subscriptions
+ Busca nas subscricións../app/+my-account/my-account-subscriptions/my-account-subscriptions.component.html11My history
- My history
+ Historial../app/+my-account/my-account-history/my-account-history.component.html3Misc
- Misc
+ Varios../app/+my-account/my-account.component.ts88My abuse reports
- My abuse reports
+ Denuncias por abuso../app/+my-account/my-account.component.ts101Ownership changes
- Ownership changes
+ Cambios de propiedade../app/+my-account/my-account.component.ts106My settings
- My settings
+ Axustes../app/+my-account/my-account.component.ts115My notifications
- My notifications
+ Notificacións../app/+my-account/my-account.component.ts119max size
- max size
+ Tamaño máx.../app/shared/shared-forms/preview-upload.component.ts39Now please check your emails to verify your account and complete signup.
- Now please check your emails to verify your account and complete signup.
+ Comproba o correo para verificar a túa conta e completar o rexistro.../app/+signup/+register/register.component.ts115You are now logged in as !
- You are now logged in as
- !
+ Estás conectada como !../app/+signup/+register/register.component.ts123An email with verification link will be sent to .
- An email with verification link will be sent to
- .
+ Enviaremos un email cunha ligazón de verificación a .../app/+signup/+verify-account/verify-account-ask-send-email/verify-account-ask-send-email.component.ts45Verify account email
- Verify account email
+ Verificar o email da conta../app/+signup/+verify-account/verify-account-routing.module.ts17
@@ -6884,7 +6164,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Verify account ask send email
- Verify account ask send email
+ Verificación da conta pide enviar un email../app/+signup/+verify-account/verify-account-routing.module.ts26
@@ -6892,17 +6172,17 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Unable to find user id or verification string.
- Unable to find user id or verification string.
+ Non se atopa o id da usuaria ou cadea de verificación.../app/+reset-password/reset-password.component.ts38Published videos
- Published videos
+ Vídeos publicados../app/+video-channels/video-channel-videos/video-channel-videos.component.ts39Published 1 video
- Published 1 video
+ Publicaches 1 vídeo../app/+video-channels/video-channel-videos/video-channel-videos.component.ts74
@@ -6910,74 +6190,72 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Subscribe to the account
- Subscribe to the account
+ Subscribirse á conta../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts833VIDEO PLAYLISTS
+ LISTAXES DE VÍDEOS../app/+video-channels/video-channels.component.ts66Focus the search bar
- Focus the search bar
+ Cursor na barra de busca../app/app.component.ts289Toggle the left menu
- Toggle the left menu
+ Activar menú esquerdo../app/app.component.ts294Go to the discover videos page
- Go to the discover videos page
+ Ir á páxina de descubrimento de vídeos../app/app.component.ts299Go to the trending videos page
- Go to the trending videos page
+ Ir á páxina de videos que son tendencia../app/app.component.ts304Go to the recently added videos page
- Go to the recently added videos page
+ Ir á páxina de vídeos engadidos recentemente../app/app.component.ts309Go to the local videos page
- Go to the local videos page
+ Ir á páxina de vídeos locais../app/app.component.ts314Go to the videos upload page
- Go to the videos upload page
+ Ir á páxina para subir vídeos../app/app.component.ts319Go to my subscriptions
- Go to my subscriptions
+ Ir ás miñas subscricións../app/core/auth/auth.service.ts63Go to my videos
- Go to my videos
+ Ir ós meus vídeos../app/core/auth/auth.service.ts67Go to my imports
- Go to my imports
+ Ir ás importacións../app/core/auth/auth.service.ts71Go to my channels
- Go to my channels
+ Ir ás miñas canles../app/core/auth/auth.service.ts75
- Cannot retrieve OAuth Client credentials: .
-Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular the "webserver" section.
- Cannot retrieve OAuth Client credentials: .
-Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular the "webserver" section.
+ Cannot retrieve OAuth Client credentials: . Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular the "webserver" section.
+ Non se poden obter as credenciais OAuth Client: . Asegúrate de que configuraches correctamente PeerTube (config/directory), en particular a sección "webserver".../app/core/auth/auth.service.ts98,99
@@ -6985,72 +6263,72 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
You need to reconnect.
- You need to reconnect.
+ Tes que reconectar.../app/core/auth/auth.service.ts215Keyboard Shortcuts:
- Keyboard Shortcuts:
+ Atallos de teclado:../app/core/hotkeys/hotkeys.component.ts11Success
- Success
+ Correcto../app/core/notification/notifier.service.ts23Incorrect username or password.
- Incorrect username or password.
+ Usuaria ou contrasinal incorrectos.../app/+login/login.component.ts140Your account is blocked.
- Your account is blocked.
+ A túa conta está bloqueada.../app/+login/login.component.ts141any language
- any language
+ tódolos idiomas../app/menu/menu.component.ts229hide
- hide
+ agochar../app/menu/menu.component.ts121blur
- blur
+ esborranchar../app/menu/menu.component.ts124display
- display
+ mostrar../app/menu/menu.component.ts127Unknown
- Unknown
+ Descoñecido../app/menu/menu.component.ts193Your password has been successfully reset!
- Your password has been successfully reset!
+ Restableceuse correctamente o contrasinal!../app/+reset-password/reset-password.component.ts47Any
- Any
+ Todo../app/+search/search-filters.component.ts38Today
- Today
+ Hoxe../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/abstract-video-list.ts112Yesterday
- Yesterday
+ Onte../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/abstract-video-list.ts113
@@ -7058,7 +6336,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Last month
- Last month
+ Último mes../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/abstract-video-list.ts115
@@ -7066,7 +6344,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Older
+ Máis antigo../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/abstract-video-list.ts116
@@ -7074,7 +6352,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Cannot load more videos. Try again later.
- Cannot load more videos. Try again later.
+ Non se poden cargar máis vídeo, inténtao máis tarde.../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/abstract-video-list.ts193
@@ -7082,62 +6360,62 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Last 7 days
- Last 7 days
+ Últimos 7 días../app/+search/search-filters.component.ts46Last 30 days
- Last 30 days
+ Últimos 30 días../app/+search/search-filters.component.ts50Last 365 days
- Last 365 days
+ Últimos 365 días../app/+search/search-filters.component.ts54Short (< 4 min)
- Short (< 4 min)
+ Curto (< 4 min)../app/+search/search-filters.component.ts65Medium (4-10 min)
- Medium (4-10 min)
+ Medio (4-10 min)../app/+search/search-filters.component.ts69
- Long (> 10 min)
- Long (> 10 min)
+ Long (> 10 min)
+ Longo (> 10 min)../app/+search/search-filters.component.ts73Relevance
- Relevance
+ Relevancia../app/+search/search-filters.component.ts80Publish date
- Publish date
+ Data de publicación../app/+search/search-filters.component.ts84Views
- Views
+ Visualizacións../app/+search/search-filters.component.ts88Search index is unavailable. Retrying with instance results instead.
- Search index is unavailable. Retrying with instance results instead.
+ Non está dispoñible a busca no índice, intentándoo cos resultados na instancia.../app/+search/search.component.ts171Search error
- Search error
+ Erro na busca../app/+search/search.component.ts172Search
- Search
+ Buscar../app/+search/search.component.ts230
@@ -7145,520 +6423,487 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
years ago
- years ago
+ Fai anos ../app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts12 year ago
- year ago
+ Fai un ano ../app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts13 months ago
- months ago
+ Fai meses ../app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts16 month ago
- month ago
+ Fai mes ../app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts17 weeks ago
- weeks ago
+ Fai semanas ../app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts20 week ago
- week ago
+ Fai una semana ../app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts21 days ago
- days ago
+ Fai días ../app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts24 day ago
- day ago
+ Fai día ../app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts25 hours ago
- hours ago
+ Fai horas ../app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts28 hour ago
- hour ago
+ Fai hora ../app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts29 min ago
- min ago
+ Fai min ../app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts32just now
- just now
+ xusto agora../app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts34 h min sec
- h
- min
- sec
+ h min seg../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-duration-formatter.pipe.ts14 min sec
- min
- sec
+ min seg../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-duration-formatter.pipe.ts18 sec
- sec
+ seg ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-duration-formatter.pipe.ts21Confirm
- Confirm
+ Confirmar../app/modal/confirm.component.ts39Instance name is required.
- Instance name is required.
+ Requírese un nome para a instancia.../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts7Short description should not be longer than 250 characters.
- Short description should not be longer than 250 characters.
+ A descrición curta non debería ser maior de 250 caracteres.../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts14Twitter username is required.
- Twitter username is required.
+ Requírese o nome de usuaria en Twitter.../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts21Previews cache size is required.
- Previews cache size is required.
+ Requírese o tamaño da caché de previsualización.../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts28Previews cache size must be greater than 1.
- Previews cache size must be greater than 1.
+ O tamaño da caché de previsualización ten que ser maior que 1.../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts29Previews cache size must be a number.
- Previews cache size must be a number.
+ O tamaño da caché de previsualización ten que ser un número.../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts30Captions cache size is required.
- Captions cache size is required.
+ Requírese un tamaño para a caché de subtítulos.../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts37Captions cache size must be greater than 1.
- Captions cache size must be greater than 1.
+ O tamaño da caché para subtítulos debe ser maior a 1.../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts38Captions cache size must be a number.
- Captions cache size must be a number.
+ O tamaño da caché de subtítulos ten que ser un número.../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts39Signup limit is required.
- Signup limit is required.
+ Requírese un límite de rexistros.../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts46Signup limit must be greater than 1.
- Signup limit must be greater than 1.
+ O límite de rexistros debe ser maior de 1.../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts47Signup limit must be a number.
- Signup limit must be a number.
+ O límite de rexistros ten que ser un número.../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts48Admin email is required.
- Admin email is required.
+ Requírese o email da Admin.../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts55Admin email must be valid.
- Admin email must be valid.
+ O email de Admin ten que ser válido.../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts56Transcoding threads is required.
- Transcoding threads is required.
+ Requírense fíos de transcodificación.../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts63Transcoding threads must be greater or equal to 0.
- Transcoding threads must be greater or equal to 0.
+ Os fíos de transcodificación deben ser maior ou igual a 0.../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts64Index URL should be a URL
- Index URL should be a URL
+ O URL do índice debería ser un URL../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts71Search index URL should be a URL
- Search index URL should be a URL
+ O URL do índice de busca debería ser un URL../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts78Email is required.
- Email is required.
+ Requírese email.../app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts7Email must be valid.
- Email must be valid.
+ O email ten que ser válido.../app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts8Your name is required.
- Your name is required.
+ Requírese o teu nome.../app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts19Your name must be at least 1 character long.
- Your name must be at least 1 character long.
+ O teu nome ten que ter polo menos 1 caracter.../app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts20Your name cannot be more than 120 characters long.
- Your name cannot be more than 120 characters long.
+ O teu nome non pode ter máis de 120 caracteres.../app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts21A subject is required.
- A subject is required.
+ Requírese un asunto.../app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts32The subject must be at least 1 character long.
- The subject must be at least 1 character long.
+ O asunto ten que ter polo menos 1 caracter.../app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts33The subject cannot be more than 120 characters long.
- The subject cannot be more than 120 characters long.
+ O asunto non pode ter máis de 120 caracteres.../app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts34A message is required.
- A message is required.
+ Requírese unha mensaxe.../app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts45The message must be at least 3 characters long.
- The message must be at least 3 characters long.
+ A mensaxe ten que ter polo menos 3 caracteres.../app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts46The message cannot be more than 5000 characters long.
- The message cannot be more than 5000 characters long.
+ A lonxitude da mensaxe non pode ser maior de 5000 caracteres.../app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts47Username is required.
- Username is required.
+ Require un nome de usuaria.../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts12Password is required.
- Password is required.
+ Require o contrasinal.../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts49Confirmation of the password is required.
- Confirmation of the password is required.
+ Require a confirmación do contrasinal.../app/shared/form-validators/reset-password-validators.ts9Username must be at least 1 character long.
- Username must be at least 1 character long.
+ O nome de usuaria ten que ter polo menos 1 caracter.../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts13Username cannot be more than 50 characters long.
- Username cannot be more than 50 characters long.
+ O nome de usuaria non pode ter máis de 50 caracteres.../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts14Username should be lowercase alphanumeric; dots and underscores are allowed.
- Username should be lowercase alphanumeric; dots and underscores are allowed.
+ O nome de usuaria debería ser alfanumérico e en minúsculas; puntos e trazo baixo están permitidos.../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts15Channel name is required.
- Channel name is required.
+ O nome da canle é requerido.../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts27Channel name must be at least 1 character long.
- Channel name must be at least 1 character long.
+ O nome da canle ten que ter 1 caracter polo menos.../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts28Channel name cannot be more than 50 characters long.
- Channel name cannot be more than 50 characters long.
+ O nome da canle non pode ter máis de 50 caracteres.../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts29Channel name should be lowercase alphanumeric; dots and underscores are allowed.
- Channel name should be lowercase alphanumeric; dots and underscores are allowed.
+ O nome da canle debería ser alfanumérico e minúsculas; puntos e trazos baixos están permitidos.../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts30Password must be at least 6 characters long.
- Password must be at least 6 characters long.
+ O contrasinal ten que ter polo menos 6 caracteres.../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts50Password cannot be more than 255 characters long.
- Password cannot be more than 255 characters long.
+ O contrasinal non pode ter máis de 255 caracteres.../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts51The new password and the confirmed password do not correspond.
- The new password and the confirmed password do not correspond.
+ O novo contrasinal e o contrasinal confirmado non concordan.../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts69Video quota is required.
- Video quota is required.
+ A cota de vídeo é requerida.../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts76Quota must be greater than -1.
- Quota must be greater than -1.
+ A cota debe ser maior de -1.../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts77Daily upload limit is required.
- Daily upload limit is required.
+ O límite de subida diario é requerido.../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts83Daily upload limit must be greater than -1.
- Daily upload limit must be greater than -1.
+ O límite de subida diaria ten que ser maior de -1.../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts84User role is required.
- User role is required.
+ O rol da usuaria é requerido.../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts91Description must be at least 3 characters long.
- Description must be at least 3 characters long.
+ A descrición debe ser maior de 3 caracteres.../app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts38Description cannot be more than 1000 characters long.
- Description cannot be more than 1000 characters long.
+ A descrición non pode ter máis de 1000 caracteres.../app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts39You must agree with the instance terms in order to register on it.
- You must agree with the instance terms in order to register on it.
+ Debes aceptar os termos da instancia para poder rexistrarte nela.../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts113Ban reason must be at least 3 characters long.
- Ban reason must be at least 3 characters long.
+ A razón do veto debe ter máis de 3 caracteres.../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts123Ban reason cannot be more than 250 characters long.
- Ban reason cannot be more than 250 characters long.
+ A razón do veto non pode ter máis de 250 caracteres.../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts124Display name is required.
- Display name is required.
+ Requírese un nome público.../app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts26Display name must be at least 1 character long.
- Display name must be at least 1 character long.
+ O nome público debe ter 1 caracter polo menos.../app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts27Display name cannot be more than 50 characters long.
- Display name cannot be more than 50 characters long.
+ O nome público non pode ter máis de 50 caracteres.../app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts28Report reason is required.
- Report reason is required.
+ Requírese unha razón para a denuncia.../app/shared/form-validators/abuse-validators.ts7Report reason must be at least 2 characters long.
- Report reason must be at least 2 characters long.
+ A razón da denuncia debe ter 2 caracteres polo menos.../app/shared/form-validators/abuse-validators.ts8Report reason cannot be more than 3000 characters long.
- Report reason cannot be more than 3000 characters long.
+ A razón da denuncia non pode ser maior de 3000 caracteres.../app/shared/form-validators/abuse-validators.ts9Moderation comment is required.
- Moderation comment is required.
+ Requírese un comentario da moderación.../app/shared/form-validators/abuse-validators.ts16Moderation comment must be at least 2 characters long.
- Moderation comment must be at least 2 characters long.
+ O comentario da moderación debe ter polo menos 2 caracteres.../app/shared/form-validators/abuse-validators.ts17Moderation comment cannot be more than 3000 characters long.
- Moderation comment cannot be more than 3000 characters long.
+ O comentario da moderación non pode ter máis de 3000 caracteres.../app/shared/form-validators/abuse-validators.ts18Abuse message is required.
- Abuse message is required.
+ Requírese unha mesaxe para o abuso.../app/shared/form-validators/abuse-validators.ts25Abuse message must be at least 2 characters long.
- Abuse message must be at least 2 characters long.
+ A mensaxe do abuso debe ter 2 caracteres polo menos.../app/shared/form-validators/abuse-validators.ts26Abuse message cannot be more than 3000 characters long.
- Abuse message cannot be more than 3000 characters long.
+ A mensaxe de abuso non pode ter máis de 3000 caracteres.../app/shared/form-validators/abuse-validators.ts27The channel is required.
- The channel is required.
+ Requírese a canle.../app/shared/form-validators/video-ownership-change-validators.ts7Block reason must be at least 2 characters long.
- Block reason must be at least 2 characters long.
+ A razón do bloqueo ten que ter 2 caracteres polo menos.../app/shared/form-validators/video-block-validators.ts7Block reason cannot be more than 300 characters long.
- Block reason cannot be more than 300 characters long.
+ A razón do bloqueo non pode ter máis de 300 caracteres.../app/shared/form-validators/video-block-validators.ts8Video caption language is required.
- Video caption language is required.
+ Requírese o idioma para os subtítulos.../app/shared/form-validators/video-captions-validators.ts7Video caption file is required.
- Video caption file is required.
+ Requírese un ficheiro para os subtítulos.../app/shared/form-validators/video-captions-validators.ts14The username is required.
- The username is required.
+ O nome de usuaria é requerido.../app/shared/form-validators/video-ownership-change-validators.ts14You can only transfer ownership to a local account
- You can only transfer ownership to a local account
+ Só podes transferir a propiedade a unha conta local../app/shared/form-validators/video-ownership-change-validators.ts15Name is required.
- Name is required.
+ Nome requerido.../app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts12Name must be at least 1 character long.
- Name must be at least 1 character long.
+ O nome ten que ter polo menos 1 caracter.../app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts13Name cannot be more than 50 characters long.
- Name cannot be more than 50 characters long.
+ O nome non pode ter máis de 50 caracteres.../app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts14Name should be lowercase alphanumeric; dots and underscores are allowed.
- Name should be lowercase alphanumeric; dots and underscores are allowed.
+ O nome ten que ser alfanumérico e minúsculas; puntos e trazos baixos están permitidos.../app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts15Support text must be at least 3 characters long.
- Support text must be at least 3 characters long.
+ O texto de axuda ten que ter polo menos 3 caracteres.../app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts49Support text cannot be more than 1000 characters long
- Support text cannot be more than 1000 characters long
+ O texto de axuda non pode ter máis de 1000 caracteres../app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts50Comment is required.
- Comment is required.
+ Requírese un comentario.../app/shared/form-validators/video-comment-validators.ts7Comment must be at least 2 characters long.
- Comment must be at least 2 characters long.
+ O comentario ten que ter polo menos 2 caracteres.../app/shared/form-validators/video-comment-validators.ts8Comment cannot be more than 3000 characters long.
- Comment cannot be more than 3000 characters long.
+ O comentario non pode ser maior de 3000 caracteres.../app/shared/form-validators/video-comment-validators.ts9
- Request is too large for the server.
- Please contact you administrator if you want to increase the limit size.
- Request is too large for the server.
- Please contact you administrator if you want to increase the limit size.
+ Request is too large for the server. Please contact you administrator if you want to increase the limit size.
+ A solicitude é demasiado longa para o servidor. Contacta coa Administración se queres aumentar o tamaño límite.../app/core/rest/rest-extractor.service.ts61,62
@@ -7666,97 +6911,97 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Display name cannot be more than 120 characters long.
- Display name cannot be more than 120 characters long.
+ O nome público non pode ter máis de 120 caracteres de longo.../app/shared/form-validators/video-playlist-validators.ts14Privacy is required.
- Privacy is required.
+ Privacidade é requerida.../app/shared/form-validators/video-playlist-validators.ts23The channel is required when the playlist is public.
- The channel is required when the playlist is public.
+ A canle é requerida cando a lista de reprodución é pública.../app/shared/form-validators/video-playlist-validators.ts41Video name is required.
- Video name is required.
+ Requírese un nome para o vídeo.../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts7Video name must be at least 3 characters long.
- Video name must be at least 3 characters long.
+ O nome do vídeo ten que ter cando menos 3 caracteres.../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts8Video name cannot be more than 120 characters long.
- Video name cannot be more than 120 characters long.
+ O nome do vídeo non pode ter máis de 120 caracteres.../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts9Video privacy is required.
- Video privacy is required.
+ A privacidade do vídeo é requerida.../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts16Video channel is required.
- Video channel is required.
+ Canle do vídeo é requerida.../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts43Video description must be at least 3 characters long.
- Video description must be at least 3 characters long.
+ A descrición do vídeo tn que ter cando menos 3 caracteres.../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts50Video description cannot be more than 10000 characters long.
- Video description cannot be more than 10000 characters long.
+ A descrición do vídeo non pode ter máis de 10000 caracteres.../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts51A tag should be more than 2 characters long.
- A tag should be more than 2 characters long.
+ As etiquetas teñen que ter máis de 2 caracteres.../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts58A tag should be less than 30 characters long.
- A tag should be less than 30 characters long.
+ Unha etiqueta ten que ter menos de 30 caracteres.../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts59A maximum of 5 tags can be used on a video.
- A maximum of 5 tags can be used on a video.
+ Podes utilizar como máximo 5 etiquetas para o vídeo.../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts66A tag should be more than 2, and less than 30 characters long.
- A tag should be more than 2, and less than 30 characters long.
+ As etiquetas teñen que ter máis de 2 caracteres e menos de 30.../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts67Video support must be at least 3 characters long.
- Video support must be at least 3 characters long.
+ O apoio ó vídeo ten que ter 3 caracteres polo menos.../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts74Video support cannot be more than 1000 characters long.
- Video support cannot be more than 1000 characters long.
+ O apoio ó vídeo non pode ter máis de 1000 caracteres.../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts75A date is required to schedule video update.
- A date is required to schedule video update.
+ Requírese unha data para poder programar a actualización do vídeo.../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts82This file is too large.
- This file is too large.
+ O ficheiro é demasiado grande.../app/shared/shared-forms/reactive-file.component.ts50PeerTube cannot handle this kind of file. Accepted extensions are }.
- PeerTube cannot handle this kind of file. Accepted extensions are }.
+ PeerTube non pode procesar este tipo de ficheiro. Permítese }.../app/shared/shared-forms/reactive-file.component.ts56
@@ -7764,298 +7009,298 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Add a new option
- Add a new option
+ Engade unha nova opción../app/shared/shared-forms/select/select-checkbox.component.ts28All unsaved data will be lost, are you sure you want to leave this page?
- All unsaved data will be lost, are you sure you want to leave this page?
+ Perderanse todos os datos non gardados, seguro que queres saír da páxina?../app/core/routing/can-deactivate-guard.service.ts19Sunday
- Sunday
+ Domingo../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts11Monday
- Monday
+ Luns../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts12Tuesday
- Tuesday
+ Martes../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts13Wednesday
- Wednesday
+ Mércores../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts14Thursday
- Thursday
+ Xoves../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts15Friday
- Friday
+ Venres../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts16Saturday
- Saturday
+ Sábado../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts17Sun
- Sun
+ DomDay name short../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts21Mon
- Mon
+ LunDay name short../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts22Tue
- Tue
+ MarDay name short../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts23Wed
- Wed
+ MerDay name short../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts24Thu
- Thu
+ XovDay name short../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts25Fri
- Fri
+ VenDay name short../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts26Sat
- Sat
+ SabDay name short../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts27Su
- Su
+ DoDay name min../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts31Mo
- Mo
+ LuDay name min../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts32Tu
- Tu
+ MaDay name min../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts33We
- We
+ MeDay name min../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts34Th
- Th
+ XoDay name min../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts35Fr
- Fr
+ VeDay name min../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts36Sa
- Sa
+ SaDay name min../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts37January
- January
+ Xaneiro../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts41February
- February
+ Febreiro../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts42March
- March
+ Marzo../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts43April
- April
+ Abril../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts44May
- May
+ Maio../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts45June
- June
+ Xuño../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts46July
- July
+ Xullo../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts47August
- August
+ Agosto../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts48September
- September
+ Setembro../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts49October
- October
+ Outubro../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts50November
- November
+ Novembro../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts51December
- December
+ Decembro../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts52Jan
- Jan
+ XanMonth name short../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts56Feb
- Feb
+ FebMonth name short../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts57Mar
- Mar
+ MarMonth name short../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts58Apr
- Apr
+ AbrMonth name short../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts59Jun
- Jun
+ XuñMonth name short../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts61Jul
- Jul
+ XulMonth name short../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts62Aug
- Aug
+ AgoMonth name short../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts63Sep
- Sep
+ SetMonth name short../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts64Oct
- Oct
+ OutMonth name short../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts65Nov
- Nov
+ NovMonth name short../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts66Dec
- Dec
+ DecMonth name short../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts67Clear
- Clear
+ Baleirar../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts72yy-mm-dd
- yy-mm-dd
+ dd-mm-yyDate format in this locale.../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts88Instance languages
- Instance languages
+ Idiomas da instancia../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.ts169All languages
- All languages
+ Tódolos idiomas../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.ts170Hidden
- Hidden
+ Agochado../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.ts36Blurred with confirmation request
- Blurred with confirmation request
+ Esborranchado con solicitude de confirmación../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.ts37Displayed
- Displayed
+ Amosado../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.ts38~ 1 minute
- ~ 1 minute
+ ~ 1 minuto../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.ts53
@@ -8063,7 +7308,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
~ minutes
- ~ minutes
+ ~ minutos../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.ts55
@@ -8071,123 +7316,97 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
of full HD videos
- of full HD videos
+ de vídeos full HD ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.ts71 of HD videos
- of HD videos
+ de vídeos HD ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.ts72 of average quality videos
- of average quality videos
+ de vídeos de calidade media ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.ts73 (channel page)
- (channel page)
+ (páxina da canle) ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-miniature.component.ts117 (account page)
- (account page)
+ (páxina da conta) ../app/shared/shared-main/account/avatar.component.ts19Emphasis
- Emphasis
+ Énfase../app/shared/shared-main/misc/help.component.ts81Links
- Links
+ Ligazóns../app/shared/shared-main/misc/help.component.ts82New lines
- New lines
+ Novas liñas../app/shared/shared-main/misc/help.component.ts83Lists
- Lists
+ Listas../app/shared/shared-main/misc/help.component.ts84Images
- Images
+ Imaxes../app/shared/shared-main/misc/help.component.ts85 users banned.
- users banned.
+ usuarias vetadas. ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-ban-modal.component.ts53User banned.
- User
- banned.
+ Usuaria vetada.../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-ban-modal.component.ts54Do you really want to unban ?
- Do you really want to unban
- ?
+ Desexas retirarlle o veto a ?../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts70User unbanned.
- User
- unbanned.
+ Usuaria sen veto.../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts76If you remove this user, you will not be able to create another with the same username!
- If you remove this user, you will not be able to create another with the same username!
+ Se eliminas esta usuaria, non poderás crear outra nova co mesmo nome de usuaria!../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts90User deleted.
- User
- deleted.
+ Usuaria eliminada.../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts96User email set as verified
- User
- email set as verified
+ Email da usuaria marcado como verificado../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts107Account muted.
- Account
- muted.
+ Conta acalada.../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts119Instance muted.
- Instance
- muted.
+ Instancia acalada. src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts1
@@ -8195,257 +7414,247 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Account muted by the instance.
- Account
- muted by the instance.
+ Conta acalada pola instancia.../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts175Mute server
- Mute server
+ Acalar servidor../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts346Server muted by the instance.
- Server
- muted by the instance.
+ Servidor acalado pola instancia.../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts470Add a message to communicate with the reporter
- Add a message to communicate with the reporter
+ Engade unha mensaxe para comunicarte coa denunciante../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-message-modal.component.ts100Add a message to communicate with the moderation team
- Add a message to communicate with the moderation team
+ Engade unha mensaxe para comunicarte co equipo de moderación../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-message-modal.component.ts103Account unmuted by the instance.
- Account
- unmuted by the instance.
+ Conta restablecida pola instancia.../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts189Instance muted by the instance.
- Instance
- muted by the instance.
+ Instancia acalada pola instancia.../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts203Instance unmuted by the instance.
- Instance
- unmuted by the instance.
+ Instancia restablecida pola instancia.../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts217Are you sure you want to remove all the comments of this account?
- Are you sure you want to remove all the comments of this account?
+ Tes a certeza de querer eliminar tódolos comentarios desta conta?../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts228Delete account comments
- Delete account comments
+ Eliminar tódolos comentarios../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts229Will remove comments of this account (may take several minutes).
- Will remove comments of this account (may take several minutes).
+ Eliminará tódolos comentarios desta conta (podería tomar uns minutos).../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts235Edit user
- Edit user
+ Editar usuaria../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts263Change quota, role, and more.
- Change quota, role, and more.
+ Cambiar cota, rol, e máis.../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts264Delete user
- Delete user
+ Eliminar usuaria../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts268Unban user
- Unban user
+ Restablecer usuaria../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts279Allow the user to login and create videos/comments again
- Allow the user to login and create videos/comments again
+ Permitirlle á usuaria conectarse e que publique vídeos/comentarios de novo../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts280Mute this account
- Mute this account
+ Acalar esta conta../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts297Hide any content from that user for you.
- Hide any content from that user for you.
+ Agochar para ti calquera contido desta usuaria.../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts298Unmute this account
- Unmute this account
+ Restablecer esta conta../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts303Show back content from that user for you.
- Show back content from that user for you.
+ Voltar a mostrar para ti contido desta conta.../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts304Mute the instance
- Mute the instance
+ Acalar a instancia../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts309Hide any content from that instance for you.
- Hide any content from that instance for you.
+ Agochar para ti calquera contido desta instancia.../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts310Unmute the instance
- Unmute the instance
+ Restablecer instancia../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts315Show back content from that instance for you.
- Show back content from that instance for you.
+ Voltar a mostrarche contido desta instancia.../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts316Remove comments from your videos
- Remove comments from your videos
+ Eliminar comentarios dos teus vídeos../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts321Remove comments of this account from your videos.
- Remove comments of this account from your videos.
+ Eliminar dos teus vídeos os comentarios desta conta.../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts322Mute this account by your instance
- Mute this account by your instance
+ Acalar esta conta pola túa instancia../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts333Hide any content from that user for you, your instance and its users.
- Hide any content from that user for you, your instance and its users.
+ Agochar para ti, a túa instancia e as súas usuarias calquera contido desta usuaria.../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts334Unmute this account by your instance
- Unmute this account by your instance
+ Restablecer esta conta pola túa instancia../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts339Show back content from that user for you, your instance and its users.
- Show back content from that user for you, your instance and its users.
+ Voltar a motrar os contidos desta usuaria para ti, a túa instancia e as súas usuarias.../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts340Mute the instance by your instance
- Mute the instance by your instance
+ Acalar a instancia pola túa instancia../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts351Hide any content from that instance for you, your instance and its users.
- Hide any content from that instance for you, your instance and its users.
+ Agochar calquera contido desta instancia para ti, a túa instancia e as súas usuarias.../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts352Unmute the instance by your instance
- Unmute the instance by your instance
+ Restablecer esta instancia pola túa instancia../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts357Show back content from that instance for you, your instance and its users.
- Show back content from that instance for you, your instance and its users.
+ Mostar de volta os contidos desta usuaria para ti, a túa instancia e as súas usuarias.../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts358Remove comments from your instance
- Remove comments from your instance
+ Eliminar comentarios da túa instancia../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts368Remove comments of this account from your instance.
- Remove comments of this account from your instance.
+ Elimina da túa instancia os comentarios desta conta.../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts369Violent or repulsive
- Violent or repulsive
+ Violento ou repulsivo../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts139Contains offensive, violent, or coarse language or iconography.
- Contains offensive, violent, or coarse language or iconography.
+ Contén linguaxe ou imaxinería ofensiva, violenta ou ameazante.../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts140Hateful or abusive
- Hateful or abusive
+ Odio ou abuso../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts144Contains abusive, racist or sexist language or iconography.
- Contains abusive, racist or sexist language or iconography.
+ Contén linguaxe ou imaxinería abusiva, racista ou sexista.../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts145Spam, ad or false news
- Spam, ad or false news
+ Spam, publicidade ou mentiras../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts149Contains marketing, spam, purposefully deceitful news, or otherwise misleading thumbnail/text/tags. Please provide reputable sources to report hoaxes.
- Contains marketing, spam, purposefully deceitful news, or otherwise misleading thumbnail/text/tags. Please provide reputable sources to report hoaxes.
+ Contén márquetin, spam, novas falsas a conciencia, ou miniaturas/textos/etiquetas que levan a engano. Por favor, proporciona fontes fiables para denunciar as mentiras.../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts150Privacy breach or doxxing
- Privacy breach or doxxing
+ Privacidade comprometida../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts154Contains personal information that could be used to track, identify, contact or impersonate someone (e.g. name, address, phone number, email, or credit card details).
- Contains personal information that could be used to track, identify, contact or impersonate someone (e.g. name, address, phone number, email, or credit card details).
+ Contén información personal que podería ser utilizada para rastrexar, identificar, contactar ou suplantar alguén (ex. nome, enderezo, número teléfono, email ou detalles do cartón de crédito).../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts155Infringes your copyright wrt. the regional laws with which the server must comply.
- Infringes your copyright wrt. the regional laws with which the server must comply.
+ Infrinxe os termos de copyright ou leis rexionais que o servidor debe cumprir.../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts160Breaks server rules
- Breaks server rules
+ Incumpre as regras do servidor../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts164Anything not included in the above that breaks the terms of service, code of conduct, or general rules in place on the server.
- Anything not included in the above that breaks the terms of service, code of conduct, or general rules in place on the server.
+ Todo o non incluído arriba que non cumpre cos termos do servizo, código de conduta ou regras xerais establecidas no servidor.../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts165The above can only be seen in thumbnails.
- The above can only be seen in thumbnails.
+ O de arriba só se pode ver en miniaturas.../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts174Captions
- Captions
+ Subtítulos../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts178
@@ -8453,99 +7662,82 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
The above can only be seen in captions (please describe which).
- The above can only be seen in captions (please describe which).
+ O de arriba só se pode ver nos subtítulos (describe o que).../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts179Too many attempts, please try again after minutes.
- Too many attempts, please try again after
- minutes.
+ Demasiados intentos, inténtao outra vez tras minutos.../app/core/rest/rest-extractor.service.ts67Too many attempts, please try again later.
- Too many attempts, please try again later.
+ Demasiados intentos, inténtao máis tarde.../app/core/rest/rest-extractor.service.ts69Server error. Please retry later.
- Server error. Please retry later.
+ Erro do servidor. Inténtao máis tarde.../app/core/rest/rest-extractor.service.ts72Subscribed to all current channels of . You will be notified of all their new videos.
- Subscribed to all current channels of
- . You will be notified of all their new videos.
+ Subscrita a tódalas canles de . Recibirás notificación de tódolos seus vídeos.../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.ts109Subscribed to . You will be notified of all their new videos.
- Subscribed to
- . You will be notified of all their new videos.
+ Subscrita a . Recibirás notificación de tódolos seus vídeos.../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.ts110Subscribed
- Subscribed
+ Subscrita../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.ts112Unsubscribed from all channels of
- Unsubscribed from all channels of
+ Non subscrita a tódalas canles de ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.ts139Unsubscribed from
- Unsubscribed from
+ Non subscrita a ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.ts140Unsubscribed
- Unsubscribed
+ Non subscrita../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.ts142Moderator
- Moderator
+ Moderadora../app/core/users/user.service.ts384Video removed from
- Video removed from
+ Vídeo eliminado de ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-element-miniature.component.ts98Video added in at timestamps
- Video added in
- at timestamps
+ Vídeo engadido a con marca de tempo ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-add-to-playlist.component.ts377Video added in
- Video added in
+ Vídeo engadido a ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-add-to-playlist.component.ts378Timestamps updated
- Timestamps updated
+ Marcas de tempo actualizadas../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-element-miniature.component.ts117Starts at
- Starts at
+ Inicia en../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-element-miniature.component.ts140
@@ -8553,7 +7745,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Stops at
- Stops at
+ Detense en../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-element-miniature.component.ts141
@@ -8561,7 +7753,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
and stops at
- and stops at
+ e remata en../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-element-miniature.component.ts143
@@ -8569,77 +7761,77 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Delete video
- Delete video
+ Eliminar vídeo../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts395Actions for the comment
- Actions for the comment
+ Accións para o comentario../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts424Delete comment
- Delete comment
+ Eliminar comentario../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts430Do you really want to delete this comment?
- Do you really want to delete this comment?
+ Desexas eliminar este comentario?../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.ts166Comment deleted.
- Comment deleted.
+ Comentario eliminado.../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts442Encoder
- Encoder
+ Codificador../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts145Format name
- Format name
+ Nome do formato../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts146Size
- Size
+ Tamaño../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts147Bitrate
- Bitrate
+ Taxa de bits../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts149Codec
- Codec
+ Códec../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts169Copied
- Copied
+ Copiado../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts136Video reported.
- Video reported.
+ Vídeo denunciado.../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/video-report.component.ts110Do you really want to delete this video?
- Do you really want to delete this video?
+ Queres eliminar este vídeo?../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts78Video deleted.
- Video deleted.
+ Vídeo eliminado.../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts86yes
- yes
+ si../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts149
@@ -8647,7 +7839,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- no
+ non../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts151
@@ -8655,22 +7847,22 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Actions for the reporter
- Actions for the reporter
+ Accións para a denunciante../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts334Mute reporter
- Mute reporter
+ Acalar denunciante../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts340This video will be duplicated by your instance.
- This video will be duplicated by your instance.
+ Este vídeo estará duplicado na túa instancia.../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts204Download
- Download
+ Descargar../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts250
@@ -8678,7 +7870,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Update
+ Actualizar../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts256
@@ -8686,27 +7878,27 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Block
+ Bloquear../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts262Save to playlist
- Save to playlist
+ Gardar en lista../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts108Mirror
- Mirror
+ Replicar../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts274Report
- Report
+ Denunciar../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts286Remove
- Remove
+ Eliminar../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment.component.ts179
@@ -8714,7 +7906,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Remove & re-draft
- Remove & re-draft
+ Eliminar & voltar a escribir../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment.component.ts187
@@ -8722,69 +7914,67 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Mute account
- Mute account
+ Acalar conta../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts294Mute server account
- Mute server account
+ Acalar conta do servidor../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts322Report
- Report
+ Denunciar../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html65Reported part
- Reported part
+ Parte da denuncia../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html83Note
- Note
+ Nota../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html90The video was deleted
- The video was deleted
+ O vídeo foi eliminado../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html99Comment:
- Comment:
+ Comentario:../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html105Messages with the reporter
- Messages with the reporter
+ Mensaxes coa denunciante../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-message-modal.component.html4Messages with the moderation team
- Messages with the moderation team
+ Mensaxes co equipo de moderación../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-message-modal.component.html5No messages for now.
- No messages for now.
+ Aínda non hai mensaxes.../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-message-modal.component.html28Add a message
- Add a message
+ Engadir unha mensaxe../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-message-modal.component.html44Published
- Published
+ Publicado../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-miniature.component.ts162Publication scheduled on
- Publication scheduled on
+ Publicación programada para../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-miniature.component.ts167
@@ -8792,52 +7982,52 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Waiting transcoding
- Waiting transcoding
+ Agardando transcodificación../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-miniature.component.ts171To transcode
- To transcode
+ Transcodificar../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-miniature.component.ts175To import
- To import
+ Importar../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-miniature.component.ts179Add to watch later
- Add to watch later
+ Engadir a Ver máis tarde../app/shared/shared-thumbnail/video-thumbnail.component.ts28Remove from watch later
- Remove from watch later
+ Elimnar de Ver máis tarde../app/shared/shared-thumbnail/video-thumbnail.component.ts29Only I can see this video
- Only I can see this video
+ Só eu podo ver o vídeo../app/shared/shared-main/video/video.service.ts342Only shareable via a private link
- Only shareable via a private link
+ Compartido só a través de ligazón privada../app/shared/shared-main/video/video.service.ts346Anyone can see this video
- Anyone can see this video
+ Calquera pode ver o vídeo../app/shared/shared-main/video/video.service.ts350Only users of this instance can see this video
- Only users of this instance can see this video
+ Só as usuarias desta instancia poden ver o vídeo../app/shared/shared-main/video/video.service.ts354Close
- Close
+ Pechar../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/alert/alert.ts74
@@ -8845,7 +8035,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Previous
+ Anterior../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/carousel/carousel.ts349
@@ -8853,7 +8043,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Next
+ Seguinte../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/carousel/carousel.ts349
@@ -8861,7 +8051,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Previous month
- Previous month
+ Mes anterior../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/datepicker/datepicker-navigation.ts69
@@ -8869,7 +8059,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Next month
- Next month
+ Mes seguinte../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/datepicker/datepicker-month.ts72
@@ -8877,7 +8067,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Select month
- Select month
+ Elixe mes../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/datepicker/datepicker-navigation-select.ts74
@@ -8885,7 +8075,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Select year
- Select year
+ Elixe ano../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/datepicker/datepicker-navigation-select.ts74
@@ -8893,7 +8083,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- ««
+ ««../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/pagination/pagination.ts404
@@ -8901,7 +8091,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- «
+ «../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/pagination/pagination.ts404
@@ -8909,7 +8099,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- »
+ »../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/pagination/pagination.ts404
@@ -8917,7 +8107,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- »»
+ »»../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/pagination/pagination.ts404
@@ -8925,7 +8115,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- First
+ Primeira../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/pagination/pagination.ts404
@@ -8933,7 +8123,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Previous
+ Anterior../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/pagination/pagination.ts404
@@ -8941,7 +8131,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Next
+ Seguinte../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/pagination/pagination.ts404
@@ -8949,7 +8139,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Last
+ Última../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/pagination/pagination.ts404
@@ -8957,7 +8147,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
+ ../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/progressbar/progressbar.ts101
@@ -8965,7 +8155,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- HH
+ HH../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
@@ -8973,7 +8163,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Hours
+ Horas../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
@@ -8981,7 +8171,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- MM
+ MM../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
@@ -8989,7 +8179,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Minutes
+ Minutos../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
@@ -8997,7 +8187,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Increment hours
- Increment hours
+ Aumentar horas../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
@@ -9005,7 +8195,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Decrement hours
- Decrement hours
+ Diminuír horas../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
@@ -9013,7 +8203,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Increment minutes
- Increment minutes
+ Aumentar minutos../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
@@ -9021,7 +8211,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Decrement minutes
- Decrement minutes
+ Diminuír minutos../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
@@ -9029,7 +8219,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- SS
+ SS../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
@@ -9037,7 +8227,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Seconds
+ Segundos../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
@@ -9045,7 +8235,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Increment seconds
- Increment seconds
+ Aumentar segundos../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
@@ -9053,7 +8243,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Decrement seconds
- Decrement seconds
+ Diminuír segundos../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
@@ -9061,7 +8251,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
+ ../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
@@ -9069,7 +8259,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
+ ../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
@@ -9077,7 +8267,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Close
+ Pechar../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/toast/toast.ts137
@@ -9085,27 +8275,27 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Video to import updated.
- Video to import updated.
+ Actualizado o vídeo a importar.../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.ts128Your video was uploaded to your account and is private.
- Your video was uploaded to your account and is private.
+ O vídeo subeuse á túa conta e é privado.../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts89But associated data (tags, description...) will be lost, are you sure you want to leave this page?
- But associated data (tags, description...) will be lost, are you sure you want to leave this page?
+ Pero os datos asociados (etiquetas, descrición...) perderanse, queres saír igualmente desta páxina?../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts90Your video is not uploaded yet, are you sure you want to leave this page?
- Your video is not uploaded yet, are you sure you want to leave this page?
+ O vídeo aínda non se subiu, desexas realmente saír desta páxina?../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts92Upload
- Upload
+ Subir../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts112
@@ -9113,36 +8303,30 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Upload
+ Subir ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts114Upload cancelled
- Upload cancelled
+ Subida cancelada../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts131Video published.
- Video published.
+ Vídeo publicado.../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts243
- Your video quota is exceeded with this video (
-video size: , used: , quota: )
- Your video quota is exceeded with this video (
-video size: , used: , quota: )
+ Your video quota is exceeded with this video ( video size: , used: , quota: )
+ Con este vídeo estás excedendo a túa cota de vídeo (tamaño: , utilizado: , cota: )../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts265,266
- Your daily video quota is exceeded with this video (
-video size: , used: , quota: )
- Your daily video quota is exceeded with this video (
-video size: , used: , quota: )
+ Your daily video quota is exceeded with this video ( video size: , used: , quota: )
+ Excedeches a túa cota diaria de subida de vídeos (tamaño: , utilizado: , cota: )../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts285,286
@@ -9150,157 +8334,157 @@ video size: , used: , quota: )
You have unsaved changes! If you leave, your changes will be lost.
- You have unsaved changes! If you leave, your changes will be lost.
+ Tes cambios sen gardar! Se saes perderás os cambios.../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-update.component.ts79Video updated.
- Video updated.
+ Vídeo actualizado.../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-update.component.ts116Report comment
- Report comment
+ Denunciar comentario../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/comment-report.component.ts51Stop autoplaying next video
- Stop autoplaying next video
+ Non reproducir automáticamente o seguinte vídeo../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch-playlist.component.ts203Autoplay next video
- Autoplay next video
+ Reprodución automática do seg. vídeo../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch-playlist.component.ts204Stop looping playlist videos
- Stop looping playlist videos
+ Deter a reprodución en bucle../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch-playlist.component.ts209Loop playlist videos
- Loop playlist videos
+ Reproduce en bucle a lista../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch-playlist.component.ts210You need to be connected to rate this content.
- You need to be connected to rate this content.
+ Tes que estar conectado para valorar este contido.../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts192
- This video is not available on this instance. Do you want to be redirected on the origin instance: <a href=""></a>?
- This video is not available on this instance. Do you want to be redirected on the origin instance: <a href=""></a>?
+ This video is not available on this instance. Do you want to be redirected on the origin instance: <a href=""></a>?
+ Este vídeo non está dispoñible na túa instancia. Queres ser redirixida á instancia orixinal: <a href="">/a>?../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts373Redirection
- Redirection
+ Redirección../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts374This video contains mature or explicit content. Are you sure you want to watch it?
- This video contains mature or explicit content. Are you sure you want to watch it?
+ Este vídeo contén contido explicito ou adulto. Tes certeza de querer velo?../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts486Mature or explicit content
- Mature or explicit content
+ Contido explícito ou adulto../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts487Up Next
- Up Next
+ A seguir../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts536Cancel
- Cancel
+ Cancelar../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts537Autoplay is suspended
- Autoplay is suspended
+ Reprodución automática suspendida../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts538Enter/exit fullscreen (requires player focus)
- Enter/exit fullscreen (requires player focus)
+ Entrar/Saír da pantalla completa (require foco no reprodutor)../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts800Play/Pause the video (requires player focus)
- Play/Pause the video (requires player focus)
+ Reproducir/Pausar o vídeo (require foco no reprodutor)../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts801Mute/unmute the video (requires player focus)
- Mute/unmute the video (requires player focus)
+ Acalar/Restablecer o vídeo (require foco no reprodutor)../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts802Skip to a percentage of the video: 0 is 0% and 9 is 90% (requires player focus)
- Skip to a percentage of the video: 0 is 0% and 9 is 90% (requires player focus)
+ Saltar a unha porcentaxe do vídeo: 0 é 0% e 9 é 90% (require foco no reprodutor)../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts804Increase the volume (requires player focus)
- Increase the volume (requires player focus)
+ Aumentar volume (require foco no reprodutor)../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts806Decrease the volume (requires player focus)
- Decrease the volume (requires player focus)
+ Diminuír volume (require foco no reprodutor)../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts807Seek the video forward (requires player focus)
- Seek the video forward (requires player focus)
+ Saltar adiante no vídeo (require foco no reprodutor)../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts809Seek the video backward (requires player focus)
- Seek the video backward (requires player focus)
+ Saltar atrás no vídeo (require foco no reprodutor)../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts810Increase playback rate (requires player focus)
- Increase playback rate (requires player focus)
+ Aumentar taxa de reprodución (require foco no reprodutor)../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts812Decrease playback rate (requires player focus)
- Decrease playback rate (requires player focus)
+ Diminuir taxa de reprodución (require foco no reprodutor)../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts813Navigate in the video frame by frame (requires player focus)
- Navigate in the video frame by frame (requires player focus)
+ Navegar fotograma a fotograma (require foco no reprodutor)../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts815Like the video
- Like the video
+ Gústame o vídeo../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts823Dislike the video
- Dislike the video
+ Retirar o gústame../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts828When active, the next video is automatically played after the current one.
- When active, the next video is automatically played after the current one.
+ Se está activo, o seguinte vídeo reprodúcese automáticamente tras o actual.../app/+videos/+video-watch/recommendations/recommended-videos.component.ts59Videos that have the higher number of likes.
- Videos that have the higher number of likes.
+ Vídeos que teñen o maior número de gústame.../app/+videos/video-list/video-most-liked.component.ts42Recently added
- Recently added
+ Engadidos recentemente../app/+videos/video-list/video-recently-added.component.ts36
@@ -9308,22 +8492,22 @@ video size: , used: , quota: )
Trending for the last 24 hours
- Trending for the last 24 hours
+ Tendencia nas últimas 24 horas../app/+videos/video-list/video-trending.component.ts46Trending videos are those totalizing the greatest number of views during the last 24 hours
- Trending videos are those totalizing the greatest number of views during the last 24 hours
+ Vídeos que son tendencia son aqueles que suman o maior número de visualizacións nas últimas 24h../app/+videos/video-list/video-trending.component.ts47Videos from your subscriptions
- Videos from your subscriptions
+ Vídeos das túas subscricións../app/+videos/video-list/video-user-subscriptions.component.ts35Subscriptions
- Subscriptions
+ Subscricións../app/+videos/video-list/video-user-subscriptions.component.ts38
@@ -9331,7 +8515,7 @@ video size: , used: , quota: )
Local videos
- Local videos
+ Vídeos locais../app/+videos/video-list/video-local.component.ts36
@@ -9339,7 +8523,7 @@ video size: , used: , quota: )
Discover videos
- Discover videos
+ Descubrir vídeos../app/+videos/videos-routing.module.ts23
@@ -9347,7 +8531,7 @@ video size: , used: , quota: )
Trending videos
- Trending videos
+ Vídeos tendencia../app/+videos/videos-routing.module.ts32
@@ -9355,7 +8539,7 @@ video size: , used: , quota: )
Recently added videos
- Recently added videos
+ Vídeos recentemente engadidos../app/+videos/videos-routing.module.ts58
@@ -9363,7 +8547,7 @@ video size: , used: , quota: )
Upload a video
- Upload a video
+ Subir un vídeo../app/+videos/videos-routing.module.ts97
@@ -9371,7 +8555,7 @@ video size: , used: , quota: )
Edit a video
- Edit a video
+ Editar un vídeo../app/+videos/videos-routing.module.ts106
diff --git a/client/src/locale/angular.hu-HU.xlf b/client/src/locale/angular.hu-HU.xlf
index f0dd4d488..321342bc7 100644
--- a/client/src/locale/angular.hu-HU.xlf
+++ b/client/src/locale/angular.hu-HU.xlf
@@ -20,12 +20,7 @@
published a new video:
- közzétett egy új videót:
+ közzétett egy új videót: ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html16
@@ -35,20 +30,12 @@
Your video has been unblocked
- A
- videója feloldásra került
+ A(z) videója feloldásra került ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html33Your video has been blocked
- A
- videója letiltásra került
+ A(z) videója letiltásra került ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html41
@@ -83,25 +70,12 @@
The recently added video has been automatically blocked
- A nemrég hozzáadott
- videó
- automatikusan letiltásra került
+ A nemrég hozzáadott videó automatikusan letiltásra került ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html88 commented your video
- hozzászólt az Ön
- videójához
+ hozzászólt a videójához ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html101
@@ -111,84 +85,42 @@
Your video has been published
- A(z)
- videója közzé lett téve
+ A(z) videója közzé lett téve ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html118Your video import succeeded
- A videoimportálás
- sikerült
+ A videoimportálás sikerült ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html126Your video import failed
- A videoimportálás
- nem sikerült
+ A videoimportálás nem sikerült ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html134User registered on your instance
- felhasználó regisztrált az Ön példányára
+ felhasználó regisztrált az Ön példányára ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html142 is following your channel your account
- követi
- az Ön csatornáját
- az Ön fiókját
+ követi az Ön csatornáját az Ön fiókját../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html152 mentioned you on video
- megemlítette Önt
- a(z)
- videónál
+ megemlítette Önt a videónál../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html165Your instance has a new follower () awaiting your approval
- Az Ön példányának
- új követője van
- (
- ),
- aki az Ön jóváhagyására vár
+ Az Ön példányának új követője van (), aki az Ön jóváhagyására vár../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html173Your instance automatically followed
- Az Ön példányát
- automatikusan követi
+ Az Ön példánya automatikusa követ: ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html182
@@ -230,12 +162,7 @@
Your report will be sent to moderators of and will be forwarded to the video origin () too.
- A jelentése el lesz küldve a
- moderátorainak
- és továbbítva lesz a videó forrásához (
- ) is
- .
+ A jelentése el lesz küldve a moderátorainak és továbbítva lesz a videó forrásához () is. ../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/video-report.component.html75
@@ -348,9 +275,7 @@
Report video ""
- A "
- " videó jelentése
+ A(z) „” videó jelentése../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/video-report.component.html3
@@ -380,9 +305,7 @@
{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 view} other { views}}
- {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 megtekintés} other {
- megtekintés} }
+ {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 megtekintés} other { megtekintés} }../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-miniature.component.html31
@@ -397,9 +320,7 @@
{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =0 {No videos} =1 {1 video} other { videos}}
- {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =0 {Nincs videó} =1 {1 videó} other {
- videó} }
+ {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =0 {Nincs videó} =1 {1 videó} other { videó} }../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-miniature.component.html9
@@ -411,9 +332,7 @@
- frissítve
+ frissítve../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-miniature.component.html29
@@ -438,9 +357,7 @@
Delete from
- Törlés innen:
+ Törlés innen: ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-element-miniature.component.html88
@@ -469,8 +386,8 @@
- <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible that supports:
- <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a>-kompatibilis, és a következőket támogatja:
+ <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible that supports:
+ <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a>-kompatibilis, és a következőket támogatja:../app/shared/shared-main/misc/help.component.ts75
@@ -515,28 +432,17 @@
Remote subscribeRemote interact
- Távoli feliratkozás
- Távoli interakció
+ Távoli feliratkozás Távoli interakció ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/remote-subscribe.component.html11You can subscribe to the channel via any ActivityPub-capable fediverse instance. For instance with Mastodon or Pleroma you can type the channel URL in the search box and subscribe there.
- Feliratkozhat egy csatornára bármely ActivityPub-kompatibilis födiverzum példányon keresztül.
- Például a Mastodon vagy a Pleroma esetén beírhatja a csatorna URL-t a keresőmezőbe, és ott feliratkozhat.
+ Feliratkozhat egy csatornára bármely ActivityPub-kompatibilis födiverzum példányon keresztül. Például a Mastodon vagy a Pleroma esetén beírhatja a csatorna URL-t a keresőmezőbe, és ott feliratkozhat. ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/remote-subscribe.component.html18You can interact with this via any ActivityPub-capable fediverse instance. For instance with Mastodon or Pleroma you can type the current URL in the search box and interact with it there.
- Interakcióba léphet ezzel bármely ActivityPub-kompatibilis födiverzum példányon keresztül.
- Például a Mastodon vagy a Pleroma esetén beírhatja a jelenlegi URL-t a keresőmezőbe, és ott interakcióba léphet ezzel.
+ Interakcióba léphet ezzel bármely ActivityPub-kompatibilis födiverzum példányon keresztül. Például a Mastodon vagy a Pleroma esetén beírhatja a jelenlegi URL-t a keresőmezőbe, és ott interakcióba léphet ezzel. ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/remote-subscribe.component.html27
@@ -546,12 +452,7 @@
Default NSFW/sensitive videos policycan be redefined by the users
- Érzékeny videók alapértelmezett irányelve
- a felhasználók felüldefiniálhatják
+ Az érzékeny videók alapértelmezett irányelvéta felhasználók felüldefiniálhatják../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html13
@@ -586,12 +487,7 @@
Unlimited ( per day)
- Korlátlan
- (naponta
- )
+ Korlátlan (napi )../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html61
@@ -704,9 +600,7 @@
Block video ""
- A "
- " videó letiltása
+ A(z) „” videó letiltása../app/shared/shared-moderation/video-block.component.html3
@@ -730,10 +624,7 @@
Sorry but there was an issue with the external login process. Please contact an administrator.
- Sajnáljuk, de valami hiba történt a külső bejelentkezési folyamattal.
- Lépjen kapcsolatba egy rendszergazdával
- .
+ Sajnáljuk, de valami hiba történt a külső bejelentkezési folyamattal. Lépjen kapcsolatba egy rendszergazdával. ../app/+login/login.component.html7
@@ -743,11 +634,7 @@
Currently this instance doesn't allow for user registration, but you can find an instance that gives you the possibility to sign up for an account and upload your videos there. Find yours among multiple instances at https://joinpeertube.org/instances.
- Jelenleg ezen a példányon nem engedélyezett a felhasználói regisztráció, de kereshet egy olyan példányt, amely lehetőséget ad egy fiók regisztrálására és a videók oda történő feltöltésére.
- Keresse meg a sajátját több más példány mellett a
- https://joinpeertube.org/instances
- oldalon.
+ Jelenleg ezen a példányon nem engedélyezett a felhasználói regisztráció, de kereshet egy olyan példányt, amely lehetőséget ad egy fiók regisztrálására és a videók oda történő feltöltésére. Keresse meg a sajátját több más példány mellett a https://joinpeertube.org/instances oldalon. ../app/+login/login.component.html17
@@ -801,8 +688,7 @@
- An email with the reset password instructions will be sent to .
-The link will expire within 1 hour.
+ An email with the reset password instructions will be sent to . The link will expire within 1 hour.A jelszó-visszaállítási utasítások erre a címre lesznek elküldve: . A hivatkozás 1 órán belül lejár.../app/+login/login.component.ts
@@ -826,10 +712,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
+ ../app/+search/search.component.html5
@@ -864,23 +747,12 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- erre:
+ erre: ../app/+search/search.component.html11Filters
- Szűrők
+ Szűrők ../app/+search/search.component.html22
@@ -939,18 +811,12 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Official PeerTube website (news, support, contribute...): https://joinpeertube.org
- Hivatalos PeerTube weboldal (hírek, támogatás, közreműködés…):
- https://joinpeertube.org
+ Hivatalos PeerTube weboldal (hírek, támogatás, közreműködés…): https://joinpeertube.org ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html42Put your instance on the public PeerTube index: https://instances.joinpeertube.org/instances
- Saját példány elhelyezése a nyilvános PeerTube jegyzékbe:
- https://instances.joinpeertube.org/instances
+ Saját példány elhelyezése a nyilvános PeerTube jegyzékbe: https://instances.joinpeertube.org/instances../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html45
@@ -960,32 +826,12 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Choosing your instance name, setting up a description, specifying who you are, why you created your instance and how long you plan to maintain your it is very important for visitors to understand on what type of instance they are.
- A
- példány nevének
- kiválasztása,
- a leírás megadása
- , annak meghatározása,
- hogy Ön kicsoda
- , miért
- hozta létre a példányát
- és
- meddig
- tervezi
- fenntartani
- , nagyon fontosak a látogatóknak, hogy megértsék, milyen típusú példányon is vannak.
+ A példány nevének kiválasztása, a leírás megadása , annak meghatározása, hogy Ön kicsoda , miért hozta létre a példányát és meddig tervezi fenntartani , nagyon fontosak a látogatóknak, hogy megértsék, milyen típusú példányon is vannak. ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html58If you want to open registrations, please decide what are your moderation rules, fill your instance terms and specify the categories and languages you speak. This way, you will help users to register on the appropriate PeerTube instance.
- Ha meg szeretné nyitni a regisztrációt, akkor döntse el, mik a
- moderálási szabályok
- , töltse ki
- a példány használati feltételeit
- , valamint adja meg a kategóriákat és a beszélt nyelveket. Ezzel segíteni fog a felhasználóknak, hogy
- a megfelelő
- PeerTube példányra regisztráljanak.
+ Ha meg szeretné nyitni a regisztrációt, akkor döntse el, mik a moderálási szabályok , töltse ki a példány használati feltételeit , valamint adja meg a kategóriákat és a beszélt nyelveket. Ezzel segíteni fog a felhasználóknak, hogy a megfelelő PeerTube példányra regisztráljanak. ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html64
@@ -1045,12 +891,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Please consider configuring these fields to help people to choose the appropriate instance. Without them, your instance may not be referenced on the JoinPeerTube website.
- Kérem fontolja meg ezeknek a mezőknek a beállítását, hogy az emberek kiválaszthassák
- a megfelelő példányt
- . Ezek nélkül a példánya lehet, hogy nem lesz megtalálható a
- JoinPeerTube weboldalon
- .
+ Fontolja meg ezeknek a mezőknek a beállítását, hogy az emberek kiválaszthassák a megfelelő példányt . Ezek nélkül a példánya lehet, hogy nem lesz megtalálható a JoinPeerTube weboldalon . ../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html25
@@ -1110,9 +951,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- Felület:
+ Felület: ../app/menu/menu.component.html162
@@ -1312,9 +1151,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- használata
+ használata../app/header/search-typeahead.component.html25
@@ -1589,9 +1426,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Schedule publication ()
- Közzététel ütemezése (
- )
+ Közzététel ütemezése ( )../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html108
@@ -1630,7 +1465,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- Already uploaded ✔
+ Already uploaded ✔Már fel van töltve ✔../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html167
@@ -1732,9 +1567,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Congratulations, the video behind will be imported! You can already add information about this video.
- Gratulálunk, a(z)
- mögött lévő videó importálva lesz! Már megadhatja a videóval kapcsolatos információkat.
+ Gratulálunk, a(z) mögött lévő videó importálva lesz! Már megadhatja a videóval kapcsolatos információkat. ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-url.component.html49
@@ -1764,9 +1597,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Image that will be merged with your audio file. The chosen image will be definitive and cannot be modified.
- Egy kép, amely egyesítve lesz a hangfájllal.
- A kiválasztott kép végleges lesz, és nem lehet módosítani.
+ Egy kép, amely egyesítve lesz a hangfájllal. A kiválasztott kép végleges lesz, és nem lehet módosítani. ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html29
@@ -1826,27 +1657,17 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
We recommend you to not use the root user to publish your videos, since it's the super-admin account of your instance. Instead, create a dedicated account to upload your videos.
- Azt ajánljuk, hogy ne használja a
- root
- felhasználót a videók közzétételéhez, mivel az a példány rendszergazda fiókja.
- Ehelyett inkább
- hozzon létre egy külön fiókot
- a videói feltöltéséhez.
+ Azt ajánljuk, hogy ne használja a root felhasználót a videók közzétételéhez, mivel az a példány rendszergazda fiókja. Ehelyett inkább hozzon létre egy külön fiókot a videói feltöltéséhez. ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add.component.html11Import
- importálása
+ importálása../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add.component.html19Upload
- feltöltése
+ feltöltése../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add.component.html20
@@ -1939,9 +1760,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- támogatása
+ támogatása../app/+videos/+video-watch/modal/video-support.component.html3
@@ -1996,9 +1815,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
This video will be published on .
- Ez a videó ekkor lesz közzétéve:
- .
+ Ez a videó ekkor lesz közzétéve: ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html29
@@ -2008,24 +1825,12 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Published • views
- Közzétéve
- •
- megtekintés
+ Közzétéve • megtekintés ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html47Published • views
- Közzétéve
- •
- megtekintés
+ Közzétéve: • megtekintés ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html58
@@ -2065,9 +1870,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- által
+ által../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html170
@@ -2179,25 +1982,17 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
View replies from and others
- és mások
- válaszának megtekintése
+ válasz megtekintése tőlük: és mások ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html84View replies from
- válaszának megtekintése
+ válasz megtekintése tőle: ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html87View replies
- válasz megtekintése
+ válasz megtekintése../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html90
@@ -2421,8 +2216,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- ../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html39
+ ../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html39
+ Follower handleKövetőkezelő
@@ -2431,19 +2226,11 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-imports/my-account-video-imports.component.html19
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-imports/my-account-video-imports.component.html19
+ Created
- Létrehozva
+ Létrehozva: ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html31
@@ -2483,11 +2270,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Showing to of followers
- –
- /
- követő megjelenítése
+ – 6 követő megjelenítése../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html10
@@ -2504,10 +2287,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Redundancy allowed
- Redundancia megengedett
+ Redundancia megengedett ../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html35
@@ -2527,11 +2307,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Showing to of hosts
- –
- /
- gép megjelenítése
+ – / gép megjelenítése../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html10
@@ -2601,12 +2377,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Transcoding is enabled. The video quota only takes into account original video size. At most, this user could upload ~ .
- Az átkódolás engedélyezve van. A videokvóta csak az
- eredeti
- videó méretét veszi figyelembe.
- Ez a felhasználó legfeljebb ~
- mennyiséget tölthet fel.
+ Az átkódolás engedélyezve van. A videokvóta csak az eredeti videó méretét veszi figyelembe. Ez a felhasználó legfeljebb ~ -ot tölthet fel. ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html160
@@ -2696,11 +2467,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Showing to of users
- –
- /
- felhasználó megjelenítése
+ – / felhasználó megjelenítése../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html6
@@ -2788,10 +2555,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- Videó
+ Videó ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html29
@@ -2836,10 +2600,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- Dátum
+ Dátum ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html45
@@ -2874,11 +2635,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Showing to of blocked videos
- -
- of
- tiltott videó mutatása
+ – / tiltott videó megjelenítése../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html10
@@ -2983,10 +2740,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- Állapot
+ Állapot ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html29
@@ -3001,19 +2755,12 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- Pontszám
+ Pontszám ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html30Showing to of reports
- –
- /
- jelentés megjelenítése
+ – / jelentés megjelenítése../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html5
@@ -3028,7 +2775,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 report} other { reports}}
- {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 jelentés} other { jelentés} }
+ {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 jelentés} other { jelentés} }../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html52
@@ -3048,10 +2795,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Muted at
- Némítás ideje:
+ Némítás ideje ../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html33
@@ -3071,11 +2815,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Showing to of muted instances
- –
- /
- némított példány megjelenítése
+ – / némított példány megjelenítése../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html10
@@ -3129,11 +2869,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Showing to of muted accounts
- –
- /
- némított fiók megjelenítése
+ – / némított fiók megjelenítése../app/shared/shared-moderation/account-blocklist.component.html10
@@ -3193,11 +2929,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
for ""
- ennél: „
- ”
+ ennél: „” ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.html23
@@ -3217,9 +2949,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
This does not have settings.
- Ez a(z)
- nem rendelkezik beállításokkal.
+ Ez a(z) nem rendelkezik beállításokkal. ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-show-installed/plugin-show-installed.component.html17
@@ -3251,8 +2981,10 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Job stateFeladat állapota../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html12
- Showing to of jobsShowing to of jobs
+ Showing to of jobs
+ – / feladat megjelenítése../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html32
@@ -3261,15 +2993,19 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- ../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html40
- No jobs found.No jobs found.
+ ../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html40
+ No jobs found.
+ Nem található feladat.../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html86
- No jobs found that are .No jobs found that are .
+ No jobs found that are .
+ Nem található olyan feladat, amely .../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html87
@@ -3278,9 +3014,11 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html33
- nownow
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html33
+ now
+ most../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html15
@@ -3289,15 +3027,13 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html37
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html37
- By ->
- Szerző:
- →
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html45
+ By ->
+ Szerző: →
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html45
@@ -3325,10 +3061,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
The sharing system implies that some technical information about your system (such as a public IP address) can be sent to other peers, but greatly helps to reduce server load.
- A
- megosztási rendszer
- következménye, hogy bizonyos műszaki adatok (mint a nyilvános IP-cím) el lesznek küldve a többi partnernek, viszont ez nagymértékben segít a kiszolgáló tehermentesítésében.
+ A megosztási rendszer következménye, hogy bizonyos műszaki adatok (mint a nyilvános IP-cím) el lesznek küldve a többi partnernek, viszont ez nagymértékben segít a kiszolgáló tehermentesítésében.../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html50
@@ -3368,10 +3101,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Manage users to build a moderation team.
- Felhasználók
- kezelése egy moderáló csapat összeállításához.
+ Felhasználók kezelése egy moderátori csapat összeállításához. ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html82
@@ -3381,10 +3111,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Enabling it will allow other administrators to know that you are mainly federating sensitive content. Moreover, the NSFW checkbox on video upload will be automatically checked by default.
- Ennek engedélyezésével a többi rendszergazda tudni fogja, hogy elsősorban az érzékeny tartalmakat föderálja.
- Ezenkívül a videó feltöltésénél az érzékeny tartalom jelölőnégyzet alapértelmezetten automatikusan be lesz jelölve.
+ Ennek engedélyezésével a többi rendszergazda tudni fogja, hogy elsősorban az érzékeny tartalmakat föderálja. Ezenkívül a videó feltöltésénél az érzékeny tartalom jelölőnégyzet alapértelmezetten automatikusan be lesz jelölve. ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html96
@@ -3394,12 +3121,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
With Do not list or Blur thumbnails, a confirmation will be requested to watch the video.
- A
- Ne listázza
- vagy a
- Bélyegképek elhomályosítása
- beállításokkal megerősítés lesz kérve a videó megnézéséhez.
+ A Ne listázza vagy a Bélyegképek elhomályosítása beállításokkal megerősítés lesz kérve a videó megnézéséhez. ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html109
@@ -3514,12 +3236,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Use plugins & themes for more involved changes, or add slight customizations.
- Használjon
- bővítményeket és témákat
- a nagyobb mértékű változtatásokhoz, vagy
- adjon hozzá apró személyre szabásokat
- .
+ Használjon bővítményeket és témákat a nagyobb mértékű változtatásokhoz, vagy adjon hozzá apró személyre szabásokat . ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html247
@@ -3594,10 +3311,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Manage users to set their quota individually.
- Felhasználók
- kezelése a kvótáik egyénileg történő beállításához.
+ Felhasználók kezelése a kvótáik egyénileg történő beállításához. ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html340
@@ -3697,10 +3411,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Allow your users to look up remote videos/actors by their URI, that may not be federated with your instance
- Az
- Ön felhasználói
- megkereshetnek olyan távoli videókat/szereplőket az URI-jük alapján, amik nincsenek kapcsolatban a példányával
+ Az Ön felhasználói megkereshetnek olyan távoli videókat/szereplőket az URI-jük alapján, amik nincsenek kapcsolatban a példányával../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html469
@@ -3710,10 +3421,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Allow anonymous users to look up remote videos/actors by their URI, that may not be federated with your instance
- A
- vendégfelhasználók
- megkereshetnek olyan távoli videókat/szereplőket az URI-jük alapján, amik nincsenek kapcsolatban a példányával
+ A vendégfelhasználók megkereshetnek olyan távoli videókat/szereplőket az URI-jük alapján, amik nincsenek kapcsolatban a példányával../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html480
@@ -3728,10 +3436,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
You should only use moderated search indexes in production, or host your own.
- Csak moderált keresőindexet érdemes használni éles környezetben, vagy
- üzemeltessen sajátot
- .
+ Csak moderált keresőindexet érdemes használni éles környezetben, vagy üzemeltessen sajátot . ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html497
@@ -3766,10 +3471,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Manage relations with other instances.
- Kapcsolatok
- kezelése más példányokkal.
+ Kapcsolatok kezelése más példányokkal. ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html544
@@ -3789,10 +3491,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
You should only follow moderated indexes in production, or host your own.
- Csak moderált indexeket érdemes követni éles környezetben, vagy
- üzemeltessen sajátot
- .
+ Csak moderált indexeket érdemes követni éles környezetben, vagyüzemeltessen sajátot. ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html595
@@ -3857,13 +3556,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
If your instance is explicitly allowed by Twitter, a video player will be embedded in the Twitter feed on PeerTube video share. If the instance is not, we use an image link card that will redirect on your PeerTube instance. Check this checkbox, save the configuration and test with a video URL of your instance (https://example.com/videos/watch/blabla) on https://cards-dev.twitter.com/validator to see if you instance is allowed.
- Ha a Twitter külön engedélyezi a példányát, egy videólejátszó lesz beágyazva a Twitter hírfolyamba egy PeerTube videó megosztásakor.
- Ha a példány nincs engedélyezve, egy képes linkkártyát használunk, ami a PeerTube példányára irányít át.
- Pipálja ki ezt a jelölőnégyzetet, mentse a beállításokat és tesztelje a példánya egy videó URL-jével (https://example.com/videos/watch/blabla) a
- https://cards-dev.twitter.com/validator
- oldalon, hogy megállapítsa, hogy a példánya engedélyezett-e.
+ Ha a Twitter külön engedélyezi a példányát, egy videólejátszó lesz beágyazva a Twitter hírfolyamba egy PeerTube videó megosztásakor. Ha a példány nincs engedélyezve, egy képes linkkártyát használunk, ami a PeerTube példányára irányít át. Pipálja ki ezt a jelölőnégyzetet, mentse a beállításokat és tesztelje a példánya egy videó URL-jével (https://example.com/videos/watch/blabla) a https://cards-dev.twitter.com/validator oldalon, hogy megállapítsa, hogy a példánya engedélyezett-e. ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html684
@@ -3913,15 +3606,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Experimental, we suggest you to not disable webtorrent support for nowIf you also enabled HLS support, it will multiply videos storage by 2If disabled, breaks federation with PeerTube instances < 2.1
- Kísérleti, azt ajánljuk, hogy most ne tiltsa le a webtorrentet
- Ha engedélyezte a HLS támogatást is, akkor az a duplájára fogja növelni a videók tárolási igényét
- Ha le van tiltva, akkor tönkre teszi a 2.1-es verziónál régebbi PeerTube példányok föderációját
+ Kísérleti, azt ajánljuk, hogy most ne tiltsa le a webtorrentet Ha engedélyezte a HLS támogatást is, akkor az a duplájára fogja növelni a videók tárolási igényét Ha le van tiltva, akkor tönkre teszi a 2.1-es verziónál régebbi PeerTube példányok föderációját../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html762
@@ -3930,23 +3615,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- Requires ffmpeg >= 4.1Generate HLS playlists and fragmented MP4 files resulting in a better playback than with the current default player:Resolution change is smootherFaster playback in particular with long videosMore stable playback (less bugs/infinite loading)If you also enabled WebTorrent support, it will multiply videos storage by 2
- Az ffmpeg >= 4.1 szükséges
- A HLS lejátszási listák és a tördelt MP4 fájlok előállítása jobb lejátszást eredményez mint a jelenlegi alapértelmezett lejátszó:
- A felbontás megváltoztatása simább
- Gyorsabb lejátszás, különösen hosszú videóknál
- Stabilabb lejátszás (kevesebb hiba vagy végtelen betöltés)
- Ha engedélyezte a WebTorrent támogatást is, akkor az a duplájára növeli a videó tárolási szükségletét
+ Requires ffmpeg >= 4.1Generate HLS playlists and fragmented MP4 files resulting in a better playback than with the current default player:Resolution change is smootherFaster playback in particular with long videosMore stable playback (less bugs/infinite loading)If you also enabled WebTorrent support, it will multiply videos storage by 2
+ Az ffmpeg >= 4.1 szükséges A HLS lejátszási listák és a tördelt MP4 fájlok előállítása jobb lejátszást eredményez mint a jelenlegi alapértelmezett lejátszó: A felbontás megváltoztatása simább Gyorsabb lejátszás, különösen hosszú videóknál Stabilabb lejátszás (kevesebb hiba vagy végtelen betöltés) Ha engedélyezte a WebTorrent támogatást is, akkor az a duplájára növeli a videó tárolási szükségletét ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html783
@@ -4001,37 +3671,12 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Write JavaScript code directly.Example: console.log('my instance is amazing');
- JavaScript kód közvetlen írása.
- Példa:
- console.log('az én példányom csodálatos');
+ JavaScript kód közvetlen írása. Példa: console.log('az én példányom csodálatos'); ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html892
- Write CSS code directly. Example: #custom-css
- color: red;
- Prepend with #custom-css to override styles. Example: #custom-css .logged-in-email
- color: red;
- A CSS kód közvetlen írása. Példa:
- #custom-css
- color: red;
- Tegye elé a
- #custom-css
- azonosítót a stílusok felülírásához. Példa:
- #custom-css .logged-in-email
- color: red;
+ Write CSS code directly. Example: #custom-css color: red; Prepend with #custom-css to override styles. Example: #custom-css .logged-in-email color: red;
+ A CSS kód közvetlen írása. Példa: #custom-css color: red; Tegye elé a #custom-css azonosítót a stílusok felülírásához. Példa: #custom-css .logged-in-email color: red; ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html911
@@ -4151,12 +3796,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
With Do not list or Blur thumbnails, a confirmation will be requested to watch the video.
- A
- Ne listázza
- vagy a
- Bélyegképek elhomályosítása
- beállításokkal megerősítés lesz kérve a videó megnézéséhez.
+ A Ne listázza vagy a Bélyegképek elhomályosítása beállításokkal megerősítés lesz kérve a videó megnézéséhez. ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html8
@@ -4181,20 +3821,12 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Your current email is
- A jelenlegi e-mail-címe
+ A jelenlegi e-mail-címe: ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html5 is awaiting email verification
- e-mail ellenőrzésre vár
+ e-mail ellenőrzésre vár ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html9
@@ -4279,10 +3911,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- Létrehozva
+ Létrehozva ../app/+my-account/my-account-ownership/my-account-ownership.component.html23
@@ -4365,9 +3994,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- Short text to tell people how they can support your channel (membership platform...).<br /><br />
- When you will upload a video in this channel, the video support field will be automatically filled by this text.
- Rövid szöveg, amely ismerteti az embereknek, hogy hogyan támogathatják a csatornáját (tagsági platform…).<br /><br /> Ha feltölt egy videót ebbe a csatornába, akkor a videó támogatási mezője automatikusan ki lesz töltve ezzel a szöveggel.
+ Short text to tell people how they can support your channel (membership platform...).<br /><br /> When you will upload a video in this channel, the video support field will be automatically filled by this text.
+ Rövid szöveg, amely ismerteti az embereknek, hogy hogyan támogathatják a csatornáját (tagsági platform…).<br /><br /> Ha feltölt egy videót ebbe a csatornába, akkor a videó támogatási mezője automatikusan ki lesz töltve ezzel a szöveggel.../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channel-edit.component.html77
@@ -4399,11 +4027,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Showing to of imports
- -
- (összesen
- ) importált mutatása
+ – / import megjelenítése../app/+my-account/my-account-video-imports/my-account-video-imports.component.html10
@@ -4428,9 +4052,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Created by
- Létrehozta:
+ Létrehozta: ../app/+my-account/my-account-subscriptions/my-account-subscriptions.component.html35
@@ -4450,12 +4072,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Delete history
- Előzmények törlése
+ Előzmények törlése ../app/+my-account/my-account-history/my-account-history.component.html13
@@ -4465,12 +4082,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Notification preferences
- Értesítési beállítások
+ Értesítési beállítások ../app/+my-account/my-account-notifications/my-account-notifications.component.html4
@@ -4558,10 +4170,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
If you need help to use PeerTube, you can have a look at the documentation.
- Ha segítségre van szüksége a PeerTube használatához, akkor megnézheti a
- dokumentációt
- .
+ Ha segítségre van szüksége a PeerTube használatához, akkor megnézheti a dokumentációt. ../app/+signup/shared/signup-success.component.html14
@@ -4658,22 +4267,16 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 subscriber} other { subscribers}}
- {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 feliratkozó} other {
- feliratkozó} }
+ {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 feliratkozó} other { feliratkozó} }../app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html13{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =0 {No videos} =1 {1 video} other { videos}}
- {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =0 {Nincs videó} other {
- videó} }
+ {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =0 {Nincs videó} other { videó} }../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channels.component.html37
- Do you really want to delete ?
-It will delete videos uploaded in this channel, and you will not be able to create another
-channel with the same name ()!
+ Do you really want to delete ? It will delete videos uploaded in this channel, and you will not be able to create another channel with the same name ()!Biztos, hogy törli a(z) csatornát? Ez törli a csatornára feltöltött videót, és nem hozhat létre még egy csatornát ugyanezzel a névvel ()!../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channels.component.ts
@@ -4722,9 +4325,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
- Csatlakozva:
+ Csatlakozva: ../app/+accounts/account-about/account-about.component.html12
@@ -4752,16 +4353,12 @@ channel with the same name ()!
- Létrehozva:
+ Létrehozva: ../app/+video-channels/video-channel-about/video-channel-about.component.html18Created playlists
- lejátszási lista létrehozva
+ lejátszólista létrehozva ../app/+video-channels/video-channel-playlists/video-channel-playlists.component.html3
@@ -4781,9 +4378,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Contact administrator
- Kapcsolatfelvétel a(z)
- rendszergazdájával
+ Kapcsolatfelvétel rendszergazdájával../app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html3
@@ -4808,9 +4403,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
- A(z)
- névjegye
+ A(z) névjegye../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html5
@@ -4895,18 +4488,12 @@ channel with the same name ()!
It is a free and open-source software, under the AGPLv3 licence.
- Ez egy szabad és nyílt forráskódú szoftver az
- AGPLv3 licenc
- előírásai szerint.
+ Ez egy AGPLv3 licenc alatt közzétett szabad és nyílt forráskódú szoftver. ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html14For more information, please visit joinpeertube.org.
- További információkért látogassa meg a
- joinpeertube.org
- oldalt.
+ További információkért látogassa meg a joinpeertube.org oldalt. ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html19
@@ -4986,12 +4573,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Web peers are not publicly accessible: because we use WebRTC inside the web browser (with the WebTorrent library), the protocol is different from classic BitTorrent. When you are in a web browser, you send a signal containing your IP address to the tracker that will randomly choose other peers to forward the information to. See this document for more information
- A webes partnerek nem érhetől el nyilvánosan: mivel WebRTC protokollt használunk a webböngészőn belül (
- a WebTorrent programkönyvtárral
- ), a protokoll eltér a klasszikus BitTorrent protokolltól. Ha Ön egy webböngészőben van, akkor elküldi az IP-címét tartalmazó jelet a követőnek, amely véletlenszerűen fogja kiválasztani azokat a partnereket, akiknek az információt továbbítja. További információkért nézze meg
- ezt a dokumentumot
+ A webes partnerek nem érhetől el nyilvánosan: mivel WebRTC protokollt használunk a webböngészőn belül ( a WebTorrent programkönyvtárral ), a protokoll eltér a klasszikus BitTorrent protokolltól. Ha Ön egy webböngészőben van, akkor elküldi az IP-címét tartalmazó jelet a követőnek, amely véletlenszerűen fogja kiválasztani azokat a partnereket, akiknek az információt továbbítja. További információkért nézze meg ezt a dokumentumot ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html118
@@ -5100,10 +4682,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Developed with ❤ by Framasoft
- A szoftvert a
- Framasoft
- fejleszti
+ A szoftvert a Framasoft fejleszti../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube-contributors.component.html3
@@ -5168,9 +4747,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
A channel is an entity in which you upload your videos. Creating several of them helps you to organize and separate your content. For example, you could decide to have a channel to publish your piano concerts, and another channel in which you publish your videos talking about ecology.
- A csatorna egy olyan egység, amelybe feltölti a videóit. Több csatorna létrehozása segít a tartalom szervezésében és elkülönítésében.
- Például dönthet úgy, hogy létrehoz egy csatornát a zongorakoncertek közzétételéhez, valamint egy másik csatornát, amelyben az ökológiáról szóló videóit teszi közzé.
+ A csatorna egy olyan egység, amelybe feltölti a videóit. Több csatorna létrehozása segít a tartalom szervezésében és elkülönítésében. Például dönthet úgy, hogy létrehoz egy csatornát a zongorakoncertek közzétételéhez, valamint egy másik csatornát, amelyben az ökológiáról szóló videóit teszi közzé. ../app/+signup/+register/register-step-channel.component.html5
@@ -5220,14 +4797,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
I am at least 16 years old and agree to the Terms and to the Code of Conduct of this instance
- Elmúltam 16 éves, és elfogadom ennek a példánynak a
- használati feltételeit
- és a
- magatartási kódexét
+ Elmúltam 16 éves, és elfogadom ennek a példánynak a használati feltételeit és a magatartási kódexét ../app/+signup/+register/register-step-user.component.html66
@@ -5284,9 +4854,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Published videos
- videó közzétéve
+ videó közzétéve../app/+accounts/account-videos/account-videos.component.ts67
@@ -5359,8 +4927,8 @@ channel with the same name ()!
- A <code>.mp4</code> that keeps the original audio track, with no video
- Egy <code>.mp4</code>, amely megtartja az eredeti hangsávot videó nélkül
+ A <code>.mp4</code> that keeps the original audio track, with no video
+ Egy <code>.mp4</code>, amely megtartja az eredeti hangsávot videó nélkül../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.ts57
@@ -5532,7 +5100,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
- Delete
+ Törlés../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts74
@@ -5559,9 +5127,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Do you really want to unfollow ?
- Valóban meg szeretné szüntetni a(z)
- követését?
+ Biztos, hogy megszünteti a(z) követését?../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.ts58
@@ -5571,9 +5137,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
You are not following anymore.
- Többé már nem követi a(z)
- gépet.
+ Többé már nem követi a(z) gépet.../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.ts65
@@ -5588,10 +5152,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Redundancy for is
- A(z)
- redundanciája
+ A(z) redundanciája: ../app/+admin/follows/shared/redundancy-checkbox.component.ts25
@@ -5621,30 +5182,22 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Account unmuted by your instance.
- A(z)
- fiók némítását visszavonta az Ön példánya.
+ A(z) fiók némítását visszavonta az Ön példánya.../app/shared/shared-moderation/account-blocklist.component.ts48Instance unmuted by your instance.
- A(z)
- példány némítását visszavonta az Ön példánya.
+ A(z) példány némítását visszavonta az Ön példánya.../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.ts46Instance muted.
- A
- példány némítva.
+ A példány némítva.../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts147Instance muted by your instance.
- A(z)
- példány némítva az Ön példánya által.
+ A(z) példány némítva az Ön példánya által.../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.ts69
@@ -5669,7 +5222,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
- Privacy
+ Adatvédelem../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.ts24
@@ -5677,12 +5230,12 @@ channel with the same name ()!
- Copyright
+ Szerzői jog../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts159Server rules
- Szerver szabályok
+ Kiszolgáló szabályai../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.ts26
@@ -5702,22 +5255,22 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Actions for the flagged account
- Actions for the flagged account
+ Műveletek a megjelölt fiókhoz../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts310Mark as accepted
- Megjelölés elfogadottnak
+ Megjelölés elfogadottként../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts284Mark as rejected
- Megjelölés visszautasítottnak
+ Megjelölés visszautasítottként../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts289Add internal note
- Add internal note
+ Belső jegyzet hozzáadása../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts294
@@ -5757,22 +5310,22 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Deleted comment
- Deleted comment
+ Törölt megjegyzés../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts239Messages with reporter
- Messages with reporter
+ Üzenetek a bejelentővel../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts273Messages with moderators
- Messages with moderators
+ Üzenetek moderátorokkal../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts274Update internal note
- Update internal note
+ Belső jegyzet frissítése../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts279
@@ -5782,9 +5335,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Video switched to manual block.
- A
- videó manuális letiltásra állítva.
+ A videó kézi letiltásra állítva.../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts54
@@ -5799,9 +5350,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Video unblocked.
- A
- videó feloldva.
+ A videó feloldva.../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts166
@@ -5833,14 +5382,12 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Do you really want to uninstall ?
- Valóban el szeretné távolítani a(z)
- bővítményt?
+ Valóban el szeretné távolítani a(z) bővítményt?../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.ts109Uninstall
- Uninstall
+ Eltávolítás../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.ts110
@@ -5862,7 +5409,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
- Jobs
+ Feladatok../app/+admin/system/system.routes.ts26
@@ -5870,7 +5417,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
- Logs
+ Naplók../app/+admin/system/system.routes.ts37
@@ -5888,9 +5435,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Install ?
- Telepíti a(z)
- bővítményt?
+ Telepíti a(z) bővítményt?../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.ts123
@@ -5933,32 +5478,40 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Last dayElőző nap
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts84
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts84
+ Last hourElőző óra
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts89
- debugdebug
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts89
+ debug
+ hibakeresés../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts101
- infoinfo
+ info
+ információ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts105
- warningwarning
+ warning
+ figyelmeztetés../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts109
- errorerror
+ error
+ hiba../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts113
@@ -5966,49 +5519,47 @@ channel with the same name ()!
- Debug
- ../app/+admin/system/system.routes.ts48
+ Hibakeresés
+ ../app/+admin/system/system.routes.ts48
+ InfoInformáció
- ../app/core/notification/notifier.service.ts11
+ ../app/core/notification/notifier.service.ts11
- ../app/core/routing/can-deactivate-guard.service.ts23
+ ../app/core/routing/can-deactivate-guard.service.ts23
- ../app/core/auth/auth.service.ts103
+ ../app/core/auth/auth.service.ts103
Standard logsSzabványos naplók
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts124
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts124
Audit logsAudit naplók
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts128
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts128
User created.
- felhasználó létrehozva.
+ felhasználó létrehozva.../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-create.component.ts77Create user
- Create user
+ Felhasználó létrehozása../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-create.component.ts95Videos blocked
- Videos blocked
+ Blokkolt videók../app/+admin/moderation/moderation.routes.ts67
@@ -6016,7 +5567,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Muted instances
- Muted instances
+ Némított példányok../app/+admin/moderation/moderation.routes.ts89
@@ -6024,9 +5575,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Password changed for user .
- felhasználó jelszava megváltoztatva.
+ felhasználó jelszava megváltoztatva.../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-password.component.ts40
@@ -6036,7 +5585,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Following list
- Following list
+ Követési lista../app/+admin/follows/follows.routes.ts28
@@ -6044,7 +5593,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Followers list
- Followers list
+ Követők listája../app/+admin/follows/follows.routes.ts37
@@ -6052,9 +5601,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
User updated.
- felhasználó frissítve.
+ felhasználó frissítve.../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-update.component.ts85
@@ -6064,14 +5611,12 @@ channel with the same name ()!
An email asking for password reset has been sent to .
- Egy jelszó-visszaállítást kérő e-mail el lett küldve
- számára.
+ Egy jelszó-visszaállítást kérő e-mail lett küldve számára.../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-update.component.ts108Users list
- Users list
+ Felhasználók listája../app/+admin/users/users.routes.ts27
@@ -6079,7 +5624,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Create a user
- Create a user
+ Felhasználó létrehozása../app/+admin/users/users.routes.ts36
@@ -6087,7 +5632,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Update a user
- Update a user
+ Felhasználó frissítése../app/+admin/users/users.routes.ts48
@@ -6095,7 +5640,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
- Federation
+ Föderáció../app/+admin/admin.component.ts26
@@ -6103,7 +5648,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Instances you follow
- Instances you follow
+ Követett példányok../app/+admin/admin.component.ts29
@@ -6111,7 +5656,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Instances following you
- Instances following you
+ Követő példányok../app/+admin/admin.component.ts34
@@ -6124,7 +5669,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
- Ban
+ Kitiltás../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts89
@@ -6152,9 +5697,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Do you really want to unban users?
- Valóban vissza szeretné vonni
- felhasználó kitiltását?
+ Valóban vissza szeretné vonni felhasználó kitiltását?../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts198
@@ -6190,16 +5733,12 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Account unmuted.
- A(z)
- fiók némítása visszavonva.
+ A(z) fiók némítása visszavonva.../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts133Instance unmuted.
- A(z)
- példány némítása visszavonva.
+ A(z) példány némítása visszavonva.../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts161
@@ -6269,7 +5808,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Delete your account
- Delete your account
+ Fiók törlése../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-danger-zone/my-account-danger-zone.component.ts25
@@ -6302,7 +5841,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
New abuse
- New abuse
+ Új visszaélési jelentés../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts34
@@ -6347,17 +5886,17 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Your instance automatically followed another instance
- Your instance automatically followed another instance
+ A példánya automatikusan követett egy másik példányt../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts43An abuse report received a new message
- An abuse report received a new message
+ Egy visszaélési jelentés új üzenetet kapott../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts44One of your abuse reports has been accepted or rejected by moderators
- One of your abuse reports has been accepted or rejected by moderators
+ Az egyik visszaélési jelentését elfogadták vagy elutasították a moderátorok../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts45
@@ -6382,12 +5921,12 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Too many languages are enabled. Please enable them all or stay below 20 enabled languages.
- Too many languages are enabled. Please enable them all or stay below 20 enabled languages.
+ Túl sok nyelv engedélyezett. Engedélyezze az összeset, vagy maradjon 20 engedélyezett nyelv alatt.../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.ts102You need to enable at least 1 video language.
- You need to enable at least 1 video language.
+ Legalább 1 nyelvet engedélyeznie kell a videókhoz.../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.ts107
@@ -6402,9 +5941,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Video channel created.
- A(z)
- videocsatorna létrehozva.
+ A(z) videócsatorna létrehozva.../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channel-create.component.ts61
@@ -6414,23 +5951,17 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Video channel updated.
- A(z)
- videocsatorna frissítve.
+ A(z) videocsatorna frissítve.../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channel-update.component.ts92Please type the display name of the video channel () to confirm
- Írja be a videocsatorna megjelenített nevét (
- ) a megerősítéshez
+ Írja be a videócsatorna megjelenített nevét ( ) a megerősítéshez../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channels.component.ts115Video channel deleted.
- A(z)
- videocsatorna törölve.
+ A(z) videócsatorna törölve.../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channels.component.ts125
@@ -6440,7 +5971,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Create new video channel
- Create new video channel
+ Új videócsatorna létrehozása../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channels-routing.module.ts22
@@ -6448,7 +5979,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Update video channel
- Update video channel
+ Videócsatorna frissítése../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channels-routing.module.ts31
@@ -6456,7 +5987,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Not found
- Not found
+ Nem található../app/+page-not-found/page-not-found-routing.module.ts13
@@ -6464,24 +5995,22 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Playlist created.
- A(z)
- lejátszási lista létrehozva.
+ A(z) lejátszási lista létrehozva.../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-create.component.ts77Create
- Create
+ Létrehozás../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-create.component.ts90Update playlist
- Update playlist
+ Lejátszólista frissítése../app/+my-account/my-account-routing.module.ts82Account video imports
- Account video imports
+ Fiók videóimportjai../app/+my-account/my-account-routing.module.ts105
@@ -6489,7 +6018,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Account subscriptions
- Account subscriptions
+ Fiók feliratkozásai../app/+my-account/my-account-routing.module.ts114
@@ -6497,7 +6026,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Videos history
- Videos history
+ Videóelőzmények../app/+my-account/my-account-routing.module.ts150
@@ -6505,7 +6034,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
- Notifications
+ Értesítések../app/+my-account/my-account-routing.module.ts163
@@ -6513,28 +6042,22 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Delete playlist
- Delete playlist
+ Lejátszólista törlése../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-elements.component.ts53Playlist updated.
- A(z)
- lejátszási lista frissítve.
+ A(z) lejátszási lista frissítve.../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-update.component.ts98Do you really want to delete ?
- Valóban törölni szeretné a(z)
- lejátszási listát?
+ Valóban törölni szeretné a(z) lejátszási listát?../app/+my-account/my-account-videos/my-account-videos.component.ts125Playlist deleted.
- A(z)
- lejátszási lista törölve.
+ A(z) lejátszási lista törölve.../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-elements.component.ts136
@@ -6544,9 +6067,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Do you really want to delete videos?
- Valóban törölni szeretne
- videót?
+ Valóban törölni szeretne videót?../app/+my-account/my-account-videos/my-account-videos.component.ts98
@@ -6568,9 +6089,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Video deleted.
- A(z)
- videó törölve.
+ A(z) videó törölve.../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts192
@@ -6585,7 +6104,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Search your channels
- Search your channels
+ Keresés a saját csatornákon../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channels.component.html11
@@ -6600,7 +6119,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Search your subscriptions
- Search your subscriptions
+ Feliratkozások keresése../app/+my-account/my-account-subscriptions/my-account-subscriptions.component.html11
@@ -6615,7 +6134,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
My abuse reports
- My abuse reports
+ Visszaélési jelentések../app/+my-account/my-account.component.ts101
@@ -6645,21 +6164,17 @@ channel with the same name ()!
You are now logged in as !
- Most
- néven van bejelentkezve!
+ Most néven van bejelentkezve.../app/+signup/+register/register.component.ts123An email with verification link will be sent to .
- Egy ellenőrző hivatkozást tartalmazó e-mail lesz elküldve erre a címre:
- .
+ Egy ellenőrző hivatkozást tartalmazó e-mail lesz küldve erre a címre: .../app/+signup/+verify-account/verify-account-ask-send-email/verify-account-ask-send-email.component.ts45Verify account email
- Verify account email
+ Fiók e-mail-címének megerősítése../app/+signup/+verify-account/verify-account-routing.module.ts17
@@ -6667,7 +6182,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Verify account ask send email
- Verify account ask send email
+ Fiókmegerősítő e-mail kérése../app/+signup/+verify-account/verify-account-routing.module.ts26
@@ -6685,7 +6200,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Published 1 video
- Published 1 video
+ 1 videó közzétéve../app/+video-channels/video-channel-videos/video-channel-videos.component.ts74
@@ -6757,10 +6272,8 @@ channel with the same name ()!
- Cannot retrieve OAuth Client credentials: .
-Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular the "webserver" section.
- Cannot retrieve OAuth Client credentials: .
-Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular the "webserver" section.
+ Cannot retrieve OAuth Client credentials: . Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular the "webserver" section.
+ Az OAuth kliens hitelesítő adatai nem kérhetők le: . Győződjön meg róla, hogy helyesen állította be a PeerTube-ot (konfiguráció / könyvtár), különösképpen a „webserver” szakaszban.../app/core/auth/auth.service.ts98,99
@@ -6833,7 +6346,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Yesterday
+ Tegnap../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/abstract-video-list.ts113
@@ -6841,7 +6354,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Last month
- Last month
+ Múlt hónap../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/abstract-video-list.ts115
@@ -6849,7 +6362,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Older
+ Régebbiek../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/abstract-video-list.ts116
@@ -6857,7 +6370,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Cannot load more videos. Try again later.
- Cannot load more videos. Try again later.
+ Több videó nem tölthető be. Próbálja újra később.../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/abstract-video-list.ts193
@@ -6889,8 +6402,8 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Long (> 10 min)
- Hosszú (> 10 perc)
+ Long (> 10 min)
+ Hosszú (> 10 perc)../app/+search/search-filters.component.ts73
@@ -6920,7 +6433,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Search
+ Keresés../app/+search/search.component.ts230
@@ -7010,19 +6523,12 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
h min sec
- ó
- p
- mp
+ ó p mp../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-duration-formatter.pipe.ts14 min sec
- p
- mp
+ p mp../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-duration-formatter.pipe.ts18
@@ -7214,22 +6720,22 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Channel name is required.
- Channel name is required.
+ A csatornanév kötelező.../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts27Channel name must be at least 1 character long.
- Channel name must be at least 1 character long.
+ A csatornanévnek legalább 1 karakteresnek kell lennie.../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts28Channel name cannot be more than 50 characters long.
- Channel name cannot be more than 50 characters long.
+ A csatornanévnek legfeljebb 50 karakteresnek kell lennie.../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts29Channel name should be lowercase alphanumeric; dots and underscores are allowed.
- Channel name should be lowercase alphanumeric; dots and underscores are allowed.
+ A csatornanévnek kisbetűsnek és alfanumerikusnak kell lennie; a pontok és aláhúzások megengedettek.../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts30
@@ -7344,17 +6850,17 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Abuse message is required.
- Abuse message is required.
+ A visszaélési jelentés üzenete kötelező.../app/shared/form-validators/abuse-validators.ts25Abuse message must be at least 2 characters long.
- Abuse message must be at least 2 characters long.
+ A visszaélési jelentés üzenetének legalább 2 karakter hosszúságúnak kell lennie.../app/shared/form-validators/abuse-validators.ts26Abuse message cannot be more than 3000 characters long.
- Abuse message cannot be more than 3000 characters long.
+ A visszaélési jelentés üzenete legfeljebb 3000 karakteres lehet.../app/shared/form-validators/abuse-validators.ts27
@@ -7419,7 +6925,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Support text cannot be more than 1000 characters long
- Support text cannot be more than 1000 characters long
+ A támogatási szöveg nem lehet hosszabb 1000 karakternél../app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts50
@@ -7438,8 +6944,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Request is too large for the server.
- Please contact you administrator if you want to increase the limit size.
+ Request is too large for the server. Please contact you administrator if you want to increase the limit size.A kérés túl nagy a kiszolgálóhoz. Vegye fel a kapcsolatot a rendszergazdával, ha meg szeretné növelni a korlát méretét.../app/core/rest/rest-extractor.service.ts
@@ -7508,12 +7013,12 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
A maximum of 5 tags can be used on a video.
- A maximum of 5 tags can be used on a video.
+ Legfeljebb 5 címke használható egy videón.../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts66A tag should be more than 2, and less than 30 characters long.
- A tag should be more than 2, and less than 30 characters long.
+ A címkének 2 karakternél hosszabbnak és 30 karakternél rövidebbnek kell lennie.../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts67
@@ -7538,7 +7043,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
PeerTube cannot handle this kind of file. Accepted extensions are }.
- PeerTube cannot handle this kind of file. Accepted extensions are }.
