Fetch remote AP objects
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import './embed.scss'
import * as videojs from 'video.js'
import 'videojs-hotkeys'
import '../../assets/player/peertube-videojs-plugin'
import 'videojs-dock/dist/videojs-dock.es.js'
import { VideoDetails } from '../../../../shared'
@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
// Intercept ActivityPub client requests
import * as express from 'express'
import { VideoPrivacy } from '../../../shared/models/videos'
import { activityPubCollectionPagination } from '../../helpers/activitypub'
import { pageToStartAndCount } from '../../helpers/core-utils'
import { ACTIVITY_PUB, CONFIG } from '../../initializers'
import { buildVideoAnnounceToFollowers } from '../../lib/activitypub/send'
import { audiencify, getAudience } from '../../lib/activitypub/send/misc'
import { asyncMiddleware, executeIfActivityPub, localAccountValidator } from '../../middlewares'
import { videoChannelsGetValidator, videosGetValidator, videosShareValidator } from '../../middlewares/validators'
import { videoCommentGetValidator } from '../../middlewares/validators/video-comments'
@ -95,7 +97,9 @@ async function videoController (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, nex
// We need more attributes
const videoAll = await VideoModel.loadAndPopulateAll(video.id)
return res.json(videoAll.toActivityPubObject())
const audience = await getAudience(video.VideoChannel.Account.Actor, undefined, video.privacy === VideoPrivacy.PUBLIC)
return res.json(audiencify(videoAll.toActivityPubObject(), audience))
async function videoAnnounceController (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) {
@ -24,7 +24,8 @@ function isVideoCommentDeleteActivityValid (activity: any) {
export {
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -70,7 +70,8 @@ export {
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -279,6 +279,7 @@ const ACTIVITY_PUB = {
TORRENT: [ 'application/x-bittorrent' ],
MAGNET: [ 'application/x-bittorrent;x-scheme-handler/magnet' ]
ACTOR_REFRESH_INTERVAL: 3600 * 24 // 1 day
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ async function installApplication () {
await createOAuthAdminIfNotExist()
} catch (err) {
logger.error('Cannot install application.', err)
throw err
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ async function migrate () {
await executeMigration(actualVersion, migrationScript)
} catch (err) {
logger.error('Cannot execute migration %s.', migrationScript.version, err)
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ async function executeMigration (actualVersion: number, entity: { version: strin
const migrationScript = require(path.join(__dirname, 'migrations', migrationScriptName))
await sequelizeTypescript.transaction(async t => {
return sequelizeTypescript.transaction(async t => {
const options = {
transaction: t,
queryInterface: sequelizeTypescript.getQueryInterface(),
@ -5,3 +5,8 @@ export * from './fetch'
export * from './share'
export * from './videos'
export * from './url'
export { videoCommentActivityObjectToDBAttributes } from './video-comments'
export { addVideoComments } from './video-comments'
export { addVideoComment } from './video-comments'
export { sendVideoRateChangeToFollowers } from './video-rates'
export { sendVideoRateChangeToOrigin } from './video-rates'
@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
import * as magnetUtil from 'magnet-uri'
import { VideoTorrentObject } from '../../../../shared'
import { VideoCommentObject } from '../../../../shared/models/activitypub/objects/video-comment-object'
import { VideoPrivacy } from '../../../../shared/models/videos'
import { isVideoFileInfoHashValid } from '../../../helpers/custom-validators/videos'
import { logger } from '../../../helpers/logger'
import { doRequest } from '../../../helpers/requests'
import { ACTIVITY_PUB, VIDEO_MIMETYPE_EXT } from '../../../initializers'
import { ActorModel } from '../../../models/activitypub/actor'
import { VideoModel } from '../../../models/video/video'
import { VideoChannelModel } from '../../../models/video/video-channel'
import { VideoCommentModel } from '../../../models/video/video-comment'
import { VideoShareModel } from '../../../models/video/video-share'
import { getOrCreateActorAndServerAndModel } from '../actor'
async function videoActivityObjectToDBAttributes (
videoChannel: VideoChannelModel,
videoObject: VideoTorrentObject,
to: string[] = [],
cc: string[] = []
) {
let privacy = VideoPrivacy.PRIVATE
if (to.indexOf(ACTIVITY_PUB.PUBLIC) !== -1) privacy = VideoPrivacy.PUBLIC
else if (cc.indexOf(ACTIVITY_PUB.PUBLIC) !== -1) privacy = VideoPrivacy.UNLISTED
const duration = videoObject.duration.replace(/[^\d]+/, '')
let language = null
if (videoObject.language) {
language = parseInt(videoObject.language.identifier, 10)
let category = null
if (videoObject.category) {
category = parseInt(videoObject.category.identifier, 10)
let licence = null
if (videoObject.licence) {
licence = parseInt(videoObject.licence.identifier, 10)
let description = null
if (videoObject.content) {
description = videoObject.content
return {
name: videoObject.name,
uuid: videoObject.uuid,
url: videoObject.id,
nsfw: videoObject.nsfw,
commentsEnabled: videoObject.commentsEnabled,
channelId: videoChannel.id,
duration: parseInt(duration, 10),
createdAt: new Date(videoObject.published),
// FIXME: updatedAt does not seems to be considered by Sequelize
updatedAt: new Date(videoObject.updated),
views: videoObject.views,
likes: 0,
dislikes: 0,
remote: true,
function videoFileActivityUrlToDBAttributes (videoCreated: VideoModel, videoObject: VideoTorrentObject) {
const mimeTypes = Object.keys(VIDEO_MIMETYPE_EXT)
const fileUrls = videoObject.url.filter(u => {
return mimeTypes.indexOf(u.mimeType) !== -1 && u.mimeType.startsWith('video/')
