2017-09-04 14:21:47 -05:00
/* tslint:disable:no-unused-expression */
import * as chai from 'chai'
2017-12-29 03:04:15 -06:00
import 'mocha'
2018-07-27 19:59:01 -05:00
import { omit } from 'lodash'
import * as ffmpeg from 'fluent-ffmpeg'
2018-10-08 10:47:19 -05:00
import { getMaxBitrate, VideoDetails, VideoResolution, VideoState } from '../../../../shared/models/videos'
import { audio, getVideoFileBitrate, getVideoFileFPS, getVideoFileResolution } from '../../../helpers/ffmpeg-utils'
2017-09-04 14:21:47 -05:00
import {
2018-07-27 19:59:01 -05:00
2018-06-12 13:04:58 -05:00
2017-12-29 03:04:15 -06:00
} from '../../utils'
2018-10-08 10:47:19 -05:00
import { join } from 'path'
2018-06-13 03:06:50 -05:00
import { waitJobs } from '../../utils/server/jobs'
2018-10-08 10:47:19 -05:00
import { pathExists } from 'fs-extra'
2018-10-08 09:26:04 -05:00
import { VIDEO_TRANSCODING_FPS } from '../../../../server/initializers/constants'
2017-12-29 03:04:15 -06:00
const expect = chai.expect
2017-09-04 14:21:47 -05:00
describe('Test video transcoding', function () {
let servers: ServerInfo[] = []
before(async function () {
2018-01-18 11:10:45 -06:00
2017-09-04 14:21:47 -05:00
// Run servers
servers = await flushAndRunMultipleServers(2)
await setAccessTokensToServers(servers)
2018-08-03 10:00:19 -05:00
await doubleFollow(servers[0], servers[1])
2017-09-04 14:21:47 -05:00
it('Should not transcode video on server 1', async function () {
const videoAttributes = {
2017-11-17 05:05:59 -06:00
name: 'my super name for server 1',
description: 'my super description for server 1',
2017-09-04 14:21:47 -05:00
fixture: 'video_short.webm'
await uploadVideo(servers[0].url, servers[0].accessToken, videoAttributes)
2018-06-13 03:06:50 -05:00
await waitJobs(servers)
2017-09-04 14:21:47 -05:00
2018-08-03 10:00:19 -05:00
for (const server of servers) {
const res = await getVideosList(server.url)
const video = res.body.data[ 0 ]
2017-10-02 05:20:26 -05:00
2018-08-03 10:00:19 -05:00
const res2 = await getVideo(server.url, video.id)
const videoDetails = res2.body
2017-10-24 12:41:30 -05:00
2018-08-03 10:00:19 -05:00
const magnetUri = videoDetails.files[ 0 ].magnetUri
2017-09-04 14:21:47 -05:00
2018-08-03 10:00:19 -05:00
const torrent = await webtorrentAdd(magnetUri, true)
expect(torrent.files[ 0 ].path).match(/\.webm$/)
2017-09-04 14:21:47 -05:00
it('Should transcode video on server 2', async function () {
const videoAttributes = {
2017-11-17 05:05:59 -06:00
name: 'my super name for server 2',
description: 'my super description for server 2',
2017-09-04 14:21:47 -05:00
fixture: 'video_short.webm'
await uploadVideo(servers[1].url, servers[1].accessToken, videoAttributes)
2018-06-13 03:06:50 -05:00
await waitJobs(servers)
2017-09-04 14:21:47 -05:00
2018-08-03 10:00:19 -05:00
for (const server of servers) {
const res = await getVideosList(server.url)
2017-09-04 14:21:47 -05:00
2018-08-03 10:00:19 -05:00
const video = res.body.data.find(v => v.name === videoAttributes.name)
const res2 = await getVideo(server.url, video.id)
const videoDetails = res2.body
2017-10-24 12:41:30 -05:00
2018-08-03 10:00:19 -05:00
2017-10-02 05:20:26 -05:00
2018-08-03 10:00:19 -05:00
const magnetUri = videoDetails.files[ 0 ].magnetUri
2017-09-04 14:21:47 -05:00
2018-08-03 10:00:19 -05:00
const torrent = await webtorrentAdd(magnetUri, true)
expect(torrent.files[ 0 ].path).match(/\.mp4$/)
2017-09-04 14:21:47 -05:00
2018-07-27 19:59:01 -05:00
it('Should transcode high bit rate mp3 to proper bit rate', async function () {
const videoAttributes = {
name: 'mp3_256k',
fixture: 'video_short_mp3_256k.mp4'
await uploadVideo(servers[1].url, servers[1].accessToken, videoAttributes)
await waitJobs(servers)
2018-08-03 10:00:19 -05:00
for (const server of servers) {
const res = await getVideosList(server.url)
2018-07-27 19:59:01 -05:00
2018-08-03 10:00:19 -05:00
const video = res.body.data.find(v => v.name === videoAttributes.name)
const res2 = await getVideo(server.url, video.id)
const videoDetails: VideoDetails = res2.body
2018-07-27 19:59:01 -05:00