+ A PeerTube nem tudja kezelni az ilyen fájlokat. A támogatott kiterjesztések: }.../app/shared/shared-forms/reactive-file.component.ts56
@@ -7546,7 +7051,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Add a new option
- Add a new option
+ Új lehetőség hozzáadása../app/shared/shared-forms/select/select-checkbox.component.ts28
@@ -7812,12 +7317,12 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Instance languages
- Instance languages
+ Példány nyelvei../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.ts169All languages
- All languages
+ Összes nyelv../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.ts170
@@ -7837,7 +7342,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
~ 1 minute
- ~ 1 minute
+ ~ 1 perc../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.ts53
@@ -7845,7 +7350,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
~ minutes
- ~ minutes
+ ~ perc../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.ts55
@@ -7920,23 +7425,17 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
User banned.
- felhasználó kitiltva.
+ felhasználó kitiltva.../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-ban-modal.component.ts54Do you really want to unban ?
- Valóban vissza szeretné vonni
- kitiltását?
+ Valóban vissza szeretné vonni kitiltását?../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts70User unbanned.
- felhasználó kitiltása visszavonva.
+ felhasználó kitiltása visszavonva.../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts76
@@ -7946,23 +7445,17 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
User deleted.
- felhasználó törölve.
+ felhasználó törölve.../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts96User email set as verified
- felhasználó e-mail-címe ellenőrzöttre lett állítva
+ felhasználó e-mail-címe ellenőrzöttre lett állítva../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts107Account muted.
- A(z)
- fiók némítva.
+ A(z) fiók némítva.../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts119
@@ -7977,9 +7470,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Account muted by the instance.
- A(z)
- fiókot némította a példány.
+ A(z) fiókot némította a példány.../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts175
@@ -7989,40 +7480,32 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Server muted by the instance.
- A(z)
- kiszolgálót némította a példány.
+ A(z) kiszolgálót némította a példány.../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts470Add a message to communicate with the reporter
- Add a message to communicate with the reporter
+ Üzenet hozzáadása a bejelentővel történő kommunikációhoz../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-message-modal.component.ts100Add a message to communicate with the moderation team
- Add a message to communicate with the moderation team
+ Üzenet hozzáadása a moderátori csapattal történő kommunikációhoz../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-message-modal.component.ts103Account unmuted by the instance.
- A(z)
- fiók némítását visszavonta a példány.
+ A(z) fiók némítását visszavonta a példány.../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts189Instance muted by the instance.
- A(z)
- példányt némította a példány.
+ A(z) példányt némította a példány.../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts203Instance unmuted by the instance.
- A(z)
- példány némítását visszavonta a példány.
+ A(z) példány némítását visszavonta a példány.../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts217
@@ -8207,7 +7690,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Infringes your copyright wrt. the regional laws with which the server must comply.
- Infringes your copyright wrt. the regional laws with which the server must comply.
+ A szerzőit jogai sérti a kiszolgálóra vonatkozó helyi törvények szempontjából.../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts160
@@ -8227,7 +7710,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Captions
+ Feliratok../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts178
@@ -8240,9 +7723,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Too many attempts, please try again after minutes.
- Túl sok próbálkozás. Próbálja meg újra
- perc múlva.
+ Túl sok próbálkozás. Próbálja meg újra perc múlva.../app/core/rest/rest-extractor.service.ts67
@@ -8257,16 +7738,12 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Subscribed to all current channels of . You will be notified of all their new videos.
- Feliratkozva
- összes jelenlegi csatornájára. Értesítést fog kapni az összes új videójukról.
+ Feliratkozva összes jelenlegi csatornájára. Értesítést fog kapni az összes új videójukról.../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.ts109Subscribed to . You will be notified of all their new videos.
- Feliratkozva erre:
- . Értesítést fog kapni az összes új videójukról.
+ Feliratkozva erre: . Értesítést fog kapni az összes új videójukról.../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.ts110
@@ -8307,10 +7784,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Video added in at timestamps
- Videó hozzádva ekkor:
- ezzel az időbélyeggel:
+ Videó hozzáadva ehhez: , ezzel az időbélyeggel: ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-add-to-playlist.component.ts377
@@ -8356,22 +7830,22 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Actions for the comment
- Actions for the comment
+ Műveletek a hozzászóláshoz../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts424Delete comment
- Delete comment
+ Hozzászólás törlése../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts430Do you really want to delete this comment?
- Do you really want to delete this comment?
+ Biztos, hogy törli ezt a hozzászólást?../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.ts166Comment deleted.
- Comment deleted.
+ Hozzászólás törölve.../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts442
@@ -8421,7 +7895,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- yes
+ igen../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts149
@@ -8429,7 +7903,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- no
+ nem../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts151
@@ -8452,7 +7926,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Download
+ Letöltés../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts250
@@ -8460,7 +7934,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Update
+ Frissítés../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts256
@@ -8483,12 +7957,12 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Report
+ Jelentés../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts286Remove
- Remove
+ Eltávolítás../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment.component.ts179
@@ -8496,7 +7970,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Remove & re-draft
- Remove & re-draft
+ Eltávolítás és újraírás../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment.component.ts187
@@ -8509,7 +7983,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Mute server account
- Mute server account
+ Kiszolgálófiók némítésa../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts322
@@ -8534,29 +8008,27 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Comment:
+ Hozzászólás:../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html105Messages with the reporter
- Messages with the reporter
+ Beszélgetés a bejelentővel../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-message-modal.component.html4Messages with the moderation team
- Messages with the moderation team
+ Beszélgetés a moderátori csapattal../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-message-modal.component.html5No messages for now.
- No messages for now.
+ Jelenleg nincsenek üzenetek.../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-message-modal.component.html28Add a message
- Add a message
+ Üzenet hozzáadása../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-message-modal.component.html44
@@ -8604,7 +8076,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Only shareable via a private link
- Only shareable via a private link
+ Csak személyes hivatkozással osztható meg../app/shared/shared-main/video/video.service.ts346
@@ -8619,7 +8091,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Close
+ Bezárás../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/alert/alert.ts74
@@ -8627,7 +8099,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Previous
+ Előző../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/carousel/carousel.ts349
@@ -8635,7 +8107,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Next
+ Következő../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/carousel/carousel.ts349
@@ -8643,7 +8115,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Previous month
- Previous month
+ Előző hónap../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/datepicker/datepicker-navigation.ts69
@@ -8651,7 +8123,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Next month
- Next month
+ Következő hónap../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/datepicker/datepicker-month.ts72
@@ -8659,7 +8131,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Select month
- Select month
+ Válasszon hónapot../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/datepicker/datepicker-navigation-select.ts74
@@ -8667,7 +8139,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Select year
- Select year
+ Válasszon évet../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/datepicker/datepicker-navigation-select.ts74
@@ -8675,7 +8147,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- ««
+ ««../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/pagination/pagination.ts404
@@ -8683,7 +8155,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- «
+ «../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/pagination/pagination.ts404
@@ -8691,7 +8163,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- »
+ »../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/pagination/pagination.ts404
@@ -8699,7 +8171,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- »»
+ »»../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/pagination/pagination.ts404
@@ -8707,7 +8179,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- First
+ Első../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/pagination/pagination.ts404
@@ -8715,7 +8187,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Previous
+ Előző../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/pagination/pagination.ts404
@@ -8723,7 +8195,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Next
+ Következő../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/pagination/pagination.ts404
@@ -8731,7 +8203,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Last
+ Utolsó../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/pagination/pagination.ts404
@@ -8739,7 +8211,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
+ ../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/progressbar/progressbar.ts101
@@ -8747,7 +8219,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- HH
+ HH../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
@@ -8755,7 +8227,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Hours
+ Óra../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
@@ -8763,7 +8235,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- MM
+ MM../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
@@ -8771,7 +8243,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Minutes
+ Perc../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
@@ -8779,7 +8251,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Increment hours
- Increment hours
+ Óra növelése../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
@@ -8787,7 +8259,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Decrement hours
- Decrement hours
+ Óra csökkentése../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
@@ -8795,7 +8267,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Increment minutes
- Increment minutes
+ Perc növelése../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
@@ -8803,7 +8275,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Decrement minutes
- Decrement minutes
+ Perc csökkentése../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
@@ -8811,7 +8283,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- SS
+ SS../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
@@ -8819,7 +8291,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Seconds
+ Másodperc../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
@@ -8827,7 +8299,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Increment seconds
- Increment seconds
+ Másodperc növelése../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
@@ -8835,7 +8307,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Decrement seconds
- Decrement seconds
+ Másodperc csökkentése../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
@@ -8843,7 +8315,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
+ ../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
@@ -8851,7 +8323,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
+ ../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
@@ -8859,7 +8331,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Close
+ Bezárás../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/toast/toast.ts137
@@ -8887,7 +8359,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Upload
+ Feltöltés../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts112
@@ -8911,20 +8383,16 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Your video quota is exceeded with this video (
-video size: , used: , quota: )
- Your video quota is exceeded with this video (
-video size: , used: , quota: )
+ Your video quota is exceeded with this video ( video size: , used: , quota: )
+ Ezzel a videóval túllépte a videókvótáját (videóméret: , felhasznált: , kvóta: )../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts265,266
- Your daily video quota is exceeded with this video (
-video size: , used: , quota: )
- Your daily video quota is exceeded with this video (
-video size: , used: , quota: )
+ Your daily video quota is exceeded with this video ( video size: , used: , quota: )
+ Ezzel a videóval túllépte a napi videókvótáját (videóméret: , használt: , kvóta: )../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts285,286
@@ -8932,7 +8400,7 @@ video size: , used: , quota: )
You have unsaved changes! If you leave, your changes will be lost.
- Elmentetlen változtatásai vannak. Ha elhagyja ezt az oldalt, akkor a változtatásai el fognak veszni.
+ Mentetlen változtatásai vannak. Ha elhagyja ezt az oldalt, akkor a változtatásai el fognak veszni.../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-update.component.ts79
@@ -8942,7 +8410,7 @@ video size: , used: , quota: )
Report comment
- Report comment
+ Jelentés megjegyzése../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/comment-report.component.ts51
@@ -8971,13 +8439,13 @@ video size: , used: , quota: )
- This video is not available on this instance. Do you want to be redirected on the origin instance: <a href=""></a>?
- This video is not available on this instance. Do you want to be redirected on the origin instance: <a href=""></a>?
+ This video is not available on this instance. Do you want to be redirected on the origin instance: <a href=""></a>?
+ Ez a videó nem érhető el ezen a példányon. Szeretné, hogy átirányítsuk a forráspéldányhoz: <a href=""></a>?../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts373Redirection
- Redirection
+ Átirányítás../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts374
@@ -8997,7 +8465,7 @@ video size: , used: , quota: )
- Cancel
+ Mégse../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts537
@@ -9082,7 +8550,7 @@ video size: , used: , quota: )
Recently added
- Recently added
+ Nemrég hozzáadott../app/+videos/video-list/video-recently-added.component.ts36
@@ -9105,7 +8573,7 @@ video size: , used: , quota: )
- Subscriptions
+ Feliratkozások../app/+videos/video-list/video-user-subscriptions.component.ts38
@@ -9113,7 +8581,7 @@ video size: , used: , quota: )
Local videos
- Local videos
+ Helyi videók../app/+videos/video-list/video-local.component.ts36
@@ -9121,7 +8589,7 @@ video size: , used: , quota: )
Discover videos
- Discover videos
+ Videók felfedezése../app/+videos/videos-routing.module.ts23
@@ -9129,7 +8597,7 @@ video size: , used: , quota: )
Trending videos
- Trending videos
+ Felkapott videók../app/+videos/videos-routing.module.ts32
@@ -9137,7 +8605,7 @@ video size: , used: , quota: )
Recently added videos
- Recently added videos
+ Nemrég hozzáadott videók../app/+videos/videos-routing.module.ts58
@@ -9145,7 +8613,7 @@ video size: , used: , quota: )
Upload a video
- Upload a video
+ Videó feltöltése../app/+videos/videos-routing.module.ts97
@@ -9153,7 +8621,7 @@ video size: , used: , quota: )
Edit a video
- Edit a video
+ Videó szerkesztése../app/+videos/videos-routing.module.ts106
diff --git a/client/src/locale/angular.it-IT.xlf b/client/src/locale/angular.it-IT.xlf
index 4daf50e79..a9f70f795 100644
--- a/client/src/locale/angular.it-IT.xlf
+++ b/client/src/locale/angular.it-IT.xlf
@@ -5,12 +5,12 @@
Channel avatar
- Channel avatar
+ Avatar del Canale../app/shared/shared-main/account/avatar.component.html4Account avatar
- Account avatar
+ Avatar dell'Account../app/shared/shared-main/account/avatar.component.html7
@@ -20,12 +20,7 @@
published a new video:
- ha pubblicato un nuovo video:
+ ha pubblicato un nuovo video: ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html16
@@ -35,233 +30,112 @@
Your video has been unblocked
- Your video
- has been unblocked
+ Il tuo videoè stato bloccato ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html33Your video has been blocked
- Your video
- has been blocked
+ Il tuo videoè stato bloccato ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html41A new video abuse has been created on video
- A new video abuse
- has been created on video
+ Un nuovo abuso video è stato creato sul video ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html49A new comment abuse has been created on video
- A new comment abuse
- has been created on video
+ Un nuovo abuso di commento è stato creato sul video ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html53A new account abuse has been created on account
- A new account abuse
- has been created on account
+ Un nuovo abuso di account è stato creato sull'account ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html57A new abuse has been created
- A new abuse
- has been created
+ Un nuovo abuso è stato creato ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html62Your abuse has been acceptedrejected
- Your abuse
- has been
- accepted
- rejected
+ Il tuo abuso è stato accettatorespinto../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html70Abuse has a new message
- Abuse
- has a new message
+ Abuso ha un nuovo messaggio ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html80The recently added video has been automatically blocked
- The recently added video
- has been
- automatically blocked
+ Il tuo video recentemente aggiunto è stato bloccato automaticamente../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html88 commented your video
- commented your video
+ commentato il tuo video ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html101The notification concerns a comment now unavailable
- The notification concerns a comment now unavailable
+ La notifica si riferisce ad un commento ora non disponibile../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html109Your video has been published
- Your video
- has been published
+ Il tuo video è stato pubblicato ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html118Your video import succeeded
- Your video import
- succeeded
+ La tua importazione video è stata effettuata ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html126Your video import failed
- Your video import
- failed
+ La tua importazione video è fallita ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html134User registered on your instance
- User
- registered on your instance
+ Utente registrato sulla tua istanza ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html142 is following your channel your account
- is following
- your channel
- your account
+ sta seguendo il tuo canaleil tuo account../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html152 mentioned you on video
- mentioned you on
- video
+ menzionato sul tuo video ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html165Your instance has a new follower () awaiting your approval
- Your instance has
- a new follower
- (
- )
- awaiting your approval
+ La tua istanza ha un nuovo follower () in attesa di moderazione../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html173Your instance automatically followed
- Your instance automatically followed
+ La tua istanza è seguita automaticamente../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html182The notification points to a content now unavailable
- The notification points to a content now unavailable
+ La notifica punta a un contenuto non più disponibile../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html190Change your avatar
- Change your avatar
+ Cambia il tuo avatar../app/shared/shared-main/account/actor-avatar-info.component.html9
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/buttons/action-dropdown.component.html22
@@ -286,24 +160,17 @@
Your report will be sent to moderators of and will be forwarded to the video origin () too.
- Your report will be sent to moderators of
- and will be forwarded to the video origin (
- ) too
- .
+ La tua segnalazione sarà inviata ai moderatori di e verrà inoltrato all'origine del video() anche. ../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/video-report.component.html75Please describe the issue...
- Please describe the issue...
+ Per favore descrivi il problema...../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/report.component.html42Search playlists
- Ricerca playlist
+ Cerca nella coda../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-add-to-playlist.component.html9
@@ -323,7 +190,7 @@
- video
+ video../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html12
@@ -338,19 +205,17 @@
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html49Video stream
- Video stream
+ Flusso video../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html57Audio stream
- Audio stream
+ Flusso audio../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html69
@@ -365,7 +230,7 @@
- video
+ video../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts48
@@ -373,7 +238,7 @@
- subtitles
+ sottotitoli../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts49
@@ -410,24 +275,22 @@
Report video ""
- Report video "
- "
+ Segnala video ""../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/video-report.component.html3What is the issue?
- What is the issue?
+ Qual'è il problema?../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/report.component.html13This will ask remote instances to delete it
- This will ask remote instances to delete it
+ Questo chiederà all'istanza remota di cancellarlo../app/shared/shared-moderation/video-block.component.html26Unfederate the video
- Unfederate the video
+ Unfedera il video../app/shared/shared-moderation/video-block.component.html23
@@ -442,14 +305,12 @@
{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 view} other { views}}
- {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 view} other {
- views} }
+ {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 view} other { visualizzazioni}}../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-miniature.component.html31Blocked
- Blocked
+ Bloccato../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-miniature.component.html51
@@ -461,9 +322,7 @@
{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =0 {No videos} =1 {1 video} other { videos}}
- {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =0 {No videos} =1 {1 video} other {
- videos} }
+ {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =0 {No videos} =1 {1 video} altri{ video}}../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-miniature.component.html9
@@ -475,19 +334,17 @@
- Aggiornato
+ Aggiornato ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-miniature.component.html29Unavailable
- Non disponibie
+ Non disponibile../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-element-miniature.component.html32Deleted
- Cancellato
+ Eliminato../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment.component.html55
@@ -502,9 +359,7 @@
Delete from
- Eliminato da
+ Eliminato da ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-element-miniature.component.html88
@@ -533,8 +388,8 @@
- <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible that supports:
- <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible that supports:
+ <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible that supports:
+ <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatibile supportato:../app/shared/shared-main/misc/help.component.ts75
@@ -549,7 +404,7 @@
Subscribe with an account on this instance
- Subscribe with an account on this instance
+ Iscriviti a questa istanza con un account../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html53
@@ -574,74 +429,52 @@
+ IMPOSTAZIONI PROFILO../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-settings.component.html12Remote subscribeRemote interact
- Iscrizione remota
- Interazione remota
+ Iscrizione remotaInterazione remota../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/remote-subscribe.component.html11You can subscribe to the channel via any ActivityPub-capable fediverse instance. For instance with Mastodon or Pleroma you can type the channel URL in the search box and subscribe there.
- You can subscribe to the channel via any ActivityPub-capable fediverse instance.
- For instance with Mastodon or Pleroma you can type the channel URL in the search box and subscribe there.
+ Puoi iscriverti al canale tramite qualsiasi istanza fediverse compatibile con ActivityPub. Ad esempio con Mastodon o Pleroma puoi digitare l'URL del canale nella casella di ricerca e iscriverti lì. ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/remote-subscribe.component.html18You can interact with this via any ActivityPub-capable fediverse instance. For instance with Mastodon or Pleroma you can type the current URL in the search box and interact with it there.
- You can interact with this via any ActivityPub-capable fediverse instance.
- For instance with Mastodon or Pleroma you can type the current URL in the search box and interact with it there.
+ Puoi interagire con questo tramite qualsiasi istanza fediverse compatibile con ActivityPub. Ad esempio con Mastodon o Pleroma puoi digitare l'URL corrente nella casella di ricerca e interagire con esso lì. ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/remote-subscribe.component.html27PeerTube version
- Versione PeerTube
+ Versione di PeerTube../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html6Default NSFW/sensitive videos policycan be redefined by the users
- Default NSFW/sensitive videos policy
- can be redefined by the users
+ Default NSFW/norme sui video sensibilipuò essere ridefinito dagli utenti../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html13User registration allowed
- Registrazione utenti consentita
+ La registrazione degli utenti è permessa../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html21Video uploads
- Video uploads
+ Video caricati../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html28Transcoding in multiple resolutions
- Transcoding in multiple resolutions
+ Transcodifica in più risoluzioni../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html32Requires manual validation by moderators
- Requires manual validation by moderators
+ Richiede la validazione manuale dai moderatori../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html41
@@ -656,11 +489,7 @@
Unlimited ( per day)
- (
- giornaliera illimitata)
+ Illimitato ( al giorno)../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html61
@@ -670,7 +499,7 @@
You can import any torrent file that points to a media file. You should make sure you have diffusion rights over the content it points to, otherwise it could cause legal trouble to yourself and your instance.
- You can import any torrent file that points to a media file. You should make sure you have diffusion rights over the content it points to, otherwise it could cause legal trouble to yourself and your instance.
+ Puoi importare qualsiasi file torrent che punti a un file multimediale. Assicurati di avere i diritti di diffusione sul contenuto a cui fa riferimento, altrimenti potresti causare problemi legali a te stesso e alla tua istanza.../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html17,19
@@ -688,17 +517,17 @@
- Player
+ Riproduttore../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html86P2P enabled
- Attivato P2P
+ P2P abilitato../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html90Loading instance statistics...
- Caricamento statistiche istanza...
+ Caricamento delle statistiche dell'istanza...../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html1
@@ -718,17 +547,17 @@
video views
- visualizzazioni video
+ visualizzazioni del video../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html31video comments
- commenti video
+ commenti del video../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html41of hosted video
- of hosted video
+ di video ospitato../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html51
@@ -743,12 +572,12 @@
- following
+ seguendo../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html95User
- User
+ Utente../app/core/users/user.service.ts382
@@ -775,14 +604,12 @@
Block video ""
- Block video "
- "
+ Blocca video ""../app/shared/shared-moderation/video-block.component.html3Please describe the reason...
- Please describe the reason...
+ Per favore descrivi il motivo...../app/shared/shared-moderation/video-block.component.html12
@@ -801,12 +628,7 @@
Sorry but there was an issue with the external login process. Please contact an administrator.
- Sorry but there was an issue with the external login process. Please
- contact an administrator
- .
+ Spiacenti, si è verificato un problema con il processo di accesso esterno. per favore contatta un'amministratore. ../app/+login/login.component.html7
@@ -816,23 +638,12 @@
Currently this instance doesn't allow for user registration, but you can find an instance that gives you the possibility to sign up for an account and upload your videos there. Find yours among multiple instances at https://joinpeertube.org/instances.
- Currently this instance doesn't allow for user registration, but you can find an instance
- that gives you the possibility to sign up for an account and upload your videos there.
- Find yours among multiple instances at
- https://joinpeertube.org/instances
- .
+ Attualmente questa istanza non consente la registrazione dell'utente, ma puoi trovare un'istanza che ti dà la possibilità di registrarti per un account e caricare i tuoi video lì. Trovala tua tra più istanze su https://joinpeertube.org/instances. ../app/+login/login.component.html17Request new verification email.
- Richiedi una nuova email di verifica
+ Richiedi una nuova email di verifica.../app/+login/login.component.html27
@@ -877,14 +688,12 @@
We are sorry, you cannot recover your password because your instance administrator did not configure the PeerTube email system.
- Spiacenti, non puoi recuperare la tua password perché l'amministratore della tua istanza non ha configurato il sistema email di PeerTube.
+ Ci scusiamo, non c'è modo di recuperare la tua password perchè l'amministratore dell'istanza non ha configurato il sistema di email di PeerTube.../app/+login/login.component.html91
- An email with the reset password instructions will be sent to .
-The link will expire within 1 hour.
- An email with the reset password instructions will be sent to .
-The link will expire within 1 hour.
+ An email with the reset password instructions will be sent to . The link will expire within 1 hour.
+ Una mail con le istruzioni per il reset della password sarà spedita a . Il link scadrà fra 1 ora.../app/+login/login.component.ts106,107
@@ -907,20 +716,17 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
+ ../app/+search/search.component.html5on this instance
- on this instance
+ su questa istanza../app/+search/search.component.html7on the vidiverse
- on the vidiverse
+ su vidiverse../app/+search/search.component.html8
@@ -947,23 +753,12 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- per
+ per ../app/+search/search.component.html11Filters
- Filtri
+ Filtri ../app/+search/search.component.html22
@@ -982,59 +777,52 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Welcome to PeerTube, dear administrator!
- Caro amministratore, benvenuto su PeerTube!
+ Benvenuto su PeerTube, caro amministratore!../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html3CLI documentation
- Documentazione CLI
+ Documentazione della CLI../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html13Upload or import videos, parse logs, prune storage directories, reset user password...
- Upload or import videos, parse logs, prune storage directories, reset user password...
+ Carica o importa i video, analizza i registri, riduci lo spazio delle cartelle, reimposta la password utente...../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html15Administer documentation
- Documentazione per l'amministrazione
+ Amministrare la documentazione../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html19Managing users, following other instances, dealing with spammers...
- Gestire gli utenti, seguire altre istanze, gestire gli spammer...
+ Gestione degli utenti, seguire altre istanze, trattare con gli spammer...../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html22Use documentation
- Use
- documentation
+ Utilizzare la documentazione../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html27Setup your account, managing video playlists, discover third-party applications...
- Imposta il tuo account, gestisci le playlist video , scopri applicazioni di terze parti...
+ Imposta il tuo account, gestisci le playlist dei video, scopri applicazioni di terze parti...../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html29Useful links
- Link utili
+ Collegamenti utili../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html39Official PeerTube website (news, support, contribute...): https://joinpeertube.org
- Official PeerTube website (news, support, contribute...):
- https://joinpeertube.org
+ Sito ufficiale Peertube (notizie,supporto,contributi): https://joinpeertube.org../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html42Put your instance on the public PeerTube index: https://instances.joinpeertube.org/instances
- Put your instance on the public PeerTube index:
- https://instances.joinpeertube.org/instances
+ Inserisci la tua istanza nell'indice pubblico di Peertube: https://instances.joinpeertube.org/instances../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html45
@@ -1044,38 +832,12 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Choosing your instance name, setting up a description, specifying who you are, why you created your instance and how long you plan to maintain your it is very important for visitors to understand on what type of instance they are.
- Scegli
- il nome della tua istanza
- ,
- imposta una descrizione
- , specificando
- chi sei
- , perché
- hai creato la tua istanza
- e
- per quanto tempo
- hai intenzione di
- mantenerla
- è molto importante per i visitatori capire in quale tipo di istanza si trovano.
+ Scegli il nome della tua istanza,imposta una descrizione , specificando chi sei, perché hai creato la tua istanza e per quanto tempohai intenzione dimantenerla è molto importante per i visitatori capire in quale tipo di istanza si trovano. ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html58If you want to open registrations, please decide what are your moderation rules, fill your instance terms and specify the categories and languages you speak. This way, you will help users to register on the appropriate PeerTube instance.
- If you want to open registrations, please decide what are
- your moderation rules
- , fill your
- instance
- terms
- and specify the categories and languages you speak. This way, you will help users to register on
- the
- appropriate
- PeerTube instance.
+ Se vuoi aprire le registrazioni, per favore decidi quali sono le tue regole di moderazione, compila i tuoi termini dell'istanza e specifica le tue categorie e lingue parlate. In questo modo aiuterai gli utenti a registrarsi sull'appropriata istanza di Peertube. ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html64
@@ -1090,12 +852,12 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Configuration warning!
- Configuration warning!
+ Avviso di configurazione!../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html3You enabled user registration on your instance but did not configure the following fields:
- You enabled user registration on your instance but did not configure the following fields:
+ Hai abilitato la registrazione utente sulla tua istanza ma non hai configurato i seguenti campi:../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html10
@@ -1105,7 +867,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Instance short description
- Breve descrizione istanza
+ Descrizione breve dell'istanza../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html14
@@ -1120,30 +882,22 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
How you plan to pay your instance
- How you plan to pay your instance
+ Come pensi di pagare la tua istanza../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html18How you will moderate your instance
- How you will moderate your instance
+ Come modererai la tua istanza../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html20Instance terms
- Instance terms
+ Termini dell'istanza../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html21Please consider configuring these fields to help people to choose the appropriate instance. Without them, your instance may not be referenced on the JoinPeerTube website.
- Please consider configuring these fields to help people to choose
- the appropriate instance
- .
- Without them, your instance may not be referenced on the
- JoinPeerTube website
- .
+ Considera la possibilità di configurare questi campi per aiutare le persone a sceglierel'istanza appropriata. Senza questi, la tua istanza potrebbe non essere referenziata sul sito JoinPeerTube. ../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html25
@@ -1158,9 +912,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- Configure
+ Configura../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html44
@@ -1192,24 +944,22 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- Interface:
+ Interfaccia:../app/menu/menu.component.html38Videos:
- Videos:
+ Video:../app/menu/menu.component.html45Sensitive:
- Sensitive:
+ Sensibile:../app/menu/menu.component.html54Interface:
- Interfaccia:
+ Interfaccia: ../app/menu/menu.component.html162
@@ -1239,17 +989,17 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- Shortcuts
+ Scorciatoie../app/menu/menu.component.html171powered by PeerTube
- powered by PeerTube
+ offerto da PeerTube../app/menu/menu.component.html177powered by PeerTube - CopyLeft 2015-2020
- powered by PeerTube - CopyLeft 2015-2020
+ offerto da PeerTube - CopyLeft 2015-2020../app/menu/menu.component.html176
@@ -1274,7 +1024,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
My channels
- My channels
+ I miei canali../app/+my-account/my-account.component.ts50
@@ -1282,7 +1032,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
My videos
- My videos
+ I miei video../app/+my-account/my-account.component.ts55
@@ -1290,7 +1040,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
My playlists
- My playlists
+ Le mie playlist../app/+my-account/my-account.component.ts61
@@ -1298,7 +1048,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
My subscriptions
- My subscriptions
+ Le mie iscrizioni../app/+my-account/my-account.component.ts66
@@ -1306,7 +1056,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
My history
- My history
+ Il mio storico../app/+my-account/my-account.component.ts71
@@ -1349,7 +1099,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Most liked
- Most liked
+ Più piaciuti../app/menu/menu.component.html127
@@ -1384,7 +1134,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Mark all as read
- Mark all as read
+ Marca tutti come letti../app/menu/avatar-notification.component.html18
@@ -1399,7 +1149,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Search videos, channels…
- Ricerca video, canali…
+ Cerca video, canali…../app/header/search-typeahead.component.html3
@@ -1409,14 +1159,12 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- using
+ usando ../app/header/search-typeahead.component.html25Results will be augmented with those of a third-party index. Only data necessary to make the query will be sent.
- Results will be augmented with those of a third-party index. Only data necessary to make the query will be sent.
+ I risultati saranno aumentati con quelli di un indice di terze parti. Verranno inviati solo i dati necessari per effettuare la query.../app/header/search-typeahead.component.html29
@@ -1431,27 +1179,27 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
only followed instances
- only followed instances
+ solo istanze seguite../app/header/search-typeahead.component.html39Determines whether you can resolve any distant content, or if this instance only allows doing so for instances it follows.
- Determines whether you can resolve any distant content, or if this instance only allows doing so for instances it follows.
+ Determina se è possibile risolvere qualsiasi contenuto distante o se questa istanza lo consente solo per le istanze che segue.../app/header/search-typeahead.component.html37will list the matching channel
- will list the matching channel
+ elencherà il canale corrispondente../app/header/search-typeahead.component.html46will list the matching video
- will list the matching video
+ elencherà il video corrispondente../app/header/search-typeahead.component.html52Any other input will return matching video or channel names.
- Any other input will return matching video or channel names.
+ Qualsiasi altro ingresso restituirà video o nomi di canale corrispondenti.../app/header/search-typeahead.component.html55
@@ -1466,12 +1214,12 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
In this instance's network
- In this instance's network
+ Nella rete di questa istanza../app/header/suggestion.component.html14In the vidiverse
- In the vidiverse
+ Nel vidiverse../app/header/suggestion.component.html15
@@ -1481,9 +1229,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- Reset
+ Ripristina../app/+search/search-filters.component.html10
@@ -1533,14 +1279,12 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- Reset
+ Ripristina../app/+search/search-filters.component.html105Display all categories
- Display all categories
+ Mostra tutte le categorie../app/+search/search-filters.component.html108
@@ -1550,7 +1294,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Display all licenses
- Display all licenses
+ Mostra tutte le licenze../app/+search/search-filters.component.html121
@@ -1560,7 +1304,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Display all languages
- Display all languages
+ Mostra tutte le lingue../app/+search/search-filters.component.html134
@@ -1575,19 +1319,17 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Search target
- Search target
+ Obiettivo di ricerca../app/+search/search-filters.component.html160Vidiverse
- Vidiverse
+ Vidiverse../app/+search/search-filters.component.html170Reset
- Reset
+ Ripristina../app/+search/search-filters.component.html179
@@ -1602,7 +1344,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Video channels
- Video channels
+ Canali video../app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html1
@@ -1639,16 +1381,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Tags could be used to suggest relevant recommendations. There is a maximum of 5 tags. Press Enter to add a new tag.
- Tags could be used to suggest relevant recommendations.
- There is a maximum of 5 tags.
- Press
- Enter
- to add a new tag.
+ I tag potrebbero essere utilizzati per suggerire consigli pertinenti. Massimo 5 tags. Premi Invio per aggiungere un nuovo tag. ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html24
@@ -1658,7 +1391,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
No items found
- No items found
+ Nessun elemento trovato../app/shared/shared-forms/select/select-checkbox.component.html14
@@ -1668,9 +1401,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Video descriptions are truncated by default and require manual action to expand them.
- Video descriptions are truncated by default and require manual action to expand them.
+ Le descrizioni dei video sono troncate in modo predefinito e viene richiesta un'azione manuale per espanderle.../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html43
@@ -1685,44 +1416,42 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
+ FAQ../app/menu/menu.component.html169Frequently asked questions about PeerTube
- Frequently asked questions about PeerTube
+ Domande frequenti su Peertube../app/menu/menu.component.html168API
+ API../app/menu/menu.component.html171API documentation
- API documentation
+ Documentazione API../app/menu/menu.component.html170Schedule publication ()
- Programma la pubblicazione (
- )
+ Programma la pubblicazione ()../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html108Contains sensitive content
- Contains sensitive content
+ Contiene contenuto sensibile../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html122Some instances do not list videos containing mature or explicit content by default.
- Alcune istanze non elencano video che contengono contenuti per adulti o espliciti
+ Alcune istanze non elencano video che contengono contenuti per adulti o espliciti per impostazione predefinita.../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html126Publish after transcoding
- Publish after transcoding
+ Pubblica dopo la transcodifica../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html132
@@ -1746,7 +1475,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- Already uploaded ✔
+ Already uploaded ✔Già caricato ✔../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html167
@@ -1784,7 +1513,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Video preview
- Video preview
+ Anteprima del video../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html206
@@ -1794,9 +1523,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Short text to tell people how they can support you (membership platform...).
- Short text to tell people how they can support you (membership platform...).
+ Breve testo per dire alle persone come possono supportarti (piattaforma di appartenenza ...).../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html219
@@ -1806,14 +1533,12 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
This is the date when the content was originally published (e.g. the release date for a film)
- This is the date when the content was originally published (e.g. the release date for a film)
+ Questa è la data in cui il contenuto è stato originariamente pubblicato (ad esempio la data di uscita di un film)../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html239Plugin settings
- Plugin settings
+ Impostazioni plugin../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html269
@@ -1841,7 +1566,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
You can import any URL supported by youtube-dl or URL that points to a media file. You should make sure you have diffusion rights over the content it points to, otherwise it could cause legal trouble to yourself and your instance.
- You can import any URL supported by youtube-dl or URL that points to a media file. You should make sure you have diffusion rights over the content it points to, otherwise it could cause legal trouble to yourself and your instance.
+ Puoi aggiungere qualsiasi URL supportato da youtube-dl o URL che punta al file multimediale. Assicurati di avere i diritti di diffusione sul contenuto a cui fa riferimento, altrimenti potresti causare problemi legali a te stesso e alla tua istanza. ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-url.component.html11,14
@@ -1854,11 +1579,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Congratulations, the video behind will be imported! You can already add information about this video.
- Congratulazioni, il video presente all'indirizzo
- sarà importato! Puoi già aggiungere informazioni relative a questo video.
+ Congratulazioni, il video presente all'indirizzo sarà importato! Puoi già aggiungere informazioni relative a questo video. ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-url.component.html49
@@ -1878,33 +1599,27 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Hide the video until a specific date
- Hide the video until a specific date
+ Nascondi il video fino ad una data specifica../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.ts182Video background image
- Video background image
+ Immagine di sfondo del video../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html26Image that will be merged with your audio file. The chosen image will be definitive and cannot be modified.
- Image that will be merged with your audio file.
- The chosen image will be definitive and cannot be modified.
+ Immagine che verrà unita al tuo file audio. L'immagine scelta sarà definitiva e non potrà essere modificata. ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html29Processing…
- Processing…
+ Processamento…../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html50Total video quota
- Total video quota
+ Quota totale video../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html140
@@ -1926,12 +1641,12 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Sorry, the upload feature is disabled for your account. If you want to add videos, an admin must unlock your quota.
- Sorry, the upload feature is disabled for your account. If you want to add videos, an admin must unlock your quota.
+ Spiacente, la funzionalità di upload è disabilitata per il tuo account. Se vuoi aggiungere video, un amministratore deve sbloccare la tua quota.../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add.component.html3Read instance rules for help
- Read instance rules for help
+ Leggi le regole dell'instanza per l'aiuto../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add.component.html4
@@ -1941,7 +1656,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- OR
+ O../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html10
@@ -1958,36 +1673,22 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
We recommend you to not use the root user to publish your videos, since it's the super-admin account of your instance. Instead, create a dedicated account to upload your videos.
- We recommend you to not use the
- root
- user to publish your videos, since it's the super-admin account of your instance.
- Instead,
- create a dedicated account
- to upload your videos.
+ Raccomandiamo di non usare l'utente root per pubblicare i tuoi video, dato che è il super amministratore della tua istanza Invece, crea un account dedicato per caricare i tuoi video. ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add.component.html11Import
- Importa
+ Importa ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add.component.html19Upload
- Carica
+ Carica ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add.component.html20Upload a file
- Carica un file.
+ Carica un file../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add.component.html26
@@ -2002,19 +1703,17 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Other videos
- Other videos
+ Altri video../app/+videos/+video-watch/recommendations/recommended-videos.component.html5AUTOPLAY
+ AUTOPLAY../app/+videos/+video-watch/recommendations/recommended-videos.component.html10Report this comment
- Report this comment
+ Segnala questo commento../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment.component.ts171
@@ -2027,17 +1726,17 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Share the playlist
- Share the playlist
+ Condividi la playlist../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html11Share the playlist at this video position
- Share the playlist at this video position
+ Condividi la playlist a questa posizione del video../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html58Share the video
- Share the video
+ Condividi il video../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html66
@@ -2047,9 +1746,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
The url is not secured (no HTTPS), so the embed video won't work on HTTPS websites (web browsers block non secured HTTP requests on HTTPS websites).
- The url is not secured (no HTTPS), so the embed video won't work on HTTPS websites (web browsers block non secured HTTP requests on HTTPS websites).
+ L'URL non è protetto (nessun HTTPS), quindi il video incorporato non funzionerà sui siti Web HTTPS (i browser Web bloccano le richieste HTTP non protette sui siti Web HTTPS).../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html44
@@ -2059,26 +1756,22 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Auto select subtitle
- Auto select subtitle
+ Selezione automatica del sottotitolo../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html128More customization
- More customization
+ Più personalizzazioni../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html216Less customization
- Less customization
+ Meno personalizzazioni../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html224Login
- Login
+ Login../app/+login/login-routing.module.ts14
@@ -2086,19 +1779,17 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- Autoplay
+ Riproduci automaticamente../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html159Support
- Support
+ Supporta ../app/+videos/+video-watch/modal/video-support.component.html3Maybe later
- Maybe later
+ Forse più tardi../app/+videos/+video-watch/modal/video-support.component.html11
@@ -2108,27 +1799,27 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- Loop
+ Loop../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html173Display video title
- Display video title
+ Visualizza il titolo del video../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html182Display privacy warning
- Display privacy warning
+ Visualizza avviso sulla privacy../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html189Display player controls
- Display player controls
+ Visualizza i controlli del riproduttore../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html196Display PeerTube button link
- Display PeerTube button link
+ Visualizza pulsante di link a Peertube../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html203
@@ -2138,74 +1829,52 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
The video is being imported, it will be available when the import is finished.
- The video is being imported, it will be available when the import is finished.
+ Il video è in fase di caricamento, sarà disponibile quando il caricamento è finito.../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html21The video is being transcoded, it may not work properly.
- The video is being transcoded, it may not work properly.
+ Il video è in fase di transcodifica, potrebbe non funzionare correttamente.../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html25This video will be published on .
- Questo video sarà pubblicato su
- .
+ Questo video sarà pubblicato su ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html29This video is blocked.
- This video is blocked.
+ Il video è bloccato.../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html33Published • views
- Published
- •
- views
+ Pubblicato • visualizzazioni../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html47Published • views
- Published
- •
- views
+ Pubblicato • visualizzazioni../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html58SUPPORT
+ SUPPORTO../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html88SHARE
+ CONDIVIDI../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html93SAVE
+ SALVA../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html104DOWNLOAD
+ DOWNLOAD../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html118
@@ -2220,34 +1889,32 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Support options for this video
- Support options for this video
+ Opzioni di supporto per questo video../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts107By
- Di
+ Di ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html170Subscribe
- Subscribe
+ Iscriviti../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html7Subscribe to all channels
- Subscribe to all channels
+ Iscriviti a tutti i canali../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html9channels subscribed
- channels subscribed
+ canali sottoscritti../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html11{VAR_SELECT, select, undefined {Unsubscribe} other {Unsubscribe from all channels} }
- {VAR_SELECT, select, undefined {Unsubscribe} other {Unsubscribe from all channels} }
+ {VAR_SELECT, select, undefined {Disiscriviti} other {Disiscriviti da tutti i canali} }../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html31
@@ -2262,7 +1929,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Origin instance
- Origin instance
+ Istanza d'origine../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html215
@@ -2272,14 +1939,12 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Friendly Reminder:
- Friendly Reminder:
+ Promemoria di cortesia:../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html283the sharing system used for this video implies that some technical information about your system (such as a public IP address) can be sent to other peers.
- the sharing system used for this video implies that some technical information about your system (such as a public IP address) can be sent to other peers.
+ il sistema di condivisione utilizzato per questo video implica che alcune informazioni tecniche sul tuo sistema (come un indirizzo IP pubblico) possano essere inviate ad altri peer.../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html285
@@ -2289,7 +1954,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
The video was blocked due to automatic blocking of new videos
- The video was blocked due to automatic blocking of new videos
+ Il video è stato bloccato a causa del blocco automatico dei nuovi video../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html67
@@ -2299,43 +1964,37 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- OK
+ OK../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html2931 Comment
- 1 Comment
+ 1 Commento../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html6 Comments
- Comments
+ Commenti ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html7Comments
- Comments
+ Commenti../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html9SORT BY
+ ORDINA PER../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html17Most recent first (default)
- Most recent first (default)
+ I più recenti prima (predefinito)../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html19Most replies first
- Most replies first
+ I più risposti prima../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html20
@@ -2345,28 +2004,17 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
View replies from and others
- View
- replies from
- and others
+ Visualizza risposte da ed altri ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html84View replies from
- View
- replies from
+ Visualizza risposte da ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html87View replies
- View
- replies
+ Visualizza risposte../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html90
@@ -2378,17 +2026,17 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
The deletion will be sent to remote instances so they can reflect the change.
- The deletion will be sent to remote instances so they can reflect the change.
+ L'eliminazione verrà inviata alle istanze remote in modo che possano riflettere la modifica.../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.ts169It is a remote comment, so the deletion will only be effective on your instance.
- It is a remote comment, so the deletion will only be effective on your instance.
+ È un commento remoto, quindi l'eliminazione sarà effettiva solo sulla tua istanza.../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.ts171Delete and re-draft
- Delete and re-draft
+ Elimina e rimetti in bozza../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.ts197
@@ -2396,7 +2044,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Do you really want to delete and re-draft this comment?
- Do you really want to delete and re-draft this comment?
+ Vuoi davvero eliminare e riscrivere questo commento?../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.ts197
@@ -2409,7 +2057,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Markdown compatible
- Markdown compatible
+ Markdown compatibile../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html13
@@ -2417,7 +2065,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Markdown compatible that supports:
- Markdown compatible that supports:
+ Markdown compatibile che supporta:../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html15
@@ -2425,7 +2073,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Auto generated links
- Auto generated links
+ Links autogenerati../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html18
@@ -2433,7 +2081,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Break lines
- Break lines
+ Linee di interruzione../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html19
@@ -2441,7 +2089,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- Lists
+ Liste../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html20
@@ -2449,7 +2097,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- Emphasis
+ Enfasi../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html22
@@ -2457,7 +2105,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- bold
+ grassetto../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html23
@@ -2465,7 +2113,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- italic
+ corsivo../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html23
@@ -2473,7 +2121,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Emoji shortcuts
- Emoji shortcuts
+ Scorciatoie emoji../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html26
@@ -2481,7 +2129,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Emoji markup
- Emoji markup
+ Markup Emoji../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html30
@@ -2489,7 +2137,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
See complete list
- See complete list
+ Visualizza la lista completa../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html32
@@ -2502,11 +2150,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
You can comment using an account on any ActivityPub-compatible instance. On most platforms, you can find the video by typing its URL in the search bar and then comment it from within the software's interface.
- You can comment using an account on any ActivityPub-compatible instance.
- On most platforms, you can find the video by typing its URL in the search bar and then comment it
- from within the software's interface.
+ Puoi commentare utilizzando un account su qualsiasi istanza compatibile con ActivityPub. Sulla maggior parte delle piattaforme, puoi trovare il video digitando il suo URL nella barra di ricerca e quindi commentarlo dall'interfaccia del software.../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html60
@@ -2518,12 +2162,12 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Login to comment
- Login to comment
+ Accedi per commentare../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html76Markdown Emoji List
- Markdown Emoji List
+ Lista Markdown Emoji../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html84
@@ -2531,7 +2175,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- Comment
+ Commenta../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.ts58
@@ -2539,7 +2183,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- Reply
+ Rispondi../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.ts60
@@ -2557,12 +2201,12 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
This comment has been deleted
- This comment has been deleted
+ Questo commento è stato eliminato../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment.component.html61Video redundancies
- Video redundancies
+ Ridondanze video../app/+admin/admin.component.ts39
@@ -2572,19 +2216,12 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Your report will be sent to moderators of and will be forwarded to the comment origin () too.
- Your report will be sent to moderators of
- and will be forwarded to the comment origin (
- ) too
- .
+ La tua segnalazione sarà inviata ai moderatori di e sarà inviato anche all'origine del commento () . ../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/report.component.html37Follow domain
- Follow domain
+ Segui dominio../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html24
@@ -2594,45 +2231,37 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Clear filters
- Clear filters
+ Cancella i filtri../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html20Video/Comment/Account
- Video/Comment/Account
+ Video/Commento/Account../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html41IDID
- ../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html39
+ ../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html39
Follower handle
- Follower handle
+ Gestione seguaci../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html28StateStato
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-imports/my-account-video-imports.component.html19
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-imports/my-account-video-imports.component.html19
- Creato
+ Creato ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html31Open actor page in a new tab
- Open actor page in a new tab
+ Apri la pagina dell'attore in una nuova scheda../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html46
@@ -2657,28 +2286,22 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
No follower found matching current filters.
- No follower found matching current filters.
+ Nessun follower trovato corrispondente ai filtri attuali.../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html68Your instance doesn't have any follower.
- Your instance doesn't have any follower.
+ La tua istanza non ha follower.../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html69Showing to of followers
- Showing
- to
- of
- followers
+ Visualizzando a di seguaci../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html10
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/batch-domains-modal.component.html3
@@ -2688,54 +2311,47 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Redundancy allowed
- Redundancy allowed
+ Ridondanza consentita ../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html35Open instance in a new tab
- Open instance in a new tab
+ Apri l'istanza in una nuova scheda../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html43No host found matching current filters.
- No host found matching current filters.
+ Nessun host trovato corrispondente ai filtri correnti.../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html71Your instance is not following anyone.
- Your instance is not following anyone.
+ La tua istanza non sta seguendo nessuno.../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html72Showing to of hosts
- Showing
- to
- of
- hosts
+ Mostra a of hosts../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html10Follow domains
- Follow domains
+ Segui domini../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html79Videos redundancies
- Videos redundancies
+ Ridondanze video../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html3My videos duplicated by remote instances
- My videos duplicated by remote instances
+ I miei video duplicati da istanze remote../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html12Remote videos duplicated by my instance
- Remote videos duplicated by my instance
+ Video remoti duplicati dalla mia istanza../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html13
@@ -2745,22 +2361,22 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Table parameters
- Table parameters
+ Parametri della tabella../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html58Select columns
- Select columns
+ Seleziona colonne../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html64Highlight banned users
- Highlight banned users
+ Evidenzia gli utenti bannati../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html70Username
- Username
+ Nome utente../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html83
@@ -2775,9 +2391,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
If you leave the password empty, an email will be sent to the user.
- If you leave the password empty, an email will be sent to the user.
+ Se lasci la password vuota, verrà inviata un'e-mail all'utente.../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html121
@@ -2787,15 +2401,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Transcoding is enabled. The video quota only takes into account original video size. At most, this user could upload ~ .
- Transcoding is enabled. The video quota only takes into account
- original
- video size.
- At most, this user could upload ~
- .
+ La transcodifica è abilitata. La quota video prende in considerazione solo dimensione originale del video. L'utente dovrebbe poter caricare ~ . ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html160
@@ -2805,7 +2411,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Doesn't need review before a video goes public
- Doesn't need review before a video goes public
+ Non necessita di revisione prima che un video diventi pubblico../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html179
@@ -2840,29 +2446,27 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Advanced user filters
- Advanced user filters
+ Filtri utente avanzati../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html27Banned users
- Banned users
+ Utenti bannati../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html28The user was banned
- The user was banned
+ L'utente è stato bannato../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html160Open account in a new tab
- Open account in a new tab
+ Apri account in una nuova scheda../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html106Deleted account
- Deleted account
+ Account cancellato../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html75
@@ -2877,7 +2481,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Total daily video quota
- Total daily video quota
+ Quota video giornaliera totale../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html150
@@ -2887,11 +2491,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Showing to of users
- Showing
- to
- of
- users
+ Mostra a di utenti../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html6
@@ -2901,7 +2501,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- Reports
+ Segnalazioni../app/+admin/admin.component.ts53
@@ -2909,7 +2509,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Video blocks
- Video blocks
+ Video bloccati../app/+admin/admin.component.ts60
@@ -2917,7 +2517,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Muted accounts
- Muted accounts
+ Accounts silenziati../app/+admin/admin.component.ts67
@@ -2925,7 +2525,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Muted servers
- Muted servers
+ Servers silenziati../app/+admin/admin.component.ts74
@@ -2933,7 +2533,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- Users
+ Utenti../app/+admin/admin.component.ts81
@@ -2941,7 +2541,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- Configuration
+ Configurazione../app/+admin/admin.component.ts88
@@ -2949,7 +2549,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Video blocks
- Video blocks
+ Video bloccati../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html3
@@ -2964,57 +2564,52 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Advanced block filters
- Advanced block filters
+ Filtri di blocco avanzati../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html23Automatic blocks
- Automatic blocks
+ Blocchi automatici../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html24Manual blocks
- Manual blocks
+ Blocchi manuali../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html25Video
- Video
+ Video ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html29Total size
- Total size
+ Dimensione totale../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html30List redundancies
- List redundancies
+ Lista ridondanze../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html37Your instance doesn't mirror any video.
- Your instance doesn't mirror any video.
+ La tua istanza non effettura mirror di alcun video.../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html81Your instance has no mirrored videos.
- Your instance has no mirrored videos.
+ La tua istanza non ha video con mirroring.../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html82Enabled strategies stats
- Enabled strategies stats
+ Statistiche delle strategie abilitate../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html91No redundancy strategy is enabled on your instance.
- No redundancy strategy is enabled on your instance.
+ Nessuna strategia di ridondanza è abilitata sulla tua istanza.../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html96
@@ -3029,10 +2624,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- Data
+ Data ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html45
@@ -3042,41 +2634,37 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
No abuses found matching current filters.
- No abuses found matching current filters.
+ Nessun abuso trovato corrispondente ai filtri attuali.../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html188No abuses found.
- No abuses found.
+ Nessun abuso riscontrato.../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html189Block reason:
- Block reason:
+ Motivo blocco:../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html103No blocked video found matching current filters.
- No blocked video found matching current filters.
+ Nessun video bloccato trovato corrispondente ai filtri attuali.../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html123No blocked video found.
- No blocked video found.
+ Nessun video bloccato trovato.../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html124Showing to of blocked videos
- Showing
- to
- of
- blocked videos
+ Mostra a di video bloccati../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html10Reports
- Reports
+ Segnalazioni../app/+admin/moderation/abuse-list/abuse-list.component.html3
@@ -3098,32 +2686,32 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Advanced report filters
- Advanced report filters
+ Filtri di segnalazione avanzati../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html18Unsolved reports
- Unsolved reports
+ Segnalazioni irrisolte../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html19Accepted reports
- Accepted reports
+ Segnalazioni accettate../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html20Refused reports
- Refused reports
+ Segnalazioni rifiutate../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html21Reports with blocked videos
- Reports with blocked videos
+ Rapporti con video bloccati../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html22Reports with deleted videos
- Reports with deleted videos
+ Rapporti con video eliminati../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html23
@@ -3133,18 +2721,12 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html27{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 report} other { reports}}
- {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 report} other {
- reports} }
+ {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 rapporto} altri rapporti}}../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html27
@@ -3154,103 +2736,82 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
This video has been reported multiple times.
- This video has been reported multiple times.
+ Questo video è stato segnalato più volte.../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html88The video was blocked
- The video was blocked
+ Il video è stato bloccato../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html97by on
- by
- on
+ by on ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html100Video was deleted
- Video was deleted
+ il video è stato cancellato../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html107Account deleted
- Account deleted
+ Account eliminato../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html143Open video in a new tab
- Open video in a new tab
+ Apri il video in una nuova scheda../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html49State
- Stato
+ Stato ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html29Messages
- Messages
+ Messsaggi../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html44Internal note
- Internal note
+ Nota interna../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html45Score
- Score
+ Punteggio ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html30Showing to of reports
- Showing
- to
- of
- reports
+ Mostra a di reports../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html5Reportee
- Reportee
+ Riporta../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html33
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html52{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 report} other { reports}}
- {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 report} other {
- reports} }
+ {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 report} altri { reports}}../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html52Updated
- Updated
+ Aggiornato../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html58Mute domain
- Mute domain
+ Silenzia dominio../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html24
@@ -3260,10 +2821,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Muted at
- Silenziato a
+ Silenziato a ../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html33
@@ -3273,33 +2831,27 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
No server found matching current filters.
- No server found matching current filters.
+ Nessun server trovato corrispondente ai filtri correnti.../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html56No server found.
- No server found.
+ Nessun server trovato.../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html57Showing to of muted instances
- Showing
- to
- of
- muted instances
+ Mostrando a di istanze silenziate../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html10It seems that you are not on a HTTPS server. Your webserver needs to have TLS activated in order to follow servers.
- It seems that you are not on a HTTPS server. Your webserver needs to have TLS activated in order to follow servers.
+ Sembra che tu non sia su un server HTTPS. Il tuo server web deve avere TLS attivato per poter seguire i server.../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html82Mute domains
- Mute domains
+ Silenzia domini../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html64
@@ -3309,17 +2861,17 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
No account found matching current filters.
- No account found matching current filters.
+ Nessun account trovato corrispondente ai filtri attuali.../app/shared/shared-moderation/account-blocklist.component.html63No account found.
- No account found.
+ Nessuna account trovato.../app/shared/shared-moderation/account-blocklist.component.html64List installed plugins
- List installed plugins
+ Lista plugins installati../app/+admin/plugins/plugins.routes.ts28
@@ -3327,7 +2879,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Search plugins
- Search plugins
+ Cerca plugins../app/+admin/plugins/plugins.routes.ts37
@@ -3335,7 +2887,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Show plugin
- Show plugin
+ Mostra plugin../app/+admin/plugins/plugins.routes.ts46
@@ -3343,26 +2895,22 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Showing to of muted accounts
- Showing
- to
- of
- muted accounts
+ Mostrando a di account silenziati../app/shared/shared-moderation/account-blocklist.component.html10Plugins/Themes
- Plugins/Themes
+ Plugins/Temi../app/+admin/admin.component.ts92Installed
- Installed
+ Installato../app/+admin/plugins/plugins.component.html3Plugin homepage (new window)
- Plugin homepage (new window)
+ Homepage del plugin (nuova finestra)../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.html17
@@ -3372,75 +2920,62 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Users can resolve distant content
- Users can resolve distant content
+ Gli utenti possono risolvere contenuti distanti../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html101Close this message
- Close this message
+ Chiudi questo messaggio../app/app.component.html34Settings
- Settings
+ Impostazioni../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.html26Display settings
- Display settings
+ Visualizza impostazioni../app/modal/quick-settings-modal.component.html8Uninstall
- Uninstall
+ Disinstalla../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.html32To load your new installed plugins or themes, refresh the page.
- To load your new installed plugins or themes, refresh the page.
+ Per caricare i nuovi plugin o temi installati, aggiorna la pagina.../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.html10Popular
- Popular
+ Popolare../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.html16 for ""
- for "
- "
+ per "" ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.html23{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {result} other {results} }
- {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {result} other {results} }
+ {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {result} altri {results} }../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.html23No results.
- No results.
+ Nessun risultato.../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.html29Plugin npm package (new window)
- Plugin npm package (new window)
+ Pacchetto plugin npm (nuova finestra)../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.html44This does not have settings.
- This
- does not have settings.
+ Questo non ha nessuna impostazione. ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-show-installed/plugin-show-installed.component.html17
@@ -3465,15 +3000,17 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Job type
- Job type
+ Tipo di lavoro../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html3Job state
- Job state
+ Stato del lavoro../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html12
- Showing to of jobsShowing to of jobs
+ Showing to of jobs
+ Mostrando a di lavori../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html32
@@ -3482,15 +3019,19 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- ../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html40
- No jobs found.No jobs found.
+ ../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html40
+ No jobs found.
+ Nessun lavoro trovato.../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html86
- No jobs found that are .No jobs found that are .
+ No jobs found that are .
+ Nessun lavoro trovato che .../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html87
@@ -3499,9 +3040,11 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html33
- nownow
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html33
+ now
+ ora../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html15
@@ -3509,19 +3052,17 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- Loading...
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html37
+ Caricamento...
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html37
- By ->
- By
- ->
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html45
+ By ->
+ Da ->
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html45
+ ISTANZA../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html15
@@ -3536,81 +3077,67 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Main instance categories
- Main instance categories
+ Principali categorie dell'istanza../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html48Add a new category
- Add a new category
+ Aggiungi nuova categoria../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html55The sharing system implies that some technical information about your system (such as a public IP address) can be sent to other peers, but greatly helps to reduce server load.
- The
- sharing system
- implies that some technical information about your system (such as a public IP address) can be sent to other peers, but greatly helps to reduce server load.
+ Il sistema di condivisione implica che alcune informazioni tecniche sul tuo sistema (come l'indirizzo IP pubblico) siano inviate ad altri peers, ma aiuta a ridurre il carico del server.../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html50Help share videos being played
- Help share videos being played
+ Aiuta a condividere i video in riproduzione../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html47When on a video page, directly start playing the video.
- When on a video page, directly start playing the video.
+ Quando sei su una pagina video, avvia direttamente la riproduzione del video.../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html61Automatically play videos
- Automatically play videos
+ Riproduci automaticamente i video../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html58When a video ends, follow up with the next suggested video.
- When a video ends, follow up with the next suggested video.
+ Quando un video finisce, segui il successivo video suggerito.../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html72Automatically start playing the next video
- Automatically start playing the next video
+ Avvia automaticamente la riproduzione del video successivo../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html69Main languages you/your moderators speak
- Main languages you/your moderators speak
+ Le lingue principali parlate da te o dai moderatori../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html62MODERATION & NSFW
+ MODERAZIONE & NSFW../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html80Manage users to build a moderation team.
- Manage
- users
- to build a moderation team.
+ Gestire utenti per la creazione del team di moderazione. ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html82This instance is dedicated to sensitive or NSFW content
- This instance is dedicated to sensitive or NSFW content
+ Questa istanza è dedicata a contenuti sensibili o NSFW../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html91Enabling it will allow other administrators to know that you are mainly federating sensitive content. Moreover, the NSFW checkbox on video upload will be automatically checked by default.
- Enabling it will allow other administrators to know that you are mainly federating sensitive content.
- Moreover, the NSFW checkbox on video upload will be automatically checked by default.
+ Abilitarla consentirà ad altri amministratori di sapere che stai federando principalmente contenuti sensibili. Inoltre, la casella di controllo NSFW sul caricamento del video verrà selezionata automaticamente per impostazione predefinita. ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html96
@@ -3620,14 +3147,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
With Do not list or Blur thumbnails, a confirmation will be requested to watch the video.
- With
- Do not list
- or
- Blur thumbnails
- , a confirmation will be requested to watch the video.
+ Con Non elenca o Sfoca anteprime, una conferma sarà richiesta per guardare il video. ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html109
@@ -3637,7 +3157,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Blur thumbnails
- Miniature offuscate.
+ Sfoca le miniature../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html118
@@ -3647,7 +3167,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- Strategy
+ Strategia../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html28
@@ -3657,129 +3177,122 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Code of conduct
- Code of conduct
+ Codice di condotta../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html107Moderation information
- Moderation information
+ Informazioni sulla moderazione../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html98Who moderates the instance? What is the policy regarding NSFW videos? Political videos? etc
- Who moderates the instance? What is the policy regarding NSFW videos? Political videos? etc
+ Chi modera l'istanza? Quali sono i termini riguardo i video sensibili/NSFW? Video politici? ecc../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html145YOU AND YOUR INSTANCE
+ TU E LA TUA ISTANZA../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html159Who is behind the instance?
- Who is behind the instance?
+ Chi c'è dietro l'istanza?../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html165A single person? A non-profit? A company?
- A single person? A non-profit? A company?
+ Una singola persona? Un'organizzazione non-profit? Una compania?../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html166Why did you create this instance?
- Why did you create this instance?
+ Perchè hai creato l'istanza?../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html177To share your personal videos? To open registrations and allow people to upload what they want?
- To share your personal videos? To open registrations and allow people to upload what they want?
+ Per condividere i tuoi video personali? Per aprire le registrazioni e permettere alle persone di caricare quello che vogliono?../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html178How long do you plan to maintain this instance?
- How long do you plan to maintain this instance?
+ Per quanto a lungo pensi di mantenere l'istanza?../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html188It's important to know for users who want to register on your instance
- It's important to know for users who want to register on your instance
+ E' importante conoscerlo per gli utenti che voglio registrarsi sulla tua istanza../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html189How will you finance the PeerTube server?
- How will you finance the PeerTube server?
+ Come finanzierai il server PeerTube?../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html199With your own funds? With user donations? Advertising?
- With your own funds? With user donations? Advertising?
+ Con i tuoi fondi? Con le donazioni degli utenti? Pubblicità?../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html200OTHER INFORMATION
+ ALTRE INFORMAZIONI../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html214What server/hardware does the instance run on?
- What server/hardware does the instance run on?
+ Su quale server/macchina l'istanza gira?../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html220i.e. 2vCore 2GB RAM, a direct the link to the server you rent, etc.
- i.e. 2vCore 2GB RAM, a direct the link to the server you rent, etc.
+ i.e. 2vCore 2GB RAM, un link diretto al server che hai noleggiato, etc.../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html221Instance information
- Instance information
+ Informazioni sull'istanza../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html7APPEARANCE
+ ASPETTO../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html245Use plugins & themes for more involved changes, or add slight customizations.
- Use
- plugins & themes
- for more involved changes, or
- add slight customizations
- .
+ Usa plugins & temi per cambiamenti più coinvolti, o aggiungere lievi personalizzazioni. ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html247default
- default
+ predefinito../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html259Landing page
- Landing page
+ Pagina iniziale../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html268Discover videos
- Discover videos
+ Scopri i video../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html271Trending videos
- Trending videos
+ Video di tendenza../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html272Most liked videos
- Most liked videos
+ I video più piaciuti../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html273Recently added videos
- Recently added videos
+ Video aggiunti recentemente../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html274
@@ -3789,49 +3302,42 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
+ MESSAGGIO A TUTTI../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html286Display a message on your instance
- Display a message on your instance
+ Visualizza un messaggio sulla tua istanza../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html288Enable broadcast message
- Enable broadcast message
+ Abilita messaggio broadcast../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html299Allow users to dismiss the broadcast message
- Allow users to dismiss the broadcast message
+ Consenti agli utenti di eliminare il messaggio trasmesso../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html306Broadcast message level
- Broadcast message level
+ Livello del messaggio di trasmissione../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html311Message
- Message
+ Messaggio../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html323NEW USERS
+ NUOVI UTENTI../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html338Manage users to set their quota individually.
- Manage
- users
- to set their quota individually.
+ Gestisci utenti per impostare la propria quota individualmente. ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html340
@@ -3846,7 +3352,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Enable Signup
- Enable Signup
+ Abilita registrazione../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html350
@@ -3856,203 +3362,182 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {Video} other {Videos} }
- {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {Video} other {Videos} }
+ {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {Video} altri {Videos} }../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html24{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {Channel} other {Channels} }
- {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {Channel} other {Channels} }
+ {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {Channel} altri {Channels} }../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html30{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {Subscriber} other {Subscribers} }
- {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {Subscriber} other {Subscribers} }
+ {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {Subscriber} altri {Subscribers} }../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html36Incriminated in reports
- Incriminated in reports
+ Incriminato nei rapporti../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html42Authored reports accepted
- Authored reports accepted
+ Rapporti scritti accettati../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html48{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {Comment} other {Comments} }
- {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {Comment} other {Comments} }
+ {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {Comment} altro {Comments} }../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html54NEW USER
+ NUOVO UTENTE../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html73Configuration
- Configuration
+ Configurazione../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html1Default video quota per user
- Default video quota per user
+ Quantità predefinita di video per utente../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html377Default daily upload limit per user
- Default daily upload limit per user
+ Limite giornaliero di caricamenti per utente../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html389Allow import with HTTP URL (i.e. YouTube)
- Allow import with HTTP URL (i.e. YouTube)
+ Permetti il caricamento HTTP URL (es. YouTube)../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html417Allow import with a torrent file or a magnet URI
- Allow import with a torrent file or a magnet URI
+ Permetti l'import con un file torrent o il link magnet-URI../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html424Unless a user is marked as trusted, their videos will stay private until a moderator reviews them.
- Unless a user is marked as trusted, their videos will stay private until a moderator reviews them.
+ A meno che un utente sia marcato come attendibile, i loro video rimarranno privati fino a quando un moderatore non li recensisce.../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html441Block new videos automatically
- Block new videos automatically
+ Blocca automaticamente i nuovi video../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html438SEARCH
+ RICERCA../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html455Allow your users to look up remote videos/actors by their URI, that may not be federated with your instance
- Allow
- your users
- to look up remote videos/actors by their URI, that may not be federated with your instance
+ Permetti ai tuoi utenti di cercare video / attori remoti in base al loro URI, che potrebbe non essere federato con la tua istanza../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html469Allow users to do remote URI/handle search
- Allow users to do remote URI/handle search
+ Consenti agli utenti di eseguire la ricerca URI / gestire in remoto../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html466Allow anonymous users to look up remote videos/actors by their URI, that may not be federated with your instance
- Allow
- anonymous users
- to look up remote videos/actors by their URI, that may not be federated with your instance
+ Permetti agli utenti anonimi di cercare video / attori remoti in base al loro URI, che potrebbe non essere federato con la tua istanza../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html480Allow anonymous to do remote URI/handle search
- Allow anonymous to do remote URI/handle search
+ Consenti a anonymous di eseguire la ricerca remota di URI / handle../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html477⚠️ This functionality depends heavily on the moderation of instances followed by the search index you select.
- ⚠️ This functionality depends heavily on the moderation of instances followed by the search index you select.
+ ⚠️ Questa funzionalità dipende in larga misura dalla moderazione delle istanze seguita dall'indice di ricerca selezionato.../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html494You should only use moderated search indexes in production, or host your own.
- You should only use moderated search indexes in production, or
- host your own
- .
+ Dovresti utilizzare solo indici di ricerca moderati in produzione oppure ospitare il tuo. ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html497Search index URL
- Search index URL
+ URL dell'indice di ricerca../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html503Disable local search in search bar
- Disable local search in search bar
+ Disabilita la ricerca locale nella barra di ricerca../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html514Otherwise the local search stays used by default
- Otherwise the local search stays used by default
+ In caso contrario, la ricerca locale rimane utilizzata per impostazione predefinita../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html524Search bar uses the global search index by default
- Search bar uses the global search index by default
+ La barra di ricerca utilizza l'indice di ricerca globale per impostazione predefinita../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html521Enable global search
- Enable global search
+ Abilita la ricerca globale../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html491FEDERATION
+ FEDERAZIONE../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html542Manage relations with other instances.
- Manage
- relations
- with other instances.
+ Gestisci le relazioni con le altre istanze. ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html544Other instances can follow yours
- Other instances can follow yours
+ Altre istanze possono seguire la tua../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html556Manually approve new instance followers
- Manually approve new instance followers
+ Approva manualmente i nuovi follower dell'istanza../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html563Automatically follow back instances
- Automatically follow back instances
+ Segui automaticamente le istanze../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html576You should only follow moderated indexes in production, or host your own.
- You should only follow moderated indexes in production, or
- host your own
- .
+ Dovresti seguire solo indici moderati in produzione, oppure ospitare il tuo. ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html595⚠️ This functionality requires a lot of attention and extra moderation.
- ⚠️ This functionality requires a lot of attention and extra moderation.
+ ⚠️ Questa funzionalità richiede molta attenzione e moderazione ulteriore.../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html353Index URL
- Index URL
+ Indice URL../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html601Automatically follow instances of a public index
- Automatically follow instances of a public index
+ Segui automaticamente le istanze di un indice pubblico../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html589ADMINISTRATORS
+ AMMINISTRATORI../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html621
@@ -4077,14 +3562,12 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
+ TWITTER../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html655Optional. If any, provide the Twitter account representing your instance to improve link previews.
- Optional. If any, provide the Twitter account representing your instance to improve link previews.
+ Opzionale. Se presente, fornisci l'account Twitter che rappresenta la tua istanza per migliorare le anteprime dei collegamenti.../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html657
@@ -4094,24 +3577,12 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Instance allowed by Twitter
- Instance allowed by Twitter
+ Istanza consentita da Twitter../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html679If your instance is explicitly allowed by Twitter, a video player will be embedded in the Twitter feed on PeerTube video share. If the instance is not, we use an image link card that will redirect on your PeerTube instance. Check this checkbox, save the configuration and test with a video URL of your instance (https://example.com/videos/watch/blabla) on https://cards-dev.twitter.com/validator to see if you instance is allowed.
- If your instance is explicitly allowed by Twitter, a video player will be embedded in the Twitter feed on PeerTube video share.
- If the instance is not, we use an image link card that will redirect on your PeerTube instance.
- Check this checkbox, save the configuration and test with a video URL of your instance (https://example.com/videos/watch/blabla) on
- https://cards-dev.twitter.com/validator
- to see if you instance is allowed.
+ Se la tua istanza è esplicitamente autorizzata da Twitter, un lettore video verrà incorporato nel feed di Twitter sulla condivisione video di PeerTube. Se l'istanza non lo è, utilizziamo una scheda di collegamento immagine che reindirizzerà sulla tua istanza PeerTube. Seleziona questa casella di controllo, salva la configurazione e prova con un URL video della tua istanza (https://example.com/videos/watch/blabla) su https://cards-dev.twitter.com/validator per vedere se la tua istanza è consentita. ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html684
@@ -4121,15 +3592,12 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
+ TRANSCODIFICA../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html709Process uploaded videos so that they are in a streamable form that any device can play. Though costly in resources, this is a critical part of PeerTube, so tread carefully.
- Process uploaded videos so that they are in a streamable form that any device can play. Though costly in
- resources, this is a critical part of PeerTube, so tread carefully.
+ Elabora i video caricati in modo che siano in una forma riproducibile in streaming che può essere riprodotta da qualsiasi dispositivo. Sebbene costosa in termini di risorse, questa è una parte fondamentale di PeerTube, quindi procedi con cautela.../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html711
@@ -4139,12 +3607,12 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
If you disable transcoding, many videos from your users will not work!
- Se si disattiva la trascodifica, molti video degli utenti non funzioneranno.
+ Se si disattiva la transcodifica, molti video degli utenti non funzioneranno!../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html727Allows users to upload .mkv, .mov, .avi, .wmv, .flv, .f4v, .3g2, .3gp, .mts, m2ts, .mxf, .nut videos.
- Allows users to upload .mkv, .mov, .avi, .wmv, .flv, .f4v, .3g2, .3gp, .mts, m2ts, .mxf, .nut videos.
+ Consente agli utenti di caricare video .mkv, .mov, .avi, .wmv, .flv, .f4v, .3g2, .3gp, .mts, m2ts, .mxf, .nut.../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html738
@@ -4154,55 +3622,32 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Allows users to upload audio files that will be merged with the preview file on upload.
- Allows users to upload audio files that will be merged with the preview file on upload.
+ Consente agli utenti di caricare file audio che verranno uniti al file di anteprima al momento del caricamento.../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html749Allow audio files upload
- Allow audio files upload
+ Permetti il caricamento di file audio../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html746Experimental, we suggest you to not disable webtorrent support for nowIf you also enabled HLS support, it will multiply videos storage by 2If disabled, breaks federation with PeerTube instances < 2.1
- Experimental, we suggest you to not disable webtorrent support for now
- If you also enabled HLS support, it will multiply videos storage by 2
- If disabled, breaks federation with PeerTube instances < 2.1
+ Sperimentale, ti suggeriamo di non disabilitare il supporto di webtorrent per oraSe hai anche abilitato il supporto HLS, moltiplicherà l'archiviazione dei video per 2Se disabilitato, interrompe la federazione con le istanze di PeerTube < 2.1../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html762WebTorrent support enabled
- WebTorrent support enabled
+ Supporto a WebTorrent abilitato../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html758
- Requires ffmpeg >= 4.1Generate HLS playlists and fragmented MP4 files resulting in a better playback than with the current default player:Resolution change is smootherFaster playback in particular with long videosMore stable playback (less bugs/infinite loading)If you also enabled WebTorrent support, it will multiply videos storage by 2
- Requires ffmpeg >= 4.1
- Generate HLS playlists and fragmented MP4 files resulting in a better playback than with the current default player:
- Resolution change is smoother
- Faster playback in particular with long videos
- More stable playback (less bugs/infinite loading)
- If you also enabled WebTorrent support, it will multiply videos storage by 2
+ Requires ffmpeg >= 4.1Generate HLS playlists and fragmented MP4 files resulting in a better playback than with the current default player:Resolution change is smootherFaster playback in particular with long videosMore stable playback (less bugs/infinite loading)If you also enabled WebTorrent support, it will multiply videos storage by 2
+ Richiede ffmpeg >= 4.1Genera playlist HLS e file MP4 frammentati con conseguente migliore riproduzione rispetto al lettore predefinito corrente:La modifica della risoluzione è più fluidaRiproduzione più veloce in particolare con video lunghiRiproduzione più stabile (meno bug/caricamento infinito)Se hai anche abilitato il supporto WebTorrent, moltiplicherà l'archiviazione dei video per 2../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html783HLS with P2P support enabled
- HLS with P2P support enabled
+ HLS con supporto P2P abilitato../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html779
@@ -4212,41 +3657,37 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Resolutions to generate
- Resolutions to generate
+ Risoluzioni da generare../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html817CACHE
+ CACHE../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html843Some files are not federated, and fetched when necessary. Define their caching policies.
- Some files are not federated, and fetched when necessary. Define their caching policies.
+ Alcuni file non sono federati e vengono recuperati quando necessario. Definisci le loro politiche di memorizzazione nella cache.../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html845Number of previews to keep in cache
- Number of previews to keep in cache
+ Numero di anteprime da conservare nella cache../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html853Number of video captions to keep in cache
- Number of video captions to keep in cache
+ Numero di sottotitoli video da conservare nella cache../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html862CUSTOMIZATIONS
+ PERSONALIZZAZIONI../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html877Slight modifications to your PeerTube instance for when creating a plugin or theme is overkill.
- Slight modifications to your PeerTube instance for when creating a plugin or theme is overkill.
+ Lievi modifiche all'istanza di PeerTube per la creazione di un plug-in o di un tema sono eccessive.../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html879
@@ -4256,44 +3697,12 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Write JavaScript code directly.Example: console.log('my instance is amazing');
- Write JavaScript code directly.
- Example:
- console.log('my instance is amazing');
+ Scrivi direttamente il codice JavaScript.Esempio: console.log('la mia istanza è sorprendente');../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html892
- Write CSS code directly. Example: #custom-css
- color: red;
- Prepend with #custom-css to override styles. Example: #custom-css .logged-in-email
- color: red;
- Write CSS code directly. Example:
- #custom-css
- color: red;
- Prepend with
- #custom-css
- to override styles. Example:
- #custom-css .logged-in-email
- color: red;
+ Write CSS code directly. Example: #custom-css color: red; Prepend with #custom-css to override styles. Example: #custom-css .logged-in-email color: red;
+ Scrivi direttamente il codice CSS. Esempio: #custom-css colore: rosso Anteponi con #custom-css per sovrascrivere gli stili. Esempio: #custom-css .logged-in-email colore: rosso; ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html911
@@ -4308,37 +3717,37 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
It seems like the configuration is invalid. Please search for potential errors in the different tabs.
- It seems like the configuration is invalid. Please search for potential errors in the different tabs.
+ Sembra che la configurazione sia invalida. Per favore cerca potenziali errori nelle differenti schede.../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html948VIDEO SETTINGS
+ IMPOSTAZIONI VIDEO../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-settings.component.html26NOTIFICATIONS
+ NOTIFICHE../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-settings.component.html37INTERFACE
+ INTERFACCIA../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-settings.component.html47PASSWORD
+ PASSWORD../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-settings.component.html57EMAIL
+ EMAIL../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-settings.component.html67DANGER ZONE
+ ZONA PERICOLOSA../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html197
@@ -4348,42 +3757,42 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- Resolution
+ Risoluzione../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts179Aspect ratio
- Aspect ratio
+ Proporzioni../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts180Average frame rate
- Average frame rate
+ Frequenza fotogrammi media../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts181Pixel format
- Pixel format
+ Formato pixel../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts182Sample rate
- Sample rate
+ Frequenza di campionamento../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts186Channel Layout
- Channel Layout
+ Layout del canale../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts187Video settings
- Impostazione video
+ Impostazioni video../app/modal/quick-settings-modal.component.html16Interface settings
- Interface settings
+ Impostazioni interfaccia../app/modal/quick-settings-modal.component.html20
@@ -4413,94 +3822,77 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
With Do not list or Blur thumbnails, a confirmation will be requested to watch the video.
- With
- Do not list
- or
- Blur thumbnails
- , a confirmation will be requested to watch the video.
+ Con Non elencare o Sfoca le miniature, verrà richiesta una conferma per guardare il video. ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html8Policy for sensitive videos
- Policy for sensitive videos
+ Norme per i video sensibili../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html116Only display videos in the following languages/subtitles
- Only display videos in the following languages/subtitles
+ Mostra i video solo nella seguente lingua/sottotitoli../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html25In Recently added, Trending, Local, Most liked and Search pages
- In Recently added, Trending, Local, Most liked and Search pages
+ In Recentemente aggiunti, Di tendenza, Locali, Più piaciuti e Pagine di ricerca../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html28Add a new language
- Add a new language
+ Aggiungi una nuova lingua../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html69Your current email is
- Your current email is
+ La tua mail corrente è ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html5 is awaiting email verification
- is awaiting email verification
+ attende una mail di verifica ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html9New email
- New email
+ Nuova email../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html15Your new email
- Your new email
+ La tua nuova email../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html17Your current password
- Your current password
+ La tua password attuale../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html26Your password
- Your password
+ La tua password../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html28Change email
- Change email
+ Cambia email../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html36Theme
- Theme
+ Tema../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html255instance default
- instance default
+ istanza predefinita../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-interface-settings.component.html8peertube default
- peertube default
+ peertube predefinito../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-interface-settings.component.html9
@@ -4515,7 +3907,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Search your videos
- Search your videos
+ Ricerca nei tuoi video../app/+my-account/my-account-videos/my-account-videos.component.html11
@@ -4525,17 +3917,17 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Select a channel to receive the video
- Select a channel to receive the video
+ Seleziona un canale per cui ricevere il video../app/+my-account/my-account-ownership/my-account-accept-ownership/my-account-accept-ownership.component.html10Channel that will receive the video
- Channel that will receive the video
+ Canale che riceverà il video../app/+my-account/my-account-ownership/my-account-accept-ownership/my-account-accept-ownership.component.html13My ownership changes
- My ownership changes
+ Modifiche dei miei permessi../app/+my-account/my-account-ownership/my-account-ownership.component.html3
@@ -4545,12 +3937,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- Creato
+ Creato ../app/+my-account/my-account-ownership/my-account-ownership.component.html23
@@ -4560,24 +3947,22 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Account page
- Account page
+ Pagina dell'Account../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html169
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html176No ownership change request found.
- No ownership change request found.
+ Nessuna richiesta di cambio proprietà trovata.../app/+my-account/my-account-ownership/my-account-ownership.component.html83Account settings
- Account settings
+ Impostazioni dell'Account../app/+my-account/my-account-routing.module.ts37
@@ -4585,7 +3970,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Account playlists
- Account playlists
+ Playlists dell'Account../app/+my-account/my-account-routing.module.ts55
@@ -4593,7 +3978,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Create new playlist
- Create new playlist
+ Crea nuova playlist../app/+my-account/my-account-routing.module.ts64
@@ -4601,7 +3986,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Playlist elements
- Playlist elements
+ Elementi della playlist../app/+my-account/my-account-routing.module.ts73
@@ -4609,12 +3994,12 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
My imports
- My imports
+ Le mie importazioni../app/+my-account/my-account-video-imports/my-account-video-imports.component.html3Create video channel
- Create video channel
+ Crea canale video../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channels.component.html19
@@ -4631,19 +4016,17 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
+ CANALE../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channel-edit.component.html26
- Short text to tell people how they can support your channel (membership platform...).<br /><br />
- When you will upload a video in this channel, the video support field will be automatically filled by this text.
- Short text to tell people how they can support your channel (membership platform...).<br /><br />
- When you will upload a video in this channel, the video support field will be automatically filled by this text.
+ Short text to tell people how they can support your channel (membership platform...).<br /><br /> When you will upload a video in this channel, the video support field will be automatically filled by this text.
+ Breve testo per dire alle persone come possono supportare il tuo canale (piattaforma di abbonamento...).<br /><br /> Quando caricherai un video in questo canale, il campo del supporto video verrà automaticamente riempito da questo testo.../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channel-edit.component.html77Overwrite support field of all videos of this channel
- Overwrite support field of all videos of this channel
+ Sovrascrivi il campo supporto di tutti i video di questo canale../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channel-edit.component.html92
@@ -4660,26 +4043,22 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
See the error
- See the error
+ Visualizza l'errore../app/+my-account/my-account-video-imports/my-account-video-imports.component.html27This video was deleted
- This video was deleted
+ Il video è stato cancellato../app/+my-account/my-account-video-imports/my-account-video-imports.component.html49Showing to of imports
- Showing
- to
- of
- imports
+ Mostrando a di importazioni../app/+my-account/my-account-video-imports/my-account-video-imports.component.html10Once you delete your account, there is no going back. You will be asked to confirm this action.
- Once you delete your account, there is no going back. You will be asked to confirm this action.
+ Una volta eliminato il tuo account, non puoi tornare indietro. Ti verrà chiesto di confermare questa azione.../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-danger-zone/my-account-danger-zone.component.html2
@@ -4694,19 +4073,17 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Channel page
- Channel page
+ Pagina del Canale../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html166Created by
- Creato da
+ Creato da ../app/+my-account/my-account-subscriptions/my-account-subscriptions.component.html35Owner account page
- Owner account page
+ Pagina del proprietario dell'account../app/+my-account/my-account-subscriptions/my-account-subscriptions.component.html34
@@ -4716,47 +4093,37 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Video history
- Video history
+ Cronologia dei video../app/+my-account/my-account-history/my-account-history.component.html9 Delete history
- Elimina cronologia
+ Elimina cronologia ../app/+my-account/my-account-history/my-account-history.component.html13You don't have any video history yet.
- You don't have any video history yet.
+ Non hai ancora nessuna cronologia video.../app/+my-account/my-account-history/my-account-history.component.html19 Notification preferences
- Preferenze per le notifiche
+ Preferenze per le notifiche ../app/+my-account/my-account-notifications/my-account-notifications.component.html4Newest first
- Newest first
+ Prima i nuovi../app/+my-account/my-account-notifications/my-account-notifications.component.html11Unread first
- Unread first
+ Prima i non letti../app/+my-account/my-account-notifications/my-account-notifications.component.html12All read
- All read
+ Tutto letto../app/+my-account/my-account-notifications/my-account-notifications.component.html26
@@ -4771,27 +4138,27 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
My Playlists
- My Playlists
+ Le mie Playlists../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-edit.component.html4NEW PLAYLIST
+ NUOVA PLAYLIST../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-edit.component.html25PLAYLIST
+ PLAYLIST../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-edit.component.html26Create playlist
- Create playlist
+ Crea playlist../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlists.component.html18Playlist } deleted.
- Playlist } deleted.
+ Playlist } cancellata.../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlists.component.ts61
@@ -4799,49 +4166,37 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Playlist thumbnail
- Playlist thumbnail
+ Miniatura della playlist../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-edit.component.html82Search your playlists
- Search your playlists
+ Cerca le tue playlist../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlists.component.html10No videos in this playlist.
- Nessun video in questa playlist
+ Nessun video in questa playlist.../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-elements.component.html25Browse videos on PeerTube to add them in your playlist.
- Browse videos on PeerTube to add them in your playlist.
+ Sfoglia i video su PeerTube per aggiungerli alla tua playlist.../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-elements.component.html28See the documentation for more information.
- See the
- documentation
- for more information.
+ Vedi la documentazione per maggiori informazioni. ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-elements.component.html32Welcome to PeerTube!
- Welcome to PeerTube!
+ Benvenuto su PeerTube!../app/+signup/shared/signup-success.component.html8If you need help to use PeerTube, you can have a look at the documentation.
- If you need help to use PeerTube, you can have a look at the
- documentation
- .
+ Se hai bisogno di aiuto per usare Peertube, puoi dare un'occhiata alla documentazione. ../app/+signup/shared/signup-success.component.html14
@@ -4853,19 +4208,17 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Email updated.
- Email updated.
+ Email aggiornata.../app/+signup/+verify-account/verify-account-email/verify-account-email.component.html10An error occurred.
- An error occurred.
+ Si è verificato un errore.../app/+signup/+verify-account/verify-account-email/verify-account-email.component.html14Video channel videos
- Video channel videos
+ Video del canale../app/+video-channels/video-channels-routing.module.ts25
@@ -4873,7 +4226,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Video channel playlists
- Video channel playlists
+ Playlists del canale video../app/+video-channels/video-channels-routing.module.ts38
@@ -4881,7 +4234,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
About video channel
- About video channel
+ Informazioni sul canale../app/+video-channels/video-channels-routing.module.ts47
@@ -4901,7 +4254,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
This instance does not require email verification.
- Questa istanza non richiede la verifica dell'email
+ Questa istanza non richiede la verifica dell'email.../app/+signup/+verify-account/verify-account-ask-send-email/verify-account-ask-send-email.component.html20
@@ -4926,35 +4279,27 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Manage account
- Manage account
+ Gestisci account../app/+accounts/accounts.component.html36This account does not have channels.
- This account does not have channels.
+ Questo account non ha canali.../app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html4{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 subscriber} other { subscribers}}
- {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 subscriber} other {
- subscribers} }
+ {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 iscritto} altro { iscritti}}../app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html13{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =0 {No videos} =1 {1 video} other { videos}}
- {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =0 {No videos} =1 {1 video} other {
- videos} }
+ {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =0 {No videos} =1 {1 video} altro { video}}../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channels.component.html37
- Do you really want to delete ?
-It will delete videos uploaded in this channel, and you will not be able to create another
-channel with the same name ()!
- Do you really want to delete ?
-It will delete videos uploaded in this channel, and you will not be able to create another
-channel with the same name ()!
+ Do you really want to delete ? It will delete videos uploaded in this channel, and you will not be able to create another channel with the same name ()!
+ Vuoi davvero eliminare ? It will delete i video caricati in questo canale e non sarai in grado di creare un altro canale con lo stesso nome ()!../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channels.component.ts111,113
@@ -4962,12 +4307,12 @@ channel with the same name ()!
My Channels
- My Channels
+ I miei Canali../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channel-edit.component.html4NEW CHANNEL
+ NUOVO CANALE../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channel-edit.component.html25
@@ -4977,24 +4322,22 @@ channel with the same name ()!
This channel doesn't have any videos.
- This channel doesn't have any videos.
+ Questo canale non ha video.../app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html20SHOW THIS CHANNEL
+ MOSTRA QUESTO CANALE../app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html29DESCRIPTION
+ DESCRIZIONE../app/+accounts/account-about/account-about.component.html5STATS
+ STATS../app/+accounts/account-about/account-about.component.html10
@@ -5004,31 +4347,27 @@ channel with the same name ()!
- Creato il
+ Creato il ../app/+accounts/account-about/account-about.component.html12Manage channel
- Manage channel
+ Gestisci canale../app/+video-channels/video-channels.component.html22Created by
- Created by
+ Creato da../app/+video-channels/video-channels.component.html31SUPPORT THIS CHANNEL
+ SUPPORTA QUESTO CANALE../app/+video-channels/video-channel-about/video-channel-about.component.html10Most liked videos
- Most liked videos
+ Video più piaciuti../app/+videos/video-list/video-most-liked.component.ts41
@@ -5036,23 +4375,17 @@ channel with the same name ()!
- Creato
+ Creato ../app/+video-channels/video-channel-about/video-channel-about.component.html18Created playlists
- Created
- playlists
+ Crea playlists ../app/+video-channels/video-channel-playlists/video-channel-playlists.component.html3This channel does not have playlists.
- Questo canale non ha playlist
+ Questo canale non ha playlist.../app/+video-channels/video-channel-playlists/video-channel-playlists.component.html6
@@ -5062,14 +4395,12 @@ channel with the same name ()!
- Follows
+ Seguiti../app/+about/about-follows/about-follows.component.html2Contact administrator
- Contatta l'amministratore di
+ Contatta l'amministratore../app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html3
@@ -5084,7 +4415,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
- Subject
+ Soggetto../app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html29
@@ -5094,9 +4425,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
- About
+ Informazioni su ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html5
@@ -5106,65 +4435,57 @@ channel with the same name ()!
This instance is dedicated to sensitive/NSFW content.
- This instance is dedicated to sensitive/NSFW content.
+ Questa istanza è dedicata a contenuti sensibili/NSFW.../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html19ADMINISTRATORS & SUSTAINABILITY
+ AMMINISTRATORI & SOSTENIBILITA'../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html29Who we are
- Who we are
+ Chi siamo../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html36Why we created this instance
- Why we created this instance
+ Perchè abbiamo creato quest'istanza../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html45How long we plan to maintain this instance
- How long we plan to maintain this instance
+ Per quanto tempo prevediamo di mantenere questa istanza../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html54How we will pay for this instance
- How we will pay for this instance
+ Come finanzieremo quest'istanza../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html63INFORMATION
+ INFORMAZIONI../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html72MODERATION
+ MODERAZIONE../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html91OTHER INFORMATION
+ ALTRE INFORMAZIONI../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html125Hardware information
- Hardware information
+ Informazioni hardware../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html132FEATURES
+ CARATTERISTICHE../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html140
@@ -5174,81 +4495,57 @@ channel with the same name ()!
+ STATISTICHE../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html147What is PeerTube?
- What is PeerTube?
+ Che cos'è PeerTube?../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html3PeerTube is a self-hosted ActivityPub-federated video streaming platform using P2P directly in your web browser.
- PeerTube is a self-hosted ActivityPub-federated video streaming platform using P2P directly in your web browser.
+ PeerTube è una piattaforma di streaming video federata ActivityPub auto-ospitata che utilizza P2P direttamente nel tuo browser web.../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html10It is a free and open-source software, under the AGPLv3 licence.
- It is a free and open-source software, under the
- AGPLv3
- licence
- .
+ È un software gratuito e open source, sotto licenza AGPLv3 . ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html14For more information, please visit joinpeertube.org.
- For more information, please visit
- joinpeertube.org
- .
+ Per maggiori informazioni, perfavore visita joinpeertube.org../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html19Use PeerTube documentation
- Use PeerTube
- documentation
+ Usa la documentazione di PeerTube../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html28Discover how to setup your account, what is a channel, how to create a playlist and more!
- Discover how to setup your account, what is a channel, how to create a playlist and more!
+ Scopri come configurare il tuo account, cos'è un canale, come creare una playlist e altro ancora!../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html33PeerTube Applications
- PeerTube
- Applications
+ Applicazioni PeerTube../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html42Discover unofficial Android applications or browser addons!
- Discover unofficial Android applications or browser addons!
+ Scopri le applicazioni Android non ufficiali o i omponenti aggiuntivi del browser!../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html46Contribute on PeerTube
- Contribute on
- PeerTube
+ Contribuisci a PeerTube../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html54Want to help to improve PeerTube? You can translate the web interface, give your feedback or directly contribute to the code!
- Want to help to improve PeerTube? You can translate the web interface, give your feedback or directly contribute to the code!
+ Vuoi aiutare a migliorare PeerTube? Puoi tradurre l'interfaccia web, dare la tua opinione o contribuire direttamente al codice!../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html59
@@ -5258,11 +4555,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
PeerTube uses the BitTorrent protocol to share bandwidth between users by default to help lower the load on the server, but ultimately leaves you the choice to switch back to regular streaming exclusively from the server of the video. What follows applies only if you want to keep using the P2P mode of PeerTube.
- PeerTube uses the BitTorrent protocol to share bandwidth between users by default to help lower the load on the server,
- but ultimately leaves you the choice to switch back to regular streaming exclusively from the server of the video. What
- follows applies only if you want to keep using the P2P mode of PeerTube.
+ PeerTube utilizza il protocollo BitTorrent per condividere la larghezza di banda tra gli utenti per impostazione predefinita per aiutare a ridurre il carico sul server, ma alla fine ti lascia la scelta di tornare allo streaming regolare esclusivamente dal server del video. Quanto segue si applica solo se si desidera continuare a utilizzare la modalità P2P di PeerTube.../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html75
@@ -5272,73 +4565,42 @@ channel with the same name ()!
In theory, someone with enough technical skills could create a script that tracks which IP is downloading which video. In practice, this is much more difficult because:
- In theory, someone with enough technical skills could create a script that tracks which IP is downloading which video.
- In practice, this is much more difficult because:
+ In teoria, qualcuno con sufficienti competenze tecniche potrebbe creare uno script che tenga traccia di quale IP sta scaricando quale video. In pratica, questo è molto più difficile perché:../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html88An HTTP request has to be sent on each tracker for each video to spy. If we want to spy all PeerTube's videos, we have to send as many requests as there are videos (so potentially a lot)
- An HTTP request has to be sent on each tracker for each video to spy.
- If we want to spy all PeerTube's videos, we have to send as many requests as there are videos (so potentially a lot)
+ Una richiesta HTTP deve essere inviata su ogni tracker per ogni video da spiare. Se vogliamo spiare tutti i video di PeerTube, dobbiamo inviare tante richieste quanti sono i video (quindi potenzialmente molte)../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html94For each request sent, the tracker returns random peers at a limited number. For instance, if there are 1000 peers in the swarm and the tracker sends only 20 peers for each request, there must be at least 50 requests sent to know every peer in the swarm
- For each request sent, the tracker returns random peers at a limited number.
- For instance, if there are 1000 peers in the swarm and the tracker sends only 20 peers for each request, there must be at least 50
- requests sent to know every peer in the swarm
+ Per ogni richiesta inviata, il tracker restituisce peer casuali in numero limitato. Ad esempio, se ci sono 1000 peer nello sciame e il tracker invia solo 20 peer per ogni richiesta, devono essere inviate almeno 50 richieste per conoscere ogni peer nello sciame../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html99Those requests have to be sent regularly to know who starts/stops watching a video. It is easy to detect that kind of behaviour
- Those requests have to be sent regularly to know who starts/stops watching a video. It is easy to detect that kind of behaviour
+ Tali richieste devono essere inviate regolarmente per sapere chi inizia/ mette di guardare un video. È facile rilevare quel tipo di comportamento../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html105If an IP address is stored in the tracker, it doesn't mean that the person behind the IP (if this person exists) has watched the video
- If an IP address is stored in the tracker, it doesn't mean that the person behind the IP (if this person exists) has watched the
- video
+ Se un indirizzo IP è memorizzato nel tracker, non significa che quella persona dietro l'IP (se questa persona esiste) abbia guardato il video../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html109The IP address is a vague information: usually, it regularly changes and can represent many persons or entities
- The IP address is a vague information: usually, it regularly changes and can represent many persons or entities
+ L'indirizzo IP è un'informazione vaga: di solito cambia regolarmente e può rappresentare molte persone o entità../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html114Web peers are not publicly accessible: because we use WebRTC inside the web browser (with the WebTorrent library), the protocol is different from classic BitTorrent. When you are in a web browser, you send a signal containing your IP address to the tracker that will randomly choose other peers to forward the information to. See this document for more information
- Web peers are not publicly accessible: because we use WebRTC inside the web browser (
- with the
- WebTorrent library
- ), the protocol is different from classic BitTorrent.
- When you are in a web browser, you send a signal containing your IP address to the tracker that will randomly choose other peers
- to forward the information to.
- See
- this document
- for more information
+ I web peer non sono accessibili pubblicamente: poiché utilizziamo WebRTC all'interno del browser web ( con la libreria WebTorrent ), il protocollo è diverso dal classico BitTorrent. Quando sei in un browser web, invii un segnale contenente il tuo indirizzo IP al tracker che sceglierà casualmente altri peer a cui inoltrare le informazioni. Consulta questo documento per ulteriori informazioni ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html118The worst-case scenario of an average person spying on their friends is quite unlikely. There are much more effective ways to get that kind of information.
- The worst-case scenario of an average person spying on their friends is quite unlikely.
- There are much more effective ways to get that kind of information.
+ Lo scenario peggiore di una persona media che spia i propri amici è abbastanza improbabile. Esistono modi molto più efficaci per ottenere questo tipo di informazioni.../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html127
@@ -5348,11 +4610,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
The threats to privacy with YouTube are different from PeerTube's. In YouTube's case, the platform gathers a huge amount of your personal information (not only your IP) to analyze them and track you. Moreover, YouTube is owned by Google/Alphabet, a company that tracks you across many websites (via AdSense or Google Analytics).
- The threats to privacy with YouTube are different from PeerTube's.
- In YouTube's case, the platform gathers a huge amount of your personal information (not only your IP) to analyze them and track you.
- Moreover, YouTube is owned by Google/Alphabet, a company that tracks you across many websites (via AdSense or Google Analytics).
+ Le minacce alla privacy con YouTube sono diverse da quelle di PeerTube. Nel caso di YouTube, la piattaforma raccoglie un'enorme quantità di informazioni personali (non solo il tuo IP) per analizzarle e tracciarti. Inoltre, YouTube è di proprietà di Google/Alphabet, una società che ti traccia su molti siti Web (tramite AdSense o Google Analytics).../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html134
@@ -5362,12 +4620,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Your IP address is public so every time you consult a website, there is a number of actors (in addition to the final website) seeing your IP in their connection logs: ISP/routers/trackers/CDN and more. PeerTube is transparent about it: we warn you that if you want to keep your IP private, you must use a VPN or Tor Browser. Thinking that removing P2P from PeerTube will give you back anonymity doesn't make sense.
- Your IP address is public so every time you consult a website, there is a number of actors (in addition to the final website) seeing
- your IP in their connection logs: ISP/routers/trackers/CDN and more.
- PeerTube is transparent about it: we warn you that if you want to keep your IP private, you must use a VPN or Tor Browser.
- Thinking that removing P2P from PeerTube will give you back anonymity doesn't make sense.
+ Il tuo indirizzo IP è pubblico, quindi ogni volta che visiti un sito web, ci sono diversi attori (oltre al sito web finale) che vedono il tuo IP nei loro log di connessione: ISP/router/tracker/CDN e altro. PeerTube è trasparente al riguardo: ti avvertiamo che se vuoi mantenere privato il tuo IP, devi usare una VPN o Tor Browser. Pensare che rimuovere il P2P da PeerTube ti restituirà l'anonimato non ha senso.../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html142
@@ -5377,63 +4630,57 @@ channel with the same name ()!
PeerTube wants to deliver the best countermeasures possible, to give you more choice and render attacks less likely. Here is what we put in place so far:
- PeerTube wants to deliver the best countermeasures possible, to give you more choice
- and render attacks less likely. Here is what we put in place so far:
+ PeerTube vuole fornire le migliori contromisure possibili, per darti più scelta e rendere meno probabili gli attacchi. Ecco cosa abbiamo messo in atto finora:../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html151We set a limit to the number of peers sent by the tracker
- We set a limit to the number of peers sent by the tracker
+ Abbiamo impostato un limite al numero di peer inviati dal tracker../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html156We set a limit on the request frequency received by the tracker
- We set a limit on the request frequency received by the tracker
+ Abbiamo fissato un limite alla frequenza delle richieste ricevute dal tracker../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html157Allow instance admins to disable P2P from the administration interface
- Allow instance admins to disable P2P from the administration interface
+ Consenti agli amministratori dell'istanza di disabilitare il P2P dall'interfaccia di amministrazione../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html158Automatic video redundancy from some instances: one doesn't know if the IP downloaded the video on purpose or if it a server
- Automatic video redundancy from some instances: one doesn't know if the IP downloaded the video on purpose or if it a server
+ Ridondanza video automatica da alcune istanze: non si sa se l'IP ha scaricato il video apposta o se si tratta di un server../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html159Ultimately, remember you can always disable P2P by toggling it in the video player, or just by disabling WebRTC in your browser.
- Ultimately, remember you can always disable P2P by toggling it in the video player, or just by disabling
- WebRTC in your browser.
+ Infine, ricorda che puoi sempre disabilitare il P2P attivandolo nel lettore video o semplicemente disabilitando WebRTC nel tuo browser.../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html163Followers instances
- Followers instances
+ Istanze dei follower../app/+about/about-follows/about-follows.component.html4This instance does not have instances followers.
