2019-12-19 11:21:32 -06:00
"Music": "Música",
"Films": "Pel·lícules",
"Vehicles": "Vehicles",
"Art": "Art",
"Sports": "Esports",
"Travels": "Viatges",
"Gaming": "Jocs",
"People": "Gent",
"Comedy": "Comèdia",
"Entertainment": "Entreteniment",
2020-05-08 12:14:45 -05:00
"News & Politics": "Actualitat i Política",
2019-12-19 11:21:32 -06:00
"How To": "Com fer",
"Education": "Educació",
"Activism": "Activisme",
"Science & Technology": "Ciència i tecnologia",
"Animals": "Animals",
"Kids": "Nens",
"Food": "Aliments",
"Attribution": "Atribució",
2020-05-08 12:14:45 -05:00
"Attribution - Share Alike": "Reconeixement - Compartir Igual",
2019-12-19 11:21:32 -06:00
"Attribution - No Derivatives": "Atribució - Sense Derivats",
"Attribution - Non Commercial": "Atribució: No Comercial",
"Attribution - Non Commercial - Share Alike": "Atribució - No Comercial - Compartir per igual",
"Attribution - Non Commercial - No Derivatives": "Attribution - No Comercial - Sense Derivats",
"Public Domain Dedication": "Dedicació de Domini Públic",
"Public": "Públic",
"Unlisted": "No llistat",
"Private": "Privat",
2020-08-14 02:32:20 -05:00
"Internal": "Internal",
2023-07-17 04:50:58 -05:00
"Password protected": "Password protected",
2019-12-19 11:21:32 -06:00
"Published": "Publicat",
2020-05-08 12:14:45 -05:00
"To transcode": "Transcodificar",
2019-12-19 11:21:32 -06:00
"To import": "Per importar",
2020-11-09 09:20:44 -06:00
"Waiting for livestream": "Waiting for livestream",
"Livestream ended": "Livestream ended",
2021-08-18 03:10:18 -05:00
"To move to an external storage": "To move to an external storage",
2021-11-15 08:54:23 -06:00
"Transcoding failed": "Transcoding failed",
2021-12-28 02:51:45 -06:00
"External storage move failed": "External storage move failed",
2022-02-28 09:32:02 -06:00
"To edit*": "To edit*",
2019-12-19 11:21:32 -06:00
"Pending": "Pendent",
"Success": "Èxit",
2020-01-06 09:15:43 -06:00
"Failed": "Ha fallat",
2020-08-14 02:32:20 -05:00
"Rejected": "Rejected",
2022-01-21 03:18:52 -06:00
"Cancelled": "Cancelled",
"Processing": "Processing",
2020-05-08 12:14:45 -05:00
"Regular": "Normal",
2019-12-19 11:21:32 -06:00
"Watch later": "Mirar més tard",
2023-04-17 01:55:10 -05:00
"Administrator": "Administrator",
"Moderator": "Moderator",
"User": "User",
2023-05-09 04:25:54 -05:00
"Waiting first run": "Waiting first run",
"Synchronized": "Synchronized",
"Accepted": "Accepted",
"Completed": "Completed",
"Errored": "Errored",
"Waiting for parent job to finish": "Waiting for parent job to finish",
"Parent job failed": "Parent job failed",
"Parent job cancelled": "Parent job cancelled",
2023-05-22 02:03:05 -05:00
"Completing": "Completing",
2019-12-19 11:21:32 -06:00
"This video does not exist.": "Aquest vídeo no existeix.",
2020-05-08 12:14:45 -05:00
"We cannot fetch the video. Please try again later.": "No podem trobar el vídeo. Si us plau, intenta-ho més tard.",
2019-12-19 11:21:32 -06:00
"Sorry": "Ho sentim",