if (fileUrls.length === 0) {
throw new Error('Cannot find video files for ' + videoCreated.url)
const attributes = []
for (const fileUrl of fileUrls) {
// Fetch associated magnet uri
const magnet = videoObject.url.find(u => {
return u.mimeType === 'application/x-bittorrent;x-scheme-handler/magnet' && u.width === fileUrl.width
if (!magnet) throw new Error('Cannot find associated magnet uri for file ' + fileUrl.url)
const parsed = magnetUtil.decode(magnet.url)
if (!parsed || isVideoFileInfoHashValid(parsed.infoHash) === false) throw new Error('Cannot parse magnet URI ' + magnet.url)
const attribute = {
extname: VIDEO_MIMETYPE_EXT[fileUrl.mimeType],
infoHash: parsed.infoHash,
resolution: fileUrl.width,
size: fileUrl.size,
videoId: videoCreated.id
return attributes
async function videoCommentActivityObjectToDBAttributes (video: VideoModel, actor: ActorModel, comment: VideoCommentObject) {
let originCommentId: number = null
let inReplyToCommentId: number = null
// If this is not a reply to the video (thread), create or get the parent comment
if (video.url !== comment.inReplyTo) {
const [ parent ] = await addVideoComment(video, comment.inReplyTo)
if (!parent) {
logger.warn('Cannot fetch or get parent comment %s of comment %s.', comment.inReplyTo, comment.id)
return undefined
originCommentId = parent.originCommentId || parent.id
inReplyToCommentId = parent.id
return {
url: comment.url,
text: comment.content,
videoId: video.id,
accountId: actor.Account.id,
createdAt: new Date(comment.published),
updatedAt: new Date(comment.updated)
async function addVideoShares (instance: VideoModel, shareUrls: string[]) {
for (const shareUrl of shareUrls) {
// Fetch url
const { body } = await doRequest({
uri: shareUrl,
json: true,
activityPub: true
const actorUrl = body.actor
if (!actorUrl) continue
const actor = await getOrCreateActorAndServerAndModel(actorUrl)
const entry = {
actorId: actor.id,
videoId: instance.id
await VideoShareModel.findOrCreate({
where: entry,
defaults: entry
async function addVideoComments (instance: VideoModel, commentUrls: string[]) {
for (const commentUrl of commentUrls) {
await addVideoComment(instance, commentUrl)
async function addVideoComment (instance: VideoModel, commentUrl: string) {
// Fetch url
const { body } = await doRequest({
uri: commentUrl,
json: true,
activityPub: true
const actorUrl = body.attributedTo
if (!actorUrl) return []
const actor = await getOrCreateActorAndServerAndModel(actorUrl)
const entry = await videoCommentActivityObjectToDBAttributes(instance, actor, body)
if (!entry) return []
return VideoCommentModel.findOrCreate({
where: {
url: body.id
defaults: entry
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
export {
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import { VideoModel } from '../../../models/video/video'
import { VideoShareModel } from '../../../models/video/video-share'
import { getOrCreateActorAndServerAndModel } from '../actor'
import { forwardActivity } from '../send/misc'
import { getOrCreateAccountAndVideoAndChannel } from '../videos'
import { processCreateActivity } from './process-create'
async function processAnnounceActivity (activity: ActivityAnnounce) {
@ -44,19 +45,19 @@ function processVideoShare (actorAnnouncer: ActorModel, activity: ActivityAnnoun
return retryTransactionWrapper(shareVideo, options)
function shareVideo (actorAnnouncer: ActorModel, activity: ActivityAnnounce) {
async function shareVideo (actorAnnouncer: ActorModel, activity: ActivityAnnounce) {
const announced = activity.object
let video: VideoModel
if (typeof announced === 'string') {
const res = await getOrCreateAccountAndVideoAndChannel(announced)
video = res.video
} else {
video = await processCreateActivity(announced)
return sequelizeTypescript.transaction(async t => {
// Add share entry
let video: VideoModel
if (typeof announced === 'string') {
video = await VideoModel.loadByUrlAndPopulateAccount(announced)
if (!video) throw new Error('Unknown video to share ' + announced)
} else {
video = await processCreateActivity(announced)
const share = {
actorId: actorAnnouncer.id,
@ -8,15 +8,13 @@ import { logger } from '../../../helpers/logger'
import { sequelizeTypescript } from '../../../initializers'
import { AccountVideoRateModel } from '../../../models/account/account-video-rate'
import { ActorModel } from '../../../models/activitypub/actor'
import { TagModel } from '../../../models/video/tag'
import { VideoModel } from '../../../models/video/video'
import { VideoAbuseModel } from '../../../models/video/video-abuse'
import { VideoCommentModel } from '../../../models/video/video-comment'
import { VideoFileModel } from '../../../models/video/video-file'
import { getOrCreateActorAndServerAndModel } from '../actor'
import { forwardActivity, getActorsInvolvedInVideo } from '../send/misc'
import { generateThumbnailFromUrl } from '../videos'
import { addVideoComments, addVideoShares, videoActivityObjectToDBAttributes, videoFileActivityUrlToDBAttributes } from './misc'
import { addVideoComments, resolveThread } from '../video-comments'
import { addVideoShares, getOrCreateAccountAndVideoAndChannel } from '../videos'
async function processCreateActivity (activity: ActivityCreate) {
const activityObject = activity.object
@ -53,17 +51,7 @@ async function processCreateVideo (
) {
const videoToCreateData = activity.object as VideoTorrentObject
const channel = videoToCreateData.attributedTo.find(a => a.type === 'Group')
if (!channel) throw new Error('Cannot find associated video channel to video ' + videoToCreateData.url)
const channelActor = await getOrCreateActorAndServerAndModel(channel.id)
const options = {
arguments: [ actor, activity, videoToCreateData, channelActor ],
errorMessage: 'Cannot insert the remote video with many retries.'