- This instance does not have instances followers.
+ Questa istanza non ha seguaci delle istanze.../app/+about/about-follows/about-follows.component.html6Followings instances
- Followings instances
+ Istanze seguite../app/+about/about-follows/about-follows.component.html14This instance does not have instances followings.
- This instance does not have instances followings.
+ Questa istanza non ha istanze seguite.../app/+about/about-follows/about-follows.component.html16About this instance
- About this instance
+ Informazioni su questa istanza../app/+about/about-routing.module.ts26
@@ -5441,7 +4688,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
About PeerTube
- About PeerTube
+ Informazioni su PeerTube../app/+about/about-routing.module.ts38
@@ -5449,7 +4696,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
About follows
- About follows
+ Informazioni sui seguiti../app/+about/about-routing.module.ts47
@@ -5457,10 +4704,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Developed with ❤ by Framasoft
- Developed with ❤ by
- Framasoft
+ Sviluppato con ❤ da Framasoft../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube-contributors.component.html3
@@ -5472,12 +4716,12 @@ channel with the same name ()!
- Next
+ Prossimo../app/+signup/+register/register.component.html20Get help
- Get help
+ Ottieni aiuto../app/shared/shared-main/misc/help.component.ts16
@@ -5485,95 +4729,82 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Create my account
- Create my account
+ Crea il mio account../app/+signup/+register/register.component.html29PeerTube is creating your account...
- PeerTube is creating your account...
+ PeerTube sta creando il tuo account...../app/+signup/+register/register.component.html37Done
- Done
+ Fatto../app/+signup/+register/register.component.html33Who are we?
- Who are we?
+ Chi siamo?../app/+signup/+register/register.component.html60How long do we plan to maintain this instance?
- How long do we plan to maintain this instance?
+ Per quanto tempo pensiamo di mantenere questa istanza?../app/+signup/+register/register.component.html65How will we finance this instance?
- How will we finance this instance?
+ Come finanzieremo questa istanza?../app/+signup/+register/register.component.html70Administrators & Sustainability
- Administrators & Sustainability
+ Amministratori & Sostenibilità../app/+signup/+register/register.component.html56Step
- Step
+ Passo../app/+signup/+register/custom-stepper.component.html9A channel is an entity in which you upload your videos. Creating several of them helps you to organize and separate your content. For example, you could decide to have a channel to publish your piano concerts, and another channel in which you publish your videos talking about ecology.
- A channel is an entity in which you upload your videos. Creating several of them helps you to organize and separate your content.
- For example, you could decide to have a channel to publish your piano concerts, and another channel in which you publish your videos talking about ecology.
+ Un canale è un'entità in cui carichi i tuoi video. La creazione di più di essi ti aiuta a organizzare e separare i tuoi contenuti. Ad esempio, potresti decidere di avere un canale per pubblicare i tuoi concerti per pianoforte e un altro canale in cui pubblicare i tuoi video che parlano di ecologia . ../app/+signup/+register/register-step-channel.component.html5Other users can decide to subscribe any channel they want, to be notified when you publish a new video.
- Other users can decide to subscribe any channel they want, to be notified when you publish a new video.
+ Gli altri utenti possono decidere di iscriversi a qualsiasi canale desiderino, per essere avvisati quando si pubblica un nuovo video.../app/+signup/+register/register-step-channel.component.html10Channel display name
- Channel display name
+ Nome visualizzato del canale../app/+signup/+register/register-step-channel.component.html15Channel name
- Channel name
+ Nome canale../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html94john_channel
- john_channel
+ canale_john../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html96Example: my_super_channel
- Example: my_super_channel
+ Esempio: il_mio_canale_super../app/+signup/+register/register-step-channel.component.html34The channel name is a unique identifier of your channel on this and all the other instances. It's as unique as an email address, which makes it easy for other people to interact with it.
- The channel name is a unique identifier of your channel on this and all the other instances. It's as unique as an email address, which makes it easy for other people to interact with it.
+ Il nome del canale è un identificatore univoco del tuo canale in questa e in tutte le altre istanze. È unico come un indirizzo email, il che semplifica l'interazione con altre persone.../app/+signup/+register/register-step-channel.component.html43Channel name cannot be the same than your account name. You can click on the first step to update your account name.
- Channel name cannot be the same than your account name. You can click on the first step to update your account name.
+ Il nome del canale non può essere uguale al nome del tuo account. Puoi fare clic sul primo passaggio per aggiornare il nome del tuo account.../app/+signup/+register/register-step-channel.component.html51
@@ -5583,30 +4814,17 @@ channel with the same name ()!
The username is a unique identifier of your account on this and all the other instances. It's as unique as an email address, which makes it easy for other people to interact with it.
- The username is a unique identifier of your account on this and all the other instances. It's as unique as an email address, which makes it easy for other people to interact with it.
+ Il nome utente è un identificatore univoco del tuo account in questa e in tutte le altre istanze. È unico come un indirizzo email, il che semplifica l'interazione con altre persone.../app/+signup/+register/register-step-user.component.html32I am at least 16 years old and agree to the Terms and to the Code of Conduct of this instance
- I am at least 16 years old and agree
- to the
- Terms
- and to the
- Code of Conduct
- of this instance
+ ho più di 16 anni Termini e Codice di Condotta di questa istanza ../app/+signup/+register/register-step-user.component.html66Register
- Register
+ Registrazione../app/+signup/+register/register-routing.module.ts14
@@ -5614,14 +4832,12 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Sorry, we couldn't find the page you were looking for.
- Sorry, we couldn't find the page you were looking for.
+ Spiacenti, non siamo riusciti a trovare la pagina che stavi cercando.../app/+page-not-found/page-not-found.component.html5Your message has been sent.
- Messaggio inviato
+ Messaggio inviato.../app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.ts76
@@ -5636,7 +4852,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Account videos
- Account videos
+ Video dell'Account../app/+accounts/accounts-routing.module.ts29
@@ -5644,7 +4860,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Account video channels
- Account video channels
+ Canali video dell'Account../app/+accounts/accounts-routing.module.ts42
@@ -5652,7 +4868,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
About account
- About account
+ Informazioni sull'Account../app/+accounts/accounts-routing.module.ts51
@@ -5660,21 +4876,17 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Published videos
- Published
- videos
+ Pubblicati video../app/+accounts/account-videos/account-videos.component.ts67 direct account followers
- direct account followers
+ follower diretti dell'account ../app/+accounts/accounts.component.ts109Report this account
- Report this account
+ Segnala questo account../app/+accounts/accounts.component.ts115
@@ -5682,12 +4894,12 @@ channel with the same name ()!
+ CANALI VIDEO../app/+accounts/accounts.component.ts59VIDEOS
+ VIDEOs../app/+accounts/accounts.component.ts60
@@ -5695,17 +4907,17 @@ channel with the same name ()!
+ INFORMAZIONI SU../app/+accounts/accounts.component.ts61Username copied
- Username copied
+ Nome utente copiato../app/+accounts/accounts.component.ts891 subscriber
- 1 subscriber
+ 1 sottoscrittore../app/+accounts/accounts.component.ts93
@@ -5713,7 +4925,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
- subscribers
+ sottoscrittori../app/+accounts/accounts.component.ts95
@@ -5721,22 +4933,22 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Instances you follow
- Instances you follow
+ Istanze che segui../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html3Instances following you
- Instances following you
+ Istanze che ti seguono../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html3Audio-only
- Audio-only
+ Solo audio../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.ts56
- A <code>.mp4</code> that keeps the original audio track, with no video
- A <code>.mp4</code> that keeps the original audio track, with no video
+ A <code>.mp4</code> that keeps the original audio track, with no video
+ Un <code>.mp4</code> che mantiene la traccia audio, senza video../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.ts57
@@ -5766,7 +4978,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
- 2160p
+ 2160p../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.ts81
@@ -5781,7 +4993,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Edit custom configuration
- Edit custom configuration
+ Modifica configurazione personalizzata../app/+admin/config/config.routes.ts26
@@ -5789,39 +5001,37 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Process domains
- Process domains
+ Processa domini../app/shared/shared-moderation/batch-domains-modal.component.ts28Report
- Report
+ Segnala ../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/account-report.component.ts51Account reported.
- Account reported.
+ Account seganalato.../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/account-report.component.ts82Comment reported.
- Comment reported.
+ Commento segnalato.../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/comment-report.component.ts82Domain is required.
- Domain is required.
+ Il Dominio è richiesto.../app/shared/form-validators/batch-domains-validators.ts56Domains entered are invalid.
- Domains entered are invalid.
+ I domini inseriti non sono validi.../app/shared/form-validators/batch-domains-validators.ts57Domains entered contain duplicates.
- Domains entered contain duplicates.
+ I domini inseriti contengono duplicati.../app/shared/form-validators/batch-domains-validators.ts58
@@ -5831,7 +5041,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
None - no upload possible
- None - no upload possible
+ Niente: nessun caricamento possibile../app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts23
@@ -5881,14 +5091,12 @@ channel with the same name ()!
accepted in instance followers
- accepted in instance followers
+ accettato nei follower dell'istanza ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts41Do you really want to reject this follower?
- Do you really want to reject this follower?
+ Vuoi davvero rifiutare questo follower?../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts52
@@ -5898,19 +5106,17 @@ channel with the same name ()!
rejected from instance followers
- rejected from instance followers
+ rigettato dai follower dell'istanza ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts60Do you really want to delete this follower?
- Do you really want to delete this follower?
+ Vuoi davvero eliminare questo follower?../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts73Delete
- Delete
+ Cancella../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts74
@@ -5918,9 +5124,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
removed from instance followers
- removed from instance followers
+ rimosso dai follower dell'istanza ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts81
@@ -5937,9 +5141,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Do you really want to unfollow ?
- Vuoi veramente smettere di seguire (unfollow)
- ?
+ Vuoi veramente smettere di seguire ?../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.ts58
@@ -5949,9 +5151,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
You are not following anymore.
- Non stai seguendo piú
- .
+ Non stai seguendo piú .../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.ts65
@@ -5966,63 +5166,52 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Redundancy for is
- La ridondanza per
- è
+ La ridondanza per è ../app/+admin/follows/shared/redundancy-checkbox.component.ts25Used
- Used
+ Usato../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.ts101Available
- Available
+ Disponibile../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.ts101Do you really want to remove this video redundancy?
- Do you really want to remove this video redundancy?
+ Vuoi davvero rimuovere questa ridondanza video?../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.ts140Remove redundancy
- Remove redundancy
+ Rimuovere ridondanza../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.ts141Video redundancies removed!
- Video redundancies removed!
+ Ridondanze video rimosse!../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.ts147Account unmuted by your instance.
- L'account
- è sbloccato (unmuted)per l'istanza.
+ L'account è sbloccato per l'istanza.../app/shared/shared-moderation/account-blocklist.component.ts48Instance unmuted by your instance.
- L'istanza
- è sbloccata per questa istanza.
+ L'istanza è sbloccata per questa istanza.../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.ts46Instance muted.
- Instance
- muted.
+ Istanza silenziata.../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts147Instance muted by your instance.
- Instance
- muted by your instance.
+ Istanza silenziata dalla tua istanza.../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.ts69
@@ -6032,22 +5221,22 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Violent or Repulsive
- Violent or Repulsive
+ Violento o ripugnante../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.ts21Hateful or Abusive
- Hateful or Abusive
+ Odioso o offensivo../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.ts22Spam or Misleading
- Spam or Misleading
+ Spam o fuorviante../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.ts23Privacy
- Privacy
+ Privacy../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.ts24
@@ -6055,32 +5244,32 @@ channel with the same name ()!
- Copyright
+ Copyright../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts159Server rules
- Server rules
+ Regole del server../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.ts26Thumbnails
- Thumbnails
+ Miniature../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts173Internal actions
- Internal actions
+ Azioni interne../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts43Delete report
- Delete report
+ Cancella segnalazione../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts299Actions for the flagged account
- Actions for the flagged account
+ Azioni per l'account selezionato../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts310
@@ -6095,32 +5284,32 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Add internal note
- Add internal note
+ Aggiungi nota interna../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts294Actions for the video
- Actions for the video
+ Azioni per il video../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts66Block video
- Block video
+ Blocca video../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts363Video blocked.
- Video blocked.
+ Video bloccato.../app/shared/shared-moderation/video-block.component.ts60Unblock video
- Unblock video
+ Sblocca video../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts379Video unblocked.
- Video unblocked.
+ Video sbloccato.../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts385
@@ -6135,51 +5324,47 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Deleted comment
- Deleted comment
+ Commento eliminato../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts239Messages with reporter
- Messages with reporter
+ Messaggi con il segnalante../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts273Messages with moderators
- Messages with moderators
+ Messaggi con i moderatori../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts274Update internal note
- Update internal note
+ Aggiorna nota interna../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts279Switch video block to manual
- Switch video block to manual
+ Passa blocco video a manuale../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts48Video switched to manual block.
- Video
- switched to manual block.
+ Video cambiato in blocco manuale.../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts54Do you really want to unblock this video? It will be available again in the videos list.
- Do you really want to unblock this video? It will be available again in the videos list.
+ Vuoi davvero sbloccare questo video? Sarà nuovamente disponibile nell'elenco dei video.../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts159Unblock
- Unblock
+ Sblocca../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts70Video unblocked.
- Video
- unblocked.
+ Video sbloccato.../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts166
@@ -6194,31 +5379,27 @@ channel with the same name ()!
You don't have plugins installed yet.
- You don't have plugins installed yet.
+ Non hai ancora nessun plugin installato.../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.ts89You don't have themes installed yet.
- You don't have themes installed yet.
+ Non hai ancora nessun tema installato.../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.ts92Update to
- Update to
+ Aggiorna a ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.ts100Do you really want to uninstall ?
- Do you really want to uninstall
- ?
+ Vuoi veramente disinstallare ?../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.ts109Uninstall
- Uninstall
+ Disinstalla../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.ts110
@@ -6226,21 +5407,17 @@ channel with the same name ()!
- uninstalled.
+ disinstallato. ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.ts117 updated.
- updated.
+ aggiornato. ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.ts139Jobs
- Jobs
+ Lavori../app/+admin/system/system.routes.ts26
@@ -6248,7 +5425,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
- Logs
+ Registri../app/+admin/system/system.routes.ts37
@@ -6256,51 +5433,47 @@ channel with the same name ()!
The plugin index is not available. Please retry later.
- The plugin index is not available. Please retry later.
+ L'indice del plugin non è disponibile. Riprova più tardi.../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.ts100Please only install plugins or themes you trust, since they can execute any code on your instance.
- Please only install plugins or themes you trust, since they can execute any code on your instance.
+ Installa solo plugin o temi di cui ti fidi, poiché possono eseguire qualsiasi codice sulla tua istanza.../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.ts122Install ?
- Install
- ?
+ Installa ?../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.ts123 installed.
- installed.
+ installato. ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.ts135Settings updated.
- Settings updated.
+ Impostazioni aggiornate.../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-show-installed/plugin-show-installed.component.ts52Plugins
- Plugins
+ Plugins../app/+admin/plugins/shared/plugin-api.service.ts33Themes
- Themes
+ Temi../app/+admin/plugins/shared/plugin-api.service.ts37plugin
- plugin
+ plugin../app/+admin/plugins/shared/plugin-api.service.ts45theme
- theme
+ tema../app/+admin/plugins/shared/plugin-api.service.ts48
@@ -6311,32 +5484,40 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Last dayUltimo giorno
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts84
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts84
+ Last hourUltima ora
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts89
- debugdebug
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts89
+ debug
+ debug../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts101
- infoinfo
+ info
+ info../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts105
- warningwarning
+ warning
+ avviso../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts109
- errorerror
+ error
+ errore../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts113
@@ -6344,49 +5525,47 @@ channel with the same name ()!
- Debug
- ../app/+admin/system/system.routes.ts48
+ Debug
+ ../app/+admin/system/system.routes.ts48
- ../app/core/notification/notifier.service.ts11
+ ../app/core/notification/notifier.service.ts11
- ../app/core/routing/can-deactivate-guard.service.ts23
+ ../app/core/routing/can-deactivate-guard.service.ts23
- ../app/core/auth/auth.service.ts103
+ ../app/core/auth/auth.service.ts103
Standard logs
- Standard logs
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts124
+ Logs standard
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts124
Audit logs
- Audit logs
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts128
+ Registri di controllo
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts128
User created.
- L'utente
- è stato creato.
+ L'utente è stato creato.../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-create.component.ts77Create user
- Create user
+ Crea utente../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-create.component.ts95Videos blocked
- Videos blocked
+ Video bloccati../app/+admin/moderation/moderation.routes.ts67
@@ -6394,7 +5573,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Muted instances
- Muted instances
+ Istanze silenziate../app/+admin/moderation/moderation.routes.ts89
@@ -6402,9 +5581,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Password changed for user .
- Password cambiata per l\' utente
- .
+ Password cambiata per l'utente .../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-password.component.ts40
@@ -6414,7 +5591,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Following list
- Following list
+ Elenco seguente../app/+admin/follows/follows.routes.ts28
@@ -6422,7 +5599,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Followers list
- Followers list
+ Elenco followers../app/+admin/follows/follows.routes.ts37
@@ -6430,9 +5607,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
User updated.
- User
- updated.
+ Utente aggiornato.../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-update.component.ts85
@@ -6442,14 +5617,12 @@ channel with the same name ()!
An email asking for password reset has been sent to .
- Un\' email per la richiesta di reimpostare la password è stata inviata a
- .
+ Un'email per la richiesta di reimpostare la password è stata inviata a .../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-update.component.ts108Users list
- Users list
+ Lista utenti../app/+admin/users/users.routes.ts27
@@ -6457,7 +5630,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Create a user
- Create a user
+ Crea un utente../app/+admin/users/users.routes.ts36
@@ -6465,7 +5638,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Update a user
- Update a user
+ Aggiorna un utente../app/+admin/users/users.routes.ts48
@@ -6473,7 +5646,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
- Federation
+ Federazione../app/+admin/admin.component.ts26
@@ -6481,7 +5654,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Instances you follow
- Instances you follow
+ Istanze che segui../app/+admin/admin.component.ts29
@@ -6489,7 +5662,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Instances following you
- Instances following you
+ Istanze che ti seguono../app/+admin/admin.component.ts34
@@ -6497,12 +5670,12 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Videos will be deleted, comments will be tombstoned.
- Videos will be deleted, comments will be tombstoned.
+ I video verranno eliminati, i commenti verranno rimossi definitivamente.../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts84Ban
- Ban
+ Banna../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts89
@@ -6510,7 +5683,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
User won't be able to login anymore, but videos and comments will be kept as is.
- User won't be able to login anymore, but videos and comments will be kept as is.
+ L'utente non potrà più accedere, ma i video e i commenti verranno mantenuti così come sono.../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts90
@@ -6530,9 +5703,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Do you really want to unban users?
- Conferma annullamento espulsione per
- utenti?
+ Vuoi davvero sbloccare utenti?../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts198
@@ -6549,7 +5720,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
If you remove these users, you will not be able to create others with the same username!
- Se questi utenti vengono rimossi, non sarà possibile crearne altri con gli stessi nomi utente.
+ Se questi utenti vengono rimossi, non sarà possibile crearne altri con gli stessi nomi utente!../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts220
@@ -6568,16 +5739,12 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Account unmuted.
- Account
- de-silenziato.
+ Account de-silenziato.../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts133Instance unmuted.
- Istanza
- de-silenziata.
+ Istanza de-silenziata.../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts161
@@ -6617,12 +5784,12 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Please check your emails to verify your new email.
- Please check your emails to verify your new email.
+ Controlla le tue e-mail per verificare la tua nuova e-mail.../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.ts53Email updated.
- Email updated.
+ Email aggiornata.../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.ts55
@@ -6637,7 +5804,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Are you sure you want to delete your account? This will delete all your data, including channels, videos and comments. Content cached by other servers and other third-parties might make longer to be deleted.
- Are you sure you want to delete your account? This will delete all your data, including channels, videos and comments. Content cached by other servers and other third-parties might make longer to be deleted.
+ Sei sicuro di voler eliminare il tuo account? Questo cancellerà tutti i tuoi dati, inclusi canali, video e commenti. Il contenuto memorizzato nella cache da altri server e altre terze parti potrebbe richiedere più tempo per essere eliminato.../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-danger-zone/my-account-danger-zone.component.ts22
@@ -6647,7 +5814,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Delete your account
- Delete your account
+ Cancella il tuo account../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-danger-zone/my-account-danger-zone.component.ts25
@@ -6665,7 +5832,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Interface settings updated.
- Interface settings updated.
+ Impostazioni dell'interfaccia aggiornate.../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-interface-settings.component.ts74
@@ -6680,17 +5847,17 @@ channel with the same name ()!
New abuse
- New abuse
+ Nuovo abuso../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts34Video blocked automatically waiting review
- Video blocked automatically waiting review
+ Video bloccato automaticamente in attesa di revisione../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts35One of your video is blocked/unblocked
- One of your video is blocked/unblocked
+ Uno dei tuoi video è bloccato / sbloccato../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts36
@@ -6725,17 +5892,17 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Your instance automatically followed another instance
- Your instance automatically followed another instance
+ La tua istanza ha seguito automaticamente un'altra istanza../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts43An abuse report received a new message
- An abuse report received a new message
+ Una segnalazione di abuso ha ricevuto un nuovo messaggio../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts44One of your abuse reports has been accepted or rejected by moderators
- One of your abuse reports has been accepted or rejected by moderators
+ Una delle tue segnalazioni di abuso è stata accettata o rifiutata dai moderatori../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts45
@@ -6755,34 +5922,32 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Unknown language
- Unknown language
+ Lingua sconosciuta../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.ts57Too many languages are enabled. Please enable them all or stay below 20 enabled languages.
- Too many languages are enabled. Please enable them all or stay below 20 enabled languages.
+ Sono abilitate troppe lingue. Si prega di abilitarle tutte o rimanere al di sotto delle 20 lingue abilitate.../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.ts102You need to enable at least 1 video language.
- You need to enable at least 1 video language.
+ Devi abilitare almeno 1 lingua video.../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.ts107Video settings updated.
- Video settings updated.
+ Impostazioni video aggiornate.../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.ts133Display/Video settings updated.
- Display/Video settings updated.
+ Impostazioni Schermo/Video aggiornate.../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.ts140Video channel created.
- Il canale video
- è stato creato.
+ Il canale video è stato creato.../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channel-create.component.ts61
@@ -6792,33 +5957,27 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Video channel updated.
- Il canale video
- è stato modificato.
+ Il canale video è stato aggiornato.../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channel-update.component.ts92Please type the display name of the video channel () to confirm
- Scrivere il nome del canale video (
- ) per conferma
+ Digita il nome visualizzato del canale video ( ) per confermare../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channels.component.ts115Video channel deleted.
- Il canale video
- è stato cancellato.
+ Il canale video è stato cancellato.../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channels.component.ts125Views for the day
- Views for the day
+ Visualizzazioni per giorno../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channels.component.ts144Create new video channel
- Create new video channel
+ Crea un nuovo canale video../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channels-routing.module.ts22
@@ -6826,7 +5985,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Update video channel
- Update video channel
+ Aggiorna canale video../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channels-routing.module.ts31
@@ -6834,7 +5993,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Not found
- Not found
+ Non trovato../app/+page-not-found/page-not-found-routing.module.ts13
@@ -6842,24 +6001,22 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Playlist created.
- Playlist
- creata.
+ Playlist creata.../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-create.component.ts77Create
- Create
+ Crea../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-create.component.ts90Update playlist
- Update playlist
+ Aggiorna playlist../app/+my-account/my-account-routing.module.ts82Account video imports
- Account video imports
+ Importazioni video dell'account../app/+my-account/my-account-routing.module.ts105
@@ -6867,7 +6024,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Account subscriptions
- Account subscriptions
+ Iscrizioni all'Account../app/+my-account/my-account-routing.module.ts114
@@ -6875,7 +6032,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Videos history
- Videos history
+ Cronologia video../app/+my-account/my-account-routing.module.ts150
@@ -6883,7 +6040,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
- Notifications
+ Notifiche../app/+my-account/my-account-routing.module.ts163
@@ -6891,28 +6048,22 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Delete playlist
- Delete playlist
+ Elimina playlist../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-elements.component.ts53Playlist updated.
- Playlist
- aggiornata.
+ Playlist aggiornata.../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-update.component.ts98Do you really want to delete ?
- Vuoi veramente eliminare
- ?
+ Vuoi veramente eliminare ?../app/+my-account/my-account-videos/my-account-videos.component.ts125Playlist deleted.
- Playlist
- eliminata.
+ Playlist eliminata.../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-elements.component.ts136
@@ -6922,9 +6073,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Do you really want to delete videos?
- Vuoi veramente cancellare
- video?
+ Vuoi veramente cancellare video?../app/+my-account/my-account-videos/my-account-videos.component.ts98
@@ -6946,9 +6095,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Video deleted.
- Il video
- è stato eliminato.
+ Il video è stato eliminato.../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts192
@@ -6963,7 +6110,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Search your channels
- Search your channels
+ Cerca i tuoi canali../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channels.component.html11
@@ -6978,7 +6125,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Search your subscriptions
- Search your subscriptions
+ Cerca le tue iscrizioni../app/+my-account/my-account-subscriptions/my-account-subscriptions.component.html11
@@ -6993,7 +6140,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
My abuse reports
- My abuse reports
+ I miei rapporti di abuso../app/+my-account/my-account.component.ts101
@@ -7013,31 +6160,27 @@ channel with the same name ()!
max size
- max size
+ dimensione massima../app/shared/shared-forms/preview-upload.component.ts39Now please check your emails to verify your account and complete signup.
- Now please check your emails to verify your account and complete signup.
+ Ora controlla le tue e-mail per verificare il tuo account e completare la registrazione.../app/+signup/+register/register.component.ts115You are now logged in as !
- L'accesso è stato effettuato come
- .
+ L'accesso è stato effettuato come !../app/+signup/+register/register.component.ts123An email with verification link will be sent to .
- Un messaggio con un link di verifica verrà spedito a
- .
+ Un messaggio con un link di verifica verrà spedito a .../app/+signup/+verify-account/verify-account-ask-send-email/verify-account-ask-send-email.component.ts45Verify account email
- Verify account email
+ Verifica l'email dell'account../app/+signup/+verify-account/verify-account-routing.module.ts17
@@ -7045,7 +6188,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Verify account ask send email
- Verify account ask send email
+ Verifica account chiedi di inviare e-mail../app/+signup/+verify-account/verify-account-routing.module.ts26
@@ -7063,7 +6206,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Published 1 video
- Published 1 video
+ 1 video pubblicato../app/+video-channels/video-channel-videos/video-channel-videos.component.ts74
@@ -7076,12 +6219,12 @@ channel with the same name ()!
+ PLAYLISTS VIDEO../app/+video-channels/video-channels.component.ts66Focus the search bar
- Inquadra la barra di ricerca
+ Metti a fuoco la barra di ricerca../app/app.component.ts289
@@ -7091,7 +6234,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Go to the discover videos page
- Go to the discover videos page
+ Vai alla pagina Scopri i video../app/app.component.ts299
@@ -7135,10 +6278,8 @@ channel with the same name ()!
- Cannot retrieve OAuth Client credentials: .
-Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular the "webserver" section.
- Cannot retrieve OAuth Client credentials: .
-Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular the "webserver" section.
+ Cannot retrieve OAuth Client credentials: . Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular the "webserver" section.
+ Impossibile recuperare le credenziali del client OAuth: . Assicurati di aver configurato correttamente PeerTube (config/ directory), in particolare la sezione "webserver".../app/core/auth/auth.service.ts98,99
@@ -7161,37 +6302,37 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Incorrect username or password.
- Nome utente o password non corretti
+ Nome utente o password non corretti.../app/+login/login.component.ts140Your account is blocked.
- Your account is blocked.
+ Il tuo account è bloccato.../app/+login/login.component.ts141any language
- any language
+ qualsiasi lingua../app/menu/menu.component.ts229hide
- hide
+ nascondi../app/menu/menu.component.ts121blur
- blur
+ sfocatura../app/menu/menu.component.ts124display
- display
+ schermo../app/menu/menu.component.ts127Unknown
- Unknown
+ Sconosciuto../app/menu/menu.component.ts193
@@ -7201,7 +6342,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Any
+ Qualunque../app/+search/search-filters.component.ts38
@@ -7211,7 +6352,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Yesterday
+ Ieri../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/abstract-video-list.ts113
@@ -7219,7 +6360,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Last month
- Last month
+ Ultimo mese../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/abstract-video-list.ts115
@@ -7227,7 +6368,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Older
+ Più vecchio../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/abstract-video-list.ts116
@@ -7235,7 +6376,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Cannot load more videos. Try again later.
- Cannot load more videos. Try again later.
+ Impossibile caricare altri video. Riprovare più tardi.../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/abstract-video-list.ts193
@@ -7267,8 +6408,8 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Long (> 10 min)
- Lungo (> 10 min)
+ Long (> 10 min)
+ Lungo (> 10 min)../app/+search/search-filters.component.ts73
@@ -7288,17 +6429,17 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Search index is unavailable. Retrying with instance results instead.
- Search index is unavailable. Retrying with instance results instead.
+ L'indice di ricerca non è disponibile. Nuovo tentativo con i risultati dell'istanza.../app/+search/search.component.ts171Search error
- Search error
+ Errore nella ricerca../app/+search/search.component.ts172Search
- Search
+ Ricerca../app/+search/search.component.ts230
@@ -7313,9 +6454,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
year ago
- year ago
+ anno fa ../app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts13
@@ -7383,31 +6522,22 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
just now
- just now
+ adesso../app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts34 h min sec
- h
- min
- sec
+ h min sec../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-duration-formatter.pipe.ts14 min sec
- min
- sec
+ min sec../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-duration-formatter.pipe.ts18 sec
- sec
+ sec ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-duration-formatter.pipe.ts21
@@ -7497,12 +6627,12 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Index URL should be a URL
- Index URL should be a URL
+ L'URL dell'indice dovrebbe essere un URL../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts71Search index URL should be a URL
- Search index URL should be a URL
+ L'URL dell'indice di ricerca dovrebbe essere un URL../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts78
@@ -7532,17 +6662,17 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
A subject is required.
- A subject is required.
+ È richiesto un soggetto.../app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts32The subject must be at least 1 character long.
- The subject must be at least 1 character long.
+ L'oggetto deve essere lungo almeno 1 carattere.../app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts33The subject cannot be more than 120 characters long.
- The subject cannot be more than 120 characters long.
+ L'oggetto non può contenere più di 120 caratteri.../app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts34
@@ -7592,22 +6722,22 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Channel name is required.
- Channel name is required.
+ Il nome del canale è obbligatorio.../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts27Channel name must be at least 1 character long.
- Channel name must be at least 1 character long.
+ Il nome del canale deve contenere almeno 1 carattere.../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts28Channel name cannot be more than 50 characters long.
- Channel name cannot be more than 50 characters long.
+ Il nome del canale non può contenere più di 50 caratteri.../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts29Channel name should be lowercase alphanumeric; dots and underscores are allowed.
- Channel name should be lowercase alphanumeric; dots and underscores are allowed.
+ Il nome del canale deve essere alfanumerico minuscolo; sono consentiti punti e trattini bassi.../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts30
@@ -7662,7 +6792,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
You must agree with the instance terms in order to register on it.
- You must agree with the instance terms in order to register on it.
+ Devi accettare i termini dell'istanza per registrarti.../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts113
@@ -7722,17 +6852,17 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Abuse message is required.
- Abuse message is required.
+ Messaggio di abuso è richiesto.../app/shared/form-validators/abuse-validators.ts25Abuse message must be at least 2 characters long.
- Abuse message must be at least 2 characters long.
+ Il messaggio di abuso richiede almeno 2 caratteri.../app/shared/form-validators/abuse-validators.ts26Abuse message cannot be more than 3000 characters long.
- Abuse message cannot be more than 3000 characters long.
+ Il messaggio di abuso non può contenere più di 3000 caratteri.../app/shared/form-validators/abuse-validators.ts27
@@ -7742,12 +6872,12 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Block reason must be at least 2 characters long.
- Block reason must be at least 2 characters long.
+ Il motivo del blocco deve essere lungo almeno 2 caratteri.../app/shared/form-validators/video-block-validators.ts7Block reason cannot be more than 300 characters long.
- Block reason cannot be more than 300 characters long.
+ Il motivo del blocco non può contenere più di 300 caratteri.../app/shared/form-validators/video-block-validators.ts8
@@ -7767,7 +6897,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
You can only transfer ownership to a local account
- La proprietà può essere trasferita solo ad account locali.
+ Puoi trasferire la proprietà solo a un account locale../app/shared/form-validators/video-ownership-change-validators.ts15
@@ -7797,7 +6927,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Support text cannot be more than 1000 characters long
- Support text cannot be more than 1000 characters long
+ Il testo di supporto non può contenere più di 1000 caratteri../app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts50
@@ -7812,14 +6942,12 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Comment cannot be more than 3000 characters long.
- Il commento non può essere più lungo di 3000 caratteri
+ Il commento non può essere più lungo di 3000 caratteri.../app/shared/form-validators/video-comment-validators.ts9
- Request is too large for the server.
- Please contact you administrator if you want to increase the limit size.
- Request is too large for the server.
- Please contact you administrator if you want to increase the limit size.
+ Request is too large for the server. Please contact you administrator if you want to increase the limit size.
+ La richiesta è troppo grande per il server. Contatta il tuo amministratore se desideri aumentare la dimensione del limite.../app/core/rest/rest-extractor.service.ts61,62
@@ -7832,12 +6960,12 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Privacy is required.
- Privacy is required.
+ Privacy è richiesta.../app/shared/form-validators/video-playlist-validators.ts23The channel is required when the playlist is public.
- The channel is required when the playlist is public.
+ Il canale è richiesto quando la playlist è pubblica.../app/shared/form-validators/video-playlist-validators.ts41
@@ -7887,12 +7015,12 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
A maximum of 5 tags can be used on a video.
- A maximum of 5 tags can be used on a video.
+ È possibile utilizzare un massimo di 5 tag su un video.../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts66A tag should be more than 2, and less than 30 characters long.
- A tag should be more than 2, and less than 30 characters long.
+ Un tag deve contenere più di 2 e meno di 30 caratteri.../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts67
@@ -7917,7 +7045,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
PeerTube cannot handle this kind of file. Accepted extensions are }.
- PeerTube cannot handle this kind of file. Accepted extensions are }.
+ PeerTube non può gestire questo tipo di file. Le estensioni accettate sono }.../app/shared/shared-forms/reactive-file.component.ts56
@@ -7925,7 +7053,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Add a new option
- Add a new option
+ Aggiungi nuova opzione../app/shared/shared-forms/select/select-checkbox.component.ts28
@@ -8191,12 +7319,12 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Instance languages
- Instance languages
+ Lingue istanza../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.ts169All languages
- All languages
+ Tutte le lingue../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.ts170
@@ -8206,17 +7334,17 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Blurred with confirmation request
- Blurred with confirmation request
+ Offuscata dalla richiesta di conferma../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.ts37Displayed
- Displayed
+ Visualizzato../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.ts38~ 1 minute
- ~ 1 minute
+ ~ 1 minuto../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.ts53
@@ -8224,7 +7352,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
~ minutes
- ~ minutes
+ ~ minuti../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.ts55
@@ -8253,16 +7381,12 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
(channel page)
- (channel page)
+ (pagina del canale) ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-miniature.component.ts117 (account page)
- (account page)
+ (pagina account) ../app/shared/shared-main/account/avatar.component.ts19
@@ -8299,23 +7423,17 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
User banned.
- L`utente
- è stato espulso (banned).
+ L'utente è stato espulso.../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-ban-modal.component.ts54Do you really want to unban ?
- Conferma annullamento espulsione per
- ?
+ Vuoi davvero sbloccare ?../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts70User unbanned.
- L'utente
- è stato riammesso.
+ L'utente è stato riammesso.../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts76
@@ -8325,23 +7443,17 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
User deleted.
- L`utente
- è stato rimosso.
+ L'utente è stato rimosso.../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts96User email set as verified
- Indirizzo utente
- verificato
+ Indirizzo email dell'utente impostato come verificato../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts107Account muted.
- Account
- silenziato.
+ Account silenziato.../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts119
@@ -8356,92 +7468,82 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Account muted by the instance.
- Account
- silenziato dall'istanza.
+ Account silenziato dall'istanza.../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts175Mute server
- Mute server
+ Silenzia server../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts346Server muted by the instance.
- Server
- muted by the instance.
+ Server silenziato dall'istanza.../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts470Add a message to communicate with the reporter
- Add a message to communicate with the reporter
+ Aggiungi un messaggio per comunicare con il reporter../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-message-modal.component.ts100Add a message to communicate with the moderation team
- Add a message to communicate with the moderation team
+ Aggiungi un messaggio per comunicare con il team di moderazione../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-message-modal.component.ts103Account unmuted by the instance.
- Account
- de-silenziato dall'istanza.
+ Account de-silenziato dall'istanza.../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts189Instance muted by the instance.
- Istanza
- silenziata da questa istanza.
+ Istanza silenziata da questa istanza.../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts203Instance unmuted by the instance.
- Istanza
- de-silenziata da questa istanza.
+ Istanza de-silenziata da questa istanza.../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts217Are you sure you want to remove all the comments of this account?
- Are you sure you want to remove all the comments of this account?
+ Sei sicuro di voler rimuovere tutti i commenti di questo account?../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts228Delete account comments
- Delete account comments
+ Cancella i commenti dell'account../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts229Will remove comments of this account (may take several minutes).
- Will remove comments of this account (may take several minutes).
+ Rimuoverà i commenti di questo account (potrebbero essere necessari diversi minuti).../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts235Edit user
- Edit user
+ Modifica utente../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts263Change quota, role, and more.
- Change quota, role, and more.
+ Modifica quota, ruolo e altro.../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts264Delete user
- Delete user
+ Cancella utente../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts268Unban user
- Unban user
+ Unban utente../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts279Allow the user to login and create videos/comments again
- Allow the user to login and create videos/comments again
+ Consenti all'utente di accedere e creare nuovamente video / commenti../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts280
@@ -8451,7 +7553,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Hide any content from that user for you.
- Hide any content from that user for you.
+ Nascondi qualsiasi contenuto da quell'utente per te.../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts298
@@ -8461,7 +7563,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Show back content from that user for you.
- Show back content from that user for you.
+ Mostra i contenuti di quell'utente per te.../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts304
@@ -8471,7 +7573,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Hide any content from that instance for you.
- Hide any content from that instance for you.
+ Nascondi qualsiasi contenuto da quell'istanza per te.../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts310
@@ -8481,17 +7583,17 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Show back content from that instance for you.
- Show back content from that instance for you.
+ Mostra i contenuti di quell'istanza per te.../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts316Remove comments from your videos
- Remove comments from your videos
+ Rimuovi i commenti dai tuoi video../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts321Remove comments of this account from your videos.
- Remove comments of this account from your videos.
+ Rimuovi i commenti di questo account dai tuoi video.../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts322
@@ -8501,7 +7603,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Hide any content from that user for you, your instance and its users.
- Hide any content from that user for you, your instance and its users.
+ Nascondi qualsiasi contenuto da quell'utente per te, la tua istanza e i suoi utenti.../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts334
@@ -8511,7 +7613,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Show back content from that user for you, your instance and its users.
- Show back content from that user for you, your instance and its users.
+ Mostra i contenuti di quell'utente per te, la tua istanza e i suoi utenti.../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts340
@@ -8521,7 +7623,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Hide any content from that instance for you, your instance and its users.
- Hide any content from that instance for you, your instance and its users.
+ Nascondi qualsiasi contenuto da quell'istanza per te, la tua istanza e i suoi utenti.../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts352
@@ -8531,82 +7633,82 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Show back content from that instance for you, your instance and its users.
- Show back content from that instance for you, your instance and its users.
+ Mostra i contenuti di quell'istanza per te, la tua istanza e i suoi utenti.../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts358Remove comments from your instance
- Remove comments from your instance
+ Rimuovi i commenti dalla tua istanza../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts368Remove comments of this account from your instance.
- Remove comments of this account from your instance.
+ Rimuovi i commenti di questo account dalla tua istanza.../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts369Violent or repulsive
- Violent or repulsive
+ Violento o ripugnante../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts139Contains offensive, violent, or coarse language or iconography.
- Contains offensive, violent, or coarse language or iconography.
+ Contiene linguaggio o iconografia offensivi, violenti o volgari.../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts140Hateful or abusive
- Hateful or abusive
+ Odioso o offensivo../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts144Contains abusive, racist or sexist language or iconography.
- Contains abusive, racist or sexist language or iconography.
+ Contiene linguaggio o iconografia offensiva, razzista o sessista.../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts145Spam, ad or false news
- Spam, ad or false news
+ Spam, pubblicità o notizie false../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts149Contains marketing, spam, purposefully deceitful news, or otherwise misleading thumbnail/text/tags. Please provide reputable sources to report hoaxes.
- Contains marketing, spam, purposefully deceitful news, or otherwise misleading thumbnail/text/tags. Please provide reputable sources to report hoaxes.
+ Contiene marketing, spam, notizie intenzionalmente ingannevoli o miniature / testo / tag altrimenti fuorvianti. Fornisci fonti affidabili per segnalare bufale.../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts150Privacy breach or doxxing
- Privacy breach or doxxing
+ Violazione della privacy o doxxing../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts154Contains personal information that could be used to track, identify, contact or impersonate someone (e.g. name, address, phone number, email, or credit card details).
- Contains personal information that could be used to track, identify, contact or impersonate someone (e.g. name, address, phone number, email, or credit card details).
+ Contiene informazioni personali che potrebbero essere utilizzate per tracciare, identificare, contattare o impersonare qualcuno (ad es. Nome, indirizzo, numero di telefono, e-mail o dettagli della carta di credito).../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts155Infringes your copyright wrt. the regional laws with which the server must comply.
- Infringes your copyright wrt. the regional laws with which the server must comply.
+ Viola il tuo copyright rispetto a. le leggi regionali a cui il server deve conformarsi.../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts160Breaks server rules
- Breaks server rules
+ Infrange le regole del server../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts164Anything not included in the above that breaks the terms of service, code of conduct, or general rules in place on the server.
- Anything not included in the above that breaks the terms of service, code of conduct, or general rules in place on the server.
+ Tutto ciò che non è incluso in quanto sopra che infrange i termini di servizio, il codice di condotta o le regole generali in vigore sul server.../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts165The above can only be seen in thumbnails.
- The above can only be seen in thumbnails.
+ Quanto sopra può essere visto solo nelle miniature.../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts174Captions
- Captions
+ Didascalie../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts178
@@ -8614,14 +7716,12 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
The above can only be seen in captions (please describe which).
- The above can only be seen in captions (please describe which).
+ Quanto sopra può essere visto solo nelle didascalie (descrivi quale).../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts179Too many attempts, please try again after minutes.
- Troppi tentativi, si potrà provare di nuovo dopo
- minuti.
+ Troppi tentativi, si potrà provare di nuovo dopo minuti.../app/core/rest/rest-extractor.service.ts67
@@ -8636,16 +7736,12 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Subscribed to all current channels of . You will be notified of all their new videos.
- Subscribed to all current channels of
- . You will be notified of all their new videos.
+ Iscrizione a tutti i canali correnti di . Riceverai una notifica di tutti i loro nuovi video.../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.ts109Subscribed to . You will be notified of all their new videos.
- Subscribed to
- . You will be notified of all their new videos.
+ Iscritto a . Riceverai una notifica di tutti i loro nuovi video.../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.ts110
@@ -8655,9 +7751,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Unsubscribed from all channels of
- Unsubscribed from all channels of
+ Disiscritto da tutti i canali di ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.ts139
@@ -8679,34 +7773,27 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Video removed from
- Video removed from
+ Video rimosso da ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-element-miniature.component.ts98Video added in at timestamps
- Video added in
- at timestamps
+ Video aggiunto in alla data ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-add-to-playlist.component.ts377Video added in
- Video added in
+ Video aggiunto in ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-add-to-playlist.component.ts378Timestamps updated
- Timestamps updated
+ Timestamps aggiornato../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-element-miniature.component.ts117Starts at
- Starts at
+ Inizia a../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-element-miniature.component.ts140
@@ -8714,7 +7801,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Stops at
- Stops at
+ Stop a../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-element-miniature.component.ts141
@@ -8722,7 +7809,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
and stops at
- and stops at
+ e stop a../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-element-miniature.component.ts143
@@ -8730,52 +7817,52 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Delete video
- Delete video
+ Cancella video../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts395Actions for the comment
- Actions for the comment
+ Azioni per il commento../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts424Delete comment
- Delete comment
+ Cancella commento../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts430Do you really want to delete this comment?
- Do you really want to delete this comment?
+ Vuoi veramente eliminare questo commento?../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.ts166Comment deleted.
- Comment deleted.
+ Commento cancellato.../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts442Encoder
- Encoder
+ Codificatore../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts145Format name
- Format name
+ Formato nome../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts146Size
- Size
+ Dimensione../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts147Bitrate
- Bitrate
+ Bitrate../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts149Codec
- Codec
+ Codec../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts169
@@ -8795,12 +7882,12 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Video deleted.
- Video deleted.
+ Video eliminato.../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts86yes
- yes
+ si../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts149
@@ -8808,7 +7895,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- no
+ no../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts151
@@ -8816,22 +7903,22 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Actions for the reporter
- Actions for the reporter
+ Azioni per il reporter../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts334Mute reporter
- Mute reporter
+ Silenzia reporter../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts340This video will be duplicated by your instance.
- This video will be duplicated by your instance.
+ Questo video verrà duplicato dalla tua istanza.../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts204Download
- Download
+ Download../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts250
@@ -8839,7 +7926,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Update
+ Modifica../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts256
@@ -8847,7 +7934,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Block
+ Blocca../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts262
@@ -8857,17 +7944,17 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Mirror
+ Copia speculare../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts274Report
- Report
+ Segnala../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts286Remove
- Remove
+ Rimuovere../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment.component.ts179
@@ -8875,7 +7962,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Remove & re-draft
- Remove & re-draft
+ Rimuovere& rimetti in bozza../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment.component.ts187
@@ -8883,12 +7970,12 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Mute account
- Mute account
+ Silenzia account../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts294Mute server account
- Mute server account
+ Silenzia account server../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts322
@@ -8898,44 +7985,42 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Reported part
- Reported part
+ Parte segnalata../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html83Note
- Note
+ Nota../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html90The video was deleted
- The video was deleted
+ Il video è stato cancellato../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html99Comment:
- Comment:
+ Commento:../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html105Messages with the reporter
- Messages with the reporter
+ Messaggia con il reporter../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-message-modal.component.html4Messages with the moderation team
- Messages with the moderation team
+ Messaggi con il team di moderazione../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-message-modal.component.html5No messages for now.
- No messages for now.
+ Nessun messaggio per ora.../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-message-modal.component.html28Add a message
- Add a message
+ Aggiungi un messaggio../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-message-modal.component.html44
@@ -8945,7 +8030,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Publication scheduled on
- Publication scheduled on
+ Pubblicazione schedulata per../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-miniature.component.ts167
@@ -8968,12 +8053,12 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Add to watch later
- Add to watch later
+ Aggiungi a "Guarda in seguito"../app/shared/shared-thumbnail/video-thumbnail.component.ts28Remove from watch later
- Remove from watch later
+ Rimuovi da "guarda in seguito"../app/shared/shared-thumbnail/video-thumbnail.component.ts29
@@ -8983,7 +8068,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Only shareable via a private link
- Only shareable via a private link
+ Solo condivisibile tramite link privato../app/shared/shared-main/video/video.service.ts346
@@ -8993,12 +8078,12 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Only users of this instance can see this video
- Only users of this instance can see this video
+ Solo gli utenti di questa istanza possono vedere questo video../app/shared/shared-main/video/video.service.ts354Close
- Close
+ Chiuso../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/alert/alert.ts74
@@ -9006,7 +8091,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Previous
+ Predecente../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/carousel/carousel.ts349
@@ -9014,7 +8099,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Next
+ Prossimo../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/carousel/carousel.ts349
@@ -9022,7 +8107,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Previous month
- Previous month
+ Mese precedente../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/datepicker/datepicker-navigation.ts69
@@ -9030,7 +8115,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Next month
- Next month
+ Prossimo mese../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/datepicker/datepicker-month.ts72
@@ -9038,7 +8123,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Select month
- Select month
+ Seleziona mese../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/datepicker/datepicker-navigation-select.ts74
@@ -9046,7 +8131,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Select year
- Select year
+ Seleziona anno../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/datepicker/datepicker-navigation-select.ts74
@@ -9054,7 +8139,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- ««
+ ««../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/pagination/pagination.ts404
@@ -9062,7 +8147,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- «
+ «../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/pagination/pagination.ts404
@@ -9070,7 +8155,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- »
+ »../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/pagination/pagination.ts404
@@ -9078,7 +8163,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- »»
+ »»../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/pagination/pagination.ts404
@@ -9086,7 +8171,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- First
+ Primo../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/pagination/pagination.ts404
@@ -9094,7 +8179,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Previous
+ Precedente../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/pagination/pagination.ts404
@@ -9102,7 +8187,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Next
+ Prossimo../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/pagination/pagination.ts404
@@ -9110,7 +8195,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Last
+ Ultimo../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/pagination/pagination.ts404
@@ -9118,7 +8203,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
+ ../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/progressbar/progressbar.ts101
@@ -9126,7 +8211,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- HH
+ HH../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
@@ -9134,7 +8219,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Hours
+ Ore../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
@@ -9142,7 +8227,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- MM
+ MM../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
@@ -9150,7 +8235,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Minutes
+ Minuti../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
@@ -9158,7 +8243,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Increment hours
- Increment hours
+ Incrementa le ore../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
@@ -9166,7 +8251,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Decrement hours
- Decrement hours
+ Decrementa ore../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
@@ -9174,7 +8259,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Increment minutes
- Increment minutes
+ Incrementa minuti../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
@@ -9182,7 +8267,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Decrement minutes
- Decrement minutes
+ Decrementa minuti../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
@@ -9190,7 +8275,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- SS
+ SS../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
@@ -9198,7 +8283,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Seconds
+ Secondi../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
@@ -9206,7 +8291,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Increment seconds
- Increment seconds
+ Incrementa secondi../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
@@ -9214,7 +8299,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Decrement seconds
- Decrement seconds
+ Decrementa secondi../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
@@ -9222,7 +8307,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
+ ../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
@@ -9230,7 +8315,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
+ ../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
@@ -9238,7 +8323,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Close
+ Chiudi../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/toast/toast.ts137
@@ -9266,7 +8351,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Upload
+ Carica../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts112
@@ -9274,14 +8359,12 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Upload
+ Carica../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts114Upload cancelled
- Caricamento annullato.
+ Caricamento annullato../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts131
@@ -9290,20 +8373,16 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Your video quota is exceeded with this video (
-video size: , used: , quota: )
- Your video quota is exceeded with this video (
-video size: , used: , quota: )
+ Your video quota is exceeded with this video ( video size: , used: , quota: )
+ La tua quota video è stata superata con questo video ( video size: , usata: , quota: )../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts265,266
- Your daily video quota is exceeded with this video (
-video size: , used: , quota: )
- Your daily video quota is exceeded with this video (
-video size: , used: , quota: )
+ Your daily video quota is exceeded with this video ( video size: , used: , quota: )
+ La tua quota video giornaliera è stata superata con questo video ( dimensione video : , usato: , quota: )../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts285,286
@@ -9321,42 +8400,42 @@ video size: , used: , quota: )
Report comment
- Report comment
+ Segnala commento../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/comment-report.component.ts51Stop autoplaying next video
- Stop autoplaying next video
+ Interrompi la riproduzione automatica del video successivo../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch-playlist.component.ts203Autoplay next video
- Autoplay next video
+ Riproduci automaticamente il video successivo../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch-playlist.component.ts204Stop looping playlist videos
- Stop looping playlist videos
+ Smetti di riprodurre in loop i video delle playlist../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch-playlist.component.ts209Loop playlist videos
- Loop playlist videos
+ Ripeti i video delle playlist../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch-playlist.component.ts210You need to be connected to rate this content.
- You need to be connected to rate this content.
+ Devi effettuare l'accesso per valutare questo contenuto.../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts192
- This video is not available on this instance. Do you want to be redirected on the origin instance: <a href=""></a>?
- This video is not available on this instance. Do you want to be redirected on the origin instance: <a href=""></a>?
+ This video is not available on this instance. Do you want to be redirected on the origin instance: <a href=""></a>?
+ Questo video non è disponibile su questa istanza. Vuoi essere reindirizzato sull'istanza di origine: <a href=""></a>?../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts373Redirection
- Redirection
+ Redirezione../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts374
@@ -9366,77 +8445,77 @@ video size: , used: , quota: )
Mature or explicit content
- Contenuto per adulti o esplicito.
+ Contenuto per adulti o esplicito../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts487Up Next
- Up Next
+ Avanti il prossimo../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts536Cancel
- Cancel
+ Annulla../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts537Autoplay is suspended
- Autoplay is suspended
+ Autoplay sospeso../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts538Enter/exit fullscreen (requires player focus)
- Enter/exit fullscreen (requires player focus)
+ Entra / esci dallo schermo intero (richiede focus player)../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts800Play/Pause the video (requires player focus)
- Play/Pause the video (requires player focus)
+ Riproduci / Metti in pausa il video (richiede focus player)../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts801Mute/unmute the video (requires player focus)
- Mute/unmute the video (requires player focus)
+ Disattiva / riattiva il video (richiede focus player)../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts802Skip to a percentage of the video: 0 is 0% and 9 is 90% (requires player focus)
- Skip to a percentage of the video: 0 is 0% and 9 is 90% (requires player focus)
+ Passa a una percentuale del video: 0 è 0% e 9 è 90% (richiede il focus del player)../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts804Increase the volume (requires player focus)
- Increase the volume (requires player focus)
+ Aumenta il volume (richiede il focus del player)../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts806Decrease the volume (requires player focus)
- Decrease the volume (requires player focus)
+ Abbassa il volume (richiede il focus del player)../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts807Seek the video forward (requires player focus)
- Seek the video forward (requires player focus)
+ Cerca il video in avanti (richiede focus player)../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts809Seek the video backward (requires player focus)
- Seek the video backward (requires player focus)
+ Cerca il video all'indietro (richiede focus player)../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts810Increase playback rate (requires player focus)
- Increase playback rate (requires player focus)
+ Aumenta la velocità di riproduzione (richiede focus del player)../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts812Decrease playback rate (requires player focus)
- Decrease playback rate (requires player focus)
+ Diminuisci la velocità di riproduzione (richiede la messa a fuoco del player)../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts813Navigate in the video frame by frame (requires player focus)
- Navigate in the video frame by frame (requires player focus)
+ Navigare nel video fotogramma per fotogramma (richiede focus player)../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts815
@@ -9451,17 +8530,17 @@ video size: , used: , quota: )
When active, the next video is automatically played after the current one.
- When active, the next video is automatically played after the current one.
+ Quando è attivo, il video successivo viene riprodotto automaticamente dopo quello corrente.../app/+videos/+video-watch/recommendations/recommended-videos.component.ts59Videos that have the higher number of likes.
- Videos that have the higher number of likes.
+ Video con il maggior numero di Mi piace.../app/+videos/video-list/video-most-liked.component.ts42Recently added
- Recently added
+ Aggiunti di Recente../app/+videos/video-list/video-recently-added.component.ts36
@@ -9474,7 +8553,7 @@ video size: , used: , quota: )
Trending videos are those totalizing the greatest number of views during the last 24 hours
- Trending videos are those totalizing the greatest number of views during the last 24 hours
+ I video di tendenza sono quelli che totalizzano il maggior numero di visualizzazioni nelle ultime 24 ore../app/+videos/video-list/video-trending.component.ts47
@@ -9484,7 +8563,7 @@ video size: , used: , quota: )
- Subscriptions
+ Iscrizioni../app/+videos/video-list/video-user-subscriptions.component.ts38
@@ -9492,7 +8571,7 @@ video size: , used: , quota: )
Local videos
- Local videos
+ Video locali../app/+videos/video-list/video-local.component.ts36
@@ -9500,7 +8579,7 @@ video size: , used: , quota: )
Discover videos
- Discover videos
+ Scopri video../app/+videos/videos-routing.module.ts23
@@ -9508,7 +8587,7 @@ video size: , used: , quota: )
Trending videos
- Trending videos
+ Video di tendenza../app/+videos/videos-routing.module.ts32
@@ -9516,7 +8595,7 @@ video size: , used: , quota: )
Recently added videos
- Recently added videos
+ Video recentemente aggiunti../app/+videos/videos-routing.module.ts58
@@ -9524,7 +8603,7 @@ video size: , used: , quota: )
Upload a video
- Upload a video
+ Carica un video../app/+videos/videos-routing.module.ts97
@@ -9532,7 +8611,7 @@ video size: , used: , quota: )
Edit a video
- Edit a video
+ Modifica un video../app/+videos/videos-routing.module.ts106
diff --git a/client/src/locale/angular.ja-JP.xlf b/client/src/locale/angular.ja-JP.xlf
index 82a20923c..4a044ef22 100644
--- a/client/src/locale/angular.ja-JP.xlf
+++ b/client/src/locale/angular.ja-JP.xlf
@@ -22,9 +22,9 @@
published a new video: published a new video:
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html16
@@ -39,9 +39,9 @@
Your video has been unblocked
Your video
- has been unblocked
+ has been unblocked
@@ -50,9 +50,9 @@
Your video has been blocked
Your video
- has been blocked
+ has been blocked
@@ -60,41 +60,41 @@
A new video abuse has been created on video
- A new video abuse
- has been created on video
+ A new video abuse
+ has been created on video
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html49A new comment abuse has been created on video
- A new comment abuse
- has been created on video
+ A new comment abuse
+ has been created on video
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html53A new account abuse has been created on account
- A new account abuse
- has been created on account
+ A new account abuse
+ has been created on account
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html57A new abuse has been created
- A new abuse
- has been created
+ A new abuse
+ has been created
@@ -102,23 +102,23 @@
Your abuse has been acceptedrejected
- Your abuse
+ Your abuse
- has been
+ has been
- accepted
- rejected
+ accepted
+ rejected
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html70Abuse has a new message
- Abuse
+ Abuse
- has a new message
+ has a new message
@@ -127,23 +127,23 @@
The recently added video has been automatically blocked
The recently added video
- has been
- automatically blocked
+ has been
+ automatically blocked
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html88 commented your video
- commented your video
+ commented your video
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html101
@@ -158,9 +158,9 @@
Your video has been published
Your video
- has been published
+ has been published
@@ -168,8 +168,8 @@
Your video import succeeded
- Your video import
+ Your video import
+ succeeded
@@ -178,8 +178,8 @@
Your video import failed
- Your video import
+ Your video import
+ failed
@@ -188,37 +188,37 @@
User registered on your instance ユーザー
- がこのインスタンスに登録しました
+ がこのインスタンスに登録しました
../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html142 is following your channel your account
- is following
+ is following
- your channel
+ your channel
- your account
+ your account
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html152 mentioned you on video
- mentioned you on
- video
+ mentioned you on
+ video
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html165
@@ -226,12 +226,12 @@
Your instance has a new follower () awaiting your approval
Your instance has
- a new follower
- (
+ a new follower
+ (
- awaiting your approval
+ awaiting your approval
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html173
@@ -239,9 +239,9 @@
Your instance automatically followed
Your instance automatically followed
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html182
@@ -289,9 +289,9 @@
Your report will be sent to moderators of
- and will be forwarded to the video origin (
+ and will be forwarded to the video origin (
) too
- .
+ .
@@ -533,8 +533,8 @@
- <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible that supports:
- <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible that supports:
+ <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible that supports:
+ <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible that supports:../app/shared/shared-main/misc/help.component.ts75
@@ -580,10 +580,10 @@
Remote subscribeRemote interact
- リモートで購読
- リモート相互作用
+ リモートで購読
+ リモート相互作用
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/remote-subscribe.component.html11
@@ -591,8 +591,8 @@
You can subscribe to the channel via any ActivityPub-capable fediverse instance. For instance with Mastodon or Pleroma you can type the channel URL in the search box and subscribe there.
You can subscribe to the channel via any ActivityPub-capable fediverse instance.
For instance with Mastodon or Pleroma you can type the channel URL in the search box and subscribe there.
@@ -602,8 +602,8 @@
You can interact with this via any ActivityPub-capable fediverse instance. For instance with Mastodon or Pleroma you can type the current URL in the search box and interact with it there.
You can interact with this via any ActivityPub-capable fediverse instance.
For instance with Mastodon or Pleroma you can type the current URL in the search box and interact with it there.
@@ -617,10 +617,10 @@
Default NSFW/sensitive videos policycan be redefined by the users
- Default NSFW/sensitive videos policy
- can be redefined by the users
+ Default NSFW/sensitive videos policy
+ can be redefined by the users
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html13
@@ -658,9 +658,9 @@
Unlimited ( per day)
- (
+ (
/ 日)
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html61
@@ -804,8 +804,8 @@
Sorry but there was an issue with the external login process. Please contact an administrator.
Sorry but there was an issue with the external login process. Please
- contact an administrator
- .
+ contact an administrator
+ .
@@ -824,11 +824,11 @@
that gives you the possibility to sign up for an account and upload your videos there.
Find yours among multiple instances at
- https://joinpeertube.org/instances
- .
+ https://joinpeertube.org/instances
+ .
@@ -888,8 +888,7 @@
- An email with the reset password instructions will be sent to .
-The link will expire within 1 hour.
+ An email with the reset password instructions will be sent to . The link will expire within 1 hour.An email with the reset password instructions will be sent to .
The link will expire within 1 hour.
@@ -956,9 +955,9 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
+ ../app/+search/search.component.html11
@@ -967,9 +966,9 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
+ ../app/+search/search.component.html22
@@ -1033,16 +1032,16 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Official PeerTube website (news, support, contribute...): https://joinpeertube.orgOfficial PeerTube website (news, support, contribute...):
- https://joinpeertube.org
+ https://joinpeertube.org
+ ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html42Put your instance on the public PeerTube index: https://instances.joinpeertube.org/instancesPut your instance on the public PeerTube index:
- https://instances.joinpeertube.org/instances
+ https://instances.joinpeertube.org/instances
+ ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html45
@@ -1055,19 +1054,19 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Choosing your instance name, setting up a description, specifying who you are, why you created your instance and how long you plan to maintain your it is very important for visitors to understand on what type of instance they are.
Choosing your
- instance name
- ,
- setting up a description
- , specifying
- who you are
- ,
+ instance name
+ ,
+ setting up a description
+ , specifying
+ who you are
+ ,
- you created your instance
- and
- how long
- you plan to
- maintain your it
+ you created your instance
+ and
+ how long
+ you plan to
+ maintain your it
is very important for visitors to understand on what type of instance they are.
@@ -1077,15 +1076,15 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
If you want to open registrations, please decide what are your moderation rules, fill your instance terms and specify the categories and languages you speak. This way, you will help users to register on the appropriate PeerTube instance.
If you want to open registrations, please decide what are
- your moderation rules
- , fill your
- instance
+ your moderation rules
+ , fill your
+ instance
and specify the categories and languages you speak. This way, you will help users to register on
- the
+ the
PeerTube instance.
@@ -1152,11 +1151,11 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Please consider configuring these fields to help people to choose the appropriate instance. Without them, your instance may not be referenced on the JoinPeerTube website.
Please consider configuring these fields to help people to choose
- the appropriate instance
- .
+ the appropriate instance
+ .
Without them, your instance may not be referenced on the
- JoinPeerTube website
- .
+ JoinPeerTube website
+ .
@@ -1656,12 +1655,12 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Tags could be used to suggest relevant recommendations. There is a maximum of 5 tags. Press Enter to add a new tag.
Tags could be used to suggest relevant recommendations.
There is a maximum of 5 tags.
- Enter
- to add a new tag.
+ Enter
+ to add a new tag.
@@ -1761,7 +1760,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- Already uploaded ✔
+ Already uploaded ✔アップロード済み ✔../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html167
@@ -1906,7 +1905,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Image that will be merged with your audio file.
The chosen image will be definitive and cannot be modified.
@@ -1975,13 +1974,13 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
We recommend you to not use the root user to publish your videos, since it's the super-admin account of your instance. Instead, create a dedicated account to upload your videos.
We recommend you to not use the
- root
- user to publish your videos, since it's the super-admin account of your instance.
+ root
+ user to publish your videos, since it's the super-admin account of your instance.
- create a dedicated account
- to upload your videos.
+ create a dedicated account
+ to upload your videos.
@@ -2183,11 +2182,11 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Published • views
- •
+ •
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html47
@@ -2195,11 +2194,11 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Published • views
- •
+ •
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html58
@@ -2560,9 +2559,9 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Your report will be sent to moderators of
- and will be forwarded to the comment origin (
+ and will be forwarded to the comment origin (
) too
- .
+ .
@@ -2590,8 +2589,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- ../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html39
+ ../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html39
Follower handleFollower handle
@@ -2600,18 +2599,13 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-imports/my-account-video-imports.component.html19
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-imports/my-account-video-imports.component.html19
+ Created 作成
+ ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html31
@@ -2674,8 +2668,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Redundancy allowed Redundancy allowed
+ ../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html35
@@ -2774,9 +2768,9 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Transcoding is enabled. The video quota only takes into account original video size. At most, this user could upload ~ .
Transcoding is enabled. The video quota only takes into account
- original
- video size.
+ original
+ video size.
At most, this user could upload ~
@@ -2965,8 +2959,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.Video Video
+ ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html29
@@ -3015,8 +3009,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Date 日付
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html45
@@ -3120,8 +3114,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html27
@@ -3175,8 +3169,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
State 状態
+ ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html29
@@ -3193,8 +3187,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Score Score
+ ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html30
@@ -3216,8 +3210,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html52
@@ -3246,8 +3240,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Muted at Muted at
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html33
@@ -3457,8 +3451,10 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Job stateJob state../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html12
- Showing to of jobsShowing to of jobs
+ Showing to of jobs
+ Showing to of jobs../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html32
@@ -3467,15 +3463,19 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- ../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html40
- No jobs found.No jobs found.
+ ../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html40
+ No jobs found.
+ No jobs found.../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html86
- No jobs found that are .No jobs found that are .
+ No jobs found that are .
+ No jobs found that are .../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html87
@@ -3484,9 +3484,11 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html33
- nownow
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html33
+ now
+ now../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html15
@@ -3495,15 +3497,15 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html37
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html37
- By ->
+ By ->By
- ->
+ ->
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html45
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html45
@@ -3532,8 +3534,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
The sharing system implies that some technical information about your system (such as a public IP address) can be sent to other peers, but greatly helps to reduce server load.The
- sharing system
- implies that some technical information about your system (such as a public IP address) can be sent to other peers, but greatly helps to reduce server load.
+ sharing system
+ implies that some technical information about your system (such as a public IP address) can be sent to other peers, but greatly helps to reduce server load.
@@ -3576,8 +3578,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Manage users to build a moderation team.
- users
- to build a moderation team.
+ users
+ to build a moderation team.
@@ -3591,8 +3593,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Enabling it will allow other administrators to know that you are mainly federating sensitive content. Moreover, the NSFW checkbox on video upload will be automatically checked by default.
Enabling it will allow other administrators to know that you are mainly federating sensitive content.
Moreover, the NSFW checkbox on video upload will be automatically checked by default.
@@ -3607,10 +3609,10 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
With Do not list or Blur thumbnails, a confirmation will be requested to watch the video.
- Do not list
- or
- Blur thumbnails
- , a confirmation will be requested to watch the video.
+ Do not list
+ or
+ Blur thumbnails
+ , a confirmation will be requested to watch the video.
@@ -3729,10 +3731,10 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Use plugins & themes for more involved changes, or add slight customizations.
- plugins & themes
- for more involved changes, or
- add slight customizations
- .
+ plugins & themes
+ for more involved changes, or
+ add slight customizations
+ .
@@ -3813,8 +3815,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Manage users to set their quota individually.
- users
- to set their quota individually.
+ users
+ to set their quota individually.
@@ -3917,8 +3919,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Allow your users to look up remote videos/actors by their URI, that may not be federated with your instanceAllow
- your users
- to look up remote videos/actors by their URI, that may not be federated with your instance
+ your users
+ to look up remote videos/actors by their URI, that may not be federated with your instance
@@ -3930,8 +3932,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Allow anonymous users to look up remote videos/actors by their URI, that may not be federated with your instanceAllow
- anonymous users
- to look up remote videos/actors by their URI, that may not be federated with your instance
+ anonymous users
+ to look up remote videos/actors by their URI, that may not be federated with your instance
@@ -3949,8 +3951,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
You should only use moderated search indexes in production, or host your own.
You should only use moderated search indexes in production, or
- host your own
- .
+ host your own
+ .
@@ -3989,8 +3991,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Manage relations with other instances.
- relations
- with other instances.
+ relations
+ with other instances.
@@ -4014,8 +4016,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
You should only follow moderated indexes in production, or host your own.
You should only follow moderated indexes in production, or
- host your own
- .
+ host your own
+ .
@@ -4086,14 +4088,14 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
If your instance is explicitly allowed by Twitter, a video player will be embedded in the Twitter feed on PeerTube video share. If the instance is not, we use an image link card that will redirect on your PeerTube instance. Check this checkbox, save the configuration and test with a video URL of your instance (https://example.com/videos/watch/blabla) on https://cards-dev.twitter.com/validator to see if you instance is allowed.
If your instance is explicitly allowed by Twitter, a video player will be embedded in the Twitter feed on PeerTube video share.
If the instance is not, we use an image link card that will redirect on your PeerTube instance.
Check this checkbox, save the configuration and test with a video URL of your instance (https://example.com/videos/watch/blabla) on
- https://cards-dev.twitter.com/validator
+ https://cards-dev.twitter.com/validator
to see if you instance is allowed.
@@ -4150,13 +4152,13 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Experimental, we suggest you to not disable webtorrent support for nowIf you also enabled HLS support, it will multiply videos storage by 2If disabled, breaks federation with PeerTube instances < 2.1
- Experimental, we suggest you to not disable webtorrent support for now
- If you also enabled HLS support, it will multiply videos storage by 2
- If disabled, breaks federation with PeerTube instances < 2.1
+ Experimental, we suggest you to not disable webtorrent support for now
+ If you also enabled HLS support, it will multiply videos storage by 2
+ If disabled, breaks federation with PeerTube instances < 2.1
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html762
@@ -4166,22 +4168,22 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- Requires ffmpeg >= 4.1Generate HLS playlists and fragmented MP4 files resulting in a better playback than with the current default player:Resolution change is smootherFaster playback in particular with long videosMore stable playback (less bugs/infinite loading)If you also enabled WebTorrent support, it will multiply videos storage by 2
+ Requires ffmpeg >= 4.1Generate HLS playlists and fragmented MP4 files resulting in a better playback than with the current default player:Resolution change is smootherFaster playback in particular with long videosMore stable playback (less bugs/infinite loading)If you also enabled WebTorrent support, it will multiply videos storage by 2
- Requires ffmpeg >= 4.1
- Generate HLS playlists and fragmented MP4 files resulting in a better playback than with the current default player:
- Resolution change is smoother
- Faster playback in particular with long videos
- More stable playback (less bugs/infinite loading)
- If you also enabled WebTorrent support, it will multiply videos storage by 2
+ Requires ffmpeg >= 4.1
+ Generate HLS playlists and fragmented MP4 files resulting in a better playback than with the current default player:
+ Resolution change is smoother
+ Faster playback in particular with long videos
+ More stable playback (less bugs/infinite loading)
+ If you also enabled WebTorrent support, it will multiply videos storage by 2
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html783
@@ -4243,41 +4245,35 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Write JavaScript code directly.Example: console.log('my instance is amazing');
Write JavaScript code directly.
- Example:
- console.log('my instance is amazing');
+ Example:
+ console.log('my instance is amazing');
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html892
- Write CSS code directly. Example: #custom-css
- color: red;
- Prepend with #custom-css to override styles. Example: #custom-css .logged-in-email
- color: red;
+ Write CSS code directly. Example: #custom-css color: red; Prepend with #custom-css to override styles. Example: #custom-css .logged-in-email color: red;
Write CSS code directly. Example:
- #custom-css
+ #custom-css
color: red;
Prepend with
- #custom-css
- to override styles. Example:
- #custom-css .logged-in-email
+ #custom-css
+ to override styles. Example:
+ #custom-css .logged-in-email
color: red;
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html911
@@ -4400,10 +4396,10 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
With Do not list or Blur thumbnails, a confirmation will be requested to watch the video.
- Do not list
- or
- Blur thumbnails
- , a confirmation will be requested to watch the video.
+ Do not list
+ or
+ Blur thumbnails
+ , a confirmation will be requested to watch the video.
@@ -4432,18 +4428,18 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Your current email is
Your current email is
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html5 is awaiting email verification
- is awaiting email verification
+ is awaiting email verification
@@ -4533,8 +4529,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-ownership/my-account-ownership.component.html23
@@ -4620,9 +4616,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- Short text to tell people how they can support your channel (membership platform...).<br /><br />
- When you will upload a video in this channel, the video support field will be automatically filled by this text.
- Short text to tell people how they can support your channel (membership platform...).<br /><br />
+ Short text to tell people how they can support your channel (membership platform...).<br /><br /> When you will upload a video in this channel, the video support field will be automatically filled by this text.
+ Short text to tell people how they can support your channel (membership platform...).<br /><br />
When you will upload a video in this channel, the video support field will be automatically filled by this text.../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channel-edit.component.html77
@@ -4707,8 +4702,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Delete history
@@ -4722,8 +4717,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Notification preferences
Notification preferences
@@ -4808,8 +4803,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
See the documentation for more information.
See the
- documentation
- for more information.
+ documentation
+ for more information.
@@ -4823,8 +4818,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
If you need help to use PeerTube, you can have a look at the documentation.
If you need help to use PeerTube, you can have a look at the
- documentation
- .
+ documentation
+ .
@@ -4934,9 +4929,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- Do you really want to delete ?
-It will delete videos uploaded in this channel, and you will not be able to create another
-channel with the same name ()!
+ Do you really want to delete ? It will delete videos uploaded in this channel, and you will not be able to create another channel with the same name ()!Do you really want to delete ?
It will delete videos uploaded in this channel, and you will not be able to create another
channel with the same name ()!
@@ -5178,9 +5171,9 @@ channel with the same name ()!
It is a free and open-source software, under the AGPLv3 licence.
It is a free and open-source software, under the
- AGPLv3
+ AGPLv3
- .
+ .
@@ -5189,8 +5182,8 @@ channel with the same name ()!
For more information, please visit joinpeertube.org.
For more information, please visit
- joinpeertube.org
- .
+ joinpeertube.org
+ .
@@ -5304,14 +5297,14 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Web peers are not publicly accessible: because we use WebRTC inside the web browser (with the WebTorrent library), the protocol is different from classic BitTorrent. When you are in a web browser, you send a signal containing your IP address to the tracker that will randomly choose other peers to forward the information to. See this document for more information
Web peers are not publicly accessible: because we use WebRTC inside the web browser (
- with the
+ with the
WebTorrent library
- ), the protocol is different from classic BitTorrent.
+ ), the protocol is different from classic BitTorrent.
When you are in a web browser, you send a signal containing your IP address to the tracker that will randomly choose other peers
to forward the information to.
- this document
- for more information
+ this document
+ for more information
@@ -5441,8 +5434,8 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Developed with ❤ by FramasoftDeveloped with ❤ by
- Framasoft
+ Framasoft
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube-contributors.component.html3
@@ -5512,7 +5505,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
A channel is an entity in which you upload your videos. Creating several of them helps you to organize and separate your content. For example, you could decide to have a channel to publish your piano concerts, and another channel in which you publish your videos talking about ecology.
A channel is an entity in which you upload your videos. Creating several of them helps you to organize and separate your content.
For example, you could decide to have a channel to publish your piano concerts, and another channel in which you publish your videos talking about ecology.
@@ -5576,12 +5569,12 @@ channel with the same name ()!
I am at least 16 years old and agree
to the
- Terms
- and to the
- Code of Conduct
+ Terms
+ and to the
+ Code of Conduct
of this instance
@@ -5718,8 +5711,8 @@ channel with the same name ()!
- A <code>.mp4</code> that keeps the original audio track, with no video
- A <code>.mp4</code> that keeps the original audio track, with no video
+ A <code>.mp4</code> that keeps the original audio track, with no video
+ A <code>.mp4</code> that keeps the original audio track, with no video../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.ts57
@@ -6294,32 +6287,40 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Last dayLast day
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts84
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts84
+ Last hourLast hour
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts89
- debugdebug
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts89
+ debug
+ debug../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts101
- infoinfo
+ info
+ info../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts105
- warningwarning
+ warning
+ warning../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts109
- errorerror
+ error
+ error../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts113
@@ -6328,33 +6329,33 @@ channel with the same name ()!
- ../app/+admin/system/system.routes.ts48
+ ../app/+admin/system/system.routes.ts48
+ Info情報
- ../app/core/notification/notifier.service.ts11
+ ../app/core/notification/notifier.service.ts11
+ Warning警告
- ../app/core/routing/can-deactivate-guard.service.ts23
+ ../app/core/routing/can-deactivate-guard.service.ts23
- ../app/core/auth/auth.service.ts103
+ ../app/core/auth/auth.service.ts103
Standard logsStandard logs
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts124
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts124
Audit logsAudit logs
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts128
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts128
User created.ユーザー
@@ -7118,8 +7119,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!../app/core/auth/auth.service.ts75
- Cannot retrieve OAuth Client credentials: .
-Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular the "webserver" section.
+ Cannot retrieve OAuth Client credentials: . Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular the "webserver" section.Cannot retrieve OAuth Client credentials: .
Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular the "webserver" section.
@@ -7250,8 +7250,8 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Long (> 10 min)
- 長い (> 10 分)
+ Long (> 10 min)
+ 長い (> 10 分)../app/+search/search-filters.component.ts73
@@ -7799,8 +7799,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Request is too large for the server.
- Please contact you administrator if you want to increase the limit size.
+ Request is too large for the server. Please contact you administrator if you want to increase the limit size.Request is too large for the server.
Please contact you administrator if you want to increase the limit size.
@@ -9273,8 +9272,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Your video quota is exceeded with this video (
-video size: , used: , quota: )
+ Your video quota is exceeded with this video ( video size: , used: , quota: )Your video quota is exceeded with this video (
video size: , used: , quota: )
@@ -9283,8 +9281,7 @@ video size: , used: , quota: )
- Your daily video quota is exceeded with this video (
-video size: , used: , quota: )
+ Your daily video quota is exceeded with this video ( video size: , used: , quota: )Your daily video quota is exceeded with this video (
video size: , used: , quota: )
@@ -9304,7 +9301,7 @@ video size: , used: , quota: )
Report comment
- Report comment
+ コメントを通報../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/comment-report.component.ts51
@@ -9340,17 +9337,17 @@ video size: , used: , quota: )
Autoplay next video
- Autoplay next video
+ 自動再生../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch-playlist.component.ts204Stop looping playlist videos
- Stop looping playlist videos
+ プレイリストのループを止める../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch-playlist.component.ts209Loop playlist videos
- Loop playlist videos
+ プレイリストをループする../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch-playlist.component.ts210
@@ -9359,13 +9356,13 @@ video size: , used: , quota: )
- This video is not available on this instance. Do you want to be redirected on the origin instance: <a href=""></a>?
- This video is not available on this instance. Do you want to be redirected on the origin instance: <a href=""></a>?
+ This video is not available on this instance. Do you want to be redirected on the origin instance: <a href=""></a>?
+ This video is not available on this instance. Do you want to be redirected on the origin instance: <a href=""></a>?../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts373Redirection
- Redirection
+ リダイレクト../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts374
@@ -9390,7 +9387,7 @@ video size: , used: , quota: )
Autoplay is suspended
- Autoplay is suspended
+ 自動再生は停止中です../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts538
@@ -9460,7 +9457,7 @@ video size: , used: , quota: )
When active, the next video is automatically played after the current one.
- When active, the next video is automatically played after the current one.
+ アクティブになったら、次の動画が自動で再生されます。../app/+videos/+video-watch/recommendations/recommended-videos.component.ts59
@@ -9493,7 +9490,7 @@ video size: , used: , quota: )
- Subscriptions
+ サブスクリプション../app/+videos/video-list/video-user-subscriptions.component.ts38
@@ -9517,7 +9514,7 @@ video size: , used: , quota: )
Trending videos
- Trending videos
+ 人気の動画../app/+videos/videos-routing.module.ts32
@@ -9525,7 +9522,7 @@ video size: , used: , quota: )
Recently added videos
- Recently added videos
+ 最近追加された動画../app/+videos/videos-routing.module.ts58
@@ -9533,7 +9530,7 @@ video size: , used: , quota: )
Upload a video
- Upload a video
+ 動画をアップロード../app/+videos/videos-routing.module.ts97
@@ -9541,7 +9538,7 @@ video size: , used: , quota: )
Edit a video
- Edit a video
+ 動画を編集../app/+videos/videos-routing.module.ts106
diff --git a/client/src/locale/angular.kn.xlf b/client/src/locale/angular.kn.xlf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1c3d09f2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/src/locale/angular.kn.xlf
@@ -0,0 +1,12841 @@
+ Follows
+ ../app/+about/about-follows/about-follows.component.html
+ 2
+ Followers instances
+ ../app/+about/about-follows/about-follows.component.html
+ 4
+ Followings instances
+ ../app/+about/about-follows/about-follows.component.html
+ 14
+ This instance does not have instances followers.
+ ../app/+about/about-follows/about-follows.component.html
+ 6
+ This instance does not have instances followings.
+ ../app/+about/about-follows/about-follows.component.html
+ 16
+ About this instance
+ ಈ ನಿದರ್ಶನದ ಬಗ್ಗೆ
+ ../app/+about/about-routing.module.ts
+ 26
+ About PeerTube
+ ಪಿಯರ್ ಟ್ಯೂಬ್ನ ಬಗ್ಗೆ
+ ../app/+about/about-routing.module.ts
+ 38
+ About follows
+ ../app/+about/about-routing.module.ts
+ 47
+ About
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html
+ 5
+ Description
+ ವಿವರಣೆ
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html
+ 79
+ Terms
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html
+ 116
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html
+ 140
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html
+ 147
+ Contact administrator
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html
+ 7
+ This instance is dedicated to sensitive/NSFW content.
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html
+ 19
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html
+ 29,30
+ Who we are
+ ನಾವು ಯಾರು
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html
+ 36
+ Why we created this instance
+ ಏಕೆ ಈ ನಿದರ್ಶನವನ್ನು ರಚಿಸಿದೆವು
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html
+ 45
+ How long we plan to maintain this instance
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html
+ 54
+ How we will pay for this instance
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html
+ 63
+ ಮಾಹಿತಿ
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html
+ 72,73
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html
+ 91,92
+ Moderation information
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html
+ 98
+ Code of conduct
+ ನೀತಿ ಸಂಹಿತೆ
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html
+ 107
+ ಇತರೆ ಮಾಹಿತಿ
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html
+ 125,126
+ Hardware information
+ ಹಾರ್ಡ್ವೇರ್ ಮಾಹಿತಿ
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html
+ 132
+ Developed with ❤ by Framasoft
+ ಫ್ರಾಮಸಾಫ್ಟ್ ❤ ಇಂದ ಅಭಿವೃದ್ಧಿಸಿದೆ
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube-contributors.component.html
+ 3
+ Instance
+ ನಿದರ್ಶನ
+ ../app/+about/about.component.html
+ 5
+ PeerTube
+ ಪಿಯರ್ಟ್ಯೂಬ್
+ ../app/+about/about.component.html
+ 7
+ Email is required.
+ ಈ-ಅಂಚೆ ಅವಶ್ಯಕತೆಯಿದೆ.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts
+ 7
+ Email must be valid.
+ ಈ-ಅಂಚೆ ಮಾನ್ಯವಾಗಿರಬೇಕು.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts
+ 8
+ Your name is required.
+ ನಿಮ್ಮ ಹೆಸರು ಅವಶ್ಯಕತೆಯಿದೆ.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts
+ 19
+ Your name must be at least 1 character long.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts
+ 20
+ Your name cannot be more than 120 characters long.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts
+ 21
+ A subject is required.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts
+ 32
+ The subject must be at least 1 character long.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts
+ 33
+ The subject cannot be more than 120 characters long.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts
+ 34
+ A message is required.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts
+ 45
+ The message must be at least 3 characters long.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts
+ 46
+ The message cannot be more than 5000 characters long.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts
+ 47
+ What is PeerTube?
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html
+ 3,4
+ PeerTube is a self-hosted ActivityPub-federated video streaming platform using P2P directly in your web browser.
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html
+ 10,11
+ It is a free and open-source software, under the AGPLv3 licence.
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html
+ 14,16
+ For more information, please visit joinpeertube.org.
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html
+ 19,20
+ Use PeerTube documentation
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html
+ 28,29
+ Discover how to setup your account, what is a channel, how to create a playlist and more!
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html
+ 33,34
+ PeerTube Applications
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html
+ 42
+ Discover unofficial Android applications or browser addons!
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html
+ 46,47
+ Contribute on PeerTube
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html
+ 54,55
+ Want to help to improve PeerTube? You can translate the web interface, give your feedback or directly contribute to the code!
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html
+ 59,60
+ P2P & Privacy
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html
+ 71
+ PeerTube uses the BitTorrent protocol to share bandwidth between users by default to help lower the load on the server, but ultimately leaves you the choice to switch back to regular streaming exclusively from the server of the video. What follows applies only if you want to keep using the P2P mode of PeerTube.
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html
+ 75,78
+ What are the consequences?
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html
+ 85
+ In theory, someone with enough technical skills could create a script that tracks which IP is downloading which video. In practice, this is much more difficult because:
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html
+ 88,90
+ An HTTP request has to be sent on each tracker for each video to spy. If we want to spy all PeerTube's videos, we have to send as many requests as there are videos (so potentially a lot)
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html
+ 94,96
+ For each request sent, the tracker returns random peers at a limited number. For instance, if there are 1000 peers in the swarm and the tracker sends only 20 peers for each request, there must be at least 50 requests sent to know every peer in the swarm
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html
+ 99,102
+ Those requests have to be sent regularly to know who starts/stops watching a video. It is easy to detect that kind of behaviour
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html
+ 105,106
+ If an IP address is stored in the tracker, it doesn't mean that the person behind the IP (if this person exists) has watched the video
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html
+ 109,111
+ The IP address is a vague information: usually, it regularly changes and can represent many persons or entities
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html
+ 114,115
+ Web peers are not publicly accessible: because we use WebRTC inside the web browser (with the WebTorrent library), the protocol is different from classic BitTorrent. When you are in a web browser, you send a signal containing your IP address to the tracker that will randomly choose other peers to forward the information to. See this document for more information
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html
+ 118,123
+ The worst-case scenario of an average person spying on their friends is quite unlikely. There are much more effective ways to get that kind of information.
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html
+ 127,129
+ How does PeerTube compare with YouTube?
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html
+ 131
+ The threats to privacy with YouTube are different from PeerTube's. In YouTube's case, the platform gathers a huge amount of your personal information (not only your IP) to analyze them and track you. Moreover, YouTube is owned by Google/Alphabet, a company that tracks you across many websites (via AdSense or Google Analytics).
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html
+ 134,137
+ What can I do to limit the exposure of my IP address?
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html
+ 139
+ Your IP address is public so every time you consult a website, there is a number of actors (in addition to the final website) seeing your IP in their connection logs: ISP/routers/trackers/CDN and more. PeerTube is transparent about it: we warn you that if you want to keep your IP private, you must use a VPN or Tor Browser. Thinking that removing P2P from PeerTube will give you back anonymity doesn't make sense.
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html
+ 142,146
+ What will be done to mitigate this problem?
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html
+ 148
+ PeerTube wants to deliver the best countermeasures possible, to give you more choice and render attacks less likely. Here is what we put in place so far:
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html
+ 151,153
+ We set a limit to the number of peers sent by the tracker
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html
+ 156
+ We set a limit on the request frequency received by the tracker
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html
+ 157
+ Allow instance admins to disable P2P from the administration interface
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html
+ 158
+ Automatic video redundancy from some instances: one doesn't know if the IP downloaded the video on purpose or if it a server
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html
+ 159
+ Ultimately, remember you can always disable P2P by toggling it in the video player, or just by disabling WebRTC in your browser.
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html
+ 163,165
+ Your message has been sent.
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.ts
+ 76
+ You already sent this form recently
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.ts
+ 82
+ Contact administrator
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html
+ 3
+ Your name
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html
+ 11
+ Your email
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html
+ 20
+ Subject
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html
+ 29
+ Your message
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html
+ 38
+ Cancel
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html
+ 48
+ Submit
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html
+ 53
+ ../app/+accounts/accounts.component.ts
+ 59
+ ../app/+accounts/accounts.component.ts
+ 60
+ ../app/+accounts/accounts.component.ts
+ 61
+ Username copied
+ ../app/+accounts/accounts.component.ts
+ 89
+ 1 subscriber
+ ../app/+accounts/accounts.component.ts
+ 93
+ subscribers
+ ../app/+accounts/accounts.component.ts
+ 95
+ direct account followers
+ ../app/+accounts/accounts.component.ts
+ 109
+ Report this account
+ ../app/+accounts/accounts.component.ts
+ 115
+ Banned
+ ../app/+accounts/accounts.component.html
+ 18
+ Muted
+ ../app/+accounts/accounts.component.html
+ 19
+ Instance muted
+ ../app/+accounts/accounts.component.html
+ 20
+ Muted by your instance
+ ../app/+accounts/accounts.component.html
+ 21
+ Instance muted by your instance
+ ../app/+accounts/accounts.component.html
+ 22
+ Manage account
+ ../app/+accounts/accounts.component.html
+ 36
+ Video channels
+ ../app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html
+ 1
+ This account does not have channels.
+ ../app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html
+ 4
+ See this video channel
+ ../app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html
+ 9
+ {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 subscriber} other { subscribers}}
+ ../app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html
+ 13
+ This channel doesn't have any videos.
+ ../app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html
+ 20
+ ../app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html
+ 29,30
+ Published videos
+ ../app/+accounts/account-videos/account-videos.component.ts
+ 67
+ Display unlisted and private videos
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/abstract-video-list.html
+ 24
+ No results.
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/abstract-video-list.html
+ 32
+ No description
+ ../app/+accounts/account-about/account-about.component.ts
+ 38
+ About
+ ../app/+accounts/account-about/account-about.component.html
+ 1
+ ../app/+accounts/account-about/account-about.component.html
+ 5
+ ../app/+accounts/account-about/account-about.component.html
+ 10
+ Joined
+ ../app/+accounts/account-about/account-about.component.html
+ 12
+ Account videos
+ ../app/+accounts/accounts-routing.module.ts
+ 29
+ Account video channels
+ ../app/+accounts/accounts-routing.module.ts
+ 42
+ About account
+ ../app/+accounts/accounts-routing.module.ts
+ 51
+ Reports
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/abuse-list/abuse-list.component.html
+ 3
+ User updated.
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-update.component.ts
+ 85
+ Update user
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-update.component.ts
+ 102
+ An email asking for password reset has been sent to .
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-update.component.ts
+ 108
+ Users
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html
+ 5,4
+ Email
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html
+ 105
+ mail@example.com
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html
+ 107
+ Role
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html
+ 135
+ Video quota
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html
+ 150
+ Daily video quota
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html
+ 166
+ Doesn't need review before a video goes public
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html
+ 179
+ Create
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html
+ 8
+ Edit
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html
+ 12,11
+ {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {Video} other {Videos}}
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html
+ 24
+ {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {Channel} other {Channels}}
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html
+ 30
+ {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {Subscriber} other {Subscribers}}
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html
+ 36
+ Incriminated in reports
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html
+ 42
+ Authored reports accepted
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html
+ 48
+ {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {Comment} other {Comments}}
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html
+ 54
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html
+ 73
+ Username
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html
+ 83
+ john
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html
+ 85
+ Channel name
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html
+ 94
+ john_channel
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html
+ 96
+ Password
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html
+ 117
+ If you leave the password empty, an email will be sent to the user.
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html
+ 121,122
+ Transcoding is enabled. The video quota only takes into account original video size. At most, this user could upload ~ .
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html
+ 160,162
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html
+ 197
+ Send a link to reset the password by email to the user
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html
+ 204
+ Ask for new password
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html
+ 205
+ Manually set the user password
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html
+ 209
+ Users list
+ ../app/+admin/users/users.routes.ts
+ 27
+ Create a user
+ ../app/+admin/users/users.routes.ts
+ 36
+ Update a user
+ ../app/+admin/users/users.routes.ts
+ 48
+ Federation
+ ../app/+admin/admin.component.ts
+ 26
+ Instances you follow
+ ../app/+admin/admin.component.ts
+ 29
+ Instances following you
+ ../app/+admin/admin.component.ts
+ 34
+ Video redundancies
+ ../app/+admin/admin.component.ts
+ 39
+ Moderation
+ ../app/+admin/admin.component.ts
+ 47
+ Reports
+ ../app/+admin/admin.component.ts
+ 53
+ Video blocks
+ ../app/+admin/admin.component.ts
+ 60
+ Muted accounts
+ ../app/+admin/admin.component.ts
+ 67
+ Muted servers
+ ../app/+admin/admin.component.ts
+ 74
+ Users
+ ../app/+admin/admin.component.ts
+ 81
+ Configuration
+ ../app/+admin/admin.component.ts
+ 88
+ Plugins/Themes
+ ../app/+admin/admin.component.ts
+ 92
+ System
+ ../app/+admin/admin.component.ts
+ 96
+ Password changed for user .
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-password.component.ts
+ 40
+ Update user password
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-password.component.ts
+ 52
+ Show
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-password.component.html
+ 10
+ Hide
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-password.component.html
+ 11
+ Following list
+ ../app/+admin/follows/follows.routes.ts
+ 28
+ Followers list
+ ../app/+admin/follows/follows.routes.ts
+ 37
+ Last week
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts
+ 79
+ Last day
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts
+ 84
+ Last hour
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts
+ 89
+ debug
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts
+ 101
+ info
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts
+ 105
+ warning
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts
+ 109
+ error
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts
+ 113
+ Standard logs
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts
+ 124
+ Audit logs
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts
+ 128
+ Refresh
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html
+ 33
+ now
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html
+ 15
+ Loading...
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html
+ 37
+ By ->
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html
+ 45
+ Settings updated.
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-show-installed/plugin-show-installed.component.ts
+ 52
+ This does not have settings.
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-show-installed/plugin-show-installed.component.html
+ 17,18
+ enabled
+ ../app/+admin/follows/shared/redundancy-checkbox.component.ts
+ 23
+ disabled
+ ../app/+admin/follows/shared/redundancy-checkbox.component.ts
+ 23
+ Redundancy for is
+ ../app/+admin/follows/shared/redundancy-checkbox.component.ts
+ 25
+ Muted servers
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html
+ 3
+ Showing to of muted instances
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html
+ 10
+ Mute domains
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html
+ 64
+ Filter...
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html
+ 16
+ Clear filters
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html
+ 20
+ Mute domain
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html
+ 24
+ Muted at
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html
+ 33
+ Unmute
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html
+ 40
+ Open instance in a new tab
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html
+ 43
+ No server found matching current filters.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html
+ 56
+ No server found.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html
+ 57
+ Plugins
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/shared/plugin-api.service.ts
+ 33
+ Themes
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/shared/plugin-api.service.ts
+ 37
+ plugin
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/shared/plugin-api.service.ts
+ 45
+ theme
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/shared/plugin-api.service.ts
+ 48
+ accepted in instance followers
+ ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts
+ 41
+ Do you really want to reject this follower?
+ ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts
+ 52
+ Reject
+ ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts
+ 53
+ rejected from instance followers
+ ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts
+ 60
+ Do you really want to delete this follower?
+ ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts
+ 73
+ Delete
+ ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts
+ 74
+ removed from instance followers
+ ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts
+ 81
+ Instances following you
+ ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html
+ 3
+ Showing to of followers
+ ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html
+ 10
+ Follower handle
+ ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html
+ 28
+ State
+ ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html
+ 29
+ Score
+ ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html
+ 30
+ Created
+ ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html
+ 31
+ Open actor page in a new tab
+ ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html
+ 46
+ Accept
+ ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html
+ 39
+ Refuse
+ ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html
+ 40
+ Accepted
+ ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html
+ 53
+ Pending
+ ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html
+ 56
+ No follower found matching current filters.
+ ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html
+ 68
+ Your instance doesn't have any follower.
+ ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html
+ 69
+ Follow request(s) sent!
+ ../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.ts
+ 48
+ Do you really want to unfollow ?
+ ../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.ts
+ 58
+ Unfollow
+ ../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.ts
+ 59
+ You are not following anymore.
+ ../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.ts
+ 65
+ Instances you follow
+ ../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html
+ 3
+ Showing to of hosts
+ ../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html
+ 10
+ Follow domains
+ ../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html
+ 79
+ Follow domain
+ ../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html
+ 24
+ Host
+ ../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html
+ 33,32
+ Redundancy allowed
+ ../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html
+ 35
+ No host found matching current filters.
+ ../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html
+ 71
+ Your instance is not following anyone.
+ ../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html
+ 72
+ It seems that you are not on a HTTPS server. Your webserver needs to have TLS activated in order to follow servers.
+ ../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html
+ 82,83
+ Installed
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugins.component.html
+ 3
+ Search
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugins.component.html
+ 5
+ Used
+ ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.ts
+ 101
+ Available
+ ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.ts
+ 101
+ Do you really want to remove this video redundancy?
+ ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.ts
+ 140
+ Remove redundancy
+ ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.ts
+ 141
+ Video redundancies removed!
+ ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.ts
+ 147
+ Videos redundancies
+ ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html
+ 3
+ Display
+ ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html
+ 8
+ My videos duplicated by remote instances
+ ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html
+ 12
+ Remote videos duplicated by my instance
+ ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html
+ 13
+ Video
+ ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html
+ 29
+ Strategy
+ ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html
+ 28
+ Total size
+ ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html
+ 30
+ List redundancies
+ ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html
+ 37
+ Open video in a new tab
+ ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html
+ 49
+ Your instance doesn't mirror any video.
+ ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html
+ 81
+ Your instance has no mirrored videos.
+ ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html
+ 82
+ Enabled strategies stats
+ ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html
+ 91
+ No redundancy strategy is enabled on your instance.
+ ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html
+ 96,97
+ You don't have plugins installed yet.
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.ts
+ 89
+ You don't have themes installed yet.
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.ts
+ 92
+ Update to
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.ts
+ 100
+ Do you really want to uninstall ?
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.ts
+ 109
+ Uninstall
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.ts
+ 110
+ uninstalled.
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.ts
+ 117
+ updated.
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.ts
+ 139
+ Plugin homepage (new window)
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.html
+ 17
+ Uninstall
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.html
+ 32
+ Settings
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.html
+ 26
+ Jobs
+ ../app/+admin/system/system.routes.ts
+ 26
+ Logs
+ ../app/+admin/system/system.routes.ts
+ 37
+ Debug
+ ../app/+admin/system/system.routes.ts
+ 48
+ User created.
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-create.component.ts
+ 77
+ Create user
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-create.component.ts
+ 95
+ Videos blocked
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/moderation.routes.ts
+ 67
+ Muted instances
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/moderation.routes.ts
+ 89
+ Unlimited
+ ../app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts
+ 21
+ None - no upload possible
+ ../app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts
+ 23
+ 100MB
+ ../app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts
+ 24
+ 500MB
+ ../app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts
+ 25
+ 1GB
+ ../app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts
+ 26
+ 5GB
+ ../app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts
+ 27
+ 20GB
+ ../app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts
+ 28
+ 50GB
+ ../app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts
+ 29
+ 10MB
+ ../app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts
+ 37
+ 50MB
+ ../app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts
+ 38
+ 2GB
+ ../app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts
+ 41
+ Videos will be deleted, comments will be tombstoned.
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts
+ 84
+ Ban
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts
+ 89
+ User won't be able to login anymore, but videos and comments will be kept as is.
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts
+ 90
+ Unban
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts
+ 95
+ Set Email as Verified
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts
+ 102
+ You cannot ban root.
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts
+ 161
+ Do you really want to unban users?
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts
+ 198
+ users unbanned.
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts
+ 204
+ You cannot delete root.
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts
+ 215
+ If you remove these users, you will not be able to create others with the same username!
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts
+ 220
+ users deleted.
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts
+ 226
+ users email set as verified.
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts
+ 237
+ Showing to of users
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html
+ 6
+ Advanced user filters
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html
+ 27
+ Banned users
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html
+ 28
+ Create user
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html
+ 42
+ Batch actions
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html
+ 13
+ Table parameters
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html
+ 58
+ Select columns
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html
+ 64
+ Highlight banned users
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html
+ 70
+ Open account in a new tab
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html
+ 106
+ User's email must be verified to login
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html
+ 129
+ User's email is verified / User can login without email verification
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html
+ 133
+ Total video quota
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html
+ 140
+ Total daily video quota
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html
+ 150
+ The user was banned
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html
+ 160
+ Ban reason:
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html
+ 177
+ Audio-only
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.ts
+ 56
+ A <code>.mp4</code> that keeps the original audio track, with no video
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.ts
+ 57
+ 240p
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.ts
+ 61
+ 360p
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.ts
+ 65
+ 480p
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.ts
+ 69
+ 720p
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.ts
+ 73
+ 1080p
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.ts
+ 77
+ 2160p
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.ts
+ 81
+ Auto (via ffmpeg)
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.ts
+ 86
+ Configuration updated.
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.ts
+ 294
+ Configuration
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 1
+ Instance information
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 7
+ Basic configuration
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 239
+ Services
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 649
+ Advanced configuration
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 703
+ Update configuration
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 950
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 15
+ Name
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 21
+ Short description
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 30
+ Main instance categories
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 48
+ Add a new category
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 55
+ Main languages you/your moderators speak
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 62
+ Add a new language
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 69
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 80
+ Manage users to build a moderation team.