2018-08-03 10:00:19 -05:00
2018-07-27 19:59:01 -05:00
2018-08-03 10:00:19 -05:00
const path = join(root(), 'test2', 'videos', video.uuid + '-240.mp4')
2018-10-18 02:44:43 -05:00
const probe = await audio.get(path)
2018-07-27 19:59:01 -05:00
2018-08-03 10:00:19 -05:00
if (probe.audioStream) {
expect(probe.audioStream[ 'codec_name' ]).to.be.equal('aac')
expect(probe.audioStream[ 'bit_rate' ]).to.be.at.most(384 * 8000)
} else {
this.fail('Could not retrieve the audio stream on ' + probe.absolutePath)
2018-07-27 19:59:01 -05:00
it('Should transcode video with no audio and have no audio itself', async function () {
const videoAttributes = {
name: 'no_audio',
fixture: 'video_short_no_audio.mp4'
await uploadVideo(servers[1].url, servers[1].accessToken, videoAttributes)
await waitJobs(servers)
2018-08-03 10:00:19 -05:00
for (const server of servers) {
const res = await getVideosList(server.url)
2018-07-27 19:59:01 -05:00
2018-08-03 10:00:19 -05:00
const video = res.body.data.find(v => v.name === videoAttributes.name)
const res2 = await getVideo(server.url, video.id)
const videoDetails: VideoDetails = res2.body
2018-07-27 19:59:01 -05:00
2018-08-03 10:00:19 -05:00
const path = join(root(), 'test2', 'videos', video.uuid + '-240.mp4')
2018-10-18 02:44:43 -05:00
const probe = await audio.get(path)
2018-08-03 10:00:19 -05:00
2018-07-27 19:59:01 -05:00
it('Should leave the audio untouched, but properly transcode the video', async function () {
const videoAttributes = {
name: 'untouched_audio',
fixture: 'video_short.mp4'
await uploadVideo(servers[1].url, servers[1].accessToken, videoAttributes)
await waitJobs(servers)
2018-08-03 10:00:19 -05:00
for (const server of servers) {
const res = await getVideosList(server.url)
const video = res.body.data.find(v => v.name === videoAttributes.name)
const res2 = await getVideo(server.url, video.id)
const videoDetails: VideoDetails = res2.body
const fixturePath = buildAbsoluteFixturePath(videoAttributes.fixture)
2018-10-18 02:44:43 -05:00
const fixtureVideoProbe = await audio.get(fixturePath)
2018-08-03 10:00:19 -05:00
const path = join(root(), 'test2', 'videos', video.uuid + '-240.mp4')
2018-10-18 02:44:43 -05:00
const videoProbe = await audio.get(path)
2018-08-03 10:00:19 -05:00
if (videoProbe.audioStream && fixtureVideoProbe.audioStream) {
const toOmit = [ 'max_bit_rate', 'duration', 'duration_ts', 'nb_frames', 'start_time', 'start_pts' ]
expect(omit(videoProbe.audioStream, toOmit)).to.be.deep.equal(omit(fixtureVideoProbe.audioStream, toOmit))
} else {
this.fail('Could not retrieve the audio stream on ' + videoProbe.absolutePath)
2018-07-27 19:59:01 -05:00
2018-06-29 09:41:29 -05:00
it('Should transcode a 60 FPS video', async function () {
2018-02-26 03:48:53 -06:00
const videoAttributes = {
name: 'my super 30fps name for server 2',
description: 'my super 30fps description for server 2',
2018-06-29 09:41:29 -05:00
fixture: '60fps_720p_small.mp4'
2018-02-26 03:48:53 -06:00
await uploadVideo(servers[1].url, servers[1].accessToken, videoAttributes)
2018-06-13 03:06:50 -05:00
await waitJobs(servers)
2018-02-26 03:48:53 -06:00
2018-08-03 10:00:19 -05:00
for (const server of servers) {
const res = await getVideosList(server.url)
2018-02-26 03:48:53 -06:00
2018-08-03 10:00:19 -05:00
const video = res.body.data.find(v => v.name === videoAttributes.name)
const res2 = await getVideo(server.url, video.id)
const videoDetails: VideoDetails = res2.body
2018-02-26 03:48:53 -06:00
2018-08-03 10:00:19 -05:00
expect(videoDetails.files[ 0 ].fps).to.be.above(58).and.below(62)
expect(videoDetails.files[ 1 ].fps).to.be.below(31)
expect(videoDetails.files[ 2 ].fps).to.be.below(31)
expect(videoDetails.files[ 3 ].fps).to.be.below(31)
2018-02-26 03:48:53 -06:00
2018-08-03 10:00:19 -05:00
for (const resolution of [ '240', '360', '480' ]) {
const path = join(root(), 'test2', 'videos', video.uuid + '-' + resolution + '.mp4')
const fps = await getVideoFileFPS(path)
2018-02-26 03:48:53 -06:00
2018-08-03 10:00:19 -05:00
2018-06-29 09:41:29 -05:00