const video = await retryTransactionWrapper(createRemoteVideo, options)
const { video } = await getOrCreateAccountAndVideoAndChannel(videoToCreateData, actor)
// Process outside the transaction because we could fetch remote data
if (videoToCreateData.likes && Array.isArray(videoToCreateData.likes.orderedItems)) {
@ -89,48 +77,6 @@ async function processCreateVideo (
return video
function createRemoteVideo (
account: ActorModel,
activity: ActivityCreate,
videoToCreateData: VideoTorrentObject,
channelActor: ActorModel
) {
logger.debug('Adding remote video %s.', videoToCreateData.id)
return sequelizeTypescript.transaction(async t => {
const sequelizeOptions = {
transaction: t
const videoFromDatabase = await VideoModel.loadByUUIDOrURL(videoToCreateData.uuid, videoToCreateData.id, t)
if (videoFromDatabase) return videoFromDatabase
const videoData = await videoActivityObjectToDBAttributes(channelActor.VideoChannel, videoToCreateData, activity.to, activity.cc)
const video = VideoModel.build(videoData)
// Don't block on request
generateThumbnailFromUrl(video, videoToCreateData.icon)
.catch(err => logger.warn('Cannot generate thumbnail of %s.', videoToCreateData.id, err))
const videoCreated = await video.save(sequelizeOptions)
const videoFileAttributes = videoFileActivityUrlToDBAttributes(videoCreated, videoToCreateData)
if (videoFileAttributes.length === 0) {
throw new Error('Cannot find valid files for video %s ' + videoToCreateData.url)
const tasks: Bluebird<any>[] = videoFileAttributes.map(f => VideoFileModel.create(f, { transaction: t }))
await Promise.all(tasks)
const tags = videoToCreateData.tag.map(t => t.name)
const tagInstances = await TagModel.findOrCreateTags(tags, t)
await videoCreated.$set('Tags', tagInstances, sequelizeOptions)
logger.info('Remote video with uuid %s inserted.', videoToCreateData.uuid)
return videoCreated
async function createRates (actorUrls: string[], video: VideoModel, rate: VideoRateType) {
let rateCounts = 0
const tasks: Bluebird<any>[] = []
@ -167,16 +113,15 @@ async function processCreateDislike (byActor: ActorModel, activity: ActivityCrea
return retryTransactionWrapper(createVideoDislike, options)
function createVideoDislike (byActor: ActorModel, activity: ActivityCreate) {
async function createVideoDislike (byActor: ActorModel, activity: ActivityCreate) {
const dislike = activity.object as DislikeObject
const byAccount = byActor.Account
if (!byAccount) throw new Error('Cannot create dislike with the non account actor ' + byActor.url)
return sequelizeTypescript.transaction(async t => {
const video = await VideoModel.loadByUrlAndPopulateAccount(dislike.object, t)
if (!video) throw new Error('Unknown video ' + dislike.object)
const { video } = await getOrCreateAccountAndVideoAndChannel(dislike.object)
return sequelizeTypescript.transaction(async t => {
const rate = {
type: 'dislike' as 'dislike',
videoId: video.id,
@ -200,9 +145,7 @@ function createVideoDislike (byActor: ActorModel, activity: ActivityCreate) {
async function processCreateView (byActor: ActorModel, activity: ActivityCreate) {
const view = activity.object as ViewObject
const video = await VideoModel.loadByUrlAndPopulateAccount(view.object)
if (!video) throw new Error('Unknown video ' + view.object)
const { video } = await getOrCreateAccountAndVideoAndChannel(view.object)
const account = await ActorModel.loadByUrl(view.actor)
if (!account) throw new Error('Unknown account ' + view.actor)
@ -225,19 +168,15 @@ function processCreateVideoAbuse (actor: ActorModel, videoAbuseToCreateData: Vid
return retryTransactionWrapper(addRemoteVideoAbuse, options)
function addRemoteVideoAbuse (actor: ActorModel, videoAbuseToCreateData: VideoAbuseObject) {
async function addRemoteVideoAbuse (actor: ActorModel, videoAbuseToCreateData: VideoAbuseObject) {
logger.debug('Reporting remote abuse for video %s.', videoAbuseToCreateData.object)
const account = actor.Account
if (!account) throw new Error('Cannot create dislike with the non account actor ' + actor.url)
return sequelizeTypescript.transaction(async t => {
const video = await VideoModel.loadByUrlAndPopulateAccount(videoAbuseToCreateData.object, t)
if (!video) {
logger.warn('Unknown video %s for remote video abuse.', videoAbuseToCreateData.object)
return undefined
const { video } = await getOrCreateAccountAndVideoAndChannel(videoAbuseToCreateData.object)
return sequelizeTypescript.transaction(async t => {
const videoAbuseData = {
reporterAccountId: account.id,
reason: videoAbuseToCreateData.content,
@ -259,41 +198,33 @@ function processCreateVideoComment (byActor: ActorModel, activity: ActivityCreat
return retryTransactionWrapper(createVideoComment, options)
function createVideoComment (byActor: ActorModel, activity: ActivityCreate) {
async function createVideoComment (byActor: ActorModel, activity: ActivityCreate) {
const comment = activity.object as VideoCommentObject
const byAccount = byActor.Account
if (!byAccount) throw new Error('Cannot create video comment with the non account actor ' + byActor.url)
const { video, parents } = await resolveThread(comment.inReplyTo)
return sequelizeTypescript.transaction(async t => {
let video = await VideoModel.loadByUrlAndPopulateAccount(comment.inReplyTo, t)
let objectToCreate
let originCommentId = null
let inReplyToCommentId = null
if (parents.length !== 0) {
const parent = parents[0]
originCommentId = parent.getThreadId()
inReplyToCommentId = parent.id
// This is a new thread
if (video) {
objectToCreate = {
url: comment.id,
text: comment.content,
originCommentId: null,
inReplyToComment: null,
videoId: video.id,
accountId: byAccount.id
} else {
const inReplyToComment = await VideoCommentModel.loadByUrl(comment.inReplyTo, t)
if (!inReplyToComment) throw new Error('Unknown replied comment ' + comment.inReplyTo)
video = await VideoModel.loadAndPopulateAccount(inReplyToComment.videoId)