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 82,83
+ Policy on videos containing sensitive content
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 104
+ Policy for sensitive videos
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 116
+ Do not list
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 117
+ Blur thumbnails
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 118
+ Who moderates the instance? What is the policy regarding NSFW videos? Political videos? etc
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 145
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 159
+ Who is behind the instance?
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 165
+ A single person? A non-profit? A company?
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 166
+ Why did you create this instance?
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 177
+ To share your personal videos? To open registrations and allow people to upload what they want?
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 178
+ How long do you plan to maintain this instance?
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 188
+ It's important to know for users who want to register on your instance
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 189
+ How will you finance the PeerTube server?
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 199
+ With your own funds? With user donations? Advertising?
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 200
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 214
+ What server/hardware does the instance run on?
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 220
+ i.e. 2vCore 2GB RAM, a direct the link to the server you rent, etc.
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 221
+ This instance is dedicated to sensitive or NSFW content
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 91
+ Enabling it will allow other administrators to know that you are mainly federating sensitive content. Moreover, the NSFW checkbox on video upload will be automatically checked by default.
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 96,98
+ With Do not list or Blur thumbnails, a confirmation will be requested to watch the video.
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 109,110
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 245
+ Use plugins & themes for more involved changes, or add slight customizations.
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 247,248
+ Theme
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 255
+ default
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 259
+ Landing page
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 268
+ Discover videos
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 271
+ Trending videos
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 272
+ Most liked videos
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 273
+ Recently added videos
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 274
+ Local videos
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 275
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 286
+ Display a message on your instance
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 288,289
+ Enable broadcast message
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 299
+ Allow users to dismiss the broadcast message
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 306
+ Broadcast message level
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 311
+ Message
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 323
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 338
+ Manage users to set their quota individually.
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 340,341
+ Enable Signup
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 350
+ ⚠️ This functionality requires a lot of attention and extra moderation.
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 353
+ Signup requires email verification
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 358
+ Signup limit
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 362
+ Default video quota per user
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 377
+ Default daily upload limit per user
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 389
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 406
+ Allow import with HTTP URL (i.e. YouTube)
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 417
+ Allow import with a torrent file or a magnet URI
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 424
+ Block new videos automatically
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 438
+ Unless a user is marked as trusted, their videos will stay private until a moderator reviews them.
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 441
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 455
+ Allow users to do remote URI/handle search
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 466
+ Allow your users to look up remote videos/actors by their URI, that may not be federated with your instance
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 469
+ Allow anonymous to do remote URI/handle search
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 477
+ Allow anonymous users to look up remote videos/actors by their URI, that may not be federated with your instance
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 480
+ Enable global search
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 491
+ ⚠️ This functionality depends heavily on the moderation of instances followed by the search index you select.
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 494
+ You should only use moderated search indexes in production, or host your own.
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 497,498
+ Search index URL
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 503
+ Disable local search in search bar
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 514
+ Search bar uses the global search index by default
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 521
+ Otherwise the local search stays used by default
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 524
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 542
+ Manage relations with other instances.
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 544,545
+ Other instances can follow yours
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 556
+ Manually approve new instance followers
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 563
+ Automatically follow back instances
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 576
+ Automatically follow instances of a public index
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 589
+ You should only follow moderated indexes in production, or host your own.
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 595,596
+ Index URL
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 601
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 621
+ Admin email
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 627
+ Enable contact form
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 638
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 655
+ Optional. If any, provide the Twitter account representing your instance to improve link previews.
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 657,658
+ Your Twitter username
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 667
+ Instance allowed by Twitter
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 679
+ If your instance is explicitly allowed by Twitter, a video player will be embedded in the Twitter feed on PeerTube video share. If the instance is not, we use an image link card that will redirect on your PeerTube instance. Check this checkbox, save the configuration and test with a video URL of your instance (https://example.com/videos/watch/blabla) on https://cards-dev.twitter.com/validator to see if you instance is allowed.
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 684,689
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 709
+ Process uploaded videos so that they are in a streamable form that any device can play. Though costly in resources, this is a critical part of PeerTube, so tread carefully.
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 711,713
+ Allow additional extensions
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 735
+ Allows users to upload .mkv, .mov, .avi, .wmv, .flv, .f4v, .3g2, .3gp, .mts, m2ts, .mxf, .nut videos.
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 738
+ Allow audio files upload
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 746
+ Allows users to upload audio files that will be merged with the preview file on upload.
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 749
+ WebTorrent support enabled
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 758
+ HLS with P2P support enabled
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 779
+ Transcoding threads
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 804
+ Resolutions to generate
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 817
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 843
+ Some files are not federated, and fetched when necessary. Define their caching policies.
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 845,846
+ Number of previews to keep in cache
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 853
+ Number of video captions to keep in cache
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 862
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 877
+ Slight modifications to your PeerTube instance for when creating a plugin or theme is overkill.
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 879,880
+ JavaScript
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 888
+ Transcoding enabled
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 723
+ If you disable transcoding, many videos from your users will not work!
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 727
+ Experimental, we suggest you to not disable webtorrent support for nowIf you also enabled HLS support, it will multiply videos storage by 2If disabled, breaks federation with PeerTube instances < 2.1
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 762,768
+ Requires ffmpeg >= 4.1Generate HLS playlists and fragmented MP4 files resulting in a better playback than with the current default player:Resolution change is smootherFaster playback in particular with long videosMore stable playback (less bugs/infinite loading)If you also enabled WebTorrent support, it will multiply videos storage by 2
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 783,792
+ Write JavaScript code directly.Example: console.log('my instance is amazing');
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 892
+ Write CSS code directly. Example: #custom-css color: red; Prepend with #custom-css to override styles. Example: #custom-css .logged-in-email color: red;
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 911,919
+ It seems like the configuration is invalid. Please search for potential errors in the different tabs.
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html
+ 948
+ Edit custom configuration
+ ../app/+admin/config/config.routes.ts
+ 26
+ Jobs
+ ../app/+admin/system/system.component.html
+ 5,3
+ Logs
+ ../app/+admin/system/system.component.html
+ 7,5
+ Debug
+ ../app/+admin/system/system.component.html
+ 8,7
+ Instance name is required.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts
+ 7
+ Short description should not be longer than 250 characters.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts
+ 14
+ Twitter username is required.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts
+ 21
+ Previews cache size is required.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts
+ 28
+ Previews cache size must be greater than 1.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts
+ 29
+ Previews cache size must be a number.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts
+ 30
+ Captions cache size is required.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts
+ 37
+ Captions cache size must be greater than 1.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts
+ 38
+ Captions cache size must be a number.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts
+ 39
+ Signup limit is required.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts
+ 46
+ Signup limit must be greater than 1.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts
+ 47
+ Signup limit must be a number.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts
+ 48
+ Admin email is required.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts
+ 55
+ Admin email must be valid.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts
+ 56
+ Transcoding threads is required.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts
+ 63
+ Transcoding threads must be greater or equal to 0.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts
+ 64
+ Index URL should be a URL
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts
+ 71
+ Search index URL should be a URL
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts
+ 78
+ Internal actions
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts
+ 43
+ Switch video block to manual
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts
+ 48
+ Video switched to manual block.
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts
+ 54
+ Actions for the video
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts
+ 66
+ Unblock
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts
+ 70
+ Do you really want to delete this video?
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts
+ 78
+ Video deleted.
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts
+ 86
+ yes
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts
+ 149
+ no
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts
+ 151
+ Do you really want to unblock this video? It will be available again in the videos list.
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts
+ 159
+ Video unblocked.
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts
+ 166
+ Video blocks
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html
+ 3
+ Showing to of blocked videos
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html
+ 10
+ Advanced block filters
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html
+ 23
+ Automatic blocks
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html
+ 24
+ Manual blocks
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html
+ 25
+ Sensitive
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html
+ 43
+ Unfederated
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html
+ 44
+ Date
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html
+ 45
+ Actions
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html
+ 90
+ More information
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html
+ 53
+ The video was blocked due to automatic blocking of new videos
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html
+ 67
+ Block reason:
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html
+ 103
+ No blocked video found matching current filters.
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html
+ 123
+ No blocked video found.
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html
+ 124
+ Job type
+ ../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html
+ 3
+ Job state
+ ../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html
+ 12
+ Showing to of jobs
+ ../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html
+ 32
+ ID
+ ../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html
+ 39,38
+ Type
+ ../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html
+ 40,39
+ No jobs found.
+ ../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html
+ 86
+ No jobs found that are .
+ ../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html
+ 87
+ The plugin index is not available. Please retry later.
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.ts
+ 100
+ Please only install plugins or themes you trust, since they can execute any code on your instance.
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.ts
+ 122
+ Install ?
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.ts
+ 123
+ installed.
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.ts
+ 135
+ Search...
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.html
+ 6
+ To load your new installed plugins or themes, refresh the page.
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.html
+ 10,11
+ Popular
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.html
+ 16
+ {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {result} other {results}}
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.html
+ 23
+ for ""
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.html
+ 23,24
+ No results.
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.html
+ 29,30
+ Plugin npm package (new window)
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.html
+ 44
+ Muted accounts
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/account-blocklist.component.html
+ 3
+ Showing to of muted accounts
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/account-blocklist.component.html
+ 10
+ Account
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/account-blocklist.component.html
+ 28
+ No account found matching current filters.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/account-blocklist.component.html
+ 63
+ No account found.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/account-blocklist.component.html
+ 64
+ List installed plugins
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugins.routes.ts
+ 28
+ Search plugins
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugins.routes.ts
+ 37
+ Show plugin
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugins.routes.ts
+ 46
+ Video to import updated.
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.ts
+ 128
+ Update
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html
+ 70
+ Select the torrent to import
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html
+ 6
+ OR
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html
+ 10
+ Paste magnet URI
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html
+ 13
+ Channel
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html
+ 27
+ Privacy
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html
+ 34
+ Import
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html
+ 41
+ You can import any torrent file that points to a media file. You should make sure you have diffusion rights over the content it points to, otherwise it could cause legal trouble to yourself and your instance.
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html
+ 17,19
+ Sorry, but something went wrong
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html
+ 48
+ Congratulations, the video will be imported with BitTorrent! You can already add information about this video.
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html
+ 53,54
+ Your video was uploaded to your account and is private.
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts
+ 89
+ But associated data (tags, description...) will be lost, are you sure you want to leave this page?
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts
+ 90
+ Your video is not uploaded yet, are you sure you want to leave this page?
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts
+ 92
+ Upload
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts
+ 112
+ Upload
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts
+ 114
+ Upload cancelled
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts
+ 131
+ Video published.
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts
+ 243
+ Your video quota is exceeded with this video ( video size: , used: , quota: )
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts
+ 265,266
+ Your daily video quota is exceeded with this video ( video size: , used: , quota: )
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts
+ 285,286
+ Publish
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html
+ 78
+ Select the file to upload
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html
+ 6
+ Video background image
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html
+ 26
+ Image that will be merged with your audio file. The chosen image will be definitive and cannot be modified.
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html
+ 29,32
+ Processing…
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html
+ 50
+ Congratulations! Your video is now available in your private library.
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html
+ 63,64
+ Publish will be available when upload is finished
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html
+ 76
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-url.component.html
+ 6
+ You can import any URL supported by youtube-dl or URL that points to a media file. You should make sure you have diffusion rights over the content it points to, otherwise it could cause legal trouble to yourself and your instance.
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-url.component.html
+ 11,14
+ Congratulations, the video behind will be imported! You can already add information about this video.
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-url.component.html
+ 49,50
+ Sorry, the upload feature is disabled for your account. If you want to add videos, an admin must unlock your quota.
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add.component.html
+ 3
+ Read instance rules for help
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add.component.html
+ 4
+ Upload a file
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add.component.html
+ 26
+ We recommend you to not use the root user to publish your videos, since it's the super-admin account of your instance. Instead, create a dedicated account to upload your videos.
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add.component.html
+ 11,14
+ Import
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add.component.html
+ 19
+ Upload
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add.component.html
+ 20
+ Import with URL
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add.component.html
+ 36
+ Import with torrent
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add.component.html
+ 46
+ You have unsaved changes! If you leave, your changes will be lost.
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-update.component.ts
+ 79
+ Video updated.
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-update.component.ts
+ 116
+ Comment
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.ts
+ 58
+ Reply
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.ts
+ 60
+ Add comment...
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html
+ 6
+ Markdown compatible
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html
+ 13
+ Markdown compatible that supports:
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html
+ 15
+ Auto generated links
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html
+ 18
+ Break lines
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html
+ 19
+ Lists
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html
+ 20
+ Emphasis
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html
+ 22
+ bold
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html
+ 23
+ italic
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html
+ 23
+ Emoji shortcuts
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html
+ 26
+ Emoji markup
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html
+ 30
+ See complete list
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html
+ 32
+ Cancel
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html
+ 46
+ You are one step away from commenting
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html
+ 55
+ You can comment using an account on any ActivityPub-compatible instance. On most platforms, you can find the video by typing its URL in the search bar and then comment it from within the software's interface.
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html
+ 60,63
+ If you have an account on Mastodon or Pleroma, you can open it directly in their interface:
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html
+ 65,66
+ Login to comment
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html
+ 76
+ Markdown Emoji List
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html
+ 84
+ Comment is required.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-comment-validators.ts
+ 7
+ Comment must be at least 2 characters long.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-comment-validators.ts
+ 8
+ Comment cannot be more than 3000 characters long.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-comment-validators.ts
+ 9
+ Support
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/modal/video-support.component.html
+ 3
+ Maybe later
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/modal/video-support.component.html
+ 11
+ When active, the next video is automatically played after the current one.
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/recommendations/recommended-videos.component.ts
+ 59
+ Other videos
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/recommendations/recommended-videos.component.html
+ 5,6
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/recommendations/recommended-videos.component.html
+ 10
+ Report this comment
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment.component.ts
+ 171
+ Remove
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment.component.ts
+ 179
+ Remove & re-draft
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment.component.ts
+ 187
+ Options
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment.component.html
+ 48
+ Highlighted comment
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment.component.html
+ 20
+ Reply
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment.component.html
+ 44
+ Deleted
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment.component.html
+ 55
+ This comment has been deleted
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment.component.html
+ 61
+ Like this video
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts
+ 105
+ Dislike this video
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts
+ 106
+ Support options for this video
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts
+ 107
+ Save to playlist
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts
+ 108
+ You need to be connected to rate this content.
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts
+ 192
+ This video is not available on this instance. Do you want to be redirected on the origin instance: <a href=""></a>?
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts
+ 373
+ Redirection
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts
+ 374
+ This video contains mature or explicit content. Are you sure you want to watch it?
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts
+ 486
+ Mature or explicit content
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts
+ 487
+ Up Next
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts
+ 536
+ Cancel
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts
+ 537
+ Autoplay is suspended
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts
+ 538
+ Enter/exit fullscreen (requires player focus)
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts
+ 800
+ Play/Pause the video (requires player focus)
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts
+ 801
+ Mute/unmute the video (requires player focus)
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts
+ 802
+ Skip to a percentage of the video: 0 is 0% and 9 is 90% (requires player focus)
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts
+ 804
+ Increase the volume (requires player focus)
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts
+ 806
+ Decrease the volume (requires player focus)
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts
+ 807
+ Seek the video forward (requires player focus)
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts
+ 809
+ Seek the video backward (requires player focus)
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts
+ 810
+ Increase playback rate (requires player focus)
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts
+ 812
+ Decrease playback rate (requires player focus)
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts
+ 813
+ Navigate in the video frame by frame (requires player focus)
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts
+ 815
+ Like the video
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts
+ 823
+ Dislike the video
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts
+ 828
+ Subscribe to the account
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts
+ 833
+ The video is being imported, it will be available when the import is finished.
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html
+ 21,22
+ The video is being transcoded, it may not work properly.
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html
+ 25,26
+ This video will be published on .
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html
+ 29,30
+ This video is blocked.
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html
+ 33
+ Published • views
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html
+ 47
+ Published • views
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html
+ 58
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html
+ 93
+ Category
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html
+ 225
+ Licence
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html
+ 234
+ Language
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html
+ 243
+ Tags
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html
+ 252
+ Duration
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html
+ 260
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html
+ 88
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html
+ 104
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html
+ 118
+ Channel page
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html
+ 166
+ Account page
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html
+ 169
+ By
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html
+ 170
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html
+ 176
+ Show more
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html
+ 197
+ Show less
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html
+ 203
+ Origin instance
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html
+ 215
+ Originally published
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html
+ 220
+ Friendly Reminder:
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html
+ 283
+ the sharing system used for this video implies that some technical information about your system (such as a public IP address) can be sent to other peers.
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html
+ 285,286
+ Get more information
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html
+ 288
+ OK
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html
+ 293
+ Stop autoplaying next video
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch-playlist.component.ts
+ 203
+ Autoplay next video
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch-playlist.component.ts
+ 204
+ Stop looping playlist videos
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch-playlist.component.ts
+ 209
+ Loop playlist videos
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch-playlist.component.ts
+ 210
+ Unlisted
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch-playlist.component.html
+ 9
+ Private
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch-playlist.component.html
+ 10
+ Public
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch-playlist.component.html
+ 11
+ Do you really want to delete this comment?
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.ts
+ 166
+ The deletion will be sent to remote instances so they can reflect the change.
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.ts
+ 169
+ It is a remote comment, so the deletion will only be effective on your instance.
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.ts
+ 171
+ Delete and re-draft
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.ts
+ 197
+ Do you really want to delete and re-draft this comment?
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.ts
+ 197
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html
+ 17
+ Most recent first (default)
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html
+ 19
+ Most replies first
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html
+ 20
+ 1 Comment
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html
+ 6
+ Comments
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html
+ 7
+ Comments
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html
+ 9
+ No comments.
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html
+ 33
+ View replies from and others
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html
+ 84,85
+ View replies from
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html
+ 87,88
+ View replies
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html
+ 90
+ Comments are disabled.
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html
+ 101,102
+ h min sec
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-duration-formatter.pipe.ts
+ 14
+ min sec
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-duration-formatter.pipe.ts
+ 18
+ sec
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-duration-formatter.pipe.ts
+ 21
+ Name is required.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts
+ 12
+ Name must be at least 1 character long.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts
+ 13
+ Name cannot be more than 50 characters long.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts
+ 14
+ Name should be lowercase alphanumeric; dots and underscores are allowed.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts
+ 15
+ Display name is required.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts
+ 26
+ Display name must be at least 1 character long.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts
+ 27
+ Display name cannot be more than 50 characters long.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts
+ 28
+ Description must be at least 3 characters long.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts
+ 38
+ Description cannot be more than 1000 characters long.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts
+ 39
+ Support text must be at least 3 characters long.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts
+ 49
+ Support text cannot be more than 1000 characters long
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts
+ 50
+ Do you really want to unban ?
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts
+ 70
+ User unbanned.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts
+ 76
+ If you remove this user, you will not be able to create another with the same username!
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts
+ 90
+ User deleted.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts
+ 96
+ User email set as verified
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts
+ 107
+ Account muted.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts
+ 119
+ Account unmuted.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts
+ 133
+ Instance muted.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts
+ 147
+ Instance unmuted.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts
+ 161
+ Account muted by the instance.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts
+ 175
+ Account unmuted by the instance.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts
+ 189
+ Instance muted by the instance.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts
+ 203
+ Instance unmuted by the instance.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts
+ 217
+ Are you sure you want to remove all the comments of this account?
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts
+ 228
+ Delete account comments
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts
+ 229
+ Will remove comments of this account (may take several minutes).
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts
+ 235
+ Edit user
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts
+ 263
+ Change quota, role, and more.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts
+ 264
+ Delete user
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts
+ 268
+ Unban user
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts
+ 279
+ Allow the user to login and create videos/comments again
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts
+ 280
+ Mute this account
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts
+ 297
+ Hide any content from that user for you.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts
+ 298
+ Unmute this account
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts
+ 303
+ Show back content from that user for you.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts
+ 304
+ Mute the instance
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts
+ 309
+ Hide any content from that instance for you.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts
+ 310
+ Unmute the instance
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts
+ 315
+ Show back content from that instance for you.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts
+ 316
+ Remove comments from your videos
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts
+ 321
+ Remove comments of this account from your videos.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts
+ 322
+ Mute this account by your instance
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts
+ 333
+ Hide any content from that user for you, your instance and its users.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts
+ 334
+ Unmute this account by your instance
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts
+ 339
+ Show back content from that user for you, your instance and its users.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts
+ 340
+ Mute the instance by your instance
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts
+ 351
+ Hide any content from that instance for you, your instance and its users.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts
+ 352
+ Unmute the instance by your instance
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts
+ 357
+ Show back content from that instance for you, your instance and its users.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts
+ 358
+ Remove comments from your instance
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts
+ 368
+ Remove comments of this account from your instance.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts
+ 369
+ Report reason is required.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/abuse-validators.ts
+ 7
+ Report reason must be at least 2 characters long.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/abuse-validators.ts
+ 8
+ Report reason cannot be more than 3000 characters long.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/abuse-validators.ts
+ 9
+ Moderation comment is required.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/abuse-validators.ts
+ 16
+ Moderation comment must be at least 2 characters long.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/abuse-validators.ts
+ 17
+ Moderation comment cannot be more than 3000 characters long.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/abuse-validators.ts
+ 18
+ Abuse message is required.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/abuse-validators.ts
+ 25
+ Abuse message must be at least 2 characters long.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/abuse-validators.ts
+ 26
+ Abuse message cannot be more than 3000 characters long.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/abuse-validators.ts
+ 27
+ Instance unmuted by your instance.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.ts
+ 46
+ Instance muted by your instance.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.ts
+ 69
+ Report
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/account-report.component.ts
+ 51
+ Account reported.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/account-report.component.ts
+ 82
+ What is the issue?
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/report.component.html
+ 13
+ Please describe the issue...
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/report.component.html
+ 42
+ Your report will be sent to moderators of and will be forwarded to the comment origin () too.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/report.component.html
+ 37,38
+ Violent or repulsive
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts
+ 139
+ Contains offensive, violent, or coarse language or iconography.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts
+ 140
+ Hateful or abusive
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts
+ 144
+ Contains abusive, racist or sexist language or iconography.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts
+ 145
+ Spam, ad or false news
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts
+ 149
+ Contains marketing, spam, purposefully deceitful news, or otherwise misleading thumbnail/text/tags. Please provide reputable sources to report hoaxes.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts
+ 150
+ Privacy breach or doxxing
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts
+ 154
+ Contains personal information that could be used to track, identify, contact or impersonate someone (e.g. name, address, phone number, email, or credit card details).
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts
+ 155
+ Copyright
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts
+ 159
+ Infringes your copyright wrt. the regional laws with which the server must comply.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts
+ 160
+ Breaks server rules
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts
+ 164
+ Anything not included in the above that breaks the terms of service, code of conduct, or general rules in place on the server.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts
+ 165
+ Thumbnails
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts
+ 173
+ The above can only be seen in thumbnails.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts
+ 174
+ Captions
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts
+ 178
+ The above can only be seen in captions (please describe which).
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts
+ 179
+ Video reported.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/video-report.component.ts
+ 110
+ Report video ""
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/video-report.component.html
+ 3
+ Start at
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/video-report.component.html
+ 47
+ Stop at
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/video-report.component.html
+ 62
+ Your report will be sent to moderators of and will be forwarded to the video origin () too.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/video-report.component.html
+ 75,76
+ Process domains
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/batch-domains-modal.component.ts
+ 28
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/batch-domains-modal.component.html
+ 3
+ 1 host (without "http://") per line
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/batch-domains-modal.component.html
+ 11
+ users banned.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-ban-modal.component.ts
+ 53
+ User banned.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-ban-modal.component.ts
+ 54
+ Ban
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-ban-modal.component.html
+ 5,3
+ Reason...
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-ban-modal.component.html
+ 12
+ A banned user will no longer be able to login.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-ban-modal.component.html
+ 21,22
+ Ban this user
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-ban-modal.component.html
+ 31
+ Video blocked.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/video-block.component.ts
+ 60
+ Block video ""
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/video-block.component.html
+ 3
+ Please describe the reason...
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/video-block.component.html
+ 12
+ Unfederate the video
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/video-block.component.html
+ 23
+ This will ask remote instances to delete it
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/video-block.component.html
+ 26
+ Account unmuted by your instance.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/account-blocklist.component.ts
+ 48
+ Block reason must be at least 2 characters long.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-block-validators.ts
+ 7
+ Block reason cannot be more than 300 characters long.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-block-validators.ts
+ 8
+ is not valid
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/batch-domains-validators.ts
+ 19
+ Domain is required.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/batch-domains-validators.ts
+ 56
+ Domains entered are invalid.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/batch-domains-validators.ts
+ 57
+ Domains entered contain duplicates.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/batch-domains-validators.ts
+ 58
+ Username is required.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts
+ 12
+ Username must be at least 1 character long.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts
+ 13
+ Username cannot be more than 50 characters long.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts
+ 14
+ Username should be lowercase alphanumeric; dots and underscores are allowed.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts
+ 15
+ Channel name is required.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts
+ 27
+ Channel name must be at least 1 character long.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts
+ 28
+ Channel name cannot be more than 50 characters long.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts
+ 29
+ Channel name should be lowercase alphanumeric; dots and underscores are allowed.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts
+ 30
+ Password is required.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts
+ 49
+ Password must be at least 6 characters long.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts
+ 50
+ Password cannot be more than 255 characters long.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts
+ 51
+ The new password and the confirmed password do not correspond.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts
+ 69
+ Video quota is required.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts
+ 76
+ Quota must be greater than -1.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts
+ 77
+ Daily upload limit is required.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts
+ 83
+ Daily upload limit must be greater than -1.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts
+ 84
+ User role is required.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts
+ 91
+ You must agree with the instance terms in order to register on it.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts
+ 113
+ Ban reason must be at least 3 characters long.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts
+ 123
+ Ban reason cannot be more than 250 characters long.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts
+ 124
+ Report comment
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/comment-report.component.ts
+ 51
+ Comment reported.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/comment-report.component.ts
+ 82
+ Video removed from
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-element-miniature.component.ts
+ 98
+ Timestamps updated
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-element-miniature.component.ts
+ 117
+ Starts at
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-element-miniature.component.ts
+ 140
+ Stops at
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-element-miniature.component.ts
+ 141
+ and stops at
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-element-miniature.component.ts
+ 143
+ Unavailable
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-element-miniature.component.html
+ 32
+ Delete from
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-element-miniature.component.html
+ 88
+ Edit starts/stops at
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-element-miniature.component.html
+ 50
+ Save
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-element-miniature.component.html
+ 82
+ Video added in at timestamps
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-add-to-playlist.component.ts
+ 377
+ Video added in
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-add-to-playlist.component.ts
+ 378
+ Save to
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-add-to-playlist.component.html
+ 4
+ Search playlists
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-add-to-playlist.component.html
+ 9
+ Create a private playlist
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-add-to-playlist.component.html
+ 67
+ Display name
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-add-to-playlist.component.html
+ 72
+ Subscribed to all current channels of . You will be notified of all their new videos.
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.ts
+ 109
+ Subscribed to . You will be notified of all their new videos.
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.ts
+ 110
+ Subscribed
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.ts
+ 112
+ Unsubscribed from all channels of
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.ts
+ 139
+ Unsubscribed from
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.ts
+ 140
+ Unsubscribed
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.ts
+ 142
+ Using an ActivityPub account
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html
+ 50
+ Subscribe with a Mastodon account:
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html
+ 57
+ Using a syndication feed
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html
+ 62
+ Subscribe via RSS
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html
+ 63
+ Subscribe
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html
+ 7
+ Subscribe to all channels
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html
+ 9
+ channels subscribed
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html
+ 11
+ {VAR_SELECT, select, undefined {Unsubscribe} other {Unsubscribe from all channels}}
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html
+ 31
+ Subscribe with an account on this instance
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html
+ 53
+ Subscribe with your local account
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html
+ 54
+ Video deleted.
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts
+ 192
+ This video will be duplicated by your instance.
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts
+ 204
+ Download
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts
+ 250
+ Update
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts
+ 256
+ Block
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts
+ 262
+ Mirror
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts
+ 274
+ Report
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts
+ 286
+ Mute account
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts
+ 294
+ (channel page)
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-miniature.component.ts
+ 117
+ Published
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-miniature.component.ts
+ 162
+ Publication scheduled on
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-miniature.component.ts
+ 167
+ Waiting transcoding
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-miniature.component.ts
+ 171
+ To transcode
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-miniature.component.ts
+ 175
+ To import
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-miniature.component.ts
+ 179
+ {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 view} other { views}}
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-miniature.component.html
+ 31
+ Blocked
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-miniature.component.html
+ 51
+ Sensitive
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-miniature.component.html
+ 57
+ Display name cannot be more than 120 characters long.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-playlist-validators.ts
+ 14
+ Privacy is required.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-playlist-validators.ts
+ 23
+ The channel is required when the playlist is public.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-playlist-validators.ts
+ 41
+ Cancel
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/videos-selection.component.html
+ 20
+ {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =0 {No videos} =1 {1 video} other { videos}}
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-miniature.component.html
+ 9
+ Updated
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-miniature.component.html
+ 29
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-miniature.component.html
+ 23,24
+ Remote subscribeRemote interact
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/remote-subscribe.component.html
+ 11,12
+ You can subscribe to the channel via any ActivityPub-capable fediverse instance. For instance with Mastodon or Pleroma you can type the channel URL in the search box and subscribe there.
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/remote-subscribe.component.html
+ 18,20
+ You can interact with this via any ActivityPub-capable fediverse instance. For instance with Mastodon or Pleroma you can type the current URL in the search box and interact with it there.
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/remote-subscribe.component.html
+ 27,29
+ Add to watch later
+ ../app/shared/shared-thumbnail/video-thumbnail.component.ts
+ 28
+ Remove from watch later
+ ../app/shared/shared-thumbnail/video-thumbnail.component.ts
+ 29
+ Today
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/abstract-video-list.ts
+ 112
+ Yesterday
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/abstract-video-list.ts
+ 113
+ Last month
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/abstract-video-list.ts
+ 115
+ Older
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/abstract-video-list.ts
+ 116
+ Cannot load more videos. Try again later.
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/abstract-video-list.ts
+ 193
+ video
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts
+ 48
+ subtitles
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts
+ 49
+ Copied
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts
+ 136
+ Encoder
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts
+ 145
+ Format name
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts
+ 146
+ Size
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts
+ 147
+ Bitrate
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts
+ 149
+ Codec
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts
+ 169
+ Profile
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts
+ 170
+ Resolution
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts
+ 179
+ Aspect ratio
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts
+ 180
+ Average frame rate
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts
+ 181
+ Pixel format
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts
+ 182
+ Sample rate
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts
+ 186
+ Channel Layout
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts
+ 187
+ Download
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html
+ 4
+ subtitles
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html
+ 11
+ video
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html
+ 12
+ Format
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html
+ 45
+ Video stream
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html
+ 57
+ Audio stream
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html
+ 69
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html
+ 49
+ Direct download
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html
+ 87
+ Torrent (.torrent file)
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html
+ 92
+ Violent or Repulsive
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.ts
+ 21
+ Hateful or Abusive
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.ts
+ 22
+ Spam or Misleading
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.ts
+ 23
+ Privacy
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.ts
+ 24
+ Server rules
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.ts
+ 26
+ Report
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html
+ 65
+ Reporter
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html
+ 7
+ {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 report} other { reports}}
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html
+ 27
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html
+ 27
+ Reportee
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html
+ 33
+ {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 report} other { reports}}
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html
+ 52
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html
+ 52
+ Updated
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html
+ 58
+ Reported part
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html
+ 83
+ Note
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html
+ 90
+ The video was deleted
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html
+ 99
+ Comment:
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html
+ 105
+ Add a message to communicate with the reporter
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-message-modal.component.ts
+ 100
+ Add a message to communicate with the moderation team
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-message-modal.component.ts
+ 103
+ Add a message
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-message-modal.component.html
+ 44
+ Messages with the reporter
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-message-modal.component.html
+ 4
+ Messages with the moderation team
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-message-modal.component.html
+ 5
+ No messages for now.
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-message-modal.component.html
+ 28,29
+ Comment updated.
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/moderation-comment-modal.component.ts
+ 58
+ Moderation comment
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/moderation-comment-modal.component.html
+ 3
+ This comment can only be seen by you or the other moderators.
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/moderation-comment-modal.component.html
+ 21,22
+ Update this comment
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/moderation-comment-modal.component.html
+ 31
+ Do you really want to delete this abuse report?
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts
+ 158
+ Abuse deleted.
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts
+ 163
+ Deleted comment
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts
+ 239
+ Messages with reporter
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts
+ 273
+ Messages with moderators
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts
+ 274
+ Update internal note
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts
+ 279
+ Mark as accepted
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts
+ 284
+ Mark as rejected
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts
+ 289
+ Add internal note
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts
+ 294
+ Delete report
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts
+ 299
+ Actions for the flagged account
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts
+ 310
+ Mute server account
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts
+ 322
+ Actions for the reporter
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts
+ 334
+ Mute reporter
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts
+ 340
+ Mute server
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts
+ 346
+ Block video
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts
+ 363
+ Unblock video
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts
+ 379
+ Video unblocked.
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts
+ 385
+ Delete video
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts
+ 395
+ Actions for the comment
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts
+ 424
+ Delete comment
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts
+ 430
+ Comment deleted.
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts
+ 442
+ Server muted by the instance.
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts
+ 470
+ Showing to of reports
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html
+ 5
+ Advanced report filters
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html
+ 18
+ Unsolved reports
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html
+ 19
+ Accepted reports
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html
+ 20
+ Refused reports
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html
+ 21
+ Reports with blocked videos
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html
+ 22
+ Reports with deleted videos
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html
+ 23
+ Video/Comment/Account
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html
+ 41
+ Messages
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html
+ 44
+ Internal note
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html
+ 45
+ Deleted account
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html
+ 75,76
+ by on
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html
+ 100
+ This video has been reported multiple times.
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html
+ 88
+ The video was blocked
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html
+ 97
+ Video was deleted
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html
+ 107
+ Account deleted
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html
+ 143,144
+ No abuses found matching current filters.
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html
+ 188
+ No abuses found.
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html
+ 189
+ Instance languages
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.ts
+ 169
+ All languages
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.ts
+ 170
+ Scheduled
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.ts
+ 181
+ Hide the video until a specific date
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.ts
+ 182
+ Basic info
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html
+ 5
+ Captions
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html
+ 146
+ Advanced settings
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html
+ 199
+ Title
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html
+ 11
+ Tags could be used to suggest relevant recommendations. There is a maximum of 5 tags. Press Enter to add a new tag.
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html
+ 24,27
+ Video descriptions are truncated by default and require manual action to expand them.
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html
+ 43,44
+ Schedule publication ()
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html
+ 108
+ Contains sensitive content
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html
+ 122
+ Some instances do not list videos containing mature or explicit content by default.
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html
+ 126
+ Publish after transcoding
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html
+ 132
+ If you decide not to wait for transcoding before publishing the video, it could be unplayable until transcoding ends.
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html
+ 136
+ Add another caption
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html
+ 154
+ See the subtitle file
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html
+ 163
+ Already uploaded ✔
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html
+ 167
+ Delete
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html
+ 169
+ Will be created on update
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html
+ 175
+ Cancel create
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html
+ 177
+ Will be deleted on update
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html
+ 183
+ Cancel deletion
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html
+ 185
+ No captions for now.
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html
+ 191,192
+ Video preview
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html
+ 206
+ Support
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html
+ 215
+ Original publication date
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html
+ 235
+ Enable video comments
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html
+ 256
+ Enable download
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html
+ 261
+ Short text to tell people how they can support you (membership platform...).
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html
+ 219,220
+ This is the date when the content was originally published (e.g. the release date for a film)
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html
+ 239,240
+ Plugin settings
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html
+ 269
+ Video caption language is required.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-captions-validators.ts
+ 7
+ Video caption file is required.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-captions-validators.ts
+ 14
+ Video name is required.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts
+ 7
+ Video name must be at least 3 characters long.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts
+ 8
+ Video name cannot be more than 120 characters long.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts
+ 9
+ Video privacy is required.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts
+ 16
+ Video channel is required.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts
+ 43
+ Video description must be at least 3 characters long.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts
+ 50
+ Video description cannot be more than 10000 characters long.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts
+ 51
+ A tag should be more than 2 characters long.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts
+ 58
+ A tag should be less than 30 characters long.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts
+ 59
+ A maximum of 5 tags can be used on a video.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts
+ 66
+ A tag should be more than 2, and less than 30 characters long.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts
+ 67
+ Video support must be at least 3 characters long.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts
+ 74
+ Video support cannot be more than 1000 characters long.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts
+ 75
+ A date is required to schedule video update.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts
+ 82
+ Add caption
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-caption-add-modal.component.html
+ 5
+ Select the caption file
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-caption-add-modal.component.html
+ 24
+ Add this caption
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-caption-add-modal.component.html
+ 42
+ This will replace an existing caption!
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-caption-add-modal.component.html
+ 31,32
+ Sunday
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts
+ 11
+ Monday
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts
+ 12
+ Tuesday
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts
+ 13
+ Wednesday
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts
+ 14
+ Thursday
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts
+ 15
+ Friday
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts
+ 16
+ Saturday
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts
+ 17
+ Sun
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts
+ 21
+ Day name short
+ Mon
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts
+ 22
+ Day name short
+ Tue
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts
+ 23
+ Day name short
+ Wed
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts
+ 24
+ Day name short
+ Thu
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts
+ 25
+ Day name short
+ Fri
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts
+ 26
+ Day name short
+ Sat
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts
+ 27
+ Day name short
+ Su
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts
+ 31
+ Day name min
+ Mo
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts
+ 32
+ Day name min
+ Tu
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts
+ 33
+ Day name min
+ We
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts
+ 34
+ Day name min
+ Th
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts
+ 35
+ Day name min
+ Fr
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts
+ 36
+ Day name min
+ Sa
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts
+ 37
+ Day name min
+ January
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts
+ 41
+ February
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts
+ 42
+ March
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts
+ 43
+ April
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts
+ 44
+ May
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts
+ 45
+ June
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts
+ 46
+ July
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts
+ 47
+ August
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts
+ 48
+ September
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts
+ 49
+ October
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts
+ 50
+ November
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts
+ 51
+ December
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts
+ 52
+ Jan
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts
+ 56
+ Month name short
+ Feb
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts
+ 57
+ Month name short
+ Mar
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts
+ 58
+ Month name short
+ Apr
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts
+ 59
+ Month name short
+ Jun
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts
+ 61
+ Month name short
+ Jul
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts
+ 62
+ Month name short
+ Aug
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts
+ 63
+ Month name short
+ Sep
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts
+ 64
+ Month name short
+ Oct
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts
+ 65
+ Month name short
+ Nov
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts
+ 66
+ Month name short
+ Dec
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts
+ 67
+ Month name short
+ Clear
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts
+ 72
+ yy-mm-dd
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts
+ 88
+ Date format in this locale.
+ Share
+ ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html
+ 3
+ QR-Code
+ ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html
+ 27
+ Embed
+ ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html
+ 38,37
+ Share the playlist
+ ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html
+ 11
+ The url is not secured (no HTTPS), so the embed video won't work on HTTPS websites (web browsers block non secured HTTP requests on HTTPS websites).
+ ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html
+ 44,45
+ Share the playlist at this video position
+ ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html
+ 58
+ Autoplay
+ ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html
+ 159
+ Loop
+ ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html
+ 173
+ Share the video
+ ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html
+ 66
+ Auto select subtitle
+ ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html
+ 128
+ Display video title
+ ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html
+ 182
+ Display privacy warning
+ ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html
+ 189
+ Display player controls
+ ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html
+ 196
+ Display PeerTube button link
+ ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html
+ 203
+ More customization
+ ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html
+ 216,217
+ Less customization
+ ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html
+ 224,225
+ Welcome to PeerTube!
+ ../app/+signup/shared/signup-success.component.html
+ 8
+ If you need help to use PeerTube, you can have a look at the documentation.
+ ../app/+signup/shared/signup-success.component.html
+ 14,15
+ Login
+ ../app/+login/login-routing.module.ts
+ 14
+ An email with the reset password instructions will be sent to . The link will expire within 1 hour.
+ ../app/+login/login.component.ts
+ 106,107
+ Incorrect username or password.
+ ../app/+login/login.component.ts
+ 140
+ Your account is blocked.
+ ../app/+login/login.component.ts
+ 141
+ Login
+ ../app/+login/login.component.html
+ 4
+ Sorry but there was an issue with the external login process. Please contact an administrator.
+ ../app/+login/login.component.html
+ 7,8
+ User
+ ../app/+login/login.component.html
+ 35
+ Username or email address
+ ../app/+login/login.component.html
+ 37
+ Click here to reset your password
+ ../app/+login/login.component.html
+ 57
+ Login
+ ../app/+login/login.component.html
+ 64
+ If you are looking for an account…
+ ../app/+login/login.component.html
+ 13,14
+ Currently this instance doesn't allow for user registration, but you can find an instance that gives you the possibility to sign up for an account and upload your videos there. Find yours among multiple instances at https://joinpeertube.org/instances.
+ ../app/+login/login.component.html
+ 17,23
+ Request new verification email.
+ ../app/+login/login.component.html
+ 27
+ or create an account
+ ../app/+login/login.component.html
+ 41,42
+ Or sign in with
+ ../app/+login/login.component.html
+ 68
+ Forgot your password
+ ../app/+login/login.component.html
+ 83
+ Email address
+ ../app/+login/login.component.html
+ 97
+ Send me an email to reset my password
+ ../app/+login/login.component.html
+ 110
+ We are sorry, you cannot recover your password because your instance administrator did not configure the PeerTube email system.
+ ../app/+login/login.component.html
+ 91,92
+ Change the language
+ ../app/menu/language-chooser.component.html
+ 3
+ Help to translate PeerTube!
+ ../app/menu/language-chooser.component.html
+ 9,10
+ Keyboard Shortcuts:
+ ../app/core/hotkeys/hotkeys.component.ts
+ 11
+ yes
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/feature-boolean.component.html
+ 1
+ no
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/feature-boolean.component.html
+ 2
+ Recommended
+ ../app/shared/shared-forms/peertube-checkbox.component.html
+ 33
+ Only I can see this video
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/video/video.service.ts
+ 342
+ Only shareable via a private link
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/video/video.service.ts
+ 346
+ Anyone can see this video
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/video/video.service.ts
+ 350
+ Only users of this instance can see this video
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/video/video.service.ts
+ 354
+ Close
+ ../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/alert/alert.ts
+ 74
+ Previous
+ ../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/carousel/carousel.ts
+ 349
+ Next
+ ../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/carousel/carousel.ts
+ 349
+ Previous month
+ ../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/datepicker/datepicker-navigation.ts
+ 69
+ Next month
+ ../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/datepicker/datepicker-month.ts
+ 72
+ Select month
+ ../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/datepicker/datepicker-navigation-select.ts
+ 74
+ Select year
+ ../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/datepicker/datepicker-navigation-select.ts
+ 74
+ ««
+ ../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/pagination/pagination.ts
+ 404
+ «
+ ../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/pagination/pagination.ts
+ 404
+ »
+ ../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/pagination/pagination.ts
+ 404
+ »»
+ ../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/pagination/pagination.ts
+ 404
+ First
+ ../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/pagination/pagination.ts
+ 404
+ Previous
+ ../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/pagination/pagination.ts
+ 404
+ Next
+ ../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/pagination/pagination.ts
+ 404
+ Last
+ ../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/pagination/pagination.ts
+ 404
+ ../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/progressbar/progressbar.ts
+ 101
+ HH
+ ../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts
+ 296
+ Hours
+ ../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts
+ 296
+ MM
+ ../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts
+ 296
+ Minutes
+ ../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts
+ 296
+ Increment hours
+ ../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts
+ 296
+ Decrement hours
+ ../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts
+ 296
+ Increment minutes
+ ../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts
+ 296
+ Decrement minutes
+ ../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts
+ 296
+ SS
+ ../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts
+ 296
+ Seconds
+ ../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts
+ 296
+ Increment seconds
+ ../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts
+ 296
+ Decrement seconds
+ ../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts
+ 296
+ ../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts
+ 296
+ ../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts
+ 296
+ Close
+ ../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/toast/toast.ts
+ 137
+ Get help
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/misc/help.component.ts
+ 16
+ <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible that supports:
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/misc/help.component.ts
+ 75
+ Emphasis
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/misc/help.component.ts
+ 81
+ Links
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/misc/help.component.ts
+ 82
+ New lines
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/misc/help.component.ts
+ 83
+ Lists
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/misc/help.component.ts
+ 84
+ Images
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/misc/help.component.ts
+ 85
+ Interface settings updated.
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-interface-settings.component.ts
+ 74
+ instance default
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-interface-settings.component.html
+ 8
+ peertube default
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-interface-settings.component.html
+ 9
+ Welcome to PeerTube, dear administrator!
+ ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html
+ 3
+ CLI documentation
+ ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html
+ 13
+ Upload or import videos, parse logs, prune storage directories, reset user password...
+ ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html
+ 15
+ Administer documentation
+ ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html
+ 19,20
+ Managing users, following other instances, dealing with spammers...
+ ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html
+ 22
+ Use documentation
+ ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html
+ 27
+ Setup your account, managing video playlists, discover third-party applications...
+ ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html
+ 29
+ Useful links
+ ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html
+ 39
+ Official PeerTube website (news, support, contribute...): https://joinpeertube.org
+ ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html
+ 42,43
+ Put your instance on the public PeerTube index: https://instances.joinpeertube.org/instances
+ ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html
+ 45
+ It's time to configure your instance!
+ ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html
+ 55
+ Choosing your instance name, setting up a description, specifying who you are, why you created your instance and how long you plan to maintain your it is very important for visitors to understand on what type of instance they are.
+ ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html
+ 58,61
+ If you want to open registrations, please decide what are your moderation rules, fill your instance terms and specify the categories and languages you speak. This way, you will help users to register on the appropriate PeerTube instance.
+ ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html
+ 64,69
+ Remind me later
+ ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html
+ 76
+ Configure my instance
+ ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html
+ 83,84
+ Configuration warning!
+ ../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html
+ 3
+ You enabled user registration on your instance but did not configure the following fields:
+ ../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html
+ 10
+ Please consider configuring these fields to help people to choose the appropriate instance. Without them, your instance may not be referenced on the JoinPeerTube website.
+ ../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html
+ 25,27
+ Don't show me this warning anymore
+ ../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html
+ 33
+ Close
+ ../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html
+ 38
+ Configure
+ ../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html
+ 44
+ Instance name
+ ../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html
+ 13
+ Instance short description
+ ../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html
+ 14
+ Who you are
+ ../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html
+ 16
+ How long you plan to maintain your instance
+ ../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html
+ 17
+ How you plan to pay your instance
+ ../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html
+ 18
+ How you will moderate your instance
+ ../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html
+ 20
+ Instance terms
+ ../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html
+ 21
+ This file is too large.
+ ../app/shared/shared-forms/reactive-file.component.ts
+ 50
+ PeerTube cannot handle this kind of file. Accepted extensions are }.
+ ../app/shared/shared-forms/reactive-file.component.ts
+ 56
+ Loading instance statistics...
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html
+ 1
+ Local
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html
+ 4
+ users
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html
+ 12,11
+ videos
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html
+ 21
+ video views
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html
+ 31
+ video comments
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html
+ 41
+ of hosted video
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html
+ 51
+ Federation
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html
+ 58
+ followers
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html
+ 85
+ following
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html
+ 95
+ User
+ ../app/core/users/user.service.ts
+ 382
+ Administrator
+ ../app/core/users/user.service.ts
+ 383
+ Moderator
+ ../app/core/users/user.service.ts
+ 384
+ You don't have notifications.
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html
+ 1
+ published a new video:
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html
+ 16
+ The notification concerns a video now unavailable
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html
+ 24,25
+ Your video has been unblocked
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html
+ 33,34
+ Your video has been blocked
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html
+ 41,42
+ A new video abuse has been created on video
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html
+ 49
+ A new comment abuse has been created on video
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html
+ 53
+ A new account abuse has been created on account
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html
+ 57
+ A new abuse has been created
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html
+ 62,63
+ Your abuse has been acceptedrejected
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html
+ 70,72
+ Abuse has a new message
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html
+ 80,81
+ The recently added video has been automatically blocked
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html
+ 88
+ commented your video
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html
+ 101
+ The notification concerns a comment now unavailable
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html
+ 109,110
+ Your video has been published
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html
+ 118,119
+ Your video import succeeded
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html
+ 126,127
+ Your video import failed
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html
+ 134,135
+ User registered on your instance
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html
+ 142,143
+ is following your channel your account
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html
+ 152,155
+ mentioned you on video
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html
+ 165
+ Your instance has a new follower () awaiting your approval
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html
+ 173,174
+ Your instance automatically followed
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html
+ 182
+ The notification points to a content now unavailable
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html
+ 190,191
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/buttons/action-dropdown.component.html
+ 22
+ Complete preview
+ ../app/shared/shared-forms/markdown-textarea.component.html
+ 19
+ Truncated preview
+ ../app/shared/shared-forms/markdown-textarea.component.html
+ 11
+ Add a new option
+ ../app/shared/shared-forms/select/select-checkbox.component.ts
+ 28
+ No items found
+ ../app/shared/shared-forms/select/select-checkbox.component.html
+ 14
+ max size
+ ../app/shared/shared-forms/preview-upload.component.ts
+ 39
+ years ago
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts
+ 12
+ year ago
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts
+ 13
+ months ago
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts
+ 16
+ month ago
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts
+ 17
+ weeks ago
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts
+ 20
+ week ago
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts
+ 21
+ days ago
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts
+ 24
+ day ago
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts
+ 25
+ hours ago
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts
+ 28
+ hour ago
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts
+ 29
+ min ago
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts
+ 32
+ just now
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts
+ 34
+ Change your avatar
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/account/actor-avatar-info.component.html
+ 9
+ subscribers
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/account/actor-avatar-info.component.html
+ 21
+ (account page)
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/account/avatar.component.ts
+ 19
+ Channel avatar
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/account/avatar.component.html
+ 4
+ Account avatar
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/account/avatar.component.html
+ 7
+ Display settings
+ ../app/modal/quick-settings-modal.component.html
+ 8
+ Interface settings
+ ../app/modal/quick-settings-modal.component.html
+ 20
+ Video settings
+ ../app/modal/quick-settings-modal.component.html
+ 16
+ Enter a new tag
+ ../app/shared/shared-forms/select/select-tags.component.html
+ 5
+ Confirm
+ ../app/modal/confirm.component.ts
+ 39
+ Focus the search bar
+ ../app/app.component.ts
+ 289
+ Toggle the left menu
+ ../app/app.component.ts
+ 294
+ Go to the discover videos page
+ ../app/app.component.ts
+ 299
+ Go to the trending videos page
+ ../app/app.component.ts
+ 304
+ Go to the recently added videos page
+ ../app/app.component.ts
+ 309
+ Go to the local videos page
+ ../app/app.component.ts
+ 314
+ Go to the videos upload page
+ ../app/app.component.ts
+ 319
+ Close this message
+ ../app/app.component.html
+ 34
+ hide
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.ts
+ 121
+ blur
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.ts
+ 124
+ display
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.ts
+ 127
+ Unknown
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.ts
+ 193
+ any language
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.ts
+ 229
+ Discover
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html
+ 117
+ Trending
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html
+ 122
+ Most liked
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html
+ 127
+ Recently added
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html
+ 132
+ Contact
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html
+ 166
+ Get help using PeerTube
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html
+ 167
+ Help
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html
+ 168,167
+ Frequently asked questions about PeerTube
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html
+ 168
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html
+ 169,168
+ Stats
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html
+ 170,169
+ API documentation
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html
+ 170
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html
+ 171,170
+ Shortcuts
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html
+ 171
+ powered by PeerTube - CopyLeft 2015-2020
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html
+ 176
+ powered by PeerTube
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html
+ 177
+ Account settings
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html
+ 26
+ Channels settings
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html
+ 31
+ Interface:
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html
+ 38
+ Videos:
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html
+ 45
+ Sensitive:
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html
+ 54
+ Help share videos
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html
+ 60
+ More account settings
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html
+ 66
+ Keyboard shortcuts
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html
+ 72
+ Log out
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html
+ 76
+ Public profile
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html
+ 19
+ Create an account
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html
+ 84
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html
+ 88
+ Playlists
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html
+ 97
+ Subscriptions
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html
+ 102
+ History
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html
+ 107
+ Videos
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html
+ 92
+ Administration
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html
+ 146
+ Interface:
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html
+ 162
+ All unsaved data will be lost, are you sure you want to leave this page?
+ ../app/core/routing/can-deactivate-guard.service.ts
+ 19
+ Warning
+ ../app/core/routing/can-deactivate-guard.service.ts
+ 23
+ Go to my subscriptions
+ ../app/core/auth/auth.service.ts
+ 63
+ Go to my videos
+ ../app/core/auth/auth.service.ts
+ 67
+ Go to my imports
+ ../app/core/auth/auth.service.ts
+ 71
+ Go to my channels
+ ../app/core/auth/auth.service.ts
+ 75
+ Cannot retrieve OAuth Client credentials: . Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular the "webserver" section.
+ ../app/core/auth/auth.service.ts
+ 98,99
+ Error
+ ../app/core/auth/auth.service.ts
+ 103
+ You need to reconnect.
+ ../app/core/auth/auth.service.ts
+ 215
+ Hidden
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.ts
+ 36
+ Blurred with confirmation request
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.ts
+ 37
+ Displayed
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.ts
+ 38
+ ~ 1 minute
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.ts
+ 53
+ ~ minutes
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.ts
+ 55
+ of full HD videos
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.ts
+ 71
+ of HD videos
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.ts
+ 72
+ of average quality videos
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.ts
+ 73
+ Features found on this instance
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html
+ 4
+ PeerTube version
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html
+ 6
+ Default NSFW/sensitive videos policycan be redefined by the users
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html
+ 13,14
+ User registration allowed
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html
+ 21
+ Video uploads
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html
+ 28
+ Transcoding in multiple resolutions
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html
+ 32
+ HTTP import (YouTube, Vimeo, direct URL...)
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html
+ 71
+ Torrent import
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html
+ 78
+ Player
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html
+ 86
+ P2P enabled
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html
+ 90
+ Users can resolve distant content
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html
+ 101
+ Requires manual validation by moderators
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html
+ 41
+ Automatically published
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html
+ 42
+ Unlimited ( per day)
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html
+ 61
+ View your notifications
+ ../app/menu/avatar-notification.component.html
+ 3
+ Notifications
+ ../app/menu/avatar-notification.component.html
+ 13
+ Update your notification preferences
+ ../app/menu/avatar-notification.component.html
+ 22
+ Mark all as read
+ ../app/menu/avatar-notification.component.html
+ 18
+ See all your notifications
+ ../app/menu/avatar-notification.component.html
+ 40
+ Request is too large for the server. Please contact you administrator if you want to increase the limit size.
+ ../app/core/rest/rest-extractor.service.ts
+ 61,62
+ Too many attempts, please try again after minutes.
+ ../app/core/rest/rest-extractor.service.ts
+ 67
+ Too many attempts, please try again later.
+ ../app/core/rest/rest-extractor.service.ts
+ 69
+ Server error. Please retry later.
+ ../app/core/rest/rest-extractor.service.ts
+ 72
+ Upload
+ ../app/header/header.component.html
+ 5
+ Search videos, channels…
+ ../app/header/search-typeahead.component.html
+ 3
+ ../app/header/search-typeahead.component.html
+ 23
+ Results will be augmented with those of a third-party index. Only data necessary to make the query will be sent.
+ ../app/header/search-typeahead.component.html
+ 29
+ using
+ ../app/header/search-typeahead.component.html
+ 25
+ ../app/header/search-typeahead.component.html
+ 35
+ Determines whether you can resolve any distant content, or if this instance only allows doing so for instances it follows.
+ ../app/header/search-typeahead.component.html
+ 37
+ will list the matching channel
+ ../app/header/search-typeahead.component.html
+ 46
+ will list the matching video
+ ../app/header/search-typeahead.component.html
+ 52
+ Any other input will return matching video or channel names.
+ ../app/header/search-typeahead.component.html
+ 55
+ any instance
+ ../app/header/search-typeahead.component.html
+ 38
+ only followed instances
+ ../app/header/search-typeahead.component.html
+ 39
+ In this instance's network
+ ../app/header/suggestion.component.html
+ 14
+ In the vidiverse
+ ../app/header/suggestion.component.html
+ 15
+ Info
+ ../app/core/notification/notifier.service.ts
+ 11
+ Success
+ ../app/core/notification/notifier.service.ts
+ 23
+ Unknown language
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.ts
+ 57
+ Too many languages are enabled. Please enable them all or stay below 20 enabled languages.
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.ts
+ 102
+ You need to enable at least 1 video language.
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.ts
+ 107
+ Video settings updated.
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.ts
+ 133
+ Display/Video settings updated.
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.ts
+ 140
+ Default policy on videos containing sensitive content
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html
+ 4
+ Only display videos in the following languages/subtitles
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html
+ 25
+ Help share videos being played
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html
+ 47
+ The sharing system implies that some technical information about your system (such as a public IP address) can be sent to other peers, but greatly helps to reduce server load.
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html
+ 50
+ Automatically play videos
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html
+ 58
+ When on a video page, directly start playing the video.
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html
+ 61
+ Automatically start playing the next video
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html
+ 69
+ When a video ends, follow up with the next suggested video.
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html
+ 72
+ With Do not list or Blur thumbnails, a confirmation will be requested to watch the video.
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html
+ 8,9
+ In Recently added, Trending, Local, Most liked and Search pages
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html
+ 28
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/misc/top-menu-dropdown.component.html
+ 14
+ My library
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account.component.ts
+ 47
+ My channels
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account.component.ts
+ 50
+ My videos
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account.component.ts
+ 55
+ My playlists
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account.component.ts
+ 61
+ My subscriptions
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account.component.ts
+ 66
+ My history
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account.component.ts
+ 71
+ Misc
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account.component.ts
+ 88
+ My abuse reports
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account.component.ts
+ 101
+ Ownership changes
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account.component.ts
+ 106
+ My settings
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account.component.ts
+ 115
+ My notifications
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account.component.ts
+ 119
+ Ownership change request sent.
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-videos/video-change-ownership/video-change-ownership.component.ts
+ 64
+ Change ownership
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-videos/video-change-ownership/video-change-ownership.component.html
+ 3
+ Select the next owner
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-videos/video-change-ownership/video-change-ownership.component.html
+ 10
+ Password updated.
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-password/my-account-change-password.component.ts
+ 48
+ You current password is invalid.
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-password/my-account-change-password.component.ts
+ 56
+ Change password
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-password/my-account-change-password.component.html
+ 5
+ Current password
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-password/my-account-change-password.component.html
+ 7
+ New password
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-password/my-account-change-password.component.html
+ 15
+ Confirm new password
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-password/my-account-change-password.component.html
+ 23
+ Ownership accepted
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-ownership/my-account-accept-ownership/my-account-accept-ownership.component.ts
+ 64
+ Accept ownership
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-ownership/my-account-accept-ownership/my-account-accept-ownership.component.html
+ 3
+ Select a channel to receive the video
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-ownership/my-account-accept-ownership/my-account-accept-ownership.component.html
+ 10
+ Channel that will receive the video
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-ownership/my-account-accept-ownership/my-account-accept-ownership.component.html
+ 13
+ Playlist updated.
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-update.component.ts
+ 98
+ My Playlists
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-edit.component.html
+ 4
+ Playlist thumbnail
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-edit.component.html
+ 82
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-edit.component.html
+ 25
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-edit.component.html
+ 26
+ Are you sure you want to delete your account? This will delete all your data, including channels, videos and comments. Content cached by other servers and other third-parties might make longer to be deleted.
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-danger-zone/my-account-danger-zone.component.ts
+ 22
+ Type your username to confirm
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-danger-zone/my-account-danger-zone.component.ts
+ 23
+ Delete your account
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-danger-zone/my-account-danger-zone.component.ts
+ 25
+ Delete my account
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-danger-zone/my-account-danger-zone.component.ts
+ 26
+ Your account is deleted.
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-danger-zone/my-account-danger-zone.component.ts
+ 32
+ Once you delete your account, there is no going back. You will be asked to confirm this action.
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-danger-zone/my-account-danger-zone.component.html
+ 2
+ Delete your account
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-danger-zone/my-account-danger-zone.component.html
+ 4
+ Playlist created.
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-create.component.ts
+ 77
+ Create
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-create.component.ts
+ 90
+ Profile updated.
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-profile/my-account-profile.component.ts
+ 51
+ New video from your subscriptions
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts
+ 32
+ New comment on your video
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts
+ 33
+ New abuse
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts
+ 34
+ Video blocked automatically waiting review
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts
+ 35
+ One of your video is blocked/unblocked
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts
+ 36
+ Video published (after transcoding/scheduled update)
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts
+ 37
+ Video import finished
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts
+ 38
+ A new user registered on your instance
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts
+ 39
+ You or your channel(s) has a new follower
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts
+ 40
+ Someone mentioned you in video comments
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts
+ 41
+ Your instance has a new follower
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts
+ 42
+ Your instance automatically followed another instance
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts
+ 43
+ An abuse report received a new message
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts
+ 44
+ One of your abuse reports has been accepted or rejected by moderators
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts
+ 45
+ Preferences saved
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts
+ 92
+ Activities
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.html
+ 2
+ Web
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.html
+ 4,3
+ My ownership changes
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-ownership/my-account-ownership.component.html
+ 3
+ Initiator
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-ownership/my-account-ownership.component.html
+ 19
+ Video
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-ownership/my-account-ownership.component.html
+ 20
+ Created
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-ownership/my-account-ownership.component.html
+ 23
+ Status
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-ownership/my-account-ownership.component.html
+ 25
+ No ownership change request found.
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-ownership/my-account-ownership.component.html
+ 83
+ Account settings
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-routing.module.ts
+ 37
+ Account playlists
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-routing.module.ts
+ 55
+ Create new playlist
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-routing.module.ts
+ 64
+ Playlist elements
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-routing.module.ts
+ 73
+ Update playlist
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-routing.module.ts
+ 82
+ Account video imports
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-routing.module.ts
+ 105
+ Account subscriptions
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-routing.module.ts
+ 114
+ Videos history
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-routing.module.ts
+ 150
+ Notifications
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-routing.module.ts
+ 163
+ My videos history
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-history/my-account-history.component.ts
+ 45
+ Videos history is enabled
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-history/my-account-history.component.ts
+ 73
+ Videos history is disabled
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-history/my-account-history.component.ts
+ 74
+ Delete videos history
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-history/my-account-history.component.ts
+ 86
+ Are you sure you want to delete all your videos history?
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-history/my-account-history.component.ts
+ 87
+ Videos history deleted
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-history/my-account-history.component.ts
+ 95
+ My history
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-history/my-account-history.component.html
+ 3
+ Video history
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-history/my-account-history.component.html
+ 9
+ Delete history
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-history/my-account-history.component.html
+ 13,15
+ You don't have any video history yet.
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-history/my-account-history.component.html
+ 19
+ Notification preferences
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-notifications/my-account-notifications.component.html
+ 4,6
+ Newest first
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-notifications/my-account-notifications.component.html
+ 11
+ Unread first
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-notifications/my-account-notifications.component.html
+ 12
+ All read
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-notifications/my-account-notifications.component.html
+ 26
+ Avatar changed.
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-settings.component.ts
+ 42
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-settings.component.html
+ 12
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-settings.component.html
+ 26
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-settings.component.html
+ 37
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-settings.component.html
+ 47
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-settings.component.html
+ 67
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-settings.component.html
+ 57
+ Please check your emails to verify your new email.
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.ts
+ 53
+ Email updated.
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.ts
+ 55
+ Your current email is
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html
+ 5
+ is awaiting email verification
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html
+ 9,10
+ New email
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html
+ 15
+ Your new email
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html
+ 17
+ Your current password
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html
+ 26
+ Your password
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html
+ 28
+ Change email
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html
+ 36
+ My subscriptions
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-subscriptions/my-account-subscriptions.component.html
+ 4
+ Search your subscriptions
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-subscriptions/my-account-subscriptions.component.html
+ 11
+ You don't have any subscriptions yet.
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-subscriptions/my-account-subscriptions.component.html
+ 18
+ subscribers
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-subscriptions/my-account-subscriptions.component.html
+ 32
+ Owner account page
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-subscriptions/my-account-subscriptions.component.html
+ 34
+ Created by
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-subscriptions/my-account-subscriptions.component.html
+ 35
+ The channel is required.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-ownership-change-validators.ts
+ 7
+ The username is required.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-ownership-change-validators.ts
+ 14
+ You can only transfer ownership to a local account
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-ownership-change-validators.ts
+ 15
+ My imports
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-imports/my-account-video-imports.component.html
+ 3
+ Showing to of imports
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-imports/my-account-video-imports.component.html
+ 10
+ Target
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-imports/my-account-video-imports.component.html
+ 17
+ State
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-imports/my-account-video-imports.component.html
+ 19
+ See the error
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-imports/my-account-video-imports.component.html
+ 27
+ This video was deleted
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-imports/my-account-video-imports.component.html
+ 49
+ Do you really want to delete videos?
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-videos/my-account-videos.component.ts
+ 98
+ videos deleted.
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-videos/my-account-videos.component.ts
+ 115
+ Do you really want to delete ?
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-videos/my-account-videos.component.ts
+ 125
+ My videos
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-videos/my-account-videos.component.html
+ 4
+ Search your videos
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-videos/my-account-videos.component.html
+ 11
+ Playlist } deleted.
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlists.component.ts
+ 61
+ My playlists
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlists.component.html
+ 4
+ Search your playlists
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlists.component.html
+ 10
+ Create playlist
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlists.component.html
+ 18
+ Delete playlist
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-elements.component.ts
+ 53
+ Playlist deleted.
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-elements.component.ts
+ 136
+ No videos in this playlist.
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-elements.component.html
+ 25
+ Browse videos on PeerTube to add them in your playlist.
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-elements.component.html
+ 28,29
+ See the documentation for more information.
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-elements.component.html
+ 32,33
+ Video channel updated.
+ ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channel-update.component.ts
+ 92
+ My Channels
+ ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channel-edit.component.html
+ 4
+ Short text to tell people how they can support your channel (membership platform...).<br /><br /> When you will upload a video in this channel, the video support field will be automatically filled by this text.
+ ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channel-edit.component.html
+ 77,78
+ ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channel-edit.component.html
+ 25
+ ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channel-edit.component.html
+ 26
+ Example: my_channel
+ ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channel-edit.component.html
+ 35
+ Overwrite support field of all videos of this channel
+ ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channel-edit.component.html
+ 92
+ Video channel created.
+ ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channel-create.component.ts
+ 61
+ This name already exists on this instance.
+ ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channel-create.component.ts
+ 67
+ Do you really want to delete ? It will delete videos uploaded in this channel, and you will not be able to create another channel with the same name ()!
+ ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channels.component.ts
+ 111,113
+ Please type the display name of the video channel () to confirm
+ ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channels.component.ts
+ 115
+ Video channel deleted.
+ ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channels.component.ts
+ 125
+ Views for the day
+ ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channels.component.ts
+ 144
+ My channels
+ ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channels.component.html
+ 4
+ Search your channels
+ ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channels.component.html
+ 11
+ Create video channel
+ ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channels.component.html
+ 19
+ {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =0 {No videos} =1 {1 video} other { videos}}
+ ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channels.component.html
+ 37
+ Create new video channel
+ ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channels-routing.module.ts
+ 22
+ Update video channel
+ ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channels-routing.module.ts
+ 31
+ Not found
+ ../app/+page-not-found/page-not-found-routing.module.ts
+ 13
+ Sorry, we couldn't find the page you were looking for.
+ ../app/+page-not-found/page-not-found.component.html
+ 5,6
+ Confirmation of the password is required.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/reset-password-validators.ts
+ 9
+ Unable to find user id or verification string.
+ ../app/+reset-password/reset-password.component.ts
+ 38
+ Your password has been successfully reset!
+ ../app/+reset-password/reset-password.component.ts
+ 47
+ Reset my password
+ ../app/+reset-password/reset-password.component.html
+ 3,4
+ Confirm password
+ ../app/+reset-password/reset-password.component.html
+ 19
+ Confirmed password
+ ../app/+reset-password/reset-password.component.html
+ 21
+ Reset my password
+ ../app/+reset-password/reset-password.component.html
+ 29
+ Search index is unavailable. Retrying with instance results instead.
+ ../app/+search/search.component.ts
+ 171
+ Search error
+ ../app/+search/search.component.ts
+ 172
+ Search
+ ../app/+search/search.component.ts
+ 230
+ ../app/+search/search.component.html
+ 5
+ on this instance
+ ../app/+search/search.component.html
+ 7
+ on the vidiverse
+ ../app/+search/search.component.html
+ 8
+ for
+ ../app/+search/search.component.html
+ 11
+ Filters
+ ../app/+search/search.component.html
+ 22
+ No results found
+ ../app/+search/search.component.html
+ 33,34
+ subscribers
+ ../app/+search/search.component.html
+ 60
+ Any
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.ts
+ 38
+ Last 7 days
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.ts
+ 46
+ Last 30 days
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.ts
+ 50
+ Last 365 days
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.ts
+ 54
+ Short (< 4 min)
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.ts
+ 65
+ Medium (4-10 min)
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.ts
+ 69
+ Long (> 10 min)
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.ts
+ 73
+ Relevance
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.ts
+ 80
+ Publish date
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.ts
+ 84
+ Views
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.ts
+ 88
+ Sort
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html
+ 7
+ Display sensitive content
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html
+ 21
+ Yes
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html
+ 29
+ No
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html
+ 34
+ Published date
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html
+ 40
+ Original publication year
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html
+ 54
+ After...
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html
+ 66
+ Before...
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html
+ 76
+ Display all categories
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html
+ 108
+ Display all licenses
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html
+ 121
+ Display all languages
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html
+ 134
+ All of these tags
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html
+ 143
+ One of these tags
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html
+ 151
+ Filter
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html
+ 181
+ Reset
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html
+ 10
+ Reset
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html
+ 105
+ Search target
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html
+ 160
+ Vidiverse
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html
+ 170
+ Reset
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html
+ 179
+ Now please check your emails to verify your account and complete signup.
+ ../app/+signup/+register/register.component.ts
+ 115
+ You are now logged in as !
+ ../app/+signup/+register/register.component.ts
+ 123
+ Create an account
+ ../app/+signup/+register/register.component.html
+ 4,5
+ Next
+ ../app/+signup/+register/register.component.html
+ 20
+ Create my account
+ ../app/+signup/+register/register.component.html
+ 29,30
+ Done
+ ../app/+signup/+register/register.component.html
+ 33
+ PeerTube is creating your account...
+ ../app/+signup/+register/register.component.html
+ 37
+ Administrators & Sustainability
+ ../app/+signup/+register/register.component.html
+ 56
+ Who are we?
+ ../app/+signup/+register/register.component.html
+ 60
+ How long do we plan to maintain this instance?
+ ../app/+signup/+register/register.component.html
+ 65
+ How will we finance this instance?
+ ../app/+signup/+register/register.component.html
+ 70
+ Step
+ ../app/+signup/+register/custom-stepper.component.html
+ 9
+ A channel is an entity in which you upload your videos. Creating several of them helps you to organize and separate your content. For example, you could decide to have a channel to publish your piano concerts, and another channel in which you publish your videos talking about ecology.
+ ../app/+signup/+register/register-step-channel.component.html
+ 5,7
+ Other users can decide to subscribe any channel they want, to be notified when you publish a new video.
+ ../app/+signup/+register/register-step-channel.component.html
+ 10,11
+ Channel display name
+ ../app/+signup/+register/register-step-channel.component.html
+ 15
+ Example: my_super_channel
+ ../app/+signup/+register/register-step-channel.component.html
+ 34
+ The channel name is a unique identifier of your channel on this and all the other instances. It's as unique as an email address, which makes it easy for other people to interact with it.
+ ../app/+signup/+register/register-step-channel.component.html
+ 43,44
+ Channel name cannot be the same than your account name. You can click on the first step to update your account name.
+ ../app/+signup/+register/register-step-channel.component.html
+ 51,52
+ Example: jane_doe
+ ../app/+signup/+register/register-step-user.component.html
+ 23
+ The username is a unique identifier of your account on this and all the other instances. It's as unique as an email address, which makes it easy for other people to interact with it.
+ ../app/+signup/+register/register-step-user.component.html
+ 32,33
+ I am at least 16 years old and agree to the Terms and to the Code of Conduct of this instance
+ ../app/+signup/+register/register-step-user.component.html
+ 66,70
+ Register
+ ../app/+signup/+register/register-routing.module.ts
+ 14
+ An email with verification link will be sent to .
+ ../app/+signup/+verify-account/verify-account-ask-send-email/verify-account-ask-send-email.component.ts
+ 45
+ Request email for account verification
+ ../app/+signup/+verify-account/verify-account-ask-send-email/verify-account-ask-send-email.component.html
+ 3,4
+ Send verification email
+ ../app/+signup/+verify-account/verify-account-ask-send-email/verify-account-ask-send-email.component.html
+ 17
+ This instance does not require email verification.
+ ../app/+signup/+verify-account/verify-account-ask-send-email/verify-account-ask-send-email.component.html
+ 20
+ Verify account email
+ ../app/+signup/+verify-account/verify-account-routing.module.ts
+ 17
+ Verify account ask send email
+ ../app/+signup/+verify-account/verify-account-routing.module.ts
+ 26
+ Verify account email confirmation
+ ../app/+signup/+verify-account/verify-account-email/verify-account-email.component.html
+ 3,4
+ Email updated.
+ ../app/+signup/+verify-account/verify-account-email/verify-account-email.component.html
+ 10,11
+ An error occurred.
+ ../app/+signup/+verify-account/verify-account-email/verify-account-email.component.html
+ 14
+ Video channel videos
+ ../app/+video-channels/video-channels-routing.module.ts
+ 25
+ Video channel playlists
+ ../app/+video-channels/video-channels-routing.module.ts
+ 38
+ About video channel
+ ../app/+video-channels/video-channels-routing.module.ts
+ 47
+ Published videos
+ ../app/+video-channels/video-channel-videos/video-channel-videos.component.ts
+ 39
+ Published 1 video
+ ../app/+video-channels/video-channel-videos/video-channel-videos.component.ts
+ 74
+ Created playlists
+ ../app/+video-channels/video-channel-playlists/video-channel-playlists.component.html
+ 3,4
+ This channel does not have playlists.
+ ../app/+video-channels/video-channel-playlists/video-channel-playlists.component.html
+ 6
+ ../app/+video-channels/video-channels.component.ts
+ 66
+ Go the owner account page
+ ../app/+video-channels/video-channels.component.html
+ 30
+ Created by
+ ../app/+video-channels/video-channels.component.html
+ 31
+ Manage channel
+ ../app/+video-channels/video-channels.component.html
+ 22,23
+ Created
+ ../app/+video-channels/video-channel-about/video-channel-about.component.html
+ 18
+ ../app/+video-channels/video-channel-about/video-channel-about.component.html
+ 10
+ Most liked videos
+ ../app/+videos/video-list/video-most-liked.component.ts
+ 41
+ Videos that have the higher number of likes.
+ ../app/+videos/video-list/video-most-liked.component.ts
+ 42
+ Recently added
+ ../app/+videos/video-list/video-recently-added.component.ts
+ 36
+ Videos from your subscriptions
+ ../app/+videos/video-list/video-user-subscriptions.component.ts
+ 35
+ Subscriptions
+ ../app/+videos/video-list/video-user-subscriptions.component.ts
+ 38
+ Local videos
+ ../app/+videos/video-list/video-local.component.ts
+ 36
+ Discover videos
+ ../app/+videos/videos-routing.module.ts
+ 23
+ Trending videos
+ ../app/+videos/videos-routing.module.ts
+ 32
+ Recently added videos
+ ../app/+videos/videos-routing.module.ts
+ 58
+ Upload a video
+ ../app/+videos/videos-routing.module.ts
+ 97
+ Edit a video
+ ../app/+videos/videos-routing.module.ts
+ 106
+ Trending for the last 24 hours
+ ../app/+videos/video-list/video-trending.component.ts
+ 46
+ Trending videos are those totalizing the greatest number of views during the last 24 hours
+ ../app/+videos/video-list/video-trending.component.ts
+ 47
diff --git a/client/src/locale/angular.nl-NL.xlf b/client/src/locale/angular.nl-NL.xlf
index 1c36084e5..b8d4ba862 100644
--- a/client/src/locale/angular.nl-NL.xlf
+++ b/client/src/locale/angular.nl-NL.xlf
@@ -1,431 +1,252 @@
Channel avatar
- Channel avatar
- ../app/shared/shared-main/account/avatar.component.html4
+ Kanaal-avatar
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/account/avatar.component.html4
+ Account avatar
- Account avatar
- ../app/shared/shared-main/account/avatar.component.html7
+ Account-avatar
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/account/avatar.component.html7
You don't have notifications.
- Je hebt geen notifcaties.
- ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html1
+ Je hebt geen meldingen.
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html1
- published a new video:
- published a new video:
- ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html16
+ published a new video:
+ heeft een nieuwe video gepubliceerd:
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html16
The notification concerns a video now unavailable
- De melding betreft een video die nu niet beschikbaar is
- ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html24
+ De melding betreft een niet (meer) beschikbare video
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html24
- Your video has been unblocked
- Your video
- has been unblocked
- ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html33
+ Your video has been unblocked
+ Uw video is gedeblokkeerd
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html33
- Your video has been blocked
- Your video
- has been blocked
- ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html41
+ Your video has been blocked
+ Uw video is geblokkeerd
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html41
A new video abuse has been created on video
- A new video abuse
- has been created on video
- ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html49
+ Er is een nieuwe video-misbruikaangifte aangemaakt over video
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html49
A new comment abuse has been created on video
- A new comment abuse
- has been created on video
- ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html53
+ Er is een nieuwe reactie-misbruikaangifte aangemaakt over video
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html53
A new account abuse has been created on account
- A new account abuse
- has been created on account
- ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html57
+ A new account abuse has been created on account
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html57
A new abuse has been created
- A new abuse
- has been created
- ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html62
+ Er is een nieuwe misbruikaangifte aangemaakt
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html62
Your abuse has been acceptedrejected
- Your abuse
- has been
- accepted
- rejected
- ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html70
+ Je misbruikaangifte is aanvaard afgewezen
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html70
Abuse has a new message
- Abuse
- has a new message
- ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html80
+ Misbruikdossier bevat een nieuw bericht
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html80
- The recently added video has been automatically blocked
- The recently added video
- has been
- automatically blocked
- ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html88
+ The recently added video has been automatically blocked
+ De recent toegevoegde video is automatisch geblokkeerd
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html88
commented your video
- heeft op je video gereageerd
- ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html101
+ heeft op je video gereageerd
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html101
The notification concerns a comment now unavailable
- De melding betreft een opmerking die nu niet beschikbaar is
- ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html109
+ De melding betreft een niet (meer) beschikbare video
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html109
- Your video has been published
+ Your video has been published Jouw video
- is gepubliceerd
+ is gepubliceerd
- ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html118
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html118
Your video import succeeded
- Jouw video import
+ Jouw video import
+ is voltooid
- ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html126
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html126
Your video import failed
- Your video import
- failed
- ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html134
+ Je video-import is mislukt
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html134
- User registered on your instance
- User
- registered on your instance
- ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html142
+ User registered on your instance
+ Gebruiker is geregistreerd op je instance
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html142
is following your channel your account
- is following
- your channel
- your account
- ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html152
+ volgt nu je kanaal je account
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html152
mentioned you on video
- mentioned you on
- video
- ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html165
+ heeft je vermeld op video
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html165
- Your instance has a new follower () awaiting your approval
- Your instance has
- a new follower
- (
- )
- awaiting your approval
- ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html173
+ Your instance has a new follower () awaiting your approval
+ Een nieuwe volger van je instance ( ) wacht op je goedkeuring
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html173
- Your instance automatically followed
- Your instance automatically followed
- ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html182
+ Your instance automatically followed
+ Je instance heeft automatisch gevolgd
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html182
The notification points to a content now unavailable
- The notification points to a content now unavailable
- ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html190
+ De melding verwijst naar nu niet beschikbare inhoud
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html190
Change your avatar
- Change your avatar
- ../app/shared/shared-main/account/actor-avatar-info.component.html9
+ Je avatar wijzigen
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/account/actor-avatar-info.component.html9
- ../app/shared/shared-main/buttons/action-dropdown.component.html22
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/buttons/action-dropdown.component.html22
Save toOpslaan in
- ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-add-to-playlist.component.html4
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-add-to-playlist.component.html4
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment.component.html48
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment.component.html48
Start atBeginnen bij
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/video-report.component.html47
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/video-report.component.html47
Stop atStoppen bij
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/video-report.component.html62
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/video-report.component.html62
- Your report will be sent to moderators of and will be forwarded to the video origin () too.
- Your report will be sent to moderators of
- and will be forwarded to the video origin (
- ) too
- .
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/video-report.component.html75
+ Your report will be sent to moderators of and will be forwarded to the video origin () too.
+ Je aangifte komt terecht bij moderatoren van en wordt ook doorgestuurd naar de videobron ( ) too .
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/video-report.component.html75
Please describe the issue...
- Please describe the issue...
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/report.component.html42
+ Het probleem beschrijven alstublieft...
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/report.component.html42
Search playlists
- Search playlists
- ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-add-to-playlist.component.html9
+ Afspeellijsten doorzoeken
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-add-to-playlist.component.html9
Create a private playlist
- Create a private playlist
- ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-add-to-playlist.component.html67
+ Een privé-afspeellijst aanmaken
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-add-to-playlist.component.html67
Display nameWeergavenaam
- ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-add-to-playlist.component.html72
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-add-to-playlist.component.html72
- ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html8
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html8
- video
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html12
+ video
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html12
- subtitles
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html11
+ ondertitels
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html11
- Format
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html45
+ Formaat
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html45
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html49
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html49
Video stream
- Video stream
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html57
+ Video-stream
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html57
Audio stream
- Audio stream
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html69
+ Audio-stream
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html69
Direct downloadDirecte download
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html87
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html87
Torrent (.torrent file)Torrent (.torrent bestand)
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html92
- videovideo
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html92
+ video
+ video../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts48
- subtitlessubtitles
+ subtitles
+ ondertitels../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts49
@@ -435,333 +256,257 @@
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html46
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html46
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html4
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html4
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-ban-modal.component.html12
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-ban-modal.component.html12
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/videos-selection.component.html20
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/videos-selection.component.html20
- ../app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html53
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html53
Report video ""
- Report video "
- "
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/video-report.component.html3
+ Video aangeven " "
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/video-report.component.html3
What is the issue?
- What is the issue?
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/report.component.html13
+ Wat is het probleem?
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/report.component.html13
This will ask remote instances to delete it
- This will ask remote instances to delete it
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/video-block.component.html26
+ Dit vraagt aan andere instances hem te verwijderen
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/video-block.component.html26
Unfederate the video
- Unfederate the video
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/video-block.component.html23
+ De video defedereren
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/video-block.component.html23
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch-playlist.component.html9
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch-playlist.component.html9
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch-playlist.component.html10
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch-playlist.component.html10
{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 view} other { views}}
- {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 view} other {
- views} }
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-miniature.component.html31
+ {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 keer bekeken} other { keer bekeken} }
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-miniature.component.html31
- Blocked
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-miniature.component.html51
+ Geblokkeerd
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-miniature.component.html51
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-miniature.component.html57
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-miniature.component.html57
{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =0 {No videos} =1 {1 video} other { videos}}
- {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =0 {No videos} =1 {1 video} other {
- videos} }
- ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-miniature.component.html9
+ {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =0 {No videos} =1 {1 video} other { video\'s} }
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-miniature.component.html9
- ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-miniature.component.html23
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-miniature.component.html23
- Bijgewerkt
- ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-miniature.component.html29
+ Bijgewerkt
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-miniature.component.html29
- Unavailable
- ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-element-miniature.component.html32
+ Niet beschikbaar
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-element-miniature.component.html32
- Deleted
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment.component.html55
+ Verwijderd
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment.component.html55
Edit starts/stops atBewerk beginnen/stoppen bij
- ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-element-miniature.component.html50
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-element-miniature.component.html50
- ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-element-miniature.component.html82
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-element-miniature.component.html82
Delete from
- Verwijderen van
- ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-element-miniature.component.html88
+ Verwijderen uit
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-element-miniature.component.html88
No results.Geen resultaten.
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/abstract-video-list.html32
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/abstract-video-list.html32
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html169
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html169
- ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html12
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html12
Truncated previewGedeeltelijke voorvertoning
- ../app/shared/shared-forms/markdown-textarea.component.html11
+ ../app/shared/shared-forms/markdown-textarea.component.html11
Complete previewVolledige voorvertoning
- ../app/shared/shared-forms/markdown-textarea.component.html19
+ ../app/shared/shared-forms/markdown-textarea.component.html19
- <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible that supports:<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible that supports:
- ../app/shared/shared-main/misc/help.component.ts75
+ <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible that supports:
+ <a href="https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Voorbeeld" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatibel die het volgende ondersteunt:
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/misc/help.component.ts75
- Recommended
- ../app/shared/shared-forms/peertube-checkbox.component.html33
+ Aanbevolen
+ ../app/shared/shared-forms/peertube-checkbox.component.html33
Using an ActivityPub accountEen ActivityPub-account gebruiken
- ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html50
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html50
Subscribe with an account on this instance
- Subscribe with an account on this instance
- ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html53
+ Volgen met een account op deze instance
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html53
Subscribe with your local account
- Abonneer met je lokale account
- ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html54
+ Abonneren met je lokale account
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html54
Subscribe with a Mastodon account:
- Abonneer met een Mastodon-account
- ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html57
+ Abonneren met een Mastodon-account:
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html57
Using a syndication feedEen syndicaatfeed gebruiken
- ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html62
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html62
Subscribe via RSSAbonneren met RSS
- ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html63
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html63
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-settings.component.html12
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-settings.component.html12
Remote subscribeRemote interact
- Extern abonneren
- Externe interactie
- ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/remote-subscribe.component.html11
+ Extern abonneren Externe interactie
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/remote-subscribe.component.html11
- You can subscribe to the channel via any ActivityPub-capable fediverse instance. For instance with Mastodon or Pleroma you can type the channel URL in the search box and subscribe there.
- You can subscribe to the channel via any ActivityPub-capable fediverse instance.
- For instance with Mastodon or Pleroma you can type the channel URL in the search box and subscribe there.
- ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/remote-subscribe.component.html18
+ You can subscribe to the channel via any ActivityPub-capable fediverse instance. For instance with Mastodon or Pleroma you can type the channel URL in the search box and subscribe there.
+ Je kan je abonneren op het kanaal via gelijk welke ActivityPub-capable fediverse-instance. Bij Mastodon or Pleroma bijvoorbeeld kan je de kanaal-URL in de zoekbalk intikken en van daaruit abonneren.
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/remote-subscribe.component.html18
- You can interact with this via any ActivityPub-capable fediverse instance. For instance with Mastodon or Pleroma you can type the current URL in the search box and interact with it there.
- You can interact with this via any ActivityPub-capable fediverse instance.
- For instance with Mastodon or Pleroma you can type the current URL in the search box and interact with it there.
- ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/remote-subscribe.component.html27
+ You can interact with this via any ActivityPub-capable fediverse instance. For instance with Mastodon or Pleroma you can type the current URL in the search box and interact with it there.
+ Je kan hiermee interageren via gelijk welke ActivityPub-capabele fediverse-instance. Met Mastodon of Pleroma bijvoorbeeld kan je de huidige URL in de zoekbalk tikken en er daar mee interageren.
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/remote-subscribe.component.html27
PeerTube version
- PeerTube version
- ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html6
+ PeerTube-versie
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html6
Default NSFW/sensitive videos policycan be redefined by the users
- Default NSFW/sensitive videos policy
- can be redefined by the users
- ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html13
+ Het standaard beleid rond niet voor een werkomgeving geschikte/gevoelige video'skan door de gebruikers geherdefinieerd worden
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html13
User registration allowedGebruikersregistratie toegestaan
- ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html21
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html21
Video uploads
- Video uploads
- ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html28
+ Video-uploads
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html28
Transcoding in multiple resolutions
- Transcoding in multiple resolutions
- ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html32
+ Transcoderen in meerdere resoluties
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html32
Requires manual validation by moderators
- Requires manual validation by moderators
- ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html41
+ Vereist manuele validering door moderatoren
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html41
Automatically published
- Automatically published
- ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html42
+ Automatisch gepubliceerd
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html42
Video quotaVideoquotum
- ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html150
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html150
- Unlimited ( per day)
- (
- per dag)
- ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html61
+ Unlimited ( per day)
+ Oneindig ( per dag)
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html61
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html41
- You can import any torrent file that points to a media file. You should make sure you have diffusion rights over the content it points to, otherwise it could cause legal trouble to yourself and your instance. You can import any torrent file that points to a media file. You should make sure you have diffusion rights over the content it points to, otherwise it could cause legal trouble to yourself and your instance.
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html41
+ You can import any torrent file that points to a media file. You should make sure you have diffusion rights over the content it points to, otherwise it could cause legal trouble to yourself and your instance.
+ Je kan eender welk torren-bestand dat naar een mediabestand verwijst importeren. Je er wel van vergewissen dat je het recht hebt de inhoudt te verspreiden. Anders zou dat juridische problemen kunnen veroorzaken voor jezelf en de instance.../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html17,19
@@ -770,242 +515,190 @@ Oneindig
HTTP import (YouTube, Vimeo, direct URL...)HTTP import(Youtube, Vimeo, directe URL...)
- ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html71
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html71
+ Torrent importTorrentimport
- ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html78
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html78
- Player
- ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html86
+ Speler
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html86
P2P enabledP2P ingeschakeld
- ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html90
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html90
Loading instance statistics...
- Loading instance statistics...
- ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html1
+ Instance-statistieken laden...
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html1
- ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html4
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html4
- users
- ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html12
+ gebruikers
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html12
- videos
- ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html21
+ video's
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html21
video views
- video views
- ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html31
+ aantal keer bekeken
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html31
video comments
- video comments
- ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html41
+ commentaren op video's
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html41
of hosted video
- of hosted video
- ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html51
+ hosted video
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html51
- Federation
- ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html58
+ Federatie
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html58
- followers
- ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html85
+ volgers
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html85
- following
- ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html95
- UserUser
- ../app/core/users/user.service.ts382
+ aan het volgen
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html95
+ User
+ Gebruiker
+ ../app/core/users/user.service.ts382
+ BanVerbannen
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-ban-modal.component.html5
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-ban-modal.component.html5
A banned user will no longer be able to login.
Een verbannen gebruiker kan niet langer inloggen.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-ban-modal.component.html21
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-ban-modal.component.html21
- ../app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html48
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html48
Ban this userVerban deze gebruiker
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-ban-modal.component.html31
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-ban-modal.component.html31
Block video ""
- Block video "
- "
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/video-block.component.html3
+ Video " " blokkeren
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/video-block.component.html3
Please describe the reason...
- Please describe the reason...
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/video-block.component.html12
+ De reden omschrijven alstublieft...
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/video-block.component.html12
- ../app/shared/shared-main/misc/top-menu-dropdown.component.html14
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/misc/top-menu-dropdown.component.html14
- ../app/+login/login.component.html4
+ ../app/+login/login.component.html4
- Sorry but there was an issue with the external login process. Please contact an administrator.
- Sorry but there was an issue with the external login process. Please
- contact an administrator
- .
- ../app/+login/login.component.html7
+ Sorry but there was an issue with the external login process. Please contact an administrator.
+ Sorry, maar er heeft zich een probleem voorgedaan met het externe aanmeldproces. Contacteer alsjeblieft een beheerder.
+ ../app/+login/login.component.html7
If you are looking for an account…
- If you are looking for an account…
- ../app/+login/login.component.html13
+ Als u een account zoekt…
+ ../app/+login/login.component.html13
- Currently this instance doesn't allow for user registration, but you can find an instance that gives you the possibility to sign up for an account and upload your videos there. Find yours among multiple instances at https://joinpeertube.org/instances.
- Currently this instance doesn't allow for user registration, but you can find an instance
- that gives you the possibility to sign up for an account and upload your videos there.
- Find yours among multiple instances at
- https://joinpeertube.org/instances
- .
- ../app/+login/login.component.html17
+ Currently this instance doesn't allow for user registration, but you can find an instance that gives you the possibility to sign up for an account and upload your videos there. Find yours among multiple instances at https://joinpeertube.org/instances.
+ Deze instance laat op dit moment geen inschrijving van gebruikers toe, maar je kan een instance vinden die je de mogelijkheid geeft je in te schrijven en daar je video's uploaden. Zoek je een instance uit https://joinpeertube.org/instances .
+ ../app/+login/login.component.html17
Request new verification email.Een nieuwe verificatie e-mail aanvragen.
- ../app/+login/login.component.html27
+ ../app/+login/login.component.html27
- ../app/+login/login.component.html35
+ ../app/+login/login.component.html35
Username or email addressGebruikersnaam of e-mailadres
- ../app/+login/login.component.html37
+ ../app/+login/login.component.html37
or create an account
- or create an account
- ../app/+login/login.component.html41
+ of een account aanmaken
+ ../app/+login/login.component.html41
- ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html117
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html117
Click here to reset your password
- Click here to reset your password
- ../app/+login/login.component.html57
+ Hier klikken om je wachtwoord opnieuw in te stellen
+ ../app/+login/login.component.html57
- ../app/+login/login.component.html64
+ ../app/+login/login.component.html64
Or sign in with
- Or sign in with
- ../app/+login/login.component.html68
+ Of meld je aan met
+ ../app/+login/login.component.html68
Forgot your passwordJouw wachtwoord vergeten
- ../app/+login/login.component.html83
+ ../app/+login/login.component.html83
We are sorry, you cannot recover your password because your instance administrator did not configure the PeerTube email system.
- We are sorry, you cannot recover your password because your instance administrator did not configure the PeerTube email system.
- ../app/+login/login.component.html91
- An email with the reset password instructions will be sent to .
-The link will expire within 1 hour.An email with the reset password instructions will be sent to .
-The link will expire within 1 hour.
+ Het spijt ons, maar we kunnen je wachtwoord niet herstellen. De beheerder van je instance heeft het PeerTube-emailsysteem niet ingesteld.
+ ../app/+login/login.component.html91
+ An email with the reset password instructions will be sent to . The link will expire within 1 hour.
+ zal een email met wachtwoordherstelinstructies krijgen. De link vervalt na een uur.../app/+login/login.component.ts106,107
@@ -1014,427 +707,359 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html105
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html105
+ Email addressE-mailadres
- ../app/+login/login.component.html97
+ ../app/+login/login.component.html97
Send me an email to reset my passwordZend me een e-mail om een nieuw wachtwoord in te stellen
- ../app/+login/login.component.html110
+ ../app/+login/login.component.html110
- ../app/+search/search.component.html5
+ ../app/+search/search.component.html5
on this instance
- on this instance
- ../app/+search/search.component.html7
+ op deze instance
+ ../app/+search/search.component.html7
on the vidiverse
- on the vidiverse
- ../app/+search/search.component.html8
+ in het videoversum
+ ../app/+search/search.component.html8
Reset my password
Wachtwoord opnieuw instellen
- ../app/+reset-password/reset-password.component.html3
+ ../app/+reset-password/reset-password.component.html3
Confirm passwordBevestig wachtwoord
- ../app/+reset-password/reset-password.component.html19
+ ../app/+reset-password/reset-password.component.html19
Confirmed passwordWachtwoord bevestigd
- ../app/+reset-password/reset-password.component.html21
+ ../app/+reset-password/reset-password.component.html21
Reset my passwordNieuw wachtwoord instellen
- ../app/+reset-password/reset-password.component.html29
+ ../app/+reset-password/reset-password.component.html29
- for
- ../app/+search/search.component.html11
+ for
+ voor
+ ../app/+search/search.component.html11
- Filters
- Filters
- ../app/+search/search.component.html22
+ Filters
+ Criteria
+ ../app/+search/search.component.html22
No results found
Geen resultaten gevonden
- ../app/+search/search.component.html33
+ ../app/+search/search.component.html33
- subscribers
+ subscribers abonnees
- ../app/+search/search.component.html60
+ ../app/+search/search.component.html60
Welcome to PeerTube, dear administrator!
- Welcome to PeerTube, dear administrator!
- ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html3
+ Welkom bij PeerTube, beste beheerder!
+ ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html3
CLI documentation
- documentation
- ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html13
+ opdrachtregeldocumentatie
+ ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html13
Upload or import videos, parse logs, prune storage directories, reset user password...
- Upload or import videos, parse logs, prune storage directories, reset user password...
- ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html15
+ Video's uploaden of importeren, logs ontleden, snoeien in opslagmappen, gebruikerswachtwoord herinstellen...
+ ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html15
Administer documentation
- Administer
- documentation
- ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html19
+ Documentatie beheren
+ ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html19
Managing users, following other instances, dealing with spammers...
- Managing users, following other instances, dealing with spammers...
- ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html22
+ Gebruikers beheren, andere instances volgen, afrekenen met spammers...
+ ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html22
Use documentation
- Use
- documentation
- ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html27
+ Documentatie gebruiken
+ ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html27
Setup your account, managing video playlists, discover third-party applications...
- Setup your account, managing video playlists, discover third-party applications...
- ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html29
+ Je account instellen, video-afspeellijsten beheren, toepassingen van derden ontdekken...
+ ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html29
Useful links
- Useful links
- ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html39
+ Nuttige links
+ ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html39
Official PeerTube website (news, support, contribute...): https://joinpeertube.org
- Official PeerTube website (news, support, contribute...):
- https://joinpeertube.org
- ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html42
+ Officiële PeerTube-website (nieuws, ondersteuning, bijdragen, ...): https://joinpeertube.org
+ ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html42
Put your instance on the public PeerTube index: https://instances.joinpeertube.org/instances
- Put your instance on the public PeerTube index:
- https://instances.joinpeertube.org/instances
- ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html45
+ Zet je instance op de publieke PeerTube-index: https://instances.joinpeertube.org/instances
+ ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html45
It's time to configure your instance!
- It's time to configure your instance!
- ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html55
+ Tijd om je instance in te stellen!
+ ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html55
- Choosing your instance name, setting up a description, specifying who you are, why you created your instance and how long you plan to maintain your it is very important for visitors to understand on what type of instance they are.
- Choosing your
- instance name
- ,
- setting up a description
- , specifying
- who you are
- ,
- why
- you created your instance
- and
- how long
- you plan to
- maintain your it
- is very important for visitors to understand on what type of instance they are.
- ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html58
+ Choosing your instance name, setting up a description, specifying who you are, why you created your instance and how long you plan to maintain your it is very important for visitors to understand on what type of instance they are.
+ Je instance-naam kiezen, een beschrijving instellen, duidelijk maken wie je bent , waarom je je instance hebt aangemaakt en hoe lang je plant ze te onderhouden is heel belangrijk voor bezoekers om te begrijpen op welk soort instance ze zich bevinden.
+ ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html58
- If you want to open registrations, please decide what are your moderation rules, fill your instance terms and specify the categories and languages you speak. This way, you will help users to register on the appropriate PeerTube instance.
- If you want to open registrations, please decide what are
- your moderation rules
- , fill your
- instance
- terms
- and specify the categories and languages you speak. This way, you will help users to register on
- the
- appropriate
- PeerTube instance.
- ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html64
+ If you want to open registrations, please decide what are your moderation rules, fill your instance terms and specify the categories and languages you speak. This way, you will help users to register on the appropriate PeerTube instance.
+ Wil je gebruikersregistratie inschakelen? Daarvoor is het nodig je moderatieregels in te stellen, je instance-voorwaarden aan te geven en de te gebruiken categorieën en talen aan te geven. Zo help je gebruikers zich te registreren op de geschikte PeerTube-instance.
+ ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html64
Remind me later
- Remind me later
- ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html76
+ Me later aan doen denken
+ ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html76
Configure my instance
- Configure my instance
- ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html83
+ Mijn instance instellen
+ ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html83
Configuration warning!
- Configuration warning!
- ../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html3
+ Instellingswaarschuwing!
+ ../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html3
You enabled user registration on your instance but did not configure the following fields:
- You enabled user registration on your instance but did not configure the following fields:
- ../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html10
+ Je hebt gebruikersregistratie op je instance ingeschakeld, maar de volgende velden niet ingesteld:
+ ../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html10
Instance name
- Instance name
- ../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html13
+ Instance: naam
+ ../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html13
Instance short description
- Instance short description
- ../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html14
+ Instance: korte omschrijving
+ ../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html14
Who you are
- Who you are
- ../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html16
+ Wie je bent
+ ../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html16
How long you plan to maintain your instance
- How long you plan to maintain your instance
- ../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html17
+ Hoe lang je je instance plant te onderhouden
+ ../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html17
How you plan to pay your instance
- How you plan to pay your instance
- ../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html18
+ Hoe je voor je instance plant te betalen
+ ../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html18
How you will moderate your instance
- How you will moderate your instance
- ../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html20
+ Hoe je je instance gaat modereren
+ ../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html20
Instance terms
- Instance terms
- ../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html21
+ Instance-voorwaarden
+ ../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html21
- Please consider configuring these fields to help people to choose the appropriate instance. Without them, your instance may not be referenced on the JoinPeerTube website.
- Please consider configuring these fields to help people to choose
- the appropriate instance
- .
- Without them, your instance may not be referenced on the
- JoinPeerTube website
- .
