class ParticipantsController < ApplicationController before_action :set_participant, only: [:show, :edit, :update, :destroy] def index @participants = Participant.order(:last_name).page(params[:page]).per(5) # Adjust the number per page as needed end def show @participant = Participant.includes(:employments, :service_contracts).find(params[:id]) @workers = @participant.workers # Fetch associated workers @employments = @participant.employments.includes(:worker).order('workers.last_name') @service_contracts = @participant.service_contracts.includes(:vendor) # Fetch associated service contracts @employment = # Initialize a new Employment object @service_contract = # Initialize a new Service Contract object end def new @participant = end def create @participant = if ssn_already_taken?(@participant.ssn)[:alert] = 'SSN is already taken by another participant or employer.' render :new, status: :unprocessable_entity and return end ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do if params[:is_employer] == 'yes' # This assumes you have a method `create_new_employer_for_participant` that handles creating a new employer and setting `@participant.employer_id`. unless create_new_employer_for_participant(@participant) render :new, status: :unprocessable_entity and return end elsif params[:employer_id].present? # Directly assign the existing employer_id to the participant @participant.employer_id = params[:employer_id] end if # Create an EmployerRecord only if necessary. create_employer_record(@participant) if @participant.employer_id.present? redirect_to @participant, notice: 'Participant was successfully created.' else render :new, status: :unprocessable_entity end end rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid => e[:alert] = "Failed to create participant: #{e.message}" render :new, status: :unprocessable_entity end def edit end def update @participant = Participant.find(params[:id]) if @participant.update(participant_params) update_employer_details(@participant) if @participant.errors.any? # If there are errors (e.g., from updating employer details), re-render the edit form. render :edit else # If everything went well, redirect to the participant's show page. redirect_to @participant, notice: 'Participant and associated employer details were successfully updated.' end else render :edit end end def search if params[:term].present? @participants = Participant.where("first_name LIKE ? OR last_name LIKE ?", "%#{params[:term]}%", "%#{params[:term]}%") else @participants = Participant.none end respond_to do |format| format.json { render json: { |participant| { label: participant.full_name, value: } } } end end def destroy @participant = Participant.find(params[:id]) begin @participant.destroy redirect_to participants_url, notice: 'Participant was successfully destroyed.' rescue ActiveRecord::InvalidForeignKey # Redirect with an error message if foreign key constraints fail redirect_to participants_url, alert: 'Participant cannot be deleted because it is linked to other records.' end end def link_worker @participant = Participant.find(params[:id]) @employment = if redirect_to @participant, notice: 'Worker was successfully linked.' else Rails.logger.debug @employment.errors.full_messages flash[:alert] = @employment.errors.full_messages.to_sentence render 'show' end end def link_vendor @participant = Participant.find(params[:id]) @service_contract = if redirect_to @participant, notice: 'Vendor was successfully linked.' else flash[:alert] = @service_contract.errors.full_messages.to_sentence render 'show' end end def onboarding @participant = Participant.find(params[:id]) @onboarding_items = @participant.onboarding_items.includes(:form) end private def handle_employer_creation_for_participant(participant) if params[:is_employer] == 'yes' employer = Employer.create!(employer_params_from_participant(participant)) participant.employer_id = elsif params[:employer_id].present? participant.employer_id = params[:employer_id] end end def set_participant @participant = Participant.find(params[:id]) end def ssn_already_taken?(ssn) Participant.exists?(ssn: ssn) || Employer.exists?(ssn: ssn) end def participant_params params.require(:participant).permit( :first_name, :last_name, :address_line_1, :address_line_2, :city, :state, :zip, :phone, :email, :mci, :dob, :ssn, :gender, :employer_id ) end def employer_params_from_participant(participant) { first_name: participant.first_name, last_name: participant.last_name, address_line_1: participant.address_line_1, address_line_2: participant.address_line_2, city:, state: participant.state, zip:, phone:, email:, dob: participant.dob, ssn: participant.ssn, gender: participant.gender } end def employment_params params.require(:employment).permit(:worker_id, :start_date, :end_date) end def service_contract_params params.require(:service_contract).permit(:vendor_id, :start_date, :end_date) end def create_new_employer_for_participant(participant) employer = Employer.create!(employer_params_from_participant(participant)) participant.employer_id = employer.persisted? end def create_employer_record(participant) EmployerRecord.create!(participant: participant, employer_id: participant.employer_id, start_date: end def update_employer_details(participant) employer = Employer.find(participant.employer_id) update_attrs = { # Include all fields you want to update, excluding SSN first_name: participant.first_name, last_name: participant.last_name, address_line_1: participant.address_line_1, address_line_2: participant.address_line_2, city:, state: participant.state, zip:, phone:, email:, dob: participant.dob, gender: participant.gender, } unless employer.update(update_attrs) # If the update fails, add a custom error to the participant object. participant.errors.add(:base, "Employer details could not be updated: #{employer.errors.full_messages.join(', ')}") # You might not need to throw :abort if you're handling this logic in the controller. end end end