const originCommentId = inReplyToComment.originCommentId || inReplyToComment.id
objectToCreate = {
url: comment.id,
text: comment.content,
inReplyToCommentId: inReplyToComment.id,
videoId: video.id,
accountId: byAccount.id
const objectToCreate = {
url: comment.id,
text: comment.content,
videoId: video.id,
accountId: byAccount.id
const options = {
@ -3,9 +3,9 @@ import { retryTransactionWrapper } from '../../../helpers/database-utils'
import { sequelizeTypescript } from '../../../initializers'
import { AccountVideoRateModel } from '../../../models/account/account-video-rate'
import { ActorModel } from '../../../models/activitypub/actor'
import { VideoModel } from '../../../models/video/video'
import { getOrCreateActorAndServerAndModel } from '../actor'
import { forwardActivity } from '../send/misc'
import { getOrCreateAccountAndVideoAndChannel } from '../videos'
async function processLikeActivity (activity: ActivityLike) {
const actor = await getOrCreateActorAndServerAndModel(activity.actor)
@ -30,17 +30,15 @@ async function processLikeVideo (actor: ActorModel, activity: ActivityLike) {
return retryTransactionWrapper(createVideoLike, options)
function createVideoLike (byActor: ActorModel, activity: ActivityLike) {
async function createVideoLike (byActor: ActorModel, activity: ActivityLike) {
const videoUrl = activity.object
const byAccount = byActor.Account
if (!byAccount) throw new Error('Cannot create like with the non account actor ' + byActor.url)
const { video } = await getOrCreateAccountAndVideoAndChannel(videoUrl)
return sequelizeTypescript.transaction(async t => {
const video = await VideoModel.loadByUrlAndPopulateAccount(videoUrl)
if (!video) throw new Error('Unknown video ' + videoUrl)
const rate = {
type: 'like' as 'like',
videoId: video.id,
@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ import { AccountModel } from '../../../models/account/account'
import { AccountVideoRateModel } from '../../../models/account/account-video-rate'
import { ActorModel } from '../../../models/activitypub/actor'
import { ActorFollowModel } from '../../../models/activitypub/actor-follow'
import { VideoModel } from '../../../models/video/video'
import { forwardActivity } from '../send/misc'
import { getOrCreateAccountAndVideoAndChannel } from '../videos'
async function processUndoActivity (activity: ActivityUndo) {
const activityToUndo = activity.object
@ -43,16 +43,15 @@ function processUndoLike (actorUrl: string, activity: ActivityUndo) {
return retryTransactionWrapper(undoLike, options)
function undoLike (actorUrl: string, activity: ActivityUndo) {
async function undoLike (actorUrl: string, activity: ActivityUndo) {
const likeActivity = activity.object as ActivityLike
const { video } = await getOrCreateAccountAndVideoAndChannel(likeActivity.object)
return sequelizeTypescript.transaction(async t => {
const byAccount = await AccountModel.loadByUrl(actorUrl, t)
if (!byAccount) throw new Error('Unknown account ' + actorUrl)
const video = await VideoModel.loadByUrlAndPopulateAccount(likeActivity.object, t)
if (!video) throw new Error('Unknown video ' + likeActivity.actor)
const rate = await AccountVideoRateModel.load(byAccount.id, video.id, t)
if (!rate) throw new Error(`Unknown rate by account ${byAccount.id} for video ${video.id}.`)
@ -76,16 +75,15 @@ function processUndoDislike (actorUrl: string, activity: ActivityUndo) {
return retryTransactionWrapper(undoDislike, options)
function undoDislike (actorUrl: string, activity: ActivityUndo) {
async function undoDislike (actorUrl: string, activity: ActivityUndo) {
const dislike = activity.object.object as DislikeObject
const { video } = await getOrCreateAccountAndVideoAndChannel(dislike.object)
return sequelizeTypescript.transaction(async t => {
const byAccount = await AccountModel.loadByUrl(actorUrl, t)
if (!byAccount) throw new Error('Unknown account ' + actorUrl)
const video = await VideoModel.loadByUrlAndPopulateAccount(dislike.object, t)
if (!video) throw new Error('Unknown video ' + dislike.actor)
const rate = await AccountVideoRateModel.load(byAccount.id, video.id, t)
if (!rate) throw new Error(`Unknown rate by account ${byAccount.id} for video ${video.id}.`)
@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ import { sequelizeTypescript } from '../../../initializers'
import { AccountModel } from '../../../models/account/account'
import { ActorModel } from '../../../models/activitypub/actor'
import { TagModel } from '../../../models/video/tag'
import { VideoModel } from '../../../models/video/video'
import { VideoFileModel } from '../../../models/video/video-file'
import { fetchAvatarIfExists, getOrCreateActorAndServerAndModel, updateActorAvatarInstance, updateActorInstance } from '../actor'
import { videoActivityObjectToDBAttributes, videoFileActivityUrlToDBAttributes } from './misc'
import { getOrCreateAccountAndVideoAndChannel, videoActivityObjectToDBAttributes, videoFileActivityUrlToDBAttributes } from '../videos'
async function processUpdateActivity (activity: ActivityUpdate) {
const actor = await getOrCreateActorAndServerAndModel(activity.actor)
@ -46,8 +45,10 @@ function processUpdateVideo (actor: ActorModel, activity: ActivityUpdate) {
async function updateRemoteVideo (actor: ActorModel, activity: ActivityUpdate) {
const videoAttributesToUpdate = activity.object as VideoTorrentObject
const res = await getOrCreateAccountAndVideoAndChannel(videoAttributesToUpdate.id)
logger.debug('Updating remote video "%s".', videoAttributesToUpdate.uuid)
let videoInstance: VideoModel
let videoInstance = res.video
let videoFieldsSave: any
try {
@ -56,9 +57,6 @@ async function updateRemoteVideo (actor: ActorModel, activity: ActivityUpdate) {
transaction: t
const videoInstance = await VideoModel.loadByUrlAndPopulateAccount(videoAttributesToUpdate.id, t)
if (!videoInstance) throw new Error('Video ' + videoAttributesToUpdate.id + ' not found.')