- ../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html25
+ Please consider configuring these fields to help people to choose the appropriate instance. Without them, your instance may not be referenced on the JoinPeerTube website.
+ Overweeg deze velden in te stellen om zo mensen te helpen de geschikte instance te kiezen. Zonder deze velden bestaat de kans dat je instance geen verwijzing krijgt op de JoinPeerTube-website .
+ ../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html25
Don't show me this warning anymore
- Don't show me this warning anymore
- ../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html33
+ Me deze waarschuwing niet meer tonen
+ ../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html33
- ../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html38
+ ../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html38
- Configure
- Configure
- ../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html44
+ Configure
+ Instellen
+ ../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html44
Change the languageTaal veranderen
- ../app/menu/language-chooser.component.html3
+ ../app/menu/language-chooser.component.html3
Help to translate PeerTube!
Help PeerTube te vertalen!
- ../app/menu/language-chooser.component.html9
+ ../app/menu/language-chooser.component.html9
Public profile
- Public profile
- ../app/menu/menu.component.html19
+ Publiek profiel
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html19
Account settings
- Account settings
- ../app/menu/menu.component.html26
+ Account-instellingen
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html26
Channels settings
- Channels settings
- ../app/menu/menu.component.html31
+ Kanaal-instellingen
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html31
- Interface:
- ../app/menu/menu.component.html38
+ Interface:
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html38
- Videos:
- ../app/menu/menu.component.html45
+ Video's:
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html45
- Sensitive:
- ../app/menu/menu.component.html54
+ Gevoelig:
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html54
- Interface:
- ../app/menu/menu.component.html162
+ Interface:
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html162
Help share videos
- Help share videos
- ../app/menu/menu.component.html60
+ Video's helpen delen
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html60
More account settings
- More account settings
- ../app/menu/menu.component.html66
+ Meer account-instellingen
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html66
Keyboard shortcuts
- Keyboard shortcuts
- ../app/menu/menu.component.html72
+ Sneltoetsen
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html72
- Help
- ../app/menu/menu.component.html168
+ Hulp
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html168
Get help using PeerTube
- Get help using PeerTube
- ../app/menu/menu.component.html167
+ Hulp bij het gebruik van PeerTube krijgen
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html167
- Shortcuts
- ../app/menu/menu.component.html171
+ Snelkoppelingen
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html171
powered by PeerTube
- powered by PeerTube
- ../app/menu/menu.component.html177
+ mogelijk gemaakt door PeerTube
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html177
powered by PeerTube - CopyLeft 2015-2020
- powered by PeerTube - CopyLeft 2015-2020
- ../app/menu/menu.component.html176
+ mogelijk gemaakt door PeerTube - CopyLeft 2015-2020
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html176
Log out
- Uitloggen
- ../app/menu/menu.component.html76
+ Afmelden
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html76
Create an accountAccount maken
- ../app/menu/menu.component.html84
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html84
- ../app/menu/menu.component.html88
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html88
My libraryMijn bibliotheek
- ../app/+my-account/my-account.component.ts47
- My channelsMy channels
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account.component.ts47
+ My channels
+ Mijn kanalen../app/+my-account/my-account.component.ts50
- My videosMy videos
+ My videos
+ Mijn video's../app/+my-account/my-account.component.ts55
- My playlistsMy playlists
+ My playlists
+ Mijn afspeellijsten../app/+my-account/my-account.component.ts61
- My subscriptionsMy subscriptions
+ My subscriptions
+ Mijn abonnementen../app/+my-account/my-account.component.ts66
- My historyMy history
+ My history
+ Mijn geschiedenis../app/+my-account/my-account.component.ts71
@@ -1443,553 +1068,478 @@ Geen resultaten gevonden
- ../app/menu/menu.component.html92
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html92
+ PlaylistsAfspeellijsten
- ../app/menu/menu.component.html97
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html97
- ../app/menu/menu.component.html102
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html102
- ../app/menu/menu.component.html107
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html107
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html406
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html406
- ../app/menu/menu.component.html117
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html117
- ../app/menu/menu.component.html122
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html122
Most liked
- Most liked
- ../app/menu/menu.component.html127
+ Meest geliefd
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html127
Recently addedRecent toegevoegd
- ../app/menu/menu.component.html132
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html132
- Administratie
- ../app/menu/menu.component.html146
+ Beheer
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html146
- ../app/+accounts/account-about/account-about.component.html1
+ ../app/+accounts/account-about/account-about.component.html1
- Contact
- ../app/menu/menu.component.html166
+ Contact
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html166
View your notifications
- Bekijk jouw notificaties.
- ../app/menu/avatar-notification.component.html3
+ Je meldingen bekijken
+ ../app/menu/avatar-notification.component.html3
- Notificaties
- ../app/menu/avatar-notification.component.html13
+ Meldingen
+ ../app/menu/avatar-notification.component.html13
Mark all as read
- Mark all as read
- ../app/menu/avatar-notification.component.html18
+ Alle als gelezen markeren
+ ../app/menu/avatar-notification.component.html18
Update your notification preferencesUpdate je notificatie voorkeuren
- ../app/menu/avatar-notification.component.html22
+ ../app/menu/avatar-notification.component.html22
See all your notifications
- Bekijk al jouw notificaties
- ../app/menu/avatar-notification.component.html40
+ Al je meldingen bekijken
+ ../app/menu/avatar-notification.component.html40
Search videos, channels…
- Search videos, channels…
- ../app/header/search-typeahead.component.html3
+ Vide'os en kanalen doorzoeken…
+ ../app/header/search-typeahead.component.html3
- ../app/header/search-typeahead.component.html23
+ ../app/header/search-typeahead.component.html23
- using
- ../app/header/search-typeahead.component.html25
+ aan het gebruiken
+ ../app/header/search-typeahead.component.html25
Results will be augmented with those of a third-party index. Only data necessary to make the query will be sent.
- Results will be augmented with those of a third-party index. Only data necessary to make the query will be sent.
- ../app/header/search-typeahead.component.html29
+ Resultaten worden aangevuld met die van elders. We versturen enkel wat nodig is voor het stellen van de vraag.
+ ../app/header/search-typeahead.component.html29
- ../app/header/search-typeahead.component.html35
+ ../app/header/search-typeahead.component.html35
any instance
- any instance
- ../app/header/search-typeahead.component.html38
+ gelijk welke instance
+ ../app/header/search-typeahead.component.html38
only followed instances
- only followed instances
- ../app/header/search-typeahead.component.html39
+ enkel gevolgde instances
+ ../app/header/search-typeahead.component.html39
Determines whether you can resolve any distant content, or if this instance only allows doing so for instances it follows.
- Determines whether you can resolve any distant content, or if this instance only allows doing so for instances it follows.
- ../app/header/search-typeahead.component.html37
+ Bepaalt of je eender elke inhoud van elders kan vinden, of dat deze instance dat enkel toelaat voor instances die ze volgt.
+ ../app/header/search-typeahead.component.html37
will list the matching channel
- will list the matching channel
- ../app/header/search-typeahead.component.html46
+ geeft het bijpassende kanaal weer
+ ../app/header/search-typeahead.component.html46
will list the matching video
- will list the matching video
- ../app/header/search-typeahead.component.html52
+ geeft de bijpassende video weer
+ ../app/header/search-typeahead.component.html52
Any other input will return matching video or channel names.
- Any other input will return matching video or channel names.
- ../app/header/search-typeahead.component.html55
+ Elke andere invoer geeft bijpassende video's of kanalen weer.
+ ../app/header/search-typeahead.component.html55
Search...Zoeken …
- ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.html6
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.html6
- ../app/header/header.component.html5
+ ../app/header/header.component.html5
In this instance's network
- In this instance's network
- ../app/header/suggestion.component.html14
+ In het netwerk van deze instance
+ ../app/header/suggestion.component.html14
In the vidiverse
- In the vidiverse
- ../app/header/suggestion.component.html15
+ In het videoversum
+ ../app/header/suggestion.component.html15
- ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html7
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html7
- Reset
- ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html10
+ Reset
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html10
Published dateDatum van publicatie
- ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html40
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html40
Original publication yearOrigineel publicatie jaar
- ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html54
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html54
- ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html66
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html66
- ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html76
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html76
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html260
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html260
Display sensitive contentLaat gevoelige inhoud zien
- ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html21
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html21
- ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html29
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html29
- ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html34
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html34
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html225
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html225
- Reset
- ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html105
+ Reset
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html105
Display all categories
- Display all categories
- ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html108
+ Alle categorieën tonen
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html108
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html234
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html234
Display all licenses
- Display all licenses
- ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html121
+ Alle licenties tonen
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html121
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html243
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html243
Display all languages
- Display all languages
- ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html134
+ Alle talen tonen
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html134
All of these tagsAl deze tags
- ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html143
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html143
One of these tagsEen van deze tags
- ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html151
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html151
Search target
- Search target
- ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html160
+ Doel doorzoeken
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html160
- Vidiverse
- ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html170
+ Videoversum
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html170
- Reset
- ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html179
+ Reset
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html179
- ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html181
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html181
Display unlisted and private videosLaat onvermelde en privé-video's zien
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/abstract-video-list.html24
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/abstract-video-list.html24
Video channels
- Video channels
- ../app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html1
+ Video-kanalen
+ ../app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html1
Add captionVoeg ondertiteling toe
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-caption-add-modal.component.html5
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-caption-add-modal.component.html5
Select the caption fileSelecteer het ondertitelingsbestand
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-caption-add-modal.component.html24
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-caption-add-modal.component.html24
This will replace an existing caption!
Dit zal een bestaande ondertiteling vervangen!
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-caption-add-modal.component.html31
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-caption-add-modal.component.html31
Add this captionVoeg deze ondertiteling toe
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-caption-add-modal.component.html42
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-caption-add-modal.component.html42
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html11
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html11
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html252
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html252
- Tags could be used to suggest relevant recommendations. There is a maximum of 5 tags. Press Enter to add a new tag.
- Tags could be used to suggest relevant recommendations.
- There is a maximum of 5 tags.
- Press
- Enter
- to add a new tag.
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html24
+ Tags could be used to suggest relevant recommendations. There is a maximum of 5 tags. Press Enter to add a new tag.
+ Tags zou je kunnen gebruiken om relevante aanbevelingen te suggereren. Er is een maximum van 5 tags. Druk op Enter om een nieuwe tag toe te voegen.
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html24
Enter a new tagVul een nieuwe tag in
- ../app/shared/shared-forms/select/select-tags.component.html5
+ ../app/shared/shared-forms/select/select-tags.component.html5
No items found
- No items found
- ../app/shared/shared-forms/select/select-checkbox.component.html14
+ Geen items gevonden
+ ../app/shared/shared-forms/select/select-checkbox.component.html14
- ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html79
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html79
Video descriptions are truncated by default and require manual action to expand them.
- Video descriptions are truncated by default and require manual action to expand them.
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html43
+ Video-beschrijvingen worden standaard afgekapt en vereisen handmatig tussenkomen om ze uit te vouwen.
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html43
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html27
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html27
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html34
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html34
- ../app/menu/menu.component.html169
+ Vaak gestelde vragen
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html169
Frequently asked questions about PeerTube
- Frequently asked questions about PeerTube
- ../app/menu/menu.component.html168
+ Veelgestelde vragen over PeerTube
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html168
- ../app/menu/menu.component.html171
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html171
API documentation
- API documentation
- ../app/menu/menu.component.html170
+ API-documentatie
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html170
Schedule publication ()
- Publicatie inroosteren op (
- )
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html108
+ Publicatie plannen op ( )
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html108
Contains sensitive content
- Contains sensitive content
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html122
+ Bevat gevoelige inhoud
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html122
Some instances do not list videos containing mature or explicit content by default.Op sommige instanties worden expliciete video's standaard niet in zoekresultaten en in lijsten getoond.
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html126
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html126
Publish after transcoding
- Publish after transcoding
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html132
+ Publiceren na transcoderen
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html132
If you decide not to wait for transcoding before publishing the video, it could be unplayable until transcoding ends.Als je beslist om niet te wachten totdat de transcoding compleet is voordat je de video publiceert, kan de video onspeelbaar zijn totdat de transcoding eindigt.
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html136
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html136
Basic infoBasisinformatie
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html5
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html5
Add another captionVoeg nog een ondertiteling toe
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html154
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html154
See the subtitle fileZie het ondertitelingsbestand
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html163
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html163
- Already uploaded ✔
+ Already uploaded ✔Al geupload ✔
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html167
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html167
Will be created on updateWordt gecreëerd bij bijwerking
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html175
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html175
Cancel createAnnuleer creatie
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html177
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html177
Will be deleted on update
- Wordt verwijdert bij bijwerking
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html183
+ Wordt verwijderd bij bijwerking
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html183
Cancel deletionAnnuleer verwijdering
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html185
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html185
No captions for now.
Geen ondertiteling voor nu.
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html191
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html191
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html146
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html146
Video previewVideo voorvertoning
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html206
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html206
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html215
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html215
- Short text to tell people how they can support you (membership platform...).
- Short text to tell people how they can support you (membership platform...).
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html219
+ Short text to tell people how they can support you (membership platform...).
+ Korte tekst om mensen uit te leggen hoe ze je kunnen ondersteunen (ledenplatform, ...).
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html219
Original publication dateOorspronkelijke publicatiedatum
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html235
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html235
- This is the date when the content was originally published (e.g. the release date for a film)
- This is the date when the content was originally published (e.g. the release date for a film)
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html239
- Plugin settingsPlugin settings
+ This is the date when the content was originally published (e.g. the release date for a film)
+ Dit is de datum waarop de inhoud origineel werd gepubliceerd (de datum van uitbrengen van een film bijvoorbeeld)
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html239
+ Plugin settings
+ Plugin-instellingen../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html269
@@ -1998,144 +1548,134 @@ Geen ondertiteling voor nu.
Enable video commentsVideoreacties inschakelen
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html256
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html256
+ Enable downloadSchakel download in
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html261
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html261
Advanced settingsGeavanceerde instellingen
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html199
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html199
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-url.component.html6
- You can import any URL supported by youtube-dl or URL that points to a media file. You should make sure you have diffusion rights over the content it points to, otherwise it could cause legal trouble to yourself and your instance. You can import any URL supported by youtube-dl or URL that points to a media file. You should make sure you have diffusion rights over the content it points to, otherwise it could cause legal trouble to yourself and your instance.
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-url.component.html6
+ You can import any URL supported by youtube-dl or URL that points to a media file. You should make sure you have diffusion rights over the content it points to, otherwise it could cause legal trouble to yourself and your instance.
+ Je kan gelijk welke URL importeren die youtube-dl herkent of naar een mediabestand verwijst. Vergewis je ervan dat je het recht hebt de inhoud te verspreiden. Anders kan dit juridische problemen veroorzaken voor jezelf en de instance. ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-url.component.html11,14
Sorry, but something went wrongSorry, er is iets fout gegaan
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html48
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html48
- Congratulations, the video behind will be imported! You can already add information about this video.
+ Congratulations, the video behind will be imported! You can already add information about this video.
Gefeliciteerd, de video achter
zal worden geimporteerd! Je kan nu al informatie over deze video toevoegen.
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-url.component.html49
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-url.component.html49
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html70
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html70
Select the file to uploadSelecteer het bestand om te uploaden
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html6
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html6
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.ts181
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.ts181
Hide the video until a specific date
- Hide the video until a specific date
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.ts182
+ De video verbergen tot een specifieke datum
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.ts182
Video background imageVideo achtergrondafbeelding
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html26
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html26
- Image that will be merged with your audio file. The chosen image will be definitive and cannot be modified.
+ Image that will be merged with your audio file. The chosen image will be definitive and cannot be modified.
Afbeelding die wordt samengevoegd met uw audiobestand.
De gekozen afbeelding is definitief en kan niet worden gewijzigd.
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html29
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html29
- Processing…
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html50
+ Verwerken…
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html50
Total video quota
- Total video quota
- ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html140
+ Totaal video-quotum
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html140
Congratulations! Your video is now available in your private library.
Gefeliciteerd! Jouw video is nu beschikbaar in je privébibliotheek.
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html63
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html63
Publish will be available when upload is finishedPubliceren is mogelijk wanneer de upload voltooid is
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html76
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html76
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html78
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html78
Sorry, the upload feature is disabled for your account. If you want to add videos, an admin must unlock your quota.
- Sorry, the upload feature is disabled for your account. If you want to add videos, an admin must unlock your quota.
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add.component.html3
+ Sorry, uploaden is uitgeschakeld voor je account. Als je een video wil toevoegen, dan moet een beheerder je quotum ontgrendelen.
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add.component.html3
Read instance rules for help
- Read instance rules for help
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add.component.html4
+ De instance-regels lezen voor hulp
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add.component.html4
Select the torrent to importSelecteer de torrent om te importeren
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html6
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html6
- OR
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html10
+ OF
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html10
Paste magnet URIPlak magnet URL
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html13
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html13
Congratulations, the video will be imported with BitTorrent! You can already add information about this video.
@@ -2143,65 +1683,51 @@ Gefeliciteerd, de video zal geimporteerd worden met BitTorrent!
Je kan nu al informatie toevoegen over deze video.
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html53
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html53
- We recommend you to not use the root user to publish your videos, since it's the super-admin account of your instance. Instead, create a dedicated account to upload your videos.
- We recommend you to not use the
- root
- user to publish your videos, since it's the super-admin account of your instance.
- Instead,
- create a dedicated account
- to upload your videos.
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add.component.html11
+ We recommend you to not use the root user to publish your videos, since it's the super-admin account of your instance. Instead, create a dedicated account to upload your videos.
+ We raden je aan je video's niet als gebruiker root te publiceren. Dat is immers de superbeheerder van je instance. Je kan beter een andere account aanmaken om je video's te uploaden.
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add.component.html11
- Importeer
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add.component.html19
+ importeren
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add.component.html19
- Uploaden
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add.component.html20
+ uploaden
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add.component.html20
Upload a fileUpload een bestand
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add.component.html26
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add.component.html26
Import with URLImporteer met URL
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add.component.html36
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add.component.html36
Import with torrentImporteer met torrent
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add.component.html46
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add.component.html46
Other videos
- Other videos
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/recommendations/recommended-videos.component.html5
+ Andere video's
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/recommendations/recommended-videos.component.html5
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/recommendations/recommended-videos.component.html10
- Report this commentReport this comment
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/recommendations/recommended-videos.component.html10
+ Report this comment
+ Deze reactie melden../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment.component.ts171
@@ -2209,65 +1735,57 @@ Je kan nu al informatie toevoegen over deze video.
- Deel
- ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html3
+ Delen
+ ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html3
Share the playlist
- Share the playlist
- ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html11
+ De afspeellijst delen
+ ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html11
Share the playlist at this video position
- Share the playlist at this video position
- ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html58
+ De afspeellijst delen op deze plaats in de video
+ ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html58
Share the video
- Share the video
- ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html66
+ De video delen
+ ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html66
- ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html27
+ ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html27
The url is not secured (no HTTPS), so the embed video won't work on HTTPS websites (web browsers block non secured HTTP requests on HTTPS websites).
- The url is not secured (no HTTPS), so the embed video won't work on HTTPS websites (web browsers block non secured HTTP requests on HTTPS websites).
- ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html44
+ De URL is niet beveiligd (geen HTTPS), dus de ingebedde video zal niet werken op beveiligde websites. Webbrowsers blokkeren immers onbeveiligde HTTPS-aanvragen op HTTPS-beveiligde websites.
+ ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html44
- ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html38
+ ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html38
Auto select subtitleSelecteer automatisch ondertiteling
- ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html128
+ ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html128
More customization
- More customization
- ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html216
+ Meer aanpassingen
+ ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html216
Less customization
- Less customization
- ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html224
- LoginLogin
+ Minder aanpassingen
+ ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html224
+ Login
+ Aanmelden../app/+login/login-routing.module.ts14
@@ -2276,314 +1794,279 @@ Je kan nu al informatie toevoegen over deze video.
AutoplayAutomatisch afspelen
- ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html159
+ ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html159
+ Support
- Support
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/modal/video-support.component.html3
+ ondersteunen
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/modal/video-support.component.html3
Maybe later
- Maybe later
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/modal/video-support.component.html11
+ Misschien later
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/modal/video-support.component.html11
- ../app/+accounts/accounts.component.html19
+ ../app/+accounts/accounts.component.html19
- ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html173
+ ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html173
Display video titleToon video titel
- ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html182
+ ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html182
Display privacy warningToon privacy waarschuwing
- ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html189
+ ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html189
Display player controlsToon bediening
- ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html196
+ ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html196
Display PeerTube button link
- Display PeerTube button link
- ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html203
+ PeerTube knop-link tonen
+ ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html203
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch-playlist.component.html11
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch-playlist.component.html11
The video is being imported, it will be available when the import is finished.
De video wordt geïmporteerd en is beschikbaar wanneer het importeren is voltooid.
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html21
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html21
The video is being transcoded, it may not work properly.
De video wordt getranscodeerd, deze werkt mogelijk niet correct.
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html25
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html25
- This video will be published on .
+ This video will be published on .
Deze video wordt gepubliceerd op
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html29
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html29
This video is blocked.
- This video is blocked.
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html33
+ Deze video is geblokkeerd.
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html33
- Published • views
- Published
- •
- views
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html47
+ Published • views
+ gepubliceerd • keer bekeken
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html47
- Published • views
- Published
- •
- views
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html58
+ Published • views
+ gepubliceerd • keer bekeken
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html58
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html88
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html88
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html93
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html93
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html104
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html104
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html118
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html118
Like this videoLike deze video
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts105
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts105
Dislike this videoDislike deze video
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts106
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts106
Support options for this video
- Support options for this video
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts107
+ Ondersteuningsopties voor deze video
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts107
- Door
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html170
+ Door
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html170
- Subscribe
- ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html7
+ Abonneren
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html7
Subscribe to all channels
- Subscribe to all channels
- ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html9
+ Abonneren op alle kanalen
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html9
channels subscribed
- channels subscribed
- ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html11
+ geabonneerde kanalen
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html11
{VAR_SELECT, select, undefined {Unsubscribe} other {Unsubscribe from all channels} }
- {VAR_SELECT, select, undefined {Unsubscribe} other {Unsubscribe from all channels} }
- ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html31
+ {VAR_SELECT, select, undefined {Abonnement opzeggen} other {Abonnement op alle kanalen opzeggen} }
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html31
Show more
- Laat meer zien
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html197
+ Meer laten zien
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html197
Show lessLaat minder zien
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html203
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html203
Origin instance
- Origin instance
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html215
+ Bron-instance
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html215
Originally publishedOorspronkelijk gepubliceerd
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html220
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html220
Friendly Reminder:
- Friendly Reminder:
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html283
+ Vriendelijke Herinnering:
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html283
the sharing system used for this video implies that some technical information about your system (such as a public IP address) can be sent to other peers.
- the sharing system used for this video implies that some technical information about your system (such as a public IP address) can be sent to other peers.
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html285
+ het deelsysteem voor deze video maakt dat technische gegevens over je systeem (onder meer je pubieke ip-adres) bij andere deelnemers kunnen terechtkomen.
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html285
More informationMeer informatie
- ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html53
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html53
The video was blocked due to automatic blocking of new videos
- The video was blocked due to automatic blocking of new videos
- ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html67
+ De video is geblokkeerd door de automatische blokkering van nieuwe video's
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html67
Get more information
- Krijg meer informatie
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html288
+ Meer informatie krijgen
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html288
- OK
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html293
+ OK
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html293
1 Comment
- 1 Comment
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html6
+ 1 Reactie
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html6
- Comments
- Comments
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html7
+ Comments
+ Commentaren
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html7
- Comments
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html9
+ Commentaren
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html9
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html17
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html17
Most recent first (default)
- Most recent first (default)
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html19
+ Recentste eerst (standaard)
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html19
Most replies first
- Most replies first
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html20
+ Meeste antwoorden eerst
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html20
No comments.
- Geen reacties
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html33
+ Geen commentaren.
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html33
- View replies from and others
- View
- replies from
- and others
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html84
+ View replies from and others
+ Reacties van en anderen bekijken.
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html84
- View replies from
- View
- replies from
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html87
+ View replies from
+ Reacties van bekijken
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html87
View replies
- View
- replies
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html90
+ antwoorden bekijken
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html90
Comments are disabled.
Reacties zijn uitgeschakeld.
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html101
- The deletion will be sent to remote instances so they can reflect the change. The deletion will be sent to remote instances so they can reflect the change.
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.ts169
- It is a remote comment, so the deletion will only be effective on your instance. It is a remote comment, so the deletion will only be effective on your instance.
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.ts171
- Delete and re-draftDelete and re-draft
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html101
+ The deletion will be sent to remote instances so they can reflect the change.
+ De verwijdering wordt naar andere instances gestuurd zodat zij er ook gevolg aan kunnen geven.
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.ts169
+ It is a remote comment, so the deletion will only be effective on your instance.
+ Dit is een reactie van elders, dus de verwijdering zal enkel effect hebben op jouw instance.
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.ts171
+ Delete and re-draft
+ Verwijderen en opnieuw als klad../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.ts197
- Do you really want to delete and re-draft this comment?Do you really want to delete and re-draft this comment?
+ Do you really want to delete and re-draft this comment?
+ Wil je echt deze reactie verwijderen en opnieuw als klad instellen?../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.ts197
@@ -2592,113 +2075,136 @@ Je kan nu al informatie toevoegen over deze video.
Add comment...Voeg reactie toe...
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html6
- Markdown compatibleMarkdown compatible
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html6
+ Markdown compatible
+ Markdown-compatibel../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html13
- Markdown compatible that supports:Markdown compatible that supports:
+ Markdown compatible that supports:
+ Markdown-compatible met ondersteuning voor:../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html15
- Auto generated linksAuto generated links
+ Auto generated links
+ Automatisch gegenereerde verwijzingen../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html18
- Break linesBreak lines
+ Break lines
+ Breuklijnen../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html19
- ListsLists
+ Lists
+ Lijsten../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html20
- EmphasisEmphasis
+ Emphasis
+ Nadruk../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html22
- boldbold
+ bold
+ vet../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html23
- italicitalic
+ italic
+ cursief../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html23
- Emoji shortcutsEmoji shortcuts
+ Emoji shortcuts
+ Emoji-shortcuts../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html26
- Emoji markupEmoji markup
+ Emoji markup
+ Emoji-opmaak../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html30
- See complete listSee complete list
+ See complete list
+ Volledige lijst bekijken../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html32
You are one step away from commentingJe bent een stap verwijderd van reageren
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html55
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html55
- You can comment using an account on any ActivityPub-compatible instance. On most platforms, you can find the video by typing its URL in the search bar and then comment it from within the software's interface.
- You can comment using an account on any ActivityPub-compatible instance.
- On most platforms, you can find the video by typing its URL in the search bar and then comment it
- from within the software's interface.
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html60
+ You can comment using an account on any ActivityPub-compatible instance. On most platforms, you can find the video by typing its URL in the search bar and then comment it from within the software's interface.
+ Je kan reageren met een account op gelijk welke ActivityPub-instance. Op de meeste platformen kan je de video vinden door zijn URL in de zoekbalk in te voeren. Daarna kan je reageren van binnen de software-interface.
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html60
If you have an account on Mastodon or Pleroma, you can open it directly in their interface:
Als je een account op Mastodon of Pleroma hebt, kan je het direct openen vanuit hun interface:
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html65
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html65
Login to comment
- Login to comment
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html76
- Markdown Emoji ListMarkdown Emoji List
+ Aanmelden om te reageren
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html76
+ Markdown Emoji List
+ Markdown-Emoji-Lijst../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html84
- CommentComment
+ Comment
+ Reactie../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.ts58
- ReplyReply
+ Reply
+ Antwoorden../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.ts60
@@ -2707,442 +2213,356 @@ Als je een account op Mastodon of Pleroma hebt, kan je het direct openen vanuit
Highlighted commentBelichte reactie
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment.component.html20
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment.component.html20
+ ReplyAntwoord
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment.component.html44
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment.component.html44
This comment has been deleted
- This comment has been deleted
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment.component.html61
+ Deze reactie is verwijderd
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment.component.html61
Video redundancies
- Video redundancies
- ../app/+admin/admin.component.ts39
+ Surpluskopieën video
+ ../app/+admin/admin.component.ts39
1 host (without "http://") per line1 host (zonder "http://") per lijn
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/batch-domains-modal.component.html11
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/batch-domains-modal.component.html11
- Your report will be sent to moderators of and will be forwarded to the comment origin () too.
- Your report will be sent to moderators of
- and will be forwarded to the comment origin (
- ) too
- .
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/report.component.html37
+ Your report will be sent to moderators of and will be forwarded to the comment origin () too.
+ Je aangifte komt terecht bij de moderatoren van en wordt doorgestuurd naar de bronserver van de reactie ( ) ook .
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/report.component.html37
Follow domain
- Follow domain
- ../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html24
+ Domein volgen
+ ../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html24
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html16
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html16
Clear filters
- Clear filters
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html20
+ Filters verwijderen
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html20
- Video/Comment/Account
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html41
+ Video/Reactie/Account
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html41
- ../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html39
+ ../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html39
Follower handleVolger naam
- ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html28
+ ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html28
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-imports/my-account-video-imports.component.html19
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-imports/my-account-video-imports.component.html19
- Gemaakt op
- ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html31
+ Gemaakt op
+ ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html31
Open actor page in a new tab
- Open actor page in a new tab
- ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html46
+ Acteurpagina openen in nieuwe tab
+ ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html46
- ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html53
+ ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html53
PendingIn behandeling
- ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html56
+ ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html56
- ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html39
+ ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html39
- ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html40
+ ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html40
No follower found matching current filters.
- No follower found matching current filters.
- ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html68
+ Geen volger gevonden in overeenstemming met huidige filters.
+ ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html68
Your instance doesn't have any follower.
- Your instance doesn't have any follower.
- ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html69
+ Je instance heeftgeen volgers.
+ ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html69
Showing to of followers
- Showing
- to
- of
- followers
- ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html10
+ Nu te zien: tot van volgers
+ ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html10
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/batch-domains-modal.component.html3
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/batch-domains-modal.component.html3
- ../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html33
+ ../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html33
Redundancy allowed
- Redundancy allowed
- ../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html35
+ Surpluskopie toegelaten
+ ../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html35
Open instance in a new tab
- Open instance in a new tab
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html43
+ Instance openen in nieuwe tab
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html43
No host found matching current filters.
- No host found matching current filters.
- ../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html71
+ Geen host gevonden op basis van huidige filters.
+ ../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html71
Your instance is not following anyone.
- Your instance is not following anyone.
- ../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html72
+ Je instance volgt niemand.
+ ../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html72
Showing to of hosts
- Showing
- to
- of
- hosts
- ../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html10
+ Nu te zien: tot van hosts
+ ../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html10
Follow domains
- Follow domains
- ../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html79
+ Domeinen volgen
+ ../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html79
Videos redundancies
- Videos redundancies
- ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html3
+ Surpluskopieën video's
+ ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html3
My videos duplicated by remote instances
- My videos duplicated by remote instances
- ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html12
+ Video's van mij, gedupliceerd door andere instances
+ ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html12
Remote videos duplicated by my instance
- Remote videos duplicated by my instance
- ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html13
+ Video's van elders, gedupliceerd op mijn instance
+ ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html13
Create userGebruiker aanmaken
- ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html42
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html42
Table parameters
- Table parameters
- ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html58
+ Tabelparameters
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html58
Select columns
- Select columns
- ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html64
+ Kolommen selecteren
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html64
Highlight banned users
- Highlight banned users
- ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html70
+ Gebannen gebruikers markeren
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html70
- ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html83
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html83
- ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html85
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html85
- ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html107
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html107
If you leave the password empty, an email will be sent to the user.
- If you leave the password empty, an email will be sent to the user.
- ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html121
+ Als je het wachtwoord leeg laat krijgt de gebruiker een email.
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html121
- ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html135
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html135
- Transcoding is enabled. The video quota only takes into account original video size. At most, this user could upload ~ .
- Transcoding is enabled. The video quota only takes into account
- original
- video size.
- At most, this user could upload ~
- .
- ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html160
+ Transcoding is enabled. The video quota only takes into account original video size. At most, this user could upload ~ .
+ Transcoding is ingeschakeld. De videoquota houden enkel rekening met de grootte van de originele video. Deze gebruiker kan maximaal ~ uploaden.
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html160
Daily video quotaDagelijks videoquotum
- ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html166
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html166
Doesn't need review before a video goes public
- Doesn't need review before a video goes public
- ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html179
+ Geen beoordeling nodig voor een video publiek beschikbaar wordt
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html179
Send a link to reset the password by email to the userStuur een link per e-mail naar de gebruiker om het wachtwoord te resetten
- ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html204
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html204
Ask for new passwordVraag om een nieuw wachtwoord
- ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html205
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html205
Manually set the user passwordStel het gebruikerswachtwoord handmatig in
- ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html209
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html209
- ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-password.component.html10
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-password.component.html10
- ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-password.component.html11
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-password.component.html11
Batch actionsBatchacties
- ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html13
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html13
Advanced user filters
- Advanced user filters
- ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html27
+ Geavanceerde gebruikersfilters
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html27
Banned users
- Banned users
- ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html28
+ Verbannen gebruikers
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html28
The user was banned
- The user was banned
- ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html160
+ De gebruiker is verbannen
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html160
Open account in a new tab
- Open account in a new tab
- ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html106
+ Account in nieuwe tab openen
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html106
- Deleted account
- Deleted account
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html75
+ Deleted account
+ Verwijderde account
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html75
User's email must be verified to loginGebruiker's e-mail moet geverifieerd zijn om in te loggen
- ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html129
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html129
User's email is verified / User can login without email verificationGebruiker's e-mail is geverifieerd / Gebruiker kan inloggen zonder e-mailverificatie
- ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html133
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html133
Total daily video quota
- Total daily video quota
- ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html150
+ Totaal dagelijks videoquotum
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html150
Ban reason:Reden van verbanning:
- ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html177
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html177
Showing to of users
- Showing
- to
- of
- users
- ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html6
+ Nu te zien: tot van gebruikers
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html6
- ../app/+admin/admin.component.ts47
- ReportsReports
+ ../app/+admin/admin.component.ts47
+ Reports
+ Aangiften../app/+admin/admin.component.ts53
- Video blocksVideo blocks
+ Video blocks
+ Videoblokkeringen../app/+admin/admin.component.ts60
- Muted accountsMuted accounts
+ Muted accounts
+ Gedempte accounts../app/+admin/admin.component.ts67
- Muted serversMuted servers
+ Muted servers
+ Gedempte servers../app/+admin/admin.component.ts74
- UsersUsers
+ Users
+ Gebruikers../app/+admin/admin.component.ts81
- ConfigurationConfiguration
+ Configuration
+ Configuratie../app/+admin/admin.component.ts88
@@ -3150,417 +2570,345 @@ Als je een account op Mastodon of Pleroma hebt, kan je het direct openen vanuit
Video blocks
- Video blocks
- ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html3
+ Videoblokkeringen
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html3
Muted accountsGedempte accounts
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/account-blocklist.component.html3
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/account-blocklist.component.html3
Muted serversGedempte servers
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html3
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html3
Advanced block filters
- Advanced block filters
- ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html23
+ Geavanceerde blokkeerfilters
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html23
Automatic blocks
- Automatic blocks
- ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html24
+ Automatische blokkeringen
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html24
Manual blocks
- Manual blocks
- ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html25
+ Manuele blokkeringen
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html25
- Video
- ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html29
+ Video
+ ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html29
Total size
- Total size
- ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html30
+ Totale grootte
+ ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html30
List redundancies
- List redundancies
- ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html37
+ Surpluskopieën oplijsten
+ ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html37
Your instance doesn't mirror any video.
- Your instance doesn't mirror any video.
- ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html81
+ Je instance spiegelt geen enkele video.
+ ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html81
Your instance has no mirrored videos.
- Your instance has no mirrored videos.
- ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html82
+ Je instance heeft geen gespiegelde video's.
+ ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html82
Enabled strategies stats
- Enabled strategies stats
- ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html91
+ Ingeschakelde strategiestatistieken
+ ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html91
No redundancy strategy is enabled on your instance.
- No redundancy strategy is enabled on your instance.
- ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html96
+ Er is geen surpluskopiestrategie ingeschakeld op je instance.
+ ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html96
- ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html43
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html43
UnfederatedNiet gefedereerd
- ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html44
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html44
- Datum
- ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html45
+ Datum
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html45
- ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html90
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html90
No abuses found matching current filters.
- No abuses found matching current filters.
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html188
+ Geen misbruiken gevonden op basis van huidige filters.
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html188
No abuses found.
- No abuses found.
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html189
+ Geen misbruiken gevonden.
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html189
Block reason:
- Block reason:
- ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html103
+ Reden blokkering:
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html103
No blocked video found matching current filters.
- No blocked video found matching current filters.
- ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html123
+ Geen geblokkeerde video gevonden die aan de huidige criteria voldoet.
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html123
No blocked video found.
- No blocked video found.
- ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html124
+ Geen geblokkeerde video gevonden.
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html124
Showing to of blocked videos
- Showing
- to
- of
- blocked videos
- ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html10
+ Nu te zien: geblokkeerde video's tot van geblokkeerde video's
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html10
- Reports
- ../app/+admin/moderation/abuse-list/abuse-list.component.html3
+ Aangiften
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/abuse-list/abuse-list.component.html3
Moderation commentBeheer reactie
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/moderation-comment-modal.component.html3
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/moderation-comment-modal.component.html3
This comment can only be seen by you or the other moderators.
Deze reactie kan alleen door jou of andere beheerders gezien worden.
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/moderation-comment-modal.component.html21
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/moderation-comment-modal.component.html21
Update this commentWerk deze comment bij
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/moderation-comment-modal.component.html31
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/moderation-comment-modal.component.html31
Advanced report filters
- Advanced report filters
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html18
+ Geavanceerde aangiftefilters
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html18
Unsolved reports
- Unsolved reports
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html19
+ Onopgeloste aangiften
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html19
Accepted reports
- Accepted reports
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html20
+ Aanvaarde aangiften
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html20
Refused reports
- Refused reports
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html21
+ Geweigerde aangiften
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html21
Reports with blocked videos
- Reports with blocked videos
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html22
+ Aangiften met geblokkeerde video's
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html22
Reports with deleted videos
- Reports with deleted videos
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html23
+ Rapporten met verwijderde video's
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html23
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html7
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html7
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html27
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html27
{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 report} other { reports}}
- {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 report} other {
- reports} }
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html27
+ {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 report} other { reports} }
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html27
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-ownership/my-account-ownership.component.html20
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-ownership/my-account-ownership.component.html20
This video has been reported multiple times.
- This video has been reported multiple times.
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html88
+ Deze video is meerdere keren aangegeven.
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html88
The video was blocked
- The video was blocked
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html97
+ De video is geblokkeerd
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html97
by on
- by
- on
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html100
+ door op
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html100
Video was deleted
- Video was deleted
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html107
+ Video verwijderd
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html107
- Account deleted
- Account deleted
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html143
+ Account deleted
+ Account verwijderd
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html143
Open video in a new tab
- Open video in a new tab
- ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html49
+ Video in een nieuwe tab openen
+ ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html49
- Status
- ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html29
+ Toestand
+ ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html29
- Messages
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html44
+ Berichten
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html44
Internal note
- Internal note
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html45
+ Interne nota
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html45
- Score
- ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html30
+ Score
+ ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html30
Showing to of reports
- Showing
- to
- of
- reports
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html5
+ Nu te zien: tot van aangiften
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html5
- Reportee
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html33
+ Aangegevene
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html33
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html52
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html52
{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 report} other { reports}}
- {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 report} other {
- reports} }
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html52
+ {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 report} other { reports} }
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html52
- Updated
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html58
+ Bijgewerkt
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html58
Mute domain
- Mute domain
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html24
+ Domein dempen
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html24
- ../app/+about/about.component.html5
+ ../app/+about/about.component.html5
Muted at
- Gedempt bij
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html33
+ Gedempt bij
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html33
UnmuteDemping opheffen
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html40
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html40
No server found matching current filters.
- No server found matching current filters.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html56
+ Geen server gevonden op basis van de huidige criteria.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html56
No server found.
- No server found.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html57
+ Geen server gevonden.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html57
Showing to of muted instances
- Showing
- to
- of
- muted instances
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html10
+ Nu te zien: tot van gedempte instances
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html10
It seems that you are not on a HTTPS server. Your webserver needs to have TLS activated in order to follow servers.
- It seems that you are not on a HTTPS server. Your webserver needs to have TLS activated in order to follow servers.
- ../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html82
+ Het lijkt dat je niet op een HTTPS-server zit. Om een andere server te volgen is TLS op jouw webserver vereist.
+ ../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html82
Mute domains
- Mute domains
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html64
+ Domeinen dempen
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html64
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/account-blocklist.component.html28
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/account-blocklist.component.html28
No account found matching current filters.
- No account found matching current filters.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/account-blocklist.component.html63
+ Geen account gevonden op basis van huidige criteria.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/account-blocklist.component.html63
No account found.
- No account found.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/account-blocklist.component.html64
- List installed pluginsList installed plugins
+ Geen account gevonden.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/account-blocklist.component.html64
+ List installed plugins
+ Geïnstalleerde plugins oplijsten../app/+admin/plugins/plugins.routes.ts28
- Search pluginsSearch plugins
+ Search plugins
+ Plugins doorzoeken../app/+admin/plugins/plugins.routes.ts37
- Show pluginShow plugin
+ Show plugin
+ Plugin tonen../app/+admin/plugins/plugins.routes.ts46
@@ -3568,144 +2916,134 @@ Als je een account op Mastodon of Pleroma hebt, kan je het direct openen vanuit
Showing to of muted accounts
- Showing
- to
- of
- muted accounts
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/account-blocklist.component.html10
+ Nu te zien: tot van gedempte accounts
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/account-blocklist.component.html10
- ../app/+admin/admin.component.ts92
+ ../app/+admin/admin.component.ts92
- ../app/+admin/plugins/plugins.component.html3
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugins.component.html3
Plugin homepage (new window)
- Plugin homepage (new window)
- ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.html17
+ Startpagina plugin (nieuw venster)
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.html17
- ../app/+admin/plugins/plugins.component.html5
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugins.component.html5
Users can resolve distant content
- Users can resolve distant content
- ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html101
+ Gebruikers kunnen inhoud van elders opvragen
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html101
Close this message
- Close this message
- ../app/app.component.html34
+ Dit bericht sluiten
+ ../app/app.component.html34
- ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.html26
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.html26
Display settings
- Display settings
- ../app/modal/quick-settings-modal.component.html8
+ Scherminstellingen
+ ../app/modal/quick-settings-modal.component.html8
- ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.html32
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.html32
To load your new installed plugins or themes, refresh the page.
Vernieuw de pagina om uw nieuwe geïnstalleerde plugins of thema's te laden.
- ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.html10
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.html10
- ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.html16
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.html16
- for ""
+ for ""
- voor "<x id="INTERPOLATION_1" equiv-text="{{ search }}"/>"
+ voor "<x id="INTERPOLATION_1" equiv-text="{{ search }}"/>"
- ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.html23
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.html23
{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {result} other {results} }{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {result} other {results} }
- ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.html23
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.html23
No results.
Geen resultaten.
- ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.html29
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.html29
Plugin npm package (new window)
- Plugin npm package (new window)
- ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.html44
+ Npm-pakket plugin (nieuw venster)
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.html44
- This does not have settings.
+ This does not have settings.
heeft geen instellingen.
- ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-show-installed/plugin-show-installed.component.html17
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-show-installed/plugin-show-installed.component.html17
- ../app/+admin/admin.component.ts96
+ ../app/+admin/admin.component.ts96
- ../app/+admin/system/system.component.html5
+ ../app/+admin/system/system.component.html5
- Logs
- ../app/+admin/system/system.component.html7
+ Logboeken
+ ../app/+admin/system/system.component.html7
- ../app/+admin/system/system.component.html8
+ ../app/+admin/system/system.component.html8
Job type
- Job type
- ../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html3
+ Type taak
+ ../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html3
Job state
- Job state
- ../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html12
- Showing to of jobsShowing to of jobs
+ Toestand taak
+ ../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html12
+ Showing to of jobs
+ Nu te zien: tot van taken../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html32
@@ -3714,15 +3052,19 @@ Als je een account op Mastodon of Pleroma hebt, kan je het direct openen vanuit
- ../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html40
- No jobs found.No jobs found.
+ ../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html40
+ No jobs found.
+ Geen taken gevonden.../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html86
- No jobs found that are .No jobs found that are .
+ No jobs found that are .
+ Geen taken gevonden die zijn.../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html87
@@ -3731,9 +3073,11 @@ Als je een account op Mastodon of Pleroma hebt, kan je het direct openen vanuit
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html33
- nownow
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html33
+ now
+ nu../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html15
@@ -3741,1126 +3085,958 @@ Als je een account op Mastodon of Pleroma hebt, kan je het direct openen vanuit
- Loading...
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html37
+ Laden...
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html37
- By ->
- By
- ->
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html45
+ By ->
+ Door ->
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html45
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html15
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html15
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html21
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html21
Short descriptionKorte omschrijving
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html30
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html30
Main instance categories
- Main instance categories
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html48
+ Hoofdcategorieën instance
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html48
Add a new category
- Add a new category
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html55
+ Nieuwe categorie toevoegen
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html55
The sharing system implies that some technical information about your system (such as a public IP address) can be sent to other peers, but greatly helps to reduce server load.
- The
- sharing system
- implies that some technical information about your system (such as a public IP address) can be sent to other peers, but greatly helps to reduce server load.
- ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html50
+ Het deelsysteem impliceert dat enige technische informatie over je systeem (zoals een publiek IP-adres) naar andere peers kan worden verzonden, maar helpt de serverbelasting sterk te verminderen.
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html50
Help share videos being played
- Help share videos being played
- ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html47
+ Video's die aan het afspelen zijn helpen delen
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html47
When on a video page, directly start playing the video.
- When on a video page, directly start playing the video.
- ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html61
+ Bij aankomst op een videopagina onmiddellijk starten met afspelen.
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html61
Automatically play videos
- Automatically play videos
- ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html58
+ Video's automatisch afspelen
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html58
When a video ends, follow up with the next suggested video.
- When a video ends, follow up with the next suggested video.
- ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html72
+ Na het einde van een video de volgende gesuggereerde video laten volgen.
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html72
Automatically start playing the next video
- Automatically start playing the next video
- ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html69
+ Automatisch de volgende video beginnen afspelen
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html69
Main languages you/your moderators speak
- Main languages you/your moderators speak
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html62
+ Belangrijkste talen die jij/je moderatoren spreken
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html62
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html80
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html80
- Manage users to build a moderation team.
- Manage
- users
- to build a moderation team.
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html82
+ Manage users to build a moderation team.
+ Gebruikers beheren om een moderatorenteam op te bouwen.
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html82
This instance is dedicated to sensitive or NSFW content
- This instance is dedicated to sensitive or NSFW content
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html91
+ Deze instance is gewijd aan gevoelige of niet voor een werkomgeving geschikte inhoud
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html91
- Enabling it will allow other administrators to know that you are mainly federating sensitive content. Moreover, the NSFW checkbox on video upload will be automatically checked by default.
- Enabling it will allow other administrators to know that you are mainly federating sensitive content.
- Moreover, the NSFW checkbox on video upload will be automatically checked by default.
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html96
+ Enabling it will allow other administrators to know that you are mainly federating sensitive content. Moreover, the NSFW checkbox on video upload will be automatically checked by default.
+ Dit inschakelen geeft andere beheerders te kennen dat je vooral gevoelige inhoud federeert. Daarenboven zal het selectievakje "niet voor een werkomgeving geschikte inhoud" standaard aangevinkt zijn bij het uploaden van video's.
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html96
Policy on videos containing sensitive contentBeleid rond video's met gevoelige inhoud
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html104
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html104
- With Do not list or Blur thumbnails, a confirmation will be requested to watch the video.
- With
- Do not list
- or
- Blur thumbnails
- , a confirmation will be requested to watch the video.
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html109
+ With Do not list or Blur thumbnails, a confirmation will be requested to watch the video.
+ Met Niet oplijsten of Miniaturen vervagen zal vóór het bekijken van de video om bevestiging gevraagd worden.
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html109
Do not listNiet in lijst tonen
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html117
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html117
Blur thumbnailsThumbnails vervagen
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html118
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html118
- ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html8
+ ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html8
- Strategy
- ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html28
+ Strategie
+ ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html28
- ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html116
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html116
Code of conduct
- Code of conduct
- ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html107
+ Gedragscode
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html107
Moderation information
- Moderation information
- ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html98
+ Moderatie-informatie
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html98
Who moderates the instance? What is the policy regarding NSFW videos? Political videos? etc
- Who moderates the instance? What is the policy regarding NSFW videos? Political videos? etc
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html145
+ Wie modereert de instance? Wat is het beleid wat betreft niet voor de werkomgeving geschikte video's? politieke video's? Ectetera
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html145
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html159
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html159
Who is behind the instance?
- Who is behind the instance?
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html165
+ Wie zit er achter de instance?
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html165
A single person? A non-profit? A company?
- A single person? A non-profit? A company?
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html166
+ Een individu? Een non-profit? Een bedrijf?
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html166
Why did you create this instance?
- Why did you create this instance?
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html177
+ Waarom heb je deze instance opgezet?
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html177
To share your personal videos? To open registrations and allow people to upload what they want?
- To share your personal videos? To open registrations and allow people to upload what they want?
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html178
+ Om je persoonlijke video's te dleen? Om een open registratiebeleid te voeren en mensen toe te laten te uploaden wat ze willen?
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html178
How long do you plan to maintain this instance?
- How long do you plan to maintain this instance?
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html188
+ Hoe lang plan je deze instance te onderhouden?
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html188
It's important to know for users who want to register on your instance
- It's important to know for users who want to register on your instance
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html189
+ Het is belangrijk om weten voor gebruikers die willen registreren op je instance
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html189
How will you finance the PeerTube server?
- How will you finance the PeerTube server?
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html199
+ How ga je de PeerTube-server betalen?
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html199
With your own funds? With user donations? Advertising?
- With your own funds? With user donations? Advertising?
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html200
+ Met je eigen geld? Met schenkingen van gebruikers? Advertenties?
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html200
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html214
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html214
What server/hardware does the instance run on?
- What server/hardware does the instance run on?
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html220
+ Op wat voor server/hardware draait de instance?
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html220
i.e. 2vCore 2GB RAM, a direct the link to the server you rent, etc.
- i.e. 2vCore 2GB RAM, a direct the link to the server you rent, etc.
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html221
+ bijvoorbeeld. 2 virtuele kernen, 2GB RAM, een directe link naar de gehuurde server enzovoort.
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html221
Instance information
- Instance information
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html7
+ Instance-informatie
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html7
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html245
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html245
- Use plugins & themes for more involved changes, or add slight customizations.
- Use
- plugins & themes
- for more involved changes, or
- add slight customizations
- .
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html247
+ Use plugins & themes for more involved changes, or add slight customizations.
+ Plugins & thema's gebruiken voor uitgebreide wijzigingen, of kleine aanpassingen aanbrengen .
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html247
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html259
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html259
Landing page
- Landing page
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html268
+ Bestemmingspagina
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html268
Discover videos
- Discover videos
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html271
+ Video's ontdekken
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html271
Trending videos
- Trending videos
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html272
+ Populaire videos
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html272
Most liked videos
- Most liked videos
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html273
+ Meest geliefde video's
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html273
Recently added videos
- Recently added videos
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html274
+ Recent toegevoegde video's
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html274
Local videosVideo's op deze instantie
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html275
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html275
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html286
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html286
- Display a message on your instance
- Display a message on your instance
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html288
+ Display a message on your instance
+ Een boodschap tonen op je instance
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html288
Enable broadcast message
- Enable broadcast message
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html299
+ Bericht naar iedereen inschakelen
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html299
- Allow users to dismiss the broadcast message
- Allow users to dismiss the broadcast message
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html306
+ Allow users to dismiss the broadcast message
+ Gebruikers toelaten een bericht voor iedereen af te wijzen
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html306
Broadcast message level
- Broadcast message level
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html311
+ Niveau bericht naar iedereen
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html311
- Message
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html323
+ Bericht
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html323
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html338
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html338
- Manage users to set their quota individually.
- Manage
- users
- to set their quota individually.
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html340
+ Manage users to set their quota individually.
+ Gebruikers beheren om hun quota individueel in te stellen.
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html340
Signup requires email verificationE-mailverificatie nodig bij registratie
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html358
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html358
Signup limitRegistratielimiet
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html362
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html362
Enable Signup
- Enable Signup
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html350
+ Inschrijven inschakelen
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html350
- ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html5
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html5
{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {Video} other {Videos} }
- {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {Video} other {Videos} }
- ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html24
+ {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {Video} other {Video's} }
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html24
{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {Channel} other {Channels} }
- {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {Channel} other {Channels} }
- ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html30
+ {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {Kanaal} other {Kanalen} }
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html30
{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {Subscriber} other {Subscribers} }
- {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {Subscriber} other {Subscribers} }
- ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html36
+ {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {Abonnee} other {Abonnees} }
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html36
Incriminated in reports
- Incriminated in reports
- ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html42
+ Beschuldigd in aangiften
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html42
Authored reports accepted
- Authored reports accepted
- ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html48
+ Geschreven aangiften aanvaard
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html48
{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {Comment} other {Comments} }
- {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {Comment} other {Comments} }
- ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html54
+ {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {Reactie} other {Reacties} }
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html54
- ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html73
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html73
- Configuration
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html1
+ Configuratie
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html1
Default video quota per user
- Default video quota per user
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html377
+ Standaard videoquotum per gebruiker
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html377
Default daily upload limit per user
- Default daily upload limit per user
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html389
+ Standaard dagelijkse uploadlimiet per gebruiker
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html389
Allow import with HTTP URL (i.e. YouTube)
- Allow import with HTTP URL (i.e. YouTube)
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html417
+ Importeren met HTTP-URL toelaten (bijvoorbeeld YouTube)
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html417
Allow import with a torrent file or a magnet URI
- Allow import with a torrent file or a magnet URI
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html424
+ Importeren met torrent-bestand of magnet-URI toelaten
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html424
Unless a user is marked as trusted, their videos will stay private until a moderator reviews them.
- Unless a user is marked as trusted, their videos will stay private until a moderator reviews them.
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html441
+ Tenzij een gebruiker als vertrouwd staat aangemerkt blijven zijn video's privé tot een moderator ze heeft beoordeeld.
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html441
Block new videos automatically
- Block new videos automatically
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html438
+ Nieuwe video's automatisch blokkeren
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html438
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html455
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html455
Allow your users to look up remote videos/actors by their URI, that may not be federated with your instance
- Allow
- your users
- to look up remote videos/actors by their URI, that may not be federated with your instance
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html469
+ your users toelaten videos/actoren van elders op te zoeken via hun URI die mogelijk niet gefedereerd is met je instance
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html469
Allow users to do remote URI/handle search
- Allow users to do remote URI/handle search
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html466
+ Gebruikers toelaten URI/handle van elders te (door)zoeken
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html466
Allow anonymous users to look up remote videos/actors by their URI, that may not be federated with your instance
- Allow
- anonymous users
- to look up remote videos/actors by their URI, that may not be federated with your instance
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html480
+ anonieme gebruikers toelaten video's/actoren op van elders op te zoeken via hun URI die mogelijk niet gefedereerd is met je instance
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html480
Allow anonymous to do remote URI/handle search
- Allow anonymous to do remote URI/handle search
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html477
+ Anonieme gebruikers toelaten URI/handle van elders te (door)zoeken
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html477
⚠️ This functionality depends heavily on the moderation of instances followed by the search index you select.
- ⚠️ This functionality depends heavily on the moderation of instances followed by the search index you select.
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html494
+ ⚠️ Deze functionaliteit is sterk afhankelijk van de moderatie op instances gevolgd door de zoekindex die je selecteert.
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html494
- You should only use moderated search indexes in production, or host your own.
- You should only use moderated search indexes in production, or
- host your own
- .
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html497
+ You should only use moderated search indexes in production, or host your own.
+ In productie is het sterk aangeraden gemodeerde zoekindexen te gebruiken of je eigen zoekindex te hosten.
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html497
Search index URL
- Search index URL
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html503
+ URL van zoekindex
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html503
Disable local search in search bar
- Disable local search in search bar
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html514
+ Lokaal zoeken in zoekbalk uitschakelen
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html514
Otherwise the local search stays used by default
- Otherwise the local search stays used by default
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html524
+ Anders blijf je standaard lokaal zoeken gebruiken
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html524
Search bar uses the global search index by default
- Search bar uses the global search index by default
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html521
+ Zoekbalk gebruikt standaard de globale zoekindex
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html521
Enable global search
- Enable global search
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html491
+ Globaal zoeken inschakelen
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html491
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html542
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html542
- Manage relations with other instances.
- Manage
- relations
- with other instances.
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html544
+ Manage relations with other instances.
+ Relaties met andere instances beheren.
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html544
Other instances can follow yours
- Other instances can follow yours
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html556
+ Andere instances kunnen de jouwe volgen
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html556
Manually approve new instance followers
- Manually approve new instance followers
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html563
+ Manueel nieuwe instancevolgers goedkeuren
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html563
Automatically follow back instances
- Automatically follow back instances
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html576
+ Automatisch instances die jou volgen terugvolgen
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html576
- You should only follow moderated indexes in production, or host your own.
- You should only follow moderated indexes in production, or
- host your own
- .
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html595
+ You should only follow moderated indexes in production, or host your own.
+ In productie is het sterk aangeraden gemodereerde indexen te volgen of je eigen indexen te hosten.
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html595
⚠️ This functionality requires a lot of attention and extra moderation.
- ⚠️ This functionality requires a lot of attention and extra moderation.
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html353
+ ⚠️ Deze functionaliteit vereist veel aandacht en extra moderatie.
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html353
Index URL
- Index URL
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html601
+ Index URL
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html601
Automatically follow instances of a public index
- Automatically follow instances of a public index
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html589
+ Automatisch de instances van een publieke index volgen
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html589
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html621
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html621
- ../app/core/users/user.service.ts383
+ ../app/core/users/user.service.ts383
Admin emailE-mail van administrator
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html627
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html627
Enable contact formSchakel contactformulier in
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html638
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html638
Basic configurationBasisconfiguratie
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html239
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html239
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html655
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html655
Optional. If any, provide the Twitter account representing your instance to improve link previews.
- Optional. If any, provide the Twitter account representing your instance to improve link previews.
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html657
+ Optioneel. Bestaat er een Twitter-account die deze instance vertegenwoordtigt, vul deze dan hier in om je bereik te vergroten.
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html657
Your Twitter usernameJe Twitter-gebruikersnaam
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html667
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html667
Instance allowed by Twitter
- Instance allowed by Twitter
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html679
+ Instance toegelaten door Twitter
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html679
- If your instance is explicitly allowed by Twitter, a video player will be embedded in the Twitter feed on PeerTube video share. If the instance is not, we use an image link card that will redirect on your PeerTube instance. Check this checkbox, save the configuration and test with a video URL of your instance (https://example.com/videos/watch/blabla) on https://cards-dev.twitter.com/validator to see if you instance is allowed.
+ If your instance is explicitly allowed by Twitter, a video player will be embedded in the Twitter feed on PeerTube video share. If the instance is not, we use an image link card that will redirect on your PeerTube instance. Check this checkbox, save the configuration and test with a video URL of your instance (https://example.com/videos/watch/blabla) on https://cards-dev.twitter.com/validator to see if you instance is allowed.
If your instance is explicitly allowed by Twitter, a video player will be embedded in the Twitter feed on PeerTube video share.
If the instance is not, we use an image link card that will redirect on your PeerTube instance.
Check this checkbox, save the configuration and test with a video URL of your instance (https://example.com/videos/watch/blabla) on
- https://cards-dev.twitter.com/validator
+ https://cards-dev.twitter.com/validator
to see if you instance is allowed.
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html684
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html684
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html649
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html649
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html709
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html709
- Process uploaded videos so that they are in a streamable form that any device can play. Though costly in resources, this is a critical part of PeerTube, so tread carefully.
- Process uploaded videos so that they are in a streamable form that any device can play. Though costly in
- resources, this is a critical part of PeerTube, so tread carefully.
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html711
+ Process uploaded videos so that they are in a streamable form that any device can play. Though costly in resources, this is a critical part of PeerTube, so tread carefully.
+ Geüploade video's verwerken tot een streambare vorm die elk apparaat kan afspelen. Dit kost veel middelen, maar het is een cruciaal onderdeel van PeerTube, dus wees voorzichtig als je dit wijzigt.
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html711
Transcoding enabledTranscoding ingeschakeld
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html723
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html723
If you disable transcoding, many videos from your users will not work!Als je transcoding niet inschakelt, zullen veel video's die je gebruikers uploaden niet werken!
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html727
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html727
Allows users to upload .mkv, .mov, .avi, .wmv, .flv, .f4v, .3g2, .3gp, .mts, m2ts, .mxf, .nut videos.
- Allows users to upload .mkv, .mov, .avi, .wmv, .flv, .f4v, .3g2, .3gp, .mts, m2ts, .mxf, .nut videos.
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html738
+ Gebruikers toelaten video's te uploaden in .mkv, .mov, .avi, .wmv, .flv, .f4v, .3g2, .3gp, .mts, m2ts, .mxf, .nut-formaat.
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html738
Allow additional extensionsSta extra bestandsextensies toe
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html735
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html735
Allows users to upload audio files that will be merged with the preview file on upload.
- Allows users to upload audio files that will be merged with the preview file on upload.
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html749
+ Gebruikers toelaten audiobestanden te uploaden. Deze worden met de voorvertoningsafbeelding samengevoegd tot een video.
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html749
Allow audio files uploadAudiobestanden uploaden toestaan
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html746
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html746
Experimental, we suggest you to not disable webtorrent support for nowIf you also enabled HLS support, it will multiply videos storage by 2If disabled, breaks federation with PeerTube instances < 2.1
- Experimental, we suggest you to not disable webtorrent support for now
- If you also enabled HLS support, it will multiply videos storage by 2
- If disabled, breaks federation with PeerTube instances < 2.1
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html762
+ Experimenteel. We suggereren je webtorrent-ondersteuning voorlopig niet uit te schakelen Als je ook HLS-ondersteuning inschakelt verdubbelt dat de nood aan video-opslagruimteBreekt federatie met PeerTube-instances < 2.1 indien uitgeschakeld
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html762
WebTorrent support enabled
- WebTorrent support enabled
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html758
+ WebTorrent-ondersteuning ingeschakeld
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html758
- Requires ffmpeg >= 4.1Generate HLS playlists and fragmented MP4 files resulting in a better playback than with the current default player:Resolution change is smootherFaster playback in particular with long videosMore stable playback (less bugs/infinite loading)If you also enabled WebTorrent support, it will multiply videos storage by 2
- Requires ffmpeg >= 4.1
- Generate HLS playlists and fragmented MP4 files resulting in a better playback than with the current default player:
- Resolution change is smoother
- Faster playback in particular with long videos
- More stable playback (less bugs/infinite loading)
- If you also enabled WebTorrent support, it will multiply videos storage by 2
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html783
+ Requires ffmpeg >= 4.1Generate HLS playlists and fragmented MP4 files resulting in a better playback than with the current default player:Resolution change is smootherFaster playback in particular with long videosMore stable playback (less bugs/infinite loading)If you also enabled WebTorrent support, it will multiply videos storage by 2
+ Vereist ffmpeg >= 4.1 HLS-afspeellijsten en gefragmenteerde MP4-bestanden, met als resultaat vlotter afspelen dan met de huidige standaardspeler: Resolutiewissels gaan vlotter Sneller afspelen, in het bijzonder bij lange video's Stabieler afspelen (minder fouten/oneindig laden) Als je ook WebTorren-ondersteuning inschakelt verdubbelt dat de nood aan video-opslag
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html783
HLS with P2P support enabled
- HLS with P2P support enabled
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html779
+ HLS met P2P-ondersteuning ingeschakeld
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html779
Transcoding threadsThreads gebruikt voor transcoding
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html804
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html804
Resolutions to generate
- Resolutions to generate
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html817
+ Te genereren resoluties
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html817
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html843
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html843
Some files are not federated, and fetched when necessary. Define their caching policies.
- Some files are not federated, and fetched when necessary. Define their caching policies.
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html845
+ Sommige bestanden zijn niet gefedereerd en worden opgehaald indien nodig. Definieer het caching-beleid voor deze bestanden.
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html845
Number of previews to keep in cache
- Number of previews to keep in cache
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html853
+ Aantal in cache te houden voorvertoningen
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html853
Number of video captions to keep in cache
- Number of video captions to keep in cache
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html862
+ Aantal in cache te houden video-onderschriften
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html862
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html877
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html877
Slight modifications to your PeerTube instance for when creating a plugin or theme is overkill.
- Slight modifications to your PeerTube instance for when creating a plugin or theme is overkill.
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html879
+ Kleine wijzigingen aan je Peertube-instance voor het geval een plugin of stijl overdreven is.
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html879
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html888
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html888
- Write JavaScript code directly.Example: console.log('my instance is amazing');
- Write JavaScript code directly.
- Example:
- console.log('my instance is amazing');
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html892
+ Write JavaScript code directly.Example: console.log('my instance is amazing');
+ Rechtstreeks JavaScript-code schrijven Voorbeeld: console.log('mijn instance is fantastisch');
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html892
- Write CSS code directly. Example: #custom-css
- color: red;
- Prepend with #custom-css to override styles. Example: #custom-css .logged-in-email
- color: red;
- Write CSS code directly. Example:
- #custom-css
- color: red;
- Prepend with
- #custom-css
- to override styles. Example:
- #custom-css .logged-in-email
- color: red;
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html911
+ Write CSS code directly. Example: #custom-css color: red; Prepend with #custom-css to override styles. Example: #custom-css .logged-in-email color: red;
+ Rechtstreeks CSS-code schrijven. Voorbeeld: #custom-css color: red; Laten voorafgaan door #custom-css om stijlen te overschrijven. Voorbeeld: #custom-css .logged-in-email color: red;
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html911
Advanced configurationGeavanceerde configuratie
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html703
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html703
Update configurationBijwerkingsconfiguratie
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html950
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html950
It seems like the configuration is invalid. Please search for potential errors in the different tabs.
- It seems like the configuration is invalid. Please search for potential errors in the different tabs.
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html948
+ Het lijk dat deze configuratie ongeldig is. Zoek alsjeblieft naar potentiële fouten in de verschillende tabs.
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html948
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-settings.component.html26
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-settings.component.html26
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-settings.component.html37
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-settings.component.html37
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-settings.component.html47
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-settings.component.html47
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-settings.component.html57
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-settings.component.html57
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-settings.component.html67
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-settings.component.html67
- ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html197
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html197
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts170
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts170
- Resolution
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts179
+ Resolutie
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts179
Aspect ratio
- Aspect ratio
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts180
+ Beeldverhouding
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts180
Average frame rate
- Average frame rate
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts181
+ Gemiddelde frame rate
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts181
Pixel format
- Pixel format
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts182
+ Pixelformaat
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts182
Sample rate
- Sample rate
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts186
+ Sample rate
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts186
Channel Layout
- Channel Layout
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts187
+ Kanaalopmaak
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts187
Video settingsVideo-instellingen
- ../app/modal/quick-settings-modal.component.html16
+ ../app/modal/quick-settings-modal.component.html16
Interface settings
- Interface settings
- ../app/modal/quick-settings-modal.component.html20
+ Interface-instellingen
+ ../app/modal/quick-settings-modal.component.html20
Change passwordWachtwoord veranderen
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-password/my-account-change-password.component.html5
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-password/my-account-change-password.component.html5
Current passwordHuidige wachtwoord
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-password/my-account-change-password.component.html7
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-password/my-account-change-password.component.html7
New passwordNieuw wachtwoord
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-password/my-account-change-password.component.html15
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-password/my-account-change-password.component.html15
Confirm new passwordBevestig nieuw wachtwoord
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-password/my-account-change-password.component.html23
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-password/my-account-change-password.component.html23
Default policy on videos containing sensitive contentStandaardbeleid voor video's met gevoelige inhoud
- ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html4
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html4
- With Do not list or Blur thumbnails, a confirmation will be requested to watch the video.
- With
- Do not list
- or
- Blur thumbnails
- , a confirmation will be requested to watch the video.
- ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html8
+ With Do not list or Blur thumbnails, a confirmation will be requested to watch the video.
+ Met Niet oplijsten of Miniaturen vervagen zal vóór het bekijken van de video om bevestiging gevraagd worden.
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html8
Policy for sensitive videos
- Policy for sensitive videos
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html116
+ Beleid rond gevoelige video's
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html116
Only display videos in the following languages/subtitles
- Only display videos in the following languages/subtitles
- ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html25
+ Enkel video's weergeven in de volgende talen/ondertitels
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html25
In Recently added, Trending, Local, Most liked and Search pages
- In Recently added, Trending, Local, Most liked and Search pages
- ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html28
+ In Recent toegevoegd, Populair, Lokaal, Meest geliefd and Zoeken
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html28
Add a new language
- Add a new language
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html69
+ Een nieuwe taal toevoegen
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html69
- Your current email is
- Je huidige e-mailadres is
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html5
+ Your current email is
+ Je huidige e-mailadres is
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html5
- is awaiting email verification
+ is awaiting email verification
- wacht op e-mailverificatie
+ wacht op e-mailverificatie
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html9
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html9
New emailNieuwe e-mail
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html15
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html15
Your new emailJouw nieuwe e-mail
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html17
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html17
Your current password
- Your current password
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html26
+ Je huidige wachtwoord
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html26
Your passwordJouw wachtwoord
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html28
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html28
Change emailVerander e-mail
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html36
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html36
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html255
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html255
instance defaultinstantie standaard
- ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-interface-settings.component.html8
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-interface-settings.component.html8
peertube defaultpeertube standaard
- ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-interface-settings.component.html9
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-interface-settings.component.html9
Change ownershipVerander eigenaar
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-videos/video-change-ownership/video-change-ownership.component.html3
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-videos/video-change-ownership/video-change-ownership.component.html3
Select the next ownerSelecteer de volgende eigenaar
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-videos/video-change-ownership/video-change-ownership.component.html10
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-videos/video-change-ownership/video-change-ownership.component.html10
Search your videos
- Search your videos
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-videos/my-account-videos.component.html11
+ Je video's doorzoeken
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-videos/my-account-videos.component.html11
Accept ownershipAccepteer eigenaar
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-ownership/my-account-accept-ownership/my-account-accept-ownership.component.html3
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-ownership/my-account-accept-ownership/my-account-accept-ownership.component.html3
Select a channel to receive the video
- Select a channel to receive the video
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-ownership/my-account-accept-ownership/my-account-accept-ownership.component.html10
+ Een kanaal selecteren om de video te ontvangen
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-ownership/my-account-accept-ownership/my-account-accept-ownership.component.html10
Channel that will receive the video
- Channel that will receive the video
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-ownership/my-account-accept-ownership/my-account-accept-ownership.component.html13
+ Kanaal dat de video zal ontvangen
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-ownership/my-account-accept-ownership/my-account-accept-ownership.component.html13
My ownership changes
- My ownership changes
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-ownership/my-account-ownership.component.html3
+ Mijn wijzigingen van eigenaar
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-ownership/my-account-ownership.component.html3
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-ownership/my-account-ownership.component.html19
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-ownership/my-account-ownership.component.html19
- Created
- Gecreëerd op
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-ownership/my-account-ownership.component.html23
+ Created
+ Aangemaakt op
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-ownership/my-account-ownership.component.html23
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-ownership/my-account-ownership.component.html25
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-ownership/my-account-ownership.component.html25
Account page
- Account page
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html169
+ Accountpagina
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html169
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html176
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html176
No ownership change request found.
- No ownership change request found.
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-ownership/my-account-ownership.component.html83
- Account settingsAccount settings
+ Geen verzoek tot wijziging van eigenaar gevonden.
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-ownership/my-account-ownership.component.html83
+ Account settings
+ Account-instellingen../app/+my-account/my-account-routing.module.ts37
- Account playlistsAccount playlists
+ Account playlists
+ Account-afspeellijsten../app/+my-account/my-account-routing.module.ts55
- Create new playlistCreate new playlist
+ Create new playlist
+ Nieuwe afspeellijst aanmaken../app/+my-account/my-account-routing.module.ts64
- Playlist elementsPlaylist elements
+ Playlist elements
+ Elementen afspeellijst../app/+my-account/my-account-routing.module.ts73
@@ -4868,200 +4044,176 @@ Als je een account op Mastodon of Pleroma hebt, kan je het direct openen vanuit
My imports
- My imports
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-imports/my-account-video-imports.component.html3
+ Mijn imports
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-imports/my-account-video-imports.component.html3
Create video channel
- Create video channel
- ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channels.component.html19
+ Videokanaal aanmaken
+ ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channels.component.html19
- subscribers
+ subscribers abonnees
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-subscriptions/my-account-subscriptions.component.html32
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-subscriptions/my-account-subscriptions.component.html32
Example: my_channelVoorbeeld: mijn_kanaal
- ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channel-edit.component.html35
+ ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channel-edit.component.html35
- ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channel-edit.component.html26
+ ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channel-edit.component.html26
- Short text to tell people how they can support your channel (membership platform...).<br /><br />
- When you will upload a video in this channel, the video support field will be automatically filled by this text.
- Short text to tell people how they can support your channel (membership platform...).<br /><br />
- When you will upload a video in this channel, the video support field will be automatically filled by this text.
- ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channel-edit.component.html77
+ Short text to tell people how they can support your channel (membership platform...).<br /><br /> When you will upload a video in this channel, the video support field will be automatically filled by this text.
+ Korte tekst om mensen te vertellen hoe ze je kanaal kunnen ondersteunen (ledenplatform...).<br /><br /> Wanneer je een video uploadt in dit kanaal komt deze tekst automatisch in het video-ondersteuningsveld terecht.
+ ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channel-edit.component.html77
Overwrite support field of all videos of this channelOverschrijf support invoerveld van alle video's van dit kanaal
- ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channel-edit.component.html92
+ ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channel-edit.component.html92
- subscribers
+ subscribers abonnees
- ../app/shared/shared-main/account/actor-avatar-info.component.html21
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/account/actor-avatar-info.component.html21
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-imports/my-account-video-imports.component.html17
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-imports/my-account-video-imports.component.html17
See the error
- See the error
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-imports/my-account-video-imports.component.html27
+ De fout bekijken
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-imports/my-account-video-imports.component.html27
This video was deleted
- This video was deleted
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-imports/my-account-video-imports.component.html49
+ Deze video is verwijderd
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-imports/my-account-video-imports.component.html49
Showing to of imports
- Showing
- to
- of
- imports
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-imports/my-account-video-imports.component.html10
+ Nu te zien: tot van imports
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-imports/my-account-video-imports.component.html10
Once you delete your account, there is no going back. You will be asked to confirm this action.
- Once you delete your account, there is no going back. You will be asked to confirm this action.
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-danger-zone/my-account-danger-zone.component.html2
+ Eens je je account verwijdert kan je niet meer terug. Je zal de vraag krijgen deze beslissing te bevestigen.
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-danger-zone/my-account-danger-zone.component.html2
Delete your account
- Verwijder jouw account
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-danger-zone/my-account-danger-zone.component.html4
+ Je account verwijderen
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-danger-zone/my-account-danger-zone.component.html4
You don't have any subscriptions yet.Je hebt nog geen abonnementen.
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-subscriptions/my-account-subscriptions.component.html18
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-subscriptions/my-account-subscriptions.component.html18
Channel page
- Channel page
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html166
+ Kanaalpagina
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html166
Created by
- Gemaakt door
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-subscriptions/my-account-subscriptions.component.html35
+ Aangemaakt door
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-subscriptions/my-account-subscriptions.component.html35
Owner account page
- Owner account page
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-subscriptions/my-account-subscriptions.component.html34
+ Accountpagina eigenaar
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-subscriptions/my-account-subscriptions.component.html34
Go the owner account pageNaar de accountpagina van de eigenaar gaan
- ../app/+video-channels/video-channels.component.html30
+ ../app/+video-channels/video-channels.component.html30
Video history
- Video history
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-history/my-account-history.component.html9
+ Videogeschiedenis
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-history/my-account-history.component.html9
Delete history
- Verwijder geschiedenis
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-history/my-account-history.component.html13
+ Geschiedenis verwijderen
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-history/my-account-history.component.html13
You don't have any video history yet.
- You don't have any video history yet.
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-history/my-account-history.component.html19
+ Je hebt nog geen videogeschiedenis.
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-history/my-account-history.component.html19
Notification preferences
Notificatie voorkeuren
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-notifications/my-account-notifications.component.html4
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-notifications/my-account-notifications.component.html4
Newest first
- Newest first
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-notifications/my-account-notifications.component.html11
+ Nieuwste eerst
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-notifications/my-account-notifications.component.html11
Unread first
- Unread first
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-notifications/my-account-notifications.component.html12
+ Ongelezen eerst
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-notifications/my-account-notifications.component.html12
All read
- All read
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-notifications/my-account-notifications.component.html26
+ Alle gelezen
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-notifications/my-account-notifications.component.html26
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.html2
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.html2
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.html4
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.html4
My Playlists
- My Playlists
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-edit.component.html4
+ Mijn Afspeellijsten
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-edit.component.html4
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-edit.component.html25
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-edit.component.html25
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-edit.component.html26
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-edit.component.html26
Create playlist
- Create playlist
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlists.component.html18
- Playlist } deleted.Playlist } deleted.
+ Afspeellijst maken
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlists.component.html18
+ Playlist } deleted.
+ Afspeellijst } verwijderd.../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlists.component.ts61
@@ -5070,85 +4222,75 @@ Als je een account op Mastodon of Pleroma hebt, kan je het direct openen vanuit
Playlist thumbnailAfspeellijst thumbnail
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-edit.component.html82
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-edit.component.html82
+ Search your playlists
- Search your playlists
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlists.component.html10
+ Je afspeellijsten doorzoeken
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlists.component.html10
No videos in this playlist.Geen video's in deze afspeellijst.
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-elements.component.html25
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-elements.component.html25
- Browse videos on PeerTube to add them in your playlist.
- Browse videos on PeerTube to add them in your playlist.
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-elements.component.html28
+ Browse videos on PeerTube to add them in your playlist.
+ Video's op PeerTube doorzoeken om ze aan je afspeellijst toe te voegen.
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-elements.component.html28
- See the documentation for more information.
- See the
- documentation
- for more information.
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-elements.component.html32
+ See the documentation for more information.
+ Zie de documentatie voor meer informatie.
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-elements.component.html32
Welcome to PeerTube!
- Welcome to PeerTube!
- ../app/+signup/shared/signup-success.component.html8
+ Welkom bij PeerTube!
+ ../app/+signup/shared/signup-success.component.html8
- If you need help to use PeerTube, you can have a look at the documentation.
- If you need help to use PeerTube, you can have a look at the
- documentation
- .
- ../app/+signup/shared/signup-success.component.html14
+ If you need help to use PeerTube, you can have a look at the documentation.
+ Als je help nodig hebt bij het gebruik van PeerTube, dan kan je de documentatie bekijken.
+ ../app/+signup/shared/signup-success.component.html14
Verify account email confirmation
Verifieer e-mailbevestiging van account
- ../app/+signup/+verify-account/verify-account-email/verify-account-email.component.html3
+ ../app/+signup/+verify-account/verify-account-email/verify-account-email.component.html3
Email updated.
E-mail bijgewerkt.
- ../app/+signup/+verify-account/verify-account-email/verify-account-email.component.html10
+ ../app/+signup/+verify-account/verify-account-email/verify-account-email.component.html10
An error occurred.Er is een probleem opgetreden.
- ../app/+signup/+verify-account/verify-account-email/verify-account-email.component.html14
- Video channel videosVideo channel videos
+ ../app/+signup/+verify-account/verify-account-email/verify-account-email.component.html14
+ Video channel videos
+ Video's in dit videokanaal../app/+video-channels/video-channels-routing.module.ts25
- Video channel playlistsVideo channel playlists
+ Video channel playlists
+ Afspeellijsten in dit videokanaal../app/+video-channels/video-channels-routing.module.ts38
- About video channelAbout video channel
+ About video channel
+ Over dit videokanaal../app/+video-channels/video-channels-routing.module.ts47
@@ -5158,69 +4300,61 @@ Verifieer e-mailbevestiging van account
Request email for account verification
Vraag e-mail voor accountverificatie aan
- ../app/+signup/+verify-account/verify-account-ask-send-email/verify-account-ask-send-email.component.html3
+ ../app/+signup/+verify-account/verify-account-ask-send-email/verify-account-ask-send-email.component.html3
Send verification emailVerzend e-mail voor verificatie
- ../app/+signup/+verify-account/verify-account-ask-send-email/verify-account-ask-send-email.component.html17
+ ../app/+signup/+verify-account/verify-account-ask-send-email/verify-account-ask-send-email.component.html17
This instance does not require email verification.Deze instantie heeft geen verificatie door e-mail nodig.
- ../app/+signup/+verify-account/verify-account-ask-send-email/verify-account-ask-send-email.component.html20
+ ../app/+signup/+verify-account/verify-account-ask-send-email/verify-account-ask-send-email.component.html20
- ../app/+accounts/accounts.component.html18
+ ../app/+accounts/accounts.component.html18
Instance mutedInstantie gedempt
- ../app/+accounts/accounts.component.html20
+ ../app/+accounts/accounts.component.html20
Muted by your instanceGedempt door jouw instantie
- ../app/+accounts/accounts.component.html21
+ ../app/+accounts/accounts.component.html21
Instance muted by your instanceInstantie gedempt door jouw instantie
- ../app/+accounts/accounts.component.html22
+ ../app/+accounts/accounts.component.html22
Manage account
- Manage account
- ../app/+accounts/accounts.component.html36
+ Account beheren
+ ../app/+accounts/accounts.component.html36
This account does not have channels.Dit account heeft geen kanalen.
- ../app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html4
+ ../app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html4
{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 subscriber} other { subscribers}}
- {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 subscriber} other {
- subscribers} }
- ../app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html13
+ {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 abonnee} other { abonnees} }
+ ../app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html13
{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =0 {No videos} =1 {1 video} other { videos}}
- {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =0 {No videos} =1 {1 video} other {
- videos} }
- ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channels.component.html37
- Do you really want to delete ?
-It will delete videos uploaded in this channel, and you will not be able to create another
-channel with the same name ()!Do you really want to delete ?
-It will delete videos uploaded in this channel, and you will not be able to create another
-channel with the same name ()!
+ {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =0 {No videos} =1 {1 video} other { video\'s} }
+ ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channels.component.html37
+ Do you really want to delete ? It will delete videos uploaded in this channel, and you will not be able to create another channel with the same name ()!
+ Wil je echt verwijderen? Dat verwijdert video's die in dit kanaal geüpload zijn. Je kan ook geen nieuw kanaal meer maken met dezelfde naam. ()!../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channels.component.ts111,113
@@ -5228,75 +4362,67 @@ channel with the same name ()!
My Channels
- My Channels
- ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channel-edit.component.html4
+ Mijn Kanalen
+ ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channel-edit.component.html4
- ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channel-edit.component.html25
+ ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channel-edit.component.html25
See this video channelDit videokanaal bekijken
- ../app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html9
+ ../app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html9
This channel doesn't have any videos.
- This channel doesn't have any videos.
- ../app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html20
+ Er zijn geen video's in dit kanaal.
+ ../app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html20
- ../app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html29
+ ../app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html29
- ../app/+accounts/account-about/account-about.component.html5
+ ../app/+accounts/account-about/account-about.component.html5
- ../app/+accounts/account-about/account-about.component.html10
+ ../app/+accounts/account-about/account-about.component.html10
- ../app/menu/menu.component.html170
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html170
- Account aangemaakt op
- ../app/+accounts/account-about/account-about.component.html12
+ Account aangemaakt op
+ ../app/+accounts/account-about/account-about.component.html12
Manage channel
- Manage channel
- ../app/+video-channels/video-channels.component.html22
+ Kanaal beheren
+ ../app/+video-channels/video-channels.component.html22
Created by
- Created by
- ../app/+video-channels/video-channels.component.html31
+ Gemaakt door
+ ../app/+video-channels/video-channels.component.html31
- ../app/+video-channels/video-channel-about/video-channel-about.component.html10
- Most liked videosMost liked videos
+ ../app/+video-channels/video-channel-about/video-channel-about.component.html10
+ Most liked videos
+ Meest geliefde video's../app/+videos/video-list/video-most-liked.component.ts41
@@ -5304,426 +4430,328 @@ channel with the same name ()!
- Gemaakt op
- ../app/+video-channels/video-channel-about/video-channel-about.component.html18
+ Aangemaakt op
+ ../app/+video-channels/video-channel-about/video-channel-about.component.html18
- Created playlists
- Created
- playlists
- ../app/+video-channels/video-channel-playlists/video-channel-playlists.component.html3
+ Created playlists
+ afspeellijsten aangemaakt
+ ../app/+video-channels/video-channel-playlists/video-channel-playlists.component.html3
This channel does not have playlists.Dit kanaal heeft geen afspeellijsten.
- ../app/+video-channels/video-channel-playlists/video-channel-playlists.component.html6
+ ../app/+video-channels/video-channel-playlists/video-channel-playlists.component.html6
- ../app/+about/about.component.html7
+ ../app/+about/about.component.html7
- ../app/+about/about-follows/about-follows.component.html2
+ ../app/+about/about-follows/about-follows.component.html2
Contact administrator
- Neem contact op met
- beheerder
- ../app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html3
+ Contact opnemen met de beheerder van
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html3
Your nameJouw naam
- ../app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html11
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html11
Your emailJouw e-mail
- ../app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html20
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html20
- ../app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html29
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html29
Your messageJouw bericht
- ../app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html38
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html38
- About
- ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html5
+ Over
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html5
Contact administratorNeem contact op met beheerder
- ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html7
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html7
This instance is dedicated to sensitive/NSFW content.
- This instance is dedicated to sensitive/NSFW content.
- ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html19
+ Deze instance is gewijd aan gevoelige/niet voor een werkomgeving geschikte inhoud.
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html19
- ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html29
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html29
Who we are
- Who we are
- ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html36
+ Wie we zijn
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html36
Why we created this instance
- Why we created this instance
- ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html45
+ Waarom we deze instance opgezet hebben
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html45
How long we plan to maintain this instance
- How long we plan to maintain this instance
- ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html54
+ Hoe lang we deze instance plannen te onderhouden
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html54
How we will pay for this instance
- How we will pay for this instance
- ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html63
+ Hoe we gaan betalen voor deze instance
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html63
- ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html72
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html72
- ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html91
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html91
- ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html125
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html125
Hardware information
- Hardware information
- ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html132
+ Hardware-informatie
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html132
- ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html140
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html140
Features found on this instanceKenmerken van deze instantie
- ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html4
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html4
- ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html147
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html147
What is PeerTube?
- What is PeerTube?
- ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html3
+ Wat is PeerTube?
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html3
- PeerTube is a self-hosted ActivityPub-federated video streaming platform using P2P directly in your web browser.
- PeerTube is a self-hosted ActivityPub-federated video streaming platform using P2P directly in your web browser.
- ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html10
+ PeerTube is a self-hosted ActivityPub-federated video streaming platform using P2P directly in your web browser.
+ PeerTube is een zelf te hosten ActivityPub-gefedereerd videostreamingplatform met P2P, rechtstreeks in je webbrowser.
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html10
- It is a free and open-source software, under the AGPLv3 licence.
- It is a free and open-source software, under the
- AGPLv3
- licence
- .
- ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html14
+ It is a free and open-source software, under the AGPLv3 licence.
+ Het is vrije en open source-software, gepubliceerd onder de AGPLv3-licentie.
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html14
- For more information, please visit joinpeertube.org.
- For more information, please visit
- joinpeertube.org
- .
- ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html19
+ For more information, please visit joinpeertube.org.
+ Voor meer informatie kan u terecht op joinpeertube.org .
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html19
Use PeerTube documentation
- Use PeerTube
- documentation
- ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html28
+ PeerTube-documentation doornemen
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html28
Discover how to setup your account, what is a channel, how to create a playlist and more!
- Discover how to setup your account, what is a channel, how to create a playlist and more!
- ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html33
+ Ontdek hoe je account op te zetten, wat een kanaal is, hoe een afspeellijst te maken en meer!
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html33
PeerTube Applications
- PeerTube
- Applications
- ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html42
+ PeerTube-Toepassingen
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html42
Discover unofficial Android applications or browser addons!
- Discover unofficial Android applications or browser addons!
- ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html46
+ Ontdek de officieuze Android-applications en browser-plugins!
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html46
Contribute on PeerTube
- Contribute on
- PeerTube
- ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html54
+ Bijdragen aan PeerTube
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html54
Want to help to improve PeerTube? You can translate the web interface, give your feedback or directly contribute to the code!
- Want to help to improve PeerTube? You can translate the web interface, give your feedback or directly contribute to the code!
- ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html59
+ Wil je PeerTube helpen verbeteren? Je kan de webinterface helpen verbeteren, feedback geven of rechtstreeks bijdragen aan de code!
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html59
P2P & PrivacyPeer-to-peer en privacy
- ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html71
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html71
- PeerTube uses the BitTorrent protocol to share bandwidth between users by default to help lower the load on the server, but ultimately leaves you the choice to switch back to regular streaming exclusively from the server of the video. What follows applies only if you want to keep using the P2P mode of PeerTube.
- PeerTube uses the BitTorrent protocol to share bandwidth between users by default to help lower the load on the server,
- but ultimately leaves you the choice to switch back to regular streaming exclusively from the server of the video. What
- follows applies only if you want to keep using the P2P mode of PeerTube.
- ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html75
+ PeerTube uses the BitTorrent protocol to share bandwidth between users by default to help lower the load on the server, but ultimately leaves you the choice to switch back to regular streaming exclusively from the server of the video. What follows applies only if you want to keep using the P2P mode of PeerTube.
+ PeerTube gebruikt standaard het BitTorrent-protocol om bandbreedte te delen tussen gebruikers. Zo vermindert de druk op de server. Je hebt wel de keuze om but terug te schakelen naar normaal video aanbieden enkel vanaf de server. Het volgende is enkel van toepasinng als je de P2P-modus van PeerTube wil blijven gebruiken.
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html75
What are the consequences?Wat zijn de gevolgen?
- ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html85
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html85
- In theory, someone with enough technical skills could create a script that tracks which IP is downloading which video. In practice, this is much more difficult because:
- In theory, someone with enough technical skills could create a script that tracks which IP is downloading which video.
- In practice, this is much more difficult because:
- ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html88
+ In theory, someone with enough technical skills could create a script that tracks which IP is downloading which video. In practice, this is much more difficult because:
+ In theorie zou iemand met voldoende technische kennis een script kunnen maken dat natrekt welk ip-adres welke video downloadt. In de praktijk is dat veel moeilijker omdat:
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html88
- An HTTP request has to be sent on each tracker for each video to spy. If we want to spy all PeerTube's videos, we have to send as many requests as there are videos (so potentially a lot)
- An HTTP request has to be sent on each tracker for each video to spy.
- If we want to spy all PeerTube's videos, we have to send as many requests as there are videos (so potentially a lot)
- ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html94
+ An HTTP request has to be sent on each tracker for each video to spy. If we want to spy all PeerTube's videos, we have to send as many requests as there are videos (so potentially a lot)
+ Er moet een HTTP-aanvraag verzonden worden naar elke tracker voor elke video om te kunnen spioneren. Als we alle PeerTube videos willen bespioneren, dan moeten we evenveel aanvragen versturen als er video's zijn (potentieel heel veel dus)
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html94
- For each request sent, the tracker returns random peers at a limited number. For instance, if there are 1000 peers in the swarm and the tracker sends only 20 peers for each request, there must be at least 50 requests sent to know every peer in the swarm
- For each request sent, the tracker returns random peers at a limited number.
- For instance, if there are 1000 peers in the swarm and the tracker sends only 20 peers for each request, there must be at least 50
- requests sent to know every peer in the swarm
- ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html99
+ For each request sent, the tracker returns random peers at a limited number. For instance, if there are 1000 peers in the swarm and the tracker sends only 20 peers for each request, there must be at least 50 requests sent to know every peer in the swarm
+ Voor elk gedaan verzoek geeft de tracker een beperkt aantal peers terug. Als er bijvoorbeeld 1000 peers in de zwerm zijn en de tracker maar 20 peers per verzoek teruggeeft moeten er ten minste 50 verzoeken zijn gedaan om elke peer in de zwerm te kennen.
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html99
Those requests have to be sent regularly to know who starts/stops watching a video. It is easy to detect that kind of behaviour
- Those requests have to be sent regularly to know who starts/stops watching a video. It is easy to detect that kind of behaviour
- ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html105
+ Die verzoeken moeten regelmatig gebeuren om te weten wie begint of stopt een video te bekijken. Dat soort gedrag is eenvoudig te detecteren.
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html105
- If an IP address is stored in the tracker, it doesn't mean that the person behind the IP (if this person exists) has watched the video
- If an IP address is stored in the tracker, it doesn't mean that the person behind the IP (if this person exists) has watched the
- video
- ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html109
+ If an IP address is stored in the tracker, it doesn't mean that the person behind the IP (if this person exists) has watched the video
+ Als een ip-adres opgeslagen is in de tracker betekent dat niet dat de persoon achter dit ip-adres - als zo iemand al bestaat - de video bekeken heeft.
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html109
The IP address is a vague information: usually, it regularly changes and can represent many persons or entities
- The IP address is a vague information: usually, it regularly changes and can represent many persons or entities
- ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html114
+ Het ip-adres is vage informatie: gewoonlijk verandert het regelmatig en kan het meerdere mensen of entiteiten vertegenwoordigen
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html114
- Web peers are not publicly accessible: because we use WebRTC inside the web browser (with the WebTorrent library), the protocol is different from classic BitTorrent. When you are in a web browser, you send a signal containing your IP address to the tracker that will randomly choose other peers to forward the information to. See this document for more information
- Web peers are not publicly accessible: because we use WebRTC inside the web browser (
- with the
- WebTorrent library
- ), the protocol is different from classic BitTorrent.
- When you are in a web browser, you send a signal containing your IP address to the tracker that will randomly choose other peers
- to forward the information to.
- See
- this document
- for more information
- ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html118
+ Web peers are not publicly accessible: because we use WebRTC inside the web browser (with the WebTorrent library), the protocol is different from classic BitTorrent. When you are in a web browser, you send a signal containing your IP address to the tracker that will randomly choose other peers to forward the information to. See this document for more information
+ Web-peers zijn niet publiek toegankelijk. Omdat we WEBRTC gebruiken binnen de browser ( met de WebTorrent-bibliotheek) is het protocol verschillend van het klassieke BitTorrent-protocol. In een webbrowser stuur je een signaal met daarin je ip-adres naar de tracker. Die zal toevallig andere pers kiezen om de informatie naar door te sturen. Zie dit document voor meer informatie.
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html118
- The worst-case scenario of an average person spying on their friends is quite unlikely. There are much more effective ways to get that kind of information.
- The worst-case scenario of an average person spying on their friends is quite unlikely.
- There are much more effective ways to get that kind of information.
- ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html127
+ The worst-case scenario of an average person spying on their friends is quite unlikely. There are much more effective ways to get that kind of information.
+ Het nachtmerriescenario van iemand die zijn vrienden bespioneert is eerder onwaarschijnlijk. Er zijn veel efficiëntere manieren om dat soort informatie te verkrijgen.
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html127
How does PeerTube compare with YouTube?Hoe is PeerTube vergeleken met YouTube?
- ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html131
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html131
- The threats to privacy with YouTube are different from PeerTube's. In YouTube's case, the platform gathers a huge amount of your personal information (not only your IP) to analyze them and track you. Moreover, YouTube is owned by Google/Alphabet, a company that tracks you across many websites (via AdSense or Google Analytics).
- The threats to privacy with YouTube are different from PeerTube's.
- In YouTube's case, the platform gathers a huge amount of your personal information (not only your IP) to analyze them and track you.
- Moreover, YouTube is owned by Google/Alphabet, a company that tracks you across many websites (via AdSense or Google Analytics).
- ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html134
+ The threats to privacy with YouTube are different from PeerTube's. In YouTube's case, the platform gathers a huge amount of your personal information (not only your IP) to analyze them and track you. Moreover, YouTube is owned by Google/Alphabet, a company that tracks you across many websites (via AdSense or Google Analytics).
+ De gevaren voor je privacy liggen anders bij YouTube dan bij PeerTube. YouTube verzamelt een grote hoeveelheid persoonlijke informatie over jou - niet enkel je ip-adres- , analyseert deze en volgt je. Daarenboven is YouTube eigendom van Google/Alphabet, een bedrijf dat je op vele websites volgt via AdSense of Google Analytics.
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html134
What can I do to limit the exposure of my IP address?Wat kan ik doen om de blootstelling van mijn IP adress te verminderen?
- ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html139
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html139
- Your IP address is public so every time you consult a website, there is a number of actors (in addition to the final website) seeing your IP in their connection logs: ISP/routers/trackers/CDN and more. PeerTube is transparent about it: we warn you that if you want to keep your IP private, you must use a VPN or Tor Browser. Thinking that removing P2P from PeerTube will give you back anonymity doesn't make sense.
- Your IP address is public so every time you consult a website, there is a number of actors (in addition to the final website) seeing
- your IP in their connection logs: ISP/routers/trackers/CDN and more.
- PeerTube is transparent about it: we warn you that if you want to keep your IP private, you must use a VPN or Tor Browser.
- Thinking that removing P2P from PeerTube will give you back anonymity doesn't make sense.
- ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html142
+ Your IP address is public so every time you consult a website, there is a number of actors (in addition to the final website) seeing your IP in their connection logs: ISP/routers/trackers/CDN and more. PeerTube is transparent about it: we warn you that if you want to keep your IP private, you must use a VPN or Tor Browser. Thinking that removing P2P from PeerTube will give you back anonymity doesn't make sense.
+ Je ip-adres is publiek, dus telkens je een website bezoekt zien een aantal actoren (naast de bezochte website) je ip-adres in hun verbindingslogboeken: internetproviders/routers/trackers/CDN's enzovoort. PeerTube is er open in: we waarschuwen je dat je een VPN of de Tor-browser moet gebruiken als je je ip-adres wil afschermen. Het is zinloos te denken dat p2p uit PeerTube verwijderen je anonimiteit zal teruggeven.
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html142
What will be done to mitigate this problem?Wat zal worden gedaan om dit probleem te verminderen?
- ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html148
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html148
- PeerTube wants to deliver the best countermeasures possible, to give you more choice and render attacks less likely. Here is what we put in place so far:
- PeerTube wants to deliver the best countermeasures possible, to give you more choice
- and render attacks less likely. Here is what we put in place so far:
- ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html151
+ PeerTube wants to deliver the best countermeasures possible, to give you more choice and render attacks less likely. Here is what we put in place so far:
+ PeerTube wil de best mogelijke tegenmaatregelen nemen. Dat geeft je meer keuze en maakt aanvallen minder waarschijnlijk. Dit hebben we tot nu toe gebouwd:
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html151
We set a limit to the number of peers sent by the tracker
- We set a limit to the number of peers sent by the tracker
- ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html156
+ We stellen een limiet in op het aantal peers, veerstuurd door de tracker
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html156
We set a limit on the request frequency received by the tracker
- We set a limit on the request frequency received by the tracker
- ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html157
+ We stellen een limiet in op de aanvraagfrequentie zoals ontvangen door de tracker
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html157
Allow instance admins to disable P2P from the administration interface
- Allow instance admins to disable P2P from the administration interface
- ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html158
+ Instance-beheerders toelaten P2P uit te schakelen uit de beheersinterface
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html158
Automatic video redundancy from some instances: one doesn't know if the IP downloaded the video on purpose or if it a serverAutomatic video redundancy from some instances: one doesn't know if the IP downloaded the video on purpose or if it a server
- ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html159
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html159
- Ultimately, remember you can always disable P2P by toggling it in the video player, or just by disabling WebRTC in your browser.
- Ultimately, remember you can always disable P2P by toggling it in the video player, or just by disabling
- WebRTC in your browser.
- ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html163
+ Ultimately, remember you can always disable P2P by toggling it in the video player, or just by disabling WebRTC in your browser.
+ Wees je ervan bewust dat je uiteindelijk steeds P2P kan uitschakelen in de videospeler of door WebRTC uit te schakelen in je browser.
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html163
Followers instancesFollowers instances
- ../app/+about/about-follows/about-follows.component.html4
+ ../app/+about/about-follows/about-follows.component.html4
This instance does not have instances followers.
- This instance does not have instances followers.
- ../app/+about/about-follows/about-follows.component.html6
+ Deze instance heeft geen instance-volgers.
+ ../app/+about/about-follows/about-follows.component.html6
Followings instancesFollowings instances
- ../app/+about/about-follows/about-follows.component.html14
+ ../app/+about/about-follows/about-follows.component.html14
This instance does not have instances followings.This instance does not have instances followings.
- ../app/+about/about-follows/about-follows.component.html16
- About this instanceAbout this instance
+ ../app/+about/about-follows/about-follows.component.html16
+ About this instance
+ Over deze instance../app/+about/about-routing.module.ts26
- About PeerTubeAbout PeerTube
+ About PeerTube
+ Over PeerTube../app/+about/about-routing.module.ts38
- About followsAbout follows
+ About follows
+ Over volgen../app/+about/about-routing.module.ts47
@@ -5731,24 +4759,23 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Developed with ❤ by Framasoft
- Developed with ❤ by
- Framasoft
- ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube-contributors.component.html3
+ Ontwikkeld met ❤ door Framasoft
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube-contributors.component.html3
Create an account
Account aanmaken
- ../app/+signup/+register/register.component.html4
+ ../app/+signup/+register/register.component.html4
- ../app/+signup/+register/register.component.html20
- Get helpGet help
+ ../app/+signup/+register/register.component.html20
+ Get help
+ Hulp krijgen../app/shared/shared-main/misc/help.component.ts16
@@ -5759,126 +4786,103 @@ Account aanmaken
Maak mijn account
- ../app/+signup/+register/register.component.html29
+ ../app/+signup/+register/register.component.html29
PeerTube is creating your account...PeerTube maakt uw account aan ...
- ../app/+signup/+register/register.component.html37
+ ../app/+signup/+register/register.component.html37
- ../app/+signup/+register/register.component.html33
+ ../app/+signup/+register/register.component.html33
Who are we?
- Who are we?