"This video is not available because the remote instance is not responding.": "Aquest vídeo no està disponible perquè la instància remota no respon.",
2020-08-14 02:32:20 -05:00
"This playlist does not exist": "This playlist does not exist",
"We cannot fetch the playlist. Please try again later.": "We cannot fetch the playlist. Please try again later.",
"Playlist: {1}": "Playlist: {1}",
"By {1}": "By {1}",
"Unavailable video": "Unavailable video",
2019-12-19 11:21:32 -06:00
"Unknown": "Desconegut",
"Afar": "Àfar",
"Abkhazian": "Abkhaz",
"Afrikaans": "Afrikaans",
"Akan": "Àkan",
"Amharic": "Amhàric",
"Arabic": "Àrab",
"Aragonese": "Aragonès",
"American Sign Language": "Llengua de Signes Nord-Americana",
"Assamese": "Assamès",
2023-02-13 03:14:10 -06:00
"Austrian Sign Language": "Austrian Sign Language",
2019-12-19 11:21:32 -06:00
"Avaric": "Àvar",
"Kotava": "Kotava",
"Aymara": "Aimara",
"Azerbaijani": "Àzeri",
"Bashkir": "Baixkir",
"Bambara": "Bambara",
"Belarusian": "Bielorús",
"Bengali": "Bengalí",
"British Sign Language": "Llengua de Signes Britànica",
"Bislama": "Bislama",
"Tibetan": "Tibetà",
"Bosnian": "Bosnià",
"Breton": "Bretó",
"Bulgarian": "Búlgar",
"Brazilian Sign Language": "Llengua de Signes Brasiler",
"Catalan": "Català",
"Czech": "Txec",
"Chamorro": "Chamorro",
"Chechen": "Txetxè",
"Chuvash": "Txuvaix",
"Cornish": "Korni",
"Corsican": "Cors",
"Cree": "Cree",
"Czech Sign Language": "Llengua de Signes Txec",
"Chinese Sign Language": "Llengua de Signes Xinesa",
"Welsh": "Gal·lès",
"Danish": "Danès",
"German": "Alemany",
"Dhivehi": "Divehi",
"Danish Sign Language": "Llengua de Signes Danesa",
"Dzongkha": "Dzongka",
"Greek": "Grec",
"English": "Anglès",
"Esperanto": "Esperanto",
"Estonian": "Estonià",
"Basque": "Basc",
"Ewe": "Ewe",
"Faroese": "Feroès",
"Persian": "Persa",
"Fijian": "Fijià",
"Finnish": "Finlandès",
"French": "Francès",
"Western Frisian": "Frisó occidental",
"French Sign Language": "Llengua de Signes Francesa",
"Fulah": "Ful",
"Scottish Gaelic": "Gaèlic Escocès",
"Irish": "Irlandès",
"Galician": "Gallec",
"Manx": "Manx",
"Guarani": "Guaraní",
"German Sign Language": "Llengua de Signes Alemanya",
"Gujarati": "Gujarati",
"Haitian": "Haitià",
"Hausa": "Haussa",
"Serbo-Croatian": "Serbocroat",
"Hebrew": "Hebreu",
"Herero": "Herero",
"Hindi": "Hindi",
"Hiri Motu": "Hiri Motu",
"Croatian": "Croat",
"Hungarian": "Hongarès",
"Armenian": "Armeni",
"Igbo": "Igbo",
"Sichuan Yi": "Yi de Sichuan",
"Inuktitut": "Inuktitut",
"Indonesian": "Indonesi",
"Inupiaq": "Inupiaq",
"Icelandic": "Islandès",
"Italian": "Italià",
"Javanese": "Javanès",
"Lojban": "Lojban",
"Japanese": "Japonès",
"Japanese Sign Language": "Llengua de Signes Japonesa",
2020-08-14 02:32:20 -05:00
"Kabyle": "Kabyle",
2019-12-19 11:21:32 -06:00
"Kalaallisut": "Kalaallisut",
"Kannada": "Kannada",
"Kashmiri": "Caixmiri",
"Georgian": "Georgià",
"Kanuri": "Kanuri",
"Kazakh": "Kazakh",
"Khmer": "Khmer",
"Kikuyu": "Kikuiu",
"Kinyarwanda": "Ruandès",
"Kirghiz": "Kirguís",
"Komi": "Komi",
"Kongo": "Koongo",
"Korean": "Coreà",
"Kuanyama": "Kwanyama",