videoFieldsSave = videoInstance.toJSON()
const videoChannel = videoInstance.VideoChannel
@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
import { VideoCommentObject } from '../../../shared/models/activitypub/objects/video-comment-object'
import { isVideoCommentObjectValid } from '../../helpers/custom-validators/activitypub/video-comments'
import { logger } from '../../helpers/logger'
import { doRequest } from '../../helpers/requests'
import { ACTIVITY_PUB } from '../../initializers'
import { ActorModel } from '../../models/activitypub/actor'
import { VideoModel } from '../../models/video/video'
import { VideoCommentModel } from '../../models/video/video-comment'
import { getOrCreateActorAndServerAndModel } from './actor'
import { getOrCreateAccountAndVideoAndChannel } from './videos'
async function videoCommentActivityObjectToDBAttributes (video: VideoModel, actor: ActorModel, comment: VideoCommentObject) {
let originCommentId: number = null
let inReplyToCommentId: number = null
// If this is not a reply to the video (thread), create or get the parent comment
if (video.url !== comment.inReplyTo) {
const [ parent ] = await addVideoComment(video, comment.inReplyTo)
if (!parent) {
logger.warn('Cannot fetch or get parent comment %s of comment %s.', comment.inReplyTo, comment.id)
return undefined
originCommentId = parent.originCommentId || parent.id
inReplyToCommentId = parent.id
return {
url: comment.url,
text: comment.content,
videoId: video.id,
accountId: actor.Account.id,
createdAt: new Date(comment.published),
updatedAt: new Date(comment.updated)
async function addVideoComments (instance: VideoModel, commentUrls: string[]) {
for (const commentUrl of commentUrls) {
await addVideoComment(instance, commentUrl)
async function addVideoComment (videoInstance: VideoModel, commentUrl: string) {
logger.info('Fetching remote video comment %s.', commentUrl)
const { body } = await doRequest({
uri: commentUrl,
json: true,
activityPub: true
if (isVideoCommentObjectValid(body) === false) {
logger.debug('Remote video comment JSON is not valid.', { body })
return undefined
const actorUrl = body.attributedTo
if (!actorUrl) return []
const actor = await getOrCreateActorAndServerAndModel(actorUrl)
const entry = await videoCommentActivityObjectToDBAttributes(videoInstance, actor, body)
if (!entry) return []
return VideoCommentModel.findOrCreate({
where: {
url: body.id
defaults: entry
async function resolveThread (url: string, comments: VideoCommentModel[] = []) {
// Already have this comment?
const commentFromDatabase = await VideoCommentModel.loadByUrlAndPopulateReplyAndVideo(url)
if (commentFromDatabase) {
let parentComments = comments.concat([ commentFromDatabase ])
// Speed up things and resolve directly the thread
if (commentFromDatabase.InReplyToVideoComment) {
const data = await VideoCommentModel.listThreadParentComments(commentFromDatabase, undefined, 'DESC')
parentComments = parentComments.concat(data)
return resolveThread(commentFromDatabase.Video.url, parentComments)
try {
// Maybe it's a reply to a video?
const { video } = await getOrCreateAccountAndVideoAndChannel(url)
if (comments.length !== 0) {
const firstReply = comments[ comments.length - 1 ]
firstReply.inReplyToCommentId = null
firstReply.originCommentId = null
firstReply.videoId = video.id
comments[comments.length - 1] = await firstReply.save()
for (let i = comments.length - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
const comment = comments[ i ]
comment.originCommentId = firstReply.id
comment.inReplyToCommentId = comments[ i + 1 ].id
comment.videoId = video.id
comments[i] = await comment.save()
return { video, parents: comments }
} catch (err) {
logger.debug('Cannot get or create account and video and channel for reply %s, fetch comment', url, err)
throw new Error('Recursion limit reached when resolving a thread')
const { body } = await doRequest({
uri: url,
json: true,
activityPub: true
if (isVideoCommentObjectValid(body) === false) {
throw new Error('Remote video comment JSON is not valid :' + JSON.stringify(body))
const actorUrl = body.attributedTo
if (!actorUrl) throw new Error('Miss attributed to in comment')
const actor = await getOrCreateActorAndServerAndModel(actorUrl)
const comment = new VideoCommentModel({
url: body.url,
text: body.content,
videoId: null,
accountId: actor.Account.id,
inReplyToCommentId: null,
originCommentId: null,
createdAt: new Date(body.published),
updatedAt: new Date(body.updated)
return resolveThread(body.inReplyTo, comments.concat([ comment ]))
export {
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
import { Transaction } from 'sequelize'
import { AccountModel } from '../../models/account/account'
import { VideoModel } from '../../models/video/video'
import {
sendCreateDislikeToOrigin, sendCreateDislikeToVideoFollowers, sendLikeToOrigin, sendLikeToVideoFollowers, sendUndoDislikeToOrigin,
sendUndoDislikeToVideoFollowers, sendUndoLikeToOrigin, sendUndoLikeToVideoFollowers
} from './send'
async function sendVideoRateChangeToFollowers (account: AccountModel,
video: VideoModel,
likes: number,
dislikes: number,
t: Transaction) {
const actor = account.Actor
// Keep the order: first we undo and then we create
// Undo Like
if (likes < 0) await sendUndoLikeToVideoFollowers(actor, video, t)
