package main /* this parses the command line arguements this enables command line options from other packages like 'gui' and 'log' */ var argv args type args struct { Repo string `arg:"positional" help:"go import path"` AutoWork bool `arg:"--auto-work" default:"false" help:"auto recreate the file"` GoSrc bool `arg:"--go-src" default:"true" help:"only work in ~/go/src"` DryRun bool `arg:"--dry-run" help:"show what would be run"` Recursive bool `arg:"--recursive" default:"false" help:"resursively clone all dependencies"` Pull bool `arg:"--git-pull" default:"false" help:"run 'git pull' on all your repos"` // Fetch bool `arg:"--git-fetch" default:"false" help:"run 'git fetch' on all your repos"` } func (a args) Description() string { return ` By default, go-clone will find your file and work from there. Otherwise, it will create a work/ directory. This will clone the sources into ~/go/src/ for go-clone: go-clone This will recursively clone the app and all the build requirements: go-clone --recursive ` } func (args) Version() string { return "go-clone " + VERSION + " " + DATE }