- ../app/+signup/+register/register.component.html60
+ Wie zijn wij?
+ ../app/+signup/+register/register.component.html60
How long do we plan to maintain this instance?
- How long do we plan to maintain this instance?
- ../app/+signup/+register/register.component.html65
+ Hoe lang plannen we deze instance te onderhouden?
+ ../app/+signup/+register/register.component.html65
How will we finance this instance?
- How will we finance this instance?
- ../app/+signup/+register/register.component.html70
+ Hoe gaan we deze instance betalen?
+ ../app/+signup/+register/register.component.html70
Administrators & Sustainability
- Administrators & Sustainability
- ../app/+signup/+register/register.component.html56
+ Beheerders & Duurzaamheid
+ ../app/+signup/+register/register.component.html56
- Step
- ../app/+signup/+register/custom-stepper.component.html9
+ Stap
+ ../app/+signup/+register/custom-stepper.component.html9
- A channel is an entity in which you upload your videos. Creating several of them helps you to organize and separate your content. For example, you could decide to have a channel to publish your piano concerts, and another channel in which you publish your videos talking about ecology.
- Een kanaal is een entiteit waarin je je video's uploadt. Als je er meerdere maakt, kunt je je inhoud ordenen en scheiden.
- Je kunt bijvoorbeeld besluiten om een kanaal te hebben om je pianoconcerten te publiceren en een ander kanaal waarin je je video's publiceert over ecologie.
- ../app/+signup/+register/register-step-channel.component.html5
+ A channel is an entity in which you upload your videos. Creating several of them helps you to organize and separate your content. For example, you could decide to have a channel to publish your piano concerts, and another channel in which you publish your videos talking about ecology.
+ Een kanaal is een entiteit waarnaar je je video's uploadt. Als je er meerdere maakt, kunt je je inhoud ordenen en scheiden. Je kunt bijvoorbeeld in één kanaal je pianoconcerten publiceren en in een ander kanaal je video's over ecologie.
+ ../app/+signup/+register/register-step-channel.component.html5
Other users can decide to subscribe any channel they want, to be notified when you publish a new video.
- Other users can decide to subscribe any channel they want, to be notified when you publish a new video.
- ../app/+signup/+register/register-step-channel.component.html10
+ Andere gebruikers kunnen zich abonneren op gelijk welk kanaal. Ze krijgen dan een bericht wanneer je een nieuwe video publiceert.
+ ../app/+signup/+register/register-step-channel.component.html10
Channel display nameKanaal weergavenaam
- ../app/+signup/+register/register-step-channel.component.html15
+ ../app/+signup/+register/register-step-channel.component.html15
Channel nameKanaal naam
- ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html94
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html94
- john_channel
- ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html96
+ jan_kanaal
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html96
Example: my_super_channelVoorbeeld: mijn_super_kanaal
- ../app/+signup/+register/register-step-channel.component.html34
+ ../app/+signup/+register/register-step-channel.component.html34
The channel name is a unique identifier of your channel on this and all the other instances. It's as unique as an email address, which makes it easy for other people to interact with it.
- The channel name is a unique identifier of your channel on this and all the other instances. It's as unique as an email address, which makes it easy for other people to interact with it.
- ../app/+signup/+register/register-step-channel.component.html43
+ De kanaalnaam is een unieke naam voor je kanaal op deze en alle andere instances. Hij is zo uniek als een emailadres. Dat maakt het eenvoudig voor anderen om ermee te interageren.
+ ../app/+signup/+register/register-step-channel.component.html43
Channel name cannot be the same than your account name. You can click on the first step to update your account name.
Kanaal naam kan niet hetzelfde zijn als je account naam. Je kunt op de eerste stap klikken om je account naam te bijwerken.
- ../app/+signup/+register/register-step-channel.component.html51
+ ../app/+signup/+register/register-step-channel.component.html51
Example: jane_doeVoorbeeld: jane_doe
- ../app/+signup/+register/register-step-user.component.html23
+ ../app/+signup/+register/register-step-user.component.html23
The username is a unique identifier of your account on this and all the other instances. It's as unique as an email address, which makes it easy for other people to interact with it.
- The username is a unique identifier of your account on this and all the other instances. It's as unique as an email address, which makes it easy for other people to interact with it.
- ../app/+signup/+register/register-step-user.component.html32
+ De gebruikersnaam is een unieke naam voor je account op deze en alle andere instances. Hij is zo uniek als een emailadres. Dat maakt het eenvoudig voor anderen om ermee te interageren.
+ ../app/+signup/+register/register-step-user.component.html32
- I am at least 16 years old and agree to the Terms and to the Code of Conduct of this instance
- I am at least 16 years old and agree
- to the
- Terms
- and to the
- Code of Conduct
- of this instance
- ../app/+signup/+register/register-step-user.component.html66
- RegisterRegister
+ I am at least 16 years old and agree to the Terms and to the Code of Conduct of this instance
+ Ik ben tenminste 16 jaar oud en ga akkoord met de Voorwaarden en de Gedragscode van deze instance
+ ../app/+signup/+register/register-step-user.component.html66
+ Register
+ Registreren../app/+signup/+register/register-routing.module.ts14
@@ -5886,40 +4890,43 @@ Account aanmaken
Sorry, we couldn't find the page you were looking for.
- Sorry, we couldn't find the page you were looking for.
- ../app/+page-not-found/page-not-found.component.html5
+ Sorry, we kunnen de pagina die je zoekt niet vinden.
+ ../app/+page-not-found/page-not-found.component.html5
Your message has been sent.Jouw bericht is verstuurd.
- ../app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.ts76
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.ts76
You already sent this form recentlyU hebt dit formulier onlangs al verzonden
- ../app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.ts82
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.ts82
No descriptionGeen beschrijving
- ../app/+accounts/account-about/account-about.component.ts38
- Account videosAccount videos
+ ../app/+accounts/account-about/account-about.component.ts38
+ Account videos
+ Video's account../app/+accounts/accounts-routing.module.ts29
- Account video channelsAccount video channels
+ Account video channels
+ Videokanalen account../app/+accounts/accounts-routing.module.ts42
- About accountAbout account
+ About account
+ Over account../app/+accounts/accounts-routing.module.ts51
@@ -5927,33 +4934,30 @@ Account aanmaken
Published videos
- videos gepubliceerd
- ../app/+accounts/account-videos/account-videos.component.ts67
+ video's gepubliceerd
+ ../app/+accounts/account-videos/account-videos.component.ts67
- direct account followers
- direct account followers
- ../app/+accounts/accounts.component.ts109
- Report this accountReport this account
+ direct account followers
+ directe accountvolgers
+ ../app/+accounts/accounts.component.ts109
+ Report this account
+ Deze account melden../app/+accounts/accounts.component.ts115
- ../app/+accounts/accounts.component.ts59
+ ../app/+accounts/accounts.component.ts59
+ VIDEO'S../app/+accounts/accounts.component.ts60
@@ -5961,371 +4965,342 @@ Account aanmaken
- ../app/+accounts/accounts.component.ts61
+ ../app/+accounts/accounts.component.ts61
Username copiedGebruikersnaam gekopieerd
- ../app/+accounts/accounts.component.ts89
- 1 subscriber1 subscriber
+ ../app/+accounts/accounts.component.ts89
+ 1 subscriber
+ 1 abonnee../app/+accounts/accounts.component.ts93
- subscribers subscribers
+ subscribers
+ abonnees../app/+accounts/accounts.component.ts95
Instances you follow
- Instances you follow
- ../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html3
+ Instances die je volgt
+ ../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html3
Instances following you
- Instances following you
- ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html3
+ Instances die je volgen
+ ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html3
- Audio-only
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.ts56
+ Enkel audio
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.ts56
- A <code>.mp4</code> that keeps the original audio track, with no video
- A <code>.mp4</code> that keeps the original audio track, with no video
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.ts57
+ A <code>.mp4</code> that keeps the original audio track, with no video
+ Een <code>.mp4</code> die de originele audiotrack behoudt, zonder video
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.ts57
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.ts61
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.ts61
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.ts65
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.ts65
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.ts69
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.ts69
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.ts73
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.ts73
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.ts77
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.ts77
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.ts81
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.ts81
Auto (via ffmpeg)
- Auto (via ffmpeg)
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.ts86
+ Automatisch (via ffmpeg)
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.ts86
Configuration updated.Configuratie bijgewerkt.
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.ts294
- Edit custom configurationEdit custom configuration
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.ts294
+ Edit custom configuration
+ Aangepaste configuratie bewerken../app/+admin/config/config.routes.ts26
Process domains
- Process domains
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/batch-domains-modal.component.ts28
+ Domeinen verwerken
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/batch-domains-modal.component.ts28
- Report
- Report
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/account-report.component.ts51
+ Report
+ Aangifte
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/account-report.component.ts51
Account reported.
- Account reported.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/account-report.component.ts82
+ Account gemeld.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/account-report.component.ts82
Comment reported.
- Comment reported.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/comment-report.component.ts82
+ Reactie gemeld.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/comment-report.component.ts82
Domain is required.
- Domain is required.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/batch-domains-validators.ts56
+ Domein is vereist.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/batch-domains-validators.ts56
Domains entered are invalid.
- Domains entered are invalid.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/batch-domains-validators.ts57
+ De ingevoerde domeinen zijn ongeldig.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/batch-domains-validators.ts57
Domains entered contain duplicates.
- Domains entered contain duplicates.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/batch-domains-validators.ts58
+ De ingevoerde domeinen bevatten dubbels.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/batch-domains-validators.ts58
- ../app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts21
+ ../app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts21
None - no upload possible
- None - no upload possible
- ../app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts23
+ Geen -geen upload mogelijk
+ ../app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts23
- ../app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts24
+ ../app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts24
- ../app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts25
+ ../app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts25
- ../app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts26
+ ../app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts26
- ../app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts27
+ ../app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts27
- ../app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts28
+ ../app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts28
- ../app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts29
+ ../app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts29
- ../app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts37
+ ../app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts37
- ../app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts38
+ ../app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts38
- ../app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts41
+ ../app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts41
- accepted in instance followers
+ accepted in instance followers geaccepteerd in instantie volgers
- ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts41
+ ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts41
Do you really want to reject this follower?Wil je echt deze volger afkeuren?
- ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts52
+ ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts52
- ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts53
+ ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts53
- rejected from instance followers
+ rejected from instance followers afgekeurd in instantie volgers
- ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts60
+ ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts60
Do you really want to delete this follower?Wil je echt deze volger verwijderen?
- ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts73
- DeleteDelete
+ ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts73
+ Delete
+ Verwijderen../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts74
- removed from instance followers
+ removed from instance followers verwijderd van instantie volgers
- ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts81
+ ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts81
- is not valid
+ is not valid is niet valide
- ../app/shared/form-validators/batch-domains-validators.ts19
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/batch-domains-validators.ts19
Follow request(s) sent!Volgverzoek(en) verstuurd!
- ../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.ts48
+ ../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.ts48
Do you really want to unfollow ?
- Wil je echt
- onvolgen?
- ../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.ts58
+ Wil je echt niet meer volgen?
+ ../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.ts58
- ../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.ts59
+ ../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.ts59
You are not following anymore.
- Je volgt
- niet meer.
- ../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.ts65
+ Je volgt niet meer.
+ ../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.ts65
- ../app/+admin/follows/shared/redundancy-checkbox.component.ts23
+ ../app/+admin/follows/shared/redundancy-checkbox.component.ts23
- ../app/+admin/follows/shared/redundancy-checkbox.component.ts23
+ ../app/+admin/follows/shared/redundancy-checkbox.component.ts23
Redundancy for is
- Overtolligheid voor
- is
- ../app/+admin/follows/shared/redundancy-checkbox.component.ts25
+ Surpluskopies voor is
+ ../app/+admin/follows/shared/redundancy-checkbox.component.ts25
- Used
- ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.ts101
+ Gebruikt
+ ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.ts101
- Available
- ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.ts101
+ Beschikbaar
+ ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.ts101
Do you really want to remove this video redundancy?
- Do you really want to remove this video redundancy?
- ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.ts140
+ Wil je echt de superpluskopie van deze video verwijderen?
+ ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.ts140
Remove redundancy
- Remove redundancy
- ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.ts141
+ Surpluskopie verwijderen
+ ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.ts141
Video redundancies removed!
- Video redundancies removed!
- ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.ts147
+ Surpluskopies van video verwijderd!
+ ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.ts147
Account unmuted by your instance.
- Account
- niet meer gedempt door jouw instantie.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/account-blocklist.component.ts48
+ Account niet meer gedempt door je instance.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/account-blocklist.component.ts48
Instance unmuted by your instance.
- Instantie
- niet meer gedempt door jouw instantie.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.ts46
+ Instantie niet meer gedempt door jouw instantie.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.ts46
Instance muted.
- Instance
- muted.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts147
+ Instance gedempt.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts147
Instance muted by your instance.
- Instance
- muted by your instance.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.ts69
+ Instance gedempt door jouw instance.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.ts69
Comment updated.Reactie bijgewerkt.
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/moderation-comment-modal.component.ts58
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/moderation-comment-modal.component.ts58
Violent or Repulsive
- Violent or Repulsive
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.ts21
+ Gewelddadig of Weerzinwekkend
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.ts21
Hateful or Abusive
- Hateful or Abusive
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.ts22
+ Haatdragend of Krenkend
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.ts22
Spam or Misleading
- Spam or Misleading
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.ts23
- PrivacyPrivacy
+ Spam of Misleidend
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.ts23
+ Privacy
+ Privacy../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.ts24
@@ -6333,209 +5308,194 @@ Account aanmaken
- Copyright
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts159
+ Copyright
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts159
Server rules
- Server rules
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.ts26
+ Serverregels
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.ts26
- Thumbnails
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts173
+ Miniaturen
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts173
Internal actions
- Internal actions
- ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts43
+ Interne acties
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts43
Delete report
- Delete report
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts299
+ Rapport verwijderen
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts299
Actions for the flagged account
- Actions for the flagged account
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts310
+ Acties op de gemarkeerde account
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts310
Mark as acceptedMarkeer als geaccepteerd
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts284
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts284
Mark as rejectedMarkeer als afgewezen
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts289
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts289
Add internal note
- Add internal note
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts294
+ Interne nota toevoegen
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts294
Actions for the video
- Actions for the video
- ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts66
+ Acties voor de video
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts66
Block video
- Block video
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts363
+ Video blokkeren
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts363
Video blocked.
- Video blocked.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/video-block.component.ts60
+ Video geblokkeerd.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/video-block.component.ts60
Unblock video
- Unblock video
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts379
+ Video deblokkeren
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts379
Video unblocked.
- Video unblocked.
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts385
+ Video gedeblokkeerd.
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts385
Do you really want to delete this abuse report?
- Wil je echt dit misbruiksrapportage verwijderen?
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts158
+ Wil je echt deze misbruikmelding verwijderen?
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts158
Abuse deleted.
- Misbruik verwijdert.
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts163
+ Misbruik verwijderdt.
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts163
Deleted comment
- Deleted comment
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts239
+ Reactie verwijderd
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts239
Messages with reporter
- Messages with reporter
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts273
+ Conversaties met aangever
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts273
Messages with moderators
- Messages with moderators
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts274
+ Conversaties met moderatoren
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts274
Update internal note
- Update internal note
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts279
+ Interne nota bijwerken
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts279
Switch video block to manual
- Switch video block to manual
- ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts48
+ Videoblokkering naar manueel schakelen
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts48
Video switched to manual block.
- Video
- switched to manual block.
- ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts54
+ Video gewijzigd naar blokkering.
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts54
Do you really want to unblock this video? It will be available again in the videos list.
- Do you really want to unblock this video? It will be available again in the videos list.
- ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts159
+ Wil je echt deze video deblokkeren? Hij wordt dan opnieuw beschikbaar in de lijst van video's.
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts159
- Unblock
- ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts70
+ Deblokkeren
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts70
Video unblocked.
- Video
- unblocked.
- ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts166
+ Video gedeblokkeerd.
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts166
- ../app/shared/shared-instance/feature-boolean.component.html1
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/feature-boolean.component.html1
- ../app/shared/shared-instance/feature-boolean.component.html2
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/feature-boolean.component.html2
You don't have plugins installed yet.Je hebt nog geen plugins geïnstalleerd.
- ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.ts89
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.ts89
You don't have themes installed yet.Je hebt nog geen themas geïnstalleerd.
- ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.ts92
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.ts92
- Update to
+ Update to Bijwerken naar
- ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.ts100
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.ts100
Do you really want to uninstall ?
- Wil je echt
- verwijderen?
- ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.ts109
- UninstallUninstall
+ Wil je echt verwijderen?
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.ts109
+ Uninstall
+ Installatie verwijderen../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.ts110
- uninstalled.
+ uninstalled. verwijderd.
- ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.ts117
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.ts117
- updated.
+ updated. bijgewerkt.
- ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.ts139
- JobsJobs
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.ts139
+ Jobs
+ Taken../app/+admin/system/system.routes.ts26
- LogsLogs
+ Logs
+ Logboeken../app/+admin/system/system.routes.ts37
@@ -6544,142 +5504,148 @@ Account aanmaken
The plugin index is not available. Please retry later.De plugin index is niet beschikbaar. Probeer later alstublieft weer.
- ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.ts100
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.ts100
+ Please only install plugins or themes you trust, since they can execute any code on your instance.Installeer alleen plugins of thema's die u vertrouwt, aangezien deze elke code op jouw instantie kunnen uitvoeren.
- ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.ts122
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.ts122
Install ?
- Installeer
- ?
- ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.ts123
+ installeren?
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.ts123
- installed.
+ installed. geïnstalleerd.
- ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.ts135
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.ts135
Settings updated.Instellingen bijgewerkt.
- ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-show-installed/plugin-show-installed.component.ts52
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-show-installed/plugin-show-installed.component.ts52
- ../app/+admin/plugins/shared/plugin-api.service.ts33
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/shared/plugin-api.service.ts33
- ../app/+admin/plugins/shared/plugin-api.service.ts37
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/shared/plugin-api.service.ts37
- ../app/+admin/plugins/shared/plugin-api.service.ts45
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/shared/plugin-api.service.ts45
- ../app/+admin/plugins/shared/plugin-api.service.ts48
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/shared/plugin-api.service.ts48
Last weekLaatste week
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts79
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts79
Last dayLaatste dag
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts84
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts84
Last hourLaatste uur
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts89
- debugdebug
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts89
+ debug
+ debuggen../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts101
- infoinfo
+ info
+ info../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts105
- warningwarning
+ warning
+ waarschuwing../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts109
- errorerror
+ error
+ fout../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts113
- DebugDebug
- ../app/+admin/system/system.routes.ts48
+ Debug
+ Debuggen
+ ../app/+admin/system/system.routes.ts48
+ InfoInfo
- ../app/core/notification/notifier.service.ts11
+ ../app/core/notification/notifier.service.ts11
- ../app/core/routing/can-deactivate-guard.service.ts23
+ ../app/core/routing/can-deactivate-guard.service.ts23
- ../app/core/auth/auth.service.ts103
+ ../app/core/auth/auth.service.ts103
Standard logs
- Standard logs
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts124
+ Standaardlogboeken
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts124
Audit logs
- Audit logs
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts128
+ Nazichtlogboeken
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts128
User created.
- Gebruiker
- verwijdert.
- ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-create.component.ts77
- Create userCreate user
- ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-create.component.ts95
- Videos blockedVideos blocked
+ Gebruiker verwijderd.
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-create.component.ts77
+ Create user
+ Gebruiker aanmaken
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-create.component.ts95
+ Videos blocked
+ Video's geblokkeerd../app/+admin/moderation/moderation.routes.ts67
- Muted instancesMuted instances
+ Muted instances
+ Gedempte instances../app/+admin/moderation/moderation.routes.ts89
@@ -6687,23 +5653,25 @@ Account aanmaken
Password changed for user .
- Wachtwoord aangepast voor gebruiker
- .
- ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-password.component.ts40
+ Wachtwoord gewijzigd voor gebruiker .
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-password.component.ts40
Update user passwordUpdate gebruikerswachtwoord
- ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-password.component.ts52
- Following listFollowing list
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-password.component.ts52
+ Following list
+ Lijst van gevolgden../app/+admin/follows/follows.routes.ts28
- Followers listFollowers list
+ Followers list
+ Lijst van volgers../app/+admin/follows/follows.routes.ts37
@@ -6711,54 +5679,62 @@ Account aanmaken
User updated.
- User
- updated.
- ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-update.component.ts85
+ Gebruiker bijgewerkt.
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-update.component.ts85
Update userWerk gebruiker bij
- ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-update.component.ts102
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-update.component.ts102
An email asking for password reset has been sent to .
- Een e-mail met het verzoek om opnieuw instellen van het wachtwoord is verzonden naar
- .
- ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-update.component.ts108
- Users listUsers list
+ Een e-mail met het verzoek om opnieuw instellen van het wachtwoord is verzonden naar .
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-update.component.ts108
+ Users list
+ Lijst van gebruikers../app/+admin/users/users.routes.ts27
- Create a userCreate a user
+ Create a user
+ Gebruiker aanmaken../app/+admin/users/users.routes.ts36
- Update a userUpdate a user
+ Update a user
+ Gebruiker bijwerken../app/+admin/users/users.routes.ts48
- FederationFederation
+ Federation
+ Federatie../app/+admin/admin.component.ts26
- Instances you followInstances you follow
+ Instances you follow
+ Instances die je volgt../app/+admin/admin.component.ts29
- Instances following youInstances following you
+ Instances following you
+ Instances die jou volgen../app/+admin/admin.component.ts34
@@ -6766,11 +5742,12 @@ Account aanmaken
Videos will be deleted, comments will be tombstoned.
- Videos will be deleted, comments will be tombstoned.
- ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts84
- BanBan
+ Videos zullen worden verwijderd, reacties als verwijderd gemarkeerd.
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts84
+ Ban
+ Verbannen../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts89
@@ -6778,157 +5755,136 @@ Account aanmaken
User won't be able to login anymore, but videos and comments will be kept as is.
- User won't be able to login anymore, but videos and comments will be kept as is.
- ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts90
+ De gebruiker zal zich niet meer kunnen aanmelden, maar zijn video's en commentaren blijven.
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts90
- ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts95
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts95
Set Email as VerifiedZet E-mail als Geverifieerd
- ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts102
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts102
You cannot ban root.Je kan root niet verbannen.
- ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts161
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts161
Do you really want to unban users?
- Wil jij echt
- gebruikers onverbannen?
- ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts198
+ Wil je echt gebruikers opnieuw toelaten?
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts198
- users unbanned.
+ users unbanned. gebruikers onverbannen.
- ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts204
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts204
You cannot delete root.
- Je kan root niet verwijderen.
- ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts215
+ Root kan je niet verwijderen.
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts215
If you remove these users, you will not be able to create others with the same username!Als jij deze gebruikers verwijdert, kan je niet meer anderen maken met dezelfde gebruikersnaam!
- ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts220
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts220
- users deleted.
- gebruikers verwijdert.
- ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts226
+ users deleted.
+ gebruikers verwijderd.
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts226
- users email set as verified.
+ users email set as verified. gebruikers'' gezet als geverifieerd.
- ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts237
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts237
Account unmuted.
- Account
- niet meer gedempt.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts133
+ Account niet meer gedempt.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts133
Instance unmuted.
- Instantie
- niet meer gedempt.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts161
+ Instantie niet meer gedempt.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts161
My videos historyMijn video's geschiedenis
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-history/my-account-history.component.ts45
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-history/my-account-history.component.ts45
Videos history is enabledVideo's geschiedenis is ingeschakeld
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-history/my-account-history.component.ts73
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-history/my-account-history.component.ts73
Videos history is disabledVideo's geschiedenis is uitgeschakeld
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-history/my-account-history.component.ts74
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-history/my-account-history.component.ts74
Delete videos history
- Verwijder video's geschiedenis
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-history/my-account-history.component.ts86
+ Videogeschiedenis verwijderen
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-history/my-account-history.component.ts86
Are you sure you want to delete all your videos history?
- Weet je zeker dat je al je video's geschiedenis wilt verwijderen?
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-history/my-account-history.component.ts87
+ Weet je zeker dat je al je videogeschiedenis wil verwijderen?
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-history/my-account-history.component.ts87
Videos history deleted
- Video's geschiedenis verwijderd
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-history/my-account-history.component.ts95
+ Videogeschiedenis verwijderd
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-history/my-account-history.component.ts95
Ownership acceptedEigendom geaccepteerd
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-ownership/my-account-accept-ownership/my-account-accept-ownership.component.ts64
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-ownership/my-account-accept-ownership/my-account-accept-ownership.component.ts64
Please check your emails to verify your new email.Check alstublieft je e-mails om je nieuwe e-mailadres te verifiëren.
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.ts53
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.ts53
Email updated.E-mail bijgewerkt.
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.ts55
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.ts55
You current password is invalid.Jouw huide wachtwoord is invalide.
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-password/my-account-change-password.component.ts56
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-password/my-account-change-password.component.ts56
Password updated.Wachtwoord bijgewerkt.
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-password/my-account-change-password.component.ts48
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-password/my-account-change-password.component.ts48
Are you sure you want to delete your account? This will delete all your data, including channels, videos and comments. Content cached by other servers and other third-parties might make longer to be deleted.
- Are you sure you want to delete your account? This will delete all your data, including channels, videos and comments. Content cached by other servers and other third-parties might make longer to be deleted.
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-danger-zone/my-account-danger-zone.component.ts22
+ Weet je zeker dat je je account wil verwijderen? Dat verwijdert al je gegevens, kanalen, video's en commentaren inbegrepen. Op andere instances en bij andere derden opgeslagen inhoud verwijderen duurt mogelijk langer.
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-danger-zone/my-account-danger-zone.component.ts22
Type your username to confirmTyp je gebruikersnaam in om te bevestigen
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-danger-zone/my-account-danger-zone.component.ts23
- Delete your accountDelete your account
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-danger-zone/my-account-danger-zone.component.ts23
+ Delete your account
+ Je account verwijderen../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-danger-zone/my-account-danger-zone.component.ts25
@@ -6936,183 +5892,178 @@ Account aanmaken
Delete my account
- Verwijder mijn account
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-danger-zone/my-account-danger-zone.component.ts26
+ Mijn account verwijderen
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-danger-zone/my-account-danger-zone.component.ts26
Your account is deleted.
- Jouw account is verwijdert.
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-danger-zone/my-account-danger-zone.component.ts32
+ Jouw account is verwijderd.
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-danger-zone/my-account-danger-zone.component.ts32
Interface settings updated.Interface instellingen bijgewerkt.
- ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-interface-settings.component.ts74
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-interface-settings.component.ts74
New video from your subscriptionsNieuwe video van je abonnementen
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts32
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts32
New comment on your videoNieuwe reactie op je video
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts33
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts33
New abuse
- New abuse
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts34
+ Nieuw misbruik
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts34
Video blocked automatically waiting review
- Video blocked automatically waiting review
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts35
+ Video automatisch geblokkeerd in afwachting van beoordeling
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts35
One of your video is blocked/unblocked
- One of your video is blocked/unblocked
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts36
+ Eén van je video's is geblokkeerd/gedeblokkeerd
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts36
Video published (after transcoding/scheduled update)Video gepubliceerd (na transcodering / geplande update)
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts37
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts37
Video import finishedVideo-import voltooid
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts38
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts38
A new user registered on your instanceEen nieuwe gebruiker heeft zich geregistreerd op je instantie
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts39
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts39
You or your channel(s) has a new followerJij of jouw kanaal/kanalen heeft een nieuwe volger
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts40
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts40
Someone mentioned you in video commentsIemand heeft je genoemd in videoreacties
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts41
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts41
Your instance has a new followerJouw instantie heeft een nieuwe volger
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts42
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts42
Your instance automatically followed another instance
- Your instance automatically followed another instance
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts43
+ Je instance volgde automatisch een andere instance
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts43
An abuse report received a new message
- An abuse report received a new message
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts44
+ Een misbruikaangifte heeft een nieuw bericht ontvangen
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts44
One of your abuse reports has been accepted or rejected by moderators
- One of your abuse reports has been accepted or rejected by moderators
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts45
+ Een van je misbruikaangiften is geaccepteerd of verworpen door een moderator
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts45
Preferences savedVoorkeuren opgeslagen
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts92
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts92
Profile updated.Profiel bijgewerkt.
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-profile/my-account-profile.component.ts51
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-profile/my-account-profile.component.ts51
Avatar changed.Avatar verandert.
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-settings.component.ts42
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-settings.component.ts42
Unknown languageOnbekende taal
- ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.ts57
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.ts57
Too many languages are enabled. Please enable them all or stay below 20 enabled languages.
- Too many languages are enabled. Please enable them all or stay below 20 enabled languages.
- ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.ts102
+ Te veel talen ingesteld. Schakel ze alsjeblieft allemaal in of blijf onder de 20 ingeschakelde talen.
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.ts102
You need to enable at least 1 video language.
- You need to enable at least 1 video language.
- ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.ts107
+ Je moet tenminste één videotaal inschakelen.
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.ts107
Video settings updated.Video instellingen bijgewerkt.
- ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.ts133
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.ts133
Display/Video settings updated.
- Display/Video settings updated.
- ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.ts140
+ Scherm/Video-instellingen bijgewerkt.
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.ts140
Video channel created.
- Videokanaal
- gecreëerd.
- ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channel-create.component.ts61
+ Videokanaal gemaakt.
+ ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channel-create.component.ts61
This name already exists on this instance.Deze naam bestaat al op deze instantie.
- ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channel-create.component.ts67
+ ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channel-create.component.ts67
Video channel updated.
- Videokanaal
- bijgewerkt.
- ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channel-update.component.ts92
+ Videokanaal bijgewerkt.
+ ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channel-update.component.ts92
Please type the display name of the video channel () to confirm
- Typ de weergavenaam van het videokanaal (
- ) om te bevestigen
- ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channels.component.ts115
+ Typ alsjeblieft de weergavenaam van het videokanaal ( ) om te bevestigen
+ ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channels.component.ts115
Video channel deleted.
- Videokanaal
- verwijdert.
- ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channels.component.ts125
+ Videokanaal verwijderd.
+ ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channels.component.ts125
Views for the day
- Views for the day
- ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channels.component.ts144
- Create new video channelCreate new video channel
+ Aantal keer bekeken op dag
+ ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channels.component.ts144
+ Create new video channel
+ Nieuw videokanaal aanmaken../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channels-routing.module.ts22
- Update video channelUpdate video channel
+ Update video channel
+ Videokanaal bijwerken../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channels-routing.module.ts31
- Not foundNot found
+ Not found
+ Niet gevonden../app/+page-not-found/page-not-found-routing.module.ts13
@@ -7120,38 +6071,46 @@ Account aanmaken
Playlist created.
- Afspeellijst
- gemaakt.
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-create.component.ts77
- CreateCreate
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-create.component.ts90
+ Afspeellijst gemaakt.
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-create.component.ts77
+ Create
+ Aanmaken
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-create.component.ts90
+ Update playlist
- Update playlist
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-routing.module.ts82
- Account video importsAccount video imports
+ Afspeellijst bijwerken
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-routing.module.ts82
+ Account video imports
+ Video-imports in account../app/+my-account/my-account-routing.module.ts105
- Account subscriptionsAccount subscriptions
+ Account subscriptions
+ Account-abonnementen../app/+my-account/my-account-routing.module.ts114
- Videos historyVideos history
+ Videos history
+ Videogeschiedenis../app/+my-account/my-account-routing.module.ts150
- NotificationsNotifications
+ Notifications
+ Meldingen../app/+my-account/my-account-routing.module.ts163
@@ -7159,60 +6118,42 @@ Account aanmaken
Delete playlist
- Delete playlist
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-elements.component.ts53
+ Afspeellijst verwijderen
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-elements.component.ts53
Playlist updated.
- Afspeellijst
- bijgewerkt.
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-update.component.ts98
+ Afspeellijst bijgewerkt.
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-update.component.ts98
Do you really want to delete ?
- Wil je echt
- verwijderen?
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-videos/my-account-videos.component.ts125
+ Wil je echt verwijderen?
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-videos/my-account-videos.component.ts125
Playlist deleted.
- Afspeellijst
- verwijderd.
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-elements.component.ts136
+ Afspeellijst verwijderd.
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-elements.component.ts136
My videosMijn video's
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-videos/my-account-videos.component.html4
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-videos/my-account-videos.component.html4
Do you really want to delete videos?
- Wil jij echt
- videos verwijderen?
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-videos/my-account-videos.component.ts98
+ Wil je echt video's verwijderen?
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-videos/my-account-videos.component.ts98
- videos deleted.
- videos verwijdert.
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-videos/my-account-videos.component.ts115
+ videos deleted.
+ video's verwijderd.
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-videos/my-account-videos.component.ts115
- Do you really want to delete
- ?
- Weet jij zeker dat je
- wilt verwijderen?
+ Do you really want to delete ?
+ Weet je zeker dat je wil verwijderen? src/app/+my-account/my-account-videos/my-account-videos.component.ts1
@@ -7220,104 +6161,100 @@ Account aanmaken
Video deleted.
- Video
- verwijdert.
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts192
+ Video verwijderd.
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts192
Ownership change request sent.Eigenaarsveranderingsaanvrag gestuurd.
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-videos/video-change-ownership/video-change-ownership.component.ts64
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-videos/video-change-ownership/video-change-ownership.component.ts64
My channelsMijn kanalen
- ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channels.component.html4
+ ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channels.component.html4
Search your channels
- Search your channels
- ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channels.component.html11
+ Zoeken door je kanalen
+ ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channels.component.html11
My playlistsMijn afspeellijsten
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlists.component.html4
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlists.component.html4
My subscriptionsMijn abonnementen
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-subscriptions/my-account-subscriptions.component.html4
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-subscriptions/my-account-subscriptions.component.html4
Search your subscriptions
- Search your subscriptions
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-subscriptions/my-account-subscriptions.component.html11
+ Je abonnementen doorzoeken
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-subscriptions/my-account-subscriptions.component.html11
My historyMijn geschiedenis
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-history/my-account-history.component.html3
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-history/my-account-history.component.html3
- ../app/+my-account/my-account.component.ts88
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account.component.ts88
My abuse reports
- My abuse reports
- ../app/+my-account/my-account.component.ts101
+ Mijn misbruikaangiften
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account.component.ts101
Ownership changesVeranderingen van eigenaar
- ../app/+my-account/my-account.component.ts106
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account.component.ts106
My settingsMijn instellingen
- ../app/+my-account/my-account.component.ts115
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account.component.ts115
My notifications
- Mijn notificaties
- ../app/+my-account/my-account.component.ts119
+ Mijn meldingen
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account.component.ts119
max size
- max size
- ../app/shared/shared-forms/preview-upload.component.ts39
+ maximale grootte
+ ../app/shared/shared-forms/preview-upload.component.ts39
Now please check your emails to verify your account and complete signup.Check alstublieft nu jouw e-mails om jouw account te verifiëren en de inschrijving te voltooien.
- ../app/+signup/+register/register.component.ts115
+ ../app/+signup/+register/register.component.ts115
You are now logged in as !
- Je bent nu ingelogd als
- !
- ../app/+signup/+register/register.component.ts123
+ Je bent nu ingelogd als !
+ ../app/+signup/+register/register.component.ts123
An email with verification link will be sent to .
- Een e-mail met verificatielink wordt verstuurd naar
- .
- ../app/+signup/+verify-account/verify-account-ask-send-email/verify-account-ask-send-email.component.ts45
- Verify account emailVerify account email
+ Een e-mail met verificatielink wordt verstuurd naar .
+ ../app/+signup/+verify-account/verify-account-ask-send-email/verify-account-ask-send-email.component.ts45
+ Verify account email
+ Account-email natrekken../app/+signup/+verify-account/verify-account-routing.module.ts17
- Verify account ask send emailVerify account ask send email
+ Verify account ask send email
+ Verify account ask send email../app/+signup/+verify-account/verify-account-routing.module.ts26
@@ -7326,184 +6263,186 @@ Account aanmaken
Unable to find user id or verification string.Niet in staat om gebruikersid of verificatiestring te vinden.
- ../app/+reset-password/reset-password.component.ts38
+ ../app/+reset-password/reset-password.component.ts38
+ Published videosGepubliceerde videos
- ../app/+video-channels/video-channel-videos/video-channel-videos.component.ts39
- Published 1 videoPublished 1 video
+ ../app/+video-channels/video-channel-videos/video-channel-videos.component.ts39
+ Published 1 video
+ 1 video gepubliceerd../app/+video-channels/video-channel-videos/video-channel-videos.component.ts74
Subscribe to the account
- Abonneer op het account
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts833
+ Abonneren op account
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts833
- ../app/+video-channels/video-channels.component.ts66
+ ../app/+video-channels/video-channels.component.ts66
Focus the search barFocus de zoekbalk
- ../app/app.component.ts289
+ ../app/app.component.ts289
Toggle the left menuSchakel het linker menu aan of uit
- ../app/app.component.ts294
+ ../app/app.component.ts294
Go to the discover videos pageGa naar de ontdek videos pagina
- ../app/app.component.ts299
+ ../app/app.component.ts299
Go to the trending videos page
- Ga naar de trending videos pagina
- ../app/app.component.ts304
+ Naar de pagina met populaire video's
+ ../app/app.component.ts304
Go to the recently added videos pageGa naar recent toegevoegde videos pagina
- ../app/app.component.ts309
+ ../app/app.component.ts309
Go to the local videos pageGa naar de locale videos pagina
- ../app/app.component.ts314
+ ../app/app.component.ts314
Go to the videos upload pageGa naar de videos uploadpagina
- ../app/app.component.ts319
+ ../app/app.component.ts319
Go to my subscriptions
- Ga naar mijn abonnementen
- ../app/core/auth/auth.service.ts63
+ Naar mijn abonnementen gaan
+ ../app/core/auth/auth.service.ts63
Go to my videosGa naar mijn videos
- ../app/core/auth/auth.service.ts67
+ ../app/core/auth/auth.service.ts67
Go to my importsGa naar mijn imports
- ../app/core/auth/auth.service.ts71
+ ../app/core/auth/auth.service.ts71
Go to my channelsGa naar mijn kanalen
- ../app/core/auth/auth.service.ts75
- Cannot retrieve OAuth Client credentials: .
-Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular the "webserver" section.Cannot retrieve OAuth Client credentials: .
-Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular the "webserver" section.
+ ../app/core/auth/auth.service.ts75
+ Cannot retrieve OAuth Client credentials: . Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular the "webserver" section.
+ Kan OAuth Client-aanmeldinformatie niet ophalen: . Vergewis je ervan dat je PeerTube (config/ map) juist hebt geconfigureerd, in het bijzonder het onderdeel "webserver".../app/core/auth/auth.service.ts98,99
You need to reconnect.Je moet opnieuw verbinden.
- ../app/core/auth/auth.service.ts215
+ ../app/core/auth/auth.service.ts215
Keyboard Shortcuts:
- Keyboard Shortcuts:
- ../app/core/hotkeys/hotkeys.component.ts11
+ Sneltoetsen:
+ ../app/core/hotkeys/hotkeys.component.ts11
- Success
- ../app/core/notification/notifier.service.ts23
+ Succes
+ ../app/core/notification/notifier.service.ts23
Incorrect username or password.Incorrecte gebruikersnaam of wachtwoord.
- ../app/+login/login.component.ts140
+ ../app/+login/login.component.ts140
Your account is blocked.
- Your account is blocked.
- ../app/+login/login.component.ts141
+ Je account is geblokkeerd.
+ ../app/+login/login.component.ts141
any language
- any language
- ../app/menu/menu.component.ts229
+ gelijk welke taal
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.ts229
- hide
- ../app/menu/menu.component.ts121
+ verbergen
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.ts121
- blur
- ../app/menu/menu.component.ts124
+ vervagen
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.ts124
- display
- ../app/menu/menu.component.ts127
+ weergeven
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.ts127
- Unknown
- ../app/menu/menu.component.ts193
+ Niet gekend
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.ts193
Your password has been successfully reset!Jouw wachtwoord is succesvol gereset!
- ../app/+reset-password/reset-password.component.ts47
+ ../app/+reset-password/reset-password.component.ts47
- Any
- ../app/+search/search-filters.component.ts38
+ Eender welke
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.ts38
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/abstract-video-list.ts112
- YesterdayYesterday
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/abstract-video-list.ts112
+ Yesterday
+ Gisteren../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/abstract-video-list.ts113
- Last monthLast month
+ Last month
+ Vorige maand../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/abstract-video-list.ts115
- OlderOlder
+ Older
+ Ouder../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/abstract-video-list.ts116
- Cannot load more videos. Try again later.Cannot load more videos. Try again later.
+ Cannot load more videos. Try again later.
+ Meer video's laden niet mogelijk. Probeer het later opnieuw.../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/abstract-video-list.ts193
@@ -7512,616 +6451,569 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Last 7 daysLaatste 7 dagen
- ../app/+search/search-filters.component.ts46
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.ts46
+ Last 30 daysLaatste 30 dagen
- ../app/+search/search-filters.component.ts50
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.ts50
Last 365 daysLaatste 365 dagen
- ../app/+search/search-filters.component.ts54
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.ts54
Short (< 4 min)Kort (< 4 min)
- ../app/+search/search-filters.component.ts65
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.ts65
Medium (4-10 min)Middelmatig (4-10 min)
- ../app/+search/search-filters.component.ts69
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.ts69
- Long (> 10 min)
- Long (> 10 min)
- ../app/+search/search-filters.component.ts73
+ Long (> 10 min)
+ Lang (> 10 min)
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.ts73
- ../app/+search/search-filters.component.ts80
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.ts80
Publish datePublicatiedatum
- ../app/+search/search-filters.component.ts84
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.ts84
- ../app/+search/search-filters.component.ts88
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.ts88
Search index is unavailable. Retrying with instance results instead.
- Search index is unavailable. Retrying with instance results instead.
- ../app/+search/search.component.ts171
+ Zoekindex is niet beschikbaar. Nieuwe poging met enkel resultaten uit instance.
+ ../app/+search/search.component.ts171
Search error
- Search error
- ../app/+search/search.component.ts172
- SearchSearch
+ Zoekfout
+ ../app/+search/search.component.ts172
+ Search
+ Zoeken../app/+search/search.component.ts230
- years ago
+ years ago jaar geleden
- ../app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts12
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts12
- year ago
- year ago
- ../app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts13
+ year ago
+ jaar geleden
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts13
- months ago
+ months ago maanden geleden
- ../app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts16
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts16
- month ago
+ month ago maand geleden
- ../app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts17
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts17
- weeks ago
+ weeks ago weken geleden
- ../app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts20
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts20
- week ago
+ week ago week geleden
- ../app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts21
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts21
- days ago
+ days ago dagen geleden
- ../app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts24
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts24
- day ago
+ day ago dag geleden
- ../app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts25
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts25
- hours ago
+ hours ago uur geleden
- ../app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts28
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts28
- hour ago
+ hour ago uur geleden
- ../app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts29
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts29
- min ago
+ min ago min geleden
- ../app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts32
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts32
just now
- just now
- ../app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts34
+ zonet
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts34
h min sec
- h
- min
- sec
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-duration-formatter.pipe.ts14
+ h min sec
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-duration-formatter.pipe.ts14
min sec
- min
- sec
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-duration-formatter.pipe.ts18
+ min sec
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-duration-formatter.pipe.ts18
- sec
- sec
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-duration-formatter.pipe.ts21
+ sec
+ sec
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-duration-formatter.pipe.ts21
- ../app/modal/confirm.component.ts39
+ ../app/modal/confirm.component.ts39
Instance name is required.Instantienaam is vereist.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts7
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts7
Short description should not be longer than 250 characters.Korte beschrijvingen moeten niet langer zijn dan 250 karakters.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts14
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts14
Twitter username is required.Twitter gebruikersnaam is vereist.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts21
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts21
Previews cache size is required.Cachegrootte van voorvertoning is vereist.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts28
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts28
Previews cache size must be greater than 1.Cachegrootte van voorvertoning moet groter zijn dan 1.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts29
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts29
Previews cache size must be a number.Cachegrootte van voorvertoning moet een nummer zijn.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts30
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts30
Captions cache size is required.Cachegrootte van ondertiteling is vereist.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts37
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts37
Captions cache size must be greater than 1.Cachegrootte van ondertiteling moet groter zijn dan 1.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts38
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts38
Captions cache size must be a number.Cachegrootte van ondertiteling moet een nummer zijn.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts39
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts39
Signup limit is required.Inschrijflimiet is vereist.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts46
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts46
Signup limit must be greater than 1.Inschrijflimiet moet groter zijn dan 1.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts47
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts47
Signup limit must be a number.Inschrijflimiet moet een nummer zijn.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts48
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts48
Admin email is required.Administrator e-mail is vereist.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts55
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts55
Admin email must be valid.Administrator e-mail moet valide zijn.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts56
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts56
Transcoding threads is required.Transcoding threads zijn vereist.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts63
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts63
Transcoding threads must be greater or equal to 0.Transcoding threads moeten groter of gelijk zijn aan 0.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts64
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts64
Index URL should be a URL
- Index URL should be a URL
- ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts71
+ Index-URL moet een URL zijn
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts71
Search index URL should be a URL
- Search index URL should be a URL
- ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts78
+ Zoekindex-URL moet een URL zijn
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts78
Email is required.E-mail is vereist.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts7
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts7
Email must be valid.E-mail moet valide zijn.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts8
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts8
Your name is required.Je naam is verplicht.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts19
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts19
Your name must be at least 1 character long.Je naam moet minimaal 1 teken lang zijn.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts20
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts20
Your name cannot be more than 120 characters long.
- Je naam mag niet langer zijn dan 120 tekens.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts21
+ Je naam mag niet langer dan 120 tekens zijn.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts21
A subject is required.Een onderwerp is vereist.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts32
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts32
The subject must be at least 1 character long.Het onderwerp moet minimaal 1 teken lang zijn.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts33
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts33
The subject cannot be more than 120 characters long.
- Het onderwerp mag niet langer zijn dan 120 tekens.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts34
+ Het onderwerp mag niet langer dan 120 tekens zijn.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts34
A message is required.Een bericht is vereist.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts45
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts45
The message must be at least 3 characters long.Het bericht moet minimaal 3 tekens lang zijn.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts46
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts46
The message cannot be more than 5000 characters long.
- Het bericht mag niet langer zijn dan 5000 tekens.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts47
+ Het bericht mag niet langer dan 5000 tekens zijn.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts47
Username is required.Gebruikersnaam is vereist.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts12
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts12
Password is required.Wachtwoord is vereist.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts49
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts49
Confirmation of the password is required.Bevestiging van het wachtwoord is vereist.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/reset-password-validators.ts9
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/reset-password-validators.ts9
Username must be at least 1 character long.Gebruikersnaam moet minimaal 1 teken lang zijn.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts13
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts13
Username cannot be more than 50 characters long.
- Gebruikersnaam mag niet meer dan 50 tekens lang zijn.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts14
+ Gebruikersnaam mag niet langer dan 50 tekens zijn.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts14
Username should be lowercase alphanumeric; dots and underscores are allowed.Gebruikersnaam moet alfanumeriek zijn in kleine letters; stippen en underscores zijn toegestaan.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts15
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts15
Channel name is required.
- Channel name is required.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts27
+ Kanaalnaam is vereist.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts27
Channel name must be at least 1 character long.
- Channel name must be at least 1 character long.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts28
+ Kanaalnaam moet minstens 1 teken lang zijn.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts28
Channel name cannot be more than 50 characters long.
- Channel name cannot be more than 50 characters long.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts29
+ Kanaalnaam mag niet langer dan 50 tekens zijn.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts29
Channel name should be lowercase alphanumeric; dots and underscores are allowed.
- Channel name should be lowercase alphanumeric; dots and underscores are allowed.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts30
+ Kanaalnaam mag enkel kleine letters en cijfers, punt of liggend streepje bevatten.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts30
Password must be at least 6 characters long.Wachtwoord moet minstens 6 karakters lang zijn.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts50
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts50
Password cannot be more than 255 characters long.
- Wachtwoord kan niet langer zijn dan 255 karakters.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts51
+ Wachtwoord mag niet langer dan 255 tekens zijn.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts51
The new password and the confirmed password do not correspond.Het nieuwe wachtwoord en het bevestigde wachtwoord zijn niet hetzelfde.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts69
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts69
Video quota is required.Videoquotum is vereist.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts76
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts76
Quota must be greater than -1.
- Quota moet groter zijn dan -1
- ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts77
+ Quotum moet groter zijn dan -1.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts77
Daily upload limit is required.Dagelijks uploadlimiet is vereist.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts83
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts83
Daily upload limit must be greater than -1.Dagelijks uploadlimiet moet groter zijn dan -1.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts84
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts84
User role is required.Gebruikersrol is vereist.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts91
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts91
Description must be at least 3 characters long.Beschrijvingen moeten minstens 3 karakters lang zijn.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts38
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts38
Description cannot be more than 1000 characters long.
- Beschrijvingen mogen niet langer dan 1000 karakters zijn.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts39
+ Beschrijving mag niet langer dan 1000 tekens zijn.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts39
You must agree with the instance terms in order to register on it.
- You must agree with the instance terms in order to register on it.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts113
+ Je moet akkoord gaan met de instance-voorwaarden om erop te registreren.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts113
Ban reason must be at least 3 characters long.Verbanningsreden moet minstens 3 karakters zijn.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts123
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts123
Ban reason cannot be more than 250 characters long.
- Verbanningsreden kan niet langer dan 250 tekens zijn.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts124
+ Verbanningsreden mag niet langer dan 250 tekens zijn.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts124
Display name is required.Een weergavenaam is verplicht.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts26
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts26
Display name must be at least 1 character long.De weergavenaam moet minimaal 1 teken lang zijn.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts27
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts27
Display name cannot be more than 50 characters long.
- De weergavenaam mag niet langer zijn dan 50 tekens.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts28
+ Weergavenaam mag niet langer dan 50 tekens zijn.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts28
Report reason is required.Rapportagereden is vereist.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/abuse-validators.ts7
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/abuse-validators.ts7
Report reason must be at least 2 characters long.Rapportagereden moet minstens 2 tekens zijn.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/abuse-validators.ts8
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/abuse-validators.ts8
Report reason cannot be more than 3000 characters long.
- De reden van het rapport mag niet meer dan 3000 tekens lang zijn.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/abuse-validators.ts9
+ Reden van aangifte mag niet langer dan 3000 tekens zijn.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/abuse-validators.ts9
Moderation comment is required.Beheersreactie is vereist.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/abuse-validators.ts16
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/abuse-validators.ts16
Moderation comment must be at least 2 characters long.Beheersreactie moet minstens 2 karakters zijn.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/abuse-validators.ts17
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/abuse-validators.ts17
Moderation comment cannot be more than 3000 characters long.
- Reactie moderatie mag niet langer zijn dan 3000 tekens.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/abuse-validators.ts18
+ Reactie moderator mag niet langer dan 3000 tekens zijn.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/abuse-validators.ts18
Abuse message is required.
- Abuse message is required.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/abuse-validators.ts25
+ Misbruikbericht is vereist.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/abuse-validators.ts25
Abuse message must be at least 2 characters long.
- Abuse message must be at least 2 characters long.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/abuse-validators.ts26
+ Misbruikbericht moet ten minste 2 tekens lang zijn.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/abuse-validators.ts26
Abuse message cannot be more than 3000 characters long.
- Abuse message cannot be more than 3000 characters long.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/abuse-validators.ts27
+ Aangifte misbruik mag niet langer dan 3000 tekens zijn.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/abuse-validators.ts27
The channel is required.Het kanaal is vereist.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-ownership-change-validators.ts7
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-ownership-change-validators.ts7
Block reason must be at least 2 characters long.
- Block reason must be at least 2 characters long.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-block-validators.ts7
+ Reden blokkering moet minstens 2 tekens lang zijn.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-block-validators.ts7
Block reason cannot be more than 300 characters long.
- Block reason cannot be more than 300 characters long.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-block-validators.ts8
+ Reden blokkade mag niet langer dan 300 tekens zijn.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-block-validators.ts8
Video caption language is required.Video ondertitelingstaal is vereist.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-captions-validators.ts7
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-captions-validators.ts7
Video caption file is required.Video ondertitelingsbestand is vereist.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-captions-validators.ts14
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-captions-validators.ts14
The username is required.De gebruikersnaam is vereist.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-ownership-change-validators.ts14
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-ownership-change-validators.ts14
You can only transfer ownership to a local accountJe kan alleen je eigendom transporteren naar een lokaal account
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-ownership-change-validators.ts15
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-ownership-change-validators.ts15
Name is required.Naam is vereist.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts12
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts12
Name must be at least 1 character long.De naam moet minimaal 1 teken lang zijn.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts13
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts13
Name cannot be more than 50 characters long.
- Naam mag niet langer zijn dan 50 tekens.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts14
+ Naam mag niet langer dan 50 tekens zijn.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts14
Name should be lowercase alphanumeric; dots and underscores are allowed.Naam moet alfanumeriek zijn in kleine letters; stippen en underscores zijn toegestaan.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts15
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts15
Support text must be at least 3 characters long.Supporttekst moet minstens 3 karakters zijn.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts49
- Support text cannot be more than 1000 characters longSupport text cannot be more than 1000 characters long
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts50
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts49
+ Support text cannot be more than 1000 characters long
+ Hulptekst mag niet langer dan 1000 tekens zijn
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts50
+ Comment is required.Reactie is vereist.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-comment-validators.ts7
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-comment-validators.ts7
Comment must be at least 2 characters long.Reactie moet minstens 2 karakters zijn.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-comment-validators.ts8
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-comment-validators.ts8
Comment cannot be more than 3000 characters long.
- Reactie kan niet meer dan 3000 karakters zijn.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-comment-validators.ts9
- Request is too large for the server.
- Please contact you administrator if you want to increase the limit size.Request is too large for the server.
- Please contact you administrator if you want to increase the limit size.
+ Reactie mag niet langer dan 3000 tekens zijn.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-comment-validators.ts9
+ Request is too large for the server. Please contact you administrator if you want to increase the limit size.
+ Verzoek is te lang voor de server. Contacteer alsjeblieft je beheerder als je de groottelimiet wil verhogen.../app/core/rest/rest-extractor.service.ts61,62
@@ -8129,541 +7021,509 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Display name cannot be more than 120 characters long.
- Je weergavenaam kan niet langer dan 120 tekens zijn.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-playlist-validators.ts14
+ Weergavenaam mag niet langer dan 120 tekens zijn.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-playlist-validators.ts14
Privacy is required.Privacy is vereist.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-playlist-validators.ts23
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-playlist-validators.ts23
The channel is required when the playlist is public.Het kanaal is vereist als de afspeellijst openbaar is.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-playlist-validators.ts41
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-playlist-validators.ts41
Video name is required.Videonaam is vereist.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts7
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts7
Video name must be at least 3 characters long.Videonaam moet minstens 3 karakters zijn.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts8
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts8
Video name cannot be more than 120 characters long.
- Videonaam kan niet meer dan 120 karakters zijn.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts9
+ Videonaam mag niet langer dan 120 tekens zijn.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts9
Video privacy is required.Videoprivacy is vereist.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts16
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts16
Video channel is required.Videokanaal is vereist.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts43
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts43
Video description must be at least 3 characters long.Videobeschrijving moet minstens 3 karakters zijn.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts50
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts50
Video description cannot be more than 10000 characters long.
- Videobeschrijving kan niet meer dan 10000 karakters zijn.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts51
+ Videobeschrijving mag niet langer dan 10000 tekens zijn.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts51
A tag should be more than 2 characters long.
- Een tag moet minstens 2 karakters zijn.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts58
+ Een tag moet meer dan 2 tekens lang zijn.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts58
A tag should be less than 30 characters long.Een tag moet minder dan 30 karakters zijn.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts59
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts59
A maximum of 5 tags can be used on a video.
- A maximum of 5 tags can be used on a video.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts66
+ Een video kan maximaal 5 tags krijgen.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts66
A tag should be more than 2, and less than 30 characters long.
- A tag should be more than 2, and less than 30 characters long.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts67
+ Een tag moet meer dan 2 en minder dan 30 tekens lang zijn.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts67
Video support must be at least 3 characters long.Videosupport moet minstens 3 karakters zijn.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts74
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts74
Video support cannot be more than 1000 characters long.
- Videosupport kan niet meer dan 1000 karakters zijn.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts75
+ Video-ondersteuning mag niet langer dan 1000 tekens zijn.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts75
A date is required to schedule video update.Een datum is vereist om videoupdates in te roosteren.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts82
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts82
This file is too large.Dit bestand is te groot.
- ../app/shared/shared-forms/reactive-file.component.ts50
- PeerTube cannot handle this kind of file. Accepted extensions are }.PeerTube cannot handle this kind of file. Accepted extensions are }.
+ ../app/shared/shared-forms/reactive-file.component.ts50
+ PeerTube cannot handle this kind of file. Accepted extensions are }.
+ PeerTube kan dit type bestand niet verwerken. We aanvaarden volgende bestandstypes: }.../app/shared/shared-forms/reactive-file.component.ts56
Add a new option
- Add a new option
- ../app/shared/shared-forms/select/select-checkbox.component.ts28
+ Nieuwe optie toevoegen
+ ../app/shared/shared-forms/select/select-checkbox.component.ts28
All unsaved data will be lost, are you sure you want to leave this page?Alle onopgeslagen data zal verloren worden, weet je zeker dat je deze pagina wil verlaten?
- ../app/core/routing/can-deactivate-guard.service.ts19
+ ../app/core/routing/can-deactivate-guard.service.ts19
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts11
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts11
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts12
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts12
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts13
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts13
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts14
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts14
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts15
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts15
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts16
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts16
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts17
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts17
SunZonDay name short
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts21
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts21
MonMaaDay name short
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts22
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts22
TueDinDay name short
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts23
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts23
WedWoeDay name short
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts24
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts24
ThuDonDay name short
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts25
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts25
FriVriDay name short
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts26
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts26
SatZatDay name short
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts27
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts27
SuZonDay name min
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts31
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts31
MoMaDay name min
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts32
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts32
TuDiDay name min
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts33
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts33
WeWoDay name min
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts34
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts34
ThDoDay name min
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts35
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts35
FrVrDay name min
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts36
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts36
SaZaDay name min
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts37
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts37
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts41
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts41
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts42
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts42
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts43
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts43
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts44
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts44
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts45
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts45
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts46
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts46
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts47
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts47
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts48
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts48
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts49
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts49
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts50
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts50
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts51
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts51
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts52
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts52
JanJanMonth name short
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts56
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts56
FebFebMonth name short
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts57
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts57
MarMarMonth name short
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts58
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts58
AprAprMonth name short
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts59
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts59
JunJunMonth name short
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts61
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts61
JulJulMonth name short
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts62
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts62
AugAugMonth name short
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts63
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts63
SepSepMonth name short
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts64
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts64
OctOctMonth name short
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts65
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts65
NovNovMonth name short
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts66
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts66
DecDecMonth name short
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts67
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts67
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts72
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts72
yy-mm-ddyy-mm-ddDate format in this locale.
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts88
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts88
Instance languages
- Instance languages
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.ts169
+ Instance-talen
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.ts169
All languages
- All languages
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.ts170
+ Alle talen
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.ts170
- ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.ts36
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.ts36
Blurred with confirmation requestAfgeschermd met bevestigingsverzoek
- ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.ts37
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.ts37
- ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.ts38
- ~ 1 minute~ 1 minute
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.ts38
+ ~ 1 minute
+ ~ 1 minuut../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.ts53
- ~ minutes~ minutes
+ ~ minutes
+ ~ minuten../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.ts55
- of full HD videos
+ of full HD videos aan full HD videos
- ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.ts71
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.ts71
- of HD videos
+ of HD videos aan HD videos
- ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.ts72
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.ts72
- of average quality videos
+ of average quality videos aan gemiddelde kwaliteit videos
- ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.ts73
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.ts73
- (channel page)
- (channel page)
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-miniature.component.ts117
+ (channel page)
+ (kanaalpagina)
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-miniature.component.ts117
- (account page)
- (account page)
- ../app/shared/shared-main/account/avatar.component.ts19
+ (account page)
+ (accountpagina)
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/account/avatar.component.ts19
- ../app/shared/shared-main/misc/help.component.ts81
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/misc/help.component.ts81
- ../app/shared/shared-main/misc/help.component.ts82
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/misc/help.component.ts82
New linesNieuwe lijnen
- ../app/shared/shared-main/misc/help.component.ts83
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/misc/help.component.ts83
- ../app/shared/shared-main/misc/help.component.ts84
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/misc/help.component.ts84
- ../app/shared/shared-main/misc/help.component.ts85
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/misc/help.component.ts85
- users banned.
+ users banned. gebruikers verbannen.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-ban-modal.component.ts53
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-ban-modal.component.ts53
User banned.
- Gebruiker
- verbannen.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-ban-modal.component.ts54
+ Gebruiker verbannen.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-ban-modal.component.ts54
Do you really want to unban ?
- Weet je zeker dat je
- wilt onverbannen?
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts70
+ Weet je zeker dat je opnieuw wil toelaten?
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts70
User unbanned.
- Gebruiker
- onverbannen.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts76
+ Gebruiker terug toelaten.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts76
If you remove this user, you will not be able to create another with the same username!Als je deze gebruiker verwijdert, is het niet meer mogelijk om een andere te maken met dezelfde gebruikersnaam!
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts90
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts90
User deleted.
- Gebruiker
- verwijdert.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts96
+ Gebruiker verwijderd.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts96
User email set as verified
- Gebruiker
- e-mail gezet als geverifieerd
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts107
+ Gebruiker e-mail op geverifieerd ingesteld
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts107
Account muted.
- Account
- gedempt.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts119
+ Account gedempt.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts119
- Instance
- muted.
+ Instance muted. Instantie
@@ -8674,256 +7534,247 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Account muted by the instance.
- Account
- gedempt door de instantie.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts175
+ Account gedempt door de instantie.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts175
Mute server
- Mute server
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts346
+ Server dempen
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts346
Server muted by the instance.
- Server
- muted by the instance.
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts470
+ Server gedempt door instance.
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts470
Add a message to communicate with the reporter
- Add a message to communicate with the reporter
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-message-modal.component.ts100
+ Een bericht toevoegen om met de aangever te communiceren
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-message-modal.component.ts100
Add a message to communicate with the moderation team
- Add a message to communicate with the moderation team
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-message-modal.component.ts103
+ Een bericht toevoegen om met het moderatorenteam te communiceren
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-message-modal.component.ts103
Account unmuted by the instance.
- Account
- niet meer gedempt door de instantie.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts189
+ Account niet meer gedempt door de instantie.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts189
Instance muted by the instance.
- Instantie
- gedempt door de instantie.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts203
+ Instantie gedempt door de instantie.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts203
Instance unmuted by the instance.
- Instantie
- niet meer gedempt door de instantie.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts217
+ Instantie niet meer gedempt door de instantie.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts217
Are you sure you want to remove all the comments of this account?
- Are you sure you want to remove all the comments of this account?
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts228
+ Ben je zeker dat je alle reacties van deze account wil verwijderen?
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts228
Delete account comments
- Delete account comments
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts229
+ Account-commentaren verwijderen
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts229
Will remove comments of this account (may take several minutes).
- Will remove comments of this account (may take several minutes).
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts235
+ Reacties van deze account verwijderen (kan verscheidene minuten duren).
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts235
Edit user
- Edit user
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts263
+ Gebruiker bewerken
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts263
Change quota, role, and more.
- Change quota, role, and more.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts264
+ Quota, rollen en meer wijzigen.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts264
Delete user
- Delete user
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts268
+ Gebruiker verwijderen
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts268
Unban user
- Unban user
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts279
+ Gebruiker opnieuw toelaten
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts279
Allow the user to login and create videos/comments again
- Allow the user to login and create videos/comments again
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts280
+ De gebruiker opnieuw toelaten aan te melden, video's aan te maken en te reageren
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts280
Mute this accountDemp dit account
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts297
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts297
Hide any content from that user for you.
- Hide any content from that user for you.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts298
+ Alle inhoud van die gebruiker voor jou verbergen.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts298
Unmute this account
- Dempt dit account niet meer
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts303
+ Deze account niet meer dempen
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts303
Show back content from that user for you.
- Show back content from that user for you.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts304
+ Oude inhoud van gebruiker voor jou tonen.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts304
Mute the instance
- Demp de instantie
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts309
+ De instance dempen
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts309
Hide any content from that instance for you.
- Hide any content from that instance for you.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts310
+ Alle inhoud uit die instance voor jou verbergen.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts310
Unmute the instanceDemp de instantie niet meer
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts315
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts315
Show back content from that instance for you.
- Show back content from that instance for you.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts316
+ Oude inhoud uit die instance voor jou tonen.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts316
Remove comments from your videos
- Remove comments from your videos
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts321
+ Reacties op je video's verwijderen
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts321
Remove comments of this account from your videos.
- Remove comments of this account from your videos.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts322
+ Reacties van deze account van je video's verwijderen.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts322
Mute this account by your instanceDemp dit account door jouw instantie
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts333
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts333
Hide any content from that user for you, your instance and its users.
- Hide any content from that user for you, your instance and its users.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts334
+ Alle inhoud van die gebruiker verbergen voor jou, je instance en haar gebruikers.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts334
Unmute this account by your instanceDemp dit account niet meer door jouw instantie
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts339
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts339
Show back content from that user for you, your instance and its users.
- Show back content from that user for you, your instance and its users.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts340
+ De inhoud van deze gebruiker opnieuw zichtbaar maken voor de gebruikers van deze instance.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts340
Mute the instance by your instanceDemp de instantie door jouw instantie
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts351
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts351
Hide any content from that instance for you, your instance and its users.
- Hide any content from that instance for you, your instance and its users.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts352
+ De inhoud van deze instance verbergen voor alle gebruikers van deze instance.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts352
Unmute the instance by your instanceDemp de instantie niet meer door jouw instantie
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts357
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts357
Show back content from that instance for you, your instance and its users.
- Show back content from that instance for you, your instance and its users.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts358
+ De inhoud van de gedempte instance weer zichtbaar maken voor alle gebruikers van deze instance.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts358
Remove comments from your instance
- Remove comments from your instance
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts368
+ Reacties van je instance verwijderen
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts368
Remove comments of this account from your instance.
- Remove comments of this account from your instance.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts369
+ De commentaren door deze account verwijderen van je instance.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts369
Violent or repulsive
- Violent or repulsive
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts139
+ Gewelddadig of weerzinwekkend
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts139
Contains offensive, violent, or coarse language or iconography.
- Contains offensive, violent, or coarse language or iconography.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts140
+ Bevat beledigende, gewelddadige of grove taal of beelden.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts140
Hateful or abusive
- Hateful or abusive
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts144
+ Haatdragend or beledigend
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts144
Contains abusive, racist or sexist language or iconography.
- Contains abusive, racist or sexist language or iconography.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts145
+ Bevat beledigende, racistische of sexistische taal of beelden.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts145
Spam, ad or false news
- Spam, ad or false news
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts149
+ Spam, advertenties of fake news
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts149
Contains marketing, spam, purposefully deceitful news, or otherwise misleading thumbnail/text/tags. Please provide reputable sources to report hoaxes.
- Contains marketing, spam, purposefully deceitful news, or otherwise misleading thumbnail/text/tags. Please provide reputable sources to report hoaxes.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts150
+ Bevat marketing, spam, opzettelijk misleidend nieuws of andere misleidende voorproefjes/tekst/tags. Alsjeblieft gereputeerde bronnen voorzien voor het melden van beetnemerijen.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts150
Privacy breach or doxxing
- Privacy breach or doxxing
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts154
+ Privacy-inbreuk of doxing
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts154
Contains personal information that could be used to track, identify, contact or impersonate someone (e.g. name, address, phone number, email, or credit card details).
- Contains personal information that could be used to track, identify, contact or impersonate someone (e.g. name, address, phone number, email, or credit card details).
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts155
+ Bevat persoonlijke informatie die zou kunnen gebruikt worden om iemand te kunnen schaduwen, identificeren, contacteren of je als die persoon voor te doen (bijvoorbeeld naam, adres, telefoonnummer, email of kredietkaartgegevens).
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts155
Infringes your copyright wrt. the regional laws with which the server must comply.
- Infringes your copyright wrt. the regional laws with which the server must comply.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts160
+ Vormt een inbreuk op je copyright, gebaseerd op de wetten die de server moet naleven.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts160
Breaks server rules
- Breaks server rules
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts164
+ Niet in overeenstemming met de serverregels
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts164
Anything not included in the above that breaks the terms of service, code of conduct, or general rules in place on the server.
- Anything not included in the above that breaks the terms of service, code of conduct, or general rules in place on the server.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts165
+ Gelijk wat hierboven niet vermeld werd dat niet in overeenstemming is met de dienstvoorwaarden, gedragscode of algemene regels op de server.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts165
The above can only be seen in thumbnails.
- The above can only be seen in thumbnails.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts174
- CaptionsCaptions
+ Het bovenstaande is enkel te zien in voorproefjes.
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts174
+ Captions
+ Onderschriften../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts178
@@ -8931,209 +7782,188 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
The above can only be seen in captions (please describe which).
- The above can only be seen in captions (please describe which).
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts179
+ Het bovenstaande is enkel te zien in onderschriften (graag aangeven welke).
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts179
Too many attempts, please try again after minutes.
- Te vaak geprobeerd, probeer alstublieft weer na
- minuten.
- ../app/core/rest/rest-extractor.service.ts67
+ Te veel pogingen. Probeer alstublieft opnieuw na minuten.
+ ../app/core/rest/rest-extractor.service.ts67
Too many attempts, please try again later.Te vaak geprobeerd, probeer alstublieft later.
- ../app/core/rest/rest-extractor.service.ts69
+ ../app/core/rest/rest-extractor.service.ts69
Server error. Please retry later.Serverfout. Probeer later alstublieft weer.
- ../app/core/rest/rest-extractor.service.ts72
+ ../app/core/rest/rest-extractor.service.ts72
Subscribed to all current channels of . You will be notified of all their new videos.
- Subscribed to all current channels of
- . You will be notified of all their new videos.
- ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.ts109
+ Geabonneerd op alle huidige kanalen van . U krijgt meldingen van al zijn of haar nieuwe video's.
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.ts109
Subscribed to . You will be notified of all their new videos.
- Subscribed to
- . You will be notified of all their new videos.
- ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.ts110
+ Geabonneerd op . U krijgt meldingen van al zijn of haar nieuwe video's.
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.ts110
- Geabonneert
- ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.ts112
+ Geabonneerd
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.ts112
- Unsubscribed from all channels of
- Unsubscribed from all channels of
- ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.ts139
+ Unsubscribed from all channels of
+ Abonnement op alle kanalen van opgezegd
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.ts139
- Unsubscribed from
- Ongeabonneert van
- ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.ts140
+ Unsubscribed from
+ Afgemeld van
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.ts140
- Ongeabonneert
- ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.ts142
+ Afgemeld
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.ts142
- ../app/core/users/user.service.ts384
+ ../app/core/users/user.service.ts384
- Video removed from
+ Video removed from Video verwijderd van
- ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-element-miniature.component.ts98
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-element-miniature.component.ts98
Video added in at timestamps
- Video toegevoegd in
- op tijdstempels
- ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-add-to-playlist.component.ts377
+ Video toegevoegd in op tijdstempels
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-add-to-playlist.component.ts377
- Video added in
+ Video added in Video toegevoegd in
- ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-add-to-playlist.component.ts378
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-add-to-playlist.component.ts378
Timestamps updatedTijdstempels bijgewerkt
- ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-element-miniature.component.ts117
- Starts at Starts at
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-element-miniature.component.ts117
+ Starts at
+ Begint bij../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-element-miniature.component.ts140
- Stops at Stops at
+ Stops at
+ Eindigt bij../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-element-miniature.component.ts141
- and stops at and stops at
+ and stops at
+ en eindigt bij../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-element-miniature.component.ts143
Delete video
- Delete video
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts395
+ Video verwijderen
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts395
Actions for the comment
- Actions for the comment
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts424
+ Acties voor de reactie
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts424
Delete comment
- Delete comment
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts430
+ Reactie verwijderen
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts430
Do you really want to delete this comment?
- Do you really want to delete this comment?
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.ts166
+ Wil je deze reactie echt verwijderen?
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.ts166
Comment deleted.
- Comment deleted.
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts442
+ Reactie verwijderd.
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts442
- Encoder
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts145
+ Encoder
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts145
Format name
- Format name
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts146
+ Formaatnaam
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts146
- Size
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts147
+ Grootte
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts147
- Bitrate
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts149
+ Bitrate
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts149
- Codec
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts169
+ Codec
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts169
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts136
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts136
Video reported.Video gerapporteerd.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/video-report.component.ts110
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/video-report.component.ts110
Do you really want to delete this video?Weet je zeker dat je de video wil verwijderen?
- ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts78
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts78
Video deleted.
- Video deleted.
- ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts86
- yesyes
+ Video verwijderd.
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts86
+ yes
+ ja../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts149
- nono
+ no
+ neen../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts151
@@ -9141,26 +7971,30 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Actions for the reporter
- Actions for the reporter
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts334
+ Acties voor de aangever
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts334
Mute reporter
- Mute reporter
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts340
+ Reporter dempen
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts340
This video will be duplicated by your instance.
- This video will be duplicated by your instance.
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts204
- DownloadDownload
+ Je instance zal deze video dupliceren.
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts204
+ Download
+ Downloaden../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts250
- UpdateUpdate
+ Update
+ Bijwerken../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts256
@@ -9168,30 +8002,35 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Block
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts262
+ Blokkering
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts262
Save to playlistOpslaan in afspeellijst
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts108
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts108
- Mirror
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts274
- ReportReport
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts286
- RemoveRemove
+ Spiegelen
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts274
+ Report
+ Aangeven
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts286
+ Remove
+ Verwijderen../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment.component.ts179
- Remove & re-draftRemove & re-draft
+ Remove & re-draft
+ Verwijderen & opnieuw klad../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment.component.ts187
@@ -9199,302 +8038,360 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Mute account
- Mute account
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts294
+ Account dempen
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts294
Mute server account
- Mute server account
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts322
+ Server-account dempen
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts322
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html65
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html65
Reported part
- Reported part
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html83
+ Aangegeven gedeelte
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html83
- Note
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html90
+ Noteren
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html90
The video was deleted
- The video was deleted
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html99
+ De video is verwijderd
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html99
- Comment:
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html105
+ Reactie:
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html105
Messages with the reporter
- Messages with the reporter
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-message-modal.component.html4
+ Berichten met de aangever
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-message-modal.component.html4
Messages with the moderation team
- Messages with the moderation team
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-message-modal.component.html5
+ Berichten met het moderatorenteam
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-message-modal.component.html5
- No messages for now.
- No messages for now.
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-message-modal.component.html28
+ No messages for now.
+ Voorlopig geen berichten.
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-message-modal.component.html28
Add a message
- Add a message
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-message-modal.component.html44
+ Een bericht toevoegen
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-message-modal.component.html44
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-miniature.component.ts162
- Publication scheduled on Publication scheduled on
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-miniature.component.ts162
+ Publication scheduled on
+ Publicatie gepland op../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-miniature.component.ts167
Waiting transcodingWachten op transcoding
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-miniature.component.ts171
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-miniature.component.ts171
To transcodeOm te transcoden
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-miniature.component.ts175
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-miniature.component.ts175
To importOm te importeren
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-miniature.component.ts179
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-miniature.component.ts179
Add to watch later
- Add to watch later
- ../app/shared/shared-thumbnail/video-thumbnail.component.ts28
+ Toevoegen aan later kijken
+ ../app/shared/shared-thumbnail/video-thumbnail.component.ts28
Remove from watch later
- Remove from watch later
- ../app/shared/shared-thumbnail/video-thumbnail.component.ts29
+ Verwijderen van later kijken
+ ../app/shared/shared-thumbnail/video-thumbnail.component.ts29
Only I can see this videoIk kan deze video alleen zien
- ../app/shared/shared-main/video/video.service.ts342
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/video/video.service.ts342
Only shareable via a private link
- Only shareable via a private link
- ../app/shared/shared-main/video/video.service.ts346
+ Enkel deelbaar via een privé-verwijzing
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/video/video.service.ts346
Anyone can see this videoIedereen kan deze video zien
- ../app/shared/shared-main/video/video.service.ts350
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/video/video.service.ts350
Only users of this instance can see this video
- Only users of this instance can see this video
- ../app/shared/shared-main/video/video.service.ts354
- CloseClose
+ Enkel gebruikers van deze instance kunnen deze video zien
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/video/video.service.ts354
+ Close
+ Sluiten../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/alert/alert.ts74
- PreviousPrevious
+ Previous
+ Vorige../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/carousel/carousel.ts349
- NextNext
+ Next
+ Volgende../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/carousel/carousel.ts349
- Previous monthPrevious month
+ Previous month
+ Vorige maand../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/datepicker/datepicker-navigation.ts69
- Next monthNext month
+ Next month
+ Volgende maand../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/datepicker/datepicker-month.ts72
- Select monthSelect month
+ Select month
+ Maand selecteren../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/datepicker/datepicker-navigation-select.ts74
- Select yearSelect year
+ Select year
+ Jaar selecteren../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/datepicker/datepicker-navigation-select.ts74
- ««««
+ ««
+ ««../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/pagination/pagination.ts404
- ««
+ «
+ «../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/pagination/pagination.ts404
- »»
+ »
+ »../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/pagination/pagination.ts404
- »»»»
+ »»
+ »»../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/pagination/pagination.ts404
- FirstFirst
+ First
+ Eerste../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/pagination/pagination.ts404
- PreviousPrevious
+ Previous
+ Vorige../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/pagination/pagination.ts404
- NextNext
+ Next
+ Volgende../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/pagination/pagination.ts404
- LastLast
+ Last
+ Laatste../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/pagination/pagination.ts404
+ ../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/progressbar/progressbar.ts101
+ HH
+ UU../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
- HoursHours
+ Hours
+ Uren../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
+ MM
+ MM../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
- MinutesMinutes
+ Minutes
+ Minuten../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
- Increment hoursIncrement hours
+ Increment hours
+ Uren vermeerderen../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
- Decrement hoursDecrement hours
+ Decrement hours
+ Uren verminderen../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
- Increment minutesIncrement minutes
+ Increment minutes
+ Minuten vermeerderen../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
- Decrement minutesDecrement minutes
+ Decrement minutes
+ Minuten verminderen../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
+ SS
+ SS../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
- SecondsSeconds
+ Seconds
+ Seconden../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
- Increment secondsIncrement seconds
+ Increment seconds
+ Seconds vermeerderen../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
- Decrement secondsDecrement seconds
+ Decrement seconds
+ Seconden verminderen../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
+ ../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
+ ../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
- CloseClose
+ Close
+ Sluiten../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/toast/toast.ts137
@@ -9503,217 +8400,218 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Video to import updated.Video naar import bijgewerkt.
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.ts128
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.ts128
+ Your video was uploaded to your account and is private.Jouw video is geupload naar jouw account en is privé.
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts89
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts89
But associated data (tags, description...) will be lost, are you sure you want to leave this page?Maar geassocieerde data(tags, beschrijving...) zullen verloren raken, weet je zeker dat je deze pagina wilt verlaten?
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts90
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts90
Your video is not uploaded yet, are you sure you want to leave this page?Jouw video is nog niet geupload, weet je zeker dat je deze pagina wilt verlaten?
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts92
- UploadUpload
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts92
+ Upload
+ Uploaden../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts112
- Upload
+ Upload uploaden
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts114
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts114
Upload cancelledUpload geannuleerd
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts131
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts131
Video published.Video gepubliceerd.
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts243
- Your video quota is exceeded with this video (
-video size: , used: , quota: )Your video quota is exceeded with this video (
-video size: , used: , quota: )
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts243
+ Your video quota is exceeded with this video ( video size: , used: , quota: )
+ Met deze video overschrijd je je video-quotum ( videogrootte: , gebruikt: , quotum: )../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts265,266
- Your daily video quota is exceeded with this video (
-video size: , used: , quota: )Your daily video quota is exceeded with this video (
-video size: , used: , quota: )
+ Your daily video quota is exceeded with this video ( video size: , used: , quota: )
+ Met deze video overschrijd je je dagelijks video-quotum ( videogrootte: , gebruikt: , quotum: )../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts285,286
You have unsaved changes! If you leave, your changes will be lost.Je hebt niet-opgeslagen wijzigingen! Als je vertrekt, gaan je wijzigingen verloren.
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-update.component.ts79
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-update.component.ts79
Video updated.Video geupdate.
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-update.component.ts116
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-update.component.ts116
Report comment
- Report comment
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/comment-report.component.ts51
+ Reactie aangeven
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/comment-report.component.ts51
Stop autoplaying next video
- Stop autoplaying next video
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch-playlist.component.ts203
+ Automatisch afspelen volgende video stoppen
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch-playlist.component.ts203
Autoplay next video
- Autoplay next video
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch-playlist.component.ts204
+ Automatisch volgende video afspelen
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch-playlist.component.ts204
Stop looping playlist videos
- Stop looping playlist videos
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch-playlist.component.ts209
+ Stoppen met In lus afspelen van video's uit afspeellijst
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch-playlist.component.ts209
Loop playlist videos
- Loop playlist videos
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch-playlist.component.ts210
+ Video's uit afspeellijst in lus afspelen
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch-playlist.component.ts210
You need to be connected to rate this content.
- You need to be connected to rate this content.
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts192
- This video is not available on this instance. Do you want to be redirected on the origin instance: <a href=""></a>?This video is not available on this instance. Do you want to be redirected on the origin instance: <a href=""></a>?
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts373
- RedirectionRedirection
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts374
+ Je moet verbonden zijn om deze inhoud te beoordelen.
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts192
+ This video is not available on this instance. Do you want to be redirected on the origin instance: <a href=""></a>?
+ Deze video is niet beschikbaar op deze instance. Wil je doorverwezen worden naar de originele instance <a href=""></a>?
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts373
+ Redirection
+ Doorverwijzing
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts374
+ This video contains mature or explicit content. Are you sure you want to watch it?Deze video bevat volwassen of expliciete inhoud. Weet je zeker dat je hem wilt kijken?
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts486
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts486
Mature or explicit contentVolwassen of expliciete content
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts487
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts487
Up Next
- Up Next
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts536
- CancelCancel
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts537
+ Volgende
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts536
+ Cancel
+ Annuleren
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts537
+ Autoplay is suspended
- Autoplay is suspended
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts538
+ Automatisch afspelen is opgeschort
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts538
Enter/exit fullscreen (requires player focus)
- Enter/exit fullscreen (requires player focus)
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts800
+ Volledig scherm ingaan/uitgaan (vereist focus op afspeler)
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts800
Play/Pause the video (requires player focus)
- Play/Pause the video (requires player focus)
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts801
+ De video afspelen/pauseren (vereist focus op de afspeler)
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts801
Mute/unmute the video (requires player focus)
- Mute/unmute the video (requires player focus)
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts802
+ De video dempen of niet meer dempen (vereist focus op de speler)
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts802
Skip to a percentage of the video: 0 is 0% and 9 is 90% (requires player focus)
- Skip to a percentage of the video: 0 is 0% and 9 is 90% (requires player focus)
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts804
+ Naar een percentage van de video springen: 0 is 0% and 9 is 90% (vereist focus op de speler)
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts804
Increase the volume (requires player focus)
- Increase the volume (requires player focus)
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts806
+ Het volume verhogen (vereist focus op de speler)
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts806
Decrease the volume (requires player focus)
- Decrease the volume (requires player focus)
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts807
+ Het volume verlagen (vereist focus op de speler)
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts807
Seek the video forward (requires player focus)
- Seek the video forward (requires player focus)
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts809
+ Vooruitspringen in de video (vereist focus op de speler)
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts809
Seek the video backward (requires player focus)
- Seek the video backward (requires player focus)
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts810
+ Achteruit springen in de video (vereist focus op de speler)
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts810
Increase playback rate (requires player focus)
- Increase playback rate (requires player focus)
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts812
+ Afspelen versnellen (vereist focus op de speler)
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts812
Decrease playback rate (requires player focus)
- Decrease playback rate (requires player focus)
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts813
+ Afspelen vertragen (vereist focus op de speler)
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts813
Navigate in the video frame by frame (requires player focus)
- Navigate in the video frame by frame (requires player focus)
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts815
+ Frame per frame door de video navigeren (vereist focus op de speler)
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts815
Like the videoLike de video
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts823
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts823
Dislike the videoDislike de video
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts828
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts828
When active, the next video is automatically played after the current one.
- When active, the next video is automatically played after the current one.
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/recommendations/recommended-videos.component.ts59
+ De volgende video speelt automatisch na de huidige als die actief is.
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/recommendations/recommended-videos.component.ts59
Videos that have the higher number of likes.
- Videos that have the higher number of likes.
- ../app/+videos/video-list/video-most-liked.component.ts42
- Recently addedRecently added
+ Video's die veel leuk gevonden zijn.
+ ../app/+videos/video-list/video-most-liked.component.ts42
+ Recently added
+ Recent toegevoegd../app/+videos/video-list/video-recently-added.component.ts36
@@ -9721,58 +8619,70 @@ video size: , used: , quota: )
Trending for the last 24 hours
- Trending voor de laatste 24 uur
- ../app/+videos/video-list/video-trending.component.ts46
+ Populair de laatste 24 uur
+ ../app/+videos/video-list/video-trending.component.ts46
Trending videos are those totalizing the greatest number of views during the last 24 hours
- Trending video's zijn die met het grootste aantal weergaven in de afgelopen 24 uur
- ../app/+videos/video-list/video-trending.component.ts47
+ Populaire video's zijn die met het grootste aantal weergaven in de afgelopen 24 uur
+ ../app/+videos/video-list/video-trending.component.ts47
Videos from your subscriptions
- Videos van jou abonnementen
- ../app/+videos/video-list/video-user-subscriptions.component.ts35
- SubscriptionsSubscriptions
+ Video's uit je abonnementen
+ ../app/+videos/video-list/video-user-subscriptions.component.ts35
+ Subscriptions
+ Abonnementen../app/+videos/video-list/video-user-subscriptions.component.ts38
- Local videosLocal videos
+ Local videos
+ Lokale video's../app/+videos/video-list/video-local.component.ts36
- Discover videosDiscover videos
+ Discover videos
+ Video's ontdekken../app/+videos/videos-routing.module.ts23
- Trending videosTrending videos
+ Trending videos
+ Populaire videos../app/+videos/videos-routing.module.ts32
- Recently added videosRecently added videos
+ Recently added videos
+ Recent toegevoegde video's../app/+videos/videos-routing.module.ts58
- Upload a videoUpload a video
+ Upload a video
+ Een video uploaden../app/+videos/videos-routing.module.ts97
- Edit a videoEdit a video
+ Edit a video
+ Een video bewerken../app/+videos/videos-routing.module.ts106
@@ -9780,4 +8690,4 @@ video size: , used: , quota: )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/client/src/locale/angular.ru-RU.xlf b/client/src/locale/angular.ru-RU.xlf
index 9927c3a58..0dfcb342e 100644
--- a/client/src/locale/angular.ru-RU.xlf
+++ b/client/src/locale/angular.ru-RU.xlf
@@ -15,17 +15,17 @@
You don't have notifications.
- Нет уведомлений.
+ У вас нет уведомлений.../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html1 published a new video:
- опубликовано новое видео:
+ опубликовало новое видео: ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html16The notification concerns a video now unavailable
- Уведомление касается видео, которое теперь недоступно
+ Уведомление касается видео которое сейчас недоступно../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html24
@@ -40,17 +40,17 @@
A new video abuse has been created on video
- Новая жалоба на видео
+ Новая жалоба на видео ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html49A new comment abuse has been created on video
- Новый комментарий был создан в жалобе на видео
+ Новая жалоба на комментарий была создана под видео ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html53A new account abuse has been created on account
- Новая жалоба создана на аккаунт
+ Новая жалоба создана на аккаунт ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html57
@@ -60,27 +60,27 @@
Your abuse has been acceptedrejected
- Ваша жалоба был принятаотклонена
+ Ваша жалоба была принятаотклонена../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html70Abuse has a new message
- Жалоба новое сообщение
+ Жалоба получила новое сообщение ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html80The recently added video has been automatically blocked
- Недавно добавленное видео has been автоматически заблокировано
+ Недавно добавленное видео была автоматически заблокирована../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html88 commented your video
- прокомментировал ваше видео
+ прокомментировало ваше видео ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html101The notification concerns a comment now unavailable
- Уведомление касается комментария, который теперь недоступен
+ Уведомление касается комментария который сейчас недоступен../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html109
@@ -90,12 +90,12 @@
Your video import succeeded
- Импорт вашего видео выполнено
+ Импорт вашего видео завершено ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html126Your video import failed
- Ваше видео импортировано с ошибкой
+ Импорт вашего видео не выполнена ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html134
@@ -110,22 +110,22 @@
mentioned you on video
- упомянутое вами в видео
+ упомянуло вас в видео ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html165Your instance has a new follower () awaiting your approval
- Ваш экземпляр имеет нового последователя () ожидается ваше одобрение
+ Ваш экземпляр имеет нового подписчика () ожидающего вашего согласия../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html173Your instance automatically followed
- Ваш экземпляр автоматически последовал за ним
+ Ваш экземпляр автоматически подписался на ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html182The notification points to a content now unavailable
- Уведомление указывает на содержимое, которое теперь недоступно
+ Уведомление указывает на содержимое которое сейчас недоступно../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html190
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@
Your report will be sent to moderators of and will be forwarded to the video origin () too.
- Ваш отчёт будет отправлен модераторам и будет ссылаться на источник видео ( ) тоже .
+ Ваша жалоба будет отправлена модераторам и источнику видео () тоже. ../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/video-report.component.html75
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@
Search playlists
- Найти плейлист
+ Искать плейлисты../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-add-to-playlist.component.html9
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@
- Видео
+ видео../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html12
@@ -210,12 +210,12 @@
Video stream
- Видео стрим
+ Видеопоток../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html57Audio stream
- Аудио стрим
+ Аудиопоток../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html69
@@ -275,12 +275,12 @@
Report video ""
- Видео отчёт " "
+ Пожаловаться на ""../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/video-report.component.html3What is the issue?
- Какая ошибка?
+ В чём проблема?../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/report.component.html13
@@ -305,7 +305,7 @@
{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 view} other { views}}
- {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 просмотр} other { просмотров} }
+ {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 просмотр} other { просмотров}}../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-miniature.component.html31
@@ -320,7 +320,7 @@
{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =0 {No videos} =1 {1 video} other { videos}}
- {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =0 {No videos} =1 {1 video} other { видео} }
+ {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =0 {Нет видео} other { видео}}../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-miniature.component.html9
@@ -340,7 +340,7 @@
- Удален
+ Удалено../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment.component.html55
@@ -375,17 +375,17 @@
Truncated preview
- Укороченная обложка
+ Обрезанная обложка../app/shared/shared-forms/markdown-textarea.component.html11Complete preview
- Предпросмотр
+ Предпросмотр../app/shared/shared-forms/markdown-textarea.component.html19
- <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible that supports:
- <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible that supports:
+ <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible that supports:
+ <a href="https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Примеры_синтаксиса" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> совместимый что поддерживает:../app/shared/shared-main/misc/help.component.ts75
@@ -400,7 +400,7 @@
Subscribe with an account on this instance
- Подписаться с помощью учетной записи на этом экземпляре
+ Подписаться с аккаунта на этом экземпляре../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html53
@@ -415,12 +415,12 @@
Using a syndication feed
- Используя синдикативный поток
+ Используя канал распределения../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html62Subscribe via RSS
- Подписаться используя RSS
+ Подписаться по RSS../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html63
@@ -430,17 +430,17 @@
Remote subscribeRemote interact
- Удалённая подписка Удалённое соединение
+ Удалённая подпискаУдалённое взаимодействие../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/remote-subscribe.component.html11You can subscribe to the channel via any ActivityPub-capable fediverse instance. For instance with Mastodon or Pleroma you can type the channel URL in the search box and subscribe there.
- Вы можете подписаться на канал через любой экземпляр с поддержкой ActivityPub. Например, с Mastodon или Pleroma вы можете ввести URL-адрес канала в поле поиска и подписаться там.
+ Вы можете подписаться на канал через любой экземпляр с поддержкой ActivityPub. Например, с Mastodon или Pleroma вы можете ввести URL-адрес канала в поле поиска и подписаться там. ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/remote-subscribe.component.html18You can interact with this via any ActivityPub-capable fediverse instance. For instance with Mastodon or Pleroma you can type the current URL in the search box and interact with it there.
- Вы можете взаимодействовать через любой экземпляр с поддержкой ActivityPub. Например, с Mastodon или Pleroma вы можете ввести текущий URL-адрес в поле поиска и взаимодействовать с ним там.
+ Вы можете взаимодействовать через любой экземпляр с поддержкой ActivityPub. Например, с Mastodon или Pleroma вы можете ввести текущий URL-адрес в поле поиска и взаимодействовать с ним там. ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/remote-subscribe.component.html27
@@ -450,12 +450,12 @@
Default NSFW/sensitive videos policycan be redefined by the users
- Default NSFW/политика конфиденциальности видео может быть переопределен пользователями
+ Политика NSFW/чувствительных видео по-умолчаниюможет быть переопределена пользователями../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html13User registration allowed
- Разрешена регистрация пользователя
+ Разрешена регистрация пользователей../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html21
@@ -475,17 +475,17 @@
Automatically published
- Автоматически публиковать
+ Опубликовано автоматически../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html42Video quota
- Квота видео
+ Квота на видео../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html150Unlimited ( per day)
- Неограниченно ( per day)
+ Неограниченно ( в день)../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html61
@@ -495,7 +495,7 @@
You can import any torrent file that points to a media file. You should make sure you have diffusion rights over the content it points to, otherwise it could cause legal trouble to yourself and your instance.
- Вы можете импортировать любой torrent файл указывающий на видео. Вы должны быть уверены что не нарушаете авторские права на указываемый контент. Иначе накажут.
+ Вы можете импортировать любой torrent файл указывающий на медиафайл. Вы должны быть уверены что у вас есть права на распространение указанного контента, иначе это может повлечь юридические последствия для вас и вашего экземпляра.../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html17,19
@@ -503,7 +503,7 @@
HTTP import (YouTube, Vimeo, direct URL...)
- HTTP импорт (YouTube, Vimeo, прямой URL-адрес...)
+ HTTP импорт (YouTube, Vimeo, прямой URL...)../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html71
@@ -568,7 +568,7 @@
- последователи
+ подписаны../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html95
@@ -632,7 +632,7 @@
Currently this instance doesn't allow for user registration, but you can find an instance that gives you the possibility to sign up for an account and upload your videos there. Find yours among multiple instances at https://joinpeertube.org/instances.
- Сейчас экземпляр не позволяет регистрацию пользователей, но вы можете найти другой экземпляр позволяющий зарегистрироваться и загружать ваши видео там. Найти вас в других экземплярах https://joinpeertube.org/instances.
+ Сейчас экземпляр не позволяет регистрацию пользователей, но вы можете найти другой экземпляр позволяющий зарегистрироваться и загружать ваши видео там. Найдите ваш среди других экземпляров на https://joinpeertube.org/instances. ../app/+login/login.component.html17
@@ -686,9 +686,8 @@
- An email with the reset password instructions will be sent to .
-The link will expire within 1 hour.
- Письмо с инструкцией по сбросу пароля будет отправлено на . Ссылка будет рабочей в течение часа.
+ An email with the reset password instructions will be sent to . The link will expire within 1 hour.
+ Письмо с инструкцией по сбросу пароля будет отправлено на . Ссылка будет рабочей в течении часа.../app/+login/login.component.ts106,107
@@ -696,12 +695,12 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- Электронная почта
+ Email../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html105Email address
- Электронный адрес
+ Email адрес../app/+login/login.component.html97
@@ -716,7 +715,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
on this instance
- в этом экземпляре
+ на этом экземпляре../app/+search/search.component.html7
@@ -777,7 +776,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
CLI documentation
- CLI документация
+ Документация CLI../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html13
@@ -812,12 +811,12 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Official PeerTube website (news, support, contribute...): https://joinpeertube.org
- Официальный сайт PeerTube (новости, поддержка, вклад...): https://joinpeertube.org
+ Официальный сайт PeerTube (новости, поддержка, сотрудничество...): https://joinpeertube.org../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html42Put your instance on the public PeerTube index: https://instances.joinpeertube.org/instances
- Добавьте свой экземпляр в публичный список PeerTube: https://instances.joinpeertube.org/instances
+ Добавьте свой экземпляр в публичный список PeerTube: https://instances.joinpeertube.org/instances../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html45
@@ -827,12 +826,12 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Choosing your instance name, setting up a description, specifying who you are, why you created your instance and how long you plan to maintain your it is very important for visitors to understand on what type of instance they are.
- Выберите имя экземпляра, опишите его, укажитекто вы, почему вы создали этот экземпляр ии как долого вы планируете его обслуживать это очень важно для гостей для понимания цели существования вашего экземпляра.
+ Выбирая ваше имя экземпляра, изменяя описание, указывая кто вы, почему вы создали этот экземпляр и как долго вы планируете его обслуживать очень важно посетителям для понимания того что это за экземпляр. ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html58If you want to open registrations, please decide what are your moderation rules, fill your instance terms and specify the categories and languages you speak. This way, you will help users to register on the appropriate PeerTube instance.
- Если вы хотите открыть регистрацию, пожалуйста определитеваши правила, заполните политику экземпляраукажите категории и ваш язык. Это поможет пользователям зарегистрироваться на подходящем экземпляре PeerTube.
+ Если вы хотите открыть регистрацию, пожалуйста определите ваши правила, заполните политику экземпляра и укажите категории и ваш язык. Таким образом, вы поможете пользователям зарегистрироваться на подходящем экземпляре PeerTube. ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html64
@@ -847,7 +846,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Configuration warning!
- Предупреждение о конфигурации!
+ Предупреждение конфигурации!../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html3
@@ -867,7 +866,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Who you are
- Кто ты
+ Кто вы../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html16
@@ -887,12 +886,12 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Instance terms
- Термины экземпляра
+ Правила на экземпляре../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html21Please consider configuring these fields to help people to choose the appropriate instance. Without them, your instance may not be referenced on the JoinPeerTube website.
- Пожалуйста, подумайте о настройке этих полей, чтобы помочь людям выбрать соответствующий экземпляр.Без них ваш экземпляр не может быть указан насайте JoinPeerTube .
+ Пожалуйста, подумайте о настройке этих полей, чтобы помочь людям выбрать соответствующий экземпляр. Без них, ваш экземпляр не может быть указан на сайте JoinPeerTube. ../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html25
@@ -979,7 +978,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Get help using PeerTube
- Получить помощь с помощью PeerTube
+ Получить помощь с PeerTube../app/menu/menu.component.html167
@@ -989,7 +988,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
powered by PeerTube
- заряжено PeerTubeОМ
+ работает на PeerTube../app/menu/menu.component.html177
@@ -1289,7 +1288,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Display all licenses
- Отображение всех лицензий
+ Показать все лицензии../app/+search/search-filters.component.html121
@@ -1436,7 +1435,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Contains sensitive content
- Содержит конфиденциальный контент
+ Содержит чувствительный контент../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html122
@@ -1470,7 +1469,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- Already uploaded ✔
+ Already uploaded ✔Уже загружено ✔../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html167
@@ -2237,8 +2236,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- ../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html39
+ ../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html39
Follower handleПодписчик обрабатывает
@@ -2247,13 +2246,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-imports/my-account-video-imports.component.html19
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-imports/my-account-video-imports.component.html19
+ Created Создано
@@ -3007,8 +3001,10 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Job stateСостояние задания../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html12
- Showing to of jobsShowing to of jobs
+ Showing to of jobs
+ Показывается от до из задании../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html32
@@ -3017,15 +3013,19 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- ../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html40
- No jobs found.No jobs found.
+ ../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html40
+ No jobs found.
+ Не найдено задании.../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html86
- No jobs found that are .No jobs found that are .
+ No jobs found that are .
+ Не найдено задании которые .../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html87
@@ -3034,9 +3034,11 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html33
- nownow
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html33
+ now
+ сейчас../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html15
@@ -3045,13 +3047,13 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html37
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html37
- By ->
- By ->
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html45
+ By ->
+ От ->
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html45
@@ -3633,8 +3635,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- Requires ffmpeg >= 4.1Generate HLS playlists and fragmented MP4 files resulting in a better playback than with the current default player:Resolution change is smootherFaster playback in particular with long videosMore stable playback (less bugs/infinite loading)If you also enabled WebTorrent support, it will multiply videos storage by 2
- Требуется ffmpeg >= 4.1Создание списков воспроизведения HLS и фрагментированных файлов MP4, обеспечивающих лучшее воспроизведение, чем при использовании текущего проигрывателя по умолчанию:Изменение разрешения более плавноеБолее быстрое воспроизведение, особенно с длинными видеоБолее стабильное воспроизведение (меньше ошибок / бесконечная загрузка)Если вы также включили поддержку WebTorrent, объем хранилища видео увеличится в 2 раза.
