Ben cf759a4cc7 Fixed my problem and now have correctly linked multiple form submission to more than one model and am able to update all relevant forms within the model. 2024-02-17 02:42:12 -06:00
20240115041321_devise_create_users.rb user registration via devise and appropriate pages for editing later 2024-01-14 22:28:10 -06:00
20240117023456_create_participants.rb Set up all models and relationships between them 2024-01-16 20:54:44 -06:00
20240117023520_create_employers.rb Set up all models and relationships between them 2024-01-16 20:54:44 -06:00
20240117023541_create_workers.rb Set up all models and relationships between them 2024-01-16 20:54:44 -06:00
20240117023553_create_vendors.rb Set up all models and relationships between them 2024-01-16 20:54:44 -06:00
20240117023614_create_programs.rb Set up all models and relationships between them 2024-01-16 20:54:44 -06:00
20240117024001_create_join_table_participant_program.rb Set up all models and relationships between them 2024-01-16 20:54:44 -06:00
20240117025000_add_worker_to_participants.rb Set up all models and relationships between them 2024-01-16 20:54:44 -06:00
20240117025150_create_join_table_vendor_participant.rb Set up all models and relationships between them 2024-01-16 20:54:44 -06:00
20240117025159_create_join_table_vendor_employer.rb Set up all models and relationships between them 2024-01-16 20:54:44 -06:00
20240120051441_change_worker_id_to_be_optional_in_participants.rb Lots of updates mainly in how pages are displayed. Also edited participant database to allow for simulataneous employer creation, made the TIN field not mandatory etc 2024-01-19 23:38:15 -06:00
20240120060936_rename_name_to_first_name_and_add_last_name_to_participants.rb Successfully changed all of the Participant model to use First Name and Last Name except for Show where it combines them into the Name Field. Everything works. 2024-01-20 00:28:17 -06:00
20240122040719_add_contact_to_vendors.rb Updated Worker, Employer and Participant index pages to not display certain fields. Also fixed DOB field display and removed destory option from index pages. 2024-01-21 22:43:27 -06:00
20240123042316_create_employments.rb Participant show page per person now can have linked workers within the system 2024-01-22 22:57:37 -06:00
20240123235419_add_name_fields_to_workers.rb Fixed linked workers to be selectable and also now have them displaying in alpha order by last name 2024-01-23 19:14:58 -06:00
20240130033832_rename_name_in_employers.rb Removed all entries for all models and changed Employer model to reflect first name and last name instead of Name 2024-01-29 22:04:56 -06:00
20240130041504_update_address_in_participants.rb All current models have updated address fields and editing for new views is complete for color and object placement. 2024-01-29 23:51:42 -06:00
20240130042522_update_address_in_employers.rb All current models have updated address fields and editing for new views is complete for color and object placement. 2024-01-29 23:51:42 -06:00
20240130043224_update_address_in_workers.rb All current models have updated address fields and editing for new views is complete for color and object placement. 2024-01-29 23:51:42 -06:00
20240130051346_update_address_in_vendors.rb All current models have updated address fields and editing for new views is complete for color and object placement. 2024-01-29 23:51:42 -06:00
20240131072940_create_service_contracts.rb Linked Vendors to Participants via Service Contracts 2024-01-31 02:19:24 -06:00
20240203000258_add_dates_to_participants.rb Entering a Participant as an Employer now correctly associates the two in Employer records. Still need to work out selecting a pre existing Employer. 2024-02-02 23:12:36 -06:00
20240203002211_create_employer_records.rb Entering a Participant as an Employer now correctly associates the two in Employer records. Still need to work out selecting a pre existing Employer. 2024-02-02 23:12:36 -06:00
20240206215026_add_indexes_to_employers.rb All models validation for SSN and TIN is working as intended except the Participant model. An error message won't display and the buttons grey out but it won't create as intended. 2024-02-06 17:36:08 -06:00
20240206215704_add_indexes_to_workers.rb All models validation for SSN and TIN is working as intended except the Participant model. An error message won't display and the buttons grey out but it won't create as intended. 2024-02-06 17:36:08 -06:00
20240206215805_add_indexes_to_vendors.rb All models validation for SSN and TIN is working as intended except the Participant model. An error message won't display and the buttons grey out but it won't create as intended. 2024-02-06 17:36:08 -06:00
20240212212110_create_bank_accounts.rb Added Bank Information under Demographics for Participants, Workers and Vendors. Finished structing and laying out the Participant views. Still need to do the other models. Also Routing and Account numbers need verification set up. 2024-02-12 17:26:45 -06:00
20240215230240_create_forms.rb Added an Admin tab to the main header. Added Forms and Users as additional pages. Set it so Users can only be accessed by an Admin. Still need to finish styling. Forms is set to default until worked on. 2024-02-15 17:23:54 -06:00
20240215231142_add_admin_to_users.rb Added an Admin tab to the main header. Added Forms and Users as additional pages. Set it so Users can only be accessed by an Admin. Still need to finish styling. Forms is set to default until worked on. 2024-02-15 17:23:54 -06:00
20240216230305_add_details_to_forms.rb Created the Forms model. Added styling elements. Still need to include a list of already known forms to add to system. Also locked forms and admin tab behind admin access. 2024-02-16 17:22:09 -06:00
20240217005105_create_onboarding_items.rb Did a lot. Onboarding under Demographics now works for the participant model correctly linking admin forms to the right model. Styling has also been complete. Still need to do other models and check for multiple inputs on form role submission. 2024-02-16 23:36:48 -06:00
20240217055057_create_roles.rb Fixed my problem and now have correctly linked multiple form submission to more than one model and am able to update all relevant forms within the model. 2024-02-17 02:42:12 -06:00
20240217055118_create_forms_roles.rb Fixed my problem and now have correctly linked multiple form submission to more than one model and am able to update all relevant forms within the model. 2024-02-17 02:42:12 -06:00
20240217063851_add_note_to_forms_roles.rb Fixed my problem and now have correctly linked multiple form submission to more than one model and am able to update all relevant forms within the model. 2024-02-17 02:42:12 -06:00
20240217063857_add_date_completed_to_forms_roles.rb Fixed my problem and now have correctly linked multiple form submission to more than one model and am able to update all relevant forms within the model. 2024-02-17 02:42:12 -06:00