.PHONY: debian VERSION = $(shell git describe --tags) BUILDTIME = $(shell date +%Y.%m.%d) all: build @echo fixme build: GO111MODULE=off go build \ -ldflags "-X main.VERSION=${VERSION} -X main.BUILDTIME=${BUILDTIME} -X gui.GUIVERSION=${VERSION}" verbose: GO111MODULE=off go build -v -x \ -ldflags "-X main.VERSION=${VERSION} -X main.BUILDTIME=${BUILDTIME} -X gui.GUIVERSION=${VERSION}" install: GO111MODULE=off go install \ -ldflags "-X main.VERSION=${VERSION} -X main.BUILDTIME=${BUILDTIME} -X gui.GUIVERSION=${VERSION}" build: goimports: goimports -w *.go # Test the README.md & doc.go file # this runs pkgsite, the binary that does dev.go.dev # go install golang.org/x/pkgsite/cmd/pkgsite@latest pkgsite: GO111MODULE= pkgsite redomod: rm -f go.* GO111MODULE= go mod init GO111MODULE= go mod tidy download: go get -v go.wit.com/toolkits/debian go get -v go.wit.com/toolkits/tree go get -v go.wit.com/toolkits/nocui go get -v go.wit.com/toolkits/gocui go get -v go.wit.com/toolkits/andlabs notes: ifeq ($(GO111MODULE),) @echo @echo If you are compiling this here, you probably want to set GO111MODULE @echo @echo Setting GO111MODULE means that the version you are compiling has plugins @echo that get compiled against this current running version of the code @echo Otherwise, the GO language plugins can complain about being compiled against @echo mis-matched versions @echo @echo export GO111MODULE=off @echo sleep 1 endif make nocui gocui andlabs nocui: # go build -C nocui -v -buildmode=plugin -o ../nocui.so make -C ../nocui gocui: # go build -C gocui -v -buildmode=plugin -o ../gocui.so make -C ../gocui andlabs: # go build -C andlabs -v -buildmode=plugin -o ../andlabs.so make -C ../andlabs build-dep: apt install -f libgtk-3-dev # should update every go dependancy (?) update: git pull go get -v -t -u ./... debian: cd debian && make @#dpkg-deb -c ../go-gui-toolkit*.deb @#-wit mirrors goget: go get -v -t -u make -C toolkit/gocui goget make -C toolkit/andlabs goget clean: rm -f ../*.so cd debian && make clean plugins: plugins-gocui plugins-andlabs plugins-gocui: go build -C toolkit/gocui -v -buildmode=plugin -o ../gocui.so go build -C toolkit/nocui -v -buildmode=plugin -o ../nocui.so plugins-andlabs: go build -C toolkit/andlabs -v -buildmode=plugin -o ../andlabs.so objdump: objdump -t toolkit/andlabs.so |less log: reset tail -f /tmp/witgui.* /tmp/guilogfile submit-to-docs: GOPROXY=https://proxy.golang.org GO111MODULE=on go get go.wit.com/gui@v1.0.0