2023-07-31 07:34:36 -05:00
import { pick } from '@peertube/peertube-core-utils'
2024-07-23 09:38:51 -05:00
import { VideoResolution } from '@peertube/peertube-models'
import { FfmpegCommand, FfprobeData, FilterSpecification } from 'fluent-ffmpeg'
2024-03-19 03:53:59 -05:00
import { join } from 'path'
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import { FFmpegCommandWrapper, FFmpegCommandWrapperOptions } from './ffmpeg-command-wrapper.js'
2024-03-19 03:53:59 -05:00
import { StreamType, buildStreamSuffix, getScaleFilter } from './ffmpeg-utils.js'
2023-07-31 07:34:36 -05:00
import { addDefaultEncoderGlobalParams, addDefaultEncoderParams, applyEncoderOptions } from './shared/index.js'
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2024-07-23 09:38:51 -05:00
type LiveTranscodingOptions = {
inputUrl: string
outPath: string
masterPlaylistName: string
toTranscode: {
resolution: number
fps: number
// Input information
bitrate: number
ratio: number
hasAudio: boolean
hasVideo: boolean
probe: FfprobeData
segmentListSize: number
segmentDuration: number
splitAudioAndVideo: boolean
2023-04-21 07:55:10 -05:00
export class FFmpegLive {
private readonly commandWrapper: FFmpegCommandWrapper
constructor (options: FFmpegCommandWrapperOptions) {
this.commandWrapper = new FFmpegCommandWrapper(options)
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async getLiveTranscodingCommand (options: LiveTranscodingOptions) {
this.commandWrapper.debugLog('Building live transcoding command', options)
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const {
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2023-04-21 07:55:10 -05:00
} = options
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2023-04-21 07:55:10 -05:00
const command = this.commandWrapper.buildCommand(inputUrl)
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let varStreamMap: string[] = []
2023-04-21 07:55:10 -05:00
command.outputOption('-sc_threshold 0')
2024-07-23 09:38:51 -05:00
// Audio input only or audio output only
if (this.isAudioInputOrOutputOnly(options)) {
const result = await this.buildTranscodingStream({
resolution: toTranscode[0].resolution,
fps: toTranscode[0].fps,
streamNum: 0,
// No need to add complexity to the m3u8 playlist, we just provide 1 audio variant stream
splitAudioAndVideo: false,
streamType: 'audio'
varStreamMap = varStreamMap.concat(result.varStreamMap)
} else {
// Do not mix video with audio only playlist
// Audio only input/output is already taken into account above
const toTranscodeWithoutAudioOnly = toTranscode.filter(t => t.resolution !== VideoResolution.H_NOVIDEO)
let complexFilter: FilterSpecification[] = [
inputs: '[v:0]',
filter: 'split',
options: toTranscodeWithoutAudioOnly.length,
outputs: toTranscodeWithoutAudioOnly.map(t => `vtemp${t.resolution}`)
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let alreadyProcessedAudio = false
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for (let i = 0; i < toTranscodeWithoutAudioOnly.length; i++) {
let streamMap: string[] = []
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const { resolution, fps } = toTranscodeWithoutAudioOnly[i]
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for (const streamType of [ 'audio' as 'audio', 'video' as 'video' ]) {
if (streamType === 'audio') {
if (!hasAudio || (splitAudioAndVideo && alreadyProcessedAudio)) continue
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alreadyProcessedAudio = true
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2024-07-23 09:38:51 -05:00
const result = await this.buildTranscodingStream({ ...options, command, resolution, fps, streamNum: i, streamType })
varStreamMap = varStreamMap.concat(result.varStreamMap)
streamMap = streamMap.concat(result.streamMap)
complexFilter = complexFilter.concat(result.complexFilter)
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if (streamMap.length !== 0) {
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2024-07-23 09:38:51 -05:00
2023-04-21 07:55:10 -05:00
2024-07-23 09:38:51 -05:00
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2024-07-23 09:38:51 -05:00
this.addDefaultLiveHLSParams({ ...pick(options, [ 'segmentDuration', 'segmentListSize' ]), outPath, masterPlaylistName })
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2024-07-23 09:38:51 -05:00
command.outputOption('-var_stream_map', varStreamMap.join(' '))
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2024-07-23 09:38:51 -05:00
return command
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2024-07-23 09:38:51 -05:00
