// This is a simple example package cloudflare import ( "go.wit.com/gui" "go.wit.com/lib/gadgets" ) var cloudflareURL string = "https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/zones/" // Define a struct to match the JSON structure of the response. // This structure should be adjusted based on the actual format of the response. type DNSRecords struct { Result []struct { ID string `json:"id"` Type string `json:"type"` Name string `json:"name"` Content string `json:"content"` Proxied bool `json:"proxied"` Proxiable bool `json:"proxiable"` TTL int `json:"ttl"` } `json:"result"` } // CFdialog is everything you need forcreating // a new record: name, TTL, type (CNAME, A, etc) var CFdialog dialogT type dialogT struct { rootGui *gui.Node // the root node mainWindow *gadgets.BasicWindow // the window node zonedrop *gui.Node // the drop down menu of zones domainWidget *gui.Node zoneWidget *gui.Node authWidget *gui.Node emailWidget *gui.Node loadButton *gui.Node saveButton *gui.Node cloudflareW *gadgets.BasicWindow // the window node cloudflareB *gui.Node // the cloudflare button TypeNode *gui.Node // CNAME, A, AAAA, ... NameNode *gui.Node // www, mail, ... ValueNode *gui.Node //, "dkim stuff", etc rrNode *gui.Node // cloudflare Resource Record ID proxyNode *gui.Node // If cloudflare is a port 80 & 443 proxy ttlNode *gui.Node // just set to 1 which means automatic to cloudflare curlNode *gui.Node // shows you what you could run via curl resultNode *gui.Node // what the cloudflare API returned SaveNode *gui.Node // button to send it to cloudflare zoneNode *gui.Node // "wit.com" zoneIdNode *gui.Node // cloudflare zone ID apiNode *gui.Node // cloudflare API key (from environment var CF_API_KEY) emailNode *gui.Node // cloudflare email (from environment var CF_API_EMAIL) urlNode *gui.Node // the URL to POST, PUT, DELETE, etc } // Resource Record (used in a DNS zonefile) type RRT struct { ID string Type string Name string Content string ProxyS string Proxied bool Proxiable bool Ttl string Domain string ZoneID string Auth string Email string url string data string } /* This is a structure of all the RR's (Resource Records) in the DNS zonefiile for a hostname. For example: For the host test.wit.com: test.wit.com A test.wit.com AAAA test.wit.com TXT email test@wit.com test.wit.com TXT phone 212-555-1212 test.wit.com CNAME real.wit.com */ type hostT struct { hostname string RRs []ConfigT } type ConfigT struct { Domain string ZoneID string Auth string Email string } var Config map[string]*ConfigT