// Undo Dislike
if (dislikes < 0) await sendUndoDislikeToVideoFollowers(actor, video, t)
// Like
if (likes > 0) await sendLikeToVideoFollowers(actor, video, t)
// Dislike
if (dislikes > 0) await sendCreateDislikeToVideoFollowers(actor, video, t)
async function sendVideoRateChangeToOrigin (account: AccountModel,
video: VideoModel,
likes: number,
dislikes: number,
t: Transaction) {
const actor = account.Actor
// Keep the order: first we undo and then we create
// Undo Like
if (likes < 0) await sendUndoLikeToOrigin(actor, video, t)
// Undo Dislike
if (dislikes < 0) await sendUndoDislikeToOrigin(actor, video, t)
// Like
if (likes > 0) await sendLikeToOrigin(actor, video, t)
// Dislike
if (dislikes > 0) await sendCreateDislikeToOrigin(actor, video, t)
export {
@ -1,15 +1,23 @@
import * as Bluebird from 'bluebird'
import * as magnetUtil from 'magnet-uri'
import { join } from 'path'
import * as request from 'request'
import { Transaction } from 'sequelize'
import { ActivityIconObject } from '../../../shared/index'
import { VideoTorrentObject } from '../../../shared/models/activitypub/objects'
import { VideoPrivacy } from '../../../shared/models/videos'
import { isVideoTorrentObjectValid } from '../../helpers/custom-validators/activitypub/videos'
import { isVideoFileInfoHashValid } from '../../helpers/custom-validators/videos'
import { retryTransactionWrapper } from '../../helpers/database-utils'
import { logger } from '../../helpers/logger'
import { doRequest, doRequestAndSaveToFile } from '../../helpers/requests'
import { CONFIG, REMOTE_SCHEME, STATIC_PATHS } from '../../initializers'
import { AccountModel } from '../../models/account/account'
import { ACTIVITY_PUB, CONFIG, REMOTE_SCHEME, sequelizeTypescript, STATIC_PATHS, VIDEO_MIMETYPE_EXT } from '../../initializers'
import { ActorModel } from '../../models/activitypub/actor'
import { TagModel } from '../../models/video/tag'
import { VideoModel } from '../../models/video/video'
import {
sendCreateDislikeToOrigin, sendCreateDislikeToVideoFollowers, sendLikeToOrigin, sendLikeToVideoFollowers, sendUndoDislikeToOrigin,
sendUndoDislikeToVideoFollowers, sendUndoLikeToOrigin, sendUndoLikeToVideoFollowers
} from './send'
import { VideoChannelModel } from '../../models/video/video-channel'
import { VideoFileModel } from '../../models/video/video-file'
import { VideoShareModel } from '../../models/video/video-share'
import { getOrCreateActorAndServerAndModel } from './actor'
function fetchRemoteVideoPreview (video: VideoModel, reject: Function) {
// FIXME: use url
@ -45,54 +53,221 @@ function generateThumbnailFromUrl (video: VideoModel, icon: ActivityIconObject)
return doRequestAndSaveToFile(options, thumbnailPath)
async function sendVideoRateChangeToFollowers (
account: AccountModel,
video: VideoModel,
likes: number,
dislikes: number,
t: Transaction
) {
const actor = account.Actor
async function videoActivityObjectToDBAttributes (videoChannel: VideoChannelModel,
videoObject: VideoTorrentObject,
to: string[] = [],
cc: string[] = []) {
let privacy = VideoPrivacy.PRIVATE
if (to.indexOf(ACTIVITY_PUB.PUBLIC) !== -1) privacy = VideoPrivacy.PUBLIC
else if (cc.indexOf(ACTIVITY_PUB.PUBLIC) !== -1) privacy = VideoPrivacy.UNLISTED
// Keep the order: first we undo and then we create
const duration = videoObject.duration.replace(/[^\d]+/, '')
let language = null
if (videoObject.language) {
language = parseInt(videoObject.language.identifier, 10)
// Undo Like
if (likes < 0) await sendUndoLikeToVideoFollowers(actor, video, t)
// Undo Dislike
if (dislikes < 0) await sendUndoDislikeToVideoFollowers(actor, video, t)
let category = null
if (videoObject.category) {
category = parseInt(videoObject.category.identifier, 10)
// Like
if (likes > 0) await sendLikeToVideoFollowers(actor, video, t)
// Dislike
if (dislikes > 0) await sendCreateDislikeToVideoFollowers(actor, video, t)
let licence = null
if (videoObject.licence) {
licence = parseInt(videoObject.licence.identifier, 10)
let description = null
if (videoObject.content) {
description = videoObject.content
return {
name: videoObject.name,
uuid: videoObject.uuid,
url: videoObject.id,
nsfw: videoObject.nsfw,
commentsEnabled: videoObject.commentsEnabled,
channelId: videoChannel.id,
duration: parseInt(duration, 10),
createdAt: new Date(videoObject.published),
// FIXME: updatedAt does not seems to be considered by Sequelize
updatedAt: new Date(videoObject.updated),
views: videoObject.views,
likes: 0,
dislikes: 0,
remote: true,
async function sendVideoRateChangeToOrigin (
account: AccountModel,
video: VideoModel,
likes: number,
dislikes: number,
t: Transaction
) {
const actor = account.Actor
function videoFileActivityUrlToDBAttributes (videoCreated: VideoModel, videoObject: VideoTorrentObject) {
const mimeTypes = Object.keys(VIDEO_MIMETYPE_EXT)
const fileUrls = videoObject.url.filter(u => {
return mimeTypes.indexOf(u.mimeType) !== -1 && u.mimeType.startsWith('video/')
// Keep the order: first we undo and then we create
if (fileUrls.length === 0) {
throw new Error('Cannot find video files for ' + videoCreated.url)
// Undo Like
if (likes < 0) await sendUndoLikeToOrigin(actor, video, t)
// Undo Dislike
if (dislikes < 0) await sendUndoDislikeToOrigin(actor, video, t)
const attributes = []
for (const fileUrl of fileUrls) {