"Kurdish": "Kurd",
"Lao": "Laosià",
2021-09-08 10:18:05 -05:00
"Latin": "Latin",
2019-12-19 11:21:32 -06:00
"Latvian": "Letó",
"Limburgan": "Limburgan",
"Lingala": "Lingala",
"Lithuanian": "Lituà",
"Luxembourgish": "Luxemburguès",
"Luba-Katanga": "Luba",
"Ganda": "Ganda",
"Marshallese": "Marshallès",
"Malayalam": "Malaialam",
"Marathi": "Marathi",
"Macedonian": "Macedoni",
"Malagasy": "Malgache",
"Maltese": "Maltès",
"Mongolian": "Mongol",
"Maori": "Maori",
"Malay (macrolanguage)": "Malai (macro llengua)",
"Burmese": "Birmà",
"Nauru": "Nauruà",
"Navajo": "Navaho",
"South Ndebele": "Ndebele del Sud",
"North Ndebele": "Ndebele del Nord",
"Ndonga": "Ndonga",
"Nepali (macrolanguage)": "Nepalès (macro llengua)",
"Dutch": "Holandès",
"Norwegian Nynorsk": "Noruec Nynorsk",
"Norwegian Bokmål": "Noruec Bokmål",
"Norwegian": "Noruec",
"Nyanja": "Nyanga",
"Occitan": "Occità",
"Ojibwa": "Ojibwa",
"Oriya (macrolanguage)": "Oriya (macro llengua)",
"Oromo": "Oromo",
"Ossetian": "Osset",
"Panjabi": "Panjabi",
"Pakistan Sign Language": "Llengua de Signes de Pakistan",
"Polish": "Polonès",
"Portuguese": "Portuguès",
"Pushto": "Paixtu",
"Quechua": "Quítxua",
"Romansh": "Romanx",
"Romanian": "Romanès",
"Russian Sign Language": "Llengua de Signes Russa",
"Rundi": "Rundi",
"Russian": "Rus",
"Sango": "Sango",
"Saudi Arabian Sign Language": "Llengua de Signes de l'Aràbia Saudita",
"South African Sign Language": "Llengua de Signes Sud-Africana",
"Sinhala": "Singalès",
"Slovak": "Eslovac",
"Slovenian": "Eslovè",
"Northern Sami": "Sami del Nord",
"Samoan": "Samoà",
"Shona": "Shona",
"Sindhi": "Sindhi",
"Somali": "Somali",
"Southern Sotho": "Sotho del Sud",
"Spanish": "Espanyol",
"Albanian": "Albanès",
"Sardinian": "Sard",
"Serbian": "Serbi",
"Swati": "Swati",
"Sundanese": "Sundanès",
"Swahili (macrolanguage)": "Suahili (macro llengua)",
"Swedish": "Suec",
"Swedish Sign Language": "Llengua de Signes Sueca",
"Tahitian": "Tahití",
"Tamil": "Tàmil",
"Tatar": "Tàtar",
"Telugu": "Telugu",
"Tajik": "Tadjik",
"Tagalog": "Tagàlog",
"Thai": "Tailandès",
"Tigrinya": "Tigrinya",
"Klingon": "Klingon",
"Tonga (Tonga Islands)": "Tongalès (arxipèlag de Tonga)",
"Tswana": "Tswana",
"Tsonga": "Tsonga",
"Turkmen": "Turcman",
"Turkish": "Turc",
"Twi": "Twi",
"Uighur": "Uigur",
"Ukrainian": "Ucraïnès",
"Urdu": "Urdú",
"Uzbek": "Uzbek",
"Venda": "Venda",
"Vietnamese": "Vietnamita",
"Walloon": "Való",
"Wolof": "Wòlof",
"Xhosa": "Xosa",
"Yiddish": "Jiddisch",
"Yoruba": "Ioruba",
"Zhuang": "Zhuang",
"Chinese": "Xinès",
2020-11-09 09:29:58 -06:00
"Zulu": "Zulu",
2021-12-13 09:36:56 -06:00
"No linguistic content": "No linguistic content",
2022-07-11 09:25:43 -05:00
"Toki Pona": "Toki Pona",
2022-01-21 03:18:52 -06:00
"Simplified Chinese": "Simplified Chinese",
"Traditional Chinese": "Traditional Chinese",
2023-02-13 03:14:10 -06:00
"Misc": "Miscel·lània",
2020-11-09 09:29:58 -06:00
"Normal mode": "Normal mode",
2021-07-15 06:16:07 -05:00
"Theater mode": "Mode cinema"
2019-12-19 11:21:32 -06:00