+ Requires ffmpeg >= 4.1Generate HLS playlists and fragmented MP4 files resulting in a better playback than with the current default player:Resolution change is smootherFaster playback in particular with long videosMore stable playback (less bugs/infinite loading)If you also enabled WebTorrent support, it will multiply videos storage by 2
+ Требуется ffmpeg >= 4.1Создание списков воспроизведения HLS и фрагментированных файлов MP4, обеспечивающих лучшее воспроизведение, чем при использовании текущего проигрывателя по умолчанию:Изменение разрешения более плавноеБолее быстрое воспроизведение, особенно с длинными видеоБолее стабильное воспроизведение (меньше ошибок / бесконечная загрузка)Если вы также включили поддержку WebTorrent, объем хранилища видео увеличится в 2 раза.../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html783
@@ -3693,13 +3695,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- Write CSS code directly. Example: #custom-css
- color: red;
- Prepend with #custom-css to override styles. Example: #custom-css .logged-in-email
- color: red;
+ Write CSS code directly. Example: #custom-css color: red; Prepend with #custom-css to override styles. Example: #custom-css .logged-in-email color: red; Напишите код CSS напрямую. Пример: #custom-css color: red; Подготовить с #custom-css для переопределения стилей. Пример: #custom-css .logged-in-email color: red; ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html911
@@ -4018,9 +4014,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- Short text to tell people how they can support your channel (membership platform...).<br /><br />
- When you will upload a video in this channel, the video support field will be automatically filled by this text.
- Краткий текст, чтобы рассказать людям, как они могут поддержать ваш канал.<br /><br /> Когда вы загрузите видео на этот канал, поле поддержки видео будет автоматически заполнено этим текстом.
+ Short text to tell people how they can support your channel (membership platform...).<br /><br /> When you will upload a video in this channel, the video support field will be automatically filled by this text.
+ Краткий текст, чтобы рассказать людям, как они могут поддержать ваш канал.<br /><br /> Когда вы загрузите видео на этот канал, поле поддержки видео будет автоматически заполнено этим текстом.../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channel-edit.component.html77
@@ -4297,9 +4292,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- Do you really want to delete ?
-It will delete videos uploaded in this channel, and you will not be able to create another
-channel with the same name ()!
+ Do you really want to delete ? It will delete videos uploaded in this channel, and you will not be able to create another channel with the same name ()!Вы действительно хотите удалить ? Будет удалено видео загруженное на этот канал, и вы не сможете создать другой канал с таким же именем ()!../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channels.component.ts
@@ -4948,8 +4941,8 @@ channel with the same name ()!
- A <code>.mp4</code> that keeps the original audio track, with no video
- A <code>.mp4</code> сохраняет исходную звуковую дорожку без видео
+ A <code>.mp4</code> that keeps the original audio track, with no video
+ A <code>.mp4</code> сохраняет исходную звуковую дорожку без видео../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.ts57
@@ -5497,32 +5490,40 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Last dayПоследний день
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts84
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts84
+ Last hourПоследний час
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts89
- debugdebug
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts89
+ debug
+ откладка../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts101
- infoinfo
+ info
+ информация../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts105
- warningwarning
+ warning
+ предупреждение../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts109
- errorerror
+ error
+ ошибка../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts113
@@ -5531,33 +5532,33 @@ channel with the same name ()!
- ../app/+admin/system/system.routes.ts48
+ ../app/+admin/system/system.routes.ts48
+ InfoИнформация
- ../app/core/notification/notifier.service.ts11
+ ../app/core/notification/notifier.service.ts11
- ../app/core/routing/can-deactivate-guard.service.ts23
+ ../app/core/routing/can-deactivate-guard.service.ts23
- ../app/core/auth/auth.service.ts103
+ ../app/core/auth/auth.service.ts103
Standard logsСтандартные журналы
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts124
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts124
Audit logsЖурнал аудита
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts128
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts128
User created.Пользователь был создан.
@@ -6283,8 +6284,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
- Cannot retrieve OAuth Client credentials: .
-Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular the "webserver" section.
+ Cannot retrieve OAuth Client credentials: . Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular the "webserver" section.Не удается получить учетные данные клиента OAuth: . Убедитесь, что вы правильно настроили PeerTube (config / directory), в частности раздел «веб-сервер».../app/core/auth/auth.service.ts
@@ -6414,8 +6414,8 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Long (> 10 min)
- Длинная (> 10 мин)
+ Long (> 10 min)
+ Длинная (> 10 мин)../app/+search/search-filters.component.ts73
@@ -6952,8 +6952,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Request is too large for the server.
- Please contact you administrator if you want to increase the limit size.
+ Request is too large for the server. Please contact you administrator if you want to increase the limit size.Запрос слишком велик для сервера. Обратитесь к администратору, если вы хотите увеличить размер ограничения.../app/core/rest/rest-extractor.service.ts
@@ -8376,8 +8375,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Your video quota is exceeded with this video (
-video size: , used: , quota: )
+ Your video quota is exceeded with this video ( video size: , used: , quota: )Ваша квота на видео для этого видео превышена ( размер видео: , использовано: , квота: )../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts
@@ -8385,8 +8383,7 @@ video size: , used: , quota: )
- Your daily video quota is exceeded with this video (
-video size: , used: , quota: )
+ Your daily video quota is exceeded with this video ( video size: , used: , quota: )Ваша дневная квота для этого видео превышена( размер видео: , использовано: , квота: )../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts
@@ -8434,8 +8431,8 @@ video size: , used: , quota: )
- This video is not available on this instance. Do you want to be redirected on the origin instance: <a href=""></a>?
- Это видео недоступно в этом экземпляре. Вы хотите, чтобы вас перенаправили на исходный экземпляр: <a href=""></a>?
+ This video is not available on this instance. Do you want to be redirected on the origin instance: <a href=""></a>?
+ Это видео недоступно в этом экземпляре. Вы хотите, чтобы вас перенаправили на исходный экземпляр: <a href=""></a>?../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts373
diff --git a/client/src/locale/angular.sv-SE.xlf b/client/src/locale/angular.sv-SE.xlf
index 2f62e089a..45e6cb4a9 100644
--- a/client/src/locale/angular.sv-SE.xlf
+++ b/client/src/locale/angular.sv-SE.xlf
@@ -392,8 +392,8 @@
- <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible that supports:
- <a href="https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a>-formatering med stöd för:
+ <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible that supports:
+ <a href="https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a>-formatering med stöd för:../app/shared/shared-main/misc/help.component.ts75
@@ -698,8 +698,7 @@
- An email with the reset password instructions will be sent to .
-The link will expire within 1 hour.
+ An email with the reset password instructions will be sent to . The link will expire within 1 hour.Ett meddelande med instruktioner för att återställa lösenordet kommer skickas per e-post till . Länken är giltig i en timme.../app/+login/login.component.ts
@@ -1489,7 +1488,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- Already uploaded ✔
+ Already uploaded ✔Redan uppladdad ✔../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html167
@@ -2254,8 +2253,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- ../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html39
+ ../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html39
Follower handleHantera följare
@@ -2264,13 +2263,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-imports/my-account-video-imports.component.html19
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-imports/my-account-video-imports.component.html19
+ Created Skapad
@@ -3030,8 +3024,10 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Job stateJobbstatus../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html12
- Showing to of jobsShowing to of jobs
+ Showing to of jobs
+ Visar jobb till av ../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html32
@@ -3040,15 +3036,19 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- ../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html40
- No jobs found.No jobs found.
+ ../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html40
+ No jobs found.
+ Inga -jobb hittades.../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html86
- No jobs found that are .No jobs found that are .
+ No jobs found that are .
+ Inga -jobb hittades som är .../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html87
@@ -3057,9 +3057,11 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html33
- nownow
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html33
+ now
+ nu../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html15
@@ -3068,13 +3070,13 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Loading...Laddar …
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html37
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html37
- By ->
- Efter ->
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html45
+ By ->
+ Efter ->
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html45
@@ -3656,7 +3658,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- Requires ffmpeg >= 4.1Generate HLS playlists and fragmented MP4 files resulting in a better playback than with the current default player:Resolution change is smootherFaster playback in particular with long videosMore stable playback (less bugs/infinite loading)If you also enabled WebTorrent support, it will multiply videos storage by 2
+ Requires ffmpeg >= 4.1Generate HLS playlists and fragmented MP4 files resulting in a better playback than with the current default player:Resolution change is smootherFaster playback in particular with long videosMore stable playback (less bugs/infinite loading)If you also enabled WebTorrent support, it will multiply videos storage by 2Kräver minst version 4.1 av ffmpeg Skapa en HLS-spellista och fragmenterade mp4-filer för bättre uppspelning än med den nuvarande standardspelaren:Mjukare byten mellan upplösningarSnabbare uppspelningar, särskilt för långa videorStabilare uppspelning (färre buggar samt obegränsad buffert)Om du även stöder WebTorrent kommer varje video kräva dubbelt så mycket lagringsutryme../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html783
@@ -3716,13 +3718,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- Write CSS code directly. Example: #custom-css
- color: red;
- Prepend with #custom-css to override styles. Example: #custom-css .logged-in-email
- color: red;
+ Write CSS code directly. Example: #custom-css color: red; Prepend with #custom-css to override styles. Example: #custom-css .logged-in-email color: red; Skriv din CSS-kod här. Exempel: #custom-css color: red; Föregå med #custom-css för att skriva över standardutseendet. Exempel: #custom-css .logged-in-email color: red; ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html911
@@ -4041,9 +4037,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- Short text to tell people how they can support your channel (membership platform...).<br /><br />
- When you will upload a video in this channel, the video support field will be automatically filled by this text.
- En kort text som berättar hur andra kan stötta din kanal (t.ex. medlemskap på någon plattform).<br /><br /> När du laddar upp en video till den här kanalen kommer videons supportruta fyllas i med den här texten automatiskt.
+ Short text to tell people how they can support your channel (membership platform...).<br /><br /> When you will upload a video in this channel, the video support field will be automatically filled by this text.
+ En kort text som berättar hur andra kan stötta din kanal (t.ex. medlemskap på någon plattform).<br /><br /> När du laddar upp en video till den här kanalen kommer videons supportruta fyllas i med den här texten automatiskt.../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channel-edit.component.html77
@@ -4330,9 +4325,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- Do you really want to delete ?
-It will delete videos uploaded in this channel, and you will not be able to create another
-channel with the same name ()!
+ Do you really want to delete ? It will delete videos uploaded in this channel, and you will not be able to create another channel with the same name ()!Vill du verkligen radera ? I så fall kommer videor raderas som har laddats upp till den här kanalen och du kommer inte kunna skapa en annan kanal med samma namn ()!../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channels.component.ts
@@ -4991,8 +4984,8 @@ channel with the same name ()!
- A <code>.mp4</code> that keeps the original audio track, with no video
- En <code>.mp4</code> som bevarar originalets ljudspår men inte bilden
+ A <code>.mp4</code> that keeps the original audio track, with no video
+ En <code>.mp4</code> som bevarar originalets ljudspår men inte bilden../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.ts57
@@ -5542,32 +5535,40 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Last dayIgår
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts84
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts84
+ Last hourSenaste timmen
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts89
- debugdebug
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts89
+ debug
+ felsök../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts101
- infoinfo
+ info
+ info../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts105
- warningwarning
+ warning
+ varning../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts109
- errorerror
+ error
+ fel../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts113
@@ -5576,33 +5577,33 @@ channel with the same name ()!
- ../app/+admin/system/system.routes.ts48
+ ../app/+admin/system/system.routes.ts48
+ InfoInformation
- ../app/core/notification/notifier.service.ts11
+ ../app/core/notification/notifier.service.ts11
- ../app/core/routing/can-deactivate-guard.service.ts23
+ ../app/core/routing/can-deactivate-guard.service.ts23
- ../app/core/auth/auth.service.ts103
+ ../app/core/auth/auth.service.ts103
Standard logsStandardloggar
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts124
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts124
Audit logsGranska loggar
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts128
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts128
User created.Användare har skapats.
@@ -6328,8 +6329,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!
- Cannot retrieve OAuth Client credentials: .
-Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular the "webserver" section.
+ Cannot retrieve OAuth Client credentials: . Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular the "webserver" section.Kan inte hämta OAuth Client-uppgifter: . Kontrollera att du har konfigurerat PeerTube korrekt (i config-katalogen), särskilt ”webserver”-delen.../app/core/auth/auth.service.ts
@@ -6459,8 +6459,8 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Long (> 10 min)
- Lång (> 10 min)
+ Long (> 10 min)
+ Lång (> 10 min)../app/+search/search-filters.component.ts73
@@ -7001,8 +7001,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Request is too large for the server.
- Please contact you administrator if you want to increase the limit size.
+ Request is too large for the server. Please contact you administrator if you want to increase the limit size.Förfrågan är för stor för servern. Kontakta din administratör om du vill få gränsen höjd.../app/core/rest/rest-extractor.service.ts
@@ -8441,8 +8440,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- Your video quota is exceeded with this video (
-video size: , used: , quota: )
+ Your video quota is exceeded with this video ( video size: , used: , quota: )Din videokvot kommer överskridas av den här videon (filstorlek: , använt: , kvot: )../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts
@@ -8450,8 +8448,7 @@ video size: , used: , quota: )
- Your daily video quota is exceeded with this video (
-video size: , used: , quota: )
+ Your daily video quota is exceeded with this video ( video size: , used: , quota: )Din dagliga videokvot kommer överskridas av den här videon (filstorlek: , använt: , kvot: )../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts
@@ -8499,8 +8496,8 @@ video size: , used: , quota: )
- This video is not available on this instance. Do you want to be redirected on the origin instance: <a href=""></a>?
- Den här videon finns inte på din instans. Vill du bli hänvisad till ursprungsinstansen <a href=""></a>?
+ This video is not available on this instance. Do you want to be redirected on the origin instance: <a href=""></a>?
+ Den här videon finns inte på din instans. Vill du bli hänvisad till ursprungsinstansen <a href=""></a>?../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts373
diff --git a/client/src/locale/angular.uk-UA.xlf b/client/src/locale/angular.uk-UA.xlf
index 7d8b039da..490b3e7c9 100644
--- a/client/src/locale/angular.uk-UA.xlf
+++ b/client/src/locale/angular.uk-UA.xlf
@@ -1,414 +1,344 @@
Channel avatarАватар каналу
- ../app/shared/shared-main/account/avatar.component.html4
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/account/avatar.component.html4
+ Account avatarАватар облікового запису
- ../app/shared/shared-main/account/avatar.component.html7
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/account/avatar.component.html7
You don't have notifications.У вас немає сповіщень.
- ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html1
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html1
- published a new video:
- опублікував (-ла) нове відео:
- ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html16
+ published a new video:
+ опублікував (-ла) нове відео:
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html16
The notification concerns a video now unavailable
- Повідомлення стосується відео, яке вже не доступне.
- ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html24
+ Повідомлення стосується відео яке вже не доступне
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html24
- Your video has been unblocked
- Ваше відео
- розблоковано
- ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html33
+ Your video has been unblocked
+ Ваше відео розблоковано
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html33
- Your video has been blocked
- Ваше відео
- заблоковано
- ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html41
+ Your video has been blocked
+ Ваше відео заблоковано
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html41
A new video abuse has been created on video
- A new video abuse
- has been created on video
+ A new video abuse
+ has been created on video
- ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html49
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html49
A new comment abuse has been created on video
- A new comment abuse
- has been created on video
+ A new comment abuse
+ has been created on video
- ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html53
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html53
A new account abuse has been created on account
- A new account abuse
- has been created on account
+ A new account abuse
+ has been created on account
- ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html57
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html57
A new abuse has been created
- A new abuse
- has been created
+ A new abuse
+ has been created
- ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html62
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html62
Your abuse has been acceptedrejected
- Your abuse
+ Your abuse
- has been
+ has been
- accepted
- rejected
+ accepted
+ rejected
- ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html70
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html70
Abuse has a new message
- Abuse
+ Abuse
- has a new message
+ has a new message
- ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html80
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html80
- The recently added video has been automatically blocked
+ The recently added video has been automatically blockedНедавно додане відео
- has been
- автоматично заблоковано
+ has been
+ автоматично заблоковано
- ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html88
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html88
commented your video Новий коментар від
- щодо вашого відео
+ щодо вашого відео
- ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html101
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html101
The notification concerns a comment now unavailableЦя звістка стосується коментаря, який вже недоступний
- ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html109
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html109
- Your video has been published
+ Your video has been published Ваше відео
- опубліковано
+ опубліковано
- ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html118
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html118
Your video import succeeded
- Імпорт вашого відео
+ Імпорт вашого відео
+ завершено
- ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html126
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html126
Your video import failed
- Помилка імпорту вашого відео
+ Помилка імпорту вашого відео
- ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html134
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html134
- User registered on your instance
+ User registered on your instance Обліковий запис
- зареєстровано на вашому сервері
+ зареєстровано на вашому сервері
- ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html142
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html142
is following your channel your account
- стежить за
- вашим каналом
+ стежить за
+ вашим каналом
- ваш обліковий запис
+ ваш обліковий запис
- ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html152
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html152
mentioned you on video
- згадав/ла вас
- video
+ згадав/ла вас
+ video
- ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html165
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html165
- Your instance has a new follower () awaiting your approval
+ Your instance has a new follower () awaiting your approvalУ вашого сервера є
- новий підписник,
- (
+ новий підписник,
+ (
- що потребує вашого підтвердження
+ що потребує вашого підтвердження
- ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html173
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html173
- Your instance automatically followed
+ Your instance automatically followed Ваш сервер автоматично стежить
- ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html182
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html182
The notification points to a content now unavailableЦя звістка стосується вмісту, який уже недоступий
- ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html190
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html190
Change your avatarЗмінити ваш аватар
- ../app/shared/shared-main/account/actor-avatar-info.component.html9
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/account/actor-avatar-info.component.html9
- ../app/shared/shared-main/buttons/action-dropdown.component.html22
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/buttons/action-dropdown.component.html22
Save toЗберегти в
- ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-add-to-playlist.component.html4
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-add-to-playlist.component.html4
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment.component.html48
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment.component.html48
Start atПочати з
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/video-report.component.html47
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/video-report.component.html47
Stop atЗупинитися на
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/video-report.component.html62
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/video-report.component.html62
- Your report will be sent to moderators of and will be forwarded to the video origin () too.
+ Your report will be sent to moderators of and will be forwarded to the video origin () too. Вашу скаргу буде надіслано модераторам
- і також передано до джерела відео (
+ і також передано до джерела відео (
) too
- .
+ .
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/video-report.component.html75
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/video-report.component.html75
Please describe the issue...Будь ласка, опишіть проблему...
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/report.component.html42
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/report.component.html42
Search playlistsШукати плейлісти
- ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-add-to-playlist.component.html9
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-add-to-playlist.component.html9
Create a private playlistСтворити приватний список програвання
- ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-add-to-playlist.component.html67
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-add-to-playlist.component.html67
Display nameВидиме ім'я
- ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-add-to-playlist.component.html72
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-add-to-playlist.component.html72
- ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html8
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html8
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html12
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html12
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html11
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html11
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html45
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html45
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html49
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html49
Video streamВідеопотік
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html57
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html57
Audio streamАвдіопотік
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html69
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html69
Direct downloadПряме скачування
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html87
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html87
Torrent (.torrent file)Торрент (.torrent файл)
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html92
- videovideo
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html92
+ video
+ video../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts48
- subtitlessubtitles
+ subtitles
+ subtitles../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts49
@@ -417,322 +347,283 @@
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html46
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html46
+ DownloadСкачати
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html4
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html4
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-ban-modal.component.html12
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-ban-modal.component.html12
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/videos-selection.component.html20
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/videos-selection.component.html20
- ../app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html53
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html53
Report video ""Поскаржитися на відео "
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/video-report.component.html3
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/video-report.component.html3
What is the issue?У чому проблема?
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/report.component.html13
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/report.component.html13
This will ask remote instances to delete itНадіслати запит віддаленим серверам вилучити його
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/video-block.component.html26
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/video-block.component.html26
Unfederate the videoПрипинити федерування відео
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/video-block.component.html23
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/video-block.component.html23
UnlistedНе вказано
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch-playlist.component.html9
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch-playlist.component.html9
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch-playlist.component.html10
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch-playlist.component.html10
{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 view} other { views}}{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 перегляд} інший {
переглядів} }
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-miniature.component.html31
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-miniature.component.html31
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-miniature.component.html51
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-miniature.component.html51
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-miniature.component.html57
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-miniature.component.html57
{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =0 {No videos} =1 {1 video} other { videos}}{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =0 {Немає відео} =1 {1 відео} інші {
відео} }
- ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-miniature.component.html9
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-miniature.component.html9
- ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-miniature.component.html23
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-miniature.component.html23
Updated Оновлено
- ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-miniature.component.html29
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-miniature.component.html29
- ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-element-miniature.component.html32
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-element-miniature.component.html32
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment.component.html55
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment.component.html55
Edit starts/stops atЗмінити час початку/зупинки
- ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-element-miniature.component.html50
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-element-miniature.component.html50
- ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-element-miniature.component.html82
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-element-miniature.component.html82
Delete from Видалити з
- ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-element-miniature.component.html88
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-element-miniature.component.html88
No results.Немає результатів.
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/abstract-video-list.html32
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/abstract-video-list.html32
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html169
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html169
- ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html12
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html12
Truncated previewВкорочений вигляд
- ../app/shared/shared-forms/markdown-textarea.component.html11
+ ../app/shared/shared-forms/markdown-textarea.component.html11
Complete previewГотовий попередній перегляд
- ../app/shared/shared-forms/markdown-textarea.component.html19
+ ../app/shared/shared-forms/markdown-textarea.component.html19
- <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible that supports:<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible that supports:
- ../app/shared/shared-main/misc/help.component.ts75
+ <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible that supports:
+ <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible that supports:
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/misc/help.component.ts75
- ../app/shared/shared-forms/peertube-checkbox.component.html33
+ ../app/shared/shared-forms/peertube-checkbox.component.html33
Using an ActivityPub accountВикористовуючи обліковий запис ActivityPub
- ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html50
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html50
Subscribe with an account on this instanceПідписатися через обліковий запис на цьому сервері
- ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html53
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html53
Subscribe with your local accountПідписатися з вашим локальним акаунтом
- ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html54
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html54
Subscribe with a Mastodon account:Підписатися з акаунтом Mastodon:
- ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html57
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html57
Using a syndication feedЗ допомогою новинної стрічки
- ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html62
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html62
Subscribe via RSSПідписатися через RSS
- ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html63
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html63
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-settings.component.html12
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-settings.component.html12
Remote subscribeRemote interact
- Підписатися віддалено
- Віддалена взаємодія
+ Підписатися віддалено
+ Віддалена взаємодія
- ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/remote-subscribe.component.html11
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/remote-subscribe.component.html11
- You can subscribe to the channel via any ActivityPub-capable fediverse instance. For instance with Mastodon or Pleroma you can type the channel URL in the search box and subscribe there.
+ You can subscribe to the channel via any ActivityPub-capable fediverse instance. For instance with Mastodon or Pleroma you can type the channel URL in the search box and subscribe there. У вас є можливість підписатися на канал з будь-якого сервера Федіверсу, який підтримує ActivityPub.
- For instance with Mastodon or Pleroma you can type the channel URL in the search box and subscribe there.
+ For instance with Mastodon or Pleroma you can type the channel URL in the search box and subscribe there.
- ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/remote-subscribe.component.html18
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/remote-subscribe.component.html18
- You can interact with this via any ActivityPub-capable fediverse instance. For instance with Mastodon or Pleroma you can type the current URL in the search box and interact with it there.
+ You can interact with this via any ActivityPub-capable fediverse instance. For instance with Mastodon or Pleroma you can type the current URL in the search box and interact with it there. Ви можете взаємодіяти через будь-який сервер Федіверсу, який підтримує ActivityPub.
- For instance with Mastodon or Pleroma you can type the current URL in the search box and interact with it there.
+ For instance with Mastodon or Pleroma you can type the current URL in the search box and interact with it there.
- ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/remote-subscribe.component.html27
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/remote-subscribe.component.html27
PeerTube versionВерсія PeerTube
- ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html6
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html6
Default NSFW/sensitive videos policycan be redefined by the users
- Типові налаштування NSFW/вразливих відео
- можуть змінювати для себе користувачі
+ Типові налаштування NSFW/вразливих відео
+ можуть змінювати для себе користувачі
- ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html13
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html13
User registration allowedРегістрація користувача дозволена
- ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html21
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html21
Video uploadsЗагрузки відео
- ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html28
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html28
Transcoding in multiple resolutionsПерекодування у кількох роздільностях
- ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html32
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html32
Requires manual validation by moderatorsВимагає підтвердження від модераторів
- ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html41
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html41
Automatically publishedАвтоматично опубліковано
- ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html42
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html42
Video quotaКвота відео
- ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html150
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html150
- Unlimited ( per day)
+ Unlimited ( per day)Без обмежень
- (
+ (
на день)
- ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html61
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html61
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html41
- You can import any torrent file that points to a media file. You should make sure you have diffusion rights over the content it points to, otherwise it could cause legal trouble to yourself and your instance. You can import any torrent file that points to a media file. You should make sure you have diffusion rights over the content it points to, otherwise it could cause legal trouble to yourself and your instance.
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html41
+ You can import any torrent file that points to a media file. You should make sure you have diffusion rights over the content it points to, otherwise it could cause legal trouble to yourself and your instance.
+ You can import any torrent file that points to a media file. You should make sure you have diffusion rights over the content it points to, otherwise it could cause legal trouble to yourself and your instance. ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html17,19
@@ -741,226 +632,199 @@
HTTP import (YouTube, Vimeo, direct URL...)HTTP імпорт (YouTube, Vimeo, прямий URL...)
- ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html71
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html71
+ Torrent importТоррент імпорт
- ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html78
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html78
- ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html86
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html86
P2P enabledP2P увімкнут
- ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html90
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html90
Loading instance statistics...Загрузка статистики інстансів...
- ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html1
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html1
- ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html4
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html4
- ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html12
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html12
- ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html21
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html21
video viewsперегляди відео
- ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html31
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html31
video commentsкоментарі відео
- ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html41
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html41
of hosted videoна опублікованому відео
- ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html51
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html51
- ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html58
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html58
- ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html85
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html85
- ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html95
- UserUser
- ../app/core/users/user.service.ts382
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html95
+ User
+ User
+ ../app/core/users/user.service.ts382
+ BanЗаблокувати
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-ban-modal.component.html5
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-ban-modal.component.html5
A banned user will no longer be able to login.
Заблокований користувач більше не зможе входити в систему.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-ban-modal.component.html21
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-ban-modal.component.html21
- ../app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html48
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html48
Ban this userЗаблокувати цього користувача
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-ban-modal.component.html31
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-ban-modal.component.html31
Block video ""Заблокуват відео "
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/video-block.component.html3
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/video-block.component.html3
Please describe the reason...Будь ласка, опишіть причину...
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/video-block.component.html12
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/video-block.component.html12
- ../app/shared/shared-main/misc/top-menu-dropdown.component.html14
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/misc/top-menu-dropdown.component.html14
- ../app/+login/login.component.html4
+ ../app/+login/login.component.html4
- Sorry but there was an issue with the external login process. Please contact an administrator.
+ Sorry but there was an issue with the external login process. Please contact an administrator. На жаль, виникла проблема при віддаленому вході. Будь ласка,
- зв'яжіться з адміністратором
- .
+ зв'яжіться з адміністратором
+ .
- ../app/+login/login.component.html7
+ ../app/+login/login.component.html7
If you are looking for an account…Якщо ви хочете створити обліковий запис…
- ../app/+login/login.component.html13
+ ../app/+login/login.component.html13
- Currently this instance doesn't allow for user registration, but you can find an instance that gives you the possibility to sign up for an account and upload your videos there. Find yours among multiple instances at https://joinpeertube.org/instances.
+ Currently this instance doesn't allow for user registration, but you can find an instance that gives you the possibility to sign up for an account and upload your videos there. Find yours among multiple instances at https://joinpeertube.org/instances. Цей сервер наразі не приймає реєстрації нових облікових записів, але ви можете знайти інші сервери, які дозволяють реєструватися і завантажувати відео.
- Оберіть собі сервер серед багатьох на
- https://joinpeertube.org/instances
- .
+ Оберіть собі сервер серед багатьох на
+ https://joinpeertube.org/instances
+ .
- ../app/+login/login.component.html17
+ ../app/+login/login.component.html17
Request new verification email.Наново подати запит підтвердження електронною поштою.
- ../app/+login/login.component.html27
+ ../app/+login/login.component.html27
- ../app/+login/login.component.html35
+ ../app/+login/login.component.html35
Username or email addressІм'я користувача або email
- ../app/+login/login.component.html37
+ ../app/+login/login.component.html37
or create an accountабо створити обліковий запис
- ../app/+login/login.component.html41
+ ../app/+login/login.component.html41
- ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html117
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html117
Click here to reset your passwordНатисніть, щоб скинути ваш пароль
- ../app/+login/login.component.html57
+ ../app/+login/login.component.html57
- ../app/+login/login.component.html64
+ ../app/+login/login.component.html64
Or sign in withАбо увійти з допомогою
- ../app/+login/login.component.html68
+ ../app/+login/login.component.html68
Forgot your passwordЗабув(-ла) пароль
- ../app/+login/login.component.html83
+ ../app/+login/login.component.html83
We are sorry, you cannot recover your password because your instance administrator did not configure the PeerTube email system.Вибачте, але ви не можете відновити пароль, тому що адміністратор вашого сервера не налаштував систему email PeerTube.
- ../app/+login/login.component.html91
- An email with the reset password instructions will be sent to .
-The link will expire within 1 hour.An email with the reset password instructions will be sent to .
+ ../app/+login/login.component.html91
+ An email with the reset password instructions will be sent to . The link will expire within 1 hour.
+ An email with the reset password instructions will be sent to .
The link will expire within 1 hour.../app/+login/login.component.ts
@@ -970,415 +834,416 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html105
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html105
+ Email addressАдреса електронної пошти
- ../app/+login/login.component.html97
+ ../app/+login/login.component.html97
Send me an email to reset my passwordНадіслати мені лист для скидання пароля
- ../app/+login/login.component.html110
+ ../app/+login/login.component.html110
- ../app/+search/search.component.html5
+ ../app/+search/search.component.html5
on this instanceна цьому сервері
- ../app/+search/search.component.html7
+ ../app/+search/search.component.html7
on the vidiverseна відеофедіверсі
- ../app/+search/search.component.html8
+ ../app/+search/search.component.html8
Reset my passwordСкинути пароль
- ../app/+reset-password/reset-password.component.html3
+ ../app/+reset-password/reset-password.component.html3
Confirm passwordПідтвердити пароль
- ../app/+reset-password/reset-password.component.html19
+ ../app/+reset-password/reset-password.component.html19
Confirmed passwordПідтверджений пароль
- ../app/+reset-password/reset-password.component.html21
+ ../app/+reset-password/reset-password.component.html21
Reset my passwordСкинути мій пароль
- ../app/+reset-password/reset-password.component.html29
+ ../app/+reset-password/reset-password.component.html29
- for
+ for для
- ../app/+search/search.component.html11
+ ../app/+search/search.component.html11
- Filters
+ Filters Фільтри
- ../app/+search/search.component.html22
+ ../app/+search/search.component.html22
No results foundНемає результатів
- ../app/+search/search.component.html33
+ ../app/+search/search.component.html33
- subscribers
+ subscribers підписалися
- ../app/+search/search.component.html60
+ ../app/+search/search.component.html60
Welcome to PeerTube, dear administrator!Вітаємо у PeerTube, дорогий адміністраторе!
- ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html3
+ ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html3
CLI documentationДокументація CLI
- ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html13
+ ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html13
Upload or import videos, parse logs, prune storage directories, reset user password...Завантажувати або імпортувати відео, розбирати журнал, очищати теки сховища, скидати користувацькі паролі...
- ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html15
+ ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html15
Administer documentationАдмініструвати документацію
- ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html19
+ ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html19
Managing users, following other instances, dealing with spammers...Керувати користувацьким обліковими записами, слідкувати за іншими серверами, боротися зі спамом...
- ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html22
+ ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html22
Use documentationДокументація використання
- ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html27
+ ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html27
Setup your account, managing video playlists, discover third-party applications...Налаштувати ваш обліковий запис, керувати списками відтворення, переглянути додатки третіх сторін...
- ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html29
+ ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html29
Useful linksКорисні посилання
- ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html39
+ ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html39
Official PeerTube website (news, support, contribute...): https://joinpeertube.orgОфіційний вебсайт PeerTube (новини, підтримка, долучитися...):
- https://joinpeertube.org
+ https://joinpeertube.org
- ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html42
+ ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html42
Put your instance on the public PeerTube index: https://instances.joinpeertube.org/instancesДодати ваш сервер до публічного списку PeerTube:
- https://instances.joinpeertube.org/instances
+ https://instances.joinpeertube.org/instances
- ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html45
+ ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html45
It's time to configure your instance!Час налаштувати ваш сервер!
- ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html55
+ ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html55
- Choosing your instance name, setting up a description, specifying who you are, why you created your instance and how long you plan to maintain your it is very important for visitors to understand on what type of instance they are.
+ Choosing your instance name, setting up a description, specifying who you are, why you created your instance and how long you plan to maintain your it is very important for visitors to understand on what type of instance they are.
Choosing your
- instance name
- ,
- setting up a description
- , specifying
- who you are
- ,
+ instance name
+ ,
+ setting up a description
+ , specifying
+ who you are
+ ,
- you created your instance
- and
- how long
- you plan to
- maintain your it
+ you created your instance
+ and
+ how long
+ you plan to
+ maintain your it
is very important for visitors to understand on what type of instance they are.
- ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html58
+ ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html58
- If you want to open registrations, please decide what are your moderation rules, fill your instance terms and specify the categories and languages you speak. This way, you will help users to register on the appropriate PeerTube instance.
+ If you want to open registrations, please decide what are your moderation rules, fill your instance terms and specify the categories and languages you speak. This way, you will help users to register on the appropriate PeerTube instance.
If you want to open registrations, please decide what are
- your moderation rules
- , fill your
- instance
+ your moderation rules
+ , fill your
+ instance
and specify the categories and languages you speak. This way, you will help users to register on
- the
+ the
PeerTube instance.
- ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html64
+ ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html64
Remind me laterНагадати мені пізніше
- ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html76
+ ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html76
Configure my instanceНалаштувати мій інстанс
- ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html83
+ ../app/modal/welcome-modal.component.html83
Configuration warning!Увага конфігурації!
- ../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html3
+ ../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html3
You enabled user registration on your instance but did not configure the following fields:You enabled user registration on your instance but did not configure the following fields:
- ../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html10
+ ../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html10
Instance nameНазва інстанса
- ../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html13
+ ../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html13
Instance short descriptionКороткий опис інстанса
- ../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html14
+ ../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html14
Who you areWho you are
- ../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html16
+ ../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html16
How long you plan to maintain your instanceЯк довго ви плануєте мейнтейнити ваш інстанс
- ../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html17
+ ../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html17
How you plan to pay your instanceHow you plan to pay your instance
- ../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html18
+ ../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html18
How you will moderate your instanceHow you will moderate your instance
- ../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html20
+ ../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html20
Instance termsInstance terms
- ../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html21
+ ../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html21
- Please consider configuring these fields to help people to choose the appropriate instance. Without them, your instance may not be referenced on the JoinPeerTube website.
+ Please consider configuring these fields to help people to choose the appropriate instance. Without them, your instance may not be referenced on the JoinPeerTube website.
Please consider configuring these fields to help people to choose
- the appropriate instance
- .
+ the appropriate instance
+ .
Without them, your instance may not be referenced on the
- JoinPeerTube website
- .
+ JoinPeerTube website
+ .
- ../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html25
+ ../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html25
Don't show me this warning anymoreDon't show me this warning anymore
- ../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html33
+ ../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html33
- ../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html38
+ ../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html38
- ../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html44
+ ../app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html44
Change the languageChange the language
- ../app/menu/language-chooser.component.html3
+ ../app/menu/language-chooser.component.html3
Help to translate PeerTube!
Help to translate PeerTube!
- ../app/menu/language-chooser.component.html9
+ ../app/menu/language-chooser.component.html9
Public profilePublic profile
- ../app/menu/menu.component.html19
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html19
Account settingsAccount settings
- ../app/menu/menu.component.html26
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html26
Channels settingsChannels settings
- ../app/menu/menu.component.html31
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html31
- ../app/menu/menu.component.html38
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html38
- ../app/menu/menu.component.html45
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html45
- ../app/menu/menu.component.html54
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html54
Interface: Interface:
- ../app/menu/menu.component.html162
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html162
Help share videosHelp share videos
- ../app/menu/menu.component.html60
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html60
More account settingsMore account settings
- ../app/menu/menu.component.html66
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html66
Keyboard shortcutsKeyboard shortcuts
- ../app/menu/menu.component.html72
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html72
- ../app/menu/menu.component.html168
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html168
Get help using PeerTubeGet help using PeerTube
- ../app/menu/menu.component.html167
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html167
- ../app/menu/menu.component.html171
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html171
powered by PeerTubepowered by PeerTube
- ../app/menu/menu.component.html177
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html177
powered by PeerTube - CopyLeft 2015-2020powered by PeerTube - CopyLeft 2015-2020
- ../app/menu/menu.component.html176
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html176
Log outLog out
- ../app/menu/menu.component.html76
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html76
Create an accountCreate an account
- ../app/menu/menu.component.html84
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html84
- ../app/menu/menu.component.html88
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html88
My libraryMy library
- ../app/+my-account/my-account.component.ts47
- My channelsMy channels
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account.component.ts47
+ My channels
+ My channels../app/+my-account/my-account.component.ts50
- My videosMy videos
+ My videos
+ My videos../app/+my-account/my-account.component.ts55
- My playlistsMy playlists
+ My playlists
+ My playlists../app/+my-account/my-account.component.ts61
- My subscriptionsMy subscriptions
+ My subscriptions
+ My subscriptions../app/+my-account/my-account.component.ts66
- My historyMy history
+ My history
+ My history../app/+my-account/my-account.component.ts71
@@ -1387,555 +1252,505 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- ../app/menu/menu.component.html92
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html92
+ PlaylistsPlaylists
- ../app/menu/menu.component.html97
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html97
- ../app/menu/menu.component.html102
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html102
- ../app/menu/menu.component.html107
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html107
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html406
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html406
- ../app/menu/menu.component.html117
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html117
- ../app/menu/menu.component.html122
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html122
Most likedMost liked
- ../app/menu/menu.component.html127
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html127
Recently addedRecently added
- ../app/menu/menu.component.html132
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html132
- ../app/menu/menu.component.html146
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html146
- ../app/+accounts/account-about/account-about.component.html1
+ ../app/+accounts/account-about/account-about.component.html1
- ../app/menu/menu.component.html166
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html166
View your notificationsView your notifications
- ../app/menu/avatar-notification.component.html3
+ ../app/menu/avatar-notification.component.html3
- ../app/menu/avatar-notification.component.html13
+ ../app/menu/avatar-notification.component.html13
Mark all as readMark all as read
- ../app/menu/avatar-notification.component.html18
+ ../app/menu/avatar-notification.component.html18
Update your notification preferencesUpdate your notification preferences
- ../app/menu/avatar-notification.component.html22
+ ../app/menu/avatar-notification.component.html22
See all your notificationsSee all your notifications
- ../app/menu/avatar-notification.component.html40
+ ../app/menu/avatar-notification.component.html40
Search videos, channels…Search videos, channels…
- ../app/header/search-typeahead.component.html3
+ ../app/header/search-typeahead.component.html3
- ../app/header/search-typeahead.component.html23
+ ../app/header/search-typeahead.component.html23
using using
- ../app/header/search-typeahead.component.html25
+ ../app/header/search-typeahead.component.html25
Results will be augmented with those of a third-party index. Only data necessary to make the query will be sent.Results will be augmented with those of a third-party index. Only data necessary to make the query will be sent.
- ../app/header/search-typeahead.component.html29
+ ../app/header/search-typeahead.component.html29
- ../app/header/search-typeahead.component.html35
+ ../app/header/search-typeahead.component.html35
any instanceany instance
- ../app/header/search-typeahead.component.html38
+ ../app/header/search-typeahead.component.html38
only followed instancesonly followed instances
- ../app/header/search-typeahead.component.html39
+ ../app/header/search-typeahead.component.html39
Determines whether you can resolve any distant content, or if this instance only allows doing so for instances it follows.Determines whether you can resolve any distant content, or if this instance only allows doing so for instances it follows.
- ../app/header/search-typeahead.component.html37
+ ../app/header/search-typeahead.component.html37
will list the matching channelwill list the matching channel
- ../app/header/search-typeahead.component.html46
+ ../app/header/search-typeahead.component.html46
will list the matching videowill list the matching video
- ../app/header/search-typeahead.component.html52
+ ../app/header/search-typeahead.component.html52
Any other input will return matching video or channel names.Any other input will return matching video or channel names.
- ../app/header/search-typeahead.component.html55
+ ../app/header/search-typeahead.component.html55
- ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.html6
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.html6
- ../app/header/header.component.html5
+ ../app/header/header.component.html5
In this instance's networkIn this instance's network
- ../app/header/suggestion.component.html14
+ ../app/header/suggestion.component.html14
In the vidiverseIn the vidiverse
- ../app/header/suggestion.component.html15
+ ../app/header/suggestion.component.html15
- ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html7
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html7
- ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html10
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html10
Published datePublished date
- ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html40
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html40
Original publication yearOriginal publication year
- ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html54
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html54
- ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html66
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html66
- ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html76
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html76
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html260
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html260
Display sensitive contentDisplay sensitive content
- ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html21
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html21
- ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html29
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html29
- ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html34
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html34
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html225
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html225
- ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html105
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html105
Display all categoriesDisplay all categories
- ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html108
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html108
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html234
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html234
Display all licensesDisplay all licenses
- ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html121
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html121
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html243
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html243
Display all languagesDisplay all languages
- ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html134
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html134
All of these tagsAll of these tags
- ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html143
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html143
One of these tagsOne of these tags
- ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html151
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html151
Search targetSearch target
- ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html160
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html160
- ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html170
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html170
- ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html179
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html179
- ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html181
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.html181
Display unlisted and private videosDisplay unlisted and private videos
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/abstract-video-list.html24
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/abstract-video-list.html24
Video channelsVideo channels
- ../app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html1
+ ../app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html1
Add captionAdd caption
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-caption-add-modal.component.html5
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-caption-add-modal.component.html5
Select the caption fileSelect the caption file
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-caption-add-modal.component.html24
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-caption-add-modal.component.html24
This will replace an existing caption!
This will replace an existing caption!
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-caption-add-modal.component.html31
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-caption-add-modal.component.html31
Add this captionAdd this caption
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-caption-add-modal.component.html42
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-caption-add-modal.component.html42
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html11
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html11
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html252
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html252
- Tags could be used to suggest relevant recommendations. There is a maximum of 5 tags. Press Enter to add a new tag.
+ Tags could be used to suggest relevant recommendations. There is a maximum of 5 tags. Press Enter to add a new tag.
Tags could be used to suggest relevant recommendations.
There is a maximum of 5 tags.
- Enter
- to add a new tag.
+ Enter
+ to add a new tag.
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html24
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html24
Enter a new tagEnter a new tag
- ../app/shared/shared-forms/select/select-tags.component.html5
+ ../app/shared/shared-forms/select/select-tags.component.html5
No items foundNo items found
- ../app/shared/shared-forms/select/select-checkbox.component.html14
+ ../app/shared/shared-forms/select/select-checkbox.component.html14
- ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html79
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html79
Video descriptions are truncated by default and require manual action to expand them.
Video descriptions are truncated by default and require manual action to expand them.
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html43
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html43
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html27
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html27
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html34
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html34
- ../app/menu/menu.component.html169
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html169
Frequently asked questions about PeerTubeFrequently asked questions about PeerTube
- ../app/menu/menu.component.html168
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html168
- ../app/menu/menu.component.html171
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html171
API documentationAPI documentation
- ../app/menu/menu.component.html170
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html170
Schedule publication ()Schedule publication (
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html108
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html108
Contains sensitive contentContains sensitive content
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html122
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html122
Some instances do not list videos containing mature or explicit content by default.Some instances do not list videos containing mature or explicit content by default.
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html126
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html126
Publish after transcodingPublish after transcoding
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html132
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html132
If you decide not to wait for transcoding before publishing the video, it could be unplayable until transcoding ends.If you decide not to wait for transcoding before publishing the video, it could be unplayable until transcoding ends.
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html136
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html136
Basic infoBasic info
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html5
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html5
Add another captionAdd another caption
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html154
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html154
See the subtitle fileSee the subtitle file
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html163
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html163
- Already uploaded ✔
+ Already uploaded ✔Already uploaded ✔
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html167
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html167
Will be created on updateWill be created on update
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html175
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html175
Cancel createCancel create
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html177
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html177
Will be deleted on updateWill be deleted on update
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html183
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html183
Cancel deletionCancel deletion
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html185
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html185
No captions for now.
No captions for now.
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html191
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html191
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html146
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html146
Video previewVideo preview
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html206
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html206
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html215
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html215
- Short text to tell people how they can support you (membership platform...).
+ Short text to tell people how they can support you (membership platform...).
Short text to tell people how they can support you (membership platform...).
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html219
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html219
Original publication dateOriginal publication date
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html235
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html235
- This is the date when the content was originally published (e.g. the release date for a film)
+ This is the date when the content was originally published (e.g. the release date for a film)
This is the date when the content was originally published (e.g. the release date for a film)
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html239
- Plugin settingsPlugin settings
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html239
+ Plugin settings
+ Plugin settings../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html269
@@ -1944,207 +1759,199 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Enable video commentsEnable video comments
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html256
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html256
+ Enable downloadEnable download
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html261
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html261
Advanced settingsAdvanced settings
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html199
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html199
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-url.component.html6
- You can import any URL supported by youtube-dl or URL that points to a media file. You should make sure you have diffusion rights over the content it points to, otherwise it could cause legal trouble to yourself and your instance. You can import any URL supported by youtube-dl or URL that points to a media file. You should make sure you have diffusion rights over the content it points to, otherwise it could cause legal trouble to yourself and your instance.
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-url.component.html6
+ You can import any URL supported by youtube-dl or URL that points to a media file. You should make sure you have diffusion rights over the content it points to, otherwise it could cause legal trouble to yourself and your instance.
+ You can import any URL supported by youtube-dl or URL that points to a media file. You should make sure you have diffusion rights over the content it points to, otherwise it could cause legal trouble to yourself and your instance. ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-url.component.html11,14
Sorry, but something went wrongSorry, but something went wrong
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html48
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html48
- Congratulations, the video behind will be imported! You can already add information about this video.
+ Congratulations, the video behind will be imported! You can already add information about this video.
Congratulations, the video behind
will be imported! You can already add information about this video.
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-url.component.html49
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-url.component.html49
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html70
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html70
Select the file to uploadSelect the file to upload
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html6
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html6
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.ts181
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.ts181
Hide the video until a specific dateHide the video until a specific date
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.ts182
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.ts182
Video background imageVideo background image
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html26
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html26
- Image that will be merged with your audio file. The chosen image will be definitive and cannot be modified.
+ Image that will be merged with your audio file. The chosen image will be definitive and cannot be modified.
Image that will be merged with your audio file.
The chosen image will be definitive and cannot be modified.
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html29
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html29
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html50
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html50
Total video quotaTotal video quota
- ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html140
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html140
Congratulations! Your video is now available in your private library.
Congratulations! Your video is now available in your private library.
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html63
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html63
Publish will be available when upload is finishedPublish will be available when upload is finished
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html76
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html76
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html78
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html78
Sorry, the upload feature is disabled for your account. If you want to add videos, an admin must unlock your quota.Sorry, the upload feature is disabled for your account. If you want to add videos, an admin must unlock your quota.
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add.component.html3
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add.component.html3
Read instance rules for helpRead instance rules for help
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add.component.html4
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add.component.html4
Select the torrent to importSelect the torrent to import
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html6
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html6
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html10
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html10
Paste magnet URIPaste magnet URI
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html13
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html13
Congratulations, the video will be imported with BitTorrent! You can already add information about this video.
Congratulations, the video will be imported with BitTorrent! You can already add information about this video.
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html53
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html53
- We recommend you to not use the root user to publish your videos, since it's the super-admin account of your instance. Instead, create a dedicated account to upload your videos.
+ We recommend you to not use the root user to publish your videos, since it's the super-admin account of your instance. Instead, create a dedicated account to upload your videos.
We recommend you to not use the
- root
- user to publish your videos, since it's the super-admin account of your instance.
+ root
+ user to publish your videos, since it's the super-admin account of your instance.
- create a dedicated account
- to upload your videos.
+ create a dedicated account
+ to upload your videos.
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add.component.html11
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add.component.html11
Import Import
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add.component.html19
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add.component.html19
Upload Upload
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add.component.html20
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add.component.html20
Upload a fileUpload a file
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add.component.html26
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add.component.html26
Import with URLImport with URL
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add.component.html36
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add.component.html36
Import with torrentImport with torrent
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add.component.html46
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add.component.html46
Other videos
Other videos
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/recommendations/recommended-videos.component.html5
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/recommendations/recommended-videos.component.html5
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/recommendations/recommended-videos.component.html10
- Report this commentReport this comment
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/recommendations/recommended-videos.component.html10
+ Report this comment
+ Report this comment../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment.component.ts171
@@ -2153,64 +1960,62 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html3
+ ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html3
+ Share the playlistShare the playlist
- ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html11
+ ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html11
Share the playlist at this video positionShare the playlist at this video position
- ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html58
+ ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html58
Share the videoShare the video
- ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html66
+ ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html66
- ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html27
+ ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html27
The url is not secured (no HTTPS), so the embed video won't work on HTTPS websites (web browsers block non secured HTTP requests on HTTPS websites).
The url is not secured (no HTTPS), so the embed video won't work on HTTPS websites (web browsers block non secured HTTP requests on HTTPS websites).
- ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html44
+ ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html44
- ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html38
+ ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html38
Auto select subtitleAuto select subtitle
- ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html128
+ ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html128
More customization
More customization
- ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html216
+ ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html216
Less customization
Less customization
- ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html224
- LoginLogin
+ ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html224
+ Login
+ Login../app/+login/login-routing.module.ts14
@@ -2219,314 +2024,316 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html159
+ ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html159
+ Support Support
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/modal/video-support.component.html3
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/modal/video-support.component.html3
Maybe laterMaybe later
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/modal/video-support.component.html11
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/modal/video-support.component.html11
- ../app/+accounts/accounts.component.html19
+ ../app/+accounts/accounts.component.html19
- ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html173
+ ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html173
Display video titleDisplay video title
- ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html182
+ ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html182
Display privacy warningDisplay privacy warning
- ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html189
+ ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html189
Display player controlsDisplay player controls
- ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html196
+ ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html196
Display PeerTube button linkDisplay PeerTube button link
- ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html203
+ ../app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html203
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch-playlist.component.html11
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch-playlist.component.html11
The video is being imported, it will be available when the import is finished.
The video is being imported, it will be available when the import is finished.
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html21
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html21
The video is being transcoded, it may not work properly.
The video is being transcoded, it may not work properly.
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html25
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html25
- This video will be published on .
+ This video will be published on .
This video will be published on
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html29
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html29
This video is blocked.This video is blocked.
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html33
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html33
- Published • views
+ Published • views
- •
+ •
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html47
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html47
- Published • views
+ Published • views
- •
+ •
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html58
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html58
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html88
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html88
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html93
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html93
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html104
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html104
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html118
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html118
Like this videoLike this video
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts105
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts105
Dislike this videoDislike this video
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts106
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts106
Support options for this videoSupport options for this video
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts107
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts107
By By
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html170
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html170
- ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html7
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html7
Subscribe to all channelsSubscribe to all channels
- ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html9
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html9
channels subscribedchannels subscribed
- ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html11
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html11
{VAR_SELECT, select, undefined {Unsubscribe} other {Unsubscribe from all channels} }{VAR_SELECT, select, undefined {Unsubscribe} other {Unsubscribe from all channels} }
- ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html31
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html31
Show moreShow more
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html197
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html197
Show lessShow less
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html203
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html203
Origin instanceOrigin instance
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html215
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html215
Originally publishedOriginally published
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html220
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html220
Friendly Reminder:Friendly Reminder:
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html283
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html283
the sharing system used for this video implies that some technical information about your system (such as a public IP address) can be sent to other peers.
the sharing system used for this video implies that some technical information about your system (such as a public IP address) can be sent to other peers.
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html285
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html285
More informationMore information
- ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html53
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html53
The video was blocked due to automatic blocking of new videosThe video was blocked due to automatic blocking of new videos
- ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html67
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html67
Get more informationGet more information
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html288
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html288
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html293
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html293
1 Comment1 Comment
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html6
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html6
- Comments
+ Comments Comments
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html7
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html7
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html9
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html9
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html17
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html17
Most recent first (default)Most recent first (default)
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html19
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html19
Most replies firstMost replies first
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html20
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html20
No comments.No comments.
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html33
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html33
- View replies from and others
+ View replies from and others
replies from
and others
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html84
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html84
- View replies from
+ View replies from
replies from
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html87
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html87
View repliesView
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html90
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html90
Comments are disabled.
Comments are disabled.
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html101
- The deletion will be sent to remote instances so they can reflect the change. The deletion will be sent to remote instances so they can reflect the change.
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.ts169
- It is a remote comment, so the deletion will only be effective on your instance. It is a remote comment, so the deletion will only be effective on your instance.
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.ts171
- Delete and re-draftDelete and re-draft
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.html101
+ The deletion will be sent to remote instances so they can reflect the change.
+ The deletion will be sent to remote instances so they can reflect the change.
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.ts169
+ It is a remote comment, so the deletion will only be effective on your instance.
+ It is a remote comment, so the deletion will only be effective on your instance.
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.ts171
+ Delete and re-draft
+ Delete and re-draft../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.ts197
- Do you really want to delete and re-draft this comment?Do you really want to delete and re-draft this comment?
+ Do you really want to delete and re-draft this comment?
+ Do you really want to delete and re-draft this comment?../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.ts197
@@ -2535,114 +2342,141 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Add comment...Add comment...
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html6
- Markdown compatibleMarkdown compatible
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html6
+ Markdown compatible
+ Markdown compatible../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html13
- Markdown compatible that supports:Markdown compatible that supports:
+ Markdown compatible that supports:
+ Markdown compatible that supports:../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html15
- Auto generated linksAuto generated links
+ Auto generated links
+ Auto generated links../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html18
- Break linesBreak lines
+ Break lines
+ Break lines../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html19
- ListsLists
+ Lists
+ Lists../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html20
- EmphasisEmphasis
+ Emphasis
+ Emphasis../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html22
- boldbold
+ bold
+ bold../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html23
- italicitalic
+ italic
+ italic../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html23
- Emoji shortcutsEmoji shortcuts
+ Emoji shortcuts
+ Emoji shortcuts../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html26
- Emoji markupEmoji markup
+ Emoji markup
+ Emoji markup../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html30
- See complete listSee complete list
+ See complete list
+ See complete list../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html32
You are one step away from commentingYou are one step away from commenting
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html55
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html55
- You can comment using an account on any ActivityPub-compatible instance. On most platforms, you can find the video by typing its URL in the search bar and then comment it from within the software's interface.
+ You can comment using an account on any ActivityPub-compatible instance. On most platforms, you can find the video by typing its URL in the search bar and then comment it from within the software's interface.
You can comment using an account on any ActivityPub-compatible instance.
On most platforms, you can find the video by typing its URL in the search bar and then comment it
from within the software's interface.
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html60
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html60
If you have an account on Mastodon or Pleroma, you can open it directly in their interface:
If you have an account on Mastodon or Pleroma, you can open it directly in their interface:
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html65
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html65
Login to commentLogin to comment
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html76
- Markdown Emoji ListMarkdown Emoji List
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html76
+ Markdown Emoji List
+ Markdown Emoji List../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.html84
- CommentComment
+ Comment
+ Comment../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.ts58
- ReplyReply
+ Reply
+ Reply../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment-add.component.ts60
@@ -2651,154 +2485,118 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Highlighted commentHighlighted comment
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment.component.html20
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment.component.html20
+ ReplyReply
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment.component.html44
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment.component.html44
This comment has been deletedThis comment has been deleted
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment.component.html61
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment.component.html61
Video redundanciesVideo redundancies
- ../app/+admin/admin.component.ts39
+ ../app/+admin/admin.component.ts39
1 host (without "http://") per line1 host (without "http://") per line
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/batch-domains-modal.component.html11
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/batch-domains-modal.component.html11
- Your report will be sent to moderators of and will be forwarded to the comment origin () too.
+ Your report will be sent to moderators of and will be forwarded to the comment origin () too.
Your report will be sent to moderators of
- and will be forwarded to the comment origin (
+ and will be forwarded to the comment origin (
) too
- .
+ .
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/report.component.html37
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/report.component.html37
Follow domainFollow domain
- ../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html24
+ ../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html24
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html16
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html16
Clear filtersClear filters
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html20
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html20
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html41
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html41
- ../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html39
+ ../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html39
Follower handleFollower handle
- ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html28
+ ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html28
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-imports/my-account-video-imports.component.html19
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-imports/my-account-video-imports.component.html19
Created Created
- ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html31
+ ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html31
Open actor page in a new tabOpen actor page in a new tab
- ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html46
+ ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html46
- ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html53
+ ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html53
- ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html56
+ ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html56
- ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html39
+ ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html39
- ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html40
+ ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html40
No follower found matching current filters.No follower found matching current filters.
- ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html68
+ ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html68
Your instance doesn't have any follower.Your instance doesn't have any follower.
- ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html69
+ ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html69
Showing to of followersShowing
@@ -2806,47 +2604,43 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. of
- ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html10
+ ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html10
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/batch-domains-modal.component.html3
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/batch-domains-modal.component.html3
- ../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html33
+ ../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html33
Redundancy allowed Redundancy allowed
- ../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html35
+ ../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html35
Open instance in a new tabOpen instance in a new tab
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html43
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html43
No host found matching current filters.No host found matching current filters.
- ../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html71
+ ../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html71
Your instance is not following anyone.Your instance is not following anyone.
- ../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html72
+ ../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html72
Showing to of hostsShowing
@@ -2854,194 +2648,175 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. of
- ../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html10
+ ../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html10
Follow domainsFollow domains
- ../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html79
+ ../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html79
Videos redundanciesVideos redundancies
- ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html3
+ ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html3
My videos duplicated by remote instancesMy videos duplicated by remote instances
- ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html12
+ ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html12
Remote videos duplicated by my instanceRemote videos duplicated by my instance
- ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html13
+ ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html13
Create userCreate user
- ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html42
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html42
Table parametersTable parameters
- ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html58
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html58
Select columnsSelect columns
- ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html64
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html64
Highlight banned usersHighlight banned users
- ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html70
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html70
- ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html83
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html83
- ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html85
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html85
- ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html107
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html107
If you leave the password empty, an email will be sent to the user.
If you leave the password empty, an email will be sent to the user.
- ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html121
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html121
- ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html135
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html135
- Transcoding is enabled. The video quota only takes into account original video size. At most, this user could upload ~ .
+ Transcoding is enabled. The video quota only takes into account original video size. At most, this user could upload ~ .
Transcoding is enabled. The video quota only takes into account
- original
- video size.
+ original
+ video size.
At most, this user could upload ~
- ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html160
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html160
Daily video quotaDaily video quota
- ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html166
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html166
Doesn't need review before a video goes publicDoesn't need review before a video goes public
- ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html179
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html179
Send a link to reset the password by email to the userSend a link to reset the password by email to the user
- ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html204
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html204
Ask for new passwordAsk for new password
- ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html205
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html205
Manually set the user passwordManually set the user password
- ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html209
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html209
- ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-password.component.html10
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-password.component.html10
- ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-password.component.html11
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-password.component.html11
Batch actionsBatch actions
- ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html13
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html13
Advanced user filtersAdvanced user filters
- ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html27
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html27
Banned usersBanned users
- ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html28
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html28
The user was bannedThe user was banned
- ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html160
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html160
Open account in a new tabOpen account in a new tab
- ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html106
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html106
- Deleted account
+ Deleted account
Deleted account
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html75
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html75
User's email must be verified to loginUser's email must be verified to login
- ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html129
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html129
User's email is verified / User can login without email verificationUser's email is verified / User can login without email verification
- ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html133
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html133
Total daily video quotaTotal daily video quota
- ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html150
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html150
Ban reason:Ban reason:
- ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html177
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html177
Showing to of usersShowing
@@ -3049,44 +2824,56 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. of
- ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html6
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.html6
- ../app/+admin/admin.component.ts47
- ReportsReports
+ ../app/+admin/admin.component.ts47
+ Reports
+ Reports../app/+admin/admin.component.ts53
- Video blocksVideo blocks
+ Video blocks
+ Video blocks../app/+admin/admin.component.ts60
- Muted accountsMuted accounts
+ Muted accounts
+ Muted accounts../app/+admin/admin.component.ts67
- Muted serversMuted servers
+ Muted servers
+ Muted servers../app/+admin/admin.component.ts74
- UsersUsers
+ Users
+ Users../app/+admin/admin.component.ts81
- ConfigurationConfiguration
+ Configuration
+ Configuration../app/+admin/admin.component.ts88
@@ -3095,126 +2882,121 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Video blocksVideo blocks
- ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html3
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html3
+ Muted accountsMuted accounts
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/account-blocklist.component.html3
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/account-blocklist.component.html3
Muted serversMuted servers
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html3
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html3
Advanced block filtersAdvanced block filters
- ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html23
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html23
Automatic blocksAutomatic blocks
- ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html24
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html24
Manual blocksManual blocks
- ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html25
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html25
Video Video
- ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html29
+ ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html29
Total sizeTotal size
- ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html30
+ ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html30
List redundanciesList redundancies
- ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html37
+ ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html37
Your instance doesn't mirror any video.Your instance doesn't mirror any video.
- ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html81
+ ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html81
Your instance has no mirrored videos.Your instance has no mirrored videos.
- ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html82
+ ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html82
Enabled strategies statsEnabled strategies stats
- ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html91
+ ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html91
No redundancy strategy is enabled on your instance.
No redundancy strategy is enabled on your instance.
- ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html96
+ ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html96
- ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html43
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html43
- ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html44
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html44
Date Date
- ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html45
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html45
- ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html90
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html90
No abuses found matching current filters.No abuses found matching current filters.
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html188
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html188
No abuses found.No abuses found.
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html189
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html189
Block reason:Block reason:
- ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html103
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html103
No blocked video found matching current filters.No blocked video found matching current filters.
- ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html123
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html123
No blocked video found.No blocked video found.
- ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html124
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html124
Showing to of blocked videosShowing
@@ -3222,155 +3004,147 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. of
blocked videos
- ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html10
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html10
- ../app/+admin/moderation/abuse-list/abuse-list.component.html3
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/abuse-list/abuse-list.component.html3
Moderation commentModeration comment
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/moderation-comment-modal.component.html3
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/moderation-comment-modal.component.html3
This comment can only be seen by you or the other moderators.
This comment can only be seen by you or the other moderators.
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/moderation-comment-modal.component.html21
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/moderation-comment-modal.component.html21
Update this commentUpdate this comment
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/moderation-comment-modal.component.html31
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/moderation-comment-modal.component.html31
Advanced report filtersAdvanced report filters
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html18
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html18
Unsolved reportsUnsolved reports
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html19
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html19
Accepted reportsAccepted reports
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html20
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html20
Refused reportsRefused reports
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html21
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html21
Reports with blocked videosReports with blocked videos
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html22
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html22
Reports with deleted videosReports with deleted videos
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html23
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html23
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html7
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html7
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html27
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html27
{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 report} other { reports}}{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 report} other {
reports} }
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html27
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html27
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-ownership/my-account-ownership.component.html20
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-ownership/my-account-ownership.component.html20
This video has been reported multiple times.This video has been reported multiple times.
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html88
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html88
The video was blockedThe video was blocked
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html97
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html97
by on by
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html100
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html100
Video was deletedVideo was deleted
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html107
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html107
- Account deleted
+ Account deleted
Account deleted
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html143
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html143
Open video in a new tabOpen video in a new tab
- ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html49
+ ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html49
State State
- ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html29
+ ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html29
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html44
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html44
Internal noteInternal note
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html45
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html45
Score Score
- ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html30
+ ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html30
Showing to of reportsShowing
@@ -3378,79 +3152,67 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. of
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html5
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html5
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html33
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html33
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html52
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html52
{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 report} other { reports}}{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 report} other {
reports} }
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html52
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html52
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html58
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html58
Mute domainMute domain
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html24
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html24
- ../app/+about/about.component.html5
+ ../app/+about/about.component.html5
Muted at Muted at
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html33
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html33
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html40
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html40
No server found matching current filters.No server found matching current filters.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html56
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html56
No server found.No server found.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html57
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html57
Showing to of muted instancesShowing
@@ -3458,53 +3220,54 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. of
muted instances
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html10
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html10
It seems that you are not on a HTTPS server. Your webserver needs to have TLS activated in order to follow servers.
It seems that you are not on a HTTPS server. Your webserver needs to have TLS activated in order to follow servers.
- ../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html82
+ ../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html82
Mute domainsMute domains
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html64
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html64
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/account-blocklist.component.html28
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/account-blocklist.component.html28
No account found matching current filters.No account found matching current filters.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/account-blocklist.component.html63
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/account-blocklist.component.html63
No account found.No account found.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/account-blocklist.component.html64
- List installed pluginsList installed plugins
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/account-blocklist.component.html64
+ List installed plugins
+ List installed plugins../app/+admin/plugins/plugins.routes.ts28
- Search pluginsSearch plugins
+ Search plugins
+ Search plugins../app/+admin/plugins/plugins.routes.ts37
- Show pluginShow plugin
+ Show plugin
+ Show plugin../app/+admin/plugins/plugins.routes.ts46
@@ -3517,140 +3280,134 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
muted accounts
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/account-blocklist.component.html10
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/account-blocklist.component.html10
- ../app/+admin/admin.component.ts92
+ ../app/+admin/admin.component.ts92
- ../app/+admin/plugins/plugins.component.html3
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugins.component.html3
Plugin homepage (new window)Plugin homepage (new window)
- ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.html17
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.html17
- ../app/+admin/plugins/plugins.component.html5
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugins.component.html5
Users can resolve distant contentUsers can resolve distant content
- ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html101
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html101
Close this messageClose this message
- ../app/app.component.html34
+ ../app/app.component.html34
- ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.html26
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.html26
Display settingsDisplay settings
- ../app/modal/quick-settings-modal.component.html8
+ ../app/modal/quick-settings-modal.component.html8
- ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.html32
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.html32
To load your new installed plugins or themes, refresh the page.
To load your new installed plugins or themes, refresh the page.
- ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.html10
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.html10
- ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.html16
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.html16
- for ""
+ for "" for "
- ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.html23
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.html23
{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {result} other {results} }{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {result} other {results} }
- ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.html23
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.html23
No results.
No results.
- ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.html29
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.html29
Plugin npm package (new window)Plugin npm package (new window)
- ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.html44
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.html44
- This does not have settings.
+ This does not have settings.
does not have settings.
- ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-show-installed/plugin-show-installed.component.html17
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-show-installed/plugin-show-installed.component.html17
- ../app/+admin/admin.component.ts96
+ ../app/+admin/admin.component.ts96
- ../app/+admin/system/system.component.html5
+ ../app/+admin/system/system.component.html5
- ../app/+admin/system/system.component.html7
+ ../app/+admin/system/system.component.html7
- ../app/+admin/system/system.component.html8
+ ../app/+admin/system/system.component.html8
Job typeJob type
- ../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html3
+ ../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html3
Job stateJob state
- ../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html12
- Showing to of jobsShowing to of jobs
+ ../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html12
+ Showing to of jobs
+ Showing to of jobs../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html32
@@ -3659,15 +3416,19 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- ../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html40
- No jobs found.No jobs found.
+ ../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html40
+ No jobs found.
+ No jobs found.../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html86
- No jobs found that are .No jobs found that are .
+ No jobs found that are .
+ No jobs found that are .../app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html87
@@ -3676,9 +3437,11 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html33
- nownow
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html33
+ now
+ now../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html15
@@ -3687,1123 +3450,1092 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html37
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html37
- By ->
+ By ->By
- ->
+ ->
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html45
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html45
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html15
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html15
+ NameName
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html21
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html21
Short descriptionShort description
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html30
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html30
Main instance categoriesMain instance categories
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html48
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html48
Add a new categoryAdd a new category
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html55
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html55
The sharing system implies that some technical information about your system (such as a public IP address) can be sent to other peers, but greatly helps to reduce server load.The
- sharing system
- implies that some technical information about your system (such as a public IP address) can be sent to other peers, but greatly helps to reduce server load.
+ sharing system
+ implies that some technical information about your system (such as a public IP address) can be sent to other peers, but greatly helps to reduce server load.
- ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html50
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html50
Help share videos being playedHelp share videos being played
- ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html47
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html47
When on a video page, directly start playing the video.When on a video page, directly start playing the video.
- ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html61
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html61
Automatically play videosAutomatically play videos
- ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html58
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html58
When a video ends, follow up with the next suggested video.When a video ends, follow up with the next suggested video.
- ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html72
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html72
Automatically start playing the next videoAutomatically start playing the next video
- ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html69
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html69
Main languages you/your moderators speakMain languages you/your moderators speak
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html62
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html62
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html80
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html80
- Manage users to build a moderation team.
+ Manage users to build a moderation team.
- users
- to build a moderation team.
+ users
+ to build a moderation team.
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html82
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html82
This instance is dedicated to sensitive or NSFW contentThis instance is dedicated to sensitive or NSFW content
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html91
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html91
- Enabling it will allow other administrators to know that you are mainly federating sensitive content. Moreover, the NSFW checkbox on video upload will be automatically checked by default.
+ Enabling it will allow other administrators to know that you are mainly federating sensitive content. Moreover, the NSFW checkbox on video upload will be automatically checked by default.
Enabling it will allow other administrators to know that you are mainly federating sensitive content.
Moreover, the NSFW checkbox on video upload will be automatically checked by default.
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html96
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html96
Policy on videos containing sensitive contentPolicy on videos containing sensitive content
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html104
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html104
- With Do not list or Blur thumbnails, a confirmation will be requested to watch the video.
+ With Do not list or Blur thumbnails, a confirmation will be requested to watch the video.
- Do not list
- or
- Blur thumbnails
- , a confirmation will be requested to watch the video.
+ Do not list
+ or
+ Blur thumbnails
+ , a confirmation will be requested to watch the video.
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html109
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html109
Do not listDo not list
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html117
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html117
Blur thumbnailsBlur thumbnails
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html118
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html118
- ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html8
+ ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html8
- ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html28
+ ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html28
- ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html116
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html116
Code of conductCode of conduct
- ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html107
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html107
Moderation informationModeration information
- ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html98
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html98
Who moderates the instance? What is the policy regarding NSFW videos? Political videos? etcWho moderates the instance? What is the policy regarding NSFW videos? Political videos? etc
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html145
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html145
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html159
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html159
Who is behind the instance?Who is behind the instance?
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html165
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html165
A single person? A non-profit? A company?A single person? A non-profit? A company?
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html166
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html166
Why did you create this instance?Why did you create this instance?
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html177
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html177
To share your personal videos? To open registrations and allow people to upload what they want?To share your personal videos? To open registrations and allow people to upload what they want?
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html178
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html178
How long do you plan to maintain this instance?How long do you plan to maintain this instance?
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html188
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html188
It's important to know for users who want to register on your instanceIt's important to know for users who want to register on your instance
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html189
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html189
How will you finance the PeerTube server?How will you finance the PeerTube server?
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html199
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html199
With your own funds? With user donations? Advertising?With your own funds? With user donations? Advertising?
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html200
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html200
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html214
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html214
What server/hardware does the instance run on?What server/hardware does the instance run on?
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html220
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html220
i.e. 2vCore 2GB RAM, a direct the link to the server you rent, etc.i.e. 2vCore 2GB RAM, a direct the link to the server you rent, etc.
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html221
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html221
Instance informationInstance information
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html7
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html7
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html245
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html245
- Use plugins & themes for more involved changes, or add slight customizations.
+ Use plugins & themes for more involved changes, or add slight customizations.
- plugins & themes
- for more involved changes, or
- add slight customizations
- .
+ plugins & themes
+ for more involved changes, or
+ add slight customizations
+ .
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html247
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html247
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html259
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html259
Landing pageLanding page
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html268
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html268
Discover videosDiscover videos
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html271
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html271
Trending videosTrending videos
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html272
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html272
Most liked videosMost liked videos
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html273
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html273
Recently added videosRecently added videos
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html274
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html274
Local videosLocal videos
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html275
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html275
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html286
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html286
Display a message on your instance
Display a message on your instance
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html288
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html288
Enable broadcast messageEnable broadcast message
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html299
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html299
Allow users to dismiss the broadcast messageAllow users to dismiss the broadcast message
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html306
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html306
Broadcast message levelBroadcast message level
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html311
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html311
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html323
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html323
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html338
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html338
- Manage users to set their quota individually.
+ Manage users to set their quota individually.
- users
- to set their quota individually.
+ users
+ to set their quota individually.
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html340
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html340
Signup requires email verificationSignup requires email verification
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html358
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html358
Signup limitSignup limit
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html362
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html362
Enable SignupEnable Signup
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html350
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html350
- ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html5
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html5
{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {Video} other {Videos} }{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {Video} other {Videos} }
- ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html24
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html24
{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {Channel} other {Channels} }{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {Channel} other {Channels} }
- ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html30
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html30
{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {Subscriber} other {Subscribers} }{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {Subscriber} other {Subscribers} }
- ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html36
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html36
Incriminated in reportsIncriminated in reports
- ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html42
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html42
Authored reports acceptedAuthored reports accepted
- ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html48
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html48
{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {Comment} other {Comments} }{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {Comment} other {Comments} }
- ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html54
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html54
- ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html73
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html73
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html1
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html1
Default video quota per userDefault video quota per user
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html377
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html377
Default daily upload limit per userDefault daily upload limit per user
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html389
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html389
Allow import with HTTP URL (i.e. YouTube)Allow import with HTTP URL (i.e. YouTube)
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html417
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html417
Allow import with a torrent file or a magnet URIAllow import with a torrent file or a magnet URI
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html424
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html424
Unless a user is marked as trusted, their videos will stay private until a moderator reviews them.Unless a user is marked as trusted, their videos will stay private until a moderator reviews them.
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html441
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html441
Block new videos automaticallyBlock new videos automatically
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html438
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html438
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html455
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html455
Allow your users to look up remote videos/actors by their URI, that may not be federated with your instanceAllow
- your users
- to look up remote videos/actors by their URI, that may not be federated with your instance
+ your users
+ to look up remote videos/actors by their URI, that may not be federated with your instance
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html469
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html469
Allow users to do remote URI/handle searchAllow users to do remote URI/handle search
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html466
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html466
Allow anonymous users to look up remote videos/actors by their URI, that may not be federated with your instanceAllow
- anonymous users
- to look up remote videos/actors by their URI, that may not be federated with your instance
+ anonymous users
+ to look up remote videos/actors by their URI, that may not be federated with your instance
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html480
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html480
Allow anonymous to do remote URI/handle searchAllow anonymous to do remote URI/handle search
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html477
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html477
⚠️ This functionality depends heavily on the moderation of instances followed by the search index you select.⚠️ This functionality depends heavily on the moderation of instances followed by the search index you select.
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html494
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html494
- You should only use moderated search indexes in production, or host your own.
+ You should only use moderated search indexes in production, or host your own.
You should only use moderated search indexes in production, or
- host your own
- .
+ host your own
+ .
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html497
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html497
Search index URLSearch index URL
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html503
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html503
Disable local search in search barDisable local search in search bar
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html514
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html514
Otherwise the local search stays used by defaultOtherwise the local search stays used by default
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html524
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html524
Search bar uses the global search index by defaultSearch bar uses the global search index by default
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html521
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html521
Enable global searchEnable global search
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html491
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html491
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html542
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html542
- Manage relations with other instances.
+ Manage relations with other instances.
- relations
- with other instances.
+ relations
+ with other instances.
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html544
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html544
Other instances can follow yoursOther instances can follow yours
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html556
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html556
Manually approve new instance followersManually approve new instance followers
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html563
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html563
Automatically follow back instancesAutomatically follow back instances
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html576
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html576
- You should only follow moderated indexes in production, or host your own.
+ You should only follow moderated indexes in production, or host your own.
You should only follow moderated indexes in production, or
- host your own
- .
+ host your own
+ .
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html595
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html595
⚠️ This functionality requires a lot of attention and extra moderation.⚠️ This functionality requires a lot of attention and extra moderation.
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html353
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html353
Index URLIndex URL
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html601
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html601
Automatically follow instances of a public indexAutomatically follow instances of a public index
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html589
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html589
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html621
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html621
- ../app/core/users/user.service.ts383
+ ../app/core/users/user.service.ts383
Admin emailAdmin email
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html627
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html627
Enable contact formEnable contact form
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html638
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html638
Basic configurationBasic configuration
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html239
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html239
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html655
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html655
Optional. If any, provide the Twitter account representing your instance to improve link previews.
Optional. If any, provide the Twitter account representing your instance to improve link previews.
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html657
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html657
Your Twitter usernameYour Twitter username
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html667
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html667
Instance allowed by TwitterInstance allowed by Twitter
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html679
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html679
- If your instance is explicitly allowed by Twitter, a video player will be embedded in the Twitter feed on PeerTube video share. If the instance is not, we use an image link card that will redirect on your PeerTube instance. Check this checkbox, save the configuration and test with a video URL of your instance (https://example.com/videos/watch/blabla) on https://cards-dev.twitter.com/validator to see if you instance is allowed.
+ If your instance is explicitly allowed by Twitter, a video player will be embedded in the Twitter feed on PeerTube video share. If the instance is not, we use an image link card that will redirect on your PeerTube instance. Check this checkbox, save the configuration and test with a video URL of your instance (https://example.com/videos/watch/blabla) on https://cards-dev.twitter.com/validator to see if you instance is allowed.
If your instance is explicitly allowed by Twitter, a video player will be embedded in the Twitter feed on PeerTube video share.
If the instance is not, we use an image link card that will redirect on your PeerTube instance.
Check this checkbox, save the configuration and test with a video URL of your instance (https://example.com/videos/watch/blabla) on
- https://cards-dev.twitter.com/validator
+ https://cards-dev.twitter.com/validator
to see if you instance is allowed.
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html684
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html684
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html649
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html649
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html709
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html709
- Process uploaded videos so that they are in a streamable form that any device can play. Though costly in resources, this is a critical part of PeerTube, so tread carefully.
+ Process uploaded videos so that they are in a streamable form that any device can play. Though costly in resources, this is a critical part of PeerTube, so tread carefully.
Process uploaded videos so that they are in a streamable form that any device can play. Though costly in
resources, this is a critical part of PeerTube, so tread carefully.
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html711
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html711
Transcoding enabledTranscoding enabled
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html723
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html723
If you disable transcoding, many videos from your users will not work!If you disable transcoding, many videos from your users will not work!
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html727
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html727
Allows users to upload .mkv, .mov, .avi, .wmv, .flv, .f4v, .3g2, .3gp, .mts, m2ts, .mxf, .nut videos.Allows users to upload .mkv, .mov, .avi, .wmv, .flv, .f4v, .3g2, .3gp, .mts, m2ts, .mxf, .nut videos.
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html738
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html738
Allow additional extensionsAllow additional extensions
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html735
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html735
Allows users to upload audio files that will be merged with the preview file on upload.Allows users to upload audio files that will be merged with the preview file on upload.
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html749
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html749
Allow audio files uploadAllow audio files upload
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html746
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html746
Experimental, we suggest you to not disable webtorrent support for nowIf you also enabled HLS support, it will multiply videos storage by 2If disabled, breaks federation with PeerTube instances < 2.1
- Experimental, we suggest you to not disable webtorrent support for now
- If you also enabled HLS support, it will multiply videos storage by 2
- If disabled, breaks federation with PeerTube instances < 2.1
+ Experimental, we suggest you to not disable webtorrent support for now
+ If you also enabled HLS support, it will multiply videos storage by 2
+ If disabled, breaks federation with PeerTube instances < 2.1
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html762
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html762
WebTorrent support enabledWebTorrent support enabled
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html758
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html758
- Requires ffmpeg >= 4.1Generate HLS playlists and fragmented MP4 files resulting in a better playback than with the current default player:Resolution change is smootherFaster playback in particular with long videosMore stable playback (less bugs/infinite loading)If you also enabled WebTorrent support, it will multiply videos storage by 2
+ Requires ffmpeg >= 4.1Generate HLS playlists and fragmented MP4 files resulting in a better playback than with the current default player:Resolution change is smootherFaster playback in particular with long videosMore stable playback (less bugs/infinite loading)If you also enabled WebTorrent support, it will multiply videos storage by 2
- Requires ffmpeg >= 4.1
- Generate HLS playlists and fragmented MP4 files resulting in a better playback than with the current default player:
- Resolution change is smoother
- Faster playback in particular with long videos
- More stable playback (less bugs/infinite loading)
- If you also enabled WebTorrent support, it will multiply videos storage by 2
+ Requires ffmpeg >= 4.1
+ Generate HLS playlists and fragmented MP4 files resulting in a better playback than with the current default player:
+ Resolution change is smoother
+ Faster playback in particular with long videos
+ More stable playback (less bugs/infinite loading)
+ If you also enabled WebTorrent support, it will multiply videos storage by 2
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html783
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html783
HLS with P2P support enabledHLS with P2P support enabled
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html779
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html779
Transcoding threadsTranscoding threads
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html804
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html804
Resolutions to generateResolutions to generate
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html817
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html817
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html843
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html843
Some files are not federated, and fetched when necessary. Define their caching policies.
Some files are not federated, and fetched when necessary. Define their caching policies.
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html845
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html845
Number of previews to keep in cacheNumber of previews to keep in cache
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html853
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html853
Number of video captions to keep in cacheNumber of video captions to keep in cache
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html862
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html862
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html877
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html877
Slight modifications to your PeerTube instance for when creating a plugin or theme is overkill.
Slight modifications to your PeerTube instance for when creating a plugin or theme is overkill.
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html879
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html879
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html888
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html888
- Write JavaScript code directly.Example: console.log('my instance is amazing');
+ Write JavaScript code directly.Example: console.log('my instance is amazing');
Write JavaScript code directly.
- Example:
- console.log('my instance is amazing');
+ Example:
+ console.log('my instance is amazing');
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html892
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html892
- Write CSS code directly. Example: #custom-css
- color: red;
- Prepend with #custom-css to override styles. Example: #custom-css .logged-in-email
- color: red;
+ Write CSS code directly. Example: #custom-css color: red; Prepend with #custom-css to override styles. Example: #custom-css .logged-in-email color: red;
Write CSS code directly. Example:
- #custom-css
+ #custom-css
color: red;
Prepend with
- #custom-css
- to override styles. Example:
- #custom-css .logged-in-email
+ #custom-css
+ to override styles. Example:
+ #custom-css .logged-in-email
color: red;
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html911
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html911
Advanced configurationAdvanced configuration
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html703
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html703
Update configurationUpdate configuration
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html950
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html950
It seems like the configuration is invalid. Please search for potential errors in the different tabs.It seems like the configuration is invalid. Please search for potential errors in the different tabs.
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html948
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html948
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-settings.component.html26
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-settings.component.html26
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-settings.component.html37
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-settings.component.html37
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-settings.component.html47
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-settings.component.html47
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-settings.component.html57
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-settings.component.html57
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-settings.component.html67
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-settings.component.html67
- ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html197
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html197
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts170
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts170
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts179
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts179
Aspect ratioAspect ratio
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts180
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts180
Average frame rateAverage frame rate
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts181
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts181
Pixel formatPixel format
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts182
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts182
Sample rateSample rate
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts186
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts186
Channel LayoutChannel Layout
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts187
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts187
Video settingsVideo settings
- ../app/modal/quick-settings-modal.component.html16
+ ../app/modal/quick-settings-modal.component.html16
Interface settingsInterface settings
- ../app/modal/quick-settings-modal.component.html20
+ ../app/modal/quick-settings-modal.component.html20
Change passwordChange password
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-password/my-account-change-password.component.html5
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-password/my-account-change-password.component.html5
Current passwordCurrent password
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-password/my-account-change-password.component.html7
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-password/my-account-change-password.component.html7
New passwordNew password
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-password/my-account-change-password.component.html15
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-password/my-account-change-password.component.html15
Confirm new passwordConfirm new password
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-password/my-account-change-password.component.html23
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-password/my-account-change-password.component.html23
Default policy on videos containing sensitive contentDefault policy on videos containing sensitive content
- ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html4
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html4
- With Do not list or Blur thumbnails, a confirmation will be requested to watch the video.
+ With Do not list or Blur thumbnails, a confirmation will be requested to watch the video.
- Do not list
- or
- Blur thumbnails
- , a confirmation will be requested to watch the video.
+ Do not list
+ or
+ Blur thumbnails
+ , a confirmation will be requested to watch the video.
- ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html8
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html8
Policy for sensitive videosPolicy for sensitive videos
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html116
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html116
Only display videos in the following languages/subtitlesOnly display videos in the following languages/subtitles
- ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html25
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html25
In Recently added, Trending, Local, Most liked and Search pagesIn Recently added, Trending, Local, Most liked and Search pages
- ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html28
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html28
Add a new languageAdd a new language
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html69
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html69
- Your current email is
+ Your current email is
Your current email is
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html5
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html5
- is awaiting email verification
+ is awaiting email verification
- is awaiting email verification
+ is awaiting email verification
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html9
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html9
New emailNew email
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html15
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html15
Your new emailYour new email
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html17
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html17
Your current passwordYour current password
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html26
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html26
Your passwordYour password
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html28
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html28
Change emailChange email
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html36
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html36
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html255
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html255
instance defaultinstance default
- ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-interface-settings.component.html8
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-interface-settings.component.html8
peertube defaultpeertube default
- ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-interface-settings.component.html9
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-interface-settings.component.html9
Change ownershipChange ownership
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-videos/video-change-ownership/video-change-ownership.component.html3
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-videos/video-change-ownership/video-change-ownership.component.html3
Select the next ownerSelect the next owner
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-videos/video-change-ownership/video-change-ownership.component.html10
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-videos/video-change-ownership/video-change-ownership.component.html10
Search your videosSearch your videos
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-videos/my-account-videos.component.html11
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-videos/my-account-videos.component.html11
Accept ownershipAccept ownership
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-ownership/my-account-accept-ownership/my-account-accept-ownership.component.html3
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-ownership/my-account-accept-ownership/my-account-accept-ownership.component.html3
Select a channel to receive the videoSelect a channel to receive the video
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-ownership/my-account-accept-ownership/my-account-accept-ownership.component.html10
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-ownership/my-account-accept-ownership/my-account-accept-ownership.component.html10
Channel that will receive the videoChannel that will receive the video
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-ownership/my-account-accept-ownership/my-account-accept-ownership.component.html13
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-ownership/my-account-accept-ownership/my-account-accept-ownership.component.html13
My ownership changesMy ownership changes
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-ownership/my-account-ownership.component.html3
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-ownership/my-account-ownership.component.html3
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-ownership/my-account-ownership.component.html19
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-ownership/my-account-ownership.component.html19
- Created
+ Created
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-ownership/my-account-ownership.component.html23
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-ownership/my-account-ownership.component.html23
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-ownership/my-account-ownership.component.html25
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-ownership/my-account-ownership.component.html25
Account pageAccount page
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html169
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html169
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html176
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html176
No ownership change request found.No ownership change request found.
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-ownership/my-account-ownership.component.html83
- Account settingsAccount settings
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-ownership/my-account-ownership.component.html83
+ Account settings
+ Account settings../app/+my-account/my-account-routing.module.ts37
- Account playlistsAccount playlists
+ Account playlists
+ Account playlists../app/+my-account/my-account-routing.module.ts55
- Create new playlistCreate new playlist
+ Create new playlist
+ Create new playlist../app/+my-account/my-account-routing.module.ts64
- Playlist elementsPlaylist elements
+ Playlist elements
+ Playlist elements../app/+my-account/my-account-routing.module.ts73
@@ -4812,72 +4544,63 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
My importsMy imports
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-imports/my-account-video-imports.component.html3
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-imports/my-account-video-imports.component.html3
+ Create video channelCreate video channel
- ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channels.component.html19
+ ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channels.component.html19
- subscribers
+ subscribers subscribers
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-subscriptions/my-account-subscriptions.component.html32
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-subscriptions/my-account-subscriptions.component.html32
Example: my_channelExample: my_channel
- ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channel-edit.component.html35
+ ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channel-edit.component.html35
- ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channel-edit.component.html26
+ ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channel-edit.component.html26
- Short text to tell people how they can support your channel (membership platform...).<br /><br />
- When you will upload a video in this channel, the video support field will be automatically filled by this text.
- Short text to tell people how they can support your channel (membership platform...).<br /><br />
+ Short text to tell people how they can support your channel (membership platform...).<br /><br /> When you will upload a video in this channel, the video support field will be automatically filled by this text.
+ Short text to tell people how they can support your channel (membership platform...).<br /><br />
When you will upload a video in this channel, the video support field will be automatically filled by this text.
- ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channel-edit.component.html77
+ ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channel-edit.component.html77
Overwrite support field of all videos of this channelOverwrite support field of all videos of this channel
- ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channel-edit.component.html92
+ ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channel-edit.component.html92
- subscribers
+ subscribers subscribers
- ../app/shared/shared-main/account/actor-avatar-info.component.html21
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/account/actor-avatar-info.component.html21
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-imports/my-account-video-imports.component.html17
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-imports/my-account-video-imports.component.html17
See the errorSee the error
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-imports/my-account-video-imports.component.html27
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-imports/my-account-video-imports.component.html27
This video was deletedThis video was deleted
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-imports/my-account-video-imports.component.html49
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-imports/my-account-video-imports.component.html49
Showing to of importsShowing
@@ -4885,126 +4608,123 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. of
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-imports/my-account-video-imports.component.html10
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-imports/my-account-video-imports.component.html10
Once you delete your account, there is no going back. You will be asked to confirm this action.Once you delete your account, there is no going back. You will be asked to confirm this action.
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-danger-zone/my-account-danger-zone.component.html2
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-danger-zone/my-account-danger-zone.component.html2
Delete your accountDelete your account
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-danger-zone/my-account-danger-zone.component.html4
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-danger-zone/my-account-danger-zone.component.html4
You don't have any subscriptions yet.You don't have any subscriptions yet.
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-subscriptions/my-account-subscriptions.component.html18
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-subscriptions/my-account-subscriptions.component.html18
Channel pageChannel page
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html166
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html166
Created by Created by
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-subscriptions/my-account-subscriptions.component.html35
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-subscriptions/my-account-subscriptions.component.html35
Owner account pageOwner account page
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-subscriptions/my-account-subscriptions.component.html34
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-subscriptions/my-account-subscriptions.component.html34
Go the owner account pageGo the owner account page
- ../app/+video-channels/video-channels.component.html30
+ ../app/+video-channels/video-channels.component.html30
Video historyVideo history
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-history/my-account-history.component.html9
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-history/my-account-history.component.html9
Delete history
Delete history
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-history/my-account-history.component.html13
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-history/my-account-history.component.html13
You don't have any video history yet.You don't have any video history yet.
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-history/my-account-history.component.html19
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-history/my-account-history.component.html19
Notification preferences
Notification preferences
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-notifications/my-account-notifications.component.html4
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-notifications/my-account-notifications.component.html4
Newest firstNewest first
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-notifications/my-account-notifications.component.html11
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-notifications/my-account-notifications.component.html11
Unread firstUnread first
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-notifications/my-account-notifications.component.html12
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-notifications/my-account-notifications.component.html12
All readAll read
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-notifications/my-account-notifications.component.html26
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-notifications/my-account-notifications.component.html26
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.html2
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.html2
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.html4
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.html4
My PlaylistsMy Playlists
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-edit.component.html4
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-edit.component.html4
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-edit.component.html25
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-edit.component.html25
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-edit.component.html26
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-edit.component.html26
Create playlistCreate playlist
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlists.component.html18
- Playlist } deleted.Playlist } deleted.
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlists.component.html18
+ Playlist } deleted.
+ Playlist } deleted.../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlists.component.ts61
@@ -5013,86 +4733,88 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Playlist thumbnailPlaylist thumbnail
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-edit.component.html82
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-edit.component.html82
+ Search your playlistsSearch your playlists
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlists.component.html10
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlists.component.html10
No videos in this playlist.No videos in this playlist.
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-elements.component.html25
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-elements.component.html25
- Browse videos on PeerTube to add them in your playlist.
+ Browse videos on PeerTube to add them in your playlist.
Browse videos on PeerTube to add them in your playlist.
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-elements.component.html28
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-elements.component.html28
- See the documentation for more information.
+ See the documentation for more information.
See the
- documentation
- for more information.
+ documentation
+ for more information.
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-elements.component.html32
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-elements.component.html32
Welcome to PeerTube!Welcome to PeerTube!
- ../app/+signup/shared/signup-success.component.html8
+ ../app/+signup/shared/signup-success.component.html8
- If you need help to use PeerTube, you can have a look at the documentation.
+ If you need help to use PeerTube, you can have a look at the documentation.
If you need help to use PeerTube, you can have a look at the
- documentation
- .
+ documentation
+ .
- ../app/+signup/shared/signup-success.component.html14
+ ../app/+signup/shared/signup-success.component.html14
Verify account email confirmation
Verify account email confirmation
- ../app/+signup/+verify-account/verify-account-email/verify-account-email.component.html3
+ ../app/+signup/+verify-account/verify-account-email/verify-account-email.component.html3
Email updated.
Email updated.
- ../app/+signup/+verify-account/verify-account-email/verify-account-email.component.html10
+ ../app/+signup/+verify-account/verify-account-email/verify-account-email.component.html10
An error occurred.An error occurred.
- ../app/+signup/+verify-account/verify-account-email/verify-account-email.component.html14
- Video channel videosVideo channel videos
+ ../app/+signup/+verify-account/verify-account-email/verify-account-email.component.html14
+ Video channel videos
+ Video channel videos../app/+video-channels/video-channels-routing.module.ts25
- Video channel playlistsVideo channel playlists
+ Video channel playlists
+ Video channel playlists../app/+video-channels/video-channels-routing.module.ts38
- About video channelAbout video channel
+ About video channel
+ About video channel../app/+video-channels/video-channels-routing.module.ts47
@@ -5103,67 +4825,65 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour.
Request email for account verification
- ../app/+signup/+verify-account/verify-account-ask-send-email/verify-account-ask-send-email.component.html3
+ ../app/+signup/+verify-account/verify-account-ask-send-email/verify-account-ask-send-email.component.html3
Send verification emailSend verification email
- ../app/+signup/+verify-account/verify-account-ask-send-email/verify-account-ask-send-email.component.html17
+ ../app/+signup/+verify-account/verify-account-ask-send-email/verify-account-ask-send-email.component.html17
This instance does not require email verification.This instance does not require email verification.
- ../app/+signup/+verify-account/verify-account-ask-send-email/verify-account-ask-send-email.component.html20
+ ../app/+signup/+verify-account/verify-account-ask-send-email/verify-account-ask-send-email.component.html20
- ../app/+accounts/accounts.component.html18
+ ../app/+accounts/accounts.component.html18
Instance mutedInstance muted
- ../app/+accounts/accounts.component.html20
+ ../app/+accounts/accounts.component.html20
Muted by your instanceMuted by your instance
- ../app/+accounts/accounts.component.html21
+ ../app/+accounts/accounts.component.html21
Instance muted by your instanceInstance muted by your instance
- ../app/+accounts/accounts.component.html22
+ ../app/+accounts/accounts.component.html22
Manage accountManage account
- ../app/+accounts/accounts.component.html36
+ ../app/+accounts/accounts.component.html36
This account does not have channels.This account does not have channels.
- ../app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html4
+ ../app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html4
{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 subscriber} other { subscribers}}{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 subscriber} other {
subscribers} }
- ../app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html13
+ ../app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html13
{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =0 {No videos} =1 {1 video} other { videos}}{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =0 {No videos} =1 {1 video} other {
videos} }
- ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channels.component.html37
- Do you really want to delete ?
-It will delete videos uploaded in this channel, and you will not be able to create another
-channel with the same name ()!Do you really want to delete ?
+ ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channels.component.html37
+ Do you really want to delete ? It will delete videos uploaded in this channel, and you will not be able to create another channel with the same name ()!
+ Do you really want to delete ?
It will delete videos uploaded in this channel, and you will not be able to create another
channel with the same name ()!
@@ -5174,74 +4894,72 @@ channel with the same name ()!
My ChannelsMy Channels
- ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channel-edit.component.html4
+ ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channel-edit.component.html4
- ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channel-edit.component.html25
+ ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channel-edit.component.html25
See this video channelSee this video channel
- ../app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html9
+ ../app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html9
This channel doesn't have any videos.This channel doesn't have any videos.
- ../app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html20
+ ../app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html20
- ../app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html29
+ ../app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html29
- ../app/+accounts/account-about/account-about.component.html5
+ ../app/+accounts/account-about/account-about.component.html5
- ../app/+accounts/account-about/account-about.component.html10
+ ../app/+accounts/account-about/account-about.component.html10
- ../app/menu/menu.component.html170
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.html170
Joined Joined
- ../app/+accounts/account-about/account-about.component.html12
+ ../app/+accounts/account-about/account-about.component.html12
Manage channel
Manage channel
- ../app/+video-channels/video-channels.component.html22
+ ../app/+video-channels/video-channels.component.html22
Created byCreated by
- ../app/+video-channels/video-channels.component.html31
+ ../app/+video-channels/video-channels.component.html31
- ../app/+video-channels/video-channel-about/video-channel-about.component.html10
- Most liked videosMost liked videos
+ ../app/+video-channels/video-channel-about/video-channel-about.component.html10
+ Most liked videos
+ Most liked videos../app/+videos/video-list/video-most-liked.component.ts41
@@ -5252,421 +4970,417 @@ channel with the same name ()!
- ../app/+video-channels/video-channel-about/video-channel-about.component.html18
+ ../app/+video-channels/video-channel-about/video-channel-about.component.html18
- Created playlists
+ Created playlists
- ../app/+video-channels/video-channel-playlists/video-channel-playlists.component.html3
+ ../app/+video-channels/video-channel-playlists/video-channel-playlists.component.html3
This channel does not have playlists.This channel does not have playlists.
- ../app/+video-channels/video-channel-playlists/video-channel-playlists.component.html6
+ ../app/+video-channels/video-channel-playlists/video-channel-playlists.component.html6
- ../app/+about/about.component.html7
+ ../app/+about/about.component.html7
- ../app/+about/about-follows/about-follows.component.html2
+ ../app/+about/about-follows/about-follows.component.html2
Contact administratorContact
- ../app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html3
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html3
Your nameYour name
- ../app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html11
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html11
Your emailYour email
- ../app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html20
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html20
- ../app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html29
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html29
Your messageYour message
- ../app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html38
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html38
About About
- ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html5
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html5
Contact administratorContact administrator
- ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html7
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html7
This instance is dedicated to sensitive/NSFW content.This instance is dedicated to sensitive/NSFW content.
- ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html19
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html19
- ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html29
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html29
Who we areWho we are
- ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html36
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html36
Why we created this instanceWhy we created this instance
- ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html45
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html45
How long we plan to maintain this instanceHow long we plan to maintain this instance
- ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html54
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html54
How we will pay for this instanceHow we will pay for this instance
- ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html63
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html63
- ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html72
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html72
- ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html91
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html91
- ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html125
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html125
Hardware informationHardware information
- ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html132
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html132
- ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html140
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html140
Features found on this instanceFeatures found on this instance
- ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html4
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html4
- ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html147
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html147
What is PeerTube?
What is PeerTube?
- ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html3
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html3
PeerTube is a self-hosted ActivityPub-federated video streaming platform using P2P directly in your web browser.
PeerTube is a self-hosted ActivityPub-federated video streaming platform using P2P directly in your web browser.
- ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html10
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html10
- It is a free and open-source software, under the AGPLv3 licence.
+ It is a free and open-source software, under the AGPLv3 licence.
It is a free and open-source software, under the
- AGPLv3
+ AGPLv3
- .
+ .
- ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html14
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html14
- For more information, please visit joinpeertube.org.
+ For more information, please visit joinpeertube.org.
For more information, please visit
- joinpeertube.org
- .
+ joinpeertube.org
+ .
- ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html19
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html19
Use PeerTube documentationUse PeerTube
- ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html28
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html28
Discover how to setup your account, what is a channel, how to create a playlist and more!
Discover how to setup your account, what is a channel, how to create a playlist and more!
- ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html33
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html33
PeerTube ApplicationsPeerTube
- ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html42
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html42
Discover unofficial Android applications or browser addons!
Discover unofficial Android applications or browser addons!
- ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html46
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html46
Contribute on PeerTubeContribute on
- ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html54
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html54
Want to help to improve PeerTube? You can translate the web interface, give your feedback or directly contribute to the code!
Want to help to improve PeerTube? You can translate the web interface, give your feedback or directly contribute to the code!
- ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html59
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html59
P2P & PrivacyP2P & Privacy
- ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html71
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html71
- PeerTube uses the BitTorrent protocol to share bandwidth between users by default to help lower the load on the server, but ultimately leaves you the choice to switch back to regular streaming exclusively from the server of the video. What follows applies only if you want to keep using the P2P mode of PeerTube.
+ PeerTube uses the BitTorrent protocol to share bandwidth between users by default to help lower the load on the server, but ultimately leaves you the choice to switch back to regular streaming exclusively from the server of the video. What follows applies only if you want to keep using the P2P mode of PeerTube.
PeerTube uses the BitTorrent protocol to share bandwidth between users by default to help lower the load on the server,
but ultimately leaves you the choice to switch back to regular streaming exclusively from the server of the video. What
follows applies only if you want to keep using the P2P mode of PeerTube.
- ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html75
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html75
What are the consequences?What are the consequences?
- ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html85
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html85
- In theory, someone with enough technical skills could create a script that tracks which IP is downloading which video. In practice, this is much more difficult because:
+ In theory, someone with enough technical skills could create a script that tracks which IP is downloading which video. In practice, this is much more difficult because:
In theory, someone with enough technical skills could create a script that tracks which IP is downloading which video.