// Fetch associated magnet uri
const magnet = videoObject.url.find(u => {
return u.mimeType === 'application/x-bittorrent;x-scheme-handler/magnet' && u.width === fileUrl.width
// Like
if (likes > 0) await sendLikeToOrigin(actor, video, t)
// Dislike
if (dislikes > 0) await sendCreateDislikeToOrigin(actor, video, t)
if (!magnet) throw new Error('Cannot find associated magnet uri for file ' + fileUrl.url)
const parsed = magnetUtil.decode(magnet.url)
if (!parsed || isVideoFileInfoHashValid(parsed.infoHash) === false) throw new Error('Cannot parse magnet URI ' + magnet.url)
const attribute = {
extname: VIDEO_MIMETYPE_EXT[ fileUrl.mimeType ],
infoHash: parsed.infoHash,
resolution: fileUrl.width,
size: fileUrl.size,
videoId: videoCreated.id
return attributes
async function getOrCreateVideo (videoObject: VideoTorrentObject, channelActor: ActorModel) {
logger.debug('Adding remote video %s.', videoObject.id)
return sequelizeTypescript.transaction(async t => {
const sequelizeOptions = {
transaction: t
const videoFromDatabase = await VideoModel.loadByUUIDOrURLAndPopulateAccount(videoObject.uuid, videoObject.id, t)
if (videoFromDatabase) return videoFromDatabase
const videoData = await videoActivityObjectToDBAttributes(channelActor.VideoChannel, videoObject, videoObject.to, videoObject.cc)
const video = VideoModel.build(videoData)
// Don't block on request
generateThumbnailFromUrl(video, videoObject.icon)
.catch(err => logger.warn('Cannot generate thumbnail of %s.', videoObject.id, err))
const videoCreated = await video.save(sequelizeOptions)
const videoFileAttributes = videoFileActivityUrlToDBAttributes(videoCreated, videoObject)
if (videoFileAttributes.length === 0) {
throw new Error('Cannot find valid files for video %s ' + videoObject.url)
const tasks: Bluebird<any>[] = videoFileAttributes.map(f => VideoFileModel.create(f, { transaction: t }))
await Promise.all(tasks)
const tags = videoObject.tag.map(t => t.name)
const tagInstances = await TagModel.findOrCreateTags(tags, t)
await videoCreated.$set('Tags', tagInstances, sequelizeOptions)
logger.info('Remote video with uuid %s inserted.', videoObject.uuid)
videoCreated.VideoChannel = channelActor.VideoChannel
return videoCreated
async function getOrCreateAccountAndVideoAndChannel (videoObject: VideoTorrentObject | string, actor?: ActorModel) {
if (typeof videoObject === 'string') {
const videoFromDatabase = await VideoModel.loadByUrlAndPopulateAccount(videoObject)
if (videoFromDatabase) {
return {
video: videoFromDatabase,
actor: videoFromDatabase.VideoChannel.Account.Actor,
channelActor: videoFromDatabase.VideoChannel.Actor
videoObject = await fetchRemoteVideo(videoObject)
if (!videoObject) throw new Error('Cannot fetch remote video')
if (!actor) {
const actorObj = videoObject.attributedTo.find(a => a.type === 'Person')
if (!actorObj) throw new Error('Cannot find associated actor to video ' + videoObject.url)
actor = await getOrCreateActorAndServerAndModel(actorObj.id)
const channel = videoObject.attributedTo.find(a => a.type === 'Group')
if (!channel) throw new Error('Cannot find associated video channel to video ' + videoObject.url)
const channelActor = await getOrCreateActorAndServerAndModel(channel.id)
const options = {
arguments: [ videoObject, channelActor ],
errorMessage: 'Cannot insert the remote video with many retries.'
const video = await retryTransactionWrapper(getOrCreateVideo, options)
return { actor, channelActor, video }
async function addVideoShares (instance: VideoModel, shareUrls: string[]) {
for (const shareUrl of shareUrls) {
// Fetch url
const { body } = await doRequest({
uri: shareUrl,
json: true,
activityPub: true
const actorUrl = body.actor
if (!actorUrl) continue
const actor = await getOrCreateActorAndServerAndModel(actorUrl)
const entry = {
actorId: actor.id,
videoId: instance.id
await VideoShareModel.findOrCreate({
where: entry,
defaults: entry
export {
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
async function fetchRemoteVideo (videoUrl: string): Promise<VideoTorrentObject> {
const options = {
uri: videoUrl,
method: 'GET',
json: true,
activityPub: true
logger.info('Fetching remote video %s.', videoUrl)
const { body } = await doRequest(options)
if (isVideoTorrentObjectValid(body) === false) {
logger.debug('Remote video JSON is not valid.', { body })
return undefined
return body
@ -62,6 +62,9 @@ enum ScopeNames {
tableName: 'actor',
indexes: [
fields: [ 'url' ]
fields: [ 'preferredUsername', 'serverId' ],
unique: true
@ -208,18 +208,6 @@ export class VideoCommentModel extends Model<VideoCommentModel> {
static loadByUrl (url: string, t?: Sequelize.Transaction) {
const query: IFindOptions<VideoCommentModel> = {
where: {
if (t !== undefined) query.transaction = t
return VideoCommentModel.findOne(query)
static loadByUrlAndPopulateAccount (url: string, t?: Sequelize.Transaction) {
const query: IFindOptions<VideoCommentModel> = {
where: {
@ -232,6 +220,18 @@ export class VideoCommentModel extends Model<VideoCommentModel> {
return VideoCommentModel.scope([ ScopeNames.WITH_ACCOUNT ]).findOne(query)
static loadByUrlAndPopulateReplyAndVideo (url: string, t?: Sequelize.Transaction) {
const query: IFindOptions<VideoCommentModel> = {
where: {
if (t !== undefined) query.transaction = t