private isAudioInputOrOutputOnly (options: Pick<LiveTranscodingOptions, 'hasAudio' | 'hasVideo' | 'toTranscode'>) {
const { hasAudio, hasVideo, toTranscode } = options
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2024-07-23 09:38:51 -05:00
if (hasAudio && !hasVideo) return true
if (toTranscode.length === 1 && toTranscode[0].resolution === VideoResolution.H_NOVIDEO) return true
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2024-07-23 09:38:51 -05:00
return false
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2024-07-23 09:38:51 -05:00
private async buildTranscodingStream (
options: Pick<LiveTranscodingOptions, 'inputUrl' | 'bitrate' | 'ratio' | 'probe' | 'hasAudio' | 'splitAudioAndVideo'> & {
command: FfmpegCommand
resolution: number
fps: number
streamNum: number
streamType: StreamType
) {
const { inputUrl, bitrate, ratio, probe, splitAudioAndVideo, command, resolution, fps, streamNum, streamType, hasAudio } = options
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2024-07-23 09:38:51 -05:00
const baseEncoderBuilderParams = {
input: inputUrl,
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2024-07-23 09:38:51 -05:00
canCopyAudio: true,
canCopyVideo: true,
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2024-07-23 09:38:51 -05:00
inputBitrate: bitrate,
inputRatio: ratio,
inputProbe: probe,
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2023-04-21 07:55:10 -05:00
2024-07-23 09:38:51 -05:00
videoType: 'live' as 'live'
const streamMap: string[] = []
const varStreamMap: string[] = []
const complexFilter: FilterSpecification[] = []
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2024-07-23 09:38:51 -05:00
const builderResult = await this.commandWrapper.getEncoderBuilderResult({ ...baseEncoderBuilderParams, streamType })
if (!builderResult) {
throw new Error(`No available live ${streamType} encoder found`)
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if (streamType === 'audio') {
command.outputOption('-map a:0')
} else {
command.outputOption(`-map [vout${resolution}]`)
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2024-07-23 09:38:51 -05:00
addDefaultEncoderParams({ command, encoder: builderResult.encoder, fps, streamNum })
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2024-07-23 09:38:51 -05:00
`Apply ffmpeg live ${streamType} params from ${builderResult.encoder} using ${this.commandWrapper.getProfile()} profile.`,
{ builderResult, fps, resolution }
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2024-07-23 09:38:51 -05:00
if (streamType === 'audio') {
command.outputOption(`${buildStreamSuffix('-c:a', streamNum)} ${builderResult.encoder}`)
if (splitAudioAndVideo) {
} else {
} else {
command.outputOption(`${buildStreamSuffix('-c:v', streamNum)} ${builderResult.encoder}`)
inputs: `vtemp${resolution}`,
filter: getScaleFilter(builderResult.result),
options: `w=-2:h=${resolution}`,
outputs: `vout${resolution}`
if (splitAudioAndVideo) {
const suffix = hasAudio
? `,agroup:Audio`
: ''
} else {
applyEncoderOptions(command, builderResult.result)
return { varStreamMap, streamMap, complexFilter }
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2024-07-23 09:38:51 -05:00
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-04-21 07:55:10 -05:00
getLiveMuxingCommand (options: {
inputUrl: string
outPath: string
masterPlaylistName: string
segmentListSize: number
segmentDuration: number
}) {
const { inputUrl, outPath, masterPlaylistName } = options
const command = this.commandWrapper.buildCommand(inputUrl)
command.outputOption('-c:v copy')
command.outputOption('-c:a copy')
command.outputOption('-map 0:a?')
command.outputOption('-map 0:v?')
this.addDefaultLiveHLSParams({ ...pick(options, [ 'segmentDuration', 'segmentListSize' ]), outPath, masterPlaylistName })
return command
2024-07-23 09:38:51 -05:00
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-04-21 07:55:10 -05:00
private addDefaultLiveHLSParams (options: {
outPath: string
masterPlaylistName: string
segmentListSize: number
segmentDuration: number
}) {
const { outPath, masterPlaylistName, segmentListSize, segmentDuration } = options
const command = this.commandWrapper.getCommand()
command.outputOption('-hls_time ' + segmentDuration)
command.outputOption('-hls_list_size ' + segmentListSize)
command.outputOption('-hls_flags delete_segments+independent_segments+program_date_time')
command.outputOption(`-hls_segment_filename ${join(outPath, '%v-%06d.ts')}`)
command.outputOption('-master_pl_name ' + masterPlaylistName)
command.outputOption(`-f hls`)
command.output(join(outPath, '%v.m3u8'))