• Joined on 2023-12-11
ben pushed to attempt2 at ben/obdev 2024-01-23 19:15:40 -06:00
8d59f7b788 Fixed linked workers to be selectable and also now have them displaying in alpha order by last name
ben pushed to attempt2 at ben/obdev 2024-01-23 00:32:03 -06:00
f474c91b8c Changed Linked Workers on Participant to have icons for Edit and Delete
ben pushed to attempt2 at ben/obdev 2024-01-23 00:15:21 -06:00
95dd6dca7e Linked Workers are now editable and removeable from a Participant. Also created the associated Controller and Edit view for said actions.
ben pushed to attempt2 at ben/obdev 2024-01-23 00:03:29 -06:00
38e4553e33 Modified the start and end date fields so they display correctly in line with the rest of our design
ben pushed to attempt2 at ben/obdev 2024-01-22 23:49:02 -06:00
b742c3bf78 Linked workers for participant show page have been bootstrapped!
ben pushed to attempt2 at ben/obdev 2024-01-22 23:46:35 -06:00
d817ae6992 Linked workers for the Particpant show page now work and link correctly!
ben pushed to attempt2 at ben/obdev 2024-01-22 22:58:28 -06:00
9c6f980ccb Participant show page per person now can have linked workers within the system
ben pushed to attempt2 at ben/obdev 2024-01-22 21:52:15 -06:00
97b4e89e7a Added nav bar elements to navigate to each of the models index pages
ben pushed to attempt2 at ben/obdev 2024-01-22 21:46:47 -06:00
2c7c20ef33 Participant model color scheme updated and so far complete
ben pushed to attempt2 at ben/obdev 2024-01-22 21:23:03 -06:00
2830ace0d9 changed active page highlight color to warning for Participant index, also changed Participant form MCI field to only allow 10 numeric digits
ben pushed to attempt2 at ben/obdev 2024-01-22 19:49:10 -06:00
52e0fbb211 Changed background color, edited Pagination for Participant page to better match our look for app
ben pushed to attempt2 at ben/obdev 2024-01-22 15:27:02 -06:00
edb56c84ef All edit pages have working delete buttons
ben pushed to attempt2 at ben/obdev 2024-01-22 15:23:15 -06:00
f0cf2b0c24 Centered all index pages table headers and add new buttons
ben pushed to attempt2 at ben/obdev 2024-01-21 22:46:56 -06:00
335b37f4e2 Checked all pages removed other destory from index pages
ben pushed to attempt2 at ben/obdev 2024-01-21 22:44:15 -06:00
4e02d7259f Updated Worker, Employer and Participant index pages to not display certain fields. Also fixed DOB field display and removed destory option from index pages.
ben pushed to attempt2 at ben/obdev 2024-01-20 00:53:27 -06:00
14902e00f0 Changed Participant Index page to include Icons for Show and Edit via Jon's request
ben pushed to attempt2 at ben/obdev 2024-01-20 00:29:05 -06:00
dad8abad3e Successfully changed all of the Participant model to use First Name and Last Name except for Show where it combines them into the Name Field. Everything works.
ben pushed to attempt2 at ben/obdev 2024-01-20 00:06:43 -06:00
02d8612409 Updated Participant to auto default to yes radio button option and then if no is selected auto fill possible employers from database entry after 2 characters are entered. Also changed destroy options within this model.
ben pushed to attempt2 at ben/obdev 2024-01-19 23:39:37 -06:00
2de94bd706 Lots of updates mainly in how pages are displayed. Also edited participant database to allow for simulataneous employer creation, made the TIN field not mandatory etc
ben pushed to attempt2 at ben/obdev 2024-01-19 18:26:30 -06:00
9662776c73 Finished Bootstrapping all Current Pages and Nav bar