return VideoCommentModel.scope([ ScopeNames.WITH_IN_REPLY_TO, ScopeNames.WITH_VIDEO ]).findOne(query)
static listThreadsForApi (videoId: number, start: number, count: number, sort: string) {
const query = {
offset: start,
@ -271,9 +271,9 @@ export class VideoCommentModel extends Model<VideoCommentModel> {
static listThreadParentComments (comment: VideoCommentModel, t: Sequelize.Transaction) {
static listThreadParentComments (comment: VideoCommentModel, t: Sequelize.Transaction, order: 'ASC' | 'DESC' = 'ASC') {
const query = {
order: [ [ 'createdAt', 'ASC' ] ],
order: [ [ 'createdAt', order ] ],
where: {
[ Sequelize.Op.or ]: [
{ id: comment.getThreadId() },
@ -281,6 +281,9 @@ export class VideoCommentModel extends Model<VideoCommentModel> {
id: {
[ Sequelize.Op.ne ]: comment.id
createdAt: {
[ Sequelize.Op.lt ]: comment.createdAt
transaction: t
@ -178,6 +178,10 @@ enum ScopeNames {
fields: [ 'id', 'privacy' ]
fields: [ 'url'],
unique: true
@ -535,7 +539,7 @@ export class VideoModel extends Model<VideoModel> {
return VideoModel.scope([ ScopeNames.WITH_ACCOUNT_DETAILS, ScopeNames.WITH_FILES ]).findOne(query)
static loadByUUIDOrURL (uuid: string, url: string, t?: Sequelize.Transaction) {
static loadByUUIDOrURLAndPopulateAccount (uuid: string, url: string, t?: Sequelize.Transaction) {
const query: IFindOptions<VideoModel> = {
where: {
[Sequelize.Op.or]: [
@ -547,7 +551,7 @@ export class VideoModel extends Model<VideoModel> {
if (t !== undefined) query.transaction = t
return VideoModel.scope(ScopeNames.WITH_FILES).findOne(query)
return VideoModel.scope([ ScopeNames.WITH_ACCOUNT_DETAILS, ScopeNames.WITH_FILES ]).findOne(query)
static loadAndPopulateAccountAndServerAndTags (id: number) {
@ -983,6 +987,10 @@ export class VideoModel extends Model<VideoModel> {
type: 'Group',
id: this.VideoChannel.Actor.url
type: 'Person',
id: this.VideoChannel.Account.Actor.url
@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
/* tslint:disable:no-unused-expression */
import * as chai from 'chai'
import 'mocha'
import { VideoPrivacy } from '../../../../shared/models/videos'
import { completeVideoCheck, runServer, viewVideo } from '../../utils'
import {
flushAndRunMultipleServers, flushTests, getVideosList, killallServers, ServerInfo, setAccessTokensToServers, uploadVideo,
} from '../../utils/index'
import { follow, getFollowersListPaginationAndSort } from '../../utils/server/follows'
import { getJobsListPaginationAndSort } from '../../utils/server/jobs'
const expect = chai.expect
describe('Test handle downs', function () {
let servers: ServerInfo[] = []
const videoAttributes = {
name: 'my super name for server 1',
category: 5,
licence: 4,
language: 9,
nsfw: true,
description: 'my super description for server 1',
tags: [ 'tag1p1', 'tag2p1' ],
fixture: 'video_short1.webm'
const checkAttributes = {
name: 'my super name for server 1',
category: 5,
licence: 4,
language: 9,
nsfw: true,
description: 'my super description for server 1',
host: 'localhost:9001',
account: 'root',
isLocal: false,
duration: 10,
tags: [ 'tag1p1', 'tag2p1' ],
privacy: VideoPrivacy.PUBLIC,
commentsEnabled: true,
channel: {
name: 'Default root channel',
description: '',
isLocal: false
fixture: 'video_short1.webm',
files: [
resolution: 720,
size: 572456
before(async function () {
servers = await flushAndRunMultipleServers(2)
// Get the access tokens
await setAccessTokensToServers(servers)
it('Should remove followers that are often down', async function () {
await follow(servers[1].url, [ servers[0].url ], servers[1].accessToken)
await wait(5000)
await uploadVideo(servers[0].url, servers[0].accessToken, videoAttributes)
await wait(5000)
for (const server of servers) {
const res = await getVideosList(server.url)
// Kill server 1
killallServers([ servers[1] ])
// Remove server 2 follower
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
await uploadVideo(servers[ 0 ].url, servers[ 0 ].accessToken, videoAttributes)
await wait(10000)
const res = await getFollowersListPaginationAndSort(servers[0].url, 0, 1, 'createdAt')
it('Should not have pending/processing jobs anymore', async function () {
const res = await getJobsListPaginationAndSort(servers[0].url, servers[0].accessToken, 0, 50, '-createdAt')
const jobs = res.body.data
for (const job of jobs) {
it('Should follow server 1', async function () {
servers[1] = await runServer(2)
await follow(servers[1].url, [ servers[0].url ], servers[1].accessToken)
await wait(5000)
const res = await getFollowersListPaginationAndSort(servers[0].url, 0, 1, 'createdAt')
it('Should send a view to server 2, and automatically fetch the video', async function () {
const resVideo = await getVideosList(servers[0].url)
const videoServer1 = resVideo.body.data[0]
await viewVideo(servers[0].url, videoServer1.uuid)
await wait(5000)
const res = await getVideosList(servers[1].url)
const videoServer2 = res.body.data.find(v => v.url === videoServer1.url)
await completeVideoCheck(servers[1].url, videoServer2, checkAttributes)
after(async function () {
// Keep the logs if the test failed
if (this['ok']) {
await flushTests()
@ -30,4 +30,6 @@ export interface VideoTorrentObject {
shares?: ActivityPubOrderedCollection<string>
comments?: ActivityPubOrderedCollection<string>
attributedTo: ActivityPubAttributedTo[]
to?: string[]
cc?: string[]
Reference in New Issue