2018-08-03 10:00:19 -05:00
const path = join(root(), 'test2', 'videos', video.uuid + '-720.mp4')
const fps = await getVideoFileFPS(path)
2018-06-29 09:41:29 -05:00
2018-08-03 10:00:19 -05:00
2018-02-26 03:48:53 -06:00
2018-10-08 09:26:04 -05:00
it('Should wait for transcoding before publishing the video', async function () {
2018-06-12 13:04:58 -05:00
// Upload the video, but wait transcoding
const videoAttributes = {
name: 'waiting video',
fixture: 'video_short1.webm',
waitTranscoding: true
const resVideo = await uploadVideo(servers[ 1 ].url, servers[ 1 ].accessToken, videoAttributes)
const videoId = resVideo.body.video.uuid
// Should be in transcode state
const { body } = await getVideo(servers[ 1 ].url, videoId)
expect(body.name).to.equal('waiting video')
expect(body.state.label).to.equal('To transcode')
// Should have my video
const resMyVideos = await getMyVideos(servers[1].url, servers[1].accessToken, 0, 10)
2018-07-27 19:59:01 -05:00
const videoToFindInMine = resMyVideos.body.data.find(v => v.name === videoAttributes.name)
2018-06-12 13:04:58 -05:00
expect(videoToFindInMine.state.label).to.equal('To transcode')
// Should not list this video
const resVideos = await getVideosList(servers[1].url)
2018-07-27 19:59:01 -05:00
const videoToFindInList = resVideos.body.data.find(v => v.name === videoAttributes.name)
2018-06-12 13:04:58 -05:00
// Server 1 should not have the video yet
await getVideo(servers[0].url, videoId, 404)
2018-06-13 03:06:50 -05:00
await waitJobs(servers)
2018-06-12 13:04:58 -05:00
for (const server of servers) {
const res = await getVideosList(server.url)
const videoToFind = res.body.data.find(v => v.name === 'waiting video')
const res2 = await getVideo(server.url, videoToFind.id)
const videoDetails: VideoDetails = res2.body
2018-10-08 10:47:19 -05:00
const tempFixturePath = buildAbsoluteFixturePath('video_high_bitrate_1080p.mp4', true)
2018-10-08 09:26:04 -05:00
it('Should respect maximum bitrate values', async function () {
2018-10-08 10:47:19 -05:00
const exists = await pathExists(tempFixturePath)
if (!exists) {
// Generate a random, high bitrate video on the fly, so we don't have to include
// a large file in the repo. The video needs to have a certain minimum length so
// that FFmpeg properly applies bitrate limits.
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/15795112
await new Promise<void>(async (res, rej) => {
.outputOptions([ '-f rawvideo', '-video_size 1920x1080', '-i /dev/urandom' ])
.outputOptions([ '-ac 2', '-f s16le', '-i /dev/urandom', '-t 10' ])
.outputOptions([ '-maxrate 10M', '-bufsize 10M' ])
.on('error', rej)
.on('end', res)
2018-10-08 09:26:04 -05:00
const bitrate = await getVideoFileBitrate(tempFixturePath)
expect(bitrate).to.be.above(getMaxBitrate(VideoResolution.H_1080P, 60, VIDEO_TRANSCODING_FPS))
2018-10-08 10:47:19 -05:00
2018-10-08 09:26:04 -05:00
2018-10-08 10:47:19 -05:00
const videoAttributes = {
name: 'high bitrate video',
description: 'high bitrate video',
fixture: tempFixturePath
2018-10-08 09:26:04 -05:00
2018-10-08 10:47:19 -05:00
await uploadVideo(servers[1].url, servers[1].accessToken, videoAttributes)
2018-10-08 09:26:04 -05:00
2018-10-08 10:47:19 -05:00
await waitJobs(servers)
2018-10-08 09:26:04 -05:00
2018-10-08 10:47:19 -05:00
for (const server of servers) {
const res = await getVideosList(server.url)
2018-10-08 09:26:04 -05:00
2018-10-08 10:47:19 -05:00
const video = res.body.data.find(v => v.name === videoAttributes.name)
2018-10-08 09:26:04 -05:00
2018-10-08 10:47:19 -05:00
for (const resolution of ['240', '360', '480', '720', '1080']) {
const path = join(root(), 'test2', 'videos', video.uuid + '-' + resolution + '.mp4')
const bitrate = await getVideoFileBitrate(path)
const fps = await getVideoFileFPS(path)
const resolution2 = await getVideoFileResolution(path)
2018-10-08 09:26:04 -05:00
2018-10-08 10:47:19 -05:00
expect(bitrate).to.be.below(getMaxBitrate(resolution2.videoFileResolution, fps, VIDEO_TRANSCODING_FPS))
2018-10-08 09:26:04 -05:00
2017-09-04 14:21:47 -05:00
after(async function () {