In practice, this is much more difficult because:
- ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html88
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html88
- An HTTP request has to be sent on each tracker for each video to spy. If we want to spy all PeerTube's videos, we have to send as many requests as there are videos (so potentially a lot)
+ An HTTP request has to be sent on each tracker for each video to spy. If we want to spy all PeerTube's videos, we have to send as many requests as there are videos (so potentially a lot)
An HTTP request has to be sent on each tracker for each video to spy.
If we want to spy all PeerTube's videos, we have to send as many requests as there are videos (so potentially a lot)
- ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html94
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html94
- For each request sent, the tracker returns random peers at a limited number. For instance, if there are 1000 peers in the swarm and the tracker sends only 20 peers for each request, there must be at least 50 requests sent to know every peer in the swarm
+ For each request sent, the tracker returns random peers at a limited number. For instance, if there are 1000 peers in the swarm and the tracker sends only 20 peers for each request, there must be at least 50 requests sent to know every peer in the swarm
For each request sent, the tracker returns random peers at a limited number.
For instance, if there are 1000 peers in the swarm and the tracker sends only 20 peers for each request, there must be at least 50
requests sent to know every peer in the swarm
- ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html99
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html99
Those requests have to be sent regularly to know who starts/stops watching a video. It is easy to detect that kind of behaviour
Those requests have to be sent regularly to know who starts/stops watching a video. It is easy to detect that kind of behaviour
- ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html105
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html105
- If an IP address is stored in the tracker, it doesn't mean that the person behind the IP (if this person exists) has watched the video
+ If an IP address is stored in the tracker, it doesn't mean that the person behind the IP (if this person exists) has watched the video
If an IP address is stored in the tracker, it doesn't mean that the person behind the IP (if this person exists) has watched the
- ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html109
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html109
The IP address is a vague information: usually, it regularly changes and can represent many persons or entities
The IP address is a vague information: usually, it regularly changes and can represent many persons or entities
- ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html114
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html114
- Web peers are not publicly accessible: because we use WebRTC inside the web browser (with the WebTorrent library), the protocol is different from classic BitTorrent. When you are in a web browser, you send a signal containing your IP address to the tracker that will randomly choose other peers to forward the information to. See this document for more information
+ Web peers are not publicly accessible: because we use WebRTC inside the web browser (with the WebTorrent library), the protocol is different from classic BitTorrent. When you are in a web browser, you send a signal containing your IP address to the tracker that will randomly choose other peers to forward the information to. See this document for more information
Web peers are not publicly accessible: because we use WebRTC inside the web browser (
- with the
+ with the
WebTorrent library
- ), the protocol is different from classic BitTorrent.
+ ), the protocol is different from classic BitTorrent.
When you are in a web browser, you send a signal containing your IP address to the tracker that will randomly choose other peers
to forward the information to.
- this document
- for more information
+ this document
+ for more information
- ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html118
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html118
- The worst-case scenario of an average person spying on their friends is quite unlikely. There are much more effective ways to get that kind of information.
+ The worst-case scenario of an average person spying on their friends is quite unlikely. There are much more effective ways to get that kind of information.
The worst-case scenario of an average person spying on their friends is quite unlikely.
There are much more effective ways to get that kind of information.
- ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html127
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html127
How does PeerTube compare with YouTube?How does PeerTube compare with YouTube?
- ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html131
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html131
- The threats to privacy with YouTube are different from PeerTube's. In YouTube's case, the platform gathers a huge amount of your personal information (not only your IP) to analyze them and track you. Moreover, YouTube is owned by Google/Alphabet, a company that tracks you across many websites (via AdSense or Google Analytics).
+ The threats to privacy with YouTube are different from PeerTube's. In YouTube's case, the platform gathers a huge amount of your personal information (not only your IP) to analyze them and track you. Moreover, YouTube is owned by Google/Alphabet, a company that tracks you across many websites (via AdSense or Google Analytics).
The threats to privacy with YouTube are different from PeerTube's.
In YouTube's case, the platform gathers a huge amount of your personal information (not only your IP) to analyze them and track you.
Moreover, YouTube is owned by Google/Alphabet, a company that tracks you across many websites (via AdSense or Google Analytics).
- ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html134
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html134
What can I do to limit the exposure of my IP address?What can I do to limit the exposure of my IP address?
- ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html139
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html139
- Your IP address is public so every time you consult a website, there is a number of actors (in addition to the final website) seeing your IP in their connection logs: ISP/routers/trackers/CDN and more. PeerTube is transparent about it: we warn you that if you want to keep your IP private, you must use a VPN or Tor Browser. Thinking that removing P2P from PeerTube will give you back anonymity doesn't make sense.
+ Your IP address is public so every time you consult a website, there is a number of actors (in addition to the final website) seeing your IP in their connection logs: ISP/routers/trackers/CDN and more. PeerTube is transparent about it: we warn you that if you want to keep your IP private, you must use a VPN or Tor Browser. Thinking that removing P2P from PeerTube will give you back anonymity doesn't make sense.
Your IP address is public so every time you consult a website, there is a number of actors (in addition to the final website) seeing
your IP in their connection logs: ISP/routers/trackers/CDN and more.
PeerTube is transparent about it: we warn you that if you want to keep your IP private, you must use a VPN or Tor Browser.
Thinking that removing P2P from PeerTube will give you back anonymity doesn't make sense.
- ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html142
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html142
What will be done to mitigate this problem?What will be done to mitigate this problem?
- ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html148
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html148
- PeerTube wants to deliver the best countermeasures possible, to give you more choice and render attacks less likely. Here is what we put in place so far:
+ PeerTube wants to deliver the best countermeasures possible, to give you more choice and render attacks less likely. Here is what we put in place so far:
PeerTube wants to deliver the best countermeasures possible, to give you more choice
and render attacks less likely. Here is what we put in place so far:
- ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html151
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html151
We set a limit to the number of peers sent by the trackerWe set a limit to the number of peers sent by the tracker
- ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html156
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html156
We set a limit on the request frequency received by the trackerWe set a limit on the request frequency received by the tracker
- ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html157
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html157
Allow instance admins to disable P2P from the administration interfaceAllow instance admins to disable P2P from the administration interface
- ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html158
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html158
Automatic video redundancy from some instances: one doesn't know if the IP downloaded the video on purpose or if it a serverAutomatic video redundancy from some instances: one doesn't know if the IP downloaded the video on purpose or if it a server
- ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html159
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html159
- Ultimately, remember you can always disable P2P by toggling it in the video player, or just by disabling WebRTC in your browser.
+ Ultimately, remember you can always disable P2P by toggling it in the video player, or just by disabling WebRTC in your browser.
Ultimately, remember you can always disable P2P by toggling it in the video player, or just by disabling
WebRTC in your browser.
- ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html163
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html163
Followers instancesFollowers instances
- ../app/+about/about-follows/about-follows.component.html4
+ ../app/+about/about-follows/about-follows.component.html4
This instance does not have instances followers.This instance does not have instances followers.
- ../app/+about/about-follows/about-follows.component.html6
+ ../app/+about/about-follows/about-follows.component.html6
Followings instancesFollowings instances
- ../app/+about/about-follows/about-follows.component.html14
+ ../app/+about/about-follows/about-follows.component.html14
This instance does not have instances followings.This instance does not have instances followings.
- ../app/+about/about-follows/about-follows.component.html16
- About this instanceAbout this instance
+ ../app/+about/about-follows/about-follows.component.html16
+ About this instance
+ About this instance../app/+about/about-routing.module.ts26
- About PeerTubeAbout PeerTube
+ About PeerTube
+ About PeerTube../app/+about/about-routing.module.ts38
- About followsAbout follows
+ About follows
+ About follows../app/+about/about-routing.module.ts47
@@ -5675,24 +5389,26 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Developed with ❤ by FramasoftDeveloped with ❤ by
- Framasoft
+ Framasoft
- ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube-contributors.component.html3
+ ../app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube-contributors.component.html3
+ Create an account
Create an account
- ../app/+signup/+register/register.component.html4
+ ../app/+signup/+register/register.component.html4
- ../app/+signup/+register/register.component.html20
- Get helpGet help
+ ../app/+signup/+register/register.component.html20
+ Get help
+ Get help../app/shared/shared-main/misc/help.component.ts16
@@ -5703,126 +5419,125 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Create my account
- ../app/+signup/+register/register.component.html29
+ ../app/+signup/+register/register.component.html29
PeerTube is creating your account...PeerTube is creating your account...
- ../app/+signup/+register/register.component.html37
+ ../app/+signup/+register/register.component.html37
- ../app/+signup/+register/register.component.html33
+ ../app/+signup/+register/register.component.html33
Who are we?Who are we?
- ../app/+signup/+register/register.component.html60
+ ../app/+signup/+register/register.component.html60
How long do we plan to maintain this instance?How long do we plan to maintain this instance?
- ../app/+signup/+register/register.component.html65
+ ../app/+signup/+register/register.component.html65
How will we finance this instance?How will we finance this instance?
- ../app/+signup/+register/register.component.html70
+ ../app/+signup/+register/register.component.html70
Administrators & SustainabilityAdministrators & Sustainability
- ../app/+signup/+register/register.component.html56
+ ../app/+signup/+register/register.component.html56
- ../app/+signup/+register/custom-stepper.component.html9
+ ../app/+signup/+register/custom-stepper.component.html9
- A channel is an entity in which you upload your videos. Creating several of them helps you to organize and separate your content. For example, you could decide to have a channel to publish your piano concerts, and another channel in which you publish your videos talking about ecology.
+ A channel is an entity in which you upload your videos. Creating several of them helps you to organize and separate your content. For example, you could decide to have a channel to publish your piano concerts, and another channel in which you publish your videos talking about ecology.
A channel is an entity in which you upload your videos. Creating several of them helps you to organize and separate your content.
For example, you could decide to have a channel to publish your piano concerts, and another channel in which you publish your videos talking about ecology.
- ../app/+signup/+register/register-step-channel.component.html5
+ ../app/+signup/+register/register-step-channel.component.html5
Other users can decide to subscribe any channel they want, to be notified when you publish a new video.
Other users can decide to subscribe any channel they want, to be notified when you publish a new video.
- ../app/+signup/+register/register-step-channel.component.html10
+ ../app/+signup/+register/register-step-channel.component.html10
Channel display nameChannel display name
- ../app/+signup/+register/register-step-channel.component.html15
+ ../app/+signup/+register/register-step-channel.component.html15
Channel nameChannel name
- ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html94
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html94
- ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html96
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html96
Example: my_super_channelExample: my_super_channel
- ../app/+signup/+register/register-step-channel.component.html34
+ ../app/+signup/+register/register-step-channel.component.html34
The channel name is a unique identifier of your channel on this and all the other instances. It's as unique as an email address, which makes it easy for other people to interact with it.
The channel name is a unique identifier of your channel on this and all the other instances. It's as unique as an email address, which makes it easy for other people to interact with it.
- ../app/+signup/+register/register-step-channel.component.html43
+ ../app/+signup/+register/register-step-channel.component.html43
Channel name cannot be the same than your account name. You can click on the first step to update your account name.
Channel name cannot be the same than your account name. You can click on the first step to update your account name.
- ../app/+signup/+register/register-step-channel.component.html51
+ ../app/+signup/+register/register-step-channel.component.html51
Example: jane_doeExample: jane_doe
- ../app/+signup/+register/register-step-user.component.html23
+ ../app/+signup/+register/register-step-user.component.html23
The username is a unique identifier of your account on this and all the other instances. It's as unique as an email address, which makes it easy for other people to interact with it.
The username is a unique identifier of your account on this and all the other instances. It's as unique as an email address, which makes it easy for other people to interact with it.
- ../app/+signup/+register/register-step-user.component.html32
+ ../app/+signup/+register/register-step-user.component.html32
- I am at least 16 years old and agree to the Terms and to the Code of Conduct of this instance
+ I am at least 16 years old and agree to the Terms and to the Code of Conduct of this instance
I am at least 16 years old and agree
to the
- Terms
- and to the
- Code of Conduct
+ Terms
+ and to the
+ Code of Conduct
of this instance
- ../app/+signup/+register/register-step-user.component.html66
- RegisterRegister
+ ../app/+signup/+register/register-step-user.component.html66
+ Register
+ Register../app/+signup/+register/register-routing.module.ts14
@@ -5833,37 +5548,42 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Sorry, we couldn't find the page you were looking for.
- ../app/+page-not-found/page-not-found.component.html5
+ ../app/+page-not-found/page-not-found.component.html5
Your message has been sent.Your message has been sent.
- ../app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.ts76
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.ts76
You already sent this form recentlyYou already sent this form recently
- ../app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.ts82
+ ../app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.ts82
No descriptionNo description
- ../app/+accounts/account-about/account-about.component.ts38
- Account videosAccount videos
+ ../app/+accounts/account-about/account-about.component.ts38
+ Account videos
+ Account videos../app/+accounts/accounts-routing.module.ts29
- Account video channelsAccount video channels
+ Account video channels
+ Account video channels../app/+accounts/accounts-routing.module.ts42
- About accountAbout account
+ About account
+ About account../app/+accounts/accounts-routing.module.ts51
@@ -5874,30 +5594,31 @@ channel with the same name ()!
- ../app/+accounts/account-videos/account-videos.component.ts67
+ ../app/+accounts/account-videos/account-videos.component.ts67
- direct account followers
+ direct account followers direct account followers
- ../app/+accounts/accounts.component.ts109
- Report this accountReport this account
+ ../app/+accounts/accounts.component.ts109
+ Report this account
+ Report this account../app/+accounts/accounts.component.ts115
- ../app/+accounts/accounts.component.ts59
+ ../app/+accounts/accounts.component.ts59
+ VIDEOS../app/+accounts/accounts.component.ts60
@@ -5906,370 +5627,358 @@ channel with the same name ()!
- ../app/+accounts/accounts.component.ts61
+ ../app/+accounts/accounts.component.ts61
+ Username copiedUsername copied
- ../app/+accounts/accounts.component.ts89
- 1 subscriber1 subscriber
+ ../app/+accounts/accounts.component.ts89
+ 1 subscriber
+ 1 subscriber../app/+accounts/accounts.component.ts93
- subscribers subscribers
+ subscribers
+ subscribers../app/+accounts/accounts.component.ts95
Instances you followInstances you follow
- ../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html3
+ ../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html3
Instances following youInstances following you
- ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html3
+ ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html3
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.ts56
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.ts56
- A <code>.mp4</code> that keeps the original audio track, with no video
- A <code>.mp4</code> that keeps the original audio track, with no video
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.ts57
+ A <code>.mp4</code> that keeps the original audio track, with no video
+ A <code>.mp4</code> that keeps the original audio track, with no video
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.ts57
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.ts61
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.ts61
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.ts65
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.ts65
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.ts69
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.ts69
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.ts73
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.ts73
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.ts77
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.ts77
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.ts81
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.ts81
Auto (via ffmpeg)Auto (via ffmpeg)
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.ts86
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.ts86
Configuration updated.Configuration updated.
- ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.ts294
- Edit custom configurationEdit custom configuration
+ ../app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.ts294
+ Edit custom configuration
+ Edit custom configuration../app/+admin/config/config.routes.ts26
Process domainsProcess domains
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/batch-domains-modal.component.ts28
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/batch-domains-modal.component.ts28
- Report
+ Report Report
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/account-report.component.ts51
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/account-report.component.ts51
Account reported.Account reported.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/account-report.component.ts82
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/account-report.component.ts82
Comment reported.Comment reported.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/comment-report.component.ts82
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/comment-report.component.ts82
Domain is required.Domain is required.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/batch-domains-validators.ts56
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/batch-domains-validators.ts56
Domains entered are invalid.Domains entered are invalid.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/batch-domains-validators.ts57
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/batch-domains-validators.ts57
Domains entered contain duplicates.Domains entered contain duplicates.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/batch-domains-validators.ts58
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/batch-domains-validators.ts58
- ../app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts21
+ ../app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts21
None - no upload possibleNone - no upload possible
- ../app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts23
+ ../app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts23
- ../app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts24
+ ../app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts24
- ../app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts25
+ ../app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts25
- ../app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts26
+ ../app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts26
- ../app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts27
+ ../app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts27
- ../app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts28
+ ../app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts28
- ../app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts29
+ ../app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts29
- ../app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts37
+ ../app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts37
- ../app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts38
+ ../app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts38
- ../app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts41
+ ../app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts41
- accepted in instance followers
+ accepted in instance followers accepted in instance followers
- ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts41
+ ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts41
Do you really want to reject this follower?Do you really want to reject this follower?
- ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts52
+ ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts52
- ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts53
+ ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts53
- rejected from instance followers
+ rejected from instance followers rejected from instance followers
- ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts60
+ ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts60
Do you really want to delete this follower?Do you really want to delete this follower?
- ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts73
- DeleteDelete
+ ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts73
+ Delete
+ Delete../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts74
- removed from instance followers
+ removed from instance followers removed from instance followers
- ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts81
+ ../app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts81
- is not valid
+ is not valid is not valid
- ../app/shared/form-validators/batch-domains-validators.ts19
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/batch-domains-validators.ts19
Follow request(s) sent!Follow request(s) sent!
- ../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.ts48
+ ../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.ts48
Do you really want to unfollow ?Do you really want to unfollow
- ../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.ts58
+ ../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.ts58
- ../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.ts59
+ ../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.ts59
You are not following anymore.You are not following
- ../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.ts65
+ ../app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.ts65
- ../app/+admin/follows/shared/redundancy-checkbox.component.ts23
+ ../app/+admin/follows/shared/redundancy-checkbox.component.ts23
- ../app/+admin/follows/shared/redundancy-checkbox.component.ts23
+ ../app/+admin/follows/shared/redundancy-checkbox.component.ts23
Redundancy for is Redundancy for
- ../app/+admin/follows/shared/redundancy-checkbox.component.ts25
+ ../app/+admin/follows/shared/redundancy-checkbox.component.ts25
- ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.ts101
+ ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.ts101
- ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.ts101
+ ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.ts101
Do you really want to remove this video redundancy?Do you really want to remove this video redundancy?
- ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.ts140
+ ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.ts140
Remove redundancyRemove redundancy
- ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.ts141
+ ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.ts141
Video redundancies removed!Video redundancies removed!
- ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.ts147
+ ../app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.ts147
Account unmuted by your instance.Account
unmuted by your instance.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/account-blocklist.component.ts48
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/account-blocklist.component.ts48
Instance unmuted by your instance.Instance
unmuted by your instance.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.ts46
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.ts46
Instance muted.Instance
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts147
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts147
Instance muted by your instance.Instance
muted by your instance.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.ts69
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.ts69
Comment updated.Comment updated.
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/moderation-comment-modal.component.ts58
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/moderation-comment-modal.component.ts58
Violent or RepulsiveViolent or Repulsive
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.ts21
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.ts21
Hateful or AbusiveHateful or Abusive
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.ts22
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.ts22
Spam or MisleadingSpam or Misleading
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.ts23
- PrivacyPrivacy
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.ts23
+ Privacy
+ Privacy../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.ts24
@@ -6278,208 +5987,199 @@ channel with the same name ()!
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts159
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts159
+ Server rulesServer rules
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.ts26
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.ts26
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts173
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts173
Internal actionsInternal actions
- ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts43
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts43
Delete reportDelete report
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts299
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts299
Actions for the flagged accountActions for the flagged account
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts310
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts310
Mark as acceptedMark as accepted
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts284
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts284
Mark as rejectedMark as rejected
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts289
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts289
Add internal noteAdd internal note
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts294
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts294
Actions for the videoActions for the video
- ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts66
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts66
Block videoBlock video
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts363
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts363
Video blocked.Video blocked.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/video-block.component.ts60
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/video-block.component.ts60
Unblock videoUnblock video
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts379
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts379
Video unblocked.Video unblocked.
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts385
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts385
Do you really want to delete this abuse report?Do you really want to delete this abuse report?
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts158
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts158
Abuse deleted.Abuse deleted.
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts163
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts163
Deleted commentDeleted comment
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts239
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts239
Messages with reporterMessages with reporter
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts273
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts273
Messages with moderatorsMessages with moderators
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts274
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts274
Update internal noteUpdate internal note
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts279
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts279
Switch video block to manualSwitch video block to manual
- ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts48
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts48
Video switched to manual block.Video
switched to manual block.
- ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts54
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts54
Do you really want to unblock this video? It will be available again in the videos list.Do you really want to unblock this video? It will be available again in the videos list.
- ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts159
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts159
- ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts70
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts70
Video unblocked.Video
- ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts166
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts166
- ../app/shared/shared-instance/feature-boolean.component.html1
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/feature-boolean.component.html1
- ../app/shared/shared-instance/feature-boolean.component.html2
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/feature-boolean.component.html2
You don't have plugins installed yet.You don't have plugins installed yet.
- ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.ts89
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.ts89
You don't have themes installed yet.You don't have themes installed yet.
- ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.ts92
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.ts92
- Update to
+ Update to Update to
- ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.ts100
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.ts100
Do you really want to uninstall ?Do you really want to uninstall
- ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.ts109
- UninstallUninstall
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.ts109
+ Uninstall
+ Uninstall../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.ts110
- uninstalled.
+ uninstalled. uninstalled.
- ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.ts117
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.ts117
- updated.
+ updated. updated.
- ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.ts139
- JobsJobs
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.ts139
+ Jobs
+ Jobs../app/+admin/system/system.routes.ts26
- LogsLogs
+ Logs
+ Logs../app/+admin/system/system.routes.ts37
@@ -6488,142 +6188,152 @@ channel with the same name ()!
The plugin index is not available. Please retry later.The plugin index is not available. Please retry later.
- ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.ts100
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.ts100
+ Please only install plugins or themes you trust, since they can execute any code on your instance.Please only install plugins or themes you trust, since they can execute any code on your instance.
- ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.ts122
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.ts122
Install ?Install
- ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.ts123
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.ts123
- installed.
+ installed. installed.
- ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.ts135
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.ts135
Settings updated.Settings updated.
- ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-show-installed/plugin-show-installed.component.ts52
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/plugin-show-installed/plugin-show-installed.component.ts52
- ../app/+admin/plugins/shared/plugin-api.service.ts33
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/shared/plugin-api.service.ts33
- ../app/+admin/plugins/shared/plugin-api.service.ts37
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/shared/plugin-api.service.ts37
- ../app/+admin/plugins/shared/plugin-api.service.ts45
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/shared/plugin-api.service.ts45
- ../app/+admin/plugins/shared/plugin-api.service.ts48
+ ../app/+admin/plugins/shared/plugin-api.service.ts48
Last weekLast week
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts79
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts79
Last dayLast day
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts84
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts84
Last hourLast hour
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts89
- debugdebug
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts89
+ debug
+ debug../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts101
- infoinfo
+ info
+ info../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts105
- warningwarning
+ warning
+ warning../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts109
- errorerror
+ error
+ error../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts113
- DebugDebug
- ../app/+admin/system/system.routes.ts48
+ Debug
+ Debug
+ ../app/+admin/system/system.routes.ts48
+ InfoInfo
- ../app/core/notification/notifier.service.ts11
+ ../app/core/notification/notifier.service.ts11
- ../app/core/routing/can-deactivate-guard.service.ts23
+ ../app/core/routing/can-deactivate-guard.service.ts23
- ../app/core/auth/auth.service.ts103
+ ../app/core/auth/auth.service.ts103
Standard logsStandard logs
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts124
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts124
Audit logsAudit logs
- ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts128
+ ../app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts128
User created.User
- ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-create.component.ts77
- Create userCreate user
- ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-create.component.ts95
- Videos blockedVideos blocked
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-create.component.ts77
+ Create user
+ Create user
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-create.component.ts95
+ Videos blocked
+ Videos blocked../app/+admin/moderation/moderation.routes.ts67
- Muted instancesMuted instances
+ Muted instances
+ Muted instances../app/+admin/moderation/moderation.routes.ts89
@@ -6634,20 +6344,24 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Password changed for user
- ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-password.component.ts40
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-password.component.ts40
Update user passwordUpdate user password
- ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-password.component.ts52
- Following listFollowing list
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-password.component.ts52
+ Following list
+ Following list../app/+admin/follows/follows.routes.ts28
- Followers listFollowers list
+ Followers list
+ Followers list../app/+admin/follows/follows.routes.ts37
@@ -6658,51 +6372,63 @@ channel with the same name ()!
- ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-update.component.ts85
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-update.component.ts85
Update userUpdate user
- ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-update.component.ts102
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-update.component.ts102
An email asking for password reset has been sent to .An email asking for password reset has been sent to
- ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-update.component.ts108
- Users listUsers list
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-edit/user-update.component.ts108
+ Users list
+ Users list../app/+admin/users/users.routes.ts27
- Create a userCreate a user
+ Create a user
+ Create a user../app/+admin/users/users.routes.ts36
- Update a userUpdate a user
+ Update a user
+ Update a user../app/+admin/users/users.routes.ts48
- FederationFederation
+ Federation
+ Federation../app/+admin/admin.component.ts26
- Instances you followInstances you follow
+ Instances you follow
+ Instances you follow../app/+admin/admin.component.ts29
- Instances following youInstances following you
+ Instances following you
+ Instances following you../app/+admin/admin.component.ts34
@@ -6711,10 +6437,11 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Videos will be deleted, comments will be tombstoned.Videos will be deleted, comments will be tombstoned.
- ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts84
- BanBan
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts84
+ Ban
+ Ban../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts89
@@ -6723,156 +6450,143 @@ channel with the same name ()!
User won't be able to login anymore, but videos and comments will be kept as is.User won't be able to login anymore, but videos and comments will be kept as is.
- ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts90
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts90
+ UnbanUnban
- ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts95
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts95
+ Set Email as VerifiedSet Email as Verified
- ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts102
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts102
You cannot ban root.You cannot ban root.
- ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts161
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts161
Do you really want to unban users?Do you really want to unban
- ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts198
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts198
- users unbanned.
+ users unbanned. users unbanned.
- ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts204
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts204
You cannot delete root.You cannot delete root.
- ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts215
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts215
If you remove these users, you will not be able to create others with the same username!If you remove these users, you will not be able to create others with the same username!
- ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts220
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts220
- users deleted.
+ users deleted. users deleted.
- ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts226
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts226
- users email set as verified.
+ users email set as verified. users email set as verified.
- ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts237
+ ../app/+admin/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts237
Account unmuted.Account
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts133
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts133
Instance unmuted.Instance
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts161
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts161
My videos historyMy videos history
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-history/my-account-history.component.ts45
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-history/my-account-history.component.ts45
Videos history is enabledVideos history is enabled
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-history/my-account-history.component.ts73
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-history/my-account-history.component.ts73
Videos history is disabledVideos history is disabled
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-history/my-account-history.component.ts74
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-history/my-account-history.component.ts74
Delete videos historyDelete videos history
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-history/my-account-history.component.ts86
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-history/my-account-history.component.ts86
Are you sure you want to delete all your videos history?Are you sure you want to delete all your videos history?
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-history/my-account-history.component.ts87
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-history/my-account-history.component.ts87
Videos history deletedVideos history deleted
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-history/my-account-history.component.ts95
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-history/my-account-history.component.ts95
Ownership acceptedOwnership accepted
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-ownership/my-account-accept-ownership/my-account-accept-ownership.component.ts64
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-ownership/my-account-accept-ownership/my-account-accept-ownership.component.ts64
Please check your emails to verify your new email.Please check your emails to verify your new email.
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.ts53
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.ts53
Email updated.Email updated.
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.ts55
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.ts55
You current password is invalid.You current password is invalid.
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-password/my-account-change-password.component.ts56
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-password/my-account-change-password.component.ts56
Password updated.Password updated.
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-password/my-account-change-password.component.ts48
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-password/my-account-change-password.component.ts48
Are you sure you want to delete your account? This will delete all your data, including channels, videos and comments. Content cached by other servers and other third-parties might make longer to be deleted.Are you sure you want to delete your account? This will delete all your data, including channels, videos and comments. Content cached by other servers and other third-parties might make longer to be deleted.
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-danger-zone/my-account-danger-zone.component.ts22
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-danger-zone/my-account-danger-zone.component.ts22
Type your username to confirmType your username to confirm
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-danger-zone/my-account-danger-zone.component.ts23
- Delete your accountDelete your account
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-danger-zone/my-account-danger-zone.component.ts23
+ Delete your account
+ Delete your account../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-danger-zone/my-account-danger-zone.component.ts25
@@ -6881,182 +6595,185 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Delete my accountDelete my account
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-danger-zone/my-account-danger-zone.component.ts26
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-danger-zone/my-account-danger-zone.component.ts26
+ Your account is deleted.Your account is deleted.
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-danger-zone/my-account-danger-zone.component.ts32
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-danger-zone/my-account-danger-zone.component.ts32
Interface settings updated.Interface settings updated.
- ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-interface-settings.component.ts74
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-interface-settings.component.ts74
New video from your subscriptionsNew video from your subscriptions
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts32
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts32
New comment on your videoNew comment on your video
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts33
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts33
New abuseNew abuse
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts34
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts34
Video blocked automatically waiting reviewVideo blocked automatically waiting review
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts35
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts35
One of your video is blocked/unblockedOne of your video is blocked/unblocked
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts36
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts36
Video published (after transcoding/scheduled update)Video published (after transcoding/scheduled update)
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts37
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts37
Video import finishedVideo import finished
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts38
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts38
A new user registered on your instanceA new user registered on your instance
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts39
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts39
You or your channel(s) has a new followerYou or your channel(s) has a new follower
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts40
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts40
Someone mentioned you in video commentsSomeone mentioned you in video comments
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts41
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts41
Your instance has a new followerYour instance has a new follower
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts42
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts42
Your instance automatically followed another instanceYour instance automatically followed another instance
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts43
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts43
An abuse report received a new messageAn abuse report received a new message
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts44
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts44
One of your abuse reports has been accepted or rejected by moderatorsOne of your abuse reports has been accepted or rejected by moderators
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts45
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts45
Preferences savedPreferences saved
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts92
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts92
Profile updated.Profile updated.
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-profile/my-account-profile.component.ts51
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-profile/my-account-profile.component.ts51
Avatar changed.Avatar changed.
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-settings.component.ts42
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-settings.component.ts42
Unknown languageUnknown language
- ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.ts57
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.ts57
Too many languages are enabled. Please enable them all or stay below 20 enabled languages.Too many languages are enabled. Please enable them all or stay below 20 enabled languages.
- ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.ts102
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.ts102
You need to enable at least 1 video language.You need to enable at least 1 video language.
- ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.ts107
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.ts107
Video settings updated.Video settings updated.
- ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.ts133
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.ts133
Display/Video settings updated.Display/Video settings updated.
- ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.ts140
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.ts140
Video channel created.Video channel
- ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channel-create.component.ts61
+ ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channel-create.component.ts61
This name already exists on this instance.This name already exists on this instance.
- ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channel-create.component.ts67
+ ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channel-create.component.ts67
Video channel updated.Video channel
- ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channel-update.component.ts92
+ ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channel-update.component.ts92
Please type the display name of the video channel () to confirmPlease type the display name of the video channel (
) to confirm
- ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channels.component.ts115
+ ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channels.component.ts115
Video channel deleted.Video channel
- ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channels.component.ts125
+ ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channels.component.ts125
Views for the dayViews for the day
- ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channels.component.ts144
- Create new video channelCreate new video channel
+ ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channels.component.ts144
+ Create new video channel
+ Create new video channel../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channels-routing.module.ts22
- Update video channelUpdate video channel
+ Update video channel
+ Update video channel../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channels-routing.module.ts31
- Not foundNot found
+ Not found
+ Not found../app/+page-not-found/page-not-found-routing.module.ts13
@@ -7067,35 +6784,45 @@ channel with the same name ()!
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-create.component.ts77
- CreateCreate
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-create.component.ts90
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-create.component.ts77
+ Create
+ Create
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-create.component.ts90
+ Update playlistUpdate playlist
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-routing.module.ts82
- Account video importsAccount video imports
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-routing.module.ts82
+ Account video imports
+ Account video imports../app/+my-account/my-account-routing.module.ts105
- Account subscriptionsAccount subscriptions
+ Account subscriptions
+ Account subscriptions../app/+my-account/my-account-routing.module.ts114
- Videos historyVideos history
+ Videos history
+ Videos history../app/+my-account/my-account-routing.module.ts150
- NotificationsNotifications
+ Notifications
+ Notifications../app/+my-account/my-account-routing.module.ts163
@@ -7104,56 +6831,50 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Delete playlistDelete playlist
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-elements.component.ts53
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-elements.component.ts53
+ Playlist updated.Playlist
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-update.component.ts98
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-update.component.ts98
Do you really want to delete ?Do you really want to delete
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-videos/my-account-videos.component.ts125
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-videos/my-account-videos.component.ts125
Playlist deleted.Playlist
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-elements.component.ts136
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlist-elements.component.ts136
My videosMy videos
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-videos/my-account-videos.component.html4
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-videos/my-account-videos.component.html4
Do you really want to delete videos?Do you really want to delete
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-videos/my-account-videos.component.ts98
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-videos/my-account-videos.component.ts98
- videos deleted.
+ videos deleted. videos deleted.
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-videos/my-account-videos.component.ts115
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-videos/my-account-videos.component.ts115
- Do you really want to delete
- ?
+ Do you really want to delete ? Do you really want to delete
@@ -7167,101 +6888,103 @@ channel with the same name ()!
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts192
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts192
Ownership change request sent.Ownership change request sent.
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-videos/video-change-ownership/video-change-ownership.component.ts64
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-videos/video-change-ownership/video-change-ownership.component.ts64
My channelsMy channels
- ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channels.component.html4
+ ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channels.component.html4
Search your channelsSearch your channels
- ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channels.component.html11
+ ../app/+my-account/+my-account-video-channels/my-account-video-channels.component.html11
My playlistsMy playlists
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlists.component.html4
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-video-playlists/my-account-video-playlists.component.html4
My subscriptionsMy subscriptions
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-subscriptions/my-account-subscriptions.component.html4
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-subscriptions/my-account-subscriptions.component.html4
Search your subscriptionsSearch your subscriptions
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-subscriptions/my-account-subscriptions.component.html11
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-subscriptions/my-account-subscriptions.component.html11
My historyMy history
- ../app/+my-account/my-account-history/my-account-history.component.html3
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account-history/my-account-history.component.html3
- ../app/+my-account/my-account.component.ts88
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account.component.ts88
My abuse reportsMy abuse reports
- ../app/+my-account/my-account.component.ts101
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account.component.ts101
Ownership changesOwnership changes
- ../app/+my-account/my-account.component.ts106
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account.component.ts106
My settingsMy settings
- ../app/+my-account/my-account.component.ts115
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account.component.ts115
My notificationsMy notifications
- ../app/+my-account/my-account.component.ts119
+ ../app/+my-account/my-account.component.ts119
max sizemax size
- ../app/shared/shared-forms/preview-upload.component.ts39
+ ../app/shared/shared-forms/preview-upload.component.ts39
Now please check your emails to verify your account and complete signup.Now please check your emails to verify your account and complete signup.
- ../app/+signup/+register/register.component.ts115
+ ../app/+signup/+register/register.component.ts115
You are now logged in as !You are now logged in as
- ../app/+signup/+register/register.component.ts123
+ ../app/+signup/+register/register.component.ts123
An email with verification link will be sent to .An email with verification link will be sent to
- ../app/+signup/+verify-account/verify-account-ask-send-email/verify-account-ask-send-email.component.ts45
- Verify account emailVerify account email
+ ../app/+signup/+verify-account/verify-account-ask-send-email/verify-account-ask-send-email.component.ts45
+ Verify account email
+ Verify account email../app/+signup/+verify-account/verify-account-routing.module.ts17
- Verify account ask send emailVerify account ask send email
+ Verify account ask send email
+ Verify account ask send email../app/+signup/+verify-account/verify-account-routing.module.ts26
@@ -7270,184 +6993,187 @@ channel with the same name ()!
Unable to find user id or verification string.Unable to find user id or verification string.
- ../app/+reset-password/reset-password.component.ts38
+ ../app/+reset-password/reset-password.component.ts38
+ Published videosPublished videos
- ../app/+video-channels/video-channel-videos/video-channel-videos.component.ts39
- Published 1 videoPublished 1 video
+ ../app/+video-channels/video-channel-videos/video-channel-videos.component.ts39
+ Published 1 video
+ Published 1 video../app/+video-channels/video-channel-videos/video-channel-videos.component.ts74
Subscribe to the accountSubscribe to the account
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts833
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts833
- ../app/+video-channels/video-channels.component.ts66
+ ../app/+video-channels/video-channels.component.ts66
Focus the search barFocus the search bar
- ../app/app.component.ts289
+ ../app/app.component.ts289
Toggle the left menuToggle the left menu
- ../app/app.component.ts294
+ ../app/app.component.ts294
Go to the discover videos pageGo to the discover videos page
- ../app/app.component.ts299
+ ../app/app.component.ts299
Go to the trending videos pageGo to the trending videos page
- ../app/app.component.ts304
+ ../app/app.component.ts304
Go to the recently added videos pageGo to the recently added videos page
- ../app/app.component.ts309
+ ../app/app.component.ts309
Go to the local videos pageGo to the local videos page
- ../app/app.component.ts314
+ ../app/app.component.ts314
Go to the videos upload pageGo to the videos upload page
- ../app/app.component.ts319
+ ../app/app.component.ts319
Go to my subscriptionsGo to my subscriptions
- ../app/core/auth/auth.service.ts63
+ ../app/core/auth/auth.service.ts63
Go to my videosGo to my videos
- ../app/core/auth/auth.service.ts67
+ ../app/core/auth/auth.service.ts67
Go to my importsGo to my imports
- ../app/core/auth/auth.service.ts71
+ ../app/core/auth/auth.service.ts71
Go to my channelsGo to my channels
- ../app/core/auth/auth.service.ts75
- Cannot retrieve OAuth Client credentials: .
-Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular the "webserver" section.Cannot retrieve OAuth Client credentials: .
+ ../app/core/auth/auth.service.ts75
+ Cannot retrieve OAuth Client credentials: . Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular the "webserver" section.
+ Cannot retrieve OAuth Client credentials: .
Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular the "webserver" section.../app/core/auth/auth.service.ts98,99
You need to reconnect.You need to reconnect.
- ../app/core/auth/auth.service.ts215
+ ../app/core/auth/auth.service.ts215
Keyboard Shortcuts:Keyboard Shortcuts:
- ../app/core/hotkeys/hotkeys.component.ts11
+ ../app/core/hotkeys/hotkeys.component.ts11
- ../app/core/notification/notifier.service.ts23
+ ../app/core/notification/notifier.service.ts23
Incorrect username or password.Incorrect username or password.
- ../app/+login/login.component.ts140
+ ../app/+login/login.component.ts140
Your account is blocked.Your account is blocked.
- ../app/+login/login.component.ts141
+ ../app/+login/login.component.ts141
any languageany language
- ../app/menu/menu.component.ts229
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.ts229
- ../app/menu/menu.component.ts121
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.ts121
- ../app/menu/menu.component.ts124
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.ts124
- ../app/menu/menu.component.ts127
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.ts127
- ../app/menu/menu.component.ts193
+ ../app/menu/menu.component.ts193
Your password has been successfully reset!Your password has been successfully reset!
- ../app/+reset-password/reset-password.component.ts47
+ ../app/+reset-password/reset-password.component.ts47
- ../app/+search/search-filters.component.ts38
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.ts38
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/abstract-video-list.ts112
- YesterdayYesterday
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/abstract-video-list.ts112
+ Yesterday
+ Yesterday../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/abstract-video-list.ts113
- Last monthLast month
+ Last month
+ Last month../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/abstract-video-list.ts115
- OlderOlder
+ Older
+ Older../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/abstract-video-list.ts116
- Cannot load more videos. Try again later.Cannot load more videos. Try again later.
+ Cannot load more videos. Try again later.
+ Cannot load more videos. Try again later.../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/abstract-video-list.ts193
@@ -7456,168 +7182,148 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Last 7 daysLast 7 days
- ../app/+search/search-filters.component.ts46
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.ts46
+ Last 30 daysLast 30 days
- ../app/+search/search-filters.component.ts50
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.ts50
Last 365 daysLast 365 days
- ../app/+search/search-filters.component.ts54
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.ts54
Short (< 4 min)Short (< 4 min)
- ../app/+search/search-filters.component.ts65
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.ts65
Medium (4-10 min)Medium (4-10 min)
- ../app/+search/search-filters.component.ts69
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.ts69
- Long (> 10 min)
- Long (> 10 min)
- ../app/+search/search-filters.component.ts73
+ Long (> 10 min)
+ Long (> 10 min)
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.ts73
- ../app/+search/search-filters.component.ts80
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.ts80
Publish datePublish date
- ../app/+search/search-filters.component.ts84
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.ts84
- ../app/+search/search-filters.component.ts88
+ ../app/+search/search-filters.component.ts88
Search index is unavailable. Retrying with instance results instead.Search index is unavailable. Retrying with instance results instead.
- ../app/+search/search.component.ts171
+ ../app/+search/search.component.ts171
Search errorSearch error
- ../app/+search/search.component.ts172
- SearchSearch
+ ../app/+search/search.component.ts172
+ Search
+ Search../app/+search/search.component.ts230
- years ago
+ years ago years ago
- ../app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts12
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts12
- year ago
+ year ago year ago
- ../app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts13
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts13
- months ago
+ months ago months ago
- ../app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts16
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts16
- month ago
+ month ago month ago
- ../app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts17
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts17
- weeks ago
+ weeks ago weeks ago
- ../app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts20
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts20
- week ago
+ week ago week ago
- ../app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts21
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts21
- days ago
+ days ago days ago
- ../app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts24
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts24
- day ago
+ day ago day ago
- ../app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts25
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts25
- hours ago
+ hours ago hours ago
- ../app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts28
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts28
- hour ago
+ hour ago hour ago
- ../app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts29
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts29
- min ago
+ min ago min ago
- ../app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts32
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts32
just nowjust now
- ../app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts34
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts34
h min sec
@@ -7625,446 +7331,431 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-duration-formatter.pipe.ts14
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-duration-formatter.pipe.ts14
min sec min
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-duration-formatter.pipe.ts18
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-duration-formatter.pipe.ts18
- sec
+ sec sec
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-duration-formatter.pipe.ts21
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-duration-formatter.pipe.ts21
- ../app/modal/confirm.component.ts39
+ ../app/modal/confirm.component.ts39
Instance name is required.Instance name is required.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts7
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts7
Short description should not be longer than 250 characters.Short description should not be longer than 250 characters.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts14
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts14
Twitter username is required.Twitter username is required.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts21
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts21
Previews cache size is required.Previews cache size is required.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts28
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts28
Previews cache size must be greater than 1.Previews cache size must be greater than 1.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts29
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts29
Previews cache size must be a number.Previews cache size must be a number.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts30
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts30
Captions cache size is required.Captions cache size is required.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts37
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts37
Captions cache size must be greater than 1.Captions cache size must be greater than 1.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts38
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts38
Captions cache size must be a number.Captions cache size must be a number.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts39
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts39
Signup limit is required.Signup limit is required.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts46
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts46
Signup limit must be greater than 1.Signup limit must be greater than 1.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts47
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts47
Signup limit must be a number.Signup limit must be a number.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts48
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts48
Admin email is required.Admin email is required.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts55
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts55
Admin email must be valid.Admin email must be valid.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts56
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts56
Transcoding threads is required.Transcoding threads is required.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts63
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts63
Transcoding threads must be greater or equal to 0.Transcoding threads must be greater or equal to 0.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts64
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts64
Index URL should be a URLIndex URL should be a URL
- ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts71
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts71
Search index URL should be a URLSearch index URL should be a URL
- ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts78
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts78
Email is required.Email is required.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts7
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts7
Email must be valid.Email must be valid.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts8
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts8
Your name is required.Your name is required.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts19
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts19
Your name must be at least 1 character long.Your name must be at least 1 character long.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts20
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts20
Your name cannot be more than 120 characters long.Your name cannot be more than 120 characters long.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts21
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts21
A subject is required.A subject is required.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts32
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts32
The subject must be at least 1 character long.The subject must be at least 1 character long.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts33
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts33
The subject cannot be more than 120 characters long.The subject cannot be more than 120 characters long.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts34
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts34
A message is required.A message is required.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts45
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts45
The message must be at least 3 characters long.The message must be at least 3 characters long.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts46
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts46
The message cannot be more than 5000 characters long.The message cannot be more than 5000 characters long.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts47
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts47
Username is required.Username is required.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts12
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts12
Password is required.Password is required.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts49
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts49
Confirmation of the password is required.Confirmation of the password is required.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/reset-password-validators.ts9
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/reset-password-validators.ts9
Username must be at least 1 character long.Username must be at least 1 character long.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts13
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts13
Username cannot be more than 50 characters long.Username cannot be more than 50 characters long.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts14
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts14
Username should be lowercase alphanumeric; dots and underscores are allowed.Username should be lowercase alphanumeric; dots and underscores are allowed.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts15
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts15
Channel name is required.Channel name is required.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts27
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts27
Channel name must be at least 1 character long.Channel name must be at least 1 character long.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts28
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts28
Channel name cannot be more than 50 characters long.Channel name cannot be more than 50 characters long.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts29
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts29
Channel name should be lowercase alphanumeric; dots and underscores are allowed.Channel name should be lowercase alphanumeric; dots and underscores are allowed.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts30
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts30
Password must be at least 6 characters long.Password must be at least 6 characters long.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts50
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts50
Password cannot be more than 255 characters long.Password cannot be more than 255 characters long.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts51
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts51
The new password and the confirmed password do not correspond.The new password and the confirmed password do not correspond.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts69
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts69
Video quota is required.Video quota is required.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts76
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts76
Quota must be greater than -1.Quota must be greater than -1.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts77
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts77
Daily upload limit is required.Daily upload limit is required.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts83
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts83
Daily upload limit must be greater than -1.Daily upload limit must be greater than -1.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts84
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts84
User role is required.User role is required.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts91
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts91
Description must be at least 3 characters long.Description must be at least 3 characters long.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts38
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts38
Description cannot be more than 1000 characters long.Description cannot be more than 1000 characters long.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts39
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts39
You must agree with the instance terms in order to register on it.You must agree with the instance terms in order to register on it.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts113
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts113
Ban reason must be at least 3 characters long.Ban reason must be at least 3 characters long.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts123
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts123
Ban reason cannot be more than 250 characters long.Ban reason cannot be more than 250 characters long.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts124
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts124
Display name is required.Display name is required.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts26
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts26
Display name must be at least 1 character long.Display name must be at least 1 character long.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts27
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts27
Display name cannot be more than 50 characters long.Display name cannot be more than 50 characters long.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts28
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts28
Report reason is required.Report reason is required.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/abuse-validators.ts7
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/abuse-validators.ts7
Report reason must be at least 2 characters long.Report reason must be at least 2 characters long.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/abuse-validators.ts8
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/abuse-validators.ts8
Report reason cannot be more than 3000 characters long.Report reason cannot be more than 3000 characters long.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/abuse-validators.ts9
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/abuse-validators.ts9
Moderation comment is required.Moderation comment is required.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/abuse-validators.ts16
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/abuse-validators.ts16
Moderation comment must be at least 2 characters long.Moderation comment must be at least 2 characters long.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/abuse-validators.ts17
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/abuse-validators.ts17
Moderation comment cannot be more than 3000 characters long.Moderation comment cannot be more than 3000 characters long.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/abuse-validators.ts18
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/abuse-validators.ts18
Abuse message is required.Abuse message is required.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/abuse-validators.ts25
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/abuse-validators.ts25
Abuse message must be at least 2 characters long.Abuse message must be at least 2 characters long.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/abuse-validators.ts26
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/abuse-validators.ts26
Abuse message cannot be more than 3000 characters long.Abuse message cannot be more than 3000 characters long.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/abuse-validators.ts27
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/abuse-validators.ts27
The channel is required.The channel is required.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-ownership-change-validators.ts7
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-ownership-change-validators.ts7
Block reason must be at least 2 characters long.Block reason must be at least 2 characters long.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-block-validators.ts7
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-block-validators.ts7
Block reason cannot be more than 300 characters long.Block reason cannot be more than 300 characters long.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-block-validators.ts8
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-block-validators.ts8
Video caption language is required.Video caption language is required.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-captions-validators.ts7
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-captions-validators.ts7
Video caption file is required.Video caption file is required.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-captions-validators.ts14
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-captions-validators.ts14
The username is required.The username is required.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-ownership-change-validators.ts14
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-ownership-change-validators.ts14
You can only transfer ownership to a local accountYou can only transfer ownership to a local account
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-ownership-change-validators.ts15
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-ownership-change-validators.ts15
Name is required.Name is required.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts12
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts12
Name must be at least 1 character long.Name must be at least 1 character long.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts13
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts13
Name cannot be more than 50 characters long.Name cannot be more than 50 characters long.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts14
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts14
Name should be lowercase alphanumeric; dots and underscores are allowed.Name should be lowercase alphanumeric; dots and underscores are allowed.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts15
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts15
Support text must be at least 3 characters long.Support text must be at least 3 characters long.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts49
- Support text cannot be more than 1000 characters longSupport text cannot be more than 1000 characters long
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts50
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts49
+ Support text cannot be more than 1000 characters long
+ Support text cannot be more than 1000 characters long
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts50
+ Comment is required.Comment is required.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-comment-validators.ts7
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-comment-validators.ts7
Comment must be at least 2 characters long.Comment must be at least 2 characters long.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-comment-validators.ts8
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-comment-validators.ts8
Comment cannot be more than 3000 characters long.Comment cannot be more than 3000 characters long.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-comment-validators.ts9
- Request is too large for the server.
- Please contact you administrator if you want to increase the limit size.Request is too large for the server.
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-comment-validators.ts9
+ Request is too large for the server. Please contact you administrator if you want to increase the limit size.
+ Request is too large for the server.
Please contact you administrator if you want to increase the limit size.../app/core/rest/rest-extractor.service.ts
@@ -8074,540 +7765,524 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Display name cannot be more than 120 characters long.Display name cannot be more than 120 characters long.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-playlist-validators.ts14
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-playlist-validators.ts14
+ Privacy is required.Privacy is required.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-playlist-validators.ts23
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-playlist-validators.ts23
The channel is required when the playlist is public.The channel is required when the playlist is public.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-playlist-validators.ts41
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-playlist-validators.ts41
Video name is required.Video name is required.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts7
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts7
Video name must be at least 3 characters long.Video name must be at least 3 characters long.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts8
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts8
Video name cannot be more than 120 characters long.Video name cannot be more than 120 characters long.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts9
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts9
Video privacy is required.Video privacy is required.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts16
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts16
Video channel is required.Video channel is required.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts43
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts43
Video description must be at least 3 characters long.Video description must be at least 3 characters long.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts50
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts50
Video description cannot be more than 10000 characters long.Video description cannot be more than 10000 characters long.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts51
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts51
A tag should be more than 2 characters long.A tag should be more than 2 characters long.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts58
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts58
A tag should be less than 30 characters long.A tag should be less than 30 characters long.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts59
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts59
A maximum of 5 tags can be used on a video.A maximum of 5 tags can be used on a video.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts66
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts66
A tag should be more than 2, and less than 30 characters long.A tag should be more than 2, and less than 30 characters long.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts67
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts67
Video support must be at least 3 characters long.Video support must be at least 3 characters long.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts74
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts74
Video support cannot be more than 1000 characters long.Video support cannot be more than 1000 characters long.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts75
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts75
A date is required to schedule video update.A date is required to schedule video update.
- ../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts82
+ ../app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts82
This file is too large.This file is too large.
- ../app/shared/shared-forms/reactive-file.component.ts50
- PeerTube cannot handle this kind of file. Accepted extensions are }.PeerTube cannot handle this kind of file. Accepted extensions are }.
+ ../app/shared/shared-forms/reactive-file.component.ts50
+ PeerTube cannot handle this kind of file. Accepted extensions are }.
+ PeerTube cannot handle this kind of file. Accepted extensions are }.../app/shared/shared-forms/reactive-file.component.ts56
Add a new optionAdd a new option
- ../app/shared/shared-forms/select/select-checkbox.component.ts28
+ ../app/shared/shared-forms/select/select-checkbox.component.ts28
All unsaved data will be lost, are you sure you want to leave this page?All unsaved data will be lost, are you sure you want to leave this page?
- ../app/core/routing/can-deactivate-guard.service.ts19
+ ../app/core/routing/can-deactivate-guard.service.ts19
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts11
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts11
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts12
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts12
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts13
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts13
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts14
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts14
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts15
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts15
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts16
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts16
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts17
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts17
SunSunDay name short
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts21
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts21
MonMonDay name short
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts22
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts22
TueTueDay name short
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts23
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts23
WedWedDay name short
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts24
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts24
ThuThuDay name short
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts25
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts25
FriFriDay name short
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts26
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts26
SatSatDay name short
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts27
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts27
SuSuDay name min
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts31
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts31
MoMoDay name min
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts32
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts32
TuTuDay name min
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts33
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts33
WeWeDay name min
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts34
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts34
ThThDay name min
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts35
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts35
FrFrDay name min
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts36
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts36
SaSaDay name min
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts37
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts37
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts41
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts41
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts42
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts42
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts43
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts43
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts44
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts44
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts45
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts45
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts46
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts46
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts47
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts47
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts48
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts48
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts49
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts49
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts50
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts50
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts51
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts51
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts52
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts52
JanJanMonth name short
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts56
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts56
FebFebMonth name short
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts57
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts57
MarMarMonth name short
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts58
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts58
AprAprMonth name short
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts59
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts59
JunJunMonth name short
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts61
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts61
JulJulMonth name short
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts62
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts62
AugAugMonth name short
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts63
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts63
SepSepMonth name short
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts64
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts64
OctOctMonth name short
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts65
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts65
NovNovMonth name short
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts66
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts66
DecDecMonth name short
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts67
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts67
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts72
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts72
yy-mm-ddyy-mm-dd Date format in this locale.
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts88
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts88
Instance languagesInstance languages
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.ts169
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.ts169
All languagesAll languages
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.ts170
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.ts170
- ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.ts36
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.ts36
Blurred with confirmation requestBlurred with confirmation request
- ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.ts37
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.ts37
- ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.ts38
- ~ 1 minute~ 1 minute
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.ts38
+ ~ 1 minute
+ ~ 1 minute../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.ts53
- ~ minutes~ minutes
+ ~ minutes
+ ~ minutes../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.ts55
- of full HD videos
+ of full HD videos of full HD videos
- ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.ts71
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.ts71
- of HD videos
+ of HD videos of HD videos
- ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.ts72
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.ts72
- of average quality videos
+ of average quality videos of average quality videos
- ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.ts73
+ ../app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.ts73
- (channel page)
+ (channel page) (channel page)
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-miniature.component.ts117
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-miniature.component.ts117
- (account page)
+ (account page) (account page)
- ../app/shared/shared-main/account/avatar.component.ts19
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/account/avatar.component.ts19
- ../app/shared/shared-main/misc/help.component.ts81
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/misc/help.component.ts81
- ../app/shared/shared-main/misc/help.component.ts82
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/misc/help.component.ts82
New linesNew lines
- ../app/shared/shared-main/misc/help.component.ts83
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/misc/help.component.ts83
- ../app/shared/shared-main/misc/help.component.ts84
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/misc/help.component.ts84
- ../app/shared/shared-main/misc/help.component.ts85
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/misc/help.component.ts85
- users banned.
+ users banned. users banned.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-ban-modal.component.ts53
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-ban-modal.component.ts53
User banned.User
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-ban-modal.component.ts54
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-ban-modal.component.ts54
Do you really want to unban ?Do you really want to unban
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts70
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts70
User unbanned.User
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts76
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts76
If you remove this user, you will not be able to create another with the same username!If you remove this user, you will not be able to create another with the same username!
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts90
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts90
User deleted.User
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts96
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts96
User email set as verifiedUser
email set as verified
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts107
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts107
Account muted.Account
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts119
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts119
- Instance
- muted.
+ Instance muted. Instance
@@ -8621,253 +8296,254 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
muted by the instance.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts175
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts175
Mute serverMute server
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts346
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts346
Server muted by the instance.Server
muted by the instance.
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts470
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts470
Add a message to communicate with the reporterAdd a message to communicate with the reporter
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-message-modal.component.ts100
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-message-modal.component.ts100
Add a message to communicate with the moderation teamAdd a message to communicate with the moderation team
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-message-modal.component.ts103
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-message-modal.component.ts103
Account unmuted by the instance.Account
unmuted by the instance.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts189
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts189
Instance muted by the instance.Instance
muted by the instance.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts203
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts203
Instance unmuted by the instance.Instance
unmuted by the instance.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts217
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts217
Are you sure you want to remove all the comments of this account?Are you sure you want to remove all the comments of this account?
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts228
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts228
Delete account commentsDelete account comments
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts229
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts229
Will remove comments of this account (may take several minutes).Will remove comments of this account (may take several minutes).
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts235
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts235
Edit userEdit user
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts263
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts263
Change quota, role, and more.Change quota, role, and more.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts264
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts264
Delete userDelete user
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts268
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts268
Unban userUnban user
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts279
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts279
Allow the user to login and create videos/comments againAllow the user to login and create videos/comments again
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts280
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts280
Mute this accountMute this account
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts297
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts297
Hide any content from that user for you.Hide any content from that user for you.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts298
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts298
Unmute this accountUnmute this account
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts303
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts303
Show back content from that user for you.Show back content from that user for you.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts304
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts304
Mute the instanceMute the instance
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts309
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts309
Hide any content from that instance for you.Hide any content from that instance for you.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts310
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts310
Unmute the instanceUnmute the instance
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts315
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts315
Show back content from that instance for you.Show back content from that instance for you.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts316
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts316
Remove comments from your videosRemove comments from your videos
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts321
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts321
Remove comments of this account from your videos.Remove comments of this account from your videos.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts322
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts322
Mute this account by your instanceMute this account by your instance
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts333
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts333
Hide any content from that user for you, your instance and its users.Hide any content from that user for you, your instance and its users.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts334
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts334
Unmute this account by your instanceUnmute this account by your instance
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts339
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts339
Show back content from that user for you, your instance and its users.Show back content from that user for you, your instance and its users.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts340
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts340
Mute the instance by your instanceMute the instance by your instance
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts351
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts351
Hide any content from that instance for you, your instance and its users.Hide any content from that instance for you, your instance and its users.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts352
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts352
Unmute the instance by your instanceUnmute the instance by your instance
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts357
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts357
Show back content from that instance for you, your instance and its users.Show back content from that instance for you, your instance and its users.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts358
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts358
Remove comments from your instanceRemove comments from your instance
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts368
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts368
Remove comments of this account from your instance.Remove comments of this account from your instance.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts369
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts369
Violent or repulsiveViolent or repulsive
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts139
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts139
Contains offensive, violent, or coarse language or iconography.Contains offensive, violent, or coarse language or iconography.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts140
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts140
Hateful or abusiveHateful or abusive
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts144
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts144
Contains abusive, racist or sexist language or iconography.Contains abusive, racist or sexist language or iconography.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts145
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts145
Spam, ad or false newsSpam, ad or false news
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts149
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts149
Contains marketing, spam, purposefully deceitful news, or otherwise misleading thumbnail/text/tags. Please provide reputable sources to report hoaxes.Contains marketing, spam, purposefully deceitful news, or otherwise misleading thumbnail/text/tags. Please provide reputable sources to report hoaxes.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts150
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts150
Privacy breach or doxxingPrivacy breach or doxxing
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts154
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts154
Contains personal information that could be used to track, identify, contact or impersonate someone (e.g. name, address, phone number, email, or credit card details).Contains personal information that could be used to track, identify, contact or impersonate someone (e.g. name, address, phone number, email, or credit card details).
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts155
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts155
Infringes your copyright wrt. the regional laws with which the server must comply.Infringes your copyright wrt. the regional laws with which the server must comply.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts160
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts160
Breaks server rulesBreaks server rules
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts164
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts164
Anything not included in the above that breaks the terms of service, code of conduct, or general rules in place on the server.Anything not included in the above that breaks the terms of service, code of conduct, or general rules in place on the server.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts165
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts165
The above can only be seen in thumbnails.The above can only be seen in thumbnails.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts174
- CaptionsCaptions
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts174
+ Captions
+ Captions../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts178
@@ -8876,208 +8552,200 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
The above can only be seen in captions (please describe which).The above can only be seen in captions (please describe which).
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts179
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts179
+ Too many attempts, please try again after minutes.Too many attempts, please try again after
- ../app/core/rest/rest-extractor.service.ts67
+ ../app/core/rest/rest-extractor.service.ts67
Too many attempts, please try again later.Too many attempts, please try again later.
- ../app/core/rest/rest-extractor.service.ts69
+ ../app/core/rest/rest-extractor.service.ts69
Server error. Please retry later.Server error. Please retry later.
- ../app/core/rest/rest-extractor.service.ts72
+ ../app/core/rest/rest-extractor.service.ts72
Subscribed to all current channels of . You will be notified of all their new videos.Subscribed to all current channels of
. You will be notified of all their new videos.
- ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.ts109
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.ts109
Subscribed to . You will be notified of all their new videos.Subscribed to
. You will be notified of all their new videos.
- ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.ts110
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.ts110
- ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.ts112
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.ts112
- Unsubscribed from all channels of
+ Unsubscribed from all channels of Unsubscribed from all channels of
- ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.ts139
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.ts139
- Unsubscribed from
+ Unsubscribed from Unsubscribed from
- ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.ts140
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.ts140
- ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.ts142
+ ../app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.ts142
- ../app/core/users/user.service.ts384
+ ../app/core/users/user.service.ts384
- Video removed from
+ Video removed from Video removed from
- ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-element-miniature.component.ts98
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-element-miniature.component.ts98
Video added in at timestamps Video added in
at timestamps
- ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-add-to-playlist.component.ts377
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-add-to-playlist.component.ts377
- Video added in
+ Video added in Video added in
- ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-add-to-playlist.component.ts378
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-add-to-playlist.component.ts378
Timestamps updatedTimestamps updated
- ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-element-miniature.component.ts117
- Starts at Starts at
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-element-miniature.component.ts117
+ Starts at
+ Starts at ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-element-miniature.component.ts140
- Stops at Stops at
+ Stops at
+ Stops at ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-element-miniature.component.ts141
- and stops at and stops at
+ and stops at
+ and stops at ../app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-element-miniature.component.ts143
Delete videoDelete video
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts395
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts395
Actions for the commentActions for the comment
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts424
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts424
Delete commentDelete comment
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts430
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts430
Do you really want to delete this comment?Do you really want to delete this comment?
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.ts166
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comments.component.ts166
Comment deleted.Comment deleted.
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts442
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts442
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts145
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts145
Format nameFormat name
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts146
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts146
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts147
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts147
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts149
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts149
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts169
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts169
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts136
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts136
Video reported.Video reported.
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/video-report.component.ts110
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/video-report.component.ts110
Do you really want to delete this video?Do you really want to delete this video?
- ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts78
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts78
Video deleted.Video deleted.
- ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts86
- yesyes
+ ../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts86
+ yes
+ yes../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts149
- nono
+ no
+ no../app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts151
@@ -9086,25 +8754,29 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Actions for the reporterActions for the reporter
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts334
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts334
+ Mute reporterMute reporter
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts340
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts340
This video will be duplicated by your instance.This video will be duplicated by your instance.
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts204
- DownloadDownload
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts204
+ Download
+ Download../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts250
- UpdateUpdate
+ Update
+ Update../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts256
@@ -9113,29 +8785,34 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts262
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts262
+ Save to playlistSave to playlist
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts108
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts108
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts274
- ReportReport
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts286
- RemoveRemove
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts274
+ Report
+ Report
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts286
+ Remove
+ Remove../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment.component.ts179
- Remove & re-draftRemove & re-draft
+ Remove & re-draft
+ Remove & re-draft../app/+videos/+video-watch/comment/video-comment.component.ts187
@@ -9144,301 +8821,361 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Mute accountMute account
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts294
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts294
+ Mute server accountMute server account
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts322
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts322
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html65
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html65
Reported partReported part
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html83
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html83
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html90
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html90
The video was deletedThe video was deleted
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html99
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html99
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html105
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html105
Messages with the reporterMessages with the reporter
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-message-modal.component.html4
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-message-modal.component.html4
Messages with the moderation teamMessages with the moderation team
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-message-modal.component.html5
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-message-modal.component.html5
- No messages for now.
+ No messages for now.
No messages for now.
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-message-modal.component.html28
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-message-modal.component.html28
Add a messageAdd a message
- ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-message-modal.component.html44
+ ../app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-message-modal.component.html44
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-miniature.component.ts162
- Publication scheduled on Publication scheduled on
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-miniature.component.ts162
+ Publication scheduled on
+ Publication scheduled on ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-miniature.component.ts167
Waiting transcodingWaiting transcoding
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-miniature.component.ts171
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-miniature.component.ts171
To transcodeTo transcode
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-miniature.component.ts175
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-miniature.component.ts175
To importTo import
- ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-miniature.component.ts179
+ ../app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-miniature.component.ts179
Add to watch laterAdd to watch later
- ../app/shared/shared-thumbnail/video-thumbnail.component.ts28
+ ../app/shared/shared-thumbnail/video-thumbnail.component.ts28
Remove from watch laterRemove from watch later
- ../app/shared/shared-thumbnail/video-thumbnail.component.ts29
+ ../app/shared/shared-thumbnail/video-thumbnail.component.ts29
Only I can see this videoOnly I can see this video
- ../app/shared/shared-main/video/video.service.ts342
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/video/video.service.ts342
Only shareable via a private linkOnly shareable via a private link
- ../app/shared/shared-main/video/video.service.ts346
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/video/video.service.ts346
Anyone can see this videoAnyone can see this video
- ../app/shared/shared-main/video/video.service.ts350
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/video/video.service.ts350
Only users of this instance can see this videoOnly users of this instance can see this video
- ../app/shared/shared-main/video/video.service.ts354
- CloseClose
+ ../app/shared/shared-main/video/video.service.ts354
+ Close
+ Close../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/alert/alert.ts74
- PreviousPrevious
+ Previous
+ Previous../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/carousel/carousel.ts349
- NextNext
+ Next
+ Next../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/carousel/carousel.ts349
- Previous monthPrevious month
+ Previous month
+ Previous month../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/datepicker/datepicker-navigation.ts69
- Next monthNext month
+ Next month
+ Next month../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/datepicker/datepicker-month.ts72
- Select monthSelect month
+ Select month
+ Select month../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/datepicker/datepicker-navigation-select.ts74
- Select yearSelect year
+ Select year
+ Select year../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/datepicker/datepicker-navigation-select.ts74
- ««««
+ ««
+ ««../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/pagination/pagination.ts404
- ««
+ «
+ «../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/pagination/pagination.ts404
- »»
+ »
+ »../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/pagination/pagination.ts404
- »»»»
+ »»
+ »»../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/pagination/pagination.ts404
- FirstFirst
+ First
+ First../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/pagination/pagination.ts404
- PreviousPrevious
+ Previous
+ Previous../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/pagination/pagination.ts404
- NextNext
+ Next
+ Next../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/pagination/pagination.ts404
- LastLast
+ Last
+ Last../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/pagination/pagination.ts404
+ ../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/progressbar/progressbar.ts101
+ HH
+ HH../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
- HoursHours
+ Hours
+ Hours../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
+ MM
+ MM../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
- MinutesMinutes
+ Minutes
+ Minutes../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
- Increment hoursIncrement hours
+ Increment hours
+ Increment hours../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
- Decrement hoursDecrement hours
+ Decrement hours
+ Decrement hours../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
- Increment minutesIncrement minutes
+ Increment minutes
+ Increment minutes../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
- Decrement minutesDecrement minutes
+ Decrement minutes
+ Decrement minutes../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
+ SS
+ SS../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
- SecondsSeconds
+ Seconds
+ Seconds../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
- Increment secondsIncrement seconds
+ Increment seconds
+ Increment seconds../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
- Decrement secondsDecrement seconds
+ Decrement seconds
+ Decrement seconds../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
+ ../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
+ ../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/timepicker/timepicker.ts296
- CloseClose
+ Close
+ Close../../node_modules/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/toast/toast.ts137
@@ -9447,216 +9184,219 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular
Video to import updated.Video to import updated.
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.ts128
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.ts128
+ Your video was uploaded to your account and is private.Your video was uploaded to your account and is private.
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts89
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts89
But associated data (tags, description...) will be lost, are you sure you want to leave this page?But associated data (tags, description...) will be lost, are you sure you want to leave this page?
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts90
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts90
Your video is not uploaded yet, are you sure you want to leave this page?Your video is not uploaded yet, are you sure you want to leave this page?
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts92
- UploadUpload
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts92
+ Upload
+ Upload../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts112
- Upload
+ Upload Upload
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts114
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts114
Upload cancelledUpload cancelled
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts131
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts131
Video published.Video published.
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts243
- Your video quota is exceeded with this video (
-video size: , used: , quota: )Your video quota is exceeded with this video (
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts243
+ Your video quota is exceeded with this video ( video size: , used: , quota: )
+ Your video quota is exceeded with this video (
video size: , used: , quota: )../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts265,266
- Your daily video quota is exceeded with this video (
-video size: , used: , quota: )Your daily video quota is exceeded with this video (
+ Your daily video quota is exceeded with this video ( video size: , used: , quota: )
+ Your daily video quota is exceeded with this video (
video size: , used: , quota: )../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts285,286
You have unsaved changes! If you leave, your changes will be lost.You have unsaved changes! If you leave, your changes will be lost.
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-update.component.ts79
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-update.component.ts79
Video updated.Video updated.
- ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-update.component.ts116
+ ../app/+videos/+video-edit/video-update.component.ts116
Report commentReport comment
- ../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/comment-report.component.ts51
+ ../app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/comment-report.component.ts51
Stop autoplaying next videoStop autoplaying next video
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch-playlist.component.ts203
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch-playlist.component.ts203
Autoplay next videoAutoplay next video
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch-playlist.component.ts204
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch-playlist.component.ts204
Stop looping playlist videosStop looping playlist videos
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch-playlist.component.ts209
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch-playlist.component.ts209
Loop playlist videosLoop playlist videos
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch-playlist.component.ts210
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch-playlist.component.ts210
You need to be connected to rate this content.You need to be connected to rate this content.
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts192
- This video is not available on this instance. Do you want to be redirected on the origin instance: <a href=""></a>?This video is not available on this instance. Do you want to be redirected on the origin instance: <a href=""></a>?
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts373
- RedirectionRedirection
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts374
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts192
+ This video is not available on this instance. Do you want to be redirected on the origin instance: <a href=""></a>?
+ This video is not available on this instance. Do you want to be redirected on the origin instance: <a href=""></a>?
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts373
+ Redirection
+ Redirection
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts374
+ This video contains mature or explicit content. Are you sure you want to watch it?This video contains mature or explicit content. Are you sure you want to watch it?
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts486
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts486
Mature or explicit contentMature or explicit content
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts487
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts487
Up NextUp Next
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts536
- CancelCancel
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts537
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts536
+ Cancel
+ Cancel
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts537
+ Autoplay is suspendedAutoplay is suspended
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts538
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts538
Enter/exit fullscreen (requires player focus)Enter/exit fullscreen (requires player focus)
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts800
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts800
Play/Pause the video (requires player focus)Play/Pause the video (requires player focus)
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts801
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts801
Mute/unmute the video (requires player focus)Mute/unmute the video (requires player focus)
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts802
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts802
Skip to a percentage of the video: 0 is 0% and 9 is 90% (requires player focus)Skip to a percentage of the video: 0 is 0% and 9 is 90% (requires player focus)
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts804
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts804
Increase the volume (requires player focus)Increase the volume (requires player focus)
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts806
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts806
Decrease the volume (requires player focus)Decrease the volume (requires player focus)
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts807
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts807
Seek the video forward (requires player focus)Seek the video forward (requires player focus)
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts809
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts809
Seek the video backward (requires player focus)Seek the video backward (requires player focus)
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts810
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts810
Increase playback rate (requires player focus)Increase playback rate (requires player focus)
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts812
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts812
Decrease playback rate (requires player focus)Decrease playback rate (requires player focus)
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts813
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts813
Navigate in the video frame by frame (requires player focus)Navigate in the video frame by frame (requires player focus)
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts815
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts815
Like the videoLike the video
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts823
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts823
Dislike the videoDislike the video
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts828
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts828
When active, the next video is automatically played after the current one.When active, the next video is automatically played after the current one.
- ../app/+videos/+video-watch/recommendations/recommended-videos.component.ts59
+ ../app/+videos/+video-watch/recommendations/recommended-videos.component.ts59
Videos that have the higher number of likes.Videos that have the higher number of likes.
- ../app/+videos/video-list/video-most-liked.component.ts42
- Recently addedRecently added
+ ../app/+videos/video-list/video-most-liked.component.ts42
+ Recently added
+ Recently added../app/+videos/video-list/video-recently-added.component.ts36
@@ -9665,57 +9405,69 @@ video size: , used: , quota: )
Trending for the last 24 hoursTrending for the last 24 hours
- ../app/+videos/video-list/video-trending.component.ts46
+ ../app/+videos/video-list/video-trending.component.ts46
+ Trending videos are those totalizing the greatest number of views during the last 24 hoursTrending videos are those totalizing the greatest number of views during the last 24 hours
- ../app/+videos/video-list/video-trending.component.ts47
+ ../app/+videos/video-list/video-trending.component.ts47
Videos from your subscriptionsВідео з ваших підписок
- ../app/+videos/video-list/video-user-subscriptions.component.ts35
- SubscriptionsSubscriptions
+ ../app/+videos/video-list/video-user-subscriptions.component.ts35
+ Subscriptions
+ Subscriptions../app/+videos/video-list/video-user-subscriptions.component.ts38
- Local videosLocal videos
+ Local videos
+ Local videos../app/+videos/video-list/video-local.component.ts36
- Discover videosDiscover videos
+ Discover videos
+ Discover videos../app/+videos/videos-routing.module.ts23
- Trending videosTrending videos
+ Trending videos
+ Trending videos../app/+videos/videos-routing.module.ts32
- Recently added videosRecently added videos
+ Recently added videos
+ Recently added videos../app/+videos/videos-routing.module.ts58
- Upload a videoUpload a video
+ Upload a video
+ Upload a video../app/+videos/videos-routing.module.ts97
- Edit a videoEdit a video
+ Edit a video
+ Edit a video../app/+videos/videos-routing.module.ts106
@@ -9723,4 +9475,4 @@ video size: , used: , quota: )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/client/src/locale/player.eu-ES.json b/client/src/locale/player.eu-ES.json
index fffef93e4..16239c794 100644
--- a/client/src/locale/player.eu-ES.json
+++ b/client/src/locale/player.eu-ES.json
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
"Speed": "Abiadura",
"Subtitles/CC": "Azpitituluak",
"peers": "berdinak",
- "peer": "",
+ "peer": "peer",
"Go to the video page": "Joan bideoaren orrira",
"Settings": "Ezarpenak",
"Watching this video may reveal your IP address to others.": "Watching this video may reveal your IP address to others.",
diff --git a/client/src/locale/player.it-IT.json b/client/src/locale/player.it-IT.json
index fbdcd4ca3..8f061c1d2 100644
--- a/client/src/locale/player.it-IT.json
+++ b/client/src/locale/player.it-IT.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"Quality": "Qualità",
- "Auto": "Auto",
+ "Auto": "Automatico",
"Speed": "Velocità",
"Subtitles/CC": "Sottotitoli/CC",
"peers": "nodi",
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@
"Settings": "Impostazioni",
"Watching this video may reveal your IP address to others.": "Guardando questo video potresti rivelare il tuo indirizzo IP agli altri.",
"Copy the video URL": "Copia l'URL del video",
- "Copy the video URL at the current time": "Copia l'URL del video della posizione corrente",
- "Copy embed code": "Copia il codice per incorporare",
- "Copy magnet URI": "Copia URI",
+ "Copy the video URL at the current time": "Copia l'URL del video dalla posizione corrente",
+ "Copy embed code": "Copia il codice per l'incorporazione del video",
+ "Copy magnet URI": "Copia il codice magnetico torrent (magnet-URI)",
"Total downloaded: ": "Scaricati: ",
"Total uploaded: ": "Caricati: ",
"Audio Player": "Riproduttore Audio",
@@ -22,41 +22,41 @@
"Current Time": "Posizione attuale",
"Duration": "Durata",
"Remaining Time": "Tempo rimanente",
- "Stream Type": "Tipo dello Streaming",
+ "Stream Type": "Tipo del flusso dati",
"Loaded": "Caricato",
- "Progress": "Stato",
- "Progress Bar": "Barra di progresso",
+ "Progress": "Progresso",
+ "Progress Bar": "Barra del progresso",
"progress bar timing: currentTime={1} duration={2}": "{1} di {2}",
"Fullscreen": "Schermo intero",
"Non-Fullscreen": "Chiudi schermo intero",
- "Mute": "Muto",
- "Unmute": "Audio ",
+ "Mute": "Silenzia",
+ "Unmute": "Riattiva",
"Playback Rate": "Velocità di riproduzione",
"Subtitles": "Sottotitoli",
- "subtitles off": "Senza sottotitoli",
+ "subtitles off": "Disattiva i sottotitoli",
"Captions": "Sottotitoli per non udenti",
"captions off": "Senza sottotitoli per non udenti",
"Chapters": "Capitoli",
"Descriptions": "Descrizioni",
- "descriptions off": "Descrizioni disattivate",
+ "descriptions off": "descrizioni disattivate",
"Audio Track": "Traccia Audio",
"Volume Level": "Volume",
- "You aborted the media playback": "La riproduzione del filmato è stata interrotta",
- "A network error caused the media download to fail part-way.": "Il download del filmato è stato interrotto a causa di un problema rete.",
- "The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported.": "Il filmato non può essere caricato a causa di un errore nel server o nella rete o perché il formato non viene supportato.",
- "The media playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or because the media used features your browser did not support.": "La riproduzione del filmato è stata interrotta a causa di un file danneggiato o per l’utilizzo di impostazioni non supportate dal browser.",
- "No compatible source was found for this media.": "Non ci sono fonti compatibili per questo filmato.",
- "The media is encrypted and we do not have the keys to decrypt it.": "Il filmato è crittato e non disponiamo delle chiavi per decrittarlo",
+ "You aborted the media playback": "La riproduzione del video è stata interrotta",
+ "A network error caused the media download to fail part-way.": "Un errore di rete ha causato il fallimento parziale del download del video.",
+ "The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported.": "Il video non può essere caricato a causa di un errore nel server o nella rete o perché il formato non è supportato.",
+ "The media playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or because the media used features your browser did not support.": "La riproduzione del video è stata interrotta a causa di un problema di corruzione perché il video utilizzava funzionalità non supportate dal browser.",
+ "No compatible source was found for this media.": "Non è stata trovata alcuna fonte compatibile per questo video.",
+ "The media is encrypted and we do not have the keys to decrypt it.": "Il video è crittografato e non disponiamo delle chiavi per decrittografarlo.",
"Play Video": "Riproduci Video",
"Close": "Chiudi",
"Close Modal Dialog": "Chiudi finestra di dialogo",
"Modal Window": "Finestra di dialogo",
"This is a modal window": "Questa è una finestra di dialogo",
"This modal can be closed by pressing the Escape key or activating the close button.": "Questa finestra di dialogo può essere chiusa premendo Esc o cliccando sul pulsante chiudi.",
- ", opens captions settings dialog": ", apri la finestra delle impostazioni delle didascalie",
- ", opens subtitles settings dialog": ", apri la finestra delle impostazioni dei sottotitoli",
- ", opens descriptions settings dialog": ", apri la finestra delle impostazioni delle descrizioni",
+ ", opens captions settings dialog": ", apre la finestra delle impostazioni delle didascalie",
+ ", opens subtitles settings dialog": ", apre la finestra delle impostazioni dei sottotitoli",
+ ", opens descriptions settings dialog": ", apre la finestra delle impostazioni delle descrizioni",
", selected": ", selezionati",
"captions settings": "impostazioni delle didascalie",
"subtitles settings": "impostazioni dei sottotitoli",
@@ -76,26 +76,26 @@
"Semi-Transparent": "Semi-Trasparente",
"Opaque": "Opaco",
"Font Size": "Dimensione del Testo",
- "Text Edge Style": "Stile dei Bordi del Testo",
+ "Text Edge Style": "Stile dei bordi del testo",
"None": "Nessuno",
- "Raised": "In Rilievo",
+ "Raised": "In rilievo",
"Depressed": "Incavato",
"Uniform": "Uniforme",
"Dropshadow": "Ombreggiatura",
- "Font Family": "Stile del Testo",
- "Proportional Sans-Serif": "Senza Grazie Proporzionale",
- "Monospace Sans-Serif": "Senza Grazie Monospazio",
- "Proportional Serif": "Con Grazie Proporzionale",
- "Monospace Serif": "Con Grazie Monospazio",
+ "Font Family": "Stile del testo",
+ "Proportional Sans-Serif": "Sans-Serif Proporzionale",
+ "Monospace Sans-Serif": "Sans-Serif Monospazio",
+ "Proportional Serif": "Serif Proporzionale",
+ "Monospace Serif": "Serif Monospazio",
"Casual": "Casuale",
"Script": "Codice",
"Small Caps": "Maiuscoletto",
"Reset": "Ripristina",
"restore all settings to the default values": "ripristina tutte le impostazioni ai valori predefiniti",
"Done": "Fatto",
- "Caption Settings Dialog": "Finestra delle Impostazioni dei Sottotitoli",
+ "Caption Settings Dialog": "Finestra delle impostazioni dei sottotitoli",
"Beginning of dialog window. Escape will cancel and close the window.": "Apertura della finestra di dialogo. Premendo ESC si annullerà e si chiuderà la finestra.",
"End of dialog window.": "Chiusura della finestra di dialogo.",
"{1} is loading.": "{1} è in caricamento.",
- "Uses P2P, others may know you are watching this video.": "Usa P2P, altri potrebbero sapere che stai guardando questo video."
+ "Uses P2P, others may know you are watching this video.": "Viene utilizzata la tecnologia P2P, altri potrebbero sapere che stai guardando questo video."
diff --git a/client/src/locale/player.ru-RU.json b/client/src/locale/player.ru-RU.json
index 249cd1e03..4d464709f 100644
--- a/client/src/locale/player.ru-RU.json
+++ b/client/src/locale/player.ru-RU.json
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
"Subtitles/CC": "Субтитры",
"peers": "пиров",
"peer": "пир",
- "Go to the video page": "Перейти на страницу с видео",
+ "Go to the video page": "Перейти к странице видео",
"Settings": "Настройки",
"Watching this video may reveal your IP address to others.": "Просмотр данного видео может открыть ваш IP адрес другим.",
"Copy the video URL": "Скопировать URL видео",
@@ -29,14 +29,14 @@
"Progress Bar": "Индикатор выполнения",
"progress bar timing: currentTime={1} duration={2}": "{1} из {2}",
"Fullscreen": "Полный экран",
- "Non-Fullscreen": "Окно",
+ "Non-Fullscreen": "В окне",
"Mute": "Без звука",
"Unmute": "Со звуком",
"Playback Rate": "Скорость воспроизведения",
"Subtitles": "Субтитры",
"subtitles off": "без субтитров",
"Captions": "Заголовки",
- "captions off": "без заголовка",
+ "captions off": "без заголовков",
"Chapters": "Главы",
"Descriptions": "Описание",
"descriptions off": "без описаний",
diff --git a/client/src/locale/player.sk-SK.json b/client/src/locale/player.sk-SK.json
index 46036f3ce..341451c3e 100644
--- a/client/src/locale/player.sk-SK.json
+++ b/client/src/locale/player.sk-SK.json
@@ -1 +1,100 @@
-{"Quality":"Kvalita","Auto":"Automaticky","Speed":"Rýchlosť","Subtitles/CC":"Titulky","peers":"rovesníkov","peer":"rovesník","Go to the video page":"Prejsť na stránku s videom","Settings":"Nastavenia","Uses P2P, others may know you are watching this video.":"Používa P2P, ostatní môžu zistiť, že pozaráte toto video.","Copy the video URL":"Skopírovať odkaz na toto video","Copy the video URL at the current time":"Skopírovať odkaz na toto video v danom čase","Copy embed code":"Skopírovať včleňovací kód","Copy magnet URI":"Skopírovať odkaz typu magnet","Total downloaded: ":"Celkovo stiahnuté:","Total uploaded: ":"Celkovo nahraté:","Audio Player":"Audio Prehrávač","Video Player":"Video Prehrávač","Play":"Prehrať","Pause":"Pozastaviť","Replay":"Opakovať","Current Time":"Aktuálny čas","Duration":"Trvanie","Remaining Time":"Zostávajúci čas","Stream Type":"Typ dátového toku","LIVE":"NAŽIVO","Loaded":"Nahraté","Progress":"Priebeh","Progress Bar":"Ukazovateľ priebehu","progress bar timing: currentTime={1} duration={2}":"{1} z {2}","Fullscreen":"Na celú obrazovku","Non-Fullscreen":"V okne","Mute":"Ztlmiť","Unmute":"Ozvučiť","Playback Rate":"Rýchlosť prehrávania","Subtitles":"Titulky","subtitles off":"Bez tituliek","Captions":"Nápisy","captions off":"Bez nápisov","Chapters":"Kapitoly","Descriptions":"Popisy","descriptions off":"Bez popisov","Audio Track":"Audio stopa","Volume Level":"Ǔroveň hlasitosti","You aborted the media playback":"Prerušili ste prehrávanie média","A network error caused the media download to fail part-way.":"Chyba v sieti spôsobila zlyhanie počas sťahovania média","The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported.":"Médium sa nepodarilo nahrať, buď kôli serveru alebo zlyhala sieť alebo kôli nepodporovanému formátu.","The media playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or because the media used features your browser did not support.":"Prehrávanie média bolo prerušené kôli poškodeniu alebo médium používa funkcie, ktoré Váš prehliadač nepodporuje.","No compatible source was found for this media.":"Pre toto médium sa nenašie kompatibilný zdroj.","The media is encrypted and we do not have the keys to decrypt it.":"Médium je zašifrované a nemáme dešifrovacie kľúče.","Play Video":"Prehrať video","Close":"Zatvoriť","Close Modal Dialog":"Zatvoriť modálne dialógové okno","Modal Window":"Modálne okno","This is a modal window":"Toto je modálne okno","This modal can be closed by pressing the Escape key or activating the close button.":"Toto modálne okno možno zatvoriť tlačidlom Esc alebo aktivovaním tlačidla Zatvoriť.",", opens captions settings dialog":", otvorí dialógové okno nastavenia nápisov",", opens subtitles settings dialog":", otvorí dialógové okno nastavenia titulkov",", opens descriptions settings dialog":", otvorí dialógové okno nastavenia popiskov",", selected":", vybraté","captions settings":"nastavenie nápisov","subtitles settings":"nastavenie titulkov","descriptions settings":"nastavenie popiskov","Text":"Text","White":"Biela","Black":"Čierna","Red":"Červená","Green":"Zelená","Blue":"Modrá","Yellow":"Žltá","Magenta":"Purpurová","Cyan":"Tyrkisová","Background":"Pozadie","Window":"Okno","Transparent":"Priehľadné","Semi-Transparent":"Polo-priehľadné","Opaque":"Nepriehľadné","Font Size":"Veľkosť písma","Text Edge Style":"Štýl hrany textu","None":"Žiadne","Raised":"Zdvihnuté","Depressed":"Stlačené","Uniform":"Uniforma","Dropshadow":"Vrhanie tieňa","Font Family":"Rodina písma","Proportional Sans-Serif":"Pomerný Sans-Serif","Monospace Sans-Serif":"Monospace Sans-Serif","Proportional Serif":"Pomerný Serif","Monospace Serif":"Monospace Serif","Casual":"Príležitostné","Script":"Písané","Small Caps":"Malé písmená","Reset":"Reset","restore all settings to the default values":"obnoviť všetky nastavenia na predvolené hodnoty","Done":"Hotovo","Caption Settings Dialog":"Dialógové okno nastavenia nápisov","Beginning of dialog window. Escape will cancel and close the window.":"Začiatok dialógového okna. Esc zruší a zatvorí toto okno.","End of dialog window.":"Koniec dialógového okna.","{1} is loading.":"Nahrávanie {1}."}
+ "Quality": "Kvalita",
+ "Auto": "Automaticky",
+ "Speed": "Rýchlosť",
+ "Subtitles/CC": "Titulky",
+ "peers": "rovesníkov",
+ "peer": "rovesník",
+ "Go to the video page": "Prejsť na stránku s videom",
+ "Settings": "Nastavenia",
+ "Uses P2P, others may know you are watching this video.": "Používa P2P, ostatní môžu zistiť, že pozaráte toto video.",
+ "Copy the video URL": "Skopírovať odkaz na toto video",
+ "Copy the video URL at the current time": "Skopírovať odkaz na toto video v danom čase",
+ "Copy embed code": "Skopírovať včleňovací kód",
+ "Copy magnet URI": "Skopírovať odkaz typu magnet",
+ "Total downloaded: ": "Celkovo stiahnuté: ",
+ "Total uploaded: ": "Celkovo nahraté: ",
+ "Audio Player": "Audio Prehrávač",
+ "Video Player": "Video Prehrávač",
+ "Play": "Prehrať",
+ "Pause": "Pozastaviť",
+ "Replay": "Opakovať",
+ "Current Time": "Aktuálny čas",
+ "Duration": "Trvanie",
+ "Remaining Time": "Zostávajúci čas",
+ "Stream Type": "Typ dátového toku",
+ "Loaded": "Nahraté",
+ "Progress": "Priebeh",
+ "Progress Bar": "Ukazovateľ priebehu",
+ "progress bar timing: currentTime={1} duration={2}": "{1} z {2}",
+ "Fullscreen": "Na celú obrazovku",
+ "Non-Fullscreen": "V okne",
+ "Mute": "Ztlmiť",
+ "Unmute": "Ozvučiť",
+ "Playback Rate": "Rýchlosť prehrávania",
+ "Subtitles": "Titulky",
+ "subtitles off": "Bez tituliek",
+ "Captions": "Nápisy",
+ "captions off": "Bez nápisov",
+ "Chapters": "Kapitoly",
+ "Descriptions": "Popisy",
+ "descriptions off": "Bez popisov",
+ "Audio Track": "Audio stopa",
+ "Volume Level": "Ǔroveň hlasitosti",
+ "You aborted the media playback": "Prerušili ste prehrávanie média",
+ "A network error caused the media download to fail part-way.": "Chyba v sieti spôsobila zlyhanie počas sťahovania média.",
+ "The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported.": "Médium sa nepodarilo nahrať, buď kôli serveru alebo zlyhala sieť alebo kôli nepodporovanému formátu.",
+ "The media playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or because the media used features your browser did not support.": "Prehrávanie média bolo prerušené kôli poškodeniu alebo médium používa funkcie, ktoré Váš prehliadač nepodporuje.",
+ "No compatible source was found for this media.": "Pre toto médium sa nenašie kompatibilný zdroj.",
+ "The media is encrypted and we do not have the keys to decrypt it.": "Médium je zašifrované a nemáme dešifrovacie kľúče.",
+ "Play Video": "Prehrať video",
+ "Close": "Zatvoriť",
+ "Close Modal Dialog": "Zatvoriť modálne dialógové okno",
+ "Modal Window": "Modálne okno",
+ "This is a modal window": "Toto je modálne okno",
+ "This modal can be closed by pressing the Escape key or activating the close button.": "Toto modálne okno možno zatvoriť tlačidlom Esc alebo aktivovaním tlačidla Zatvoriť.",
+ ", opens captions settings dialog": ", otvorí dialógové okno nastavenia nápisov",
+ ", opens subtitles settings dialog": ", otvorí dialógové okno nastavenia titulkov",
+ ", opens descriptions settings dialog": ", otvorí dialógové okno nastavenia popiskov",
+ ", selected": ", vybraté",
+ "captions settings": "nastavenie nápisov",
+ "subtitles settings": "nastavenie titulkov",
+ "descriptions settings": "nastavenie popiskov",
+ "Text": "Text",
+ "White": "Biela",
+ "Black": "Čierna",
+ "Red": "Červená",
+ "Green": "Zelená",
+ "Blue": "Modrá",
+ "Yellow": "Žltá",
+ "Magenta": "Purpurová",
+ "Cyan": "Tyrkisová",
+ "Background": "Pozadie",
+ "Window": "Okno",
+ "Transparent": "Priehľadné",
+ "Semi-Transparent": "Polo-priehľadné",
+ "Opaque": "Nepriehľadné",
+ "Font Size": "Veľkosť písma",
+ "Text Edge Style": "Štýl hrany textu",
+ "None": "Žiadne",
+ "Raised": "Zdvihnuté",
+ "Depressed": "Stlačené",
+ "Uniform": "Uniforma",
+ "Dropshadow": "Vrhanie tieňa",
+ "Font Family": "Rodina písma",
+ "Proportional Sans-Serif": "Pomerný Sans-Serif",
+ "Monospace Sans-Serif": "Monospace Sans-Serif",
+ "Proportional Serif": "Pomerný Serif",
+ "Monospace Serif": "Monospace Serif",
+ "Casual": "Príležitostné",
+ "Script": "Písané",
+ "Small Caps": "Malé písmená",
+ "Reset": "Reset",
+ "restore all settings to the default values": "obnoviť všetky nastavenia na predvolené hodnoty",
+ "Done": "Hotovo",
+ "Caption Settings Dialog": "Dialógové okno nastavenia nápisov",
+ "Beginning of dialog window. Escape will cancel and close the window.": "Začiatok dialógového okna. Esc zruší a zatvorí toto okno.",
+ "End of dialog window.": "Koniec dialógového okna.",
+ "{1} is loading.": "Nahrávanie {1}."
diff --git a/client/src/locale/server.hu-HU.json b/client/src/locale/server.hu-HU.json
index d0ac9a14c..41946050f 100644
--- a/client/src/locale/server.hu-HU.json
+++ b/client/src/locale/server.hu-HU.json
@@ -27,25 +27,25 @@
"Public": "Nyilvános",
"Unlisted": "Nem listázott",
"Private": "Személyes",
- "Internal": "Internal",
+ "Internal": "Belső",
"Published": "Közzétéve",
- "To transcode": "Átkódoláshoz",
- "To import": "Importáláshoz",
+ "To transcode": "Átkódolandó",
+ "To import": "Importálandó",
"Pending": "Függőben",
"Success": "Sikerült",
"Failed": "Sikertelen",
- "Rejected": "Rejected",
+ "Rejected": "Elutasított",
"Regular": "Szokásos",
"Watch later": "Megnézés később",
"This video does not exist.": "Ez a videó nem létezik.",
"We cannot fetch the video. Please try again later.": "Nem lehet lekérni a videót. Próbálja meg később újra.",
"Sorry": "Sajnáljuk",
"This video is not available because the remote instance is not responding.": "Ez a videó nem érhető el, mert a távoli példány nem válaszol.",
- "This playlist does not exist": "This playlist does not exist",
- "We cannot fetch the playlist. Please try again later.": "We cannot fetch the playlist. Please try again later.",
- "Playlist: {1}": "Playlist: {1}",
- "By {1}": "By {1}",
- "Unavailable video": "Unavailable video",
+ "This playlist does not exist": "Ez a lejátszólista nem létezik",
+ "We cannot fetch the playlist. Please try again later.": "A lejátszólista lekérése sikertelen. Próbálja újra később.",
+ "Playlist: {1}": "Lejátszólista: {1}",
+ "By {1}": "Készítette: {1}",
+ "Unavailable video": "Elérhetetlen videó",
"Misc": "Egyéb",
"Unknown": "Ismeretlen",
"Afar": "Afar",
diff --git a/client/src/locale/server.ru-RU.json b/client/src/locale/server.ru-RU.json
index 95a2a89f0..4196b4ca6 100644
--- a/client/src/locale/server.ru-RU.json
+++ b/client/src/locale/server.ru-RU.json
@@ -17,12 +17,12 @@
"Animals": "Животные",
"Kids": "Дети",
"Food": "Еда",
- "Attribution": "Attribution",
- "Attribution - Share Alike": "Распределение - Общее",
- "Attribution - No Derivatives": "Распределение - Нет производных",
- "Attribution - Non Commercial": "Распределение - Не коммерческое",
- "Attribution - Non Commercial - Share Alike": "Распределение - Не коммерческое - Общее",
- "Attribution - Non Commercial - No Derivatives": "Распределение - Не коммерческое - Нет производных",
+ "Attribution": "Атрибуция",
+ "Attribution - Share Alike": "Атрибуция - Сохранение Условии",
+ "Attribution - No Derivatives": "Атрибуция - Без Производных",
+ "Attribution - Non Commercial": "Атрибуция - Некоммерческая",
+ "Attribution - Non Commercial - Share Alike": "Атрибуция - Некоммерческая - Сохранение Условии",
+ "Attribution - Non Commercial - No Derivatives": "Атрибуция - Некоммерческая - Без Производных",
"Public Domain Dedication": "Посвящено общественному достоянию",
"Public": "Открытый доступ",
"Unlisted": "Доступ по ссылке",
@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@
"This video is not available because the remote instance is not responding.": "Это видео недоступно, поскольку удаленный сервер не отвечает.",
"This playlist does not exist": "Этот плейлист не существует",
"We cannot fetch the playlist. Please try again later.": "Мы не можем получить плейлист. Попробуйте позже.",
- "Playlist: {1}": "Playlist: {1}",
- "By {1}": "By {1}",
+ "Playlist: {1}": "Плейлист: {1}",
+ "By {1}": "От {1}",
"Unavailable video": "Видео недоступно",
"Misc": "Разное",
"Unknown": "Неизвестно",
@@ -65,13 +65,13 @@
"Bambara": "Бамана",
"Belarusian": "Белорусский",
"Bengali": "Бенгальский",
- "British Sign Language": "Британский жестовый",
+ "British Sign Language": "Британский Жестовый",
"Bislama": "Бислама",
"Tibetan": "Тибетский",
"Bosnian": "Боснийский",
"Breton": "Бретонский",
"Bulgarian": "Болгарский",
- "Brazilian Sign Language": "Бразильский жестовый",
+ "Brazilian Sign Language": "Бразильский Жестовый",
"Catalan": "Каталанский",
"Czech": "Чешский",
"Chamorro": "Чаморро",
@@ -80,13 +80,13 @@
"Cornish": "Корнский",
"Corsican": "Корсиканский",
"Cree": "Кри",
- "Czech Sign Language": "Чешский жестовый",
- "Chinese Sign Language": "Китайский жестовый",
+ "Czech Sign Language": "Чешский Жестовый",
+ "Chinese Sign Language": "Китайский Жестовый",
"Welsh": "Уэлш",
"Danish": "Датский",
"German": "Немецкий",
"Dhivehi": "Дивехи",
- "Danish Sign Language": "Датский жестовый",
+ "Danish Sign Language": "Датский Жестовый",
"Dzongkha": "Дзонг-кэ",
"Greek": "Греческий",
"English": "Английский",
@@ -100,14 +100,14 @@
"Finnish": "Финский",
"French": "Французский",
"Western Frisian": "Западнофризский",
- "French Sign Language": "Французский жестовый",
+ "French Sign Language": "Французский Жестовый",
"Fulah": "Фула",
"Scottish Gaelic": "Шотландский",
"Irish": "Ирландский",
"Galician": "Галисийский",
"Manx": "Мэнский",
"Guarani": "Гуарани",
- "German Sign Language": "Немецкий жестовый",
+ "German Sign Language": "Немецкий Жестовый",
"Gujarati": "Гуджарати",
"Haitian": "Гаитянский креольский",
"Hausa": "Хауса",
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@
"Javanese": "Яванский",
"Lojban": "Ложбан",
"Japanese": "Японский",
- "Japanese Sign Language": "Японский жестовый",
+ "Japanese Sign Language": "Японский Жестовый",
"Kabyle": "Kabyle",
"Kalaallisut": "Гренландский",
"Kannada": "Каннада",
@@ -188,12 +188,12 @@
"Quechua": "Ке́чуа",
"Romansh": "Романшский",
"Romanian": "Румынский",
- "Russian Sign Language": "Русский жестовый",
+ "Russian Sign Language": "Русский Жестовый",
"Rundi": "Рунди",
"Russian": "Русский",
"Sango": "Санго",
- "Saudi Arabian Sign Language": "Арабский жестовый",
- "South African Sign Language": "Жестовый Южной Африки",
+ "Saudi Arabian Sign Language": "Арабский Жестовый",
+ "South African Sign Language": "Южноафриканский Жестовый",
"Sinhala": "Сингальский",
"Slovak": "Словацкий",
"Slovenian": "Словенский",
@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@
"Sundanese": "Сунданский",
"Swahili (macrolanguage)": "Суахили",
"Swedish": "Шведский",
- "Swedish Sign Language": "Шведский жестовый",
+ "Swedish Sign Language": "Шведский Жестовый",
"Tahitian": "Таитянский",
"Tamil": "Тамильский",
"Tatar